Raspberry Chia Pudding (2024)

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Jump To Recipe 7 reviews posted May 10, 2021 by Jessica Hoffman

Raspberry Chia Pudding is an easy and healthy recipe to make that can be enjoyed for breakfast, a snack or even a healthy dessert. This chia pudding is vegan, gluten-free and can easily be made keto if needed!

Raspberry Chia Pudding (1)

Why you’ll love this recipe

Raspberries are one of my all-time favourite fruits and I love using raspberries in recipes from cookies to bars to chia pudding! This is probably one of my favourite go-to chia pudding recipes for a healthy breakfast or dessert. Here’s why you’ll love it:

  • Chia seeds are packed with SO many health benefits making them a nutritious option.
  • This recipe is naturally vegan, gluten-free grain-free, refined sugar-free and can be easily made keto (just substitute the maple syrup in the recipe for a keto sugar substitute.)
  • This chia pudding is perfect for meal planning and can be made ahead of time for an easy on-the-go breakfast.

Ingredients you’ll need

Chia seeds: can’t make a chia pudding without chia seeds! You can use either light, dark or mixed chia seeds. They are all the same and will give you the same result.

Almond milk: Homemade or store-bought. You can substitute any type of plant-based milk you love. If you want a creamier chia pudding, opt for full-fat coconut milk

Raspberries: fresh or frozen, they both work. Though fresh raspberries tend to have a more intense flavour.

Maple syrup: to sweeten. You can sub any sweetener you like, such as agave or honey (for a non-vegan option)

Vanilla extract: just a hint for some extra flavour. Make sure to use 100% pure vanilla extract here.

How to make this Raspberry Chia Pudding

Start by making the “raspberry milk” by blending the raspberries, almond milk, maple syrup and vanilla together in a blender.

  • Raspberry Chia Pudding (2)
  • Raspberry Chia Pudding (3)

Then add the raspberry milk to a bowl with the chia seeds and mix together until combined.

  • Raspberry Chia Pudding (4)
  • Raspberry Chia Pudding (5)

Place the bowl covered in the fridge to set for minimum 1 hour, but ideally overnight.

Raspberry Chia Pudding (6)

Serve topped with your favourite toppings!

Storage tips

Store this chia pudding sealed in the fridge for up to 5 days. You can either store it in a container, in a large mason jar, or in small mason jars so you have individual portions ready to go.

While you can technically freeze chia pudding, I find it does alter the texture and makes it less creamy, so I personally recommend just making a new batch rather than freezing.

Tips for making this recipe perfectly

  • Frozen raspberries can have a bit more liquid in them than fresh raspberries, so you may want to add an extra tablespoon of chia seeds if you use frozen raspberries for the recipe.
  • Want a more rich and creamy chia pudding? Use full-fat coconut milk for the recipe.
  • Use whatever toppings you love! Fresh fruit, cacao nibs and crushed nuts are great options.

More chia pudding recipes to try

  • Orange Creamsicle Chia Pudding
  • Mango Chia Pudding
  • Key Lime Pie Chia Pudding
  • Pina Colada Chia Pudding
Raspberry Chia Pudding (7)

If you tried thisRaspberry Chia Puddingor any other recipe on the blog let me know how you liked it by leaving a comment/rating below! Be sure to follow along onPinterest,InstagramandFacebookfor even more deliciousness!


Raspberry Chia Pudding (8)

Raspberry Chia Pudding

5 Stars4 Stars3 Stars2 Stars1 Star5 from 7 reviews

  • Author: Jessica Hoffman
  • Prep Time: 10 minutes
  • Cook Time: 0 minutes
  • Total Time: 10 minutes
  • Yield: 2 servings 1x
  • Category: Breakfast
  • Method: Mix
  • Cuisine: American
  • Diet: Vegan
Print Recipe


Enjoy this healthy Raspberry Chia Pudding for breakfast, snack or a healthy dessert!




  1. Blend the raspberries, almond milk, maple syrup and vanilla extract together in a blender until smooth.
  2. Pour into a bowl then add the chia seeds and whisk together until well combined.
  3. Place in the fridge to set for at least 1 hour, or overnight.
  4. Serve with your favourite toppings.


If using frozen raspberries, let them defrost first.

For best results, prep the chia pudding the night before you want to eat it and let it sit in the fridge overnight to set.


  • Serving Size: 1/2 of the recipe
  • Calories: 180
  • Sugar: 7.5g
  • Fat: 10g
  • Carbohydrates: 21g
  • Fiber: 12g
  • Protein: 6.5g

This post contains affiliate links which means I will make a small commission if you purchase through those links. I only recommend products that I know, trust and love!

Breakfast Chia Desserts Gluten Free Grain-free Recipes Refined sugar-free Refined sugar-free Snacks Spring Summer Sweets Vegan Vegetarian

posted by Jessica Hoffman on May 10, 2021 (updated April 25, 2023)

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17 comments on “Raspberry Chia Pudding”

  1. Raspberry Chia Pudding (9)

    Kendra Stiwich Reply

    I have been making a double batch every 3 days or so for weeks. Raspberry season is over but lots in the freezer. We opt for the full fat coconut milk. Picked up some earth’s choice coconut milk – I have been converted over. A little more pricey but deeelissshhhh. A local yogurt maker has an orange cardamom flavour and it just puts this whole thing over the top. Trying the Tiramisu one this weekend. Very excited.

    • Raspberry Chia Pudding (10)

      Jessica Hoffman Reply

      So happy you love it! 🙂

  2. Raspberry Chia Pudding (11)

    Irene Reply

    Loved the look of this recipe and it didn’t let me down. Gave some to my fussy husband in a glass with some granola and yoghurt on top. He throughly enjoyed it and asked me to make up more. Definitely a winner

  3. Raspberry Chia Pudding (13)

    Vicki Reply

    Loved the recipe!

    • Raspberry Chia Pudding (14)

      Jessica Hoffman Reply

      Thanks Vicki! Happy you enjoyed 🙂

  4. Raspberry Chia Pudding (15)

    Laura Reply

    Loving it! I bought a buncha raspberries earlier this week and a bunch were mushy so I came straight here and typed ‘raspberry’ to see if there was anything I could do with my perfectly-good-but-unpleasant-to-eat berries.
    Et voila! Merci!

    • Raspberry Chia Pudding (16)

      Jessica Hoffman Reply

      Thanks Laura! Happy you love it 🙂

  5. Raspberry Chia Pudding (17)

    Katrina Julia Reply

    So quick and easy to make! Just made it and modified a bit and put in fridge to have tomorrow!
    I added protein powder to the raspberry milk, modified for honey, and didn’t add any extract since my protein powder is coconut flavored!

    Looks soooo good!

    Will tag you when I share on social!

    • Raspberry Chia Pudding (18)

      Jessica Hoffman Reply

      Hi Katrina, happy to hear you loved the recipe! 🙂

  6. Raspberry Chia Pudding (19)

    Katrina Julia Reply

    OMG your recipes are heaven!!! Seriously will you come travel with me to teach me LOL! Will be making some of these next week and ongoing and tagging you!!

    This one is FIRST on my list! Why? I LOVE Pink and LOVE chia! And have both raspberries and chia right now! #runstogrocerystore

    • Raspberry Chia Pudding (20)

      Jessica Hoffman Reply

      Enjoy the recipe Katrina! This is definitely one of my favourite chia puddings.

  7. Raspberry Chia Pudding (21)

    Kei Reply

    Hi. Can you use whole chia seeds and ground chia seeds for pudding?


    • Raspberry Chia Pudding (22)

      Jessica Hoffman Reply

      Whole chia seeds are best 🙂

  8. Raspberry Chia Pudding (23)

    Scott R McMillan Reply

    Thanks for the great article and wonderful new recipe! I have been wanting to eat more chia seeds and this will make a great breakfast alternative. Nice and healthy and delicious.

    • Raspberry Chia Pudding (24)

      Jess Reply

      Thank you scott! Glad you found this helpful 🙂

  9. Raspberry Chia Pudding (25)

    Alyssa Yancey Reply

    Such a great classic recipe! I love making this recipe for guests because it turns out with such a beautiful color!

Raspberry Chia Pudding (2024)
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