Duracell CR2025 - DL2025 3v Lithium Batterij | bol (2025)


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  • Batterij code: CR2025
  • 1 stuk(s)
  • Batterijcapaciteit: 165 mAh

    Batterijcapaciteit: 165 mAh

    De batterijcapaciteit is de hoeveelheid stroom die de batterij kan leveren, weergegeven in mAh (milliampère). Een batterij met een capaciteit van 2400 mAh kan bijvoorbeeld 1 uur 2400 mA leveren, of 2 uur 1200 mA, 4 uur 600 mA, etc. Hoe meer mogelijkheden een toestel heeft, des te meer stroom hij verbruikt.

  • Vooraf opgeladen
  • Lithium
Alle productspecificaties


1x Duracell CR2025 lithium knoopcel batterijen. Geleverd wordt 1 blister Duracell met 1 batterij. zien.

Rekenmachines, fototoestellen en backup-geheugens van grotere apparaten, u kunt het zo gek niet verzinnen, of er blijkt stiekem een knoopcel in te zitten. Voor apparaten, die werken op een CR2025-knoopcel, is hier de Duracell CR2025. Deze lithiumbatterij heeft een spanning van 3 Volt en een capaciteit van165 mAh.


Gewicht (incl. verpakking):
100 gr

Afmeting (incl. verpakking):
12,0 x 9,0 x 0,5 cm

Type knoopcel:

1 stuks





Accu/batterij code
Accu/batterij capaciteit in mAh
165 mAh

Accu/batterij model

0 V


Vooraf opgeladen

Aantal stuks in verpakking
1 stuk(s)

Accu/batterij technologie


Type horloge batterij
Geen horloge batterij



MPN (Manufacturer Part Number)


88 g


Verpakking breedte
8.80 cm

Verpakking hoogte
5 cm

Verpakking lengte
12.50 cm



Je vindt dit artikel in

  • Elektronica
  • Batterijen
  • Batterijen en opladers
Batterij formaat
Niet oplaadbaar
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Negatief, positief, neutraal: we zetten een review altijd online. We controleren wel eerst of ’ie voldoet aan onze reviewvoorwaarden en niet nep is. We controleren ook of ’ie is geschreven door iemand die het artikel heeft gekocht via bol.com en zetten dit er dan bij. De controles gebeuren automatisch, al kijken er soms mensen mee. Bol.com betaalt niet voor reviews. Als een reviewer door een andere partij is vergoed, staat dit in de review zelf.

  • Goede batterijen

    • Klantt2022
    • 25 november 2022
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    • Sticker op achterkant verwijderen

    Geschreven bij Duracell 2025 (4 stuks) Lithium-knoopcelbatterijen 3V

    Goede batterijen. Let er wel op dat er een ronde sticker op de achterkant van elk batterij zit. Deze moet verwijderd worden, anders werkt de batterij niet.

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    • Lene737
    • Bussum
    • 19 juni 2024
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    Geschreven bij Duracell 2025 (4 stuks) Lithium-knoopcelbatterijen 3V

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  • Topper

    • RrechtBoef
    • 8 november 2017

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    Geschreven bij Duracell 2025 (4 stuks) Lithium-knoopcelbatterijen 3V

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    • Shybeka
    • 30-39 jaar
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    • 4 februari 2022
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    Geschreven bij Duracell 2025 (4 stuks) Lithium-knoopcelbatterijen 3V

    Super snel

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  • Zeer goed

    • Dannbram
    • 5 februari 2019
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    Positieve punten

    • voldoet aan verwachting

    Geschreven bij Duracell 2025 (4 stuks) Lithium-knoopcelbatterijen 3V

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  • Sommige batt leeg?

    • Kish
    • 40-49 jaar
    • Capelle aan den Ijssel
    • 17 januari 2017
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    Positieve punten

    • goede prijs/kwaliteit verhouding

    Negatieve punten

    • voldoet niet aan verwachting
    • sommige batt waren leeg bij ontvangst

    Artikel is okay, probleem ligt in de batterijen. Van de 10 deden er de eerste 4 het niet die ik open maakte.

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Kies gewenste uitvoering

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1 4 5 10 24

Prijsinformatie en bestellen

De prijs van dit product is 16 euro en 09 cent.16 09

Uiterlijk 27 juni in huis

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Duracell CR2025 - DL2025 3v Lithium Batterij

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Duracell CR2025 - DL2025 3v Lithium Batterij | bol (2025)


What is the difference between DL2025 and CR2025 batteries? ›

A: CR is the IEC prefix for Li-MnO2 coin cells. The number that follows indicates the diameter and thickness (so CR2032 is 20mm diameter, and 3.2mm thickness). "DL" is the prefix that Duracell uses. The only difference is that a DL cell is Duracell-branded, and a CR cell is made by someone else.

What is the difference between DL2025 and cl2025? ›

The CR2025 has the same diameter and thickness as the DL2025, but the DL2025 has a capacity of 150 mAh while the CR2025 has a capacity of 160 mAh. The CR2025 has a greater mAh, therefore it can retain voltage for a longer period of time.

What is the difference between 2025 and DL2032 battery? ›

The DL2032 has a diameter of 20mm and a thickness of 3.2mm, while the CR2025 has a diameter of 20mm and a thickness of 2.5mm. This means that they are not physically interchangeable in devices designed for one specific battery type.

What happens if I use a CR2032 instead of CR2025? ›

For as long as either fits in the battery compartment, the CR2025 and CR2032 may be used interchangeably with minimal effect although the CR2032 would probably last slightly longer simply because it has a higher capacity (mAh).

What does dl mean on a battery? ›

DL also known as Direct Lead Acid batteries, it is one of the old batteries which is available in the market. It is known for their rugged and reliable, which makes them good choice for who likes to see his battery for last a long.

What does CR in batteries mean? ›

The first letters (LR) indicates an Alkaline battery and may be thrown in the trash. Batteries with the first letters (CR) indicates a Lithium battery, (SR) indicates a Silver Oxide which contain heavy metals. Batteries that are identified by a letter (P) are rechargeable and contain heavy metals and/or mercury.

How long do 2025 batteries last? ›

Your CR2025 will last you a shorter duration than the CR2032. The CR2025 will last for about 2-3 months under heavy load. In comparison, the CR2032 has a battery life of 3-4 months. However, for normal load usage, both the batteries have a storage time of 10 years.

What are 2025 batteries good for? ›

Use these Energizer batteries when you need calculator batteries, key fob batteries, or batteries for remotes, bathroom scales and more. Energizer coin batteries are also an ideal power source for your keyless entry system.

Can you use CR2032 instead of DL2032? ›

Is CR2032 and DL2032 battery the same? No difference, totally interchangeable. DL2032 is made by Duracell; all other manufacturers call it CR2032.

Are all 3V batteries the same? ›

There are two main types of 3V batteries, CR2 cylindrical battery and CR2 coin battery in the market. Just as NCM battery and LFP battery, the 3V batteries always made by lithium technology. CR2 3v cylindrical batteries are generally bulkier than coin cells.

Can you use a 2025 battery for an AirTag? ›

As long as the two battery contacts inside the AirTag still make good contact with the two sides of a CR2025 battery, the only negative effect of using a CR2025 battery would probably be that it would run an AirTag for about 6.7% less time than a CR2032 battery, since the capacity of a typical CR2025 is about 170 mAh ( ...

Can I replace a CR2025 battery with a CR2016? ›

Generally, you can substitute CR2025 for CR2016 if the battery compartment can accommodate the thicker CR2025. However, it's always advisable to use the battery recommended by the device manufacturer.

Are DL and CR batteries interchangeable? ›

Actually, the DL and CR batteries are interchangeable as long as the numbers that follow are the same. Given the example above, a DL2032 battery can be used to replace a CR2032 battery and vice versa.

Can I use CR2032 instead of CR2025 in a VW key fob? ›

CR2025 is the correct battery. Some people have fitted the slightly thicker and more common CR2032 but it is a tight fit and you are more likely to damage the contacts or the fob shell.

Is an Energizer 2025 the same as Duracell DL2032? ›

The manufacturers of the DL2032 and CR2025 are different. Duracell makes the DL2032, whereas FDK America makes the CR2025. Both the DL2032 and the CR2025 are 3-volt lithium button or coin cells. Their diameter, capacity, and working temperature are the only things that distinguish them.

What does the CR stand for in CR2025 battery? ›

Their names (CR2025 and CR2016) are not random; they indicate the size of the batteries. "CR" stands for Lithium, while the numbers denote the dimensions – 20mm diameter and 2.5mm or 1.6mm thickness respectively.

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Author: Jamar Nader

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Views: 5774

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (75 voted)

Reviews: 90% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jamar Nader

Birthday: 1995-02-28

Address: Apt. 536 6162 Reichel Greens, Port Zackaryside, CT 22682-9804

Phone: +9958384818317

Job: IT Representative

Hobby: Scrapbooking, Hiking, Hunting, Kite flying, Blacksmithing, Video gaming, Foraging

Introduction: My name is Jamar Nader, I am a fine, shiny, colorful, bright, nice, perfect, curious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.