The Alexandria Times-Tribune from Alexandria, Indiana (2024)

Founded Dc abcr 10, 1885 No. VI. 130 ALKXANDitfA, INDIANA, 1 a COLiL.ii IT ki i i i I Jli k. vril ,4 owl i. A nce tbaK tdp: tirQlefij ji'ad hppedi Amerlcnit 1 British push-Vsyg the Germans back IUly, in spite fer conditions underfoot which almost resemble the South pacific Above a group -'of soldiers are marching Grazranize, pne of the strategic hill which they captured' recently after the Germans had i bomberf out j.

LAST LA.UOH BEST. INDIAN Nov, 17 UJ9 -Police entered the smoke shop kabaged "by Albln Anderson, 36, last night, Anderson- beat them to the punch. are no pool tickeu in he told them. "If you don't believe me, search the place." The police didn't -believe -l(im; They searched the place. 'They found four hooks of baseball pool tickets.

Anderson found himself under arrest on charges pf." operating a lottery. jf OVERSEAS "CARDS 00GHT Supplementing the announcement i .7 (The impending loss of the Dnieper river Send In Russia by the Germans will be the most disastrous military 'defeat which the Reich has ever suffered. But it may be an even vworse defeat from 4 political stanO- point. It will leave the victorious Russians at the frontier of Rumania, one of the most subservient of the Axis small nations. When, that day eomes, and It is not far off, Ruman-.

la, which has given-thousands of her sons to ihelp keep alive Hitler's mill-is tary ambitions, is likely to do just the same at Italy didVeurrender. When she does the rest of the BaV- Van natlnn will fnllnur. AanaMnllV if emphasis Is given to the point by through Greece or across the Adriatic from Italy. The latter Is con-' sidered more likely, since it would have the valuable assistance of well organized comrades In" arms in Yugoslavia, and would threaten to cut off all of the Germans now hold-i -ing defense lines In Greece, Bulgaria and Albania. Such political defeat coming with the military defeats x.

which the Germans are absorbing on tur hthitt iHiin Him i -i iiiiii. i HUH 111. Hrinnc the temple to Its foundations. Germans, as history proves; are tali t-'iy 1 1 it, fl SOj I jrillsli, t- i ern'd (in jis wouid quite likely floor them the count. flffirsata auto plates are coming next yea.

states will' make them Jf(Vat and Fabv lialntf for plates wilt itoaXethejn, we hayeeh, acc*nto)hed. Those in Inlilana will, be about thrte eti'd a half by ten inch-, rGen4; Bfanci3C0i Frahio, lhe Bpsn-i Jlsh dictaWr.wh'bas shewn hop Vwcoiiiealed 'liiiire tor Axis TifftoryoWtHUnittid Nations in tiA 'uiajr, have serious trouble no.uing iia juo. -v cjjun on political 'and the 'clamor for a 'restoration of the tnbparchy grows ih jf vigor dally. I Tiere are increasing signs oft pos-si te, cptip there before hiahy weeks i itch may. drtvp Framjo exile.

While a fetujrh to monarcimJa not a.jstep toward free government, it wott afford minorities a larger; share of freedom than they have ever enjoyed under Franco, who is monarch jttaklng jils, any representation in their enactment by those Who 6ppoi Ms type'o' government. 4 anrn in. D.ara iui mi them several is sufflcientlv iitrh vrice on thAm to do its own mHonibg. Uwi OPA was going to do something about tSe "high pHMs'of 'fruits and vegetables. i among tjja fellows Vhb Wrecked the fteputjli party a coVe of years ago and tfnade.

it doss: sslble for a Democrat to break precBfteSit fcy elfvm "threV VdnJ secutive tenns in the White House, Is gaining mocsenttt-Mi-' speed- i ed up by -victories ip jfchls flock of favorite sons in the. form of new Republican governors, into the 'picture. These favorite jions are being encouraged to tie 'Up their I own state -delegations against Will- kie oil the early ballots in next year's financial which opposed 4 Wlllkie for the nomination In 1940, jv and supported him only luke-warmly if at all general election, are leaving no stone to head off the carly boom for the former 4 Hoosler. tn some places they are "meeting with what, appears on -the surface -be some success. The -f preferential primaries, noweverjwill "definite tb The "Teal feeling of the 'parry's tank fand rfile can be.

draw Tbere ar some, of the Olcf stalwarts, like Senator ialnes K. Watsott, fOr lnstanee. wfi.stHl'ap-J- -ha) BtaiMesB to EiiLY im further Northwest Soviet As- satat In rui Swing O- Aegean Sea As British And ItaliaUs 'Are Over--- J. preoa, uieo piano, neaaoa By fPread deetroUe. (alyngj a 1,009 mite front from France Gec yesterday '(n the mounUag Alediteirpneian air offenBi'vo, It was 1 revealed today.

MPtspOW, 17-flJB-Rea armies chopping through the tiennaa transport network 'in the western trltralhe cj'anipett a'iSeige arc 'against Rofosten today, and front the key railroad. Junctloa, 'a 'gateway to Poland, was about to faD. The fight wing or Gen. NlkoS Vatutih's forces, Which had carved a deep and salient qut. of the Germaa positions, west; of Kiev; was pressing against Kornsten from tbe south, southwest, east and sorth- .150 miles to the northeast the Soviet assault on Gomel was in foil dfce ahd 'qie, White, Russian 'base becamie steadily jless" able as Soviet olumh, which had by-paBed tt "and, speed on bo to, the west, pressed heavily, against the Nasi flank.

1" a CAIRO, Nov, 71 fllJU-Brltish'ahd Italian troops on Xero, Jnext to Ue taet Allied eM Island on: the Aegeaa -lnvarfom rdute to the "Balkans, eaplt-Ulated "last eyening'ln the face of am Germaa and ground assaplt, iase middle eastern head- quarters k-jnounced foday. The surrender 'of tiero'-aeconii nr IhVee Brttteh controlted Xexe'an. tkMk fin Srlti'trtSA tho "ipur'eays after Nail sea "borne'f orees um swarmea asnore jasi 11-paay ana established tour bearchbeads at a heavy' Cost, A'lAl BX) -AtlATRSL Algiers, NoV. 17 li.l American trodps" have regained sbme grounil lost toXJenriaa founte attacks north of Venafro, Allied headquarers sal today, tmta.Iront. dispatch the Nazis; had perfected elaborate defenses before the Allied 8th army out li tibej cold wind-swept MV Croee belglits io rec-ipture 'oiiflposta fiym which, they were, arfvenj by two ea-my lunges 4 hours earlier, tTNION SETS DEAlfmfi (O.R)-rTjnIled Auto.

Worker employees today gave 'officials 'of the McQoay Norris Manufacturing Co. unUl FA-. naj 10 aujusi joo ciaBSiiicauuiw am wages after Voting to strike ia National tabor Relations board ''TIPTON BD-ITOR DEAD TIPTON, Nov. tl-UShru-KeraT'arrangements were made today for Floyd N. 'Ramsay, 53, editor had co-publisher or the Tipton Tribkae for the pvast 25 years, who died, at nlianapolla hospital yesterday.

i OTIE D.OQ. INDIANA Wottdyvaiia Tharsday. WEATHER: Partly tonight The 'women 1 again. Female "tons drivers in sooUaeta states have heea found to use 20 per cent lees vwhile their bases nthtiiKMl SA Mr mil 'IX't fewer repairs than their male fellow'Sbrkers. SI Apple-blossom says: OPA waves aside the rumor that sugar may be taken off the ration list in the near future.

We just -have to sweetea our- selves some other "Way. oi.i..iu.j JssW 1 ij Lvwiii JTA VvTiCl ted 'dross Bank Here 'All TJedemtet4 t5E MASONIC HALL 1-ins Are Jsiven To AH Thoae Whb Blood The Indiana Red Cross mobile Blood Bank unit will 'pay it third visit. to Alexandria On Thursday, Dec, 2. "During the first and second visits of the ynit here, several months agp, 2S persons enljBted, their blood iu the armed forces throiilrh the ttei Cxpafi Blood Alexandria cnapter is aepng for anpiner, iw to contribute pint of blood, on 2. The Red Cross must collect more than 80,000 pints of blood a week to supply rthe 4,000,000 pints requested by the Artny knd Navy fo, process-Ins- into plasma in 1943.

and Alex andria mustw -meet its quota so that supply will not fall off. This 'Aplood means ife to our. boys- perhaps to 'ovim 'relatives and inepas-rjn every corner 91 tne ngnc-ing fronts and on'the'jiigh''seas. We must'iiot let them down. Ae I1V operate 'in' the Mai-sonlc home as Heretofore.

Chairmen Ih charge bf, the Visft are: General chairman, Mrs. Melvlh Fox." VbtUhteto nbstesBr'rs. Fleehor ahd "Mrs. Carl 'Cahieefr, Harfy Robinson and i feecretaKy, Mrs. ence '6fme.

'Firet hid.tre. fticH4ra BulUvaii. Reception room, Mrs. 'ItOwar uraaneia and Miss Rebecca Jones. Jtecruiting William PiibUcUyt Mrs.

Glenn KlMow. Any in i.gopd health Between the. ages iof ,18 and 60 Is eligible to donate blood, but pareatf or ia the case of wife, husband's consent, Jot. asy, one the ages of IS -and 2U rnst be- given, epecial forms for this1 obtained "rom the chairman' The bfen 'Wood ddno pint swarded after he lifBt vidctfai is (xchanged the third or silyer pitt; Alexandria has sey-ral persons who will be eligible for he sltver pin at $ia baak. 4Seieral tins were given at tMe 'eeioha bank, ilit TBe reT5ipteiiT4 -were tro Sum-j mltville.

1 In addition' tp pin and a certificate, Alexandria 'chapter gives a special oard ta each donor, on which It names the particular service man or woman in Whose honor the pint of blood is, Persons wishing to enroll for the Blood Bank 'may call either "272 or 543 for their appointments, JAP OUTFOSTS WMW ATTACKS Trdm New U. Sv Air Bases In Pacific Islands PEARL HARBOR, Nov. 17 (UO Japan's, islahd outposts in the Mar snails been brought within range ot Xmerlcan land-based bombers for (he first time in he a comtnublqae 'disclosed today in reporting Liberator raids last week on 1 Theittacks were made Saturday bight, aijd sundity (Friday night an Saturday, JjvfT)' against Betio, a part of Tarawa atoll the 'Gilberts, end Mill, on the. southern edge of the Marshall group northwest of the ir! Fields from which the long-range bombers of the 7th ty, S.Al- Force made; their strike were 'not disclosed, the Marshalls haoTbeeh attack ed Dreviously by carrier-borne 1 planes. They lie some 9,400 miles;) soutnwest or Monoium.

Atnerican-held islands are is the Bli! lice 'group to the southeast. B3WANIS Routine business occupied a short session 01 me tuwanis -ciud wnicn was held in connection witn ine weexiy mncneon meeting at vowir, ton's cafe. j. made by, the post offldt! last, week i Xhderson; suffered painful injuries that postal regulations require first. aboUt yj, and some i chest class posUge for Christmas greeting; y.

tn an Automobile, 'edlliflon at which are sent to meh-'Ih "the Eighth' ahS Jackson streets th nder-armed services overseas, fa Tuesday lie rid-Hennefent urges also that i these itlg OT a caf driven by Janies sbe mailed Even tinder gon( iif -thrs 'tityv V061111 accident favorable conditions, getting these' BaDOBned. ioUiff was tarkeh to St. Mrs. Clara Park Pesslno, pubi Usher of the HUvMa an English newspaper in the Cuban in Statss for, a business and pleasure trip. 1 ii 1 I A i i i llAZIS f.l AY TRY Repbrta Of Tfjposed Tlight To Roicli 'STOCKHOLM, Nov; 7--U The Gerhians were preparing to-, day to -move he battleship Tlrpitz from, Norway.

Jo Reich a Bbift tBt tnlght Jpuch off 'fin attack by British. WaTi. Vessels and planes to send the damaged ship to the not-, f- The Wealsh--N6rWegin hews, agency carried a' 'tepon frm Narvik repwUng that1tfansferf the 40,000 ton snip, trom Aimora. in rar norfn-irn Norway, rto X3irmahy 'was being panned. Norwegian -quarters learned, pat two British submarines were unk during tbe of the Tirpitd aiid vat the Gertaaha.latejr lalvaged ohelx BHtlshAcreV members were skid 'to, 'have been rescued 'and taken prisoner.

"NEW DEVICE IS SAVIMG MM Y.tOrlPEDdED SHIPS MM 1 I'll 1 fw, LONDON, No.TJ7ttlO British tankers now. are fitted 1 with, a new iffontpresBea; ar device for use when torpedoed, and "tanker after tanker! has bee hrought to -port-after Ire ceiyingj toredo; damage which once would been. Ministry of War transport has revealed. LEBANESE P'fiOBLEIi IS t6W rnum OLCJTION CAIROt. UrHUJO General Georges Catroux, armed, wiU, full power from' the.

French. Committee of 'National Liberation, was reported aiaking progress today toward set-, tlement of the Iebanese crisis. No details" were available General Charles He GaUlle, president Of the French committee, told the consultative assembly at Algiers the incident was "on tbe way to being settled." woman war Worker fell 1 i if COLUMBIA CITf, Nov. (U Funeral services will be held Thursday for Mrs. Hat tie, 40, Columbia City war worker, who died last -night after being struck by a Pennsylvania switch engine near the plant where she was employed.

The tictlm feU in. front of the engine as she crossed the tracks, KXPBCT PABLEx LONDON, Ntiy. ll-AJJiplo-matic sources were hopeful 'today that President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Premier Stalin will meet "soon tatietall decisive battle plans for. winter and sDrlng to "jpreparefor what appears to 'be Jan Imminent crisis In tiie Balkans. An Ankara broadcast-heard by the London Daily Mail said a con erence of the three would be held in the "near "Well informed Allied circles" were given as 'the source of the report.

I 1 i Tboia: throiiQiitfl Captiire Allies NAPLES, 17U.R Count Carlo SXorza today accused King Victor ffimanuel bf stalling. for time to -r avoid abdicating by permitting Marshal Pietro Bdqglio to remain at me pieaa pi governmeui' in ltaiy untu jtome tails. He asserted that the "does- hbt 'bare about Ws country he fs lsl pebr ma who wanU tq save. Jtiie. Hdilse.

Savoy! I '-Italy wanta to ngbl't regain her1 sett," iSfdrasv "Jtajly wants to, heip.JW, A.m'jin, quickly but tbQ Allies mistake in believing -the, king can be used to bead the war FERRY J0LLIFF HURT COLLISION At ANDERSON v. u. Jni '-nmloVeii in a. war blant at pnrrv joimr out iincoin avenue. ipni, 'hospitial for treatment hit iohn 'hospital his fn juries.

CHICXGO, JWoV, Xinericaa ifeat Jnstitute charged to-day tjhaj the -goverpteenX attie price stabilization 'plan- would iorce packerspi.ofbusinpss.dlscourage peel, proaucuon ana encourage diock dp We. -pfomfr With a Party Puller, Shining Trail. Stranger and Afraid. Hilton, Story of jtfr; Waasell. Idell, Centennial SUmmer.

'IjUncolA, Bradshaws -of Harness. Morris, Tuckers Tune In. River Retaember. 4 -a JUpperger, 112. Elm "Stfeet, i Smith.Tree Grows.

In Brooklyn. West0a, Ipdtgo. 1 x' -v; 1 1 Non-fiction. 1 AlcottMy War Japan. "ffaklar.

Great White Bird (given 'by Woaaft'aijub Baker, Home Veterinarian's Hand- 'is- 'iari'd: VV' 1 Moscow: Dateline. tral.lhAV. VTm -W dhtn; ese women. ese Wome We Hindus. Mother "Russia.

Holton, Modern Japan and the Shinto Nationalism. Passport to Treason. Xdiwson, SO Seconds Over Tokyo. cCune, Farm Bloc. Mason, Roping.

Shea, Tost, American women of Science 7ri icn ii.sllll I IgV. Donald Glaze ritfm Of Air Said Battle Staff Sgt Donald Glass, a son ot s.nd TDlldine, of rjastbh. lost This life on October 10 ih an over Germany; his parents have been, lntonried. He was gunner yon, aKyJng which was among several shot down that day, -w 't r- entered the Air, Corps; fb. uly of last year.

He was gral-i uated from the Air Corps gunnery school at Wendover FieldiVUtah, and has been overseas several months. He Vaa a 'gradUKie of Gastdn high school, and was married 'to Carolyn; Schlenker of that community on June 21, i'940. She survives, him, with son, Jerry; the parents, two aisters and number of other News of bis death came In a telegram through the International Red Cross from the German government' heMcamage To Many pernst Cities a Aerial Warrare Nov. 17 U. -A pur portedly official German report on bomb damage Indicated today that Hamburg, -'Cologne, "Hannover and l5euaseIdort have been most severely pounded by Allied bombs, while Berlin has suffered relatively mild damage, report, fal Hamburg has been "70 per destroyed, but that 700,000 of its 2,000,000 original res idents still reside Duessel dorf was also, estimated havenl dergine 70 per cent destruction.

-Vx-i tdnt. of damase In 'other cilleS-JT shown Tjf th report, was as follows? Easen, per 'ceriti; Cologne, Hajwi nbver and Xiannhelm, 80 per cent; 80 per cent; Perlin, eight per cent. FEDEHAL COURT PCJT Sta Try Caies Eiusapers BOUTB Nov. 7 TOe-gpyernmeiu j.bas agreed to tafe)prbsecuUon, three persons oh kttUkaplng jpnarges "ij con'nectioa with the abdikstloh tt-yeaTipld BBly Vsteen ly. Sv District Attorney James kpatinjj J.

She defendants, are the boy's moth-e, Mrs. Grab Plummet; her band, Robert C. "Plummer, 'and her half-sister, Mrs. lfene Cllng-Danlel. the; -now held in "of $25,000 bonds, would be tried EHkhart, circuit court but that the federal "government will hold restraining order pending outcome of the trial.

1 1 ie To. carde. tp reinpte sections ot the world, where American boys are located will be a heavy task, "n.t bk ill "ASKING PAY filfe-XS Members 'of the Muncie fire department are asking the city to boost their, wages to tbe minimum of $100 a month which they say Is provided tor under a new state ChUdrenY Week td he OhseAd t' This 'Ib (Children's. Book. 4Week in Ubrariek af ovef the and it Is being observed ih the 'publfcll- brary, here with an interesting dia-, playjjof new.

and Old ror cnu-dren, and other activittes.if "On "Saturda morniny'a'f 10 olock there will be a party at the library for all the children who complpted the. reading ot eight 'qrmore books in the, Summer i "Vacation Reading xlub. The children 1 are asked to bring with them their orange report books. I Jttfi: 8ertachVsald thai VhAe'cJin- week, bo'me newook are Toeing put '(Jttt fo adults. ihe aUfw urged ihoth-es to Visit jthe olfllflrWs departmB-nt1, which Jhka bee two, years, sjid which few of the mothers have yet i 1 I Tiie Jtouowing; new books are ready, Chiang, Kai-Shek, for-oirbdlatlon -ihlsWek: lAre and All We Have.

i Claud the spf'nr'- the United ftates In stabbing the eague ot Nations in tiie back and this laying the for present war. rhey' would like lf follow the same xoUrs6 this time, and thus make all the sacrifices of the No, .2 conflict Happily the American, people do jiot feel that way. If jthe oM liners have their war In the nomination of next. year's -Republican presidential candidate, they will make tt Just as certain as two and i gwy Turn to Page 2, Please Xpoetle Brophy, 'Spearhead. Experiment Feld, Sophia Hajenczlk, American.

Fisher, Tba -v i- Fllnt, Pine Tree Shield. The Ship on the best seller list)..

The Alexandria Times-Tribune from Alexandria, Indiana (2024)
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Name: Merrill Bechtelar CPA

Birthday: 1996-05-19

Address: Apt. 114 873 White Lodge, Libbyfurt, CA 93006

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Introduction: My name is Merrill Bechtelar CPA, I am a clean, agreeable, glorious, magnificent, witty, enchanting, comfortable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.