The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2025)

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The Plain Dealeri

Cleveland, Ohio

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THE PLAIN DEALER SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 24 1967 Browns ace Jinx Today Back TOOL DESIGNERS NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMERS CONVAIR CALENDAR maqsH So Centering Is a Snap Cleveland RE'OGATSCf! EXPENSES PAID to TCP WAGE AND BENEIT PACKAGE 0 Joan Ryan for the automatic TREAT YOUR AMILY TO SAN DIEGO LIVING 3 How ABO1TSW lflWic' BLOCKING Scouting the Lions By Chuck Heaton LT LT CLEVELAND INTERVIEWS LG RT 0 RE RG RT RE Please Bring Resume If Available QB Browns vs Lions DETROIT CLEVELAND GENERAL DYNAMICS CONVAIR DIVISION Coloats Boston San Diego California An Equal Opportunity Employer WILL RECEIVE Joan Ryan Back Seat Brqwp 7 7 14 0 7 20 1 1 20 107 0 13 0 0 1 1 5 Axis APT Systems Production Engineering Planners AND THIS SPECIAL! 0 () 0 0 1 Pts 86 28 47 13 20 21 37 0 it 0 0 0 Pet 1000 1000000000 School Cross Country Hswktf Sdwol 9 ByionHM IB No 78 i I Pos LE The overwhelming response Io our recent interviewing visit has forced us to return to talk to all those who wish to relocate in Sunny San Diego Immediate openings tor DEEP SLOT PASS One of the favorite pass plays by the Lions' Milt Plum is this deep slot pass TACKLE SLANT This one of Mel an's best gainers against Green Bay last week his turn not putting MY If an interview appointment is inconvenient at this time please write to Mr Ray Mendoza Supervisor of Employment Department 130 6 General Dynamics Convair Division 5471 Kearny Villa Road San Diego California 92112 Convair is recognized as one of the leaders in the aerospace industry in providing top wage scales for their employees current wage rates with guaranteed in creases and cost of living provide continued high earnings Convair has an outstanding fringe benefit program You will receive annually 9 paid holidays and 2 paid vacation You will be provided with free hospitalization disability and life insurance coverage In addition Convair has one of the most liberal employee savings and stock investment plans within the industry Retire ment Plan completely paid for by the company enables you to select an early retire ment date and the income plan that best fits your needs Team Angeles Baltimore San ran Atlanta Pct0000000001)03 love the new San Diego fast becoming the recreational capita! of the west with miles and miles of blue water beaches a $50 million aquatic park for camping picnicking swimming and sailing right in the heart of the city big league football hockey and basketball great schools and universities 65 golf courses all this in a climate that is unparalleled in the United States Sunny days with temperatures in the low 70s Marlin season in full swing leng range 5A anil 111 programs are getting under way and there are opportunities now for skilled Craftsmen and NUMERICAL CONTROL PROGRAMMERS AMILIAR WITH THE SPT SYSTEM AND CAP ABLE PROGRAMMING IVE AXIS MACHINES These are important posi tions with growing Convair Pos LE pm pm 1:30 17 17 41 (Mi wgt 190 Cogdill 255 Wgt 250 Applicants selected in most classifications will receive our standard relocation pack age which includes moving 8000 lbs of your household goods and transportation expenses for you and your family THURSDAY RIDAY SATURDAY AND SUNDAY SEPTEMBER 21 22 23 AND 24 OR AN INTERVIEW APPOINTMENT CALL MR ROBERT CRAIG AT 432 2225 ON THE ABOVE DATES 14 24 27 I 35 The writer is the wife of quarterback rank Ryan BY JOAN RYAN ootball players as a rule TOMORROW'S WINNER IMMEDIATE OPENINGS ALSO EXIST OR Tool and Diemakers Boring Mill Machinists Duplicating and Profile Machinists (With Hydrotel or Tru Trace Experience to Operate 6 Spindle Wilson Profilers) Jig Bore Machinists Jig and ixture Builders Milling Machine Machinists Slash Operators Grinder Tool and Cutter Grinder Tooling Mock up Tool Builders Plastic Tool Builders Lathe Machinists Cavity Milling Machine Operators Engine Lathe Operators Duplicating and Profile Operators (With Tru Trace Keller Duplicating Machine Experience) OP 31 21 38 28 37 20 89 OP 35 40 23 Talk to us today about your SECURE UTURE with the biggest most exciting aerospace company in San Diego REE CASH DRAWING REE ADMISSION No Local Tax Service Charge A better ground game sparked by rookie Mel arr thing of a mystery could help keep defenses honest Milt Plum long time Cleveland passer has won the starting job again at age 32 He had a good day as a play caller against Green Bay The Lions do seem to have some weaknesses that Ryan could exploit however Lem Barney a rookie is at one cornerback opposite Collins Tommp Vaughn three years on the squad but relatively inexperienced in the de fensive backfield is at one safety THE BROWNS NEED THIS ONE or they likely will fall two games behind Pittsburgh in the Century Division The Steelers were impressive in an opening victory over the Chicago Bears and today entertain St Louis Dallas should slide by New York in the Cotton Bowl in the other game involving a Century team The remainder of the schedule has Atlanta at San rancisco Chicago at Green Bay Washington at New Orleans and Baltimore at Philadelphia Pet Plays Today 0 0 0 9 Team Miami Houston Buffalo Xew York 0 Boston Team rt op 21 35 13 Team Pittsburgh New York CLEVE St Louis DIVISION Pts OP 17 17 13 24 Colgate Is Upset by Boston 20 14 HAMILTON NY Tom A 55 yard pass from Thorn Thornton hit Gerry Smith to Nick Stipanovich cover a 13 yard touchdown pass mid ed most of it and his strike to way through the last quarter Smith clinched it yesterday lifting Boston Uni versity to a 20 14 upset over Colgate Colgate had taken a 14 13 lead oh the strength of two jar ring touchdown runs by Marv Hubbard before Boston start ed on a winning 80 yard touchdown drive DIVISION Pct 1000 1000000000 EASTERN CONERENCE CENTURY rts op 41 37 14 20 1 1 0 DIVISION Pet Pts 1001 1000 1000000 0 0 CAPITOL DIVISION I TODAY CLEVELAND at Detroit 1:30 St Louis at Pittsburgh 1:30 Baltimore at Philadelphia pm Chicago at Green Bay 2 nm New York at Dallas 2:30 pm Washington at New Orleans 2:30 pm i Atlanta at San rancisco 4 pm AMERICAN IEAGl DIVISION 0 0 0 0 0 DIVISION fl fl 0 0 SEE NIGHT HORSE RACES POST TIME 8:15 Team Dallas Orleans Washing'n WESTERN CONERENCE CENTRAL 0 0 0 0 COASTAL IV 2 I 0 1 0 1 bend arm and cocked the machine Hand placed that against an upper lever he pushed up and per presto the ball was released with a creaking sproi oi oing it nil ms waning nanu on me tips of the last three fingers and bounced crazily on the dirt at feet I RANK EDGED annthpr foot awav and Off TACKIS RANK MERELY stood three feet from the gadget with a fixed semi smile on his face eyes fastened on the giant red metal crab that was the size of two real centers in work only position and face to face coacnnQllu of fhpir cnnrt Tnwpvpr all vpar long skinny misfits frustrated athletes and a soft cushion at the end of the red metal a few just plain mechanical geniuses over drafting tables planning gadgets will bring football that much closer fection I Equipment is streamlined fabrics made springy and lightweight MEDICAL treatments are per fected now aerosol cans spray instant frost on fresh bruises on the sideline NEW TACK LING dummies are hinged so that if prop perly hit they fold up neatly in the air like a triumphant exclamation point over the head of the lineman who did his job just right No 81 first 81 retirements moved him will make mistakes 3 Toriiprrdw Nightz offer the NORTHIELD AND (jt VI 1 ANti 0 0 Dexter 1 run (McNeltly kick) Thornton 2 run (pass tolled) Hubbard 3 run (Hubbard kick) Hubbard 1 run (Hubbard kick) Smith 13 pass from Thornton (Mc Nelltv kick) 7500 0 0 No one would ever guess its identity as 7 Boston at Buffalo 2 pm an automatic center not even Picasso him Kans as city at Miami 4: self aiiimiiBB (Pro ootball Offense Name Hgt Malinchak Bill 6 1 Taken over for Injured Gall year as starter Shoals Roger 6 1 Eormer Brown up to starting role Walton Chuck 6 3 250 60 our years all pro in Canada signed as free agent played at Iowa State lanagan Ed 6 3 250 54 Was Lions' iron man on offense last season with 388 minutes of action an improving player Gordy John 6 4 240 75 Top man on offensive line third year all pro also can play tackle Bradshaw Charley 6 6 260 79 Arrived al Detroit from Pittsburgh via New Orleans after retirement filled big void as Daryl Sanders and Smith retired Is 31 but still has some good football left Kramer Ron 613 240 88 ormer Packer lacks speed but is strong and has good hands divides job with Jim Gibbons Plum Milt 6 2 205 16 Veteran passer won top job In battle with young Karl Sweetan called good game 6 175 25 excellent kicker 220 31 State obtained in 6 1 200 in Town against Packers Studstill Pat Good pass receiver good sneed LHB Marsh Amos jk a 9 A IT 1 CZ1 4 1 1 U1 1 1 1 Ui 1 SJ Let It uut a 1 1 1 LI lit trade with Dallas filling In for Injured inick uay arr MH Suffered slight concussion last Sunday but will start he's inexperienced but a danger ous runner Ihiibiiiiiiiiihmiiihiihikmw rom irst Sports Page Bay' Yepremian is a soccer style kicker while Walker also a regular linebacker is an orthodox booter The Browns won the last time these two clubs met with team taking a 37 21 decision in Cleveland in 1964 That was the only regular season victory in the series for the Browns and during 5 tries at Tiger stadium three regular season games and two title never finished in front Detroit looked like a soft touch when the schedule was announced last spring Now the Lions appear to have sharper claws with Joe Schmidt the new coach and form er captain having resurrected some of the old time spirit THE DEENSE WAS MOST impressive against Green Bay Led by tackle Alex Karras it put Bart Starr on the seat of his pants seven times And four of the ace passes were swiped WatcA for the Defense Name Hgt AlrforH rarri Playing 13th year In NL lost some of his quickness but still fine competitor Karras Alex 6 2 245 71 Had great game against Green Bay small for tackle but very agile' Rush Jerry 6 4 270 82 Improved play made ft possible to trade Roger Brown has physical equipment but lacks know how Hand Larry 6 4 245 74 Third year man from Appalachian State sneed to get in on nasser LLB Clark Ernie 6 1 220 59 Led all Lions in time played last season great strength now has needed experience MLB Lucci Mike 6 2 230 53 Took over Joe job last season Intercepted five passes was traded by Browns RLB Walker Wayne 6 2 225 55 Very steady performer played In Pro Bowl three rimes team's extra place kicker LCB Barney Lem 6 185 20 Made first string In his rookie year uses speed to offset mistakes can punt RCB LeBeau Dick 6 1 185 44 ormer Brown was holdout this season made Pro Bowl for third straight year last winter LS Maher Bruee 5 11 190 21 Tied Lucci with five Interceptions last season fine competitor strong tackler tough to block RS Vaughn Tommy 5 11 195 48 Native of Troy also kickoff and punt return man first year as starter Punter Pat Studstill one of the best Place Kicker Garo Yepremian led team In scoring with 50 points ''A andevery Monday I 'nite at I I NOHELD 4 PARK given place to the newly heralded Exer companion piece to Genie for stand in place instant muscles sculpture Rai1' fitx No one would ever guess its identitv asL Morrie placed the ball at an angle on Team Detroit Green Bay Chicago Minnesota EASTERN 1 1 1 0 WESTERN I It es i i fep QpTPa MARsU AW ret rts op1 1000500500000000 Pct 1000 1000 1000 sss nm uti ui ii Xcw York at Denver 4:30 pm i Houston at San Diego 4:30 pm 1 Oakland CSU Soccer Club Beaten by Toledo I Toledo rallied with fourth period goals to edge' Cleveland State 2 1 and spoil the debut of soccer coach Bill Clarke in an Ohio Collegiate Soccer Association i match at Tremont Valley yes terday 38 27 31 I IIZaIyIY dllULllCl LUUL dVVdj 31111 HIDW NIGHT Leo stepped up for his turn at the os Angeles 39 Minnesota 3 center Out ot tour snaps not one was quite! as efficient as a snap a nigh school center with both elbows in splints could muster Shaking a jammed finger Leo turned to rank and offered him "Nuh uh! Not me! hand into that WELL SO MUCH center Besides it pass block and it look good in an orange helmet So that it ic nnt mnnpv wastprt rppnmmpnrl WEIGHTS and the isometric bar have Browns donate it to Chicago as a Genie lor stand in place instant muscles INALLY shaped goalposts have been replaced with sculptured curve away center posts with taller uprights that make judgement of kicks that much truer Some gadgets fizzle on the boards others are rejected by coaches and still more gather dust in lockers Morrie Kono and Leo Murphy the clubhouse chiefs led rank with happy expectations into indoor track to show him a new acquisition an automatic center wrong with red was my suspicious reaction MiiMUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiffliiiminMniiniiiimnmfflim gl a 'Wt fl IHI IK ffl 13 Ryan qb 55 Demarfe Yppremlan 57 Goovert lb 14 Slilner qb 56 Mathexon lb 14 Sweetan qh 58 Nanmoff lb 15 Lane qb 60 Wooten Plum qb 59 Clark lb 20 ichtner lb 62 Taffoni g20 Barney db 63 Walton 24 db (14 Copeland g21 Maher db 66 27 Ward db 66 Hickerson g23 Batkins rb 68 Gallagher 28 Davis db 69 Kanickl dt24 arr rb 70 Moore dt 31 Harraway rb 71 Johnson dt25 Studstill fl 71 Karras dt 34 Howell db 73 Clark t27 Thompson db 73 Shoals 35 Conjar rb 76 Groza k28 Weger db 74 Hand de 36 rb 77 Sehfrath t31 Marsh rb 75 Gordy 40 Barnes db 78 Parker dt35 Nowatzke rb 78 McCord de 41 Smith te 80 Glass de44 LeBeau db 79 Bradshaw 42 Warfield 81 Gregory de45 elts rb 80 Gibbons te 44 Kellv rb 82 Houston lb47 db 81 Malinchnk 48 Green rb 83 Brewer lb48 Vaughn db 82 Rush dt 49 db 84 Wiggin de 52 Cottrell 85 Kamann de 51 Lindsey lb 86 Collins fl k53 Lucci lb 87 fl 52 lb 87 Barney lanagan 88 Kramer te 54 Hoaglin 88 Duncan Walker Ib 89 Cogdill.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2025)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Views: 5899

Rating: 4.7 / 5 (57 voted)

Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.