Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun from Libertyville, Illinois (2024)

LAKE COUNTY INDEPENDENT, FRIDAY, MAY 10, 1912. Want FOR NONE 25 LESS CENTS RECEIVED THAN Ads FOR SALE SALE-16 head of pure bred Jersey beifere, six months old, from one of the best producing herds in Lake county, They can not be registered as their dams have not been kept registered, but have been bred for higir producing qualities. They are all solid color and are a lot of beauties, must be seen to be appreciated. They are the kind that will please the eye and swell the bank account. Will prove a short road to success in the dairy business, for whoever gets them.

Price head. H. E. FLooD, Gurnee, Ill. c-33-2 FOR SALE Bed room -furniture and one rug.

Inquire at this office. c-33-tf FOR SALE Must sell quickly 1 260 egg incubator, 1 Colony brooder 4x8 with Cyphus adaptable hoover and Colony 4x8 brooder. Everyone a bargain. S. J.

CROPLEY, Rockefeller, Ill. Phone 270L4. c-33-ti A BARGAIN. poultry fencing for 8 short only, 18. wires, 48 inches 58 inches high, 6 inch stay 33c per high, 6 inch stay 30c.

per rod. 20 wires. Ask for other bargains. AMERICAN WIRE FENCE Liberty ville. c-83-tf FOR SALE -Lake county farms, land in Montana, Texas and: Florida.

DEMOND AUSTIN. c-32-tf FOR SALE--New modern, up-to-date seven room bouse, lot 50x278, on Lincoln Ave. Will sell on easy terms, Inquire of GEO. S. BOND, Liberty ville, FOR SALE-8 room house and lot all depot.

Inquire OF OR BORNE. 0-82-ff FOR SALE- -Lots in Osborne division on Milwaukee avenue south of the Electric depot. Water and sewer mains laid. R. E.

Libertyrille. c-32-tl FOR SALE- -Hard spring wheat seed, German millet seed. No foulseed. G. W.

BERGERON, Liberty rille. Phone 278J2: c-29-tt FOR SALE- Brown mare, harness and buggy, $63. Must be sold to pay board bill. LADD'9 Livery, Liberty ville. FOR- SALE- Oak lumber, including a few thousand feet of 18 ft bridge plank, and a lot of binder tongues, Wagon tongues and reaches.

Also sev. eral loadg of sawdust. Phone Waukegan 923-y-1. H. FLOOD, Ills FOR SALE- -Horses for all purposes; also two second hand buggies and some harness.

LADD'S LIVERY, Liberty ville, Ill. c-32-tf FOR -Several registered Holstein bull calves to four months old. $35 and up. N. E.

GATZERT, Libertyville, Ill. Phone 278W1. c-32-tf FOR SALE-3-year-old colt, or will trade for an older horse suitable for. the livery. SMITH'S LIVERY, Libertyville.

111. c-32-t BEN H. MILLER, Attorney, Notice in Attachment STATE OF ILLINOIS 88. LAKE COUNTY In the County Court of Lake County, June term 1912. John E.

Taylor ve. Harry J. Sheeler in attachment. Public notice is hereby given to you, the said Harry J. Sheeler that a Writ of Attachment has been sued out of the office of the Cletk of the County Court of said County of Lake at the suit of the said John L.

Taylor and against the estate of you, the said Harry J. Sheeler Sixty-fire. Dollare, besides interest, to the of said Cocaty to execute, which said Writ. has -been returned by said Sheriff executed by levying on lot.3 in block 2 of F. H.

Kuebker's subdivision of part of the north hall of section in township 44 north, range 11 east of the Third Principal Meridian in Lake County. Illinois and which writ has also been returned "said defendant not found in my Coupty." Now, unless you, the said Harry J. Sheeler shall personally be and appear before the County Court of said County on the firat day of the next term thereof to be holden at Waukegan in said County, on the 2nd Monday in the month of June next, give special bail and plead to said action, judgment will be entered against you of the said Plaintiff, and the property, attached sold to satisfy the same with cost. LEW A. HENDEE, Clerk.

Waukegan. Illinois, May 9, 1912: BEN H. MILLER, Plaintiff's Attorney. c-33-4 Notice is hereby given that A special meeting of the stockholders of the M. Alshuler will be held at the office of said Company at Waukegan, Illinois, on the 1st day of June, D.

1912, at the hour of 2 o'clock P. M. for the purpose of considering and voting upon the proposition to in. crease the capital stock of said corporation from the sum of $25,000 to the sum of $100,000 and for the transaction of such other business as may properly' come before said meeting. M.


ALSHULER, Directors. Waukegan, Illinois, April 30, 1912. 5-3 Wky 8t. FOR SALE -Indian Runner duck eggs, cente. Mrs.

L. V. LUSK. Grayslake, 111. Phone 12J2 Kound Lake.

p-82-2 FOR SALE--About 2000 white and burr oak fence posts; also lot of good potatoes for seed and eating. SCHRECK BROS Libertyville, Phone 267L2. c-29-tf FOR RENT HOUSE FOR RENT- -Inquire. WILLIAM KUNKE, Liberty rille. "p-33-1 160 ACRES--Choice pasture on Des.

Plaines river, no barb wire. Will take few horses at $1.00 per week. AUSTIN CLEMENT. Liberty ville, R. D.

No. Phone 272 R1. 0-33-3 FOR RENT- We have 70 acers good pasturing stock, good water. HENRY APPLEY. -p-33-2 FOR RENT-9-room house.

barn and 1 acre of land. Inquire of ROBERT ELLIS, Libertyville, Ill. c-27 tf FOR RENT--Farm house and several acres of ground 24 miles south Warrenton: Inquire of Chas. F. MAN, Waukegan, Ill.

R. D. 2. Phone 267W2. c-80-tt FOR RENT-6 room brick cottage on School street; gas and electric lights.

Apply to J. L. PRICE. 32-tt FARMS FOR RENT. have a few ad farms tor rent for 1912 running from 70 acres Gurnee, Ill.

61-t. FOR RENT--Fine offices in the Sebanek building See them. ELIZABETH SCHANCK. FOR RENT- House on School street Inquire of PAUL MACGIPPIN, Liberty rille, HI. c-11-tf FOR RENT- -Good amall bouse and garden $7.00 per month.

W. H. APPLEY, Liberty ville. c-82-tf. WANTED WANTED Owners of farm bargains anywhere between.

Chicago and to list same with me. I can get you results if you really want to sell. R. B. Dixon, Gurnee, 61-tf.

WANTED- Young ladies, with education. for and Lothor telephone exchanges. operators Apply at Liberty rille to Chief Operator, Lake County Tele- phone. Libertyville, Ill. c-27-tf LOST and FOUND LOST--From my farm near Half Day.

black and white pointer dog, very heavily ticked, black Lead. A liberal reward will paid for his return. W. M. MISCELLANEOUS Fire insurance, house renting, tiona, loans negotiated by DYMOND AUSTIN.

c-32-tf MAKE NOVEL PLANS FOR MEMORIAL DAY Old Veterans to Ride in Long Busses Bearing Signals Indicating Their Ages Waukegan will have a fitting observance of Memorial day on May 30 and present plans include several interesting and new features. The particular feature which will add interest to the parade is the plan to have the old veterans 'ride in Jong busses and on top of the various busses have printed signs indicating the ages of the men who are within. For instance, a fact that there are eighteen members of the local Post who are over 75 years old. The sign which will be placed on top of the buss carrying them will read: years and up." second bass will contain men between. 70 and 75.

years of age. The third buss will carry the "younger" men, those between 65 and 70. The idea is a new one and will create much interest. Band and Recruits in Parade. Thursday George R.

Lyon, B. A. Dunn, Frank Greenleaf and R. M. Inthe latter representing the Spanish War vets, most the other A.

R. They were graciously received by Commandant Fullam, who kindly offered to have the station's large band and as many men as can be spared from the station as participants in the parade. This will prove a big feature to the parade. Commandant Fullam showed much interest in the annual Memorial day and promised to do all in his power to help bring a proper observance. R.

M. Ingalls has been placed in charge of providing features for the parade and is now trying to get some Fort Sheridan soldiers as a feature. Providing money can be raised for their transportation, it is felt they will be permitted to take part. First in the parade will come the G. A.

R. members in busses, then the naval band recruits, then Battery then poissibly the Uniform Rank K. of P. and then the Spanish, Ameri can War Vets. The fire department will not be paraded for the idea this year is to make it solely a military display, hence even the K.

of P. may not. be invited to take part. The marshal of the day hias not yet been selected. Cultivate a personal pride in your ability to write want ads THAT AC COMPLISH THINGS.

Joseph Rence from Chicago, spent Sunday with Liberty ville Henry Kingwall from Chicago, spent Sunday at the J. W. Butler home. You can gave all your little chicke by feeding Red Comb, all sizes. Sold only by LIBFRTYVILLE LUMBER Co.

c-83-3 Mrs. Simpson from Fox Lake, visited her sister, Mrs. Alex Brebner, here this week. Nicholas Nickolby, a special two reel drama at the Lyric Saturduy night. Mr.

Zellar has resigned his position at the Jochheim bakery and accepted a situation at Sheldon school. a Lee Sumerski has accepted a poeition 1, 88 bus driver at the Gardinier hotel, Grayelake. I will pay rebates on special assessl menta no's, 5. 6, 7, and 8. at my office in the Luce any evening between 7 and 8 o'clock.

A. SCHNAEBELE, Village Treasurer Twenty-two motoreyclists from Chieago struck Liberty ville Sunday at about twelve o'clock and took dinner at the of Newcastle hotel. From here they went to Waukegan returning to -via Lake Shore drive. Now is the time to lay in your Petroleum co*ke. The finest summer and winter fuel.

Low prizes during May at LIBERTYVILLE LUMBER Co. e-33-3 At the regular meeting of the village board Monday night, Dennis Limberry was. reappointed village marshal and snafial the village to: officiate a the pumping station, filling the secance caused by the resignation of E. C. Young.

L. W. Young of Philadelphia, is in town stopping at the New Castle Hotel. He is here in the interest of. the Rainbow Mig.

Co assisting both Mr. Af R. Schnaebele and A. E. Roberts in disposing of the stock.

This trio have certainly made a big sucess in the sale 0 stock so far. The writer has seen stock subscriptions from many towns in the vicinity such towns as Waukegan, Lake Forest, Everett and Rockefeller, besides this they have placed considerable stock here in Libertyville. They hope to place the allotment of stogk which has been set aside to be sold to the public in a very short time and judging from the way they cover the ground in. Mr. Schnaebele's new Ford auto they will surely make good.

Obituary. Additional Libertyville News Miss Gertrude Quentin visited friends in Grayslake Sunday. Horace Butler of DeeMoines, ie spending a short vacation at his home here. The No-Rub Soap Chips man has come to town. All grocers now have these famous wonder workers that are raking the place of bar soap.

No- Rub Soap Chips make the work lighter and the clothes whiter. Large packages sell for 25 cents. The Meredith Flower and Vegetable Co. is the busiest industry in Libertyville their big team of men are on the hustle with orders piled several weeks ahead, They will ship to every state in the union in the coming months thousands of plante used in making the yards beautiful. Their new houses have ar rived.

and they are breaking the ground. for their erection. When completed Liberty ville can boast of the finest plant in northern Illinoie 'and every citizen who has a few hundred or a few dollare to invest, should invest in the enterprise. at once. They guarantee seven per- cent and a share in the earnings.

of the plant which will be large: and there tr not a safer proposition in Illinois today. There are people, in this town who unthinkingly neglect mere cold" although they would not otherwise. expose their children or themselves to danger. Yet 8 cold neglected may develope into. contagious diptheria, or pneumonia.

Use. Folet' Hover and Tar Compound promptly for it stops coughs quickly, and cores colds. ENC Obituary. Another pioneer joined the great! majority last Saturday when R. W.

Bulkley, a resident of this state for sixty years, passed away at his home in Vacaville, after an fliness of six weeks. The funeral services were held were neld at the late residence Tuesday, Rev. A. 5. Coats of the Baptist church officiating and the interment -in Dixon cemetery.

Deceased was a native of "New York and was eighty-one years of age, He came to this state in 1852 and engaged first in mining in the neighborhood of Flat. In 1866 he was afrited in marriage to Mra. Barbara. Stevens and in the following year the couple to Solane county, settling a Tremont, where they remained. until 1884, when Mr.

Bulkley purchased a tract in Maine Prairie township and removed there with his family, This remained the family home until 1903, when Mr. and Sirs. Bulkley came to Vacaville, where he has since resided. Besides the widow he is survivedby: five children: Mrs. W.

E. Pedrichtof Rio Vista, R. H. Bulkley of Dixon, Mrs. H.

E. Hay of Suienn. W. W. Bulkley of Denverton and Mrs.

R. L. Watson of Elmira. George Stevens of Dixon, is a stepson. The above is taken from the Vacaville, Reporter of March 15, Mr.

-Bulkley was a brother of W. C. 0.0., C. and Horace Bulkley, Mrs. E.

Farnham and Mra. E. W. Dusenberry of this city; H. H.

of Kansas and Mrs. B. A. Sterritt of Massachusette. Mr.

Bulkley was the next oldest of a family of eleven children, W. W. the oldest being eighty-five and Horace the youngest, being sixty-one years of age. One brother, Albert, next younger than R. died in California three years ago.

Danville 6,765 13,809 Belleville 8,200 8,100 Girls. Lead Graduates. The problem of keeping the boy in the high school has not been, solved, according to the statistics. The high schools of the state last year gradatated 1,609 more girls than boys. Ten years ago, 1,600 more girls than boys graduated, showing the ratio is practically the same, But the trouble.

does not come from the boys dropping out after the first year in greater numbers than the girls. About the same percentage of boys who enter the high school continue the course to graduation. In the first year classes of 1911, there were 12,842 girls and 15,252 boys; in the second year, 7,472 boys and 9,796 girls; in the third year, 397 boys and 6,985 girls; in the fourth year, 3,488 boys and 5,113 girls. Chestnut Stallion, four years old, by Grattan, dam Nutwood. Stands 16 hands and weighs 1200 lbs.

Is standard bred and registered. Will make the season at my barn at mile track, Libertyville, at $25.00 to insure mare with foal. Harry Putman Phone 122 Libertyville, Ill. FIRST PICTURE OF JAMES ELSBURY, THE LAKE COUNTY MAN WHO DROWNED WHEN THE STEAMER TITANIC WAS WRECKED. The picture is one which Mr.

Elsbury had taken. while on a visit in England and was not sent to his relatives until after the accident happened. HURLS HAND AXE AT FELLOW WORKMAN ENSACE-IN A TREE 730 FIGHT THURSDAY P.M. MAN WHO THREW HAND AXE IS FELLED BY BLOW OVER THE HEAD WITH "BIG STICK." Felled by a blow on the head with a two by four, a Greek employed as a painter by one of the sub contractors of the new North Shore Gas company plant east of the Chicago and Northwestern railroad tracks to his feet, hurled a sharp hand axe at his assailant and- then escaped for parts unknown. The fight took place at.a late hour Thursday employed as afternoon.

painter. The tie Greek was a asked a iron worker, tot abandon and dr MA Paten UNo iron, worker, it- is alleged struck the Greek over the head with a 2-by4 whereupon the Greek hurled a hand axe, inflicting a deep gash in the iron worker's leg. The injured man was rushed to the Jane MeAlister hospital where his injuries were dressed. He later was removed to 'a Chicago hospital for treatment. The SUN was unable to secure the names of the men who participated in the fight.

The police of seven north shore cities have been enlisted in the search for the Greek. He escaped during time workmen were at work conforting the injured man. Fine Pianos at Moderate Prices The words above fairly describe our KINGSBURY pianos. These instruments have made their reputation on the actual service they have given to thousands of buyers. There is hardly.a community in the United States where" you cannot find Kingsbury daily use, giving the most complete satisfaction to their owners.

Three different styles in various woods and finishes enable you to choose to advantage an instrument that will please you. You can see the Kingsbnry and get information about prices at RAY'S FURNITURE STORE, LIBERTY VILLE KEULMAN'S JEWELRY STORE, ANTIOCH INGALL'S JEWELRY STORE, WAUKEGAN1 If you want to make sure of getting a piano which will give you years of service and not cost you a large sum of money, you will serve your interests well by choosing a Kingbury. Pianos to Rent-If you are not quite ready to buy, you can rent a good instrument from us. If you purchase within a year, what you have paid in rental will be applied on the price: Expert Tuning--If you now have a piano, let our expert tuner and regulator look it over. He is in town nearly every month.

Leave your order at the address above. Cable Piano Company CHICAGO T. P. DURKIN, Special Representative ROCKEFELLER BANK WITHSTANDS ATTEMPTS OF BOLD YEGGMEN Burglars Flee in Stolen Rig After Unsuccessful Attempt to Crack Safe -Secure $100 in Cash. A bold but unsuccereful attempt was made Wednesday night.

to blow the safe of the Citizens' Bank at Rockefeller. The burglars performed their work most skillfully as nothing was known of the effort until it was discovered by the people going to the first electrie ear at 6:15. The fire door and two steel, plate from the burglar proof door of the money chest had been blown free but the inner plate and bolts held intact. Tne explowas smothered and protected by ston blankets taken from neighboring barne and by sacks of bran Waken from S. L.

Tripp's elevator. These were so skillfully packed that the glass in the window against which they stood was not even cracked. The content of the apper part of the safe which was badly smoked and dusted was unmolested with the exception of the silver chamber containing over $100 which was taken. This smallitem was covered in the bank's insurance policy as is all cash carried. $600" reward is offered by the Insurance Co, and the Banker's Asscciation for she.

thieves. the insurance company and the Bankers Association. The thieves, in making their escape, appropiated a horse and bugay belonging to Roy Knigge. Just as we gO to press we learn that the horse and buggy. was recovered at Highland Park.

but no trace of the burglars has been gained. The bank was opened and doing busi ness as usual at 8:15 Thursday morning- J. A. Shanks, Lewisburg, enjoyed 8 visit from his grandchildren. Both had severe colds and coughed at night.

The medicine, prescribed failed to stop this Shanks took the matter into his own hands and says. "I got a bottle of Foley's Honey and Tar Compound and alter a few doses they went to sleep and slept throught the night without coughing." For sale: by all Druggista John Millen was born in Ireland May 12, 1837, and did at the bome of his daughter, Mrs. W. J. MeGavick, on First strect Monday morning.

In the year. 1855 he came to this country locating in Kenosba county, Wisconsin, where he lived until about seven years ago when he came to Libertyville where. he hae since resided. He was married to Miss Mary Brogan in 1861, and to them were born eleven children, nine of whom, four sons and five daughters, survive. Funeral services were held in St.

Joseph's Catholic church Wednesday morning, Rev. W. J. Kinsella conducting weeping high mass at 9:30 o'clock. From bere the remains were taken to Mill Creek cemetery, near Rosecrane for burial, Father foley of Wadsworth, and -Father Heller of Bristol, assisting Father Kissella at the grave.

WAUKEGAN HOLDS ELEVENTIL PLACE! CITY RANKS HIGH IN SALARIES OF INSTRUCTORS, ACCORDING TO STATISTICS, STATISTICS SHOW PROBLEM OF KEEPING BOYS IN SCHOOL REMAINS UNSOLVED. According to John E. Reardon, clerk of the Waukegan Township High school, and Superintendent Blair of the state schools, Waukegan is elev. enth in the payment of salaries to high school teachers. The total sum paid monthly for educators at the high school amounts to $17,050.

It is excelled by Evanston, Peoria, Elgin, Aurora, Galesburg, Rock Island, Decatur, East St. Louis, Quincy and Bloomington. Ten years ago the monthly payroll of, the Waukegan High school amount ed to approximately $480. Statistics Are Given The following is a list of some of the leading cities showing the salaries paid for high school teachers during the past ten years. 1901 1911.

Evanston $32,210 Peoria 18,400 28,198 Elgin 12,587 24,844 Aurora 14,600 24,750 Galesburg 11,720 22,675 Rock Island 9,125 19,955 Decatur 13,637 19,874 East St. Louis 8,880 19,676 Quincy 7,125 19,611 8,665 19,550 Waukegan 480 17,050 Moline 9,132 15,530 ROSE COMB RHODE ISLAND REDS Eggs for hatching from Waukegan first hen, third pullet and Racine first co*ckerel third pullet, fourth and fifth hens. FERTILITY GUARANTEED R. S. TRIGGS Phone 146L Libertyville, Ill.

SINGLE COMB BLACK ORPINGTON The grandest "All Purpose" fowl i in of to-day. Eggs from my pen? prize winners, 15 for $5.00. Satisfaction Guaranteed J. -R. ALLEMAN Illinois? da tomb Rhode.

Island Reds Eggs drone Racine, winners, 1st. 5th'. pullet, 2nd. special al ribbon on pen, co*ckerell, BEST BLOOD LINES SATISFACTION GUARANTEED S. C.

Kimball Libertyville, Illinois. RAN EGGS FOR HATCHING FROM That bred Comb White Leghorns; are for size, and eggs. We also Your (have $50 to offer a few settings of eggs from pen of Partridge Plymouth Rocks. -Correspondence SolicitedH. L.

HALL. Jr. 2 Libertyville, Illinois; FOR SALE S. C. White Orpington and White Wyandotte eggs from prize winners at? Racine, Waukegan and County Fair.

Price $2, $3 and $5 per 15. White Poultry Yards, Phone 133 LIBERTYVILLE. ILLINOIS, e-21-12 RHODE ISLAND REDS (ROSE COMB EXCLUSIVELY) My reds are beauties, bred for egg production as well as show birds. Eggs, $1.50, $2.50 and $5 per 15 Please Place Four Order in Advance JNO. PHONE 186 -L Libertyville, Ill..

Lake County Independent and Waukegan Weekly Sun from Libertyville, Illinois (2024)
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Name: Saturnina Altenwerth DVM

Birthday: 1992-08-21

Address: Apt. 237 662 Haag Mills, East Verenaport, MO 57071-5493

Phone: +331850833384

Job: District Real-Estate Architect

Hobby: Skateboarding, Taxidermy, Air sports, Painting, Knife making, Letterboxing, Inline skating

Introduction: My name is Saturnina Altenwerth DVM, I am a witty, perfect, combative, beautiful, determined, fancy, determined person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.