Capital International Fund · Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (2024)


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  • Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87%


Semi-annual Report 2020 For the six months ended 30 June 2020 Société d’Investissem*nt à Capital Variable organised under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg R.C.S. Luxembourg B 8833 Capital International Fund

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Post on 26-Oct-2020




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Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (3)

Semi-annual Report 2020

For the six months ended 30 June 2020

Société d’Investissem*nt à Capital Variable

organised under the laws of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg

R.C.S. Luxembourg B 8833

Capital International Fund

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (4)

1R�VXEVFULSWLRQ�FDQ�EH�DFFHSWHG�RQ�WKH�EDVLV�RI�WKH�ÀQDQFLDO�UHSRUWV��6XEVFULSWLRQV�DUH�RQO\�YDOLG�LI�WKH\�DUH�PDGH�RQ�WKH�EDVLV�RI�WKH�prospectus accompanied by the latest annual report and the latest semi-annual report, if published thereafter.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (5)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 1

Semi-annual Report for the six months ended 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund


Report of the Board of Directors of the Company to the shareholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Summary information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Historical data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Portfolio breakdown . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Schedule of investments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64

Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 77

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 82

Capital Group World Dividend Growers (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 92

Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96

Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102

Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118

Capital Group Japan Equity Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124

Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 127

Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137

Capital Group Capital Income Builder (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 144

Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 164

Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 183

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200

Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247

Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 265

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303

Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 316

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) . . . . . . . . . . 334

Combined statement of net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 340

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 348

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding . . . . . . . . . . . . . 356

1RWHV�WR�WKH�ÀQDQFLDO�VWDWHPHQWV . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 396

General information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 423

Other information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 424

Contact information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 428

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (6)

2 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020



Energy stocks were weak over the period after Saudi Arabia initiated a price war with Russia. Brent crude fell below US$23 per barrel in March but recovered to $41 by the end of June. Despite the partial recovery it was still the weakest sector over WKH�ÀUVW�KDOI��,QIRUPDWLRQ�WHFKQRORJ\�DQG�KHDOWK�FDUH�ZHUH�WKH�VWURQJHVW�VHFWRUV�VXSSRUWHG�E\�WDLOZLQGV�IURP�WKH�FRURQDYLUXV�crisis.

The global economy has suffered negative growth due to the COVID-19 outbreak, but we expect it to recover moderately over time. There are signs of recovery in consumption and manufacturing, in part helped by large-scale stimulus measures. Corporate earnings could decline in the short term before picking up in the second half of the year as economies reopen. The current low interest rate environment may be prolonged amid the global monetary easing cycle.

In a volatile environment, 16 of the funds under the CIF umbrella posted negative absolute returns. However, 8 funds, across À[HG�LQFRPH�DQG�HTXLW\�DVVHW�FODVVHV��JHQHUDWHG�SRVLWLYH�JDLQV�RYHU�WKH�SHULRG�1





During the period, CIF’s combined total net assets increased to €15.3 billion, up from €14 billion. This increase was mainly GULYHQ�E\�QHW�LQÁRZV�RI�Ą����ELOOLRQ�DQG�PDUNHW�PRYHPHQW��&KDQJHV�LQ�WKH�WRWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�IRU�HDFK�IXQG�DUH�VKRZQ�LQ�WKH�Historical Data table on pages 30 to 42.

The table on pages 14 to 29 gives an overview of the funds’ results in their accounting currency. Results in other currencies can be found on our website,

Thank you for your investment and we look forward to reporting to you again in our annual report at the end of 2020.

The Board of Directors of the Company Capital International Fund Luxembourg, 28 August 2020

For the six months ended 30 June 2020

Report of the Board of Directors of the Company to the shareholders

1� All returns for the six months to 30 June 2020 are stated net of fees in their accounting currency using share class C. Source: Capital Group

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (7)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 3




)XQG�REMHFWLYH The fund’s primary investment objective is to achieve long-term growth of capital by investing in common stocks of companies located around the world. Future income is a secondary objective.

Long-term growth of capital by investing in companies researched and selected from around the world.

Long-term growth of capital and income by investing in companies researched and selected from around the world. Preservation of capital is also a priority.

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 30 October 2015 31 December 1969 27 September 2019Size US$7184.3m €613.5m US$319.8m,QGH[�� MSCI All Country World Index

with net dividends reinvestedMSCI World Index with net dividends reinvested

MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested

As at 30 June 2020

Summary information

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (8)

Summary information

4 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





A4 0.59%A7 0.49%A7d�� 0.48%A7h-EUR�� 0.49%A9 0.46%B 1.62%Bd 1.62%Bdh-EUR 1.61%Bgd 1.62%Bh-AUD 1.61%Bh-CHF 1.62%Bh-EUR 1.62%Bh-GBP 1.62%Bh-SGD 1.62%C 0.07%Cad 0.00%Cadh-AUD 0.00%Cd 0.07%Cdh-JPY 0.06%Ch-CHF 0.07%Ch-JPY 0.07%Ch-NZD 0.06%N 2.27%Ngd 2.27%Nh-EUR 2.27%P�� 0.70%Ph-EUR�� 0.70%T 1.87%Tgd 1.87%Tgdh-EUR 1.87%Th-EUR 1.87%Z 0.86%Zd 0.86%Zdh-EUR 0.86%Zgd 0.86%Zh-CHF 0.86%Zh-EUR 0.86%Zh-GBP 0.86%Zh-SGD 0.86%ZL 0.64%ZLd 0.64%ZLgd 0.64%ZLh-CHF 0.64%ZLh-EUR 0.64%ZLh-GBP 0.64%

A4 0.59%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%C 0.15%T 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%

A7 0.49%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%C 0.15%Cd 0.15%T 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zgd 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (9)

Summary information

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 5




)XQG�REMHFWLYH Long-term total return by investing in companies worldwide that provide a combination of current yield and dividend growth.

Long-term growth of capital byinvesting in common stocks with the potential to pay dividends.The FundPD\�LQYHVW�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�SRUWLRQ�of its assets in issuers based outside the United States, including those based indeveloping countries.

Long-term growth of capital by investing in common stocks RI�FRPSDQLHV�ZLWK�VLJQLÀFDQW�exposure to countries with developing economies and/or markets. Many of these countries may be referred to as emerging countries or emerging markets. The fund may also invest in debt securities of issuers with exposure to these countries.

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 6 August 2013 07 November 2019 28 October 2016Size US$157.8m US$90.8m US$340.7m,QGH[�� MSCI All Country World Index

with net dividends reinvestedMSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested

MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested / MSCI Emerging Markets Index with net dividends reinvested


A4 0.59%A7 0.49%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%Bgd 1.65%C 0.15%Cad 0.00%T 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zgd 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%

B 1.50%C�� 0.15%Z 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%

A4 0.71%A7 0.65%B 1.90%Bh-EUR 1.90%C 0.15%Cad 0.00%Cadh-AUD 0.00%Ch-JPY 0.15%N 2.55%Z 1.03%Zd 1.03%Zgd 1.03%Zh-EUR 1.03%ZL�� 0.77%ZLd�� 0.77%ZLgd�� 0.77%ZLh-EUR�� 0.77%

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (10)

Summary information

6 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




)XQG�REMHFWLYH 7R�DFKLHYH�ULVN�GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ��both geographically and by industry sector and long-term capital growth, through investment primarily in securities of issuers domiciled in or conducting a predominant part of their economic activities in Developing Countries.

Long-term growth of capital by investing primarily in companies domiciled and/or having their principal place of business in Japan.

Long-term growth of capital and income by investing in companies domiciled and/or having their principal place of business in Europe. Preservation of capital is also a priority.

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 28 June 2019 20 April 2006 30 October 2002Size €268.7m ¥17321.5m €209.6m,QGH[�� MSCI Emerging Markets

Investable Market Indexwith net dividends reinvested

TOPIX Total Return Index with net dividends reinvested

MSCI Europe Index with net dividends reinvested


A7 0.89%A9 0.74%A11 0.69%B 1.90%Bd 1.90%C 0.09%P 0.91%Pd 0.92%T 2.15%Z 1.03%Zd 1.03%ZL�� 0.77%ZLd�� 0.77%

A4 0.54%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%Bh-EUR 1.65%Bh-USD 1.65%C 0.15%Ch-GBP 0.15%N 2.30%Nh-EUR 2.30%P�� 0.75%Pd�� 0.75%Pdh-EUR�� 0.75%Pdh-GBP�� 0.75%Pdh-USD�� 0.75%Ph-EUR�� 0.75%Ph-GBP�� 0.75%T 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Tgdh-EUR 1.90%Th-EUR 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zgdh-GBP 0.90%Zh-CHF 0.90%Zh-EUR 0.90%Zh-GBP 0.90%Zh-USD 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%ZLh-CHF�� 0.68%ZLh-EUR�� 0.68%ZLh-USD�� 0.68%

A4 0.59%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%Bgdm� 1.65%Bgdmh-USD� 1.65%Bh-USD 1.65%C 0.15%N 2.30%Ngd 2.30%Nh-USD 2.30%P�� 0.75%T 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zgdh-GBP 0.90%Zh-GBP 0.90%Zh-USD 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%ZLh-GBP�� 0.68%

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (11)

Summary information

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 7




)XQG�REMHFWLYH Long-term growth of capital by investing primarily in equity domiciled in the United States.

Long-term growth of capital and income by investing primarily in common stocks, most of which have a history of paying dividends. In the selection of these companies, potential for capital growth and future dividends are given more weight than current yield.

To provide a level of current income that exceeds the average yield on U.S. stocks generally and to provide a growing stream of income over the years, expressed in USD.

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 16 June 2017 17 June 2016 21 September 2018Size US$108.8m US$418.4m US$195.7m,QGH[�� S&P 500 Net Total Return

IndexS&P 500 Net Total Return Index

70% MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested / 30% Bloomberg Barclays US Aggregate Index


A4 0.46%A7 0.41%B 1.65%Bh-EUR 1.65%C 0.15%N 2.30%Nh-EUR 2.30%Z 0.80%Zgd 0.80%Zh-CHF 0.80%Zh-EUR 0.80%Zh-GBP 0.80%ZL�� 0.68%ZLgd�� 0.68%ZLh-CHF�� 0.68%

A4 0.46%A7 0.35%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%Bh-EUR 1.65%C 0.15%N 2.30%Nd 2.30%Ngdh-EUR 2.30%Nh-EUR 2.30%Pgd�� 0.75%Pgdh-GBP�� 0.75%T 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Tgdh-EUR 1.90%Th-EUR 1.90%Z 0.80%Zd 0.80%Zdh-GBP 0.80%Zgd 0.80%Zgdh-GBP 0.80%Zh-CHF 0.80%Zh-EUR 0.80%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd 0.70%ZLgd 0.72%ZLgdh-GBP 0.72%ZLh-CHF�� 0.68%

A4 0.59%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%Bdh-GBP 1.65%Bfdm� 1.65%Bfdmh-AUD� 1.65%Bfdmh-CNH� 1.65%Bfdmh-EUR� 1.65%Bfdmh-GBP� 1.65%Bfdmh-SGD� 1.65%Bh-EUR�� 1.65%Bh-GBP�� 1.65%C 0.15%Cd 0.15%N 2.30%Nd 2.30%T 1.90%Td 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zdh-EUR 0.90%Zdh-GBP 0.90%Zh-EUR�� 0.90%Zh-GBP�� 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (12)

Summary information

8 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




)XQG�REMHFWLYH Balanced accomplishment of three objectives: long-term growth of capital, conservation of principal and current income by investing in equities and bonds as well as other À[HG�LQFRPH�VHFXULWLHV�IURP�around the world.

Long-term growth and preservation of capital with lower volatility of returns than emerging market equities by LQYHVWLQJ�LQ�HTXLW\�DQG�À[HG�income securities in eligible investment countries.

Over the long-term, a high level of total return consistent with prudent investment management by investing globally in investment grade bonds of governmental, supranational and corporate issuers as well as other À[HG�LQFRPH�VHFXULWLHV�

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 31 January 2014 31 May 2019 3 April 1998Size US$822m US1081.5m US$480.7m,QGH[�� 60% MSCI All Country World

Index with net dividends reinvested / 40% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Total Return

MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Market Index with net dividends reinvestedJPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global 'LYHUVLÀHG�7RWDO�5HWXUQJPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Total Return

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Total Return

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (13)

Summary information

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 9

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 13.





A4 0.59%A7 0.49%A7d�� 0.49%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%Bdh-EUR 1.65%Bh-EUR 1.65%C 0.15%Ch-JPY 0.15%N 2.30%Nh-EUR 2.30%P�� 0.75%T 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Tgdh-EUR 1.90%Th-EUR 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zgd 0.90%Zh-EUR 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%ZLh-EUR�� 0.68%

A4 0.99%A7 0.84%A7d 0.84%A7dh-GBP 0.84%A7h-GBP 0.84%A9 0.69%A9d 0.69%A9dh-GBP 0.69%A9h-GBP 0.69%B 1.90%Bd 1.90%Bgd 1.90%Bh-CHF 1.90%Bh-EUR 1.90%C 0.14%Cad 0.00%Cdh-GBP 0.14%Cdm� 0.14%Cdmh-JPY� 0.14%Ch-CHF 0.14%Ch-GBP 0.14%N 2.55%Ngd 2.55%Ngdh-EUR 2.55%Nh-EUR 2.55%P 0.91%Pd 0.91%Ph-EUR 0.91%Ph-GBP 0.91%T 2.15%Tgdm� 2.15%Tgd 2.15%Tgdh-EUR 2.15%Th-EUR 2.15%Z 1.03%Zd 1.03%Zdh-GBP 1.03%Zgd 1.03%Zgdh-GBP 1.03%Zh-CHF 1.03%Zh-EUR 1.03%Zh-GBP 1.03%ZL�� 0.77%ZLd�� 0.77%ZLh-CHF�� 0.77%ZLh-EUR�� 0.77%ZLh-GBP�� 0.77%

A4 0.37%A7 0.34%B 1.10%Bd 1.10%C 0.10%Cd 0.10%Cdh-EUR 0.10%Ch-CHF 0.10%Ch-JPY 0.10%Ch-USD 0.10%T 1.25%Z 0.60%Zd 0.60%Zh-EUR 0.60%Zh-USD 0.60%ZL�� 0.45%ZLd�� 0.45%

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (14)

Summary information

10 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




)XQG�REMHFWLYH Preserve capital and provide income consistent with prudent investment management by holding high-quality global bonds, through investment made in investment grade bonds of moderate duration.

Maximize total return through a combination of income and capital gains, with a view towards preservation of capital, by investing primarily in euro-denominated investment grade bonds.

The fund seeks to provide, over the long term, a high level of total return consistent with capital preservation and prudent risk management by investing in corporate investment grade bonds worldwide.

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 13 October 2016 31 October 2003 13 February 2018Size US$215.7m €848.8m US$328.6m,QGH[�� Bloomberg Barclays Global

Aggregate 1-7 Years Custom hedged to USD

Bloomberg Barclays Euro Aggregate Bond Total Return

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Hedged to USD


A4 0.37%A7h-GBP 0.34%C 0.10%Ch-JPY 0.10%Z 0.60%ZL�� 0.45%

A4 0.34%B 1.10%Bd 1.10%C 0.10%Ch-CHF 0.10%Ch-USD 0.10%N 1.60%P�� 0.50%T 1.25%Z 0.60%Zd 0.60%Zh-USD 0.60%ZL�� 0.45%ZLd�� 0.45%

A11h-EUR 0.27%B 1.10%Bh-EUR�� 1.10%C 0.10%Cadmh-AUD� 0.00%Ch-CHF�� 0.10%Ch-GBP 0.10%Z 0.60%Zd 0.60%Zdh-EUR�� 0.60%Zgd 0.60%Zgdh-GBP 0.60%Zh-CHF�� 0.60%Zh-EUR 0.60%ZL�� 0.45%ZLd�� 0.45%Zldh-GBP 0.48%

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (15)

Summary information

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 11




)XQG�REMHFWLYH Over the long term, a high level of total return largely comprised of current income with a view to capital preservation by investing in euro-denominated corporate investment grade bonds and RWKHU�À[HG�LQFRPH�VHFXULWLHV��including government securities.

Over the long term, a high level of total return consistent with capital preservation and prudent risk management by primarily investing in USD-denominated corporate investment grade bonds.

Over the long term, a high level of total return, of which a large component is current income by investing in emerging market government bonds and corporate high yield bonds from around the world.

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 16 September 2010 21 March 2017 7 May 1999Size €59.6m US$173.9m US$1121.9m,QGH[�� Bloomberg Barclays Euro

Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index

Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Index

50% Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index 20% JPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Total Return20% JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets *OREDO�'LYHUVLÀHG�7RWDO�5HWXUQ10% JPMorgan Corporate Emerging Markets Bond Broad 'LYHUVLÀHG�,QGH[�

Footnotes are on page 13.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (16)

Summary information

12 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.Footnotes are on page 13.





A4 0.34%B 1.10%Bd 1.10%C 0.10%Ch-USD 0.10%N 1.60%T 1.25%Z 0.60%Zd 0.60%Zh-USD 0.60%ZL�� 0.45%

A4 0.34%A7 0.31%B 1.10%Bd�� 1.10%Bh-EUR�� 1.10%C 0.10%Cdh-JPY�� 0.10%N 1.60%Nh-EUR�� 1.60%Z 0.60%Zd 0.60%Zdh-GBP�� 0.60%Zgd 0.60%Zh-EUR�� 0.60%Zh-SGD 0.60%ZL�� 0.45%ZLd�� 0.45%

A4 0.56%A7 0.46%A7d 0.46%A9 0.41%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%Bdh-EUR 1.65%Bdh-GBP 1.65%Bfdm� 1.65%Bfdmh-AUD� 1.65%Bfdmh-CNH� 1.65%Bfdmh-EUR� 1.65%Bfdmh-GBP� 1.65%Bfdmh-SGD� 1.65%Bgd 1.65%Bgdh-GBP 1.65%Bh-EUR 1.65%Bh-GBP 1.65%Bh-SGD 1.65%C 0.14%Cadmh-AUD� 0.00%Cd 0.14%Ch-CHF 0.14%Ch-JPY 0.14%N 2.30%Nd 2.30%Ngd 2.30%Ngdh-EUR 2.30%Nh-EUR 2.30%Pgd�� 0.75%Pgdh-GBP�� 0.75%Ph-EUR�� 0.75%Ph-GBP�� 0.75%T 1.90%Tfdm� 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Tgdh-EUR 1.90%Th-EUR 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zdh-EUR 0.90%Zdh-GBP 0.90%Zdm�� 0.90%Zfdmh-SGD� 0.90%Zgd 0.90%Zgdh-GBP 0.90%Zh-CHF 0.90%Zh-EUR 0.90%Zh-GBP 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%ZLdh-EUR�� 0.68%ZLh-CHF�� 0.68%ZLh-EUR�� 0.68%ZLh-GBP�� 0.68%

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (17)

Summary information

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 13




)XQG�REMHFWLYH Over the long term, a high level of total return of current income, with an objective of capital appreciation by investing in USD-denominated corporate high yield bonds.

High level of long-term total return, of which current income LV�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�FRPSRQHQW��E\�investing in emerging market government and corporate bonds, denominated in various currencies of issuers in eligible investment countries.

High level of long-term total return, of which current income LV�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�FRPSRQHQW��by investing primarily in local currency denominated government and corporate bonds.

.H\�IDFWV/DXQFK�GDWH 30 October 2017 31 May 2019 31 May 2019Size US$53.1m US$1274.9m US$477.7m,QGH[�� Bloomberg Barclays

US Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped

50% JPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global 'LYHUVLÀHG������-30RUJDQ�Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global 'LYHUVLÀHG�7RWDO�5HWXUQ

JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global 'LYHUVLÀHG


A4 0.49%A4h-CHF 0.49%B 1.45%C 0.15%N 2.20%Z 0.80%Zd 0.80%Zgd 0.80%Zgdh-GBP 0.80%ZL�� 0.61%ZLd�� 0.61%

A4 0.59%A4h-EUR 0.59%A7 0.49%A13 0.37%A15 0.35%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%C 0.15%T 1.90%Tfdm� 1.90%Tgdh-EUR 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%Zh-EUR�� 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%

A4 0.59%A7 0.49%A9 0.44%A11d�� 0.41%A13 0.37%B 1.65%Bd 1.65%C 0.15%N 2.30%Ngd 2.30%T 1.90%Tgd 1.90%Z 0.90%Zd 0.90%ZL�� 0.68%ZLd�� 0.68%

�� Shown for indicative purposes only.�� The total expense ratio is made up of the management fee, fund administration fee, depositary and custody fees and other costs such as professional services, foreign registration costs, printing

and mailing costs and the Luxembourg “taxe d’abonnement”. The total expense ratio is annualised for share classes that have been in operation for less than 12 months. The total expense ratio does not include other investment related expenses, notably (but not limited to) taxes paid on investments and brokerage expenses. The total expense ratio is calculated in accordance with the applicable SFAMA guidelines.

�� This share class was launched during the period. � Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (18)

14 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;� ���2FW�����A4 USD 22 Dec 2015 1.3 29.9 10.4A7 USD 11 Feb 2016 1.3 30.1 10.5A7d USD 26 Jun 2020 1.3 30.1 10.5A7h-EUR�� EUR 22 Jun 2020 – – (0.3)A9 USD 04 Jun 2018 1.3 30.2 10.6B USD 30 Oct 2015 0.7 28.7 9.3Bd USD 30 Oct 2015 0.8 28.7 9.4Bdh-EUR�� EUR 04 Jan 2018 0.2 26.3 5.6Bgd USD 30 Oct 2015 0.7 28.7 9.3Bh-AUD�� AUD 20 Aug 2018 0.2 28.2 7.1Bh-CHF�� CHF 30 Oct 2015 0.1 25.5 7.4Bh-EUR�� EUR 30 Oct 2015 0.2 26.4 7.8Bh-GBP�� GBP 30 Oct 2015 1.0 27.1 8.5Bh-SGD�� SGD 30 Oct 2015 0.9 28.4 9.6C USD 30 Oct 2015 1.6 30.7 11.0Cad USD 20 Nov 2015 1.6 30.7 11.2Cadh-AUD�� AUD 20 Nov 2015 1.1 30.3 11.4Cd USD 14 Nov 2018 1.5 30.7 11.0Cdh-JPY�� JPY 14 Nov 2018 1.6 28.3 14.1Ch-CHF�� CHF 26 Oct 2017 0.9 27.5 7.6Ch-JPY�� JPY 27 Jul 2018 1.7 28.2 6.9Ch-NZD�� NZD 02 Aug 2019 1.4 – 11.5N USD 16 Feb 2016 0.4 27.9 8.7Ngd USD 28 Feb 2017 0.5 27.8 8.7Nh-EUR�� EUR 28 Feb 2017 (0.1) 25.5 8.2P USD 06 Jan 2020 1.2 29.9 10.3Ph-EUR�� EUR 18 Mar 2020 – – 37.5T USD 30 Oct 2015 0.6 28.3 9.1Tgd USD 30 Oct 2015 0.7 28.3 9.1Tgdh-EUR�� EUR 30 Oct 2015 0.1 26.0 7.5Th-EUR�� EUR 30 Oct 2015 0.1 26.0 7.5Z USD 30 Oct 2015 1.2 29.6 10.2Zd USD 30 Oct 2015 1.2 29.6 10.2Zdh-EUR�� EUR 03 Nov 2017 0.7 27.3 6.5Zgd USD 30 Oct 2015 1.1 29.6 10.2Zh-CHF�� CHF 30 Oct 2015 0.5 26.5 8.3Zh-EUR�� EUR 30 Oct 2015 0.6 27.3 8.7Zh-GBP�� GBP 30 Oct 2015 1.2 28.0 9.5Zh-SGD�� SGD 30 Oct 2015 1.3 29.5 10.3ZL USD 02 Dec 2015 1.2 29.9 10.4ZLd USD 02 Dec 2015 1.3 29.9 10.4ZLgd USD 02 Dec 2015 1.3 29.8 10.4ZLh-CHF�� CHF 02 Dec 2015 0.6 26.8 8.0ZLh-EUR�� EUR 02 Dec 2015 0.7 27.6 8.7ZLh-GBP�� GBP 02 Dec 2015 1.5 28.2 9.3

MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested�� (6.3) 26.6 7.5

As at 30 June 2020


Past results are no indication of future results.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (19)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 15





&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� ���'HF�����A4 EUR 7 Jul 2008 (4.4) 30.7 10.2B EUR 6 Oct 2000 (4.9) 29.4 9.2Bd EUR 31 Aug 2004 (4.9) 29.4 9.2C EUR 3 Oct 2000 (4.2) 31.4 10.9T EUR 15 Oct 2008 (5.0) 29.1 8.9Z EUR 25 Apr 2013 (4.5) 30.4 9.9Zd EUR 25 Apr 2013 (4.5) 30.4 9.9ZL EUR 24 Jan 2020 (4.4) 30.7 10.2ZLd EUR 24 Jan 2020 (4.4) 30.7 9.9

MSCI World Index with net dividends reinvested�� (5.8) 30.0 9.3

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH��/8;� ���6HS�����A7 USD 27 Sep 2019 (5.9) – 3.0B USD 27 Sep 2019 (6.5) – 2.1Bd USD 27 Sep 2019 (6.5) – 2.1C USD 27 Sep 2019 (5.7) – 3.3Cd USD 27 Sep 2019 (5.8) – 3.2T USD 27 Sep 2019 (6.6) – 1.9Tgd USD 27 Sep 2019 (6.6) – 1.9Z USD 27 Sep 2019 (6.1) – 2.7Zd USD 27 Sep 2019 (6.1) – 2.7Zgd USD 27 Sep 2019 (6.1) – 2.7ZL USD 14 Feb 2020 (5.9) – 3.0ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (6.0) – 2.9

MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested�� (6.3) – 2.3

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;� ��$XJ�����A4 USD 18 Jan 2019 (9.5) 23.5 4.3A7 USD 30 Apr 2019 (9.5) 23.6 4.4B USD 06 Aug 2013 (10.0) 22.1 3.2Bd USD 06 Aug 2013 (10.0) 22.1 3.2Bgd USD 06 Aug 2013 (10.1) 22.2 3.2C USD 06 Aug 2013 (9.4) 24.1 4.8Cad USD 15 Dec 2017 (9.3) 24.1 4.9T USD 06 Aug 2013 (10.1) 21.8 2.9Tgd USD 06 Aug 2013 (10.1) 21.8 2.9Z USD 06 Aug 2013 (9.7) 23.1 4.0Zd USD 06 Aug 2013 (9.7) 23.0 4.1Zgd USD 06 Aug 2013 (9.7) 23.0 4.1ZL USD 14 Feb 2020 (9.6) 23.5 4.3ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (9.6) 23.5 4.3

MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested�� (6.3) 26.6 7.0

Past results are no indication of future results.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (20)


16 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;� ��1RY�����B USD 07 Nov 2019 4.1 – 10.2C USD 08 May 2020 4.8 – 11.3Z USD 07 Nov 2019 4.3 – 10.6ZL USD 21 Feb 2020 4.6 – 10.9

MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested�� (6.3) – (2.2)

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;� ���2FW�����A4 USD 08 Jun 2018 (3.4) 27.8 8.9A7 USD 04 Aug 2017 (3.4) 27.9 9.0B USD 28 Oct 2016 (4.0) 26.4 7.7Bh-EUR�� EUR 19 Dec 2017 (5.0) 22.5 (0.6)C USD 27 Jan 2017 (3.1) 28.6 9.7Cad USD 19 Jan 2017 (3.0) 28.7 9.8Cadh-AUD�� AUD 19 Jan 2017 (5.0) 27.3 9.3Ch-JPY�� JPY 30 May 2017 (3.6) 25.1 5.0N USD 28 Oct 2016 (4.3) 25.6 7.0Z USD 28 Oct 2016 (3.6) 27.4 8.7Zd USD 28 Oct 2016 (3.6) 27.4 8.7Zgd USD 28 Oct 2016 (3.6) 27.4 8.7Zh-EUR�� EUR 18 Apr 2017 (4.6) 23.5 4.9ZL USD 07 Feb 2020 (3.4) 27.8 8.9ZLd USD 30 Jan 2020 (3.4) 27.8 8.9ZLgd USD 14 Feb 2020 (3.4) 27.8 8.9ZLh-EUR�� EUR 14 Feb 2020 – – (5.6)

MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested�� (6.3) 26.6 9.0MSCI Emerging Markets Index with net dividends reinvested�� (9.8) 18.4 5.1

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV*URZWK�)XQG��/8;� ���-XQ�����A7 USD 18 Jan 2019 (2.3) 24.9 8.9A9 USD 6 Jul 2018 (2.3) 24.8 8.9A11 USD 30 May 2018 (2.2) 24.8 8.9B USD 30 Jun 1999 (2.8) 23.3 7.9Bd USD 18 Feb 2008 (2.8) 23.3 7.9C USD 24 Nov 2000 (1.9) 25.6 9.8P USD 26 Nov 2018 (2.3) 24.5 8.9Pd USD 26 Nov 2018 (2.3) 24.5 8.9T USD 10 Jun 2010 (2.9) 23.0 7.6Z USD 14 Jan 2014 (2.4) 24.4 8.7Zd USD 19 Jul 2013 (2.4) 24.4 8.7ZL USD 24 Jan 2020 (2.2) 24.8 8.9ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (2.2) 24.8 8.9

MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Market Index with net dividends reinvested�� (10.1) 17.6 7.5

Past results are no indication of future results.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (21)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 17





&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� ���$SU�����A4 JPY 07 Jul 2008 (1.3) 20.6 2.2B JPY 20 Apr 2006 (1.8) 19.3 1.1Bd JPY 20 Apr 2006 (1.7) 19.2 1.1Bh-EUR�� EUR 10 Dec 2013 (2.6) 18.7 4.0Bh-USD�� USD 13 Nov 2014 (1.8) 22.1 4.9C JPY 20 Apr 2006 (1.0) 21.0 2.7Ch-GBP�� GBP 16 Feb 2015 (2.0) 21.5 5.1N JPY 24 Feb 2017 (2.1) 18.5 0.6Nh-EUR�� EUR 24 Feb 2017 (2.9) 17.8 2.4P JPY 14 Jan 2020 (1.2) 21.5 2.1Pd JPY 03 Feb 2020 (1.6) 21.5 2.1Pdh-EUR�� EUR 10 Feb 2020 – – (1.6)Pdh-GBP�� GBP 10 Feb 2020 – – (1.8)Pdh-USD�� USD 10 Feb 2020 – – (1.1)Ph-EUR�� EUR 21 Jan 2020 – – (2.6)Ph-GBP�� GBP 21 Jan 2020 – – (2.7)T JPY 15 Oct 2008 (1.9) 20.1 0.9Tgd JPY 27 Jun 2013 (1.9) 18.9 0.9Tgdh-EUR�� EUR 27 Jun 2013 (2.6) 18.4 5.8Th-EUR�� EUR 27 Jun 2013 (2.7) 18.4 5.8Z JPY 25 Apr 2013 (1.4) 20.1 1.9Zd JPY 25 Apr 2013 (1.4) 20.1 1.7Zgdh-GBP�� GBP 16 Jul 2013 (2.2) 20.6 5.9Zh-CHF�� CHF 06 Sep 2013 (2.2) 19.2 6.1Zh-EUR�� EUR 14 Jan 2014 (2.2) 19.5 4.6Zh-GBP�� GBP 28 Jun 2013 (2.2) 20.6 6.8Zh-USD�� USD 27 Dec 2013 (1.3) 23.0 5.8ZL JPY 24 Jan 2020 (1.3) 20.5 2.2ZLd JPY 30 Jan 2020 (1.3) 20.5 2.2ZLh-CHF�� CHF 30 Jan 2020 – – 0.3ZLh-EUR�� EUR 07 Feb 2020 – – (1.6)ZLh-USD�� USD 07 Feb 2020 – – (1.2)

TOPIX Total Return Index�� (8.2) 18.1 1.2

Past results are no indication of future results.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (22)


18 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;� ���2FW�����A4 EUR 14 Jan 2014 (17.5) 26.7 6.3B EUR 30 Oct 2002 (18.0) 25.4 5.4Bd EUR 31 Aug 2004 (17.9) 25.4 5.4Bgdm� EUR 6 Sep 2017 (18.0) 25.3 5.4Bgdmh-USD� ��� USD 6 Sep 2017 (15.6) 25.3 (0.9)Bh-USD�� USD 14 Apr 2015 (15.6) 25.4 0.3C EUR 29 Jul 2005 (17.3) 27.2 7.1N EUR 16 Feb 2016 (18.2) 24.5 4.7Ngd EUR 24 Feb 2017 (18.2) 24.5 4.7Nh-USD�� USD 16 Feb 2016 (15.9) 24.6 4.2P EUR 14 Jan 2020 (17.6) 26.5 6.4T EUR 27 Jun 2013 (18.0) 25.0 5.1Tgd EUR 27 Jun 2013 (18.0) 25.1 5.1Z EUR 25 Apr 2013 (17.6) 26.3 6.2Zd EUR 25 Apr 2013 (17.6) 26.3 6.2Zgdh-GBP�� GBP 14 Apr 2015 (16.2) 24.0 (0.1)Zh-GBP�� GBP 14 Apr 2015 (16.2) 24.0 (0.3)Zh-USD�� USD 14 Apr 2015 (15.3) 25.5 1.1ZL EUR 14 Feb 2020 (17.5) 26.7 6.3ZLd EUR 30 Jan 2020 (17.5) 26.7 6.3ZLh-GBP�� GBP 7 Feb 2020 – – (17.9)

MSCI Europe Index with net dividends reinvested�� (12.8) 26.0 5.7

&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;� ���-XQ�����A4 USD 8 Jan 2019 1.8 26.3 12.1A7 USD 20 Aug 2018 1.8 26.4 12.1B USD 16 Jun 2017 1.2 24.9 10.8Bh-EUR�� EUR 16 Jun 2017 0.4 21.2 7.9C USD 15 Dec 2017 2.0 26.7 12.5N USD 16 Jun 2017 0.8 24.1 10.1Nh-EUR�� EUR 16 Jun 2017 0.0 20.4 7.2Z USD 16 Jun 2017 1.7 25.8 11.7Zgd USD 16 Jun 2017 1.6 25.9 11.7Zh-CHF�� CHF 16 Jun 2017 0.8 21.9 8.5Zh-EUR�� EUR 16 Jun 2017 0.7 22.2 8.8Zh-GBP�� GBP 16 Jun 2017 0.2 23.6 9.5ZL USD 30 Jan 2020 1.7 26.0 11.9ZLgd USD 21 Feb 2020 1.7 26.0 11.9ZLh-CHF�� CHF 14 Feb 2020 – – (3.8)

S&P 500 Net Total Return Index�� (3.4) 30.7 9.8

Past results are no indication of future results.

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (23)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 19





&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;� ���-XQ�����A4 USD 17 Jun 2016 (3.7) 24.0 9.1A7 USD 4 Aug 2017 (3.7) 24.1 9.2B USD 17 Jun 2016 (4.3) 22.5 7.9Bd USD 17 Jun 2016 (4.2) 22.4 7.9Bh-EUR�� EUR 17 Jun 2016 (5.0) 18.8 5.3C USD 17 Jun 2016 (3.5) 24.3 9.5N USD 15 Sep 2016 (4.6) 21.7 7.2Nd USD 29 Sep 2016 (4.6) 21.7 7.2Ngdh-EUR�� EUR 28 Feb 2017 (5.4) 18.1 2.5Nh-EUR�� EUR 28 Feb 2017 (5.5) 18.1 2.5Pgd USD 14 Jan 2020 (3.9) 23.6 8.9Pgdh-GBP�� GBP 21 Jan 2020 – – (7.0)T USD 17 Jun 2016 (4.4) 22.2 7.6Tgd USD 17 Jun 2016 (4.4) 22.1 7.6Tgdh-EUR�� EUR 17 Jun 2016 (5.2) 18.6 5.0Th-EUR�� EUR 17 Jun 2016 (5.3) 18.6 5.0Z USD 17 Jun 2016 (3.9) 23.5 8.8Zd USD 17 Jun 2016 (3.9) 23.5 8.8Zdh-GBP�� GBP 17 Jun 2016 (5.2) 21.2 6.9Zgd USD 17 Jun 2016 (3.9) 23.5 8.8Zgdh-GBP�� GBP 17 Jun 2016 (5.1) 21.1 7.0Zh-CHF�� CHF 7 Aug 2017 (4.7) 19.5 3.3Zh-EUR�� EUR 17 Jun 2016 (4.7) 19.9 6.2ZL USD 30 Jan 2020 (3.8) 23.7 9.0ZLd USD 27 Jun 2016 (3.8) 23.6 8.9ZLgd USD 20 Jun 2016 (3.8) 23.6 8.9ZLgdh-GBP�� GBP 20 Jun 2016 (5.1) 21.3 6.8ZLh-CHF�� CHF 7 Feb 2020 – – (6.2)

S&P 500 Net Total Return Index�� (3.4) 30.7 12.1

Past results are no indication of future results.

Footnotes are on page 29

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (24)


20 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;� ���6HS�����A4 USD 8 Jan 2019 (7.7) 16.7 0.5B USD 21 Sep 2018 (8.2) 15.3 (0.5)Bd USD 21 Sep 2018 (8.2) 15.3 (0.5)Bdh-GBP�� GBP 21 Sep 2018 (9.4) 13.3 (2.6)Bfdm� USD 1 Apr 2019 (8.2) 15.1 (0.5)Bfdmh-AUD� ��� AUD 1 Apr 2019 (9.6) – (3.7)Bfdmh-CNH� ��� CNH 1 Apr 2019 (7.9) – (1.3)Bfdmh-EUR� ��� EUR 1 Apr 2019 (9.2) – (4.4)Bfdmh-GBP� ��� GBP 1 Apr 2019 (9.4) – (4.0)Bfdmh-SGD� ��� SGD 1 Apr 2019 (8.7) – (2.7)Bh-EUR�� EUR 4 Jun 2020 – – (1.2)Bh-GBP�� GBP 19 May 2020 – – 4.5C USD 21 Sep 2018 (7.5) 17.0 1.0Cd USD 21 Sep 2018 (7.5) 17.1 1.0N USD 21 Sep 2018 (8.5) 14.5 (1.1)Nd USD 21 Sep 2018 (8.5) 14.5 (1.1)T USD 21 Sep 2018 (8.3) 15.0 (0.7)Td USD 21 Sep 2018 (8.3) 15.0 (0.7)Z USD 21 Sep 2018 (7.8) 16.1 0.3Zd USD 21 Sep 2018 (7.8) 16.0 0.3Zdh-EUR�� EUR 21 Sep 2018 (8.9) 12.7 (2.6)Zdh-GBP�� GBP 21 Sep 2018 (9.1) 14.0 (1.9)Zh-EUR�� EUR 4 Jun 2020 – – (1.3)Zh-GBP�� GBP 4 Jun 2020 – – (1.4)ZL USD 30 Jan 2020 (7.8) 16.3 0.5ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (7.7) 16.3 0.5

70% MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested / 30% Bloomberg Barlcays US Aggregate Index�� (2.3) 21.2 4.4

Past results are no indication of future results.

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (25)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 21

Footnotes are on page 29.





&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;� ���-DQ�����A4 USD 11 Jan 2019 (1.4) 18.7 5.6A7 USD 23 Jan 2018 (1.4) 18.8 5.7A7d USD 3 Jun 2020 (1.4) 18.8 5.7B USD 31 Jan 2014 (1.9) 17.4 4.5Bd USD 31 Jan 2014 (1.9) 17.5 4.5Bdh-EUR�� EUR 31 Jan 2014 (2.3) 15.4 4.7Bh-EUR�� EUR 31 Jan 2014 (2.3) 15.4 4.7C USD 31 Jan 2014 (1.2) 19.2 6.2Ch-JPY�� JPY 16 Dec 2015 (1.3) 16.9 6.5N USD 24 Feb 2017 (2.2) 16.7 3.8Nh-EUR�� EUR 24 Feb 2017 (2.6) 14.6 2.9P USD 7 May 2020 (0.6) 18.6 5.7T USD 31 Jan 2014 (2.0) 17.1 4.3Tgd USD 31 Jan 2014 (2.1) 17.2 4.3Tgdh-EUR�� EUR 31 Jan 2014 (2.4) 15.1 4.4Th-EUR�� EUR 31 Jan 2014 (2.4) 15.1 4.4Z USD 31 Jan 2014 (1.5) 18.2 5.4Zd USD 9 Dec 2014 (1.6) 18.4 5.4Zgd USD 31 Jan 2014 (1.6) 18.3 5.4Zh-EUR�� EUR 22 May 2017 (2.0) 16.3 3.9ZL USD 24 Jan 2020 (1.4) 18.9 5.8ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (1.4) 18.9 5.8ZLh-EUR�� EUR 07 Feb 2020 – – (2.9)

60% MSCI All Country World Index with net dividends reinvested / 40% Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Total Return�� (2.3) 18.6 5.1

Past results are no indication of future results.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (26)


22 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� ���0D\�����A4 USD 31 May 2011 (5.8) 16.5 2.6A7 USD 27 Jan 2011 (5.7) 16.7 2.6A7d USD 5 Dec 2012 (5.7) 16.6 2.6A7dh-GBP�� GBP 31 Oct 2013 (3.0) 13.4 2.8A7h-GBP�� GBP 23 Feb 2012 (2.9) 13.4 2.7A9 USD 22 Oct 2014 (5.7) 16.8 2.8A9d USD 24 Jun 2014 (5.7) 17.0 2.8A9dh-GBP�� GBP 24 Jun 2014 (2.9) 13.5 3.0A9h-GBP�� GBP 30 May 2017 (2.9) 13.6 1.7B USD 8 Jun 2009 (6.2) 15.4 1.7Bd USD 10 Nov 2010 (6.2) 15.5 1.7Bgd USD 1 Feb 2013 (6.2) 15.4 1.7Bh-CHF�� CHF 14 Jul 2011 (7.7) 12.6 0.3Bh-EUR�� EUR 7 Aug 2012 (6.7) 14.9 0.7C USD 1 Feb 2008 (5.4) 17.5 3.5Cad USD 15 May 2017 (5.3) 17.6 3.5Cdh-GBP�� GBP 12 Dec 2011 (2.6) 13.0 4.2Cdm� USD 14 Dec 2018 (5.4) 17.6 3.5Cdmh-JPY� ��� JPY 14 Dec 2018 (6.0) 14.1 4.5Ch-CHF�� CHF 8 May 2018 (6.9) 14.6 (1.2)Ch-GBP�� GBP 7 Apr 2011 (2.7) 14.3 3.3N USD 28 Feb 2017 (6.5) 14.7 1.0Ngd USD 28 Feb 2017 (6.6) 14.7 1.0Ngdh-EUR�� EUR 28 Feb 2017 (7.0) 14.2 (0.9)Nh-EUR�� EUR 28 Feb 2017 (7.1) 14.2 (0.9)P USD 18 Jul 2018 (5.7) 16.6 2.6Pd USD 15 Feb 2019 (5.8) 16.5 2.6Ph-EUR�� EUR 15 Feb 2019 (6.3) – 2.2Ph-GBP�� GBP 15 Feb 2019 (2.9) – 3.9T USD 10 Jun 2010 (6.3) 15.1 1.4Tgd USD 20 Aug 2013 (6.3) 15.1 1.4Tgdh-EUR�� EUR 16 Aug 2013 (6.8) 14.6 1.0Tgdm� USD 20 Aug 2013 (6.4) 15.1 1.4Th-EUR�� EUR 16 Aug 2013 (6.9) 14.7 1.0Z USD 6 Dec 2012 (5.8) 16.5 2.5Zd USD 25 Apr 2013 (5.7) 16.4 2.5Zdh-GBP�� GBP 19 Feb 2013 (3.1) 13.2 1.7Zgd USD 9 Oct 2012 (5.8) 16.5 2.5Zgdh-GBP�� GBP 9 Oct 2012 (3.1) 13.3 2.7Zh-CHF�� CHF 3 Apr 2018 (7.3) 13.6 (2.1)Zh-EUR�� EUR 8 Jul 2013 (6.3) 16.0 2.3Zh-GBP�� GBP 14 Jan 2014 (3.1) 13.2 3.3ZL USD 14 Feb 2020 (5.7) 16.8 2.7ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (5.6) 16.8 2.7ZLh-CHF�� CHF 14 Feb 2020 – – (9.2)ZLh-EUR�� EUR 7 Feb 2020 – – (8.0)ZLh-GBP�� GBP 7 Feb 2020 – – (5.0)

MSCI Emerging Markets Investable Market Index with netdividends reinvested�� (10.1) 17.6 1.5-30�*RYHUQPHQW�%RQG�,QGH[�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*OREDO�'LYHUVLÀHG�7RWDO�5HWXUQ�� (6.9) 13.5 2.6JPM Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Total Return�� (1.9) 14.4 6.2

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Past results are no indication of future results.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (27)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 23

Footnotes are on page 29.





&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� ��$SU�����A4 USD 7 Jul 2008 3.2 7.2 4.1A7 USD 2 Jun 2017 3.2 7.2 4.1B USD 2 Nov 2001 2.9 6.4 3.4Bd USD 31 Aug 2004 2.9 6.4 3.3C USD 2 Aug 2000 3.4 7.5 4.5Cd USD 19 Sep 2006 3.4 7.5 4.5Cdh-EUR�� EUR 16 Jan 2013 3.0 6.1 2.5Ch-CHF�� CHF 26 Oct 2017 2.7 5.3 2.5Ch-JPY�� JPY 16 Dec 2015 2.9 5.8 2.4Ch-USD�� USD 6 Apr 2016 4.1 8.8 4.0T USD 15 Oct 2008 2.8 6.2 3.2Z USD 25 Apr 2013 3.1 6.9 3.9Zd USD 26 Jul 2013 3.1 6.9 3.9Zh-EUR�� EUR 18 Jun 2019 2.8 – 3.4Zh-USD�� USD 22 Oct 2019 3.9 – 3.7ZL USD 30 Jan 2020 3.2 7.1 4.1ZLd USD 30 Jan 2020 3.2 7.1 4.1

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Bond Total Return�� 3.0 6.8 4.6

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� ���2FW�����A4 USD 11 Jan 2019 3.2 5.7 3.2A7h-GBP�� GBP 07 Jun 2018 2.8 3.7 3.7C USD 13 Oct 2016 3.5 5.9 3.5Ch-JPY�� JPY 06 Oct 2017 2.5 2.8 1.6Z USD 13 Oct 2016 3.1 5.4 2.9ZL USD 21 Feb 2020 3.2 5.7 3.1

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate 1-7 Years Custom hedged to USD�� 2.8 5.5 3.1

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� ���2FW�����A4 EUR 7 Jul 2008 0.2 7.5 4.3B EUR 31 Oct 2003 (0.2) 6.6 3.5Bd EUR 31 Aug 2004 (0.1) 6.7 3.4C EUR 31 Oct 2003 0.3 7.7 4.6Ch-CHF�� CHF 26 Oct 2017 0.1 7.2 2.6Ch-USD�� USD 22 Mar 2019 1.2 – 6.3N EUR 24 Feb 2017 (0.5) 6.2 3.0P EUR 14 Jan 2020 0.1 7.3 4.1T EUR 15 Oct 2008 (0.3) 6.5 3.3Z EUR 25 Apr 2013 0.1 7.2 4.0Zd EUR 25 Apr 2013 0.1 7.2 4.0Zh-USD�� USD 22 Oct 2019 0.9 – 0.2ZL EUR 14 Feb 2020 0.2 7.4 4.3ZLd EUR 24 Jan 2020 0.1 7.4 4.3

Bloomberg Barclays Euro Aggregate Bond Total Return�� 1.2 6.0 4.2

Past results are no indication of future results.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (28)


24 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Past results are no indication of future results.





&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� ���)HE�����A11h-EUR�� EUR 13 Feb 2018 4.9 10.6 5.5B USD 13 Feb 2018 5.7 13.1 7.6Bh-EUR�� EUR 26 Jun 2020 – – 0.0C USD 28 Aug 2018 6.2 14.2 8.7Cadmh-AUD� ��� AUD 23 Oct 2018 5.4 13.2 11.4Ch-CHF�� CHF 24 Apr 2020 – – 3.6Ch-GBP�� GBP 30 Nov 2018 5.2 12.2 11.7Z USD 13 Feb 2018 5.9 13.6 8.1Zd USD 13 Feb 2018 5.9 13.6 8.1Zdh-EUR�� EUR 24 Apr 2020 – – 3.5Zgd USD 13 Feb 2018 6.0 13.6 8.1Zgdh-GBP�� GBP 11 Jun 2018 5.1 11.5 8.1Zh-CHF�� CHF 18 Jun 2020 – – 0.0Zh-EUR�� EUR 18 Jun 2019 4.8 – 7.8ZL USD 30 Jan 2020 6.0 13.8 8.3ZLd USD 14 Feb 2020 6.0 13.8 8.3ZLdh-GBP�� GBP 20 Nov 2018 5.0 11.8 11.1

Bloomberg Barclays Global Aggregate Corporate Total Return Hedged to USD�� 3.5 12.5 7.0

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� ���6HS�����A4 EUR 8 Jan 2019 (1.4) 7.8 3.8B EUR 16 Sep 2010 (1.8) 7.1 3.0Bd EUR 16 Sep 2010 (1.8) 7.0 3.0C EUR 16 Sep 2010 (1.3) 8.1 4.2Ch-USD�� USD 22 Mar 2019 (0.5) – 4.8N EUR 24 Feb 2017 (2.1) 6.5 2.5T EUR 27 Jun 2013 (1.9) 6.9 2.9Z EUR 25 Apr 2013 (1.6) 7.6 3.6Zd EUR 26 Jul 2013 (1.6) 7.6 3.6Zh-USD�� USD 22 Oct 2019 (0.7) – (0.1)ZL EUR 24 Jan 2020 (1.5) 7.7 3.8

Bloomberg Barclays Euro Aggregate Corporate Total Return Index�� (1.2) 6.2 3.5

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (29)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 25





&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� ���0DU�����A4 USD 15 Jan 2019 9.1 13.9 7.9A7 USD 30 Apr 2019 9.1 13.9 7.9B USD 21 Mar 2017 8.7 13.0 7.0Bd USD 29 Jun 2020 8.7 13.0 7.0Bh-EUR�� EUR 12 Jun 2020 – – 1.0C USD 22 Mar 2019 9.3 14.2 8.2Cdh-JPY�� JPY 03 Jan 2020 – – 7.1N USD 21 Mar 2017 8.5 12.5 6.5Nh-EUR�� EUR 12 Jun 2020 – – 0.9Z USD 21 Mar 2017 9.0 13.6 7.6Zd USD 21 Mar 2017 9.0 13.6 7.6Zdh-GBP�� GBP 27 May 2020 – – 2.2Zgd USD 21 Mar 2017 9.0 13.6 7.6Zh-EUR�� EUR 26 Jun 2020 – – 0.1Zh-SGD�� SGD 21 Jun 2019 8.6 – 12.7ZL USD 07 Feb 2020 9.0 13.8 7.8ZLd USD 07 Feb 2020 9.0 13.8 7.8

Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate Index�� 5.0 14.5 6.7

Footnotes are on page 29.

Past results are no indication of future results.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (30)


26 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 29.





&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� ��0D\�����A4 USD 07 Jul 2008 (2.3) 13.0 7.7A7 USD 10 Apr 2014 (2.2) 13.1 7.9A7d USD 07 Jun 2018 (2.2) 13.2 7.9A9 USD 01 Feb 2019 (2.2) 13.3 7.9B USD 15 Jan 2001 (2.8) 11.8 6.8Bd USD 31 Aug 2004 (2.8) 11.9 6.8Bdh-EUR�� EUR 07 Aug 2012 (3.8) 8.5 1.6Bdh-GBP�� GBP 07 Aug 2009 (3.8) 9.8 4.4Bfdm� USD 05 May 2017 (2.8) 11.8 6.8Bfdmh-AUD� ��� AUD 19 Jun 2018 (3.7) 10.7 2.8Bfdmh-CNH� ��� CNH 01 Apr 2019 (2.4) – 2.4Bfdmh-EUR� ��� EUR 19 Jun 2018 (3.8) 8.5 1.0Bfdmh-GBP� ��� GBP 19 Jun 2018 (3.7) 9.8 2.0Bfdmh-SGD� ��� SGD 23 Oct 2017 (3.2) 11.0 1.2Bgd USD 01 Feb 2013 (2.8) 11.8 6.8Bgdh-GBP�� GBP 29 Apr 2013 (3.8) 9.8 1.2Bh-EUR�� EUR 11 Apr 2011 (3.8) 8.5 2.0Bh-GBP�� GBP 11 Aug 2011 (3.8) 9.8 3.0Bh-SGD�� SGD 19 Jun 2018 (3.2) 11.0 3.0C USD 07 May 1999 (2.1) 13.5 8.4Cadmh-AUD� ��� AUD 23 Oct 2018 (2.9) 12.4 4.5Cd USD 19 Sep 2006 (2.1) 13.5 8.4Ch-CHF�� CHF 08 May 2018 (3.2) 9.7 1.5Ch-JPY�� JPY 16 Dec 2015 (2.9) 10.3 5.9N USD 29 Sep 2016 (3.1) 11.1 6.1Nd USD 15 Sep 2016 (3.1) 11.1 6.1Ngd USD 24 Feb 2017 (3.1) 11.1 6.1Ngdh-EUR�� EUR 24 Feb 2017 (4.1) 7.8 (0.1)Nh-EUR�� EUR 24 Feb 2017 (4.1) 7.8 (0.2)Pgd USD 22 Jan 2020 (2.4) 12.8 7.8Pgdh-GBP�� GBP 22 Jan 2020 – – (4.2)Ph-EUR�� EUR 09 Apr 2020 – – 8.6Ph-GBP�� GBP 15 May 2020 – – 6.7T USD 01 Apr 2009 (2.9) 11.5 6.5Tfdm� USD 01 Apr 2009 (2.9) 11.5 6.5Tgd USD 27 Jun 2013 (2.9) 11.5 6.5Tgdh-EUR�� EUR 27 Jun 2013 (3.9) 8.2 1.4Th-EUR�� EUR 27 Jun 2013 (3.9) 8.3 1.3Z USD 14 Nov 2012 (2.4) 12.7 7.6Zd USD 23 Oct 2012 (2.4) 12.7 7.6Zdh-EUR�� EUR 22 Dec 2017 (3.4) 9.3 0.5Zdh-GBP�� GBP 14 Nov 2012 (3.4) 10.6 2.9Zdm USD 27 Feb 2020 (2.4) 12.7 7.6Zfdmh-SGD� ��� SGD 05 May 2017 (2.9) 11.8 2.8Zgd USD 21 Aug 2012 (2.4) 12.6 7.6Zgdh-GBP�� GBP 21 Aug 2012 (3.4) 10.6 3.2Zh-CHF�� CHF 29 Nov 2017 (3.6) 8.9 (0.3)Zh-EUR�� EUR 27 Mar 2013 (3.5) 9.3 1.5

Past results are no indication of future results.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (31)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 27





Zh-GBP�� GBP 14 Nov 2012 (3.4) 10.6 2.9ZL USD 30 Jan 2020 (2.3) 13.0 7.7ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (2.3) 13.0 7.7ZLdh-EUR�� EUR 21 Feb 2020 – – (4.6)ZLh-CHF�� CHF 30 Jan 2020 – – (3.7)ZLh-EUR�� EUR 07 Feb 2020 – – (4.0)ZLh-GBP�� GBP 14 Feb 2020 – – (4.7)

50% Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped Index, 20% JPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index Global Total Return, 20% JPMorgan Government Bond Index- (PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*OREDO�'LYHUVLÀHG�7RWDO�5HWXUQ������-30RUJDQ &RUSRUDWH�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�%RQG�%URDG�'LYHUVLÀHG�,QGH[�� (3.7) 14.1 7.3

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;� ���2FW�����A4 USD 18 Jan 2019 (4.6) 12.9 1.9A4h-CHF�� CHF 04 Apr 2019 (5.6) - (3.2)B USD 30 Oct 2017 (5.1) 11.7 0.9C USD 30 Nov 2018 (4.4) 13.2 2.3N USD 30 Oct 2017 (5.5) 11.0 0.1Z USD 30 Oct 2017 (4.7) 12.5 1.6Zd USD 30 Oct 2017 (4.8) 12.5 1.6Zgd USD 30 Oct 2017 (4.8) 12.6 1.6Zgdh-GBP�� GBP 11 Jun 2018 (5.6) 10.4 0.0ZL USD 24 Jan 2020 (4.6) 12.8 1.8ZLd USD 14 Feb 2020 (4.7) 12.8 1.8

Bloomberg Barclays US Corporate High Yield 2% Issuer Capped�� (3.8) 14.3 2.8

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� ���0D\�����A4 USD 6 Nov 2012 (3.2) 13.9 4.2A4h-EUR�� EUR 30 Jun 2016 (3.7) 13.4 2.5A7 USD 29 May 2013 (3.1) 13.9 4.3A13 USD 14 Oct 2015 (3.1) 14.2 4.5A15 USD 21 Dec 2017 (3.1) 14.1 4.6B USD 8 Jun 2009 (3.7) 12.7 3.2Bd USD 10 Nov 2010 (3.7) 12.7 3.2C USD 28 Mar 2008 (3.0) 14.3 4.3T USD 10 Jun 2010 (3.8) 12.4 2.9Tfdm� USD 1 Jun 2011 (3.8) 12.3 2.9Tgdh-EUR�� EUR 27 Jun 2013 (4.3) 11.8 1.6Z USD 25 Apr 2013 (3.3) 13.5 4.0Zd USD 19 Jul 2013 (3.3) 13.5 4.0Zh-EUR�� EUR 3 Jun 2020 – – (0.1)ZL USD 7 Feb 2020 (3.2) 13.8 4.2ZLd USD 24 Jan 2020 (3.2) 13.8 4.2

50% JPMorgan Emerging Markets Bond Index *OREDO�'LYHUVLÀHG�����-30RUJDQ�*RYHUQPHQW %RQG�,QGH[�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*OREDO�'LYHUVLÀHG Total Return�� (4.8) 14.3 4.9

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Footnotes are on page 29.

Past results are no indication of future results.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (32)


28 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� ���0D\�����A4 USD 18 Jan 2019 (6.7) 14.2 1.4A7 USD 1 Feb 2019 (6.7) 14.4 1.4A9 USD 3 Oct 2017 (6.7) 14.2 1.4A11d USD 10 Feb 2020 (6.7) 14.2 1.4A13 USD 26 Oct 2018 (6.7) 14.3 1.5B USD 10 Aug 2010 (7.3) 12.8 0.3Bd USD 10 Aug 2010 (7.2) 12.7 0.3C USD 10 Aug 2010 (6.5) 14.5 1.9N USD 28 Feb 2017 (7.5) 12.0 (0.3)Ngd USD 28 Feb 2017 (7.5) 12.1 (0.3)T USD 27 Jun 2013 (7.3) 12.6 0.1Tgd USD 27 Jun 2013 (7.4) 12.6 0.1Z USD 25 Apr 2013 (6.9) 13.7 1.1Zd USD 9 Feb 2015 (6.9) 13.6 1.1ZL USD 30 Jan 2020 (6.7) 13.9 1.3ZLd USD 14 Feb 2020 (6.7) 13.9 1.3

JPMorgan Government Bond Index-Emerging Markets Global 'LYHUVLÀHG�� (6.9) 13.5 1.0

Footnotes are on page 29.

Past results are no indication of future results.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (33)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 29

:K\�GR�GLIIHUHQW�VKDUH�FODVVHV�KDYH�GLIIHUHQW�UHWXUQV"Each share class is designed to support the needs of different investor types and has a different total expense ratio that affects the investment returns for that share class. For example:��Class A4, A7, A9, A11, A13, A15 & C shares and their equivalent classes, where available, are only available to

institutional investors who qualify for the reduced Luxembourg tax of 0.01% (rather than 0.05%).��Class B, N, P, T, Z and ZL shares and their equivalent classes, where available, are primarily designed for distribution to

individual investors. The management fee for class B, N, T shares and their equivalent classes, where available, is higher than for the other share classes to allow for compensation to distributors and other intermediaries for day-to-day services to investors or similar services in relation to investments made with their assistance.

��The management fee for class C shares and its equivalent classes, where available, is charged to shareholders outside the IXQG�E\�VSHFLÀF�VHSDUDWH�DJUHHPHQW��$FWXDO�UHWXUQV�WR�VKDUHKROGHUV�RI�FODVV�&�DQG�LWV�HTXLYDOHQW�FODVVHV��ZKHUH�DYDLODEOH��will be lower than those published.

��In addition, the returns of hedged equivalent classes and dividend distributing hedged equivalent classes are impacted by WKH�SDVVLYH�FXUUHQF\�KHGJLQJ�RYHUOD\�SURJUDPPH��VHH�QRWH���WR�WKH�ÀQDQFLDO�VWDWHPHQWV��


�� Investment results are shown in the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation. Lifetime returns are from launch date to 30 June 2020.�� Shown for indicative purposes only.�� Lifetime returns that relate to a period of less than a year are not annualised.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (34)

30 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Net asset value per share and total net assets

Historical data

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$15.86 US$15.65 US$12.05Class A7 15.94 15.73 12.09Class A7d 15.94 – –Class A7h-EUR 15.93 – –Class A9 15.95 15.74 12.09Class B 15.17 15.06 11.70Class Bd 15.18 15.06 11.70Class Bdh-EUR 13.73 13.67 11.06Class Bgd 14.25 14.23 11.21Class Bh-AUD 14.17 14.38 11.25Class Bh-CHF 14.54 14.22 11.15Class Bh-EUR 14.46 14.40 11.65Class Bh-GBP 11.78 12.47 9.45Class Bh-SGD 15.40 15.82 12.15Class C 16.31 16.06 12.29Class Cad 15.48 15.36 11.91Class Cadh-AUD 14.10 14.29 11.00Class Cd 16.10 16.05 12.30Class Cdh-JPY 16.47 16.30 12.63Class Ch-CHF 16.26 15.78 12.19Class Ch-JPY 16.41 16.04 12.41Class Ch-NZD 15.95 16.41 –Class N 14.74 14.68 11.48Class Ngd 14.10 14.12 11.20Class Nh-EUR 14.43 14.42 11.74Class P 15.86 – –Class Ph-EUR 16.10 – –Class T 14.99 14.90 11.61Class Tgd 14.09 14.08 11.13Class Tgdh-EUR 13.40 13.45 11.05Class Th-EUR 14.28 14.24 11.55Class Z 15.76 15.58 12.02Class Zd 15.39 15.29 11.87Class Zdh-EUR 14.39 14.35 11.59Class Zgd 14.82 14.74 11.53Class Zh-CHF 15.09 14.71 11.45Class Zh-EUR 15.01 14.89 11.95Class Zh-GBP 12.28 12.97 9.76Class Zh-SGD 15.91 16.27 12.40Class ZL 15.86 15.67 12.06Class ZLd 15.41 15.32 11.89Class ZLgd 14.91 14.81 11.57Class ZLh-CHF 15.58 15.17 11.78Class ZLh-EUR 15.53 15.40 12.33Class ZLh-GBP 12.57 13.25 9.94

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86���������� 86���������� 86����������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (35)

Historical data

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 31

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 € 31.52 € 32.96 €25.21Class B 27.03 28.41 21.96Class Bd 25.60 26.92 20.82Class C 36.60 38.19 29.07Class T 26.27 27.65 21.42Class Z 30.45 31.89 24.46Class Zd 26.56 28.02 21.68Class ZL 31.51 – –Class ZLd 31.51 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� Ą������� Ą������� Ą�������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH��/8;�Class A7 US$10.30 US$10.95 –Class B 10.21 10.92 –Class Bd 10.21 10.92 –Class C 10.33 10.96 –Class Cd 10.28 10.96 –Class T 10.19 10.91 –Class Tgd 10.08 10.91 –Class Z 10.27 10.94 –Class Zd 10.25 10.94 –Class Zgd 10.16 10.94 –Class ZL 10.30 – –Class ZLd 10.29 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;�Class A4 US$17.57 US$19.42 –Class A7 17.59 19.44 –Class B 16.53 18.37 US$15.04Class Bd 14.85 16.60 13.81Class Bgd 13.23 14.93 12.62Class C 18.42 20.32 16.38Class Cad 16.97 19.13 15.93Class T 16.24 18.07 14.83Class Tgd 13.02 14.70 12.46Class Z 17.48 19.36 15.73Class Zd 14.89 16.65 13.85Class Zgd 14.02 15.75 13.22Class ZL 17.56 – –Class ZLd 17.45 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86��������


Class B US$11.01 US$10.59 –Class C 11.08 – –Class Z 11.05 10.60 –Class ZL 11.07 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86������� 86������� –


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (36)

Historical data

32 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$13.68 US$14.16 US$11.08Class A7 13.70 14.18 11.09Class B 13.13 13.68 10.82Class Bh-EUR 11.56 12.15 10.13Class C 14.00 14.45 11.24Class Cad 13.31 13.86 10.93Class Cadh-AUD 11.35 12.28 9.68Class Ch-JPY 13.40 13.81 10.95Class N 12.82 13.40 10.67Class Z 13.58 14.08 11.05Class Zd 13.26 13.85 10.99Class Zgd 12.76 13.33 10.65Class Zh-EUR 13.00 13.60 11.25Class ZL 13.68 – –Class ZLd 13.68 – –Class ZLgd 13.65 – –Class ZLh-EUR 14.07 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86��������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;�Class A7 US$115.58 US$118.32 –Class A9 132.76 135.82 –Class A11 132.90 135.92 –Class B 105.77 108.83 –Class Bd 100.47 103.37 –Class C 152.58 155.59 –Class P 115.55 118.28 –Class Pd 114.35 117.40 –Class T 103.19 106.27 –Class Z 115.35 118.17 –Class Zd 101.78 104.56 –Class ZL 132.88 – –Class ZLd 132.88 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (37)

Historical data

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 33

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����


Class A4 ¥1,954.11 ¥1,981.66 ¥1,643.73Class B 1,700.45 1,733.08 1,453.49Class Bd 1,690.74 1,723.19 1,445.18Class Bh-EUR 1,369.57 1,419.03 1,240.81Class Bh-USD 1,645.07 1,699.37 1,411.81Class C 2,131.92 2,156.37 1,781.56Class Ch-GBP 1,513.24 1,652.59 1,335.18Class N 1,627.03 1,663.72 1,404.42Class Nh-EUR 1,607.64 1,670.97 1,472.44Class P 1,869.19 – –Class Pd 1,869.20 – –Class Pdh-EUR 1,879.09 – –Class Pdh-GBP 1,748.84 – –Class Pdh-USD 1,835.43 – –Class Ph-EUR 1,847.59 – –Class Ph-GBP 1,730.23 – –Class T 1,650.00 1,683.79 1,415.68Class Tgd 1,480.01 1,522.12 1,300.24Class Tgdh-EUR 1,304.74 1,363.80 1,215.74Class Th-EUR 1,459.28 1,513.62 1,328.45Class Z 1,867.78 1,896.38 1,578.56Class Zd 1,747.26 1,784.36 1,496.18Class Zgdh-GBP 1,380.89 1,523.95 1,260.36Class Zh-CHF 1,837.36 1,853.00 1,555.83Class Zh-EUR 1,498.11 1,545.97 1,343.41Class Zh-GBP 1,568.57 1,717.46 1,396.94Class Zh-USD 1,952.75 2,008.30 1,656.07Class ZL 1,954.24 – –Class ZLd 1,954.25 – –Class ZLh-CHF 1,969.21 – –Class ZLh-EUR 1,957.74 – –Class ZLh-USD 1,917.97 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� ����������� ����������� �����������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (38)

Historical data

34 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 €28.53 €34.58 €27.30Class B 25.23 30.75 24.53Class Bd 20.14 24.99 20.34Class Bgdm� 23.10 28.53 23.64Class Bgdmh-USD� 25.66 30.86 25.04Class Bh-USD 28.19 33.46 26.13Class C 32.54 39.37 30.94Class N 24.37 29.80 23.93Class Ngd 21.94 27.14 22.63Class Nh-USD 27.57 32.83 25.81Class P 28.19 – –Class T 24.82 30.28 24.22Class Tgd 19.39 23.94 19.88Class Z 28.17 34.20 27.08Class Zd 20.52 25.54 20.81Class Zgdh-GBP 21.04 27.19 21.45Class Zh-GBP 24.54 31.35 23.82Class Zh-USD 31.44 37.19 29.00Class ZL 28.52 – –Class ZLd 28.52 – –Class ZLh-GBP 27.20 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� Ą������� Ą������� Ą�������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$14.08 US$13.83 –Class A7 14.09 13.84 US$10.95Class B 13.65 13.49 10.80Class Bh-EUR 12.64 12.58 10.60Class C 14.26 13.98 11.03Class N 13.38 13.27 10.69Class Nh-EUR 12.39 12.38 10.50Class Z 14.01 13.78 10.95Class Zgd 13.62 13.47 10.82Class Zh-CHF 13.16 12.79 10.33Class Zh-EUR 12.97 12.86 10.74Class Zh-GBP 12.77 13.61 10.60Class ZL 14.01 – –Class ZLgd 13.99 – –Class ZLh-CHF 14.44 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86�������

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (39)

Historical data

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 35

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;�Class A4 US$14.19 US$14.74 US$11.89Class A7 14.25 14.79 11.92Class B 13.57 14.18 11.58Class Bd 13.50 14.13 11.57Class Bh-EUR 12.26 12.90 11.09Class C 14.45 14.98 12.05Class N 13.23 13.87 11.40Class Nd 13.23 13.87 11.40Class Ngdh-EUR 12.12 12.92 11.39Class Nh-EUR 12.85 13.56 11.73Class Pgd 14.00 – –Class Pgdh-GBP 13.13 – –Class T 13.43 14.05 11.50Class Tgd 12.52 13.23 11.05Class Tgdh-EUR 11.32 12.04 10.57Class Th-EUR 12.14 12.79 11.01Class Z 14.07 14.64 11.85Class Zd 13.57 14.26 11.69Class Zdh-GBP 10.97 12.49 10.04Class Zgd 13.11 13.78 11.38Class Zgdh-GBP 10.62 12.09 9.78Class Zh-CHF 13.26 13.62 11.22Class Zh-EUR 12.72 13.33 11.36Class ZL 14.08 – –Class ZLd 13.58 14.27 11.69Class ZLgd 13.14 13.80 11.39Class ZLgdh-GBP 10.38 11.81 9.55Class ZLh-CHF 14.43 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86��������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (40)

Historical data

36 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;�Class A4 US$10.09 US$10.93 –Class B 9.91 10.80 9.37Class Bd 9.67 10.61 9.37Class Bdh-GBP 8.81 10.47 9.07Class Bfdm� 9.52 10.55 –Class Bfdmh-AUD� 9.00 10.32 –Class Bfdmh-CNH� 9.11 10.22 –Class Bfdmh-EUR� 9.23 10.32 –Class Bfdmh-GBP� 8.75 10.51 –Class Bfdmh-SGD� 9.15 10.57 –Class Bh-EUR 9.84 – –Class Bh-GBP 10.00 – –Class C 10.18 11.00 9.40Class Cd 9.70 10.65 9.40Class N 9.80 10.71 9.35Class Nd 9.65 10.59 9.35Class T 9.87 10.76 9.36Class Td 9.66 10.60 9.36Class Z 10.05 10.90 9.39Class Zd 9.68 10.62 9.39Class Zdh-EUR 8.80 9.74 9.06Class Zdh-GBP 8.82 10.50 9.09Class Zh-EUR 9.97 – –Class Zh-GBP 9.89 – –Class ZL 10.08 – –Class ZLd 10.02 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86��������

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (41)

Historical data

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 37

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$19.03 US$19.30 –Class A7 19.05 19.32 US$16.26Class A7d 19.05 – –Class B 17.90 18.25 15.54Class Bd 17.34 17.79 15.27Class Bdh-EUR 14.55 14.96 13.36Class Bh-EUR 15.05 15.38 13.61Class C 19.81 20.05 16.82Class Ch-JPY 21.50 21.65 18.36Class N 17.39 17.79 15.24Class Nh-EUR 17.26 17.69 15.76Class P 19.02 – –Class T 17.62 17.98 15.35Class Tgd 15.32 15.80 13.81Class Tgdh-EUR 12.86 13.29 12.08Class Th-EUR 14.81 15.15 13.45Class Z 18.89 19.18 16.22Class Zd 17.66 18.18 15.62Class Zgd 16.41 16.84 14.58Class Zh-EUR 18.05 18.37 16.13Class ZL 19.02 – –Class ZLd 19.02 – –Class ZLh-EUR 19.30 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86��������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (42)

Historical data

38 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�Class A4 US$13.60 US$14.43 –Class A7 13.67 14.50 –Class A7d 10.80 11.69 –Class A7dh-GBP 9.23 10.38 –Class A7h-GBP 11.83 13.03 –Class A9 13.66 14.48 –Class A9d 12.55 13.58 –Class A9dh-GBP 9.28 10.44 –Class A9h-GBP 13.06 14.38 –Class B 12.35 13.17 –Class Bd 10.04 10.87 –Class Bgd 8.75 9.57 –Class Bh-CHF 10.64 11.29 –Class Bh-EUR 11.06 11.85 –Class C 15.35 16.23 –Class Cad 13.58 14.95 –Class Cdh-GBP 9.23 10.39 –Class Cdm� 8.82 9.52 –Class Cdmh-JPY� 7.26 7.85 –Class Ch-CHF 15.27 16.06 –Class Ch-GBP 13.10 14.38 –Class N 11.87 12.70 –Class Ngd 10.21 11.21 –Class Ngdh-EUR 10.05 11.07 –Class Nh-EUR 11.68 12.55 –Class P 13.67 14.50 –Class Pd 13.01 14.09 –Class Ph-EUR 13.38 14.25 –Class Ph-GBP 13.23 14.58 –Class T 12.04 12.85 –Class Tgdm� 9.07 9.90 –Class Tgd 9.10 9.96 –Class Tgdh-EUR 7.91 8.70 –Class Th-EUR 10.47 11.22 –Class Z 13.53 14.37 –Class Zd 10.12 10.95 –Class Zdh-GBP 9.42 10.59 –Class Zgd 9.92 10.80 –Class Zgdh-GBP 8.51 9.63 –Class Zh-CHF 13.15 13.89 –Class Zh-EUR 12.00 12.79 –Class Zh-GBP 11.41 12.58 –Class ZL 13.66 – –Class ZLd 13.57 – –Class ZLh-CHF 13.85 – –Class ZLh-EUR 13.79 – –Class ZLh-GBP 13.35 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86���������� 86���������� –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (43)

Historical data

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 39

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$23.72 US$22.98 US$21.44Class A7 23.74 23.00 21.45Class B 21.14 20.55 19.32Class Bd 16.20 15.84 15.11Class C 26.14 25.29 23.53Class Cd 18.22 17.82 16.99Class Cdh-EUR 16.23 15.89 15.69Class Ch-CHF 26.32 25.08 23.45Class Ch-JPY 27.37 26.43 24.76Class Ch-USD 27.44 26.35 24.21Class T 20.76 20.20 19.02Class Z 22.59 21.91 20.50Class Zd 20.30 19.86 18.94Class Zh-EUR 22.34 21.70 –Class Zh-USD 22.73 21.88 –Class ZL 23.72 – –Class ZLd 23.65 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86��������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$11.20 US$10.85 –Class A7h-GBP 10.00 10.40 9.64Class C 11.35 10.97 10.36Class Ch-JPY 11.11 10.78 10.39Class Z 11.14 10.80 10.25Class ZL 11.20 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86��������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 €19.93 €19.89 €18.51Class B 17.65 17.68 16.58Class Bd 13.65 13.67 12.83Class C 21.27 21.20 19.68Class Ch-CHF 22.93 22.46 20.19Class Ch-USD 22.03 21.82 –Class N 17.14 17.22 16.22Class P 18.95 – –Class T 17.34 17.39 16.33Class Z 18.94 18.93 17.66Class Zd 13.88 13.88 13.03Class Zh-USD 19.02 18.88 –Class ZL 19.92 – –Class ZLd 19.91 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� Ą������� Ą������� Ą�������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (44)

Historical data

40 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class A11h-EUR US$10.31 US$9.81 US$9.06Class B 11.90 11.26 9.96Class Bh-EUR 11.91 – –Class C 12.16 11.45 10.03Class Cadmh-AUD� 11.07 10.83 9.92Class Ch-CHF 12.47 – –Class Ch-GBP 11.49 11.67 10.00Class Z 12.04 11.37 10.01Class Zd 11.37 10.85 9.82Class Zdh-EUR 12.49 – –Class Zgd 11.23 10.74 9.78Class Zgdh-GBP 10.14 10.47 9.34Class Zh-CHF 12.09 – –Class Zh-EUR 11.78 11.23 –Class ZL 12.05 – –Class ZLd 12.02 – –Class Zldh-GBP 10.97 11.28 9.95

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� 86�������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 €14.13 €14.33 –Class B 13.40 13.65 €12.74Class Bd 11.79 12.04 11.32Class C 14.95 15.15 14.01Class Ch-USD 15.49 15.60 –Class N 13.10 13.38 12.56Class T 13.26 13.51 12.64Class Z 14.07 14.30 13.29Class Zd 12.65 12.93 12.15Class Zh-USD 14.13 14.26 –Class ZL 14.12 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� Ą������ Ą������ Ą������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$12.76 US$11.70 –Class A7 12.77 11.70 –Class B 12.49 11.49 US$10.17Class Bd 12.49 – –Class Bh-EUR 12.47 – –Class C 12.81 11.72 –Class Cdh-JPY 12.58 – –Class N 12.29 11.33 10.07Class Nh-EUR 12.26 – –Class Z 12.72 11.67 10.27Class Zd 11.67 10.84 9.84Class Zdh-GBP 12.85 – –Class Zgd 11.46 10.68 9.75Class Zh-EUR 12.73 – –Class Zh-SGD 12.29 11.72 –Class ZL 12.75 – –Class ZLd 12.71 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86������� 86�������

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (45)

Historical data

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 41

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�Class A4 US$47.51 US$48.61 US$43.01Class A7 47.93 49.01 43.32Class A7d 42.61 45.01 42.47Class A9 48.03 49.11 –Class B 40.89 42.06 37.62Class Bd 17.28 18.25 17.22Class Bdh-EUR 18.65 19.87 19.77Class Bdh-GBP 12.53 14.29 13.23Class Bfdm� 33.39 35.54 34.01Class Bfdmh-AUD� 32.79 35.83 34.78Class Bfdmh-CNH� 36.17 38.96 –Class Bfdmh-EUR� 32.75 35.19 35.48Class Bfdmh-GBP� 32.37 37.22 34.92Class Bfdmh-SGD� 32.70 36.24 34.49Class Bgd 15.34 16.34 15.68Class Bgdh-GBP 11.52 13.25 12.48Class Bh-EUR 28.33 29.41 27.68Class Bh-GBP 29.48 32.74 28.69Class Bh-SGD 39.15 41.92 37.27Class C 55.36 56.53 49.80Class Cadmh-AUD� 47.39 51.49 49.07Class Cd 21.08 22.27 21.02Class Ch-CHF 54.71 55.32 49.66Class Ch-JPY 56.62 57.97 52.10Class N 39.12 40.38 36.34Class Nd 33.18 35.03 33.06Class Ngd 31.45 33.61 32.48Class Ngdh-EUR 30.57 32.96 33.56Class Nh-EUR 38.05 39.63 37.55Class Pgd 45.89 – –Class Pgdh-GBP 42.87 – –Class Ph-EUR 48.64 – –Class Ph-GBP 48.48 – –Class T 39.71 40.90 36.67Class Tfdm� 14.86 15.83 15.19Class Tgd 24.55 26.18 25.19Class Tgdh-EUR 18.88 20.32 20.61Class Th-EUR 30.67 31.88 30.08Class Z 46.49 47.65 42.29Class Zd 29.40 31.04 29.30Class Zdh-EUR 35.59 37.93 37.73Class Zdh-GBP 21.60 24.64 22.82Class Zdm 45.81 – –Class Zfdmh-SGD� 37.33 41.21 38.93Class Zgd 27.29 28.96 27.59Class Zgdh-GBP 20.10 23.05 21.54Class Zh-CHF 44.45 45.13 40.80Class Zh-EUR 36.61 37.88 35.40Class Zh-GBP 34.16 37.79 32.88Class ZL 47.48 – –Class ZLd 46.93 – –Class ZLdh-EUR 48.50 – –Class ZLh-CHF 48.16 – –Class ZLh-EUR 48.34 – –Class ZLh-GBP 44.71 – –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (46)

Historical data

42 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

DV�DW����-XQH����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU����� DV�DW����'HFHPEHU�����

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86���������� 86���������� 86��������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$10.48 US$10.98 –Class A4h-CHF 10.67 11.07 –Class B 10.24 10.79 US$9.66Class C 10.54 11.03 9.74Class N 10.04 10.62 9.57Class Z 10.43 10.95 9.73Class Zd 9.14 9.88 9.29Class Zgd 8.96 9.73 9.22Class Zgdh-GBP 8.26 9.69 9.01Class ZL 10.47 – –Class ZLd 10.38 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86������� 86������� 86�������

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$16.79 US$17.34 –Class A4h-EUR 16.06 16.66 –Class A7 16.81 17.35 –Class A13 17.03 17.57 –Class A15 17.05 17.59 –Class B 15.14 15.72 –Class Bd 9.67 10.30 –Class C 17.10 17.62 –Class T 14.78 15.36 –Class Tfdm� 8.54 9.18 –Class Tgdh-EUR 8.14 8.80 –Class Z 16.34 16.90 –Class Zd 10.99 11.70 –Class Zh-EUR 16.33 – –Class ZL 16.78 – –Class ZLd 16.61 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86���������� 86���������� –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 US$11.18 US$11.98 –Class A7 11.22 12.02 –Class A9 11.20 12.00 –Class A11d 11.12 – –Class A13 11.22 12.02 –Class B 10.30 11.11 –Class Bd 6.37 7.08 –Class C 12.07 12.91 –Class N 9.99 10.80 –Class Ngd 7.70 8.66 –Class T 10.13 10.93 –Class Tgd 6.11 6.87 –Class Z 11.08 11.90 –Class Zd 7.77 8.64 –Class ZL 11.18 – –Class ZLd 11.09 – –

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�����V� 86�������� 86�������� –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (47)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 43

As at 30 June 2020

Portfolio breakdown


United States of America 55.84 France 5.13 Japan 4.35 Netherlands 4.33 United Kingdom 4.09 Hong Kong 2.65 Switzerland 2.52 Taiwan 2.39 Denmark 2.31 Luxembourg 2.13 Canada 1.78 Germany 1.29 Brazil 0.86 India 0.84 South Korea 0.82 Sweden 0.77 Spain 0.72 South Africa 0.62 Norway 0.46 Mexico 0.45 Italy 0.43 Ireland 0.40 China 0.36 Russian Federation 0.34 Belgium 0.32 Singapore 0.23 Israel 0.21 New Zealand 0.15 Australia 0.15 Finland 0.07

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.99

7RWDO ������



Information technology 23.90 Consumer discretionary 16.77 Health care 13.84 Financials 9.63 Communication services 9.27 Industrials 6.22 Consumer staples 5.80 Materials 4.76 Energy 2.21 Mutual fund 2.13 Utilities 1.45 Real estate 1.03

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.99

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (48)

Portfolio breakdown

44 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


United States of America 47.94 France 8.02 United Kingdom 6.49 Japan 6.28 Luxembourg 4.48 Netherlands 4.15 Denmark 3.76 Hong Kong 2.69 Switzerland 2.63 Taiwan 2.01 Germany 1.52 China 1.43 Italy 1.34 Canada 0.73 Ireland 0.71 Spain 0.69 Mexico 0.65 Belgium 0.65 Norway 0.61 South Africa 0.48 South Korea 0.40 Sweden 0.22 India 0.20

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 1.92

7RWDO ������



Information technology 20.37 Health care 15.73 Financials 11.36 Consumer staples 10.87 Industrials 8.73 Communication services 8.21 Consumer discretionary 7.94 Mutual fund 4.48 Real estate 2.88 Materials 2.69 Utilities 2.60 Energy 2.22

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.92

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (49)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 45


United States of America 47.07 United Kingdom 6.93 China 5.84 Japan 5.34 Switzerland 4.33 France 3.88 Germany 2.28 Hong Kong 2.26 Netherlands 2.03 Brazil 1.98 Taiwan 1.77 India 1.76 Russian Federation 1.68 Canada 1.54 Spain 1.52 Luxembourg 1.45 Italy 1.34 Australia 0.82 Ireland 0.59 Denmark 0.44 Sweden 0.38 South Africa 0.32 Indonesia 0.31 South Korea 0.30 Mexico 0.19 Portugal 0.19 Singapore 0.18 Thailand 0.16 Israel 0.13 Belgium 0.09 Philippines 0.07 Finland 0.06

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.77

7RWDO ������



Information technology 16.36 Health care 14.29 Financials 13.08 Consumer discretionary 12.38 Communication services 10.80 Consumer staples 6.64 Industrials 6.28 Utilities 5.18 Real estate 4.04 Materials 3.49 Energy 3.17 Mutual fund 1.45 Government 0.07

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.77

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (50)

Portfolio breakdown

46 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


United States of America 47.33 United Kingdom 13.22 Hong Kong 8.75 Taiwan 5.38 Switzerland 5.10 France 3.84 China 2.65 Canada 2.51 Italy 1.77 Denmark 1.51 Netherlands 1.44 Japan 1.29 Spain 1.17 Germany 0.74 Sweden 0.61 Finland 0.36 South Korea 0.28 Russian Federation 0.26 Belgium 0.19

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 1.60

7RWDO ������



Real estate 17.37 Consumer staples 15.57 Information technology 15.03 Financials 12.14 Health care 9.38 Utilities 8.56 Energy 5.95 Communication services 4.49 Materials 3.66 Industrials 3.21 Consumer discretionary 3.04

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.60

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (51)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 47


United States of America 70.31 China 5.45 Luxembourg 5.19 Japan 3.74 India 2.11 Hong Kong 1.60 United Kingdom 1.31 Brazil 1.22 France 1.06 Switzerland 1.04 Taiwan 0.89 Netherlands 0.88 South Korea 0.85 Ireland 0.32 Canada 0.29 Italy 0.26 Australia 0.24 Finland 0.19 Denmark 0.17 Indonesia 0.12 Singapore 0.12

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.64

7RWDO ������



Information technology 29.11 Health care 19.66 Communication services 15.74 Consumer discretionary 11.98 Financials 6.71 Mutual fund 5.20 Industrials 5.17 Utilities 1.08 Materials 0.92 Consumer staples 0.81 Real estate 0.79 Energy 0.19

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.64

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (52)

Portfolio breakdown

48 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


Turkey 0.32 Argentina 0.32 Finland 0.30 Belgium 0.29 Greece 0.26 Ukraine 0.26 Israel 0.24 Dominican Republic 0.23 Hungary 0.23 Kenya 0.18 Qatar 0.14 Romania 0.13 Jordan 0.12 Angola 0.12 Ireland 0.12 Sri Lanka 0.12 Panama 0.11 Kazakhstan 0.10 Vietnam 0.10 Colombia 0.09 Norway 0.08 Nigeria 0.08 Ethiopia 0.08 Honduras 0.08 Pakistan 0.07 Peru 0.07 Cameroon 0.06 Gabon 0.05 Oman 0.05 Egypt 0.05 Senegal 0.04 Serbia 0.04 Venezuela 0.02 Malaysia 0.02

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.92

7RWDO ������



Information technology 18.19 Consumer discretionary 13.95 Health care 12.76 Financials 11.68 Communication services 9.98 Consumer staples 6.56 Materials 5.86 Industrials 5.64 Energy 4.06 Government 3.06 Utilities 2.03 Real estate 1.85 Mutual fund 1.46

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.92

7RWDO ������


United States of America 23.58 China 16.40 Brazil 8.34 India 7.25 France 5.25 Japan 4.14 Hong Kong 3.57 Switzerland 2.52 United Kingdom 2.29 Germany 2.24 Taiwan 2.22 South Africa 1.80 Netherlands 1.74 Luxembourg 1.56 Russian Federation 1.51 Singapore 1.14 Mexico 1.04 Denmark 0.78 Sweden 0.76 Canada 0.73 South Korea 0.72 Indonesia 0.64 Italy 0.57 Australia 0.49 Spain 0.45 Philippines 0.44 Thailand 0.34

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (53)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 49


China 43.59 Hong Kong 9.31 India 7.97 Russian Federation 7.64 Brazil 6.09 Indonesia 4.75 Taiwan 3.42 South Korea 3.10 Mexico 1.45 Philippines 1.27 South Africa 1.09 United States of America 0.96 Vietnam 0.96 United Kingdom 0.73 Kazakhstan 0.62 Peru 0.55 Singapore 0.46 Nigeria 0.38 Thailand 0.37 Argentina 0.36 Hungary 0.26 Slovenia 0.23 Spain 0.09 Belgium 0.05 Romania 0.04

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 4.26

7RWDO ������



Financials 20.09 Health care 17.86 Communication services 13.41 Consumer discretionary 12.70 Real estate 10.14 Information technology 8.66 Industrials 2.95 Materials 2.81 Energy 2.76 Consumer staples 2.25 Other 1.09 Utilities 1.02

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 4.26

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (54)

Portfolio breakdown

50 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


Japan 96.24

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 3.76

7RWDO ������



Information technology 20.79 Industrials 15.33 Health care 14.50 Consumer discretionary 12.94 Consumer staples 9.82 Communication services 8.36 Materials 8.34 Financials 3.87 Real estate 1.59 Energy 0.70

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.76

7RWDO ������


United Kingdom 29.66 France 14.91 Germany 12.18 Spain 8.10 Netherlands 7.22 Switzerland 6.74 Sweden 4.34 Russian Federation 2.90 Portugal 2.52 Ireland 2.04 Finland 1.90 Italy 1.55 Hungary 0.89

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 5.05

7RWDO ������



Consumer discretionary 17.48 Industrials 15.46 Utilities 13.18 Health care 11.25 Consumer staples 8.23 Financials 8.01 Communication services 5.79 Materials 5.21 Information technology 5.12 Real estate 2.65 Energy 2.57

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 5.05

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (55)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 51


United States of America 85.35 Luxembourg 5.42 China 2.06 Netherlands 1.70 France 0.51 Hong Kong 0.45 United Kingdom 0.42 India 0.33 Canada 0.28 Australia 0.22 Switzerland 0.16 Taiwan 0.15 Sweden 0.13 Spain 0.03

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.79

7RWDO ������


United States of America 85.05 United Kingdom 3.74 Luxembourg 3.23 Japan 1.34 Switzerland 1.30 Canada 0.80 Netherlands 0.68 France 0.47 Israel 0.29 Hong Kong 0.29 South Korea 0.28 Brazil 0.17 Taiwan 0.03

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.33

7RWDO ������



Information technology 22.05 Health care 21.98 Communication services 14.57 Industrials 8.71 Consumer discretionary 8.56 Mutual fund 5.42 Consumer staples 4.63 Financials 4.45 Energy 3.51 Real estate 1.83 Materials 0.89 Utilities 0.61

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.79

7RWDO ������



Information technology 19.64 Health care 16.34 Communication services 12.50 Consumer discretionary 10.61 Consumer staples 7.79 Industrials 6.98 Financials 5.70 Energy 4.80 Materials 4.13 Real estate 3.34 Mutual fund 3.23 Utilities 2.54 Government 0.07

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.33

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (56)

Portfolio breakdown

52 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


United States of America 57.63 United Kingdom 9.84 Luxembourg 4.83 Canada 4.37 Switzerland 3.36 Germany 3.01 Hong Kong 2.56 France 1.44 Spain 1.39 China 1.31 Taiwan 1.24 Japan 1.15 Singapore 0.88 Italy 0.75 Portugal 0.60 Netherlands 0.55 Australia 0.38 Denmark 0.27 Finland 0.19 Brazil 0.19 South Korea 0.18 India 0.17 Russian Federation 0.13 Qatar 0.12 Belgium 0.12 Mexico 0.10 Sweden 0.08 New Zealand 0.05 Thailand 0.04 Norway 0.04 Ireland 0.04

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.99

7RWDO ������



Health care 12.95 Consumer staples 10.46 Utilities 10.27 Financials 10.03 Information technology 9.09 Government 8.82 Real estate 6.37 Communication services 5.41 Energy 5.37 Mutual fund 4.83 Industrials 4.29 Mortgage backed 3.97 Materials 3.08 Consumer discretionary 1.89 Asset backed 0.14 Municipals 0.04

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.99

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (57)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 53


Israel 0.29 Norway 0.16 Qatar 0.15 United Arab Emirates 0.15 Panama 0.14 Morocco 0.13 Chile 0.12 Singapore 0.11 Serbia 0.10 India 0.10 Finland 0.09 Saudi Arabia 0.09 South Africa 0.09 Thailand 0.08 Portugal 0.08 Turkey 0.05 Ukraine 0.05 Sri Lanka 0.05 Spain 0.04 Peru 0.03 Hungary 0.03 Supra National 0.02 Estonia 0.02 Uruguay 0.02

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 4.85

7RWDO ������



Government 29.32 Information technology 12.03 Health care 11.23 Financials 8.25 Consumer staples 7.96 Mutual fund 6.00 Industrials 4.91 Consumer discretionary 4.36 Materials 2.96 Communication services 2.52 Real estate 2.50 Utilities 1.89 Mortgage backed 0.71 Energy 0.47

0XQLFLSDOV �������Total Investments 95.15


7RWDO ������


United States of America 42.25 Japan 8.37 United Kingdom 6.35 Luxembourg 6.00 Switzerland 4.46 Netherlands 3.12 Germany 2.88 China 2.75 France 2.20 Taiwan 2.04 Italy 1.75 Brazil 1.46 Canada 1.17 Hong Kong 1.17 Mexico 1.15 Denmark 1.13 Russian Federation 0.88 Romania 0.57 Greece 0.57 Belgium 0.51 Sweden 0.46 New Zealand 0.45 Malaysia 0.44 Indonesia 0.43 South Korea 0.40

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (58)

Portfolio breakdown

54 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


Thailand 1.05 Turkey 1.04 Colombia 1.04 Canada 0.97 Gabon 0.95 Costa Rica 0.93 Serbia 0.93 Kazakhstan 0.92 Poland 0.89 Japan 0.81 Slovenia 0.76 France 0.69 Egypt 0.69 Chile 0.67 Bahrain 0.67 Belgium 0.60 Namibia 0.56 Philippines 0.53 Oman 0.53 Mozambique 0.51 Netherlands 0.43 Ethiopia 0.43 Israel 0.40 Vietnam 0.39 Switzerland 0.33 Nigeria 0.33 Spain 0.32 Honduras 0.31 Ivory Coast 0.29 Panama 0.26 Greece 0.23 Sweden 0.22 Denmark 0.22 Saudi Arabia 0.22 Hungary 0.21 Uruguay 0.20 Ghana 0.12 Cameroon 0.09 Singapore 0.08 Virgin Islands (British) 0.08 United Arab Emirates 0.07 Azerbaijan 0.06 Kenya 0.03 Armenia 0.03

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 1.48

7RWDO ������



Government 48.31 Financials 11.30 Consumer discretionary 5.97 Health care 5.60 Information technology 5.46 Energy 4.44 Materials 3.61 Consumer staples 3.47 Communication services 3.35 Industrials 2.54 Mutual fund 1.71 Real estate 1.49 Utilities 1.27

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.48

7RWDO ������


China 13.11 Russian Federation 7.63 Mexico 6.43 Brazil 5.40 India 4.68 Hong Kong 3.91 Ukraine 3.82 Dominican Republic 3.16 United States of America 3.07 Indonesia 2.53 Romania 2.50 South Africa 2.04 Luxembourg 1.85 South Korea 1.84 Qatar 1.80 Taiwan 1.78 Tunisia 1.57 Argentina 1.53 Pakistan 1.45 United Kingdom 1.41 Peru 1.29 Sri Lanka 1.20 Malaysia 1.20 Angola 1.12 Senegal 1.11

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (59)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 55


United States of America 31.80 Japan 10.67 China 6.69 Italy 5.58 United Kingdom 4.78 Germany 3.45 Canada 2.96 France 2.44 Romania 2.40 Malaysia 2.29 Mexico 2.10 Russian Federation 1.97 Israel 1.65 Denmark 1.60 South Korea 1.59 Luxembourg 1.47 Netherlands 1.07 Belgium 0.89 Spain 0.77 Supra National 0.74 Australia 0.72 Indonesia 0.71 Ireland 0.67 Chile 0.65 South Africa 0.64 Morocco 0.62 Qatar 0.59 Panama 0.54 United Arab Emirates 0.50 Switzerland 0.45 India 0.41 Thailand 0.39 Singapore 0.34 Hungary 0.33 Portugal 0.29 Saudi Arabia 0.28 Poland 0.27 Norway 0.23 Hong Kong 0.18 Peru 0.17 Kuwait 0.14 Colombia 0.14 Lithuania 0.11 Sweden 0.10 Uruguay 0.09 Estonia 0.06 Philippines 0.06

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 3.41

7RWDO ������



Government 64.35 Financials 8.78 Utilities 3.75 Consumer discretionary 3.34 Health care 3.19 Communication services 2.67 Mortgage backed 2.63 Consumer staples 2.17 Energy 2.08 Mutual fund 1.42 Industrials 0.84 Information technology 0.66 Real estate 0.37 Municipals 0.17 Materials 0.17

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.41

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (60)

Portfolio breakdown

56 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


United States of America 28.93 Luxembourg 7.61 United Kingdom 6.00 Germany 5.81 Japan 5.35 China 4.78 Supra National 4.19 Mexico 3.77 France 3.14 Canada 2.60 Australia 2.58 South Korea 1.91 Spain 1.86 Malaysia 1.65 India 1.59 Denmark 1.54 Italy 1.45 Indonesia 1.07 Russian Federation 1.04 Netherlands 1.03 Poland 0.84 Qatar 0.66 Norway 0.64 Portugal 0.60 Belgium 0.58 Sweden 0.50 Ireland 0.43 Philippines 0.43 Lithuania 0.38 Thailand 0.23 Singapore 0.23 Switzerland 0.22 Saudi Arabia 0.20 United Arab Emirates 0.16 Panama 0.16 Brazil 0.16 Hong Kong 0.09 Peru 0.03

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 5.56

7RWDO ������



Government 45.16 Financials 12.28 Mutual fund 7.53 Mortgage backed 6.09 Consumer discretionary 5.25 Health care 4.63 Consumer staples 3.77 Utilities 2.86 Energy 2.31 Communication services 1.17 Industrials 1.07 Asset backed 0.81 Information technology 0.57 Materials 0.52 Real estate 0.42

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 5.56

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (61)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 57


Germany 18.92 France 14.92 Italy 11.43 Belgium 8.68 Spain 8.23 United States of America 7.47 Greece 4.91 Ireland 4.24 United Kingdom 4.21 Portugal 2.94 Netherlands 1.75 Denmark 1.69 Romania 1.68 Japan 1.55 Supra National 1.36 Serbia 0.99 Norway 0.69 Switzerland 0.64 Sweden 0.61 Australia 0.28 Austria 0.28 Ukraine 0.28 Israel 0.23 Lithuania 0.15 Russian Federation 0.14 Estonia 0.08 China 0.07 Luxembourg 0.02

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 1.56

7RWDO ������



Government 66.16 Financials 11.73 Health care 3.76 Consumer discretionary 3.61 Utilities 3.03 Communication services 2.25 Mortgage backed 1.69 Consumer staples 1.65 Energy 1.56 Industrials 1.02 Materials 0.98 Information technology 0.60 Real estate 0.40

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 1.56

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (62)

Portfolio breakdown

58 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


United States of America 60.07 United Kingdom 7.98 France 4.66 Germany 3.16 Italy 2.76 Canada 2.61 Luxembourg 2.25 Japan 1.82 Hong Kong 1.53 Australia 1.45 Spain 1.29 Switzerland 0.99 Thailand 0.98 Norway 0.75 Ireland 0.67 Chile 0.67 India 0.62 South Korea 0.49 China 0.45 Singapore 0.33 Belgium 0.31 Malaysia 0.31 Portugal 0.20 United Arab Emirates 0.13 Philippines 0.12

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 3.40

7RWDO ������



Financials 23.50 Utilities 12.66 Energy 10.06 Health care 8.65 Consumer staples 7.52 Information technology 7.47 Consumer discretionary 5.59 Industrials 5.46 Communication services 5.22 Materials 3.47 Government 2.83 Real estate 2.11 Mutual fund 2.06

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.40

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (63)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 59


United States of America 29.49 France 15.31 Germany 11.07 United Kingdom 9.89 Italy 7.64 Spain 6.24 Japan 4.12 Netherlands 3.37 Australia 3.23 Ireland 1.80 Belgium 1.28 Israel 1.03 Switzerland 0.87 Norway 0.79 China 0.51 Luxembourg 0.29 Sweden 0.19 Portugal 0.18

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 2.70

7RWDO ������


United States of America 80.58 United Kingdom 5.92 Luxembourg 5.33 Japan 2.10 Canada 1.99 Switzerland 1.44 France 0.53 Germany 0.42 Australia 0.25 Chile 0.19 Portugal 0.17 Netherlands 0.14 Italy 0.12 Norway 0.11 South Korea 0.02

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 0.69

7RWDO ������



Financials 29.74 Health care 15.13 Utilities 11.37 Consumer discretionary 10.18 Materials 6.63 Energy 5.41 Consumer staples 4.80 Industrials 4.50 Real estate 3.90 Communication services 3.75 Information technology 1.89

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 2.70

7RWDO ������



Financials 14.49 Utilities 14.33 Government 11.99 Health care 11.61 Information technology 10.39 Communication services 6.95 Consumer staples 6.81 Energy 6.53 Mutual fund 5.33 Industrials 4.66 Consumer discretionary 3.27 Real estate 1.81 Materials 1.04 Municipals 0.10

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 0.69

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (64)

Portfolio breakdown

60 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


Angola 0.76 Senegal 0.70 Sri Lanka 0.67 Kazakhstan 0.66 Pakistan 0.61 Tunisia 0.60 Kenya 0.59 Guatemala 0.52 Gabon 0.42 Iraq 0.32 India 0.32 Thailand 0.30 Cameroon 0.29 Morocco 0.29 Serbia 0.24 Mozambique 0.23 Ethiopia 0.23 Azerbaijan 0.22 Uruguay 0.22 Philippines 0.20 Italy 0.16 Benin 0.15 Jordan 0.14 Hong Kong 0.13 Bahrain 0.11 Costa Rica 0.09 Nigeria 0.09 Ghana 0.08 Namibia 0.07 Venezuela 0.07 Ireland 0.07 Poland –

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 4.05

7RWDO ������



Government 43.77 Health care 8.84 Communication services 8.11 Materials 6.94 Energy 5.76 Consumer discretionary 5.65 Financials 5.19 Industrials 4.33 Utilities 1.83 Mutual fund 1.65 Information technology 1.43 Real estate 1.33 Consumer staples 0.92 Municipals 0.20

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 4.05

7RWDO ������


United States of America 37.27 Mexico 5.15 Russian Federation 5.06 Brazil 3.18 Canada 2.77 Luxembourg 2.73 Ukraine 2.40 Qatar 2.11 Peru 1.96 Dominican Republic 1.93 Indonesia 1.91 Egypt 1.87 China 1.85 United Arab Emirates 1.72 Netherlands 1.53 Panama 1.50 Argentina 1.41 Paraguay 1.34 Colombia 1.32 Malaysia 1.22 Turkey 1.15 South Africa 1.14 Romania 1.08 Honduras 1.05 Chile 0.95 Ivory Coast 0.80

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (65)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 61


United States of America 79.53 Canada 5.77 Netherlands 3.68 Luxembourg 2.74 United Kingdom 1.36 France 0.77 Italy 0.76 Switzerland 0.44 Ireland 0.39 Japan 0.32 Brazil 0.14

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 4.10

7RWDO ������



Communication services 16.36 Health care 15.96 Materials 13.93 Consumer discretionary 13.75 Energy 8.28 Industrials 7.78 Financials 7.20 Information technology 3.66 Real estate 2.84 Consumer staples 2.60 Utilities 2.54 Mutual fund 1.00

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 4.10

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (66)

Portfolio breakdown

62 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


Chile 0.91 Pakistan 0.87 Philippines 0.83 Serbia 0.82 Ivory Coast 0.80 Senegal 0.77 Kazakhstan 0.76 United Arab Emirates 0.67 Hungary 0.67 United States of America 0.61 Cameroon 0.55 Nigeria 0.52 Guatemala 0.50 Ethiopia 0.49 Jordan 0.47 Costa Rica 0.45 Bahrain 0.41 Morocco 0.37 Oman 0.36 Luxembourg 0.33 Mozambique 0.30 Azerbaijan 0.26 Ghana 0.23 Iraq 0.19 Uruguay 0.18 Israel 0.18 Venezuela 0.15 Singapore 0.12 Virgin Islands (British) 0.12 Benin 0.12 Armenia 0.05 Namibia 0.05 Belarus 0.03

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 4.00

7RWDO ������



Government 85.28 Energy 3.03 Industrials 2.14 Materials 1.59 Utilities 1.33 Financials 1.16 Communication services 0.53 Consumer discretionary 0.27 Mortgage backed 0.24 Consumer staples 0.19 Municipals 0.19 Health care 0.05

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 4.00

7RWDO ������


Mexico 9.37 Russian Federation 7.57 Brazil 4.85 Indonesia 4.73 South Africa 4.34 China 4.00 Malaysia 3.85 Ukraine 3.76 Colombia 3.74 Dominican Republic 3.67 Peru 3.08 Argentina 2.66 Romania 2.55 Egypt 2.27 Qatar 2.25 India 2.15 Poland 2.11 Turkey 2.09 Angola 1.71 Panama 1.63 Honduras 1.45 Thailand 1.34 Kenya 1.28 Sri Lanka 1.22 Paraguay 1.17 Tunisia 1.02 Hong Kong 1.01 Gabon 0.99

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (67)

Portfolio breakdown

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 63


Mexico 11.80 Russian Federation 11.59 South Africa 9.16 Malaysia 7.82 Indonesia 7.55 Colombia 7.05 Brazil 6.72 Peru 5.71 China 5.14 Thailand 3.64 India 3.62 Poland 3.39 Ukraine 3.28 Turkey 2.32 Dominican Republic 1.29 Luxembourg 1.16 Argentina 1.03 Romania 0.97 Egypt 0.86 United States of America 0.84 Hungary 0.74 Chile 0.57 Uruguay 0.48

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ��������Cash and Other assets/(liabilities) 3.27

7RWDO ������



Government 94.50 Mutual fund 1.16 Energy 0.76 Utilities 0.31

7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �����Cash and Other Assets/(Liabilities) 3.27

7RWDO ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (68)

64 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






Goodman Group, REIT AUD 575,558 5,898,310 0.08 Macquarie Group Ltd. AUD 55,574 4,548,502 0.07

10,446,812 0.15 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 223,721 11,025,492 0.16 Galapagos NV EUR 59,618 11,724,993 0.16

22,750,485 0.32 Brazil

Gerdau SA, ADR Preference USD 4,819,083 14,264,486 0.20 Gerdau SA Preference BRL 479,517 1,411,718 0.02 Petroleo Brasileiro SA Preference BRL 803,065 3,182,371 0.04 Vale SA, ADR USD 3,347,571 34,513,457 0.48 Vale SA BRL 852,449 8,765,736 0.12

62,137,768 0.86 Canada

Barrick Gold Corp. USD 207,196 5,581,860 0.08 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. CAD 237,112 4,113,132 0.06 Enbridge, Inc. CAD 226,209 6,878,246 0.09 Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. CAD 23,780 7,346,822 0.10 First Quantum Minerals Ltd. CAD 85,873 684,403 0.01 Nutrien Ltd. CAD 62,022 1,992,781 0.03 Restaurant Brands International, Inc. USD 255,087 13,935,403 0.19 Shopify, Inc. 'A' USD 73,740 69,994,008 0.97 TC Energy Corp. CAD 195,346 8,345,660 0.12 TMX Group Ltd. CAD 57,125 5,648,121 0.08 Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. CAD 79,974 3,517,419 0.05

128,037,855 1.78 China

AAC Technologies Holdings, Inc. HKD 591,129 3,626,628 0.05 &KLQD�2LOÀHOG�6HUYLFHV�/WG��+ HKD 4,106,000 3,687,215 0.05 Group Ltd., ADR USD 491,058 12,728,223 0.18 Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc., Reg. S HKD 311,000 5,689,930 0.08

25,731,996 0.36 Denmark

Carlsberg A/S 'B' DKK 165,957 21,934,098 0.30 Chr Hansen Holding A/S DKK 117,423 12,109,662 0.17 Coloplast A/S 'B' DKK 151,536 23,487,223 0.33 DSV PANALPINA A/S DKK 286,710 35,006,070 0.49 Novo Nordisk A/S 'B' DKK 419,822 27,180,033 0.38 Orsted A/S, Reg. S DKK 398,982 46,043,094 0.64

165,760,180 2.31 Finland

Nokia OYJ EUR 1,172,923 5,124,184 0.07

5,124,184 0.07

Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (69)

Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 65




FranceAir Liquide SA EUR 57,510 8,296,243 0.12 Airbus SE EUR 376,408 26,862,252 0.37 AXA SA EUR 234,113 4,895,439 0.07 Danone SA EUR 142,549 9,859,068 0.14 Edenred EUR 271,037 11,854,577 0.16 Engie SA EUR 566,630 7,002,697 0.10 EssilorLuxottica SA EUR 162,575 20,868,107 0.29 Hermes International EUR 41,346 34,551,170 0.48 Kering SA EUR 67,737 36,852,645 0.51 L'Oreal SA EUR 37,661 12,088,577 0.17 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 121,954 53,504,482 0.74 Pernod Ricard SA EUR 245,273 38,592,769 0.54 Peugeot SA EUR 262,913 4,277,142 0.06 Renault SA EUR 223,656 5,673,846 0.08 Safran SA EUR 405,915 40,688,380 0.57 6DQRÀ EUR 50,170 5,109,577 0.07 Societe Generale SA EUR 188,131 3,128,205 0.04 Sodexo SA EUR 12,978 877,763 0.01 STMicroelectronics NV EUR 224,735 6,110,253 0.08 TOTAL SA EUR 332,024 12,673,659 0.18 Valeo SA EUR 70,260 1,843,971 0.03 Worldline SA, Reg. S EUR 171,659 14,865,563 0.21

360,476,385 5.02 Germany

adidas AG EUR 120,309 31,575,049 0.44 Bayer AG EUR 51,231 3,786,743 0.05 Delivery Hero SE, Reg. S EUR 149,222 15,249,528 0.21 Deutsche Boerse AG EUR 93,300 16,881,672 0.24 MTU Aero Engines AG EUR 15,355 2,659,294 0.04 SAP SE EUR 160,856 22,467,324 0.31

92,619,610 1.29 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 8,983,476 83,801,731 1.17 BeiGene Ltd., ADR USD 215,752 40,647,677 0.57 CK Asset Holdings Ltd. HKD 1,738,677 10,364,090 0.14 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. HKD 1,841,500 12,533,272 0.17 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. HKD 676,881 28,820,170 0.40 Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd., ADR USD 615,049 9,545,560 0.13 Wynn Macau Ltd. HKD 2,855,154 4,914,232 0.07

190,626,732 2.65 India

Bharti Airtel Ltd. INR 282,863 2,097,391 0.03 Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. INR 603,890 5,525,119 0.08 ICICI Bank Ltd., ADR USD 785,457 7,296,896 0.10 ICICI Bank Ltd. INR 1,627,228 7,574,316 0.11 Infosys Ltd., ADR USD 544,199 5,256,962 0.07 Reliance Industries Ltd. INR 80,292 848,182 0.01 Reliance Industries Ltd. INR 1,394,554 31,474,721 0.44

60,073,587 0.84

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (70)

Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

66 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




IrelandFlutter Entertainment plc USD 94,330 12,593,055 0.18 Ryanair Holdings plc, ADR USD 243,783 16,172,564 0.22

28,765,619 0.40 Israel

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR USD 1,248,477 15,393,721 0.21

15,393,721 0.21 Italy

Enel SpA EUR 2,927,633 25,254,444 0.35 UniCredit SpA EUR 595,798 5,480,876 0.08

30,735,320 0.43 Japan

Asahi Kasei Corp. JPY 2,919,902 23,678,316 0.33 Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. JPY 50,300 4,102,262 0.06 Inpex Corp. JPY 699,100 4,317,942 0.06 Japan Tobacco, Inc. JPY 325,277 6,029,562 0.08 JGC Holdings Corp. JPY 119,100 1,250,839 0.02 Keyence Corp. JPY 99,500 41,495,578 0.58 Komatsu Ltd. JPY 863,900 17,630,041 0.25 Kose Corp. JPY 81,400 9,770,262 0.14 Nidec Corp. JPY 390,472 26,023,029 0.36 Nintendo Co. Ltd. JPY 24,400 10,849,215 0.15 Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 30,300 5,928,108 0.08 Olympus Corp. JPY 466,800 8,972,849 0.13 Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 271,914 9,272,400 0.13 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. JPY 301,188 35,132,789 0.49 Shionogi & Co. Ltd. JPY 175,500 10,971,290 0.15 Shiseido Co. Ltd. JPY 79,900 5,057,805 0.07 SMC Corp. JPY 45,664 23,336,323 0.32 SoftBank Group Corp. JPY 501,736 25,324,947 0.35 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. JPY 154,500 4,338,449 0.06 Suzuki Motor Corp. JPY 413,358 14,000,002 0.19 Tokyo Electron Ltd. JPY 52,827 12,935,827 0.18 Unicharm Corp. JPY 122,782 5,026,130 0.07 Z Holdings Corp. JPY 1,451,900 7,072,928 0.10

312,516,893 4.35 Mexico

America Movil SAB de CV, ADR 'L' USD 2,181,772 27,686,687 0.39 Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV MXN 722,153 4,476,912 0.06

32,163,599 0.45 Netherlands

Aalberts NV EUR 286,287 9,388,772 0.13 ASML Holding NV EUR 279,000 102,468,931 1.43 ASML Holding NV, NYRS USD 132,933 48,923,332 0.68 Koninklijke DSM NV EUR 384,732 53,252,757 0.74 Koninklijke KPN NV EUR 3,056,074 8,103,058 0.11 Koninklijke Philips NV EUR 509,293 23,757,357 0.33 Prosus NV EUR 606,003 56,333,064 0.79 Unilever NV EUR 165,440 8,782,444 0.12

311,009,715 4.33

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (71)

Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 67




New ZealandFisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp. Ltd. NZD 468,259 10,757,164 0.15

10,757,164 0.15 Norway

Adevinta ASA NOK 741,125 7,461,106 0.10 DNB ASA NOK 1,941,823 25,641,485 0.36

33,102,591 0.46 Russian Federation

Alrosa PJSC USD 3,113,533 2,820,959 0.04 Gazprom PJSC, ADR USD 500,927 2,703,002 0.04 LUKOIL PJSC, ADR USD 40,320 2,994,163 0.04 Rosneft Oil Co. PJSC, Reg. S, GDR USD 3,226,960 16,225,155 0.22

24,743,279 0.34 Singapore

Sea Ltd., ADR USD 152,711 16,376,728 0.23

16,376,728 0.23 South Africa

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd., ADR USD 228,052 6,725,253 0.09 Discovery Ltd. ZAR 351,826 2,119,776 0.03 Naspers Ltd. 'N' ZAR 194,792 35,507,767 0.50

44,352,796 0.62 South Korea

Hyundai Motor Co. KRW 135,573 11,011,749 0.15 LG Display Co. Ltd. KRW 44,696 421,748 0.01 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Preference KRW 45,720 1,767,452 0.02 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KRW 1,044,495 45,848,889 0.64

59,049,838 0.82 Spain

Amadeus IT Group SA 'A' EUR 184,701 9,624,387 0.13 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA EUR 2,344,274 8,069,938 0.11 Cellnex Telecom SA, Reg. S EUR 309,357 18,851,795 0.26 Grifols SA Preference 'B' EUR 275,053 5,055,601 0.07 Industria de Diseno Textil SA EUR 392,397 10,391,024 0.15

51,992,745 0.72 Sweden

Assa Abloy AB 'B' SEK 1,346,648 27,378,943 0.38 Epiroc AB 'A' SEK 303,027 3,775,561 0.05 Epiroc AB 'B' SEK 319,747 3,910,108 0.05 Evolution Gaming Group AB, Reg. S SEK 32,731 1,951,594 0.03 Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 'A' SEK 311,121 2,694,455 0.04 Spotify Technology SA USD 4,870 1,257,385 0.02 Volvo AB 'B' SEK 902,834 14,136,151 0.20

55,104,197 0.77 Switzerland

ABB Ltd. CHF 494,765 11,138,675 0.16 Cie Financiere Richemont SA CHF 103,387 6,595,293 0.09 LafargeHolcim Ltd. CHF 154,478 6,768,042 0.09 Lonza Group AG CHF 8,051 4,250,473 0.06

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (72)

Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

68 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




Nestle SA CHF 704,801 77,915,306 1.09 Novartis AG CHF 110,482 9,610,984 0.13 Roche Holding AG CHF 4,378 1,517,248 0.02 Sika AG CHF 63,999 12,317,502 0.17 Straumann Holding AG CHF 6,962 5,981,390 0.08 Temenos AG CHF 206,241 32,031,625 0.45 UBS Group AG CHF 1,137,602 13,093,619 0.18

181,220,157 2.52 Taiwan

Largan Precision Co. Ltd. TWD 37,000 5,122,778 0.07 MediaTek, Inc. TWD 110,000 2,158,654 0.03 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., ADR USD 106,262 6,032,494 0.08 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 14,935,700 158,446,138 2.21

171,760,064 2.39 United Kingdom

Aggreko plc GBP 1,172,154 6,431,298 0.09 Associated British Foods plc GBP 227,887 5,407,477 0.07 AstraZeneca plc GBP 643,262 67,120,924 0.93 Aviva plc GBP 655,341 2,221,722 0.03 Barclays plc GBP 2,010,561 2,850,530 0.04 British American Tobacco plc GBP 787,338 30,287,208 0.42 Diageo plc GBP 20,295 674,331 0.01 Experian plc GBP 156,691 5,473,252 0.08 Halma plc GBP 357,753 10,209,009 0.14 Hiscox Ltd. GBP 948,781 9,271,054 0.13 InterContinental Hotels Group plc GBP 181,427 8,018,837 0.11 London Stock Exchange Group plc GBP 727,250 75,316,903 1.05 Pagegroup plc GBP 1,209,832 5,669,607 0.08 Prudential plc GBP 237,537 3,586,437 0.05 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 176,173 16,223,756 0.23 RELX plc GBP 360,828 8,360,807 0.12 Royal Dutch Shell plc 'B' GBP 361,780 5,486,967 0.08 Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc GBP 97,577 12,061,748 0.17 Unilever plc GBP 147,473 7,958,057 0.11 Vodafone Group plc GBP 6,800,926 10,859,068 0.15

293,488,992 4.09 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories USD 224,725 20,546,607 0.29 Activision Blizzard, Inc. USD 469,190 35,611,521 0.50 Adobe, Inc. USD 148,040 64,443,292 0.90 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. USD 390,974 20,569,142 0.29 AES Corp. (The) USD 716,360 10,380,056 0.14 Agios Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 233,932 12,510,683 0.17 Allakos, Inc. USD 5,133 368,857 – Alphabet, Inc. 'A' USD 46,087 65,353,670 0.91 Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 54,767 77,419,179 1.08 Alteryx, Inc. 'A' USD 138,883 22,815,699 0.32 Altice USA, Inc. 'A' USD 144,670 3,260,862 0.05, Inc. USD 117,136 323,157,139 4.50 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 91,586 23,678,644 0.33

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (73)

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Aon plc 'A' USD 66,761 12,858,169 0.18 Apple, Inc. USD 58,385 21,298,848 0.30 Applied Materials, Inc. USD 72,347 4,373,376 0.06 Arch Capital Group Ltd. USD 406,256 11,639,234 0.16 Autodesk, Inc. USD 117,024 27,990,971 0.39 Baker Hughes Co. USD 793,292 12,208,764 0.17 Bank of America Corp. USD 362,746 8,615,217 0.12 BlackRock, Inc. USD 73,623 40,057,538 0.56 Bluebird Bio, Inc. USD 8,988 548,628 0.01 Boeing Co. (The) USD 70,109 12,850,980 0.18 Booking Holdings, Inc. USD 19,403 30,896,173 0.43 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS� USD 1,686,957 59,229,060 0.82 Brighthouse Financial, Inc. USD 1,071 29,795 – Broadcom, Inc. USD 254,949 80,464,454 1.12 CDK Global, Inc. USD 189,621 7,854,102 0.11 Celanese Corp. USD 29,712 2,565,334 0.04 CF Industries Holdings, Inc. USD 47,728 1,343,066 0.02 Chevron Corp. USD 22,516 2,009,103 0.03 Chubb Ltd. USD 297,811 37,708,829 0.52 CME Group, Inc. USD 293,992 47,785,460 0.66 Colgate-Palmolive Co. USD 145,898 10,688,487 0.15 ConocoPhillips USD 246,498 10,357,846 0.14 Copart, Inc. USD 7,884 656,501 0.01 Costco Wholesale Corp. USD 156,694 47,511,188 0.66 Cree, Inc. USD 50,819 3,007,977 0.04 Danaher Corp. USD 179,997 31,828,869 0.44 Deere & Co. USD 89,176 14,014,008 0.19 Dell Technologies, Inc. 'C' USD 145,156 7,974,871 0.11 Digital Realty Trust, Inc., REIT USD 44,572 6,334,127 0.09 Domino's Pizza, Inc. USD 16,379 6,051,058 0.08 Dow, Inc. USD 251,001 10,230,801 0.14 DuPont de Nemours, Inc. USD 165,499 8,792,962 0.12 Edwards Lifesciences Corp. USD 297,683 20,572,872 0.29 Eli Lilly and Co. USD 21,350 3,505,243 0.05 EOG Resources, Inc. USD 304,638 15,432,961 0.21 Equifax, Inc. USD 142,011 24,408,851 0.34 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 39,682 27,868,669 0.39 Estee Lauder Cos., Inc. (The) 'A' USD 35,013 6,606,253 0.09 Everest Re Group Ltd. USD 39,452 8,135,002 0.11 Facebook, Inc. 'A' USD 1,009,733 229,280,072 3.19 FLIR Systems, Inc. USD 179,657 7,288,684 0.10 General Electric Co. USD 303,642 2,073,875 0.03 General Mills, Inc. USD 119,735 7,381,663 0.10 General Motors Co. USD 211,145 5,341,968 0.07 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 67,472 5,191,296 0.07 Global Payments, Inc. USD 162,612 27,582,247 0.38 GoDaddy, Inc. 'A' USD 456,120 33,447,280 0.47 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) USD 20,151 3,982,241 0.06 Hilton Grand Vacations, Inc. USD 387,654 7,578,636 0.11 Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. USD 158,189 11,618,982 0.16 Home Depot, Inc. (The) USD 84,166 21,084,425 0.29 Honeywell International, Inc. USD 297,314 42,988,631 0.60

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (74)

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IDEX Corp. USD 111,440 17,611,978 0.24 IDEXX Laboratories, Inc. USD 79,486 26,243,098 0.37 Incyte Corp. USD 328,267 34,129,920 0.47 Insulet Corp. USD 149,835 29,106,947 0.41 Intel Corp. USD 106,890 6,395,229 0.09 Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. USD 233,769 21,413,240 0.30 Intuitive Surgical, Inc. USD 161,131 91,817,278 1.28 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 931,727 87,638,242 1.22 Lennox International, Inc. USD 64,639 15,060,241 0.21 Linde plc USD 147,720 31,332,889 0.44 LyondellBasell Industries NV 'A' USD 170,894 11,231,154 0.16 Marriott International, Inc. 'A' USD 34,794 2,982,890 0.04 Mastercard, Inc. 'A' USD 424,914 125,647,070 1.75 MercadoLibre, Inc. USD 40,214 39,641,755 0.55 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 43,785 3,385,894 0.05 MetLife, Inc. USD 41,869 1,529,056 0.02 Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. USD 8,355 6,730,370 0.09 Micron Technology, Inc. USD 213,264 10,987,361 0.15 Microsoft Corp. USD 1,164,629 237,013,648 3.30 Mondelez International, Inc. 'A' USD 699,556 35,768,298 0.50 Moody's Corp. USD 217,229 59,679,323 0.83 Morgan Stanley USD 95,414 4,608,496 0.06 Motorola Solutions, Inc. USD 65,193 9,135,495 0.13 NetApp, Inc. USD 105,749 4,692,083 0.07 1HWÁL[��,QF� USD 245,413 111,672,732 1.55 Newmont Corp. USD 75,703 4,673,903 0.06 NIKE, Inc. 'B' USD 671,102 65,801,551 0.92 Novocure Ltd. USD 112,350 6,662,355 0.09 ON Semiconductor Corp. USD 548,081 10,862,965 0.15 PayPal Holdings, Inc. USD 578,112 100,724,454 1.40 PepsiCo, Inc. USD 44,220 5,848,537 0.08 3À]HU��,QF� USD 843,541 27,583,791 0.38 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 179,172 12,552,790 0.17 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 99,823 62,254,614 0.87 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. USD 24,636 4,213,495 0.06 Samsonite International SA, Reg. S HKD 880,500 886,123 0.01 Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. USD 2,140 343,128 – Schlumberger Ltd. USD 835,747 15,369,387 0.21 Seattle Genetics, Inc. USD 295,894 50,278,308 0.70 Sempra Energy USD 134,869 15,810,693 0.22 ServiceNow, Inc. USD 156,377 63,342,068 0.88 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) USD 67,810 39,184,008 0.55 Smartsheet, Inc. 'A' USD 511,047 26,022,513 0.36 Snap, Inc. 'A' USD 293,900 6,903,711 0.10 SVB Financial Group USD 48,737 10,504,286 0.15 TE Connectivity Ltd. USD 270,940 22,095,157 0.31 Teladoc Health, Inc. USD 3,563 679,963 0.01 Tesla, Inc. USD 242,797 262,174,629 3.65 Texas Instruments, Inc. USD 65,205 8,279,079 0.12 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF� USD 183,538 66,503,159 0.93 Trimble, Inc. USD 521,813 22,537,103 0.31 Twilio, Inc. 'A' USD 7,064 1,549,983 0.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (75)

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� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.




Uber Technologies, Inc. USD 134,877 4,191,977 0.06 Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc. USD 267,127 20,894,674 0.29 VeriSign, Inc. USD 36,839 7,619,410 0.11 Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 281,071 81,597,722 1.14 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 502,117 96,993,941 1.35 Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. USD 131,127 5,558,474 0.08 Weatherford International plc USD 23,600 46,492 – Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. USD 101,106 5,820,672 0.08 Willis Towers Watson plc USD 29,922 5,893,138 0.08 Workday, Inc. 'A' USD 26,695 5,001,575 0.07 Yum! Brands, Inc. USD 79,636 6,921,165 0.10 Zendesk, Inc. USD 135,537 11,999,091 0.17 Zoetis, Inc. USD 347,455 47,615,233 0.66

4,010,511,002 55.82

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������������� ��������



%RQGVUnited States of America

Weatherford International Ltd., 144A 11% 01/12/2024 USD 1,732,000 1,212,400 0.02

1,212,400 0.02

7RWDO�%RQGV ��������� �������




L'Oreal SA� EUR 25,158 8,075,314 0.11

8,075,314 0.11

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ��������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 153,196,450 153,196,450 2.13

153,196,450 2.13

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ����������� �������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (76)

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7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ������������� ��������

&DVK ����������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ���������� ����

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ������������� ������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (77)

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$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVAUD 3,324,100 CHF 2,170,720 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,026 – AUD 3,650,379 DKK 16,573,818 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 19,731 – AUD 18,549,792 EUR 11,306,404 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 95,422 – AUD 6,667,275 GBP 3,651,301 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 76,741 – AUD 3,367,013 HKD 17,912,727 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 12,786 – AUD 7,449,159 JPY 548,706,421 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 58,414 – AUD 105,185,129 USD 72,184,597 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 410,475 0.01 &+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 1,448,133 DKK 10,072,170 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 10,077 – CHF 7,310,892 EUR 6,825,797 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 48,521 – CHF 2,631,355 GBP 2,207,147 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 43,407 – CHF 1,338,285 HKD 10,910,818 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5,492 – CHF 2,941,687 JPY 332,073,263 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 30,212 – CHF 41,864,153 USD 44,028,531 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 177,530 – EUR 2 CHF 2 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – GBP 47 CHF 55 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – HKD 244 CHF 30 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – USD 983 CHF 930 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 91,119 EUR 85,282 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 370 – DKK 718,019 EUR 96,311 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 49 – EUR 102,807 CHF 109,399 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 23 – EUR 27 DKK 199 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – EUR 26,874,497 GBP 24,156,923 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 267,777 0.01 EUR 116,742 HKD 1,015,943 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 132 – EUR 30,068,416 JPY 3,633,229,924 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 138,116 – EUR 3,829,509 USD 4,298,263 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5,629 – GBP 14,449 EUR 15,827 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 118 – HKD 632,921 EUR 72,500 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 175 – JPY 423,050 EUR 3,482 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 6 – USD 2,354,031 EUR 2,089,521 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5,669 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 1,467 GBP 1,230 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 25 – DKK 10,856 GBP 1,309 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 15 – EUR 7,344 GBP 6,606 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 67 – GBP 16,077 CHF 18,805 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 66 – GBP 17,100 DKK 139,632 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 132 – GBP 86,296 EUR 94,529 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 701 – GBP 25,745 HKD 246,079 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 156 – GBP 70,029 JPY 9,270,310 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 910 – GBP 804,280 USD 991,483 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5,200 – HKD 11,756 GBP 1,208 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 19 – JPY 345,602 GBP 2,565 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 22 – USD 47,354 GBP 37,752 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 572 –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (78)

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-3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 7,856 JPY 887,493 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 75 – DKK 58,398 JPY 944,254 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 61 – EUR 39,534 JPY 4,765,169 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 291 – GBP 10,478 JPY 1,392,749 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 83 – HKD 63,117 JPY 871,729 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 68 – JPY 105,940 DKK 6,503 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1 – JPY 534,629 EUR 4,400 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 7 – JPY 488,337,123 GBP 3,631,495 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 23,293 – USD 254,454 JPY 27,232,802 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,193 – 1='�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVNZD 9,596 CHF 5,850 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 16 – NZD 520,809 DKK 2,220,034 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,276 – NZD 2,628,254 EUR 1,503,979 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5,824 – NZD 955,697 GBP 491,389 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 7,806 – NZD 459,034 HKD 2,292,700 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 440 – NZD 1,066,483 JPY 73,762,343 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4,971 – NZD 14,340,185 USD 9,239,016 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 15,235 – 6*'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 6,101 SGD 8,953 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 18 – DKK 45,353 SGD 9,511 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 15 – EUR 30,694 SGD 47,996 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 54 – HKD 142 SGD 25 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – SGD 502,106 DKK 2,386,145 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 432 – SGD 2,533,869 EUR 1,616,369 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,679 – SGD 911,840 GBP 522,517 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 6,810 – SGD 26,312 HKD 146,242 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 14 – SGD 1,059,132 JPY 81,591,218 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4,232 – SGD 821,989 USD 589,150 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 700 – USD 572 SGD 796 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�1$9�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVHV�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� �������


$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVAUD 130,727 CHF 85,603 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (169) – AUD 25,406 DKK 116,298 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (5) – AUD 8,064 GBP 4,505 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (17) – AUD 26,451 HKD 141,750 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (32) – AUD 826,334 USD 570,996 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (690) – &+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 3,441 DKK 24,119 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4) – CHF 14,461 EUR 13,590 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (3) – CHF 4,749 GBP 4,061 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (17) – CHF 1,801 HKD 14,741 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – DKK 10,918 CHF 1,564 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (5) – EUR 7,399 CHF 7,902 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (29) – GBP 2,352 CHF 2,787 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (29) – HKD 11,550 CHF 1,415 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4) – JPY 357,985 CHF 3,172 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (34) – USD 46,626 CHF 44,238 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (87) –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (79)

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(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 5,576 EUR 5,240 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1) – EUR 13,855,238 CHF 14,839,821 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (98,405) – EUR 14,850,722 DKK 110,715,185 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (7,491) – EUR 94,918 GBP 86,448 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (453) – EUR 13,593,387 HKD 118,694,841 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (36,121) – EUR 27,353 JPY 3,323,458 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (44) – EUR 424,473,411 USD 478,118,134 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,062,799) (0.01) GBP 143,185 EUR 159,078 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,345) – HKD 142,661 EUR 16,414 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (42) – JPY 23,116,662 EUR 191,698 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,313) – USD 771,863 EUR 688,153 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,536) – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 56 GBP 48 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – DKK 419 GBP 51 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – EUR 283 GBP 258 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1) – GBP 1,270,717 CHF 1,514,791 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (24,827) – GBP 1,351,992 DKK 11,205,633 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (14,593) – GBP 6,822,806 EUR 7,590,106 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (75,357) – GBP 1,238,193 HKD 12,024,869 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (16,990) – GBP 2,704,503 JPY 363,684,493 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (17,370) – GBP 38,681,012 USD 48,458,466 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (524,064) (0.01) HKD 453 GBP 47 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – JPY 25,366 GBP 191 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2) – USD 1,826 GBP 1,475 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2) – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 2,388 JPY 322,047 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (23) – JPY 254,029,433 CHF 2,250,378 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (23,160) – JPY 270,170,250 DKK 16,660,412 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (10,073) – JPY 1,363,409,907 EUR 11,283,335 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (51,636) – JPY 2,492,727 GBP 18,831 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (245) – JPY 249,517,481 HKD 18,019,949 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (13,531) – JPY 7,794,898,891 USD 72,622,727 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (417,643) (0.01) 1='�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVNZD 485,026 CHF 297,459 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,093) – NZD 5,447 DKK 23,351 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (7) – NZD 27,487 EUR 15,806 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (26) – NZD 26,802 HKD 134,355 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (38) – NZD 837,291 USD 541,257 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (922) – 6*'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVDKK 68 SGD 14 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – EUR 46 SGD 72 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – GBP 9,985 SGD 17,298 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (39) – HKD 48,732 SGD 8,768 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (5) – JPY 1,480,336 SGD 19,303 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (139) – SGD 491,212 CHF 335,323 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,593) – SGD 20,522 DKK 97,856 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (32) – SGD 103,566 EUR 66,242 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (130) – SGD 37,269 GBP 21,653 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (89) – SGD 456,175 HKD 2,540,347 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (396) –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (80)

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SGD 14,250,868 USD 10,237,289 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (11,026) – USD 196,476 SGD 273,915 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (82) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (81)

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Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 65,773 2,885,132 0.47 Galapagos NV EUR 2,195 384,235 0.06 KBC Group NV EUR 13,749 702,024 0.12

3,971,391 0.65 Canada

Barrick Gold Corp. USD 29,360 704,013 0.11 Enbridge, Inc. CAD 46,444 1,256,968 0.21 Nutrien Ltd. CAD 15,288 437,211 0.07 TC Energy Corp. CAD 55,420 2,107,413 0.34

4,505,605 0.73 China

China Tower Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 5,040,000 792,955 0.13 Tencent Holdings Ltd. HKD 139,800 8,004,913 1.30

8,797,868 1.43 Denmark

Carlsberg A/S 'B' DKK 58,605 6,894,231 1.12 DSV PANALPINA A/S DKK 12,760 1,386,686 0.23 Genmab A/S DKK 12,882 3,837,832 0.63 Novo Nordisk A/S 'B' DKK 189,693 10,931,078 1.78

23,049,827 3.76 France

Air Liquide SA EUR 11,283 1,448,737 0.24 Airbus SE EUR 80,351 5,103,896 0.83 Danone SA EUR 68,645 4,225,786 0.69 Engie SA EUR 89,242 981,662 0.16 EssilorLuxottica SA EUR 55,373 6,326,365 1.03 Hermes International EUR 3,545 2,636,771 0.43 Kering SA EUR 4,886 2,366,046 0.38 L'Oreal SA EUR 19,782 5,651,717 0.92 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 7,363 2,875,252 0.47 Pernod Ricard SA EUR 35,069 4,911,413 0.80 Safran SA EUR 104,481 9,321,795 1.52 TOTAL SA EUR 98,555 3,348,406 0.55

49,197,846 8.02 Germany

Deutsche Boerse AG EUR 11,086 1,785,400 0.29 MTU Aero Engines AG EUR 8,881 1,369,006 0.22 SAP SE EUR 39,353 4,892,365 0.80 Sartorius AG Preference EUR 4,419 1,293,000 0.21

9,339,771 1.52 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 1,305,716 10,841,371 1.77 BeiGene Ltd., ADR USD 13,108 2,198,084 0.36 Link REIT HKD 426,000 3,099,227 0.50

Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (82)

Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

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VTech Holdings Ltd. HKD 63,400 338,927 0.06

16,477,609 2.69 India

HDFC Bank Ltd., ADR USD 30,031 1,215,140 0.20

1,215,140 0.20 Ireland

Flutter Entertainment plc GBP 10,878 1,271,110 0.21 Ryanair Holdings plc, ADR USD 51,798 3,058,549 0.50

4,329,659 0.71 Italy

Enel SpA EUR 1,074,515 8,250,126 1.34

8,250,126 1.34 Japan

Asahi Kasei Corp. JPY 579,500 4,182,759 0.68 Hamamatsu Photonics KK JPY 91,500 3,522,424 0.57 Keyence Corp. JPY 19,200 7,127,002 1.16 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. JPY 19,600 1,020,474 0.17 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. JPY 39,100 810,783 0.13 Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 8,400 1,462,782 0.24 Obic Co. Ltd. JPY 9,600 1,493,299 0.24 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. JPY 53,900 5,596,167 0.91 Shionogi & Co. Ltd. JPY 20,500 1,140,674 0.19 SMC Corp. JPY 11,400 5,185,495 0.85 SoftBank Group Corp. JPY 51,800 2,327,180 0.38 Suzuki Motor Corp. JPY 29,500 889,305 0.15 Terumo Corp. JPY 76,300 2,566,817 0.42 Unicharm Corp. JPY 32,200 1,173,226 0.19

38,498,387 6.28 Mexico

America Movil SAB de CV, ADR 'L' USD 351,808 3,973,692 0.65

3,973,692 0.65 Netherlands

ASML Holding NV EUR 43,943 14,364,967 2.34 Koninklijke KPN NV EUR 1,363,758 3,218,469 0.52 Koninklijke Philips NV EUR 157,624 6,544,548 1.07 Koninklijke Philips NV, NYRS USD 20,346 848,248 0.14 Prosus NV, ADR USD 29,431 487,242 0.08

25,463,474 4.15 Norway

Adevinta ASA NOK 90,602 811,851 0.13 DNB ASA NOK 248,498 2,920,676 0.48

3,732,527 0.61 South Africa

Naspers Ltd., ADR 'N' USD 90,590 2,955,161 0.48

2,955,161 0.48

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (83)

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SpainBanco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA EUR 266,131 815,425 0.13 Iberdrola SA EUR 266,413 2,749,382 0.45 Industria de Diseno Textil SA EUR 29,163 687,372 0.11

4,252,179 0.69 Sweden

Svenska Handelsbanken AB 'A' SEK 161,266 1,362,343 0.22

1,362,343 0.22 Switzerland

ABB Ltd. CHF 86,580 1,734,918 0.28 Cie Financiere Richemont SA CHF 32,759 1,860,055 0.30 DKSH Holding AG CHF 22,284 1,272,821 0.21 Givaudan SA CHF 518 1,716,836 0.28 Nestle SA CHF 76,903 7,567,048 1.24 Straumann Holding AG CHF 653 499,354 0.08 UBS Group AG CHF 143,859 1,473,782 0.24

16,124,814 2.63 Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., ADR USD 244,341 12,346,452 2.01

12,346,452 2.01 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc GBP 126,605 11,758,388 1.92 British American Tobacco plc GBP 153,498 5,255,665 0.86 Diageo plc GBP 118,313 3,498,997 0.57 London Stock Exchange Group plc GBP 38,206 3,521,821 0.57 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 121,530 9,961,448 1.62 Rio Tinto plc GBP 25,447 1,276,691 0.21 Unilever plc GBP 43,413 2,085,169 0.34 Vodafone Group plc GBP 1,728,651 2,456,737 0.40

39,814,916 6.49 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories USD 85,996 6,998,322 1.14 Activision Blizzard, Inc. USD 119,328 8,061,411 1.31 Adobe, Inc. USD 2,086 808,239 0.13 AES Corp. (The) USD 168,092 2,167,915 0.35 Alphabet, Inc. 'A' USD 2,883 3,638,841 0.59 Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 1,373 1,727,536 0.28, Inc. USD 3,434 8,432,388 1.37 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 26,663 6,135,694 1.00 AMETEK, Inc. USD 55,811 4,439,545 0.72 Anthem, Inc. USD 12,482 2,921,688 0.48 Aon plc 'A' USD 33,260 5,701,714 0.93 Apple, Inc. USD 33,678 10,935,233 1.78 Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (The) USD 40,567 1,395,563 0.23 Baxter International, Inc. USD 17,899 1,371,699 0.22 Broadcom, Inc. USD 45,096 12,668,223 2.06 BWX Technologies, Inc. USD 25,103 1,265,540 0.21 Charter Communications, Inc. 'A' USD 7,699 3,495,147 0.57 Chevron Corp. USD 78,967 6,271,674 1.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (84)

Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Chubb Ltd. USD 15,219 1,715,202 0.28 Cigna Corp. USD 3,646 608,965 0.10 CME Group, Inc. USD 32,459 4,695,938 0.76 Comcast Corp. 'A' USD 168,984 5,862,925 0.96 Costco Wholesale Corp. USD 20,732 5,595,149 0.91 Cree, Inc. USD 24,038 1,266,408 0.21 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT USD 32,167 4,791,408 0.78 CSX Corp. USD 66,447 4,124,623 0.67 Danaher Corp. USD 31,304 4,927,002 0.80 Deere & Co. USD 25,853 3,616,198 0.59 Edwards Lifesciences Corp. USD 8,757 538,670 0.09 Electronic Arts, Inc. USD 22,434 2,636,769 0.43 Eli Lilly and Co. USD 18,090 2,643,539 0.43 EOG Resources, Inc. USD 13,135 592,273 0.10 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 5,930 3,706,844 0.60 Estee Lauder Cos., Inc. (The) 'A' USD 7,555 1,268,783 0.21 Exelon Corp. USD 14,542 469,719 0.08 Facebook, Inc. 'A' USD 12,963 2,619,945 0.43 First Republic Bank USD 7,820 737,732 0.12 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 70,543 4,830,955 0.79 Global Payments, Inc. USD 27,875 4,208,418 0.69 GoDaddy, Inc. 'A' USD 112,376 7,334,697 1.20 HEICO Corp. USD 11,923 1,057,523 0.17 HEICO Corp. 'A' USD 15,703 1,135,480 0.18 Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. USD 31,238 2,042,217 0.33 Honeywell International, Inc. USD 12,033 1,548,599 0.25 Intel Corp. USD 137,959 7,346,762 1.20 Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. USD 82,097 6,693,445 1.09 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. USD 22,783 3,731,870 0.61 Johnson & Johnson USD 21,422 2,681,420 0.44 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 81,457 6,819,622 1.11 KLA Corp. USD 30,799 5,331,366 0.87 Las Vegas Sands Corp. USD 104,057 4,217,851 0.69 Linde plc USD 6,134 1,158,062 0.19 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. USD 43,364 4,144,186 0.68 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 66,513 4,578,060 0.75 Microsoft Corp. USD 57,520 10,419,132 1.70 Mondelez International, Inc. 'A' USD 37,955 1,727,316 0.28 Moody's Corp. USD 25,621 6,265,116 1.02 MSCI, Inc. USD 8,246 2,450,093 0.40 Neurocrine Biosciences, Inc. USD 12,963 1,407,642 0.23 NIKE, Inc. 'B' USD 18,045 1,574,822 0.26 PepsiCo, Inc. USD 6,306 742,351 0.12 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 51,774 3,228,559 0.53 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. USD 12,545 1,909,721 0.31 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. USD 68,446 3,064,383 0.50 Seattle Genetics, Inc. USD 69,328 10,485,281 1.71 Sempra Energy USD 13,012 1,357,719 0.22 ServiceNow, Inc. USD 5,580 2,011,780 0.33 State Street Corp. USD 12,451 704,282 0.11 TransDigm Group, Inc. USD 6,781 2,668,038 0.43 Trimble, Inc. USD 40,349 1,551,111 0.25

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (85)

Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 81

� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.




Truist Financial Corp. USD 42,753 1,428,905 0.23 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 3,691 555,440 0.09 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. USD 33,148 8,702,272 1.42 Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 6,353 1,641,602 0.27 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 70,904 12,190,944 1.99 Waste Connections, Inc. USD 26,747 2,232,845 0.36 Wells Fargo & Co. USD 19,209 437,695 0.07 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. USD 49,878 2,555,831 0.42 Yum! Brands, Inc. USD 40,391 3,124,505 0.51

294,152,382 47.94

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������



(TXLWLHVSouth Korea

Hyundai Motor Co., GDR Preference, 144A� USD 117,744 2,478,776 0.40

2,478,776 0.40

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ��������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 30,846,614 27,455,820 4.48

27,455,820 4.48

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ���������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� �������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (86)

Schedule of investments

82 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






India Government Bond 7.17% 08/01/2028 INR 4,620,000 65,594 0.02

65,594 0.02 Mexico

Mexican Bonos 8% 07/12/2023 MXN 3,700,000 177,496 0.05

177,496 0.05 Netherlands

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 3.15% 01/10/2026 USD 555,000 497,630 0.16

497,630 0.16 United Kingdom

Lloyds Banking Group plc, FRN, 144A 6.657% Perpetual USD 110,000 124,360 0.04

124,360 0.04 United States of America

CenturyLink, Inc. 7.5% 01/04/2024 USD 100,000 110,066 0.04 General Motors Co. 5.4% 02/10/2023 USD 52,000 56,373 0.02 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 5.2% 20/03/2023 USD 66,000 70,661 0.02 ONEOK, Inc. 2.2% 15/09/2025 USD 7,000 6,879 –

243,979 0.08

7RWDO�%RQGV ��������� �������

&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGVUnited States of America

Broadcom, Inc. 8% USD 680 757,758 0.24 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT 6.875% USD 396 588,175 0.18 DTE Energy Co. 6.25% USD 3,406 144,142 0.05

1,490,075 0.47

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ��������� �������


Fortescue Metals Group Ltd. AUD 77,032 736,263 0.23 Insurance Australia Group Ltd. AUD 51,062 203,323 0.06 Macquarie Group Ltd. AUD 7,077 579,223 0.18 QBE Insurance Group Ltd. AUD 86,779 530,592 0.17 Sydney Airport AUD 72,267 282,771 0.09 Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. AUD 41,415 299,523 0.09

2,631,695 0.82 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 5,803 285,985 0.09

285,985 0.09 Brazil

B2W Cia Digital BRL 1,935 38,091 0.01

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (87)

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 83




B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao BRL 128,604 1,302,807 0.41 Banco Bradesco SA Preference BRL 177,921 677,252 0.21 CCR SA BRL 213,472 569,196 0.18 Hypera SA BRL 31,130 190,623 0.06 Petroleo Brasileiro SA, ADR Preference USD 64,314 512,582 0.16 Petroleo Brasileiro SA Preference BRL 57,396 227,448 0.07 Vale SA, ADR USD 92,351 952,139 0.30 Vale SA BRL 180,380 1,854,848 0.58

6,324,986 1.98 Canada

Bank of Montreal CAD 2,664 141,795 0.04 Barrick Gold Corp. CAD 4,786 128,781 0.04 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. CAD 65,509 1,136,371 0.36 Enbridge, Inc. CAD 1,700 51,691 0.02 Power Corp. of Canada CAD 18,591 327,013 0.10 Restaurant Brands International, Inc. CAD 8,236 448,260 0.14 Shaw Communications, Inc. 'B' CAD 14,166 231,022 0.07 Suncor Energy, Inc. CAD 16,815 283,511 0.09 TC Energy Corp. CAD 25,186 1,076,008 0.34 Teck Resources Ltd. 'B' CAD 19,383 203,025 0.06 TELUS Corp. CAD 11,836 198,516 0.06 Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) CAD 12,855 573,721 0.18

4,799,714 1.50 China

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., ADR USD 574 123,812 0.04 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. HKD 110,148 2,978,778 0.93 China Gas Holdings Ltd. HKD 90,600 279,381 0.09 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. HKD 485,000 1,467,421 0.46 China Resources Gas Group Ltd. HKD 226,000 1,100,768 0.35 China Resources Land Ltd. HKD 152,000 575,602 0.18 CIFI Holdings Group Co. Ltd. HKD 336,000 261,846 0.08 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. HKD 27,900 313,900 0.10 Guangdong Investment Ltd. HKD 488,500 838,275 0.26 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 182,600 783,409 0.25 Kweichow Moutai Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 4,300 889,213 0.28 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd., Reg. S HKD 296,000 1,407,341 0.44 Meituan Dianping, Reg. S 'B' HKD 35,800 794,016 0.25 Midea Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 15,400 130,160 0.04 NetEase, Inc. HKD 68,250 1,176,466 0.37 People's Insurance Co. Group of China Ltd. (The) 'H' HKD 430,000 125,385 0.04 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'A' CNY 13,900 140,295 0.04 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'H' HKD 206,000 2,059,867 0.64 Shimao Group Holdings Ltd. HKD 123,500 522,650 0.16 Tencent Holdings Ltd. HKD 30,000 1,929,940 0.60 Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc., Reg. S HKD 11,000 201,252 0.06

18,099,777 5.66 Denmark

Coloplast A/S 'B' DKK 5,040 781,171 0.25 Orsted A/S, Reg. S DKK 5,383 621,206 0.19

1,402,377 0.44

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (88)

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

84 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




FinlandNokian Renkaat OYJ EUR 8,862 194,549 0.06

194,549 0.06 France

Aeroports de Paris EUR 1,364 140,066 0.04 Air Liquide SA EUR 3,343 482,252 0.15 Airbus SE EUR 35,608 2,541,155 0.80 ALD SA, Reg. S EUR 8,697 85,985 0.03 BNP Paribas SA EUR 7,499 297,997 0.09 Capgemini SE EUR 2,324 266,193 0.08 Engie SA EUR 15,260 188,591 0.06 EssilorLuxottica SA EUR 2,017 258,902 0.08 Ingenico Group SA EUR 2,044 326,094 0.10 Kering SA EUR 1,609 875,384 0.27 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 9,405 4,126,225 1.29 Pernod Ricard SA EUR 1,106 174,025 0.06 Peugeot SA EUR 17,165 279,245 0.09 Safran SA EUR 9,038 905,957 0.28 Societe Generale SA EUR 3,526 58,630 0.02 TOTAL SA EUR 9,342 356,593 0.11 8QLEDLO�5RGDPFR�:HVWÀHOG��5(,7 EUR 3,113 175,432 0.06 Vinci SA EUR 6,654 613,013 0.19 Worldline SA, Reg. S EUR 2,918 252,697 0.08

12,404,436 3.88 Germany

adidas AG EUR 4,256 1,116,985 0.35 BASF SE EUR 1,460 81,819 0.03 Bayer AG EUR 2,066 152,708 0.05 Deutsche Bank AG EUR 49,042 466,355 0.15 Deutsche Boerse AG EUR 6,387 1,155,662 0.36 Deutsche Post AG EUR 9,771 357,325 0.11 E.ON SE EUR 241,915 2,721,992 0.85 Knorr-Bremse AG EUR 1,494 151,452 0.05 MTU Aero Engines AG EUR 1,302 225,490 0.07 Volkswagen AG Preference EUR 4,037 612,030 0.19 Vonovia SE EUR 3,880 237,924 0.07

7,279,742 2.28 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 438,200 4,087,718 1.28 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. HKD 218,916 696,249 0.22 CK Asset Holdings Ltd. HKD 104,500 622,915 0.19 CLP Holdings Ltd. HKD 25,500 250,048 0.08 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. HKD 6,000 40,836 0.01 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. HKD 13,400 570,544 0.18 Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. USD 2,200 91,828 0.03 Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd., ADR USD 5,200 80,704 0.03 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. HKD 21,500 274,489 0.09 Techtronic Industries Co. Ltd. HKD 11,500 112,470 0.03 Wynn Macau Ltd. HKD 228,000 392,429 0.12

7,220,230 2.26

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (89)

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 85




IndiaBharti Infratel Ltd. INR 17,986 52,764 0.02 HDFC Bank Ltd., ADR USD 1,876 85,283 0.03 HDFC Bank Ltd. INR 108,971 1,538,291 0.48 HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Reg. S INR 185,320 1,347,492 0.42 Housing Development Finance Corp. Ltd. INR 7,826 181,870 0.06 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. INR 130,361 2,348,885 0.73

5,554,585 1.74 Indonesia

Astra International Tbk. PT IDR 1,691,700 568,440 0.18 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk. PT IDR 1,943,700 412,279 0.13

980,719 0.31 Ireland

CRH plc EUR 10,668 365,558 0.11 Flutter Entertainment plc GBP 11,671 1,532,200 0.48

1,897,758 0.59 Israel

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR USD 34,915 430,502 0.13

430,502 0.13 Italy

Enel SpA EUR 388,670 3,352,758 1.05 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA EUR 25,128 339,199 0.11 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA EUR 126,935 242,953 0.08 Moncler SpA EUR 8,839 338,038 0.10

4,272,948 1.34 Japan

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. JPY 31,200 1,665,830 0.52 Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. JPY 19,900 1,622,963 0.51 Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd. JPY 1,328 121,872 0.04 Keyence Corp. JPY 2,800 1,167,715 0.37 Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 23,800 501,348 0.16 M3, Inc. JPY 8,700 369,433 0.12 Nidec Corp. JPY 4,400 293,238 0.09 Nintendo Co. Ltd. JPY 1,400 622,496 0.19 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. JPY 11,200 260,927 0.08 Obic Co. Ltd. JPY 3,100 541,764 0.17 Olympus Corp. JPY 8,900 171,076 0.05 Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 51,400 1,752,765 0.55 Shimano, Inc. JPY 4,000 768,696 0.24 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. JPY 4,400 513,248 0.16 SMC Corp. JPY 1,300 664,358 0.21 Softbank Corp. JPY 58,000 738,597 0.23 SoftBank Group Corp. JPY 26,600 1,342,626 0.42 Sony Corp. JPY 13,100 895,859 0.28 Sony Financial Holdings, Inc. JPY 25,600 615,254 0.19 Tokyo Electron Ltd. JPY 8,600 2,105,895 0.66 Z Holdings Corp. JPY 68,000 331,262 0.10

17,067,222 5.34

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (90)

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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86 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




MexicoAmerica Movil SAB de CV, ADR 'L' USD 35,622 452,043 0.14

452,043 0.14 Netherlands

Akzo Nobel NV EUR 6,482 580,709 0.18 ASML Holding NV EUR 12,139 4,458,317 1.40 Just Eat NV, Reg. S GBP 2,518 263,395 0.08 Koninklijke DSM NV EUR 1,892 261,881 0.08 Koninklijke Philips NV EUR 9,133 426,034 0.13

5,990,336 1.87 Philippines

SM Prime Holdings, Inc. PHP 336,400 215,039 0.07

215,039 0.07 Portugal

EDP - Energias de Portugal SA EUR 17,368 82,930 0.02 Galp Energia SGPS SA EUR 46,951 543,056 0.17

625,986 0.19 Russian Federation

Gazprom PJSC, ADR USD 210,055 1,133,457 0.35 Sberbank of Russia PJSC, ADR USD 164,539 1,872,454 0.59 Yandex NV 'A' USD 47,260 2,363,945 0.74

5,369,856 1.68 Singapore

DBS Group Holdings Ltd. SGD 23,800 355,224 0.11

355,224 0.11 South Africa

Naspers Ltd. 'N' ZAR 5,612 1,022,987 0.32

1,022,987 0.32 South Korea

LG Uplus Corp. KRW 39,774 403,411 0.12 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KRW 12,860 564,499 0.18

967,910 0.30 Spain

Aena SME SA, Reg. S EUR 9,939 1,325,460 0.41 Banco Santander SA EUR 124,937 305,227 0.10 Cellnex Telecom SA, Reg. S EUR 10,589 645,279 0.20 Grifols SA Preference 'B' EUR 13,421 246,684 0.08 Iberdrola SA EUR 183,051 2,122,389 0.66 Industria de Diseno Textil SA EUR 8,387 222,095 0.07

4,867,134 1.52 Sweden

Assa Abloy AB 'B' SEK 28,946 588,507 0.18 Atlas Copco AB 'B' SEK 6,705 247,960 0.08 Hexagon AB 'B' SEK 6,336 369,898 0.12

1,206,365 0.38

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (91)

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SwitzerlandAlcon, Inc. CHF 5,371 308,161 0.10 Cie Financiere Richemont SA CHF 2,279 145,383 0.04 Credit Suisse Group AG CHF 8,071 83,466 0.03 Julius Baer Group Ltd. CHF 10,901 456,198 0.14 LafargeHolcim Ltd. CHF 4,558 199,697 0.06 Logitech International SA CHF 17,354 1,133,061 0.35 Nestle SA CHF 44,788 4,951,285 1.55 Novartis AG CHF 47,409 4,124,175 1.29 Temenos AG CHF 2,209 343,083 0.11 Zurich Insurance Group AG CHF 6,009 2,119,592 0.66

13,864,101 4.33 Taiwan

Largan Precision Co. Ltd. TWD 2,000 276,907 0.08 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 509,000 5,399,753 1.69

5,676,660 1.77 Thailand

Thai Beverage PCL SGD 1,045,800 506,541 0.16

506,541 0.16 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc GBP 22,005 2,296,103 0.72 Barclays plc GBP 431,242 611,406 0.19 BHP Group plc GBP 24,604 504,374 0.16 BP plc GBP 243,794 928,006 0.29 British American Tobacco plc, ADR USD 17,847 692,821 0.22 British American Tobacco plc GBP 98,206 3,777,775 1.18 Bunzl plc GBP 14,741 395,632 0.12 Daily Mail & General Trust plc 'A' GBP 37,590 320,921 0.10 GlaxoSmithKline plc GBP 17,587 356,649 0.11 Imperial Brands plc GBP 48,797 930,244 0.29 InterContinental Hotels Group plc GBP 2,983 131,845 0.04 ITV plc GBP 305,961 283,124 0.09 Legal & General Group plc GBP 88,550 242,377 0.08 London Stock Exchange Group plc GBP 6,117 633,501 0.20 M&G plc GBP 362,537 752,667 0.24 Melrose Industries plc GBP 266,152 375,959 0.12 National Grid plc GBP 24,105 295,459 0.09 Ocado Group plc GBP 148,084 3,721,195 1.16 Prudential plc GBP 35,385 534,258 0.17 RELX plc GBP 1,965 45,531 0.01 Rio Tinto plc GBP 28,902 1,629,109 0.51 Royal Dutch Shell plc, ADR 'A' USD 263 8,597 – Royal Dutch Shell plc, ADR 'B' USD 1,604 48,842 0.01 Royal Dutch Shell plc 'A' GBP 5,196 82,862 0.03 Royal Dutch Shell plc 'B' GBP 52,679 798,960 0.25 SSE plc GBP 57,293 968,683 0.30 St James's Place plc GBP 30,407 358,989 0.11 Taylor Wimpey plc GBP 173,870 307,221 0.10

22,033,110 6.89

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (92)

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

88 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




United States of AmericaAbbott Laboratories USD 46,617 4,262,192 1.33 AbbVie, Inc. USD 16,457 1,615,748 0.51 Accenture plc 'A' USD 6,565 1,409,637 0.44 Activision Blizzard, Inc. USD 19,000 1,442,100 0.45 Adobe, Inc. USD 2,001 871,055 0.27 AES Corp. (The) USD 8,950 129,685 0.04 Alphabet, Inc. 'A' USD 1,733 2,457,481 0.77 Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 2,087 2,950,204 0.92 Altice USA, Inc. 'A' USD 47,955 1,080,906 0.34 Altria Group, Inc. USD 29,140 1,143,745 0.36, Inc. USD 2,157 5,950,775 1.86 Amcor plc, CDI AUD 31,458 314,349 0.10 American Electric Power Co., Inc. USD 5,627 448,134 0.14 American International Group, Inc. USD 12,171 379,492 0.12 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 9,401 2,430,535 0.76 Amgen, Inc. USD 17,511 4,130,144 1.29 Aon plc 'A' USD 4,468 860,537 0.27 Apple, Inc. USD 5,966 2,176,397 0.68 Ares Management Corp. USD 5,745 228,077 0.07 Autodesk, Inc. USD 178 42,576 0.01 Baker Hughes Co. USD 5,980 92,032 0.03 BlackRock, Inc. USD 848 461,388 0.14 Blackstone Group, Inc. (The) 'A' USD 6,388 361,944 0.11 Bluebird Bio, Inc. USD 2,364 144,299 0.04 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS��3UHIHUHQFH USD 1,200 125,628 0.04 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS� USD 25,532 896,429 0.28 Broadcom, Inc. USD 31,526 9,949,921 3.11 Carrier Global Corp. USD 1,575 34,997 0.01 Centene Corp. USD 14,710 934,820 0.29 Ceridian HCM Holding, Inc. USD 4,786 379,386 0.12 Chevron Corp. USD 5,101 455,162 0.14 Chubb Ltd. USD 4,930 624,237 0.19 Cigna Corp. USD 1,315 246,760 0.08 CME Group, Inc. USD 16,647 2,705,803 0.85 CMS Energy Corp. USD 11,883 694,205 0.22 Colgate-Palmolive Co. USD 3,368 246,740 0.08 Comcast Corp. 'A' USD 50,510 1,968,880 0.62 Conagra Brands, Inc. USD 9,215 324,092 0.10 Consolidated Edison, Inc. USD 3,748 269,594 0.08 Constellation Brands, Inc. 'A' USD 7,785 1,361,986 0.43 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT USD 15,966 2,671,910 0.84 CSX Corp. USD 33,359 2,326,457 0.73 Danaher Corp. Preference USD 98 105,216 0.03 Digital Realty Trust, Inc., REIT USD 5,766 819,406 0.26 Discover Financial Services USD 7,321 366,709 0.11 Dominion Energy, Inc. Preference USD 2,300 233,082 0.07 Dominion Energy, Inc. USD 7,918 642,783 0.20 Domino's Pizza, Inc. USD 1,107 408,970 0.13 Dow, Inc. USD 3,650 148,774 0.05 DTE Energy Co. USD 5,617 603,827 0.19 Electronic Arts, Inc. USD 1,442 190,416 0.06

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (93)

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EOG Resources, Inc. USD 27,180 1,376,939 0.43 EPAM Systems, Inc. USD 3,310 834,153 0.26 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 529 371,517 0.12 Estee Lauder Cos., Inc. (The) 'A' USD 992 187,171 0.06 Exxon Mobil Corp. USD 11,623 519,781 0.16 Facebook, Inc. 'A' USD 27,569 6,260,093 1.96 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 'B' USD 31,302 362,164 0.11 General Dynamics Corp. USD 877 131,076 0.04 General Motors Co. USD 55,625 1,407,313 0.44 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 53,988 4,153,837 1.30 Home Depot, Inc. (The) USD 14,775 3,701,285 1.16 Honeywell International, Inc. USD 7,105 1,027,312 0.32 Humana, Inc. USD 736 285,384 0.09 Illumina, Inc. USD 898 332,574 0.10 Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. USD 7,464 683,702 0.21 Intuitive Surgical, Inc. USD 495 282,066 0.09 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. USD 4,750 874,142 0.27 Johnson & Johnson USD 5,885 827,608 0.26 Johnson Controls International plc USD 23,810 812,873 0.25 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 12,125 1,140,477 0.36 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. USD 52,358 1,486,967 0.46 Kroger Co. (The) USD 5,309 179,710 0.06 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. USD 3,531 599,105 0.19 Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. USD 1,185 75,757 0.02 Linde plc USD 6,120 1,298,113 0.41 Lowe's Cos., Inc. USD 3,475 469,542 0.15 ManpowerGroup, Inc. USD 6,274 431,337 0.13 MarketAxess Holdings, Inc. USD 774 387,712 0.12 Marriott International, Inc. 'A' USD 11,054 947,659 0.30 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. USD 2,470 265,204 0.08 Mastercard, Inc. 'A' USD 6,983 2,064,873 0.65 McDonald's Corp. USD 1,691 311,939 0.10 MercadoLibre, Inc. USD 1,729 1,704,396 0.53 Microsoft Corp. USD 55,254 11,244,742 3.52 Moody's Corp. USD 1,411 387,644 0.12 Nasdaq, Inc. USD 9,379 1,120,509 0.35 1HWÁL[��,QF� USD 16,254 7,396,220 2.31 NextEra Energy, Inc. USD 1,197 287,483 0.09 NIKE, Inc. 'B' USD 5,107 500,741 0.16 Noble Energy, Inc. USD 20,611 184,675 0.06 NortonLifeLock, Inc. USD 13,634 270,362 0.08 Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd. USD 24,302 399,282 0.12 Otis Worldwide Corp. USD 686 39,006 0.01 PayPal Holdings, Inc. USD 1,193 207,856 0.06 PerkinElmer, Inc. USD 1,200 117,708 0.04 3À]HU��,QF� USD 44,257 1,447,204 0.45 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 45,219 3,168,043 0.99 Pioneer Natural Resources Co. USD 2,111 206,245 0.06 Principal Financial Group, Inc. USD 4,919 204,335 0.06 Raytheon Technologies Corp. USD 6,967 429,307 0.13 RingCentral, Inc. 'A' USD 2,241 638,707 0.20 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. USD 5,537 278,511 0.09 S&P Global, Inc. USD 3,983 1,312,319 0.41, Inc. USD 957 179,275 0.06 ServiceNow, Inc. USD 1,330 538,730 0.17

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (94)

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

90 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) USD 792 457,657 0.14 Simon Property Group, Inc., REIT USD 1,659 113,442 0.04 SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. USD 2,112 119,286 0.04 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. USD 7,940 1,106,677 0.35 Stryker Corp. USD 9,608 1,731,266 0.54 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF� USD 9,284 3,363,965 1.05 TransDigm Group, Inc. USD 1,899 839,453 0.26 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 3,573 604,087 0.19 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. USD 19,375 5,714,656 1.79 Verizon Communications, Inc. USD 3,719 205,028 0.06 Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 1,276 370,436 0.12 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 2,378 459,358 0.14 Wells Fargo & Co. USD 5,810 148,736 0.05 Western Union Co. (The) USD 4,729 102,241 0.03 Westrock Co. USD 3,219 90,969 0.03 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. USD 3,901 465,623 0.15 Zoetis, Inc. USD 1,829 250,646 0.08

147,615,833 46.15

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������




Transcanada Trust, FRN 5.875% 15/08/2076 USD 135,000 142,876 0.04

142,876 0.04 United States of America

Sprint Communications, Inc. 11.5% 15/11/2021 USD 120,000 133,173 0.04

133,173 0.04

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������

&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGVUnited States of America

2020 Cash Mandatory Exchangeable Trust, 144A 5.25% USD 427 436,629 0.14

436,629 0.14

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ������� �������

(TXLWLHVUnited States of America

FHLMC Preference, FRN USD 12,375 98,258 0.03 FNMA Preference, FRN USD 12,100 96,195 0.03

194,453 0.06

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������� �������



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (95)

Capital Group World Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.




%RQGVUnited States of America

Carnival Corp., 144A 11.5% 01/04/2023 USD 139,000 150,459 0.05 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 11.5% 01/06/2025 USD 150,000 156,485 0.05

306,944 0.10

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������


Sea Ltd., 144A 2.375% 01/12/2025 USD 170,000 236,376 0.07

236,376 0.07 United States of America

Carnival Corp., 144A 5.75% 01/04/2023 USD 56,000 90,366 0.03

90,366 0.03

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ������� �������




Midea Group Co. Ltd. 09/04/2021� USD 67,700 572,200 0.18

572,200 0.18

7RWDO�:DUUDQWV ������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 4,641,809 4,641,809 1.45

4,641,809 1.45

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (96)

Schedule of investments

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&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGVUnited States of America

Broadcom, Inc. 8% USD 800 891,480 0.56 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT 6.875% USD 1,220 1,812,054 1.15 Sempra Energy 6% USD 10,120 989,028 0.63

3,692,562 2.34

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ��������� �������


Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 5,962 293,821 0.19

293,821 0.19 Canada

Enbridge, Inc. CAD 42,200 1,283,159 0.81 Nutrien Ltd. USD 16,320 523,872 0.33 TC Energy Corp. CAD 50,595 2,161,542 1.37

3,968,573 2.51 China

BOC Aviation Ltd., Reg. S HKD 168,400 1,075,518 0.68 China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd. 'H' HKD 72,500 333,478 0.21 Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai 'A' CNY 99,600 796,479 0.51 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd., Reg. S HKD 415,000 1,973,131 1.25

4,178,606 2.65 Denmark

Carlsberg A/S 'B' DKK 18,050 2,385,621 1.51

2,385,621 1.51 Finland

Sampo OYJ 'A' EUR 16,550 569,346 0.36

569,346 0.36 France

Airbus SE EUR 5,056 360,820 0.23 Danone SA EUR 32,605 2,256,464 1.43 Euronext NV, Reg. S EUR 12,847 1,288,199 0.82 Kering SA EUR 1,087 591,388 0.37 TOTAL SA EUR 34,937 1,333,577 0.85 8QLEDLO�5RGDPFR�:HVWÀHOG��5(,7 EUR 4,007 225,814 0.14

6,056,262 3.84 Germany

TAG Immobilien AG EUR 49,051 1,169,409 0.74

1,169,409 0.74 Hong Kong

CK Asset Holdings Ltd. HKD 341,500 2,035,649 1.29 HKBN Ltd. HKD 812,500 1,421,521 0.90 HKT Trust & HKT Ltd. HKD 453,000 662,799 0.42 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. HKD 99,300 4,227,985 2.68 Link REIT HKD 429,500 3,510,590 2.23

Capital Group World Dividend Growers (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (97)

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Sands China Ltd. HKD 463,600 1,818,391 1.15 VTech Holdings Ltd. HKD 22,100 132,734 0.08

13,809,669 8.75 Italy

Enel SpA EUR 324,518 2,799,368 1.77

2,799,368 1.77 Japan

Asahi Kasei Corp. JPY 182,800 1,482,377 0.94 Japan Tobacco, Inc. JPY 15,100 279,904 0.18 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. JPY 12,000 279,565 0.17

2,041,846 1.29 Netherlands

Koninklijke KPN NV EUR 515,168 1,365,947 0.87 Koninklijke Philips NV EUR 19,371 903,613 0.57

2,269,560 1.44 Russian Federation

Rosneft Oil Co. PJSC, Reg. S, GDR USD 81,300 408,776 0.26

408,776 0.26 South Korea

KT Corp., ADR USD 45,600 444,144 0.28

444,144 0.28 Spain

Iberdrola SA EUR 158,840 1,841,674 1.17

1,841,674 1.17 Sweden

Svenska Handelsbanken AB 'A' SEK 67,505 640,697 0.41 Swedbank AB 'A' SEK 25,058 321,084 0.20

961,781 0.61 Switzerland

ABB Ltd. CHF 23,889 537,815 0.34 Cie Financiere Richemont SA CHF 10,734 684,746 0.43 Givaudan SA CHF 298 1,109,656 0.70 Nestle SA CHF 23,921 2,644,452 1.68 Partners Group Holding AG CHF 1,055 956,955 0.61 Roche Holding AG CHF 1,560 540,636 0.34 Zurich Insurance Group AG CHF 4,467 1,575,673 1.00

8,049,933 5.10 Taiwan

Delta Electronics, Inc. TWD 236,000 1,339,796 0.85 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., ADR USD 26,786 1,520,641 0.97 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 345,000 3,659,950 2.32 Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp. TWD 744,000 1,961,843 1.24

8,482,230 5.38 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc, ADR USD 43,865 2,320,020 1.47 AstraZeneca plc GBP 15,500 1,617,341 1.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (98)

Capital Group World Dividend Growers (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

94 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




British American Tobacco plc GBP 99,370 3,822,551 2.42 Diageo plc GBP 53,505 1,777,782 1.13 GlaxoSmithKline plc GBP 142,645 2,892,714 1.83 Imperial Brands plc GBP 34,200 651,974 0.41 National Grid plc GBP 146,000 1,789,548 1.13 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 5,255 483,933 0.31 RELX plc GBP 56,560 1,310,561 0.83 SSE plc GBP 84,371 1,426,504 0.90 Unilever plc GBP 34,805 1,878,175 1.19 Vodafone Group plc GBP 559,875 893,955 0.57

20,865,058 13.22 United States of America

Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. USD 4,400 1,062,424 0.67 Altria Group, Inc. USD 37,800 1,483,650 0.94 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 12,378 3,200,208 2.03 Bank of America Corp. USD 17,500 415,625 0.26 Blackstone Group, Inc. (The) 'A' USD 9,900 560,934 0.36 Broadcom, Inc. USD 13,300 4,197,613 2.66 Chevron Corp. USD 24,310 2,169,181 1.37 Clorox Co. (The) USD 5,000 1,096,850 0.70 CME Group, Inc. USD 10,090 1,640,029 1.04 CMS Energy Corp. USD 16,400 958,088 0.61 Coca-Cola Co. (The) USD 16,330 729,624 0.46 Comcast Corp. 'A' USD 27,875 1,086,567 0.69 ConocoPhillips USD 4,431 186,191 0.12 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT USD 25,765 4,311,773 2.73 Digital Realty Trust, Inc., REIT USD 14,400 2,046,384 1.30 Dow, Inc. USD 18,800 766,288 0.49 East West Bancorp, Inc. USD 32,075 1,162,398 0.74 Edison International USD 32,370 1,758,015 1.11 Eli Lilly and Co. USD 19,455 3,194,122 2.02 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 2,390 1,678,497 1.06 Equitrans Midstream Corp. USD 162,610 1,351,289 0.86 Everest Re Group Ltd. USD 3,200 659,840 0.42 Exelon Corp. USD 13,515 490,459 0.31 Extra Space Storage, Inc., REIT USD 4,600 424,902 0.27 Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc., REIT USD 35,900 1,242,140 0.79 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 27,130 2,087,382 1.32 HP, Inc. USD 16,345 284,893 0.18 Intel Corp. USD 42,010 2,513,458 1.59 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 15,300 1,439,118 0.91 KLA Corp. USD 8,845 1,720,176 1.09 Kraft Heinz Co. (The) USD 16,200 516,618 0.33 Las Vegas Sands Corp. USD 20,015 911,483 0.58 LyondellBasell Industries NV 'A' USD 12,730 836,616 0.53 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 16,350 1,264,346 0.80 Microsoft Corp. USD 6,420 1,306,534 0.83 NetApp, Inc. USD 20,470 908,254 0.58 Paychex, Inc. USD 11,430 865,822 0.55 PepsiCo, Inc. USD 8,650 1,144,049 0.72 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 39,370 2,758,262 1.75 PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) USD 10,100 1,062,621 0.67

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (99)

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 95




Procter & Gamble Co. (The) USD 2,845 340,177 0.22 Public Storage, REIT USD 6,400 1,228,096 0.78 QUALCOMM, Inc. USD 15,472 1,411,201 0.89 Raytheon Technologies Corp. USD 14,100 868,842 0.55 Schlumberger Ltd. USD 26,200 481,818 0.31 Sempra Energy USD 12,555 1,471,823 0.93 Texas Instruments, Inc. USD 7,975 1,012,586 0.64 Trinity Industries, Inc. USD 24,100 513,089 0.33 Truist Financial Corp. USD 61,120 2,295,056 1.45 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 2,380 402,387 0.25 Verizon Communications, Inc. USD 16,800 926,184 0.59 VICI Properties, Inc., REIT USD 126,000 2,543,940 1.61

70,987,922 44.99

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (100)

Schedule of investments

96 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






Atlassian Corp. plc 'A' USD 1,181 212,899 0.24

212,899 0.24 Brazil

B2W Cia Digital BRL 7,700 151,576 0.17 CCR SA BRL 38,815 103,495 0.11 Notre Dame Intermedica Participacoes SA BRL 5,143 64,319 0.07 Pagseguro Digital Ltd. 'A' USD 10,015 353,930 0.39 StoneCo Ltd. 'A' USD 11,223 435,004 0.48

1,108,324 1.22 Canada

Shopify, Inc. 'A' USD 278 263,878 0.29

263,878 0.29 China

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. HKD 49,264 1,332,267 1.47 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. HKD 69,400 780,812 0.86 Meituan Dianping, Reg. S 'B' HKD 14,900 330,470 0.36 PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ltd. 'H' HKD 124,000 102,233 0.11 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'H' HKD 18,000 179,988 0.20 Tencent Holdings Ltd. HKD 28,100 1,807,710 1.99 WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 27,160 352,882 0.39 Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc., Reg. S HKD 3,500 64,035 0.07

4,950,397 5.45 Denmark

Orsted A/S, Reg. S DKK 1,312 151,407 0.17

151,407 0.17 Finland

Neste OYJ EUR 4,494 175,756 0.19

175,756 0.19 France

Airbus SE EUR 6,777 483,639 0.53 Kering SA EUR 391 212,725 0.24 STMicroelectronics NV EUR 9,804 266,558 0.29

962,922 1.06 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 98,400 917,918 1.01 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. HKD 63,000 428,779 0.47 Melco International Development Ltd. HKD 26,000 50,319 0.06 Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd., ADR USD 3,518 54,599 0.06

1,451,615 1.60 India

Adani Ports & Special Economic Zone Ltd. INR 26,328 119,917 0.13 Bajaj Finance Ltd. INR 1,105 41,432 0.04 (PEDVV\�2IÀFH�3DUNV�5(,7 INR 37,200 168,811 0.19

Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (101)

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HDFC Bank Ltd. INR 34,021 480,258 0.53 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. INR 61,557 1,109,153 1.22

1,919,571 2.11 Indonesia

AKR Corporindo Tbk. PT IDR 628,900 111,824 0.12

111,824 0.12 Ireland

Flutter Entertainment plc GBP 2,235 293,417 0.32

293,417 0.32 Italy

EXOR NV EUR 2,855 163,074 0.18 UniCredit SpA EUR 8,278 76,151 0.08

239,225 0.26 Japan

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. JPY 7,800 416,458 0.46 Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. JPY 16,800 1,370,139 1.51 Keyence Corp. JPY 300 125,112 0.14 Nidec Corp. JPY 1,476 98,368 0.11 Nintendo Co. Ltd. JPY 400 177,856 0.19 Olympus Corp. JPY 9,100 174,921 0.19 Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 8,300 283,034 0.31 Sony Corp. JPY 11,000 752,248 0.83

3,398,136 3.74 Netherlands

ASML Holding NV EUR 2,066 758,784 0.84 Just Eat NV, Reg. S EUR 389 40,540 0.04

799,324 0.88 Singapore

Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. SGD 45,200 107,032 0.12

107,032 0.12 South Korea

Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KRW 13,163 577,800 0.64 SK Hynix, Inc. KRW 2,717 192,224 0.21

770,024 0.85 Switzerland

Alcon, Inc. CHF 2,896 166,158 0.18 Novartis AG CHF 8,949 778,486 0.86

944,644 1.04 Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd., ADR USD 14,208 806,588 0.89

806,588 0.89 United Kingdom

GW Pharmaceuticals plc, ADR USD 6,112 750,065 0.83 London Stock Exchange Group plc GBP 2,222 230,119 0.25 Meggitt plc GBP 23,924 87,243 0.10 Melrose Industries plc GBP 28,800 40,682 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (102)

Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

98 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




Rentokil Initial plc GBP 12,057 76,133 0.08

1,184,242 1.31 United States of America

10X Genomics, Inc. 'A' USD 1,919 171,386 0.19 Abbott Laboratories USD 10,592 968,427 1.07 Accenture plc 'A' USD 4,015 862,101 0.95 Activision Blizzard, Inc. USD 4,516 342,764 0.38 Adobe, Inc. USD 2,553 1,111,346 1.22 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. USD 13,490 709,709 0.78 Aerojet Rocketdyne Holdings, Inc. USD 2,391 94,779 0.10 Allakos, Inc. USD 4,718 339,035 0.37 Allogene Therapeutics, Inc. USD 3,491 149,485 0.16 Alphabet, Inc. 'A' USD 526 745,894 0.82 Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 909 1,284,971 1.42 Alteryx, Inc. 'A' USD 1,255 206,171 0.23, Inc. USD 1,064 2,935,384 3.23 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 558 144,265 0.16 Amgen, Inc. USD 638 150,479 0.17 Amphenol Corp. 'A' USD 1,366 130,876 0.14 Anaplan, Inc. USD 5,460 247,393 0.27 Apple, Inc. USD 449 163,795 0.18 Applied Materials, Inc. USD 5,499 332,415 0.37 Aptiv plc USD 1,173 91,400 0.10 Arch Capital Group Ltd. USD 14,606 418,462 0.46 Arista Networks, Inc. USD 2,485 521,925 0.57 Autodesk, Inc. USD 4,291 1,026,364 1.13 Avalara, Inc. USD 347 46,182 0.05 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 'B' USD 1,476 263,481 0.29 Biohaven Pharmaceutical Holding Co. Ltd. USD 4,416 322,854 0.36 BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. USD 1,826 225,219 0.25 Bluebird Bio, Inc. USD 7,655 467,261 0.51 Boeing Co. (The) USD 703 128,860 0.14 Booking Holdings, Inc. USD 60 95,540 0.10 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS� USD 12,859 451,479 0.50 Bottomline Technologies DE, Inc. USD 4,128 209,579 0.23 Broadcom, Inc. USD 6,932 2,187,809 2.41 Burlington Stores, Inc. USD 742 146,122 0.16 Carvana Co. USD 839 100,848 0.11 Centene Corp. USD 6,449 409,834 0.45 Ceridian HCM Holding, Inc. USD 22,748 1,803,234 1.99 Charter Communications, Inc. 'A' USD 493 251,450 0.28 Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. USD 139 146,278 0.16 Cigna Corp. USD 3,271 613,803 0.68 CME Group, Inc. USD 1,206 196,023 0.22 Comcast Corp. 'A' USD 16,197 631,359 0.70 Copart, Inc. USD 3,247 270,378 0.30 Costco Wholesale Corp. USD 1,708 517,883 0.57 Coupa Software, Inc. USD 284 78,679 0.09 Cree, Inc. USD 12,835 759,704 0.84 Crowdstrike Holdings, Inc. 'A' USD 1,340 134,389 0.15 CSX Corp. USD 13,454 938,282 1.03 Datadog, Inc. 'A' USD 409 35,563 0.04

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (103)

Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 99




Dell Technologies, Inc. 'C' USD 8,444 463,913 0.51 DexCom, Inc. USD 276 111,890 0.12 Discover Financial Services USD 1,829 91,615 0.10 DocuSign, Inc. USD 1,838 316,522 0.35 Dollar General Corp. USD 1,371 261,189 0.29 Domino's Pizza, Inc. USD 279 103,074 0.11 DraftKings, Inc. 'A' USD 17,276 574,600 0.63 Electronic Arts, Inc. USD 1,782 235,313 0.26 Eli Lilly and Co. USD 712 116,896 0.13 EPAM Systems, Inc. USD 297 74,847 0.08 Equifax, Inc. USD 1,436 246,820 0.27 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 569 399,609 0.44 Essent Group Ltd. USD 1,406 50,996 0.06 Estee Lauder Cos., Inc. (The) 'A' USD 572 107,925 0.12 Facebook, Inc. 'A' USD 10,185 2,312,708 2.55 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. USD 996 133,554 0.15 Fiserv, Inc. USD 3,610 352,408 0.39 Five Below, Inc. USD 3,727 398,454 0.44 Floor & Decor Holdings, Inc. 'A' USD 7,568 436,295 0.48 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 5,056 389,009 0.43 Global Blood Therapeutics, Inc. USD 1,124 70,958 0.08 Guardant Health, Inc. USD 3,145 255,154 0.28 Guidewire Software, Inc. USD 862 95,553 0.11 Haemonetics Corp. USD 788 70,573 0.08 Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. USD 2,430 109,301 0.12 Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. USD 2,028 148,957 0.16 Home Depot, Inc. (The) USD 912 228,465 0.25 Honeywell International, Inc. USD 1,106 159,917 0.18 HubSpot, Inc. USD 1,403 314,763 0.35 Humana, Inc. USD 2,778 1,077,170 1.19 Illumina, Inc. USD 179 66,293 0.07 Inphi Corp. USD 5,372 631,210 0.70 Insulet Corp. USD 3,224 626,294 0.69 Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. USD 3,019 276,540 0.30 Intuitive Surgical, Inc. USD 159 90,603 0.10 Jack Henry & Associates, Inc. USD 904 166,363 0.18 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 4,921 462,869 0.51 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. USD 706 119,787 0.13 Live Nation Entertainment, Inc. USD 2,045 90,655 0.10 ManpowerGroup, Inc. USD 968 66,550 0.07 Marriott International, Inc. 'A' USD 3,734 320,116 0.35 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. USD 908 97,492 0.11 Mastercard, Inc. 'A' USD 4,956 1,465,489 1.61 MercadoLibre, Inc. USD 890 877,335 0.97 Microsoft Corp. USD 17,240 3,508,512 3.86 Molina Healthcare, Inc. USD 3,267 581,461 0.64 MongoDB, Inc. USD 836 189,220 0.21 Motorola Solutions, Inc. USD 641 89,823 0.10 Nasdaq, Inc. USD 1,672 199,754 0.22 1HWÁL[��,QF� USD 9,534 4,338,351 4.78 New York Times Co. (The) 'A' USD 5,802 243,858 0.27 NextEra Energy, Inc. USD 203 48,755 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (104)

Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

100 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




NIKE, Inc. 'B' USD 3,269 320,525 0.35 Norfolk Southern Corp. USD 516 90,594 0.10 NortonLifeLock, Inc. USD 12,095 239,844 0.26 Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. USD 1,383 234,543 0.26 PayPal Holdings, Inc. USD 5,084 885,785 0.98 Penumbra, Inc. USD 859 153,606 0.17 PerkinElmer, Inc. USD 3,418 335,272 0.37 PRA Health Sciences, Inc. USD 974 94,760 0.10 Qorvo, Inc. USD 878 97,045 0.11 Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 644 401,631 0.44 RenaissanceRe Holdings Ltd. USD 1,384 236,706 0.26 RingCentral, Inc. 'A' USD 2,400 684,024 0.75 S&P Global, Inc. USD 301 99,173 0.11 Sailpoint Technologies Holdings, Inc. USD 2,428 64,269 0.07, Inc. USD 201 37,653 0.04 Sarepta Therapeutics, Inc. USD 4,024 645,208 0.71 Seattle Genetics, Inc. USD 1,100 186,912 0.21 ServiceNow, Inc. USD 1,377 557,768 0.61 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) USD 1,243 718,268 0.79 Smartsheet, Inc. 'A' USD 5,801 295,387 0.33 Snap, Inc. 'A' USD 22,241 522,441 0.58 Square, Inc. 'A' USD 2,659 279,035 0.31 Stryker Corp. USD 1,210 218,030 0.24 Texas Instruments, Inc. USD 2,807 356,405 0.39 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF� USD 3,056 1,107,311 1.22 T-Mobile US, Inc. USD 4,592 478,257 0.53 T-Mobile US, Inc. Rights 27/07/2020 USD 4,139 695 – Tradeweb Markets, Inc. 'A' USD 4,229 245,874 0.27 TransDigm Group, Inc. USD 567 250,642 0.28 Ultragenyx Pharmaceutical, Inc. USD 6,149 480,975 0.53 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 3,503 592,252 0.65 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. USD 5,416 1,597,449 1.76 Valvoline, Inc. USD 5,974 115,477 0.13 Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 1,401 406,724 0.45 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 1,476 285,119 0.31 VMware, Inc. 'A' USD 796 123,269 0.14 Warner Music Group Corp. 'A' USD 3,162 93,279 0.10 Willis Towers Watson plc USD 843 166,029 0.18 Wynn Resorts Ltd. USD 855 63,689 0.07 Yext, Inc. USD 8,742 145,205 0.16 Zoetis, Inc. USD 2,523 345,752 0.38 ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc. 'A' USD 12,320 628,690 0.69

63,728,269 70.20

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ���������� ��������



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (105)

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 101




(TXLWLHVUnited States of America

Match Group, Inc.� USD 925 96,246 0.11

96,246 0.11

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������ �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 4,717,089 4,717,089 5.19

4,717,089 5.19

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ���������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� �������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ���������� ������


� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (106)

Schedule of investments

102 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






Angola Government Bond, 144A 8% 26/11/2029 USD 285,000 235,695 0.07 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 9.5% 12/11/2025 USD 200,000 180,919 0.05

416,614 0.12 Argentina

Argentina Government Bond 4.625% 11/01/2023 USD 20,000 8,443 – Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 26/01/2027 USD 289,000 117,262 0.03 Argentina Government Bond 5.875% 11/01/2028 USD 85,000 34,387 0.01 Argentina Government Bond 8.28% 31/12/2033 USD 135,086 61,873 0.02 Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 11/01/2048 USD 311,000 122,301 0.04 Argentina Government Bond, STEP 3.75% 31/12/2038 USD 687,000 272,598 0.08

616,864 0.18 Brazil

Petrobras Global Finance BV 8.75% 23/05/2026 USD 153,000 180,923 0.05 Petrobras Global Finance BV 6.85% 05/06/2115 USD 50,000 49,735 0.02

230,658 0.07 Cameroon

Cameroon Government Bond, Reg. S 9.5% 19/11/2025 USD 200,000 201,500 0.06

201,500 0.06 China

State Grid Overseas Investment 2016 Ltd., 144A 4.25% 02/05/2028 USD 200,000 233,721 0.07 Tencent Holdings Ltd., 144A 3.24% 03/06/2050 USD 200,000 200,975 0.06

434,696 0.13 Colombia

Colombia Government Bond 10.375% 28/01/2033 USD 200,000 302,500 0.09

302,500 0.09 Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11% 06/11/2026 DOP 900,000 15,930 – Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.375% 06/07/2029 DOP 1,500,000 25,726 0.01 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 30/01/2060 USD 150,000 129,525 0.04 Dominican Republic Government Bond, 144A 5.5% 27/01/2025 USD 310,000 314,695 0.09 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 27/01/2025 USD 100,000 101,514 0.03 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 29/01/2026 USD 100,000 105,156 0.03 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.25% 05/02/2027 DOP 5,300,000 94,716 0.03

787,262 0.23

Capital Group New World Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (107)

Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 103




EgyptEgypt Government Bond, Reg. S 8.15% 20/11/2059 USD 200,000 186,950 0.05

186,950 0.05 Ethiopia

Ethiopia Government Bond, Reg. S 6.625% 11/12/2024 USD 260,000 261,164 0.08

261,164 0.08 Gabon

Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.95% 16/06/2025 USD 200,000 188,506 0.05

188,506 0.05 Honduras

Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 19/01/2027 USD 240,000 256,680 0.08

256,680 0.08 Indonesia

Indonesia Government Bond, Reg. S 6.625% 17/02/2037 USD 100,000 137,167 0.04 Perusahaan Penerbit SBSN Indonesia III, Reg. S 4.55% 29/03/2026 USD 455,000 504,540 0.15

641,707 0.19 Jordan

Jordan Government Bond, 144A 5.75% 31/01/2027 USD 405,000 421,249 0.12

421,249 0.12 Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Government Bond, Reg. S 5.125% 21/07/2025 USD 295,000 342,797 0.10

342,797 0.10 Kenya

Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 8% 22/05/2032 USD 400,000 396,128 0.12 Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 24/06/2024 USD 200,000 203,735 0.06

599,863 0.18 Mexico

Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 4.25% 31/10/2026 USD 200,000 189,212 0.05 Mexico Government Bond 4.75% 27/04/2032 USD 400,000 442,000 0.13

631,212 0.18 Nigeria

Nigeria Government Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 12/07/2023 USD 275,000 280,899 0.08

280,899 0.08 Oman

Oman Government Bond, Reg. S 5.375% 08/03/2027 USD 200,000 187,150 0.05

187,150 0.05 Pakistan

Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 7.875% 31/03/2036 USD 260,000 254,150 0.07

254,150 0.07

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (108)

Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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104 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




PanamaPanama Government Bond 3.875% 17/03/2028 USD 200,000 224,969 0.07 Panama Government Bond 8.125% 28/04/2034 USD 100,000 145,000 0.04

369,969 0.11 Peru

Peru Government Bond 6.55% 14/03/2037 USD 103,000 157,132 0.05

157,132 0.05 Qatar

Qatar Government Bond, 144A 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 200,000 236,224 0.07 Qatar Government Bond, 144A 3.75% 16/04/2030 USD 205,000 233,941 0.07

470,165 0.14 Romania

Romania Government Bond, 144A 5.125% 15/06/2048 USD 360,000 427,356 0.13

427,356 0.13 Russian Federation

Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.375% 21/03/2029 USD 200,000 227,750 0.06 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 5.25% 23/06/2047 USD 200,000 264,500 0.08

492,250 0.14 Senegal

Senegal Government Bond, 144A 4.75% 13/03/2028 EUR 115,000 125,275 0.04

125,275 0.04 Serbia

Serbia Government Bond, 144A 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 105,000 123,724 0.04

123,724 0.04 Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 7.85% 14/03/2029 USD 200,000 132,264 0.04 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 7.55% 28/03/2030 USD 200,000 131,515 0.04 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.85% 03/11/2025 USD 200,000 135,005 0.04

398,784 0.12 Turkey

Turkey Government Bond 5.75% 11/05/2047 USD 400,000 327,829 0.10 Turkey Government Bond 11.875% 15/01/2030 USD 90,000 122,325 0.03

450,154 0.13 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 20/06/2026 EUR 200,000 229,025 0.07 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2027 USD 210,000 218,914 0.06 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 9.75% 01/11/2028 USD 200,000 228,516 0.07 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.375% 25/09/2032 USD 200,000 201,547 0.06

878,002 0.26

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (109)

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VenezuelaVenezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 01/12/2018 USD 23,000 1,437 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 13/10/2019 USD 283,000 18,395 0.01 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 6% 09/12/2020 USD 213,000 13,312 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 9% 07/05/2023 USD 314,000 19,625 0.01 Venezuela Government Bond 9.25% 15/09/2027 USD 62,000 3,875 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 12.75% 23/08/2022 USD 30,000 1,875 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 13/10/2024 USD 107,000 6,688 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7.65% 21/04/2025 USD 46,000 2,875 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 11.75% 21/10/2026 USD 23,000 1,438 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 9.25% 07/05/2028 USD 116,000 7,250 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 11.95% 05/08/2031 USD 39,000 2,438 –

79,208 0.02

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������


Globant SA USD 1,315 197,052 0.06 Loma Negra Cia Industrial Argentina SA, ADR USD 62,330 265,526 0.08

462,578 0.14 Australia

Atlassian Corp. plc 'A' USD 577 104,016 0.03 CSL Ltd. AUD 6,054 1,199,047 0.35 IDP Education Ltd. AUD 35,714 381,770 0.11

1,684,833 0.49 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 11,448 564,184 0.17 Umicore SA EUR 8,986 423,114 0.12

987,298 0.29 Brazil

Azul SA, ADR Preference USD 6,696 74,861 0.02 B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao BRL 324,034 3,282,586 0.96 BB Seguridade Participacoes SA BRL 27,970 140,259 0.04 BR Malls Participacoes SA BRL 239,159 443,302 0.13 CCR SA BRL 646,028 1,722,551 0.51 Equatorial Energia SA BRL 125,257 534,832 0.16 Gerdau SA, ADR Preference USD 375,541 1,111,601 0.33 Gerdau SA Preference BRL 36,750 108,194 0.03 Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA, ADR Preference USD 7,350 49,833 0.02 Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA Preference BRL 87,580 298,746 0.09 Hypera SA BRL 139,612 854,909 0.25 Itausa SA Preference BRL 54,576 96,244 0.03 JBS SA BRL 27,850 108,315 0.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (110)

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Lojas Americanas SA BRL 35,773 179,388 0.05 Lojas Americanas SA Preference BRL 50,917 301,302 0.09 Notre Dame Intermedica Participacoes SA BRL 156,126 1,952,544 0.57 Odontoprev SA BRL 104,533 273,534 0.08 Pagseguro Digital Ltd. 'A' USD 118,739 4,196,236 1.23 Petroleo Brasileiro SA, ADR Preference USD 34,350 273,769 0.08 Petroleo Brasileiro SA, ADR USD 415,811 3,438,757 1.01 Petroleo Brasileiro SA Preference BRL 29,528 117,013 0.03 Raia Drogasil SA BRL 33,090 673,106 0.20 Rumo SA BRL 161,641 668,488 0.20 StoneCo Ltd. 'A' USD 73,304 2,841,263 0.83 Vale SA, ADR USD 122,597 1,263,975 0.37 Vale SA BRL 134,466 1,382,714 0.41 XP, Inc. 'A' USD 42,272 1,775,847 0.52

28,164,169 8.27 Canada

Barrick Gold Corp. USD 6,136 165,304 0.05 CCL Industries, Inc. 'B' CAD 10,220 330,328 0.10 Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd. CAD 1,777 549,003 0.16 First Quantum Minerals Ltd. CAD 136,899 1,091,078 0.32 Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. CAD 50,303 37,053 0.01 Turquoise Hill Resources Ltd. USD 158,618 116,299 0.03 Wheaton Precious Metals Corp. CAD 4,888 214,984 0.06

2,504,049 0.73 China

AAC Technologies Holdings, Inc. HKD 37,000 226,998 0.07 Aier Eye Hospital Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 48,732 299,318 0.09 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd., ADR USD 1,510 325,707 0.10 Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. HKD 239,934 6,488,635 1.90 Beijing Oriental Yuhong Waterproof Technology Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 38,769 222,669 0.06 CanSino Biologics, Inc., Reg. S 'H' HKD 33,258 917,432 0.27 Chengdu Hongqi Chain Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 113,499 175,204 0.05 China Construction Bank Corp. 'H' HKD 451,035 364,878 0.11 China Gas Holdings Ltd. HKD 635,867 1,960,805 0.58 China Meidong Auto Holdings Ltd. HKD 48,000 117,670 0.03 China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd. 'H' HKD 62,400 287,021 0.08 &KLQD�2LOÀHOG�6HUYLFHV�/WG��+ HKD 61,000 54,778 0.02 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. HKD 166,000 502,251 0.15 China Resources Gas Group Ltd. HKD 162,000 789,046 0.23 China Tower Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 2,788,000 492,815 0.14 CIFI Holdings Group Co. Ltd. HKD 595,000 463,686 0.14 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. HKD 169,416 1,906,080 0.56 Foshan Haitian Flavouring & Food Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 100,171 1,761,535 0.52 Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai 'A' CNY 47,684 381,318 0.11 Guangzhou Baiyun International Airport Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 288,695 621,947 0.18 Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 44,383 561,524 0.16 Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 29,156 125,088 0.04 Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 23,800 342,764 0.10 HUYA, Inc., ADR USD 510 9,522 –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (111)

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Inner Mongolia Yili Industrial Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 60,100 264,474 0.08 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 96,220 1,255,440 0.37 Jonjee Hi-Tech Industrial And Commercial Holding Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 27,800 230,013 0.07 JOYY, Inc., ADR USD 8,464 749,487 0.22 Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd. HKD 566,702 1,317,589 0.39 Kweichow Moutai Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 27,472 5,681,039 1.67 Legend Biotech Corp., ADR USD 1,100 46,816 0.01 Li Ning Co. Ltd. HKD 113,735 360,994 0.11 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd., Reg. S HKD 48,500 230,595 0.07 Meituan Dianping, Reg. S 'B' HKD 94,348 2,092,565 0.61 Midea Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 31,984 270,327 0.08 People's Insurance Co. Group of China Ltd. (The) 'H' HKD 1,717,000 500,667 0.15 Pharmaron Beijing Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 30,800 428,425 0.13 Pharmaron Beijing Co. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 44,600 460,357 0.13 PICC Property & Casualty Co. Ltd. 'H' HKD 743,000 612,576 0.18 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'A' CNY 7,218 72,852 0.02 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'H' HKD 168,967 1,689,561 0.50 Shanghai International Airport Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 262,486 2,674,173 0.78 Shimao Group Holdings Ltd. HKD 129,500 548,042 0.16 Tencent Holdings Ltd. HKD 127,815 8,222,509 2.41 WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 53,160 725,924 0.21 WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 35,828 465,503 0.14 Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc., Reg. S HKD 80,600 1,474,625 0.43 Yunnan Baiyao Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 70,836 939,360 0.28 Zai Lab Ltd., ADR USD 33,929 2,786,589 0.82 Zhongsheng Group Holdings Ltd. HKD 77,000 426,205 0.12

53,925,398 15.83 Denmark

Carlsberg A/S 'B' DKK 5,744 759,169 0.22 Chr Hansen Holding A/S DKK 2,831 291,957 0.09 DSV PANALPINA A/S DKK 6,970 851,008 0.25 Novo Nordisk A/S 'B' DKK 11,518 745,696 0.22

2,647,830 0.78 Finland

Nokia OYJ EUR 82,421 360,075 0.11 UPM-Kymmene OYJ EUR 22,518 650,690 0.19

1,010,765 0.30 France

Air Liquide SA EUR 2,605 375,791 0.11 Airbus SE EUR 26,582 1,897,017 0.56 Arkema SA EUR 4,816 460,673 0.14 BioMerieux EUR 9,881 1,357,689 0.40 Danone SA EUR 2,194 151,743 0.04 Edenred EUR 11,668 510,333 0.15 Engie SA EUR 28,130 347,645 0.10 EssilorLuxottica SA EUR 11,517 1,478,321 0.43 Hermes International EUR 2,039 1,703,909 0.50 JCDecaux SA EUR 9,993 185,809 0.06 Kering SA EUR 2,615 1,422,703 0.42

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (112)

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L'Oreal SA EUR 675 216,664 0.06 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 6,063 2,660,000 0.78 Pernod Ricard SA EUR 5,508 866,663 0.25 Peugeot SA EUR 10,831 176,202 0.05 Safran SA EUR 16,532 1,657,146 0.49 Societe Generale SA EUR 108,886 1,810,535 0.53 TOTAL SA EUR 7,779 296,932 0.09 Ubisoft Entertainment SA EUR 3,721 306,852 0.09

17,882,627 5.25 Germany

adidas AG EUR 2,117 555,606 0.16 BASF SE EUR 5,156 288,943 0.09 Bayer AG EUR 7,450 550,667 0.16 Bayerische Motoren Werke AG EUR 5,279 336,997 0.10 Carl Zeiss Meditec AG EUR 14,429 1,407,113 0.41 Daimler AG EUR 3,828 155,451 0.05 Delivery Hero SE, Reg. S EUR 27,703 2,831,068 0.83 Evonik Industries AG EUR 605 15,368 – Henkel AG & Co. KGaA Preference EUR 2,851 265,473 0.08 LANXESS AG EUR 4,821 254,354 0.07 Rational AG EUR 409 229,021 0.07 SAP SE EUR 1,237 172,776 0.05 Volkswagen AG Preference EUR 3,715 563,213 0.17

7,626,050 2.24 Greece

Alpha Bank AE EUR 110,815 82,419 0.02 JUMBO SA EUR 45,251 813,432 0.24

895,851 0.26 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 465,437 4,341,797 1.27 BeiGene Ltd., ADR USD 6,045 1,138,878 0.33 BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. HKD 50,000 159,022 0.05 CK Asset Holdings Ltd. HKD 124,363 741,316 0.22 ESR Cayman Ltd., Reg. S HKD 449,579 1,062,678 0.31 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. HKD 291,592 1,984,579 0.58 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. HKD 15,910 677,414 0.20 Jardine Matheson Holdings Ltd. USD 6,252 260,958 0.08 Melco Resorts & Entertainment Ltd., ADR USD 43,142 669,564 0.20 Sands China Ltd. HKD 34,315 134,595 0.04 Shangri-La Asia Ltd. HKD 234,000 201,076 0.06 WH Group Ltd., Reg. S HKD 451,500 386,809 0.11 Wynn Macau Ltd. HKD 244,400 420,656 0.12

12,179,342 3.57 Hungary

Wizz Air Holdings plc, Reg. S GBP 19,024 786,383 0.23

786,383 0.23 India

Asian Paints Ltd. INR 51,761 1,156,818 0.34 AU Small Finance Bank Ltd., Reg. S INR 26,743 192,505 0.06 Avenue Supermarts Ltd., Reg. S INR 14,682 450,579 0.13

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (113)

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Bajaj Finance Ltd. INR 27,440 1,028,858 0.30 Bharti Airtel Ltd. INR 45,942 340,654 0.10 Bharti Infratel Ltd. INR 255,857 750,590 0.22 (PEDVV\�2IÀFH�3DUNV�5(,7 INR 150,395 682,480 0.20 HDFC Bank Ltd., ADR USD 7,887 358,543 0.11 HDFC Bank Ltd. INR 246,259 3,476,319 1.02 HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Reg. S INR 112,319 816,690 0.24 ICICI Bank Ltd., ADR USD 39,862 370,318 0.11 ICICI Bank Ltd. INR 95,106 442,693 0.13 ITC Ltd. INR 119,668 308,506 0.09 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. INR 311,598 5,614,469 1.65 MakeMyTrip Ltd. USD 12,090 185,219 0.05 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. INR 2,893 223,700 0.07 Reliance Industries Ltd. INR 17,219 181,897 0.05 Reliance Industries Ltd. INR 303,438 6,848,517 2.01 Shree Cement Ltd. INR 1,904 581,285 0.17 United Spirits Ltd. INR 55,257 433,471 0.13 UPL Ltd. INR 19,031 107,173 0.03

24,551,284 7.21 Indonesia

Bank Central Asia Tbk. PT IDR 451,300 899,599 0.26 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk. PT IDR 2,166,100 459,453 0.14 Telekomunikasi Indonesia Persero Tbk. PT IDR 494,300 105,538 0.03 United Tractors Tbk. PT IDR 51,200 59,318 0.02

1,523,908 0.45 Ireland

Flutter Entertainment plc USD 1,322 176,487 0.05 Ryanair Holdings plc, ADR USD 3,422 227,015 0.07

403,502 0.12 Israel

Nice Ltd., ADR USD 977 184,887 0.06 Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR USD 50,536 623,109 0.18

807,996 0.24 Italy

Enel SpA EUR 67,488 582,167 0.17 Ferrari NV EUR 1,500 255,905 0.08 UniCredit SpA EUR 118,781 1,092,693 0.32

1,930,765 0.57 Japan

Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd. JPY 44,100 1,251,831 0.37 Asahi Kasei Corp. JPY 13,400 108,664 0.03 Daikin Industries Ltd. JPY 2,500 401,366 0.12 Fast Retailing Co. Ltd. JPY 2,100 1,200,000 0.35 Hamamatsu Photonics KK JPY 3,100 134,077 0.04 Hoya Corp. JPY 3,600 342,079 0.10 Inpex Corp. JPY 38,997 240,862 0.07 Japan Tobacco, Inc. JPY 17,400 322,539 0.09 Keyence Corp. JPY 7,600 3,169,512 0.93 Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 21,614 455,300 0.13

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (114)

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Komatsu Ltd. JPY 5,800 118,364 0.04 Nidec Corp. JPY 7,300 486,509 0.14 Olympus Corp. JPY 13,600 261,420 0.08 Ryohin Keikaku Co. Ltd. JPY 2,670 37,710 0.01 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. JPY 5,975 696,968 0.20 Shionogi & Co. Ltd. JPY 19,400 1,212,781 0.36 Shiseido Co. Ltd. JPY 3,700 234,216 0.07 SMC Corp. JPY 1,949 996,025 0.29 SoftBank Group Corp. JPY 5,800 292,753 0.09 Sony Corp. JPY 10,900 745,410 0.22 Suzuki Motor Corp. JPY 9,100 308,208 0.09 Tokyo Electron Ltd. JPY 1,900 465,256 0.14 Unicharm Corp. JPY 9,500 388,886 0.11 Z Holdings Corp. JPY 45,600 222,140 0.07

14,092,876 4.14 Mexico

America Movil SAB de CV, ADR 'L' USD 128,890 1,635,614 0.48 Banco Santander Mexico SA Institucion de Banca Multiple Grupo Financiero Santand MXN 236,780 173,172 0.05 Fomento Economico Mexicano SAB de CV MXN 65,354 405,155 0.12 Kimberly-Clark de Mexico SAB de CV 'A' MXN 167,423 261,356 0.08 Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV, ADR 'V' USD 2,994 71,976 0.02 Wal-Mart de Mexico SAB de CV MXN 113,060 271,281 0.08

2,818,554 0.83 Netherlands

Akzo Nobel NV EUR 3,808 341,151 0.10 ASML Holding NV EUR 8,304 3,049,828 0.90 IMCD NV EUR 1,665 156,534 0.05 Koninklijke DSM NV EUR 4,062 562,243 0.16 Koninklijke Philips NV EUR 20,988 979,042 0.29 Prosus NV EUR 4,499 418,220 0.12 Unilever NV EUR 7,957 422,400 0.12

5,929,418 1.74 Norway

Yara International ASA NOK 8,298 287,858 0.08

287,858 0.08 Peru

Credicorp Ltd. USD 530 70,845 0.02

70,845 0.02 Philippines

Ayala Land, Inc. PHP 721,100 489,176 0.14 Bank of the Philippine Islands PHP 83,530 120,705 0.03 International Container Terminal Services, Inc. PHP 439,960 905,086 0.27

1,514,967 0.44 Russian Federation

Alrosa PJSC USD 270,179 244,791 0.07 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC RUB 92,619 147,321 0.04 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC USD 68,467 108,904 0.03 Rosneft Oil Co. PJSC, Reg. S, GDR USD 134,399 675,758 0.20

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (115)

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Sberbank of Russia PJSC, ADR USD 160,594 1,827,560 0.54 TCS Group Holding plc, Reg. S, GDR USD 14,892 302,308 0.09 Yandex NV 'A' USD 27,004 1,350,740 0.40

4,657,382 1.37 Singapore

Sea Ltd., ADR USD 36,306 3,893,455 1.14

3,893,455 1.14 South Africa

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd., ADR USD 23,290 686,822 0.20 AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. ZAR 7,453 217,154 0.06 Bid Corp. Ltd. ZAR 36,806 601,326 0.18 Capitec Bank Holdings Ltd. ZAR 27,889 1,380,106 0.41 Discovery Ltd. ZAR 105,407 635,084 0.19 FirstRand Ltd. ZAR 18,073 39,640 0.01 Naspers Ltd. 'N' ZAR 14,065 2,563,846 0.75

6,123,978 1.80 South Korea

Hugel, Inc. KRW 1,844 724,355 0.21 Hyundai Motor Co. KRW 2,559 207,851 0.06 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Preference KRW 4,555 176,088 0.05 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KRW 30,716 1,348,302 0.40

2,456,596 0.72 Spain

Amadeus IT Group SA 'A' EUR 1,527 79,569 0.02 Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA EUR 157,137 540,929 0.16 Grifols SA, ADR Preference USD 3,230 58,915 0.02 Grifols SA Preference 'B' EUR 24,182 444,476 0.13 Grifols SA EUR 8,806 267,423 0.08 Industria de Diseno Textil SA EUR 5,286 139,978 0.04

1,531,290 0.45 Sweden

AAK AB SEK 22,426 385,311 0.11 Atlas Copco AB 'B' SEK 4,386 162,200 0.05 Epiroc AB 'B' SEK 18,166 222,148 0.07 Evolution Gaming Group AB, Reg. S SEK 20,854 1,243,425 0.36 Hexagon AB 'B' SEK 9,914 578,783 0.17

2,591,867 0.76 Switzerland

ABB Ltd. CHF 5,302 119,364 0.03 Alcon, Inc. CHF 9,362 537,145 0.16 Cie Financiere Richemont SA CHF 9,976 636,392 0.19 Givaudan SA CHF 163 606,960 0.18 LafargeHolcim Ltd. CHF 10,278 450,303 0.13 Logitech International SA CHF 3,810 248,759 0.07 Nestle SA CHF 21,731 2,402,348 0.71 Novartis AG CHF 8,973 780,574 0.23 SIG Combibloc Group AG CHF 12,828 207,561 0.06 Sika AG CHF 7,595 1,461,764 0.43 Straumann Holding AG CHF 754 647,798 0.19

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (116)

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Temenos AG CHF 1,406 218,368 0.06 UBS Group AG CHF 23,252 267,627 0.08

8,584,963 2.52 Taiwan

Largan Precision Co. Ltd. TWD 1,000 138,453 0.04 MediaTek, Inc. TWD 24,000 470,979 0.14 Silergy Corp. TWD 37,000 2,407,768 0.71 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 428,670 4,547,568 1.33

7,564,768 2.22 Thailand

Airports of Thailand PCL THB 243,100 475,857 0.14 Central Retail Corp. PCL THB 393,300 416,746 0.12 Kasikornbank PCL THB 37,100 111,933 0.04 Kasikornbank PCL, NVDR THB 46,900 141,501 0.04

1,146,037 0.34 Turkey

KOC Holding A/S TRY 135,362 355,514 0.10 Turkiye Garanti Bankasi A/S TRY 248,665 306,954 0.09

662,468 0.19 United Kingdom

Associated British Foods plc GBP 3,445 81,746 0.02 AstraZeneca plc GBP 24,793 2,587,016 0.76 BHP Group plc GBP 19,774 405,360 0.12 BP plc GBP 24,307 92,525 0.03 British American Tobacco plc GBP 12,115 466,038 0.14 Diageo plc GBP 3,302 109,714 0.03 Experian plc GBP 6,357 222,051 0.07 GVC Holdings plc GBP 15,002 137,670 0.04 Halma plc GBP 16,594 473,534 0.14 Informa plc GBP 2,700 15,737 – InterContinental Hotels Group plc GBP 2,792 123,403 0.04 Johnson Matthey plc GBP 7,912 205,683 0.06 Network International Holdings plc, Reg. S GBP 38,654 211,222 0.06 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 5,868 540,384 0.16 Rio Tinto plc GBP 10,986 619,244 0.18 Royal Dutch Shell plc, ADR 'B' USD 1,681 51,186 0.01 Royal Dutch Shell plc 'A' GBP 690 11,004 – Royal Dutch Shell plc 'B' GBP 29,672 450,023 0.13 Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc GBP 2,941 363,545 0.11 Vivo Energy plc, Reg. S GBP 107,667 107,662 0.03 Vodafone Group plc GBP 341,132 544,687 0.16

7,819,434 2.29 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories USD 22,092 2,019,872 0.59 Accenture plc 'A' USD 4,504 967,099 0.28 Activision Blizzard, Inc. USD 16,099 1,221,914 0.36 Adobe, Inc. USD 7,442 3,239,577 0.95 Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. USD 3,453 181,662 0.05 AES Corp. (The) USD 36,536 529,407 0.16 Air Lease Corp. USD 12,476 365,422 0.11

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (117)

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Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. USD 896 216,348 0.06 Alphabet, Inc. 'A' USD 628 890,535 0.26 Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 2,915 4,120,673 1.21 Amcor plc, CDI AUD 17,438 174,252 0.05 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 4,396 1,136,542 0.33 Amphenol Corp. 'A' USD 3,373 323,167 0.10 Apple, Inc. USD 2,092 763,162 0.22 Aptiv plc USD 1,039 80,959 0.02 Aspen Technology, Inc. USD 1,981 205,251 0.06 Autodesk, Inc. USD 1,349 322,667 0.10 Baxter International, Inc. USD 1,232 106,075 0.03 BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. USD 17,993 2,219,257 0.65 Boeing Co. (The) USD 998 182,933 0.05 Booking Holdings, Inc. USD 643 1,023,875 0.30 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS� USD 11,253 395,093 0.12 Broadcom, Inc. USD 9,090 2,868,895 0.84 Cabot Microelectronics Corp. USD 850 118,609 0.04 Celanese Corp. USD 1,784 154,031 0.05 Chevron Corp. USD 1,500 133,845 0.04 Chubb Ltd. USD 1,579 199,933 0.06 Coca-Cola Co. (The) USD 10,246 457,791 0.13 Cree, Inc. USD 24,635 1,458,146 0.43 Danaher Corp. USD 2,456 434,294 0.13 Deere & Co. USD 1,714 269,355 0.08 Domino's Pizza, Inc. USD 688 254,175 0.08 Dow, Inc. USD 3,435 140,011 0.04 Elastic NV USD 1,657 152,792 0.05 Electronic Arts, Inc. USD 8,869 1,171,151 0.34 EPAM Systems, Inc. USD 3,911 985,611 0.29 Estee Lauder Cos., Inc. (The) 'A' USD 1,387 261,699 0.08 Exxon Mobil Corp. USD 1,665 74,459 0.02 Facebook, Inc. 'A' USD 22,232 5,048,220 1.48 FleetCor Technologies, Inc. USD 2,769 696,487 0.21 Fortive Corp. USD 7,998 541,145 0.16 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 'B' USD 42,929 496,689 0.15 General Motors Co. USD 42,100 1,065,130 0.31 Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. USD 4,379 196,967 0.06 Illumina, Inc. USD 2,605 964,762 0.28 Inphi Corp. USD 3,308 388,690 0.11 Intel Corp. USD 2,908 173,986 0.05 KLA Corp. USD 596 115,910 0.03 Linde plc USD 3,131 664,116 0.20 Marriott International, Inc. 'A' USD 6,459 553,730 0.16 Mastercard, Inc. 'A' USD 14,406 4,259,854 1.25 McCormick & Co., Inc. (Non-Voting) USD 695 124,690 0.04 Medtronic plc USD 4,170 382,389 0.11 MercadoLibre, Inc. USD 6,377 6,286,255 1.85 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 520 40,212 0.01 Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. USD 170 136,943 0.04 Micron Technology, Inc. USD 4,118 212,159 0.06 Microsoft Corp. USD 44,720 9,100,967 2.67 Mondelez International, Inc. 'A' USD 8,854 452,705 0.13 Moody's Corp. USD 3,328 914,301 0.27

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (118)

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1HWÁL[��,QF� USD 4,947 2,251,083 0.66 NIKE, Inc. 'B' USD 7,319 717,628 0.21 Noble Energy, Inc. USD 18,061 161,827 0.05 ON Semiconductor Corp. USD 8,784 174,099 0.05 PayPal Holdings, Inc. USD 20,651 3,598,024 1.06 PepsiCo, Inc. USD 723 95,624 0.03 PerkinElmer, Inc. USD 6,622 649,552 0.19 3À]HU��,QF� USD 15,642 511,493 0.15 QUALCOMM, Inc. USD 4,253 387,916 0.11 S&P Global, Inc. USD 2,078 684,659 0.20 Samsonite International SA, Reg. S HKD 98,186 98,813 0.03 Schlumberger Ltd. USD 17,919 329,530 0.10 TE Connectivity Ltd. USD 570 46,484 0.01 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF� USD 8,917 3,230,986 0.95 TransDigm Group, Inc. USD 1,239 547,700 0.16 Trimble, Inc. USD 15,019 648,671 0.19 VeriSign, Inc. USD 547 113,136 0.03 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 12,918 2,495,370 0.73 Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Inc. USD 4,719 201,124 0.06 Yum! Brands, Inc. USD 4,960 431,074 0.13 Zoetis, Inc. USD 2,256 309,162 0.09

80,320,801 23.58 Vietnam

Masan Group Corp. VND 25,950 60,497 0.02 Vinhomes JSC, Reg. S VND 7 23 –

60,520 0.02

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������




CSN Resources SA, Reg. S 7.625% 13/02/2023 USD 200,000 186,250 0.05

186,250 0.05 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 4.893% 08/06/2038 MYR 235,000 63,993 0.02

63,993 0.02 Mexico

Petroleos Mexicanos 6.875% 04/08/2026 USD 65,000 61,565 0.02

61,565 0.02

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (119)

Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 115

� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.





Rede D'or Finance Sarl, 144A 4.5% 22/01/2030 USD 200,000 176,812 0.05

176,812 0.05 Mexico

Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 6.49% 23/01/2027 USD 20,000 18,278 0.01

18,278 0.01

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������

&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGVUnited States of America

BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc., 144A 1.25% 15/05/2027 USD 11,000 12,856 –

12,856 –





China Tourism Group Duty Free Corp. Ltd. 'A'� CNY 14,000 309,406 0.09

309,406 0.09 India

Axis Bank Ltd.� INR 23,022 123,992 0.04

123,992 0.04 United Kingdom

NMC Health plc� GBP 7,422 92 –

92 – Vietnam

Vietnam Technological & Commercial Joint Stock Bank� VND 309,992 279,435 0.08

279,435 0.08

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������� �������


Aier Eye Hospital Group Co. Ltd.� USD 5,434 32,375 0.01 Aier Eye Hospital Group Co. Ltd. 25/06/2021� USD 2,178 12,977 – Aier Eye Hospital Group Co., Ltd. 24/12/2020� USD 103,516 635,806 0.19 WuXi AppTec Co. Ltd. 20/05/2021� USD 37,968 518,468 0.15

1,199,626 0.35

7RWDO�:DUUDQWV ��������� �������



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (120)

Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

116 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 4,978,237 4,978,237 1.46

4,978,237 1.46

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (121)

Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 117







$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVAUD 1,435,178 USD 984,658 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5,851 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 160,084 USD 179,545 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 369 – USD 58,182 EUR 51,668 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 113 – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 1,517,249 JPY 162,520,000 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 11,807 0.01



USD 366,597 EUR 329,350 09/07/2020 HSBC (3,481) –

USD 208,742 CNH 1,480,000 20/07/2020 Standard Chartered

(369) –


(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 6,006,454 USD 6,764,598 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (14,091) (0.01) -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVJPY 3,169,028,514 USD 29,529,426 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (174,335) (0.05)











US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 2 USD 436,313 9,747 –




Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (122)

Schedule of investments

118 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





(TXLWLHVArgentina Corp. USD 54,400 390,592 0.14 Loma Negra Cia Industrial Argentina SA, ADR USD 137,136 584,199 0.22

974,791 0.36 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 2,761 136,069 0.05

136,069 0.05 Brazil

Azul SA, ADR Preference USD 37,600 420,368 0.16 BR Malls Participacoes SA BRL 66,600 123,449 0.05 CCR SA BRL 804,341 2,144,673 0.80 Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes BRL 662,900 2,785,397 1.04 Estre Ambiental, Inc. USD 166,920 6,844 – Gerdau SA, ADR Preference USD 88,100 260,776 0.10 Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA, ADR Preference USD 69,500 471,210 0.17 Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA Preference BRL 84,200 287,216 0.11 Hypera SA BRL 316,800 1,939,913 0.72 Lojas Americanas SA Preference BRL 22,207 131,410 0.05 Lojas Americanas SA BRL 143,517 719,683 0.27 Nexa Resources SA USD 81,200 539,168 0.20 Odontoprev SA BRL 127,700 334,155 0.12 Petroleo Brasileiro SA, ADR USD 628,100 5,194,387 1.93 Vale SA, ADR USD 45,987 474,126 0.18 Vale SA BRL 50,993 524,361 0.19

16,357,136 6.09 China

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. HKD 271,740 7,348,778 2.73 CanSino Biologics, Inc., Reg. S 'H' HKD 241,596 6,664,502 2.48 China Gas Holdings Ltd. HKD 254,000 783,253 0.29 China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd. 'H' HKD 786,500 3,617,667 1.35 &KLQD�2LOÀHOG�6HUYLFHV�/WG��+ HKD 578,000 519,048 0.19 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. HKD 2,804,000 8,483,814 3.16 China Overseas Property Holdings Ltd. HKD 845,000 894,007 0.33 China Resources Gas Group Ltd. HKD 234,000 1,139,733 0.42 China Resources Land Ltd. HKD 1,515,111 5,737,502 2.14 China Tower Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 5,898,000 1,042,547 0.39 Chongqing Fuling Zhacai Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 19,900 101,299 0.04 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. HKD 73,300 824,690 0.31 Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai 'A' CNY 190,082 1,520,043 0.57 Guangzhou Kingmed Diagnostics Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 10,000 126,518 0.05 Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 470,583 6,777,257 2.52 Huazhu Group Ltd., ADR USD 93,700 3,284,185 1.22 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd., ADR USD 188,730 5,205,173 1.94 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd. GBP 132,000 719,669 0.27 HUYA, Inc., ADR USD 67,300 1,256,491 0.47 IMAX China Holding, Inc., Reg. S HKD 326,000 471,933 0.18

Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (123)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 119




Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 750,294 9,789,533 3.64 Kweichow Moutai Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 7,031 1,453,967 0.54 Legend Biotech Corp., ADR USD 145,710 6,201,418 2.31 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd., Reg. S HKD 1,640,250 7,798,621 2.90 Meituan Dianping, Reg. S 'B' HKD 61,100 1,355,150 0.50 Midea Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 120,100 1,015,080 0.38 NetEase, Inc. HKD 61,000 1,051,493 0.39 OneConnect Financial Technology Co. Ltd., ADR USD 183,000 3,341,580 1.24 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'H' HKD 532,500 5,324,656 1.98 Poly Property Development Co. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 38,200 384,440 0.14 Shandong Pharmaceutical Glass Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 37,595 308,239 0.11 Tencent Holdings Ltd. HKD 239,300 15,394,488 5.73 Group Ltd., ADR USD 111,200 2,882,304 1.07 Venustech Group, Inc. 'A' CNY 161,300 959,259 0.36 Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc., Reg. S HKD 67,000 1,225,805 0.46 Yeahka Ltd. HKD 562,400 1,248,085 0.46 Yunnan Energy New Material Co. Ltd. CNY 95,263 886,092 0.33

117,138,319 43.59 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 914,400 8,529,917 3.17 BeiGene Ltd., ADR USD 40,200 7,573,680 2.82 &DWKD\�3DFLÀF�$LUZD\V�/WG� HKD 376,000 363,847 0.13 ESR Cayman Ltd., Reg. S HKD 427,000 1,009,308 0.38 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. HKD 498,000 3,389,394 1.26 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. HKD 52,803 2,248,241 0.84 Hua Medicine, Reg. S HKD 250,500 228,829 0.08 Wynn Macau Ltd. HKD 977,757 1,682,895 0.63

25,026,111 9.31 Hungary

Wizz Air Holdings plc, Reg. S GBP 16,602 686,267 0.26

686,267 0.26 India

Asian Paints Ltd. INR 29,801 666,029 0.25 Avenue Supermarts Ltd., Reg. S INR 11,744 360,414 0.13 Berger Paints India Ltd. INR 143,943 941,588 0.35 Bharti Airtel Ltd. INR 551,341 4,088,118 1.52 Bharti Infratel Ltd. INR 82,687 242,573 0.09 City Union Bank Ltd. INR 279,946 449,745 0.17 Coforge Ltd. INR 55,412 1,034,208 0.39 Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. INR 43,251 395,713 0.15 HDFC Bank Ltd., ADR USD 2,500 113,650 0.04 HDFC Bank Ltd. INR 169,438 2,391,874 0.89 Housing Development Finance Corp. Ltd. INR 23,887 555,116 0.21 ICICI Bank Ltd., ADR USD 185,788 1,725,971 0.64 ICICI Bank Ltd. INR 127,539 593,660 0.22 Indian Energy Exchange Ltd., Reg. S INR 179,681 427,762 0.16 Info Edge India Ltd. INR 18,834 688,929 0.26 Infosys Ltd. INR 40,814 397,822 0.15 ITC Ltd. INR 40,518 104,456 0.04 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. INR 85,949 1,548,656 0.58

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (124)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

120 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� Foreign currency is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.




Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. INR 10,170 786,392 0.29 Nestle India Ltd. INR 1,055 239,975 0.09 Reliance Industries Ltd. INR 45,318 1,022,816 0.38 TeamLease Services Ltd. INR 47,265 1,051,985 0.39 United Spirits Ltd. INR 124,780 978,855 0.36 Varun Beverages Ltd. INR 54,754 493,813 0.18

21,300,120 7.93 Indonesia

Astra International Tbk. PT IDR 3,088,600 1,037,821 0.38 Bank BTPN Syariah Tbk. PT IDR 4,348,660 968,060 0.36 Bank Central Asia Tbk. PT IDR 685,100 1,365,644 0.51 Bank Mandiri Persero Tbk. PT IDR 14,244,680 4,936,028 1.84 Bank Rakyat Indonesia Persero Tbk. PT IDR 8,446,865 1,791,670 0.67 Elang Mahkota Teknologi Tbk. PT IDR 1,574,200 539,978 0.20 sem*n Indonesia Persero Tbk. PT IDR 762,100 513,491 0.19 Surya Citra Media Tbk. PT IDR 19,804,300 1,615,121 0.60

12,767,813 4.75 Kazakhstan

Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, Reg. S, GDR USD 135,289 1,677,584 0.62

1,677,584 0.62 Mexico

America Movil SAB de CV, ADR 'L' USD 183,736 2,331,610 0.87 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SAB de CV MXN 841,500 1,575,032 0.58

3,906,642 1.45 Nigeria

Guaranty Trust Bank plc � NGN 20,736,192 1,016,073 0.38

1,016,073 0.38 Peru

Credicorp Ltd. USD 11,100 1,483,737 0.55

1,483,737 0.55 Philippines

Ayala Corp. PHP 107,890 1,682,500 0.63 Bloomberry Resorts Corp. PHP 6,107,848 910,814 0.34 International Container Terminal Services, Inc. PHP 396,820 816,338 0.30

3,409,652 1.27 Romania

OMV Petrom SA RON 1,521,272 114,502 0.04

114,502 0.04 Russian Federation

Alrosa PJSC USD 637,634 577,716 0.21 Detsky Mir PJSC USD 1,289,900 1,823,360 0.68 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC RUB 535,789 852,233 0.32 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC USD 279,568 444,685 0.17 Rosneft Oil Co. PJSC, Reg. S, GDR USD 115,000 578,220 0.22 Sberbank of Russia PJSC, ADR USD 380,000 4,324,400 1.61 Sberbank of Russia PJSC USD 738,384 2,104,110 0.78 TCS Group Holding plc, Reg. S, GDR USD 52,100 1,057,630 0.39

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (125)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 121




Yandex NV 'A' USD 127,251 6,365,095 2.37

18,127,449 6.75 Singapore

Sea Ltd., ADR USD 600 64,344 0.02 Yoma Strategic Holdings Ltd. SGD 5,182,743 1,171,472 0.44

1,235,816 0.46 Slovenia

Nova Ljubljanska Banka dd, Reg. S, GDR EUR 71,097 615,057 0.23

615,057 0.23 South Africa

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. ZAR 29,266 852,707 0.32 Discovery Ltd. ZAR 315,151 1,898,806 0.70 Naspers Ltd. 'N' ZAR 1,021 186,114 0.07

2,937,627 1.09 South Korea

Hugel, Inc. KRW 2,327 914,085 0.34 Hyundai Motor Co. KRW 524 42,561 0.01 NAVER Corp. KRW 6,084 1,350,483 0.50 NHN KCP Corp. KRW 14,859 609,628 0.23 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KRW 114,973 5,046,826 1.88 SK Hynix, Inc. KRW 5,237 370,511 0.14

8,334,094 3.10 Spain

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA EUR 72,376 249,147 0.09

249,147 0.09 Taiwan

Delta Electronics, Inc. TWD 106,371 603,879 0.23 MediaTek, Inc. TWD 71,000 1,393,313 0.52 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 624,009 6,619,831 2.46 Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp. TWD 216,000 569,567 0.21

9,186,590 3.42 Thailand

Central Retail Corp. PCL THB 944,700 1,001,017 0.37

1,001,017 0.37 United Kingdom

Airtel Africa plc, Reg. S GBP 730,000 565,340 0.21 British American Tobacco plc GBP 17,200 661,647 0.25

1,226,987 0.46 United States of America

MercadoLibre, Inc. USD 1,800 1,774,386 0.66 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 2,200 154,132 0.06 Samsonite International SA, Reg. S HKD 125,599 126,401 0.04

2,054,919 0.76

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (126)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

122 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.�� 0DQDJHG�E\�DQ�DIÀOLDWH�RI�WKH�,QYHVWPHQW�$GYLVHU��� 3XUFKDVHG�LQ�D�SULYDWH�HTXLW\�IXQG�WUDQVFDWLRQ��SOHDVH�VHH�QRWH��I�WR�WKH�ÀQDQFLDO�VWDWHPHQW��




VietnamMasan Group Corp. VND 415,580 968,839 0.36 Vinhomes JSC, Reg. S VND 490,837 1,596,923 0.60

2,565,762 0.96

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������



&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���$,)Russian Federation

Baring Vostok IV� USD 11,785,410 2,353,547 0.88 New Century Capital Partners, Inc.� USD 749,700 41,533 0.01

2,395,080 0.89 United States of America

Capital International Private Equity Fund V� �� USD 27,787,465 536,298 0.20

536,298 0.20

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���$,) ��������� �������


Fu Ji Food & Catering Services Holdings Ltd. 0% 18/10/2010� CNY 41,500,000 – –

– –



Axis Bank Ltd.� INR 19,008 102,374 0.04

102,374 0.04 United Kingdom

Sedibelo Platinum� CAD 8,256,400 719,455 0.27

719,455 0.27

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����


7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (127)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 123







USD 576,154 BRL 2,895,000 15/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 44,138 0.02





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (128)

Schedule of investments

124 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






Asahi Group Holdings Ltd. JPY 7,400 27,942,400 0.16 Asahi Intecc Co. Ltd. JPY 40,200 123,213,000 0.71 Asahi Kasei Corp. JPY 202,900 177,659,240 1.03 BayCurrent Consulting, Inc. JPY 7,100 63,616,000 0.37 Coca-Cola Bottlers Japan Holdings, Inc. JPY 57,100 111,573,400 0.64 Cosmos Pharmaceutical Corp. JPY 24,000 396,960,000 2.29 CyberAgent, Inc. JPY 27,000 142,830,000 0.82 Daif*cku Co. Ltd. JPY 26,500 249,630,000 1.44 Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. JPY 75,000 660,450,000 3.81 Daikin Industries Ltd. JPY 16,700 289,494,500 1.67 Daiwa House Industry Co. Ltd. JPY 108,300 275,298,600 1.59 Denso Corp. JPY 33,900 142,549,500 0.82 Dip Corp. JPY 21,500 46,891,500 0.27 Disco Corp. JPY 3,900 101,751,000 0.59 East Japan Railway Co. JPY 2,200 16,442,800 0.09 Fast Retailing Co. Ltd. JPY 10,200 629,340,000 3.63 FP Corp. JPY 24,100 207,501,000 1.20 Fuji Corp. JPY 17,300 32,627,800 0.19 GMO Payment Gateway, Inc. JPY 11,100 124,764,000 0.72 Hamamatsu Photonics KK JPY 54,900 256,383,000 1.48 Harmonic Drive Systems, Inc. JPY 11,700 69,147,000 0.40 Hitachi Ltd. JPY 89,200 303,547,600 1.75 Horiba Ltd. JPY 3,300 18,744,000 0.11 Hoya Corp. JPY 18,400 188,784,000 1.09 Inpex Corp. JPY 181,000 120,708,900 0.70 Japan Elevator Service Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 5,000 17,350,000 0.10 Japan Exchange Group, Inc. JPY 40,900 101,922,800 0.59 Japan Tobacco, Inc. JPY 43,900 87,865,850 0.51 Justsystems Corp. JPY 38,600 294,132,000 1.70 Kansai Paint Co. Ltd. JPY 44,700 101,603,100 0.59 Keyence Corp. JPY 16,600 747,498,000 4.32 Komatsu Ltd. JPY 108,100 238,198,350 1.38 Kose Corp. JPY 10,700 138,672,000 0.80 Kotobuki Spirits Co. Ltd. JPY 12,600 55,629,000 0.32 Mani, Inc. JPY 14,100 40,114,500 0.23 Maruwa Co. Ltd. JPY 4,700 38,258,000 0.22 MEIJI Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 8,330 71,471,400 0.41 MISUMI Group, Inc. JPY 26,100 70,313,400 0.41 Mitsubishi Corp. JPY 40,000 90,800,000 0.52 Miura Co. Ltd. JPY 22,700 101,809,500 0.59 Money Forward, Inc. JPY 13,500 80,595,000 0.47 Nakanishi, Inc. JPY 107,300 150,863,800 0.87 NET One Systems Co. Ltd. JPY 143,900 517,320,500 2.99 Nexon Co. Ltd. JPY 78,600 191,548,200 1.11 Nidec Corp. JPY 64,500 464,142,000 2.68 Nintendo Co. Ltd. JPY 2,300 110,423,000 0.64 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. JPY 114,600 288,276,300 1.66 Nitori Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 32,800 692,900,000 4.00

Capital Group Japan Equity Fund (LUX) As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (129)

Capital Group Japan Equity Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 125




Obara Group, Inc. JPY 9,000 29,430,000 0.17 Obic Co. Ltd. JPY 18,600 350,982,000 2.03 Otsuka Corp. JPY 52,000 295,360,000 1.71 3DFLÀF�0HWDOV�&R��/WG� JPY 35,600 54,574,800 0.32 PALTAC Corp. JPY 24,700 122,388,500 0.71 Paramount Bed Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 6,900 30,291,000 0.17 Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 106,200 391,028,400 2.26 Rohm Co. Ltd. JPY 10,100 72,114,000 0.42 Sakai Moving Service Co. Ltd. JPY 5,200 28,548,000 0.16 Sakata Seed Corp. JPY 6,600 22,704,000 0.13 Santen Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. JPY 27,300 54,135,900 0.31 Sato Holdings Corp. JPY 9,000 20,988,000 0.12 SBI Holdings, Inc. JPY 62,600 145,732,800 0.84 Shima Seiki Manufacturing Ltd. JPY 10,000 15,360,000 0.09 Shimano, Inc. JPY 3,000 62,250,000 0.36 Shin-Etsu Chemical Co. Ltd. JPY 57,200 720,434,000 4.16 Shionogi & Co. Ltd. JPY 107,200 723,600,000 4.18 Shiseido Co. Ltd. JPY 37,100 253,578,500 1.46 SMC Corp. JPY 7,000 386,260,000 2.23 SMS Co. Ltd. JPY 12,400 29,970,800 0.17 SoftBank Group Corp. JPY 110,100 600,045,000 3.46 Sony Corp. JPY 37,100 273,946,400 1.58 Sosei Group Corp. JPY 87,749 152,156,766 0.88 Subaru Corp. JPY 22,000 49,313,000 0.28 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. JPY 47,300 143,413,600 0.83 Sumitomo Mitsui Trust Holdings, Inc. JPY 45,600 137,940,000 0.80 Suzuki Motor Corp. JPY 73,900 270,252,300 1.56 Systena Corp. JPY 25,900 36,803,900 0.21 Takamatsu Construction Group Co. Ltd. JPY 20,500 49,446,000 0.29 TDK Corp. JPY 8,600 91,848,000 0.53 Terumo Corp. JPY 95,700 390,551,700 2.25 Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. JPY 19,500 91,611,000 0.53 Tokyo Electron Ltd. JPY 10,100 267,044,000 1.54 Unicharm Corp. JPY 121,300 536,146,000 3.10 Uzabase, Inc. JPY 22,300 49,283,000 0.28 Yamato Kogyo Co. Ltd. JPY 82,100 180,209,500 1.04 Zenrin Co. Ltd. JPY 22,100 26,807,300 0.15 ZIGExN Co. Ltd. JPY 129,800 43,742,600 0.25

16,669,846,706 96.24

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV �������������� ��������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV �������������� ��������

&DVK ����������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ������������ ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV �������������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (130)

Capital Group Japan Equity Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

126 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020







&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 233,281 JPY 26,319,213 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 273,435 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 8,407,112 JPY 1,016,160,367 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,857,557 0.02 *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 2,256 JPY 299,720 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,033 – JPY 1,119,371 GBP 8,332 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4,763 – 86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 1,313,629 JPY 140,977,974 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 834,831 0.01


7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� �������(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 980 JPY 119,043 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (140) – JPY 9,551,690 EUR 79,307 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (70,511) – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 1,424,023 JPY 191,425,498 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (919,291) (0.01)





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (131)

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 127

Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020






Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 3.15% 01/10/2026 USD 831,000 663,195 0.32 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 4.1% 01/10/2046 USD 894,000 670,997 0.32

1,334,192 0.64

7RWDO�%RQGV ��������� �������


Neste OYJ EUR 114,200 3,975,302 1.90

3,975,302 1.90 France

Air Liquide SA EUR 24,400 3,132,960 1.49 Airbus SE EUR 46,160 2,932,083 1.40 ALD SA, Reg. S EUR 171,970 1,513,336 0.72 Kering SA EUR 11,890 5,757,732 2.75 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 13,070 5,103,835 2.43 Pernod Ricard SA EUR 10,200 1,428,510 0.68 6DQRÀ EUR 53,800 4,876,970 2.33 STMicroelectronics NV EUR 104,414 2,526,819 1.21 Vinci SA EUR 48,450 3,972,900 1.90

31,245,145 14.91 Germany

Deutsche Bank AG EUR 279,925 2,369,285 1.13 Deutsche Post AG EUR 167,350 5,447,243 2.60 E.ON SE EUR 807,188 8,083,988 3.86 Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA EUR 5,233 230,880 0.11 MTU Aero Engines AG EUR 4,230 652,055 0.31 SAP SE EUR 7,820 972,182 0.46 Scout24 AG, Reg. S EUR 32,200 2,223,410 1.06 TAG Immobilien AG EUR 261,620 5,551,576 2.65

25,530,619 12.18 Hungary

Richter Gedeon Nyrt. HUF 101,880 1,875,851 0.89

1,875,851 0.89 Ireland

CRH plc EUR 30,900 942,450 0.45 Flutter Entertainment plc GBP 13,500 1,577,495 0.75 Kingspan Group plc EUR 30,500 1,749,175 0.84

4,269,120 2.04 Italy

Enel SpA EUR 119,000 913,682 0.43 Moncler SpA EUR 18,398 626,268 0.30 UniCredit SpA EUR 209,281 1,713,593 0.82

3,253,543 1.55

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (132)

Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

128 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




NetherlandsAltice Europe NV 'A' EUR 535,860 1,840,679 0.88 ASML Holding NV EUR 12,730 4,161,437 1.99 ING Groep NV EUR 361,690 2,241,755 1.07 Prosus NV EUR 66,970 5,541,098 2.64

13,784,969 6.58 Portugal

EDP - Energias de Portugal SA EUR 1,245,174 5,291,989 2.52

5,291,989 2.52 Russian Federation

Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC USD 611,300 865,458 0.41 Sberbank of Russia PJSC, ADR USD 110,550 1,119,768 0.54 Yandex NV 'A' USD 91,800 4,087,081 1.95

6,072,307 2.90 Spain

Aena SME SA, Reg. S EUR 33,304 3,953,185 1.89 Amadeus IT Group SA 'A' EUR 19,100 885,858 0.42 Banco Santander SA EUR 799,880 1,739,339 0.83 Cia de Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings SA EUR 313,968 5,211,869 2.49 Iberdrola SA EUR 205,000 2,115,600 1.01 Industria de Diseno Textil SA EUR 129,974 3,063,487 1.46

16,969,338 8.10 Sweden

Assa Abloy AB 'B' SEK 214,800 3,887,082 1.85 Saab AB 'B' SEK 122,220 2,715,482 1.30 Thule Group AB, Reg. S SEK 111,300 2,500,503 1.19

9,103,067 4.34 Switzerland

Alcon, Inc. CHF 9,900 505,575 0.24 Lonza Group AG CHF 4,300 2,020,611 0.96 Novartis AG CHF 112,280 8,693,720 4.15 Zurich Insurance Group AG CHF 9,300 2,919,846 1.39

14,139,752 6.74 United Kingdom

Avast plc, Reg. S GBP 190,855 1,112,453 0.53 BHP Group plc GBP 90,200 1,645,813 0.79 BP plc GBP 320,630 1,086,322 0.52 British American Tobacco plc GBP 124,225 4,253,378 2.03 Centrica plc GBP 707,900 300,896 0.14 Daily Mail & General Trust plc 'A' GBP 131,600 1,000,019 0.48 GlaxoSmithKline plc GBP 224,250 4,047,700 1.93 GVC Holdings plc GBP 703,790 5,748,573 2.74 Hiscox Ltd. GBP 139,535 1,213,593 0.58 Imperial Brands plc GBP 510,250 8,657,925 4.13 London Stock Exchange Group plc GBP 28,100 2,590,252 1.24 Melrose Industries plc GBP 268,845 338,018 0.16 National Grid plc GBP 540,089 5,892,271 2.81 Network International Holdings plc, Reg. S GBP 220,830 1,074,064 0.51

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (133)

Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 129




Rightmove plc GBP 495,500 2,983,799 1.42 Rio Tinto plc GBP 103,500 5,192,656 2.48 Royal Dutch Shell plc 'B' GBP 23,800 321,286 0.15 SSE plc GBP 335,642 5,051,067 2.41 Taylor Wimpey plc GBP 4,287,680 6,743,342 3.22 Unilever plc GBP 60,620 2,911,638 1.39

62,165,065 29.66

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (134)

Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

130 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020







86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 13,075 USD 13,765 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 37 – EUR 23,024 USD 25,767 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 97 – GBP 11,391 USD 14,076 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 36 – SEK 84,729 USD 9,028 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 59 – USD 3,659,403 EUR 3,248,880 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 7,177 – USD 1,995,751 GBP 1,593,073 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 19,200 0.01 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�1$9�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVHV�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ������ �������


*%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 15,377 CHF 18,333 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (270) – GBP 128,581 EUR 143,053 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,275) – GBP 10,082 SEK 117,924 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (146) – GBP 8,085 USD 10,129 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (98) – 86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 5 USD 5 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – EUR 79,322 USD 89,375 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (202) – GBP 38,747 USD 48,721 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (628) – USD 437,947 CHF 416,431 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,583) – USD 2,675 EUR 2,382 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2) – USD 1,513 GBP 1,226 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (6) – USD 287,132 SEK 2,680,887 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (557) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (135)

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 131






Atlassian Corp. plc 'A' USD 1,315 237,055 0.22

237,055 0.22 Canada

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. CAD 17,334 300,689 0.28

300,689 0.28 China

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. HKD 30,124 814,656 0.75 Kingdee International Software Group Co. Ltd. HKD 187,893 436,853 0.40 Tencent Holdings Ltd. HKD 15,407 991,153 0.91

2,242,662 2.06 France

Airbus SE EUR 2,252 160,713 0.15 EssilorLuxottica SA EUR 657 84,333 0.08 L'Oreal SA EUR 232 74,468 0.07 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 228 100,030 0.09 Safran SA EUR 1,357 136,024 0.12

555,568 0.51 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 19,000 177,240 0.16 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. HKD 46,000 313,077 0.29

490,317 0.45 India

HDFC Bank Ltd. INR 14,230 200,878 0.19 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. INR 8,564 154,309 0.14

355,187 0.33 Netherlands

ASML Holding NV EUR 5,047 1,853,622 1.70

1,853,622 1.70 Spain

Industria de Diseno Textil SA EUR 1,161 30,744 0.03

30,744 0.03 Sweden

Nibe Industrier AB 'B' SEK 6,202 137,043 0.13

137,043 0.13 Switzerland

Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Spruengli AG CHF 2 171,830 0.16

171,830 0.16 Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 15,000 159,128 0.15

159,128 0.15

Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (136)

Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

132 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




United KingdomAstraZeneca plc GBP 1,418 147,961 0.13 London Stock Exchange Group plc GBP 1,806 187,036 0.17 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 1,377 126,808 0.12

461,805 0.42 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories USD 35,013 3,201,239 2.94 AbbVie, Inc. USD 2,849 279,715 0.26 Accenture plc 'A' USD 4,312 925,873 0.85 Activision Blizzard, Inc. USD 20,804 1,579,024 1.45 Adobe, Inc. USD 1,458 634,682 0.58 Air Lease Corp. USD 6,084 178,200 0.16 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. USD 437 105,518 0.10 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT USD 676 109,681 0.10 Alphabet, Inc. 'A' USD 966 1,369,836 1.26 Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 1,141 1,612,929 1.48 Alteryx, Inc. 'A' USD 637 104,646 0.10 Altria Group, Inc. USD 1,439 56,481 0.05, Inc. USD 1,083 2,987,802 2.75 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 2,266 585,852 0.54 AmerisourceBergen Corp. USD 861 86,763 0.08 AMETEK, Inc. USD 1,227 109,657 0.10 Amgen, Inc. USD 7,061 1,665,407 1.53 Amphenol Corp. 'A' USD 3,241 310,520 0.29 Anthem, Inc. USD 594 156,210 0.14 Aon plc 'A' USD 3,935 757,881 0.70 Apple, Inc. USD 698 254,630 0.23 Applied Materials, Inc. USD 5,501 332,535 0.31 Arch Capital Group Ltd. USD 8,268 236,878 0.22 Armstrong World Industries, Inc. USD 1,566 122,085 0.11 Autodesk, Inc. USD 6,336 1,515,508 1.39 Avalara, Inc. USD 493 65,613 0.06 Bank of America Corp. USD 1,774 42,133 0.04 Baxter International, Inc. USD 652 56,137 0.05 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 'B' USD 1,391 248,307 0.23 BioMarin Pharmaceutical, Inc. USD 16,418 2,024,996 1.86 Blackstone Group, Inc. (The) 'A' USD 1,030 58,360 0.05 Boeing Co. (The) USD 553 101,365 0.09 Booking Holdings, Inc. USD 230 366,238 0.34 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS� USD 2,274 79,840 0.07 Broadcom, Inc. USD 7,684 2,425,147 2.23 Cable One, Inc. USD 140 248,479 0.23 CarMax, Inc. USD 2,137 191,368 0.18 Carrier Global Corp. USD 1,322 29,375 0.03 Caterpillar, Inc. USD 3,259 412,264 0.38 Celanese Corp. USD 1,831 158,089 0.15 Centene Corp. USD 12,034 764,761 0.70 Ceridian HCM Holding, Inc. USD 9,787 775,815 0.71 Charter Communications, Inc. 'A' USD 1,651 842,076 0.77 Chipotle Mexican Grill, Inc. USD 81 85,241 0.08 Church & Dwight Co., Inc. USD 889 68,720 0.06 Cigna Corp. USD 854 160,253 0.15

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (137)

Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 133




CME Group, Inc. USD 1,232 200,249 0.18 Comcast Corp. 'A' USD 7,440 290,011 0.27 Concho Resources, Inc. USD 13,662 703,593 0.65 Constellation Brands, Inc. 'A' USD 6,271 1,097,111 1.01 Copart, Inc. USD 310 25,814 0.02 Costco Wholesale Corp. USD 3,010 912,662 0.84 Coupa Software, Inc. USD 1,221 338,266 0.31 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT USD 459 76,814 0.07 CSX Corp. USD 18,119 1,263,619 1.16 Cummins, Inc. USD 635 110,020 0.10 Danaher Corp. USD 1,326 234,477 0.22 Darden Restaurants, Inc. USD 2,607 197,532 0.18 Deere & Co. USD 249 39,130 0.04 Diamondback Energy, Inc. USD 9,908 414,353 0.38 DocuSign, Inc. USD 3,248 559,338 0.51 DTE Energy Co. USD 2,376 255,420 0.23 Edwards Lifesciences Corp. USD 9,222 637,332 0.59 Electronic Arts, Inc. USD 2,333 308,073 0.28 Eli Lilly and Co. USD 5,431 891,662 0.82 EOG Resources, Inc. USD 40,821 2,067,992 1.90 EPAM Systems, Inc. USD 834 210,176 0.19 Equifax, Inc. USD 3,235 556,032 0.51 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 953 669,292 0.62 Estee Lauder Cos., Inc. (The) 'A' USD 2,670 503,776 0.46 Everest Re Group Ltd. USD 244 50,313 0.05 Facebook, Inc. 'A' USD 15,571 3,535,707 3.25 Fair Isaac Corp. USD 439 183,520 0.17 First Republic Bank USD 5,421 574,572 0.53 Fiserv, Inc. USD 742 72,434 0.07 FleetCor Technologies, Inc. USD 4,574 1,150,498 1.06 Fortive Corp. USD 5,586 377,949 0.35 General Dynamics Corp. USD 3,067 458,394 0.42 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 22,966 1,767,004 1.62 Global Payments, Inc. USD 949 160,969 0.15 GoDaddy, Inc. 'A' USD 393 28,819 0.03 Grocery Outlet Holding Corp. USD 200 8,160 0.01 Haemonetics Corp. USD 460 41,198 0.04 Helen of Troy Ltd. USD 1,098 207,039 0.19 Herbalife Nutrition Ltd. USD 11,080 498,378 0.46 Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. USD 9,805 720,177 0.66 Home Depot, Inc. (The) USD 798 199,907 0.18 Humana, Inc. USD 2,452 950,763 0.87 IAC/interactivecorp USD 1,001 323,723 0.30 Illumina, Inc. USD 1,411 522,564 0.48 Insulet Corp. USD 2,655 515,760 0.47 Integra LifeSciences Holdings Corp. USD 8,697 408,672 0.38 Intel Corp. USD 6,307 377,348 0.35 Intercontinental Exchange, Inc. USD 655 59,998 0.06 Intuit, Inc. USD 174 51,537 0.05 IQVIA Holdings, Inc. USD 2,859 405,635 0.37 Johnson & Johnson USD 571 80,300 0.07 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 6,230 585,994 0.54

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (138)

Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

134 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. USD 4,769 135,440 0.12 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. USD 3,508 595,202 0.55 Lam Research Corp. USD 371 120,004 0.11 Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. USD 10,406 665,256 0.61 Las Vegas Sands Corp. USD 535 24,364 0.02 Linde plc USD 1,806 383,071 0.35 LivaNova plc USD 2,116 101,843 0.09 Marriott International, Inc. 'A' USD 4,969 425,992 0.39 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. USD 684 73,441 0.07 Masco Corp. USD 2,006 100,721 0.09 Mastercard, Inc. 'A' USD 4,885 1,444,495 1.33 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 1,088 84,135 0.08 Micron Technology, Inc. USD 10,394 535,499 0.49 Microsoft Corp. USD 22,649 4,609,298 4.24 Middleby Corp. (The) USD 461 36,391 0.03 MongoDB, Inc. USD 891 201,669 0.19 MSCI, Inc. USD 337 112,497 0.10 NetApp, Inc. USD 4,680 207,652 0.19 1HWÁL[��,QF� USD 9,911 4,509,901 4.15 New York Times Co. (The) 'A' USD 3,064 128,780 0.12 NextEra Energy, Inc. USD 1,737 417,175 0.38 NIKE, Inc. 'B' USD 9,019 884,313 0.81 Noble Energy, Inc. USD 11,556 103,542 0.10 NVR, Inc. USD 72 234,630 0.22 Old Dominion Freight Line, Inc. USD 8,794 1,491,374 1.37 Otis Worldwide Corp. USD 1,367 77,728 0.07 PayPal Holdings, Inc. USD 7,317 1,274,841 1.17 PerkinElmer, Inc. USD 10,427 1,022,784 0.94 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 8,471 593,478 0.55 Pioneer Natural Resources Co. USD 1,384 135,217 0.12 PPG Industries, Inc. USD 436 46,242 0.04 PRA Health Sciences, Inc. USD 1,546 150,410 0.14 Qorvo, Inc. USD 969 107,104 0.10 Raytheon Technologies Corp. USD 4,376 269,649 0.25 RealPage, Inc. USD 878 57,079 0.05 Ross Stores, Inc. USD 376 32,050 0.03 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. USD 352 17,706 0.02 S&P Global, Inc. USD 2,705 891,243 0.82, Inc. USD 301 56,386 0.05 SBA Communications Corp., REIT USD 1,825 543,704 0.50 Schlumberger Ltd. USD 4,643 85,385 0.08 ServiceNow, Inc. USD 1,911 774,070 0.71 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) USD 172 99,390 0.09 SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. USD 3,431 193,783 0.18 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. USD 3,347 466,505 0.43 Stryker Corp. USD 3,486 628,142 0.58 SVB Financial Group USD 1,014 218,547 0.20 SVMK, Inc. USD 9,052 213,084 0.20 TE Connectivity Ltd. USD 617 50,316 0.05 Texas Instruments, Inc. USD 691 87,736 0.08 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF� USD 5,532 2,004,465 1.84 Thor Industries, Inc. USD 2,700 287,631 0.26

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (139)

Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 135




TJX Cos., Inc. (The) USD 6,069 306,849 0.28 TopBuild Corp. USD 1,924 218,893 0.20 TransDigm Group, Inc. USD 2,266 1,001,685 0.92 Trimble, Inc. USD 4,871 210,379 0.19 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 814 137,623 0.13 United Rentals, Inc. USD 724 107,905 0.10 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. USD 9,718 2,866,324 2.64 Valvoline, Inc. USD 9,220 178,223 0.16 VeriSign, Inc. USD 233 48,191 0.04 Vertex Pharmaceuticals, Inc. USD 1,192 346,050 0.32 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 2,685 518,661 0.48 Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. USD 2,785 118,056 0.11 Waste Connections, Inc. USD 1,435 134,589 0.12 Waste Management, Inc. USD 2,767 293,053 0.27 West Pharmaceutical Services, Inc. USD 1,582 359,383 0.33 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. USD 1,192 68,623 0.06 Williams-Sonoma, Inc. USD 5,556 455,648 0.42 Woodward, Inc. USD 6,334 491,202 0.45 Wynn Resorts Ltd. USD 1,642 122,313 0.11 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. USD 5,946 709,715 0.65 Zoetis, Inc. USD 4,200 575,568 0.53 Zoom Video Communications, Inc. 'A' USD 406 102,937 0.09 ZoomInfo Technologies, Inc. 'A' USD 2,100 107,163 0.10

92,854,598 85.35

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ���������� ��������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 5,899,081 5,899,081 5.42

5,899,081 5.42

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (140)

Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

136 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020







&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 233,256 USD 245,216 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,089 – USD 5,036 CHF 4,766 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 9,283 EUR 8,243 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 19 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 43,874 GBP 35,120 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 352 –



(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 400,732 USD 451,327 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (954) – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 179,196 USD 224,718 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2,654) – USD 20,648 GBP 16,796 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (166) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (141)

Schedule of investments

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 137





%RQGVUnited States of America

US Treasury 2.75% 30/04/2023 USD 260,000 278,931 0.07

278,931 0.07

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������

&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGVUnited States of America

Broadcom, Inc. 8% USD 124 138,180 0.03 NextEra Energy, Inc. 0% USD 2,067 100,332 0.03 Sempra Energy 6% USD 1,769 172,884 0.04

411,396 0.10

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ������� �������


Vale SA, ADR USD 70,604 727,927 0.17

727,927 0.17 Canada

Bank of Montreal CAD 8,146 433,581 0.10 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. CAD 44,986 780,363 0.19 Great-West Lifeco, Inc. CAD 45,972 805,932 0.19 TC Energy Corp. CAD 31,552 1,347,979 0.32

3,367,855 0.80 France

LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 1,509 662,039 0.16 Pernod Ricard SA EUR 2,052 322,874 0.08 Safran SA EUR 6,218 623,284 0.15 TOTAL SA EUR 8,951 341,668 0.08

1,949,865 0.47 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 128,552 1,199,188 0.29

1,199,188 0.29 Israel

Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd., ADR USD 99,989 1,232,864 0.29

1,232,864 0.29 Japan

Chugai Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. JPY 7,800 416,457 0.10 Daiichi Sankyo Co. Ltd. JPY 49,734 4,056,102 0.97 Sony Corp. JPY 16,900 1,155,727 0.27

5,628,286 1.34 Netherlands

ASML Holding NV EUR 7,769 2,853,337 0.68

2,853,337 0.68

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (142)

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

138 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




South KoreaSamsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KRW 26,613 1,168,198 0.28

1,168,198 0.28 Switzerland

Nestle SA CHF 35,958 3,975,134 0.95 Novartis AG CHF 6,617 575,622 0.14 Roche Holding AG CHF 2,578 893,437 0.21

5,444,193 1.30 Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 11,000 116,694 0.03

116,694 0.03 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc GBP 13,906 1,451,016 0.35 BHP Group plc GBP 78,022 1,599,425 0.38 BP plc GBP 109,626 417,293 0.10 British American Tobacco plc, ADR USD 20,608 800,003 0.19 British American Tobacco plc GBP 91,609 3,524,002 0.84 GlaxoSmithKline plc GBP 118,042 2,393,787 0.57 National Grid plc GBP 28,756 352,468 0.09 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 13,166 1,212,456 0.29 Rio Tinto plc GBP 43,647 2,460,236 0.59 Rolls-Royce Holdings plc GBP 216,786 766,640 0.18 Royal Dutch Shell plc 'B' GBP 22,038 334,241 0.08 Vodafone Group plc GBP 207,083 330,650 0.08

15,642,217 3.74 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories USD 135,533 12,391,782 2.96 AbbVie, Inc. USD 25,544 2,507,910 0.60 Accenture plc 'A' USD 11,044 2,371,368 0.57 Activision Blizzard, Inc. USD 7,815 593,159 0.14 Adobe, Inc. USD 4,059 1,766,923 0.42 AES Corp. (The) USD 32,317 468,273 0.11 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT USD 7,960 1,291,510 0.31 Alphabet, Inc. 'A' USD 5,164 7,322,810 1.75 Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 3,173 4,485,385 1.07 Altria Group, Inc. USD 67,222 2,638,464 0.63, Inc. USD 6,857 18,917,229 4.52 American Electric Power Co., Inc. USD 3,547 282,483 0.07 American International Group, Inc. USD 51,690 1,611,694 0.39 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 11,910 3,079,211 0.74 AmerisourceBergen Corp. USD 1,949 196,401 0.05 Amgen, Inc. USD 32,845 7,746,822 1.85 Amphenol Corp. 'A' USD 23,623 2,263,320 0.54 Anthem, Inc. USD 2,109 554,625 0.13 Aon plc 'A' USD 5,633 1,084,916 0.26 Apple, Inc. USD 23,829 8,692,819 2.08 Applied Materials, Inc. USD 3,983 240,772 0.06 Aptiv plc Preference USD 4,144 425,920 0.10 Aptiv plc USD 6,525 508,428 0.12 Arthur J Gallagher & Co. USD 8,430 821,841 0.20

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (143)

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 139




Autodesk, Inc. USD 5,379 1,286,603 0.31 Baker Hughes Co. USD 152,852 2,352,392 0.56 Bank of America Corp. USD 5,945 141,194 0.03 Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (The) USD 3,321 128,357 0.03 Baxter International, Inc. USD 5,338 459,602 0.11 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 'B' USD 4,858 867,202 0.21 BlackRock, Inc. USD 5,813 3,162,795 0.76 Blackstone Group, Inc. (The) 'A' USD 2,773 157,118 0.04 Boeing Co. (The) USD 757 138,758 0.03 Booking Holdings, Inc. USD 29 46,178 0.01 Broadcom, Inc. USD 61,220 19,321,644 4.62 Carrier Global Corp. USD 113,957 2,532,125 0.61 Caterpillar, Inc. USD 3,807 481,585 0.12 Celanese Corp. USD 8,280 714,895 0.17 Centene Corp. USD 768 48,806 0.01 Charter Communications, Inc. 'A' USD 2,674 1,363,847 0.33 Chevron Corp. USD 34,507 3,079,060 0.74 Chubb Ltd. USD 11,983 1,517,287 0.36 Cigna Corp. USD 2,679 502,714 0.12 Citigroup, Inc. USD 16,981 867,729 0.21 CME Group, Inc. USD 4,450 723,303 0.17 CMS Energy Corp. USD 12,314 719,384 0.17 Comcast Corp. 'A' USD 186,855 7,283,608 1.74 Concho Resources, Inc. USD 33,249 1,712,324 0.41 ConocoPhillips USD 8,498 357,086 0.09 Consolidated Edison, Inc. USD 5,688 409,138 0.10 Constellation Brands, Inc. 'A' USD 12,403 2,169,905 0.52 Costco Wholesale Corp. USD 555 168,282 0.04 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT USD 18,534 3,101,665 0.74 CSX Corp. USD 42,364 2,954,465 0.71 Cummins, Inc. USD 2,748 476,118 0.11 Danaher Corp. USD 4,358 770,625 0.18 Deere & Co. USD 1,628 255,840 0.06 Diamondback Energy, Inc. USD 16,428 687,019 0.16 Digital Realty Trust, Inc., REIT USD 6,686 950,147 0.23 Discover Financial Services USD 6,862 343,718 0.08 Dominion Energy, Inc. USD 25,037 2,032,504 0.49 Dow, Inc. USD 60,838 2,479,757 0.59 Edison International USD 24,938 1,354,383 0.32 Edwards Lifesciences Corp. USD 7,203 497,799 0.12 Eli Lilly and Co. USD 13,345 2,190,982 0.52 EOG Resources, Inc. USD 112,180 5,683,039 1.36 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 1,410 990,243 0.24 Equity Residential, REIT USD 4,212 247,750 0.06 Estee Lauder Cos., Inc. (The) 'A' USD 724 136,604 0.03 Exelon Corp. USD 29,311 1,063,696 0.25 Extra Space Storage, Inc., REIT USD 4,882 450,950 0.11 Exxon Mobil Corp. USD 34,910 1,561,175 0.37 Facebook, Inc. 'A' USD 90,314 20,507,600 4.90 Fortive Corp. USD 2,184 147,769 0.04 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 'B' USD 80,073 926,445 0.22 General Dynamics Corp. USD 25,350 3,788,811 0.91

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (144)

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

140 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




General Mills, Inc. USD 7,803 481,055 0.11 General Motors Co. USD 102,720 2,598,816 0.62 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 120,349 9,259,652 2.21 Global Payments, Inc. USD 1,699 288,184 0.07 GoDaddy, Inc. 'A' USD 2,058 150,913 0.04 Hasbro, Inc. USD 28,252 2,117,487 0.51 Hilton Worldwide Holdings, Inc. USD 10,422 765,496 0.18 Home Depot, Inc. (The) USD 35,849 8,980,533 2.15 Hormel Foods Corp. USD 5,160 249,073 0.06 Humana, Inc. USD 2,185 847,234 0.20 Illinois Tool Works, Inc. USD 15,158 2,650,376 0.63 Illumina, Inc. USD 1,043 386,275 0.09 Incyte Corp. USD 1,959 203,677 0.05 Intel Corp. USD 46,660 2,791,668 0.67 International Flavors & Fragrances, Inc. USD 11,816 1,446,987 0.35 Intuit, Inc. USD 1,250 370,238 0.09 Johnson & Johnson USD 2,746 386,170 0.09 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 34,349 3,230,867 0.77 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. USD 128,012 3,635,541 0.87 KeyCorp USD 3,343 40,718 0.01 Kraft Heinz Co. (The) USD 3,183 101,506 0.02 L3Harris Technologies, Inc. USD 25,305 4,293,499 1.03 Lamb Weston Holdings, Inc. USD 48,776 3,118,250 0.75 Las Vegas Sands Corp. USD 3,159 143,861 0.03 Linde plc USD 28,650 6,076,952 1.45 Lowe's Cos., Inc. USD 6,637 896,791 0.21 LyondellBasell Industries NV 'A' USD 8,542 561,380 0.13 Marriott International, Inc. 'A' USD 3,649 312,829 0.07 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. USD 3,370 361,837 0.09 Mastercard, Inc. 'A' USD 9,759 2,885,736 0.69 McDonald's Corp. USD 12,288 2,266,767 0.54 Medtronic plc USD 12,223 1,120,849 0.27 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 49,169 3,802,239 0.91 Microsoft Corp. USD 147,386 29,994,525 7.17 Mondelez International, Inc. 'A' USD 7,886 403,211 0.10 NetApp, Inc. USD 11,200 496,944 0.12 1HWÁL[��,QF� USD 22,887 10,414,500 2.49 NextEra Energy, Inc. USD 5,925 1,423,007 0.34 NIKE, Inc. 'B' USD 20,211 1,981,689 0.47 Norfolk Southern Corp. USD 2,057 361,147 0.09 Otis Worldwide Corp. USD 12,928 735,086 0.18 Paychex, Inc. USD 920 69,690 0.02 PepsiCo, Inc. USD 17,369 2,297,224 0.55 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 87,848 6,154,631 1.47 Pioneer Natural Resources Co. USD 3,819 373,116 0.09 PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) USD 2,080 218,837 0.05 PPG Industries, Inc. USD 1,649 174,893 0.04 Procter & Gamble Co. (The) USD 5,622 672,223 0.16 Prologis, Inc., REIT USD 5,293 493,996 0.12 Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. USD 2,577 126,685 0.03 Public Storage, REIT USD 7,629 1,463,929 0.35 QUALCOMM, Inc. USD 2,460 224,377 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (145)

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 141




Raytheon Technologies Corp. USD 83,980 5,174,848 1.24 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. USD 25,835 1,299,501 0.31 Royalty Pharma plc 'A' USD 17,423 845,887 0.20 S&P Global, Inc. USD 7,892 2,600,256 0.62 SBA Communications Corp., REIT USD 6,171 1,838,464 0.44 Schlumberger Ltd. USD 39,995 735,508 0.18 Sempra Energy USD 13,590 1,593,156 0.38 ServiceNow, Inc. USD 5,809 2,352,994 0.56 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) USD 308 177,978 0.04 SS&C Technologies Holdings, Inc. USD 10,469 591,289 0.14 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. USD 15,805 2,202,901 0.53 Stryker Corp. USD 1,510 272,087 0.06 Target Corp. USD 2,870 344,199 0.08 Texas Instruments, Inc. USD 1,159 147,158 0.04 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF� USD 10,919 3,956,390 0.95 TJX Cos., Inc. (The) USD 7,444 376,369 0.09 Travelers Cos., Inc. (The) USD 8,645 985,962 0.24 Truist Financial Corp. USD 43,717 1,641,573 0.39 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 1,744 294,858 0.07 United Parcel Service, Inc. 'B' USD 5,457 606,709 0.14 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. USD 22,472 6,628,116 1.58 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 5,308 1,025,346 0.24 Walmart, Inc. USD 4,540 543,801 0.13 Waste Connections, Inc. USD 2,664 249,857 0.06 Waste Management, Inc. USD 3,700 391,867 0.09 Western Union Co. (The) USD 23,766 513,821 0.12 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) USD 14,728 280,127 0.07 Xcel Energy, Inc. USD 8,343 521,438 0.12 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. USD 2,129 254,117 0.06 Zoetis, Inc. USD 11,937 1,635,846 0.39

353,561,679 84.50

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������



(TXLWLHVUnited States of America

FHLMC Preference, FRN USD 59,392 471,573 0.11 FNMA Preference, FRN USD 51,018 405,593 0.10

877,166 0.21

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������� �������



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (146)

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

142 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




%RQGVUnited States of America

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 11.5% 01/06/2025 USD 215,000 224,295 0.06

224,295 0.06

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������

&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGVUnited States of America

Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 4.25% 15/06/2023 USD 501,000 468,435 0.11

468,435 0.11

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 13,511,974 13,511,974 3.23

13,511,974 3.23

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ���������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (147)

Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 143







&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 214,505 USD 225,502 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,002 – USD 7,117 CHF 6,736 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 24,753 USD 27,721 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 98 – USD 1,817,435 EUR 1,613,921 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,589 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 51,480 USD 63,624 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 171 –

USD 818,679 GBP 658,827 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,244 –



(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 50,048,971 USD 56,367,697 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (118,878) (0.03) USD 45,990 EUR 40,956 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (39) – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 22,657,061 USD 28,379,791 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (302,639) (0.07) USD 898,727 GBP 726,416 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,465) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (148)

Schedule of investments

144 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






Petrobras Global Finance BV 5.6% 03/01/2031 USD 35,000 35,188 0.02

35,188 0.02 Canada

Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.95% 15/01/2023 USD 50,000 51,606 0.03 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 3.85% 01/06/2027 USD 12,000 12,842 0.01 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.95% 15/07/2030 USD 16,000 15,910 0.01 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 4.95% 01/06/2047 USD 10,000 10,963 – Cenovus Energy, Inc. 5.4% 15/06/2047 USD 25,000 21,483 0.01 Nutrien Ltd. 3.95% 13/05/2050 USD 25,000 27,707 0.01 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 4.25% 15/05/2028 USD 75,000 86,331 0.04 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 4.1% 15/04/2030 USD 22,000 25,099 0.01 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 5.1% 15/03/2049 USD 25,000 31,933 0.02

283,874 0.14 France

Total Capital International SA 3.127% 29/05/2050 USD 36,000 36,853 0.02

36,853 0.02 Japan

Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.375% 01/04/2030 USD 17,000 19,559 0.01

19,559 0.01 Mexico

Mexican Bonos 6.5% 10/06/2021 MXN 2,500,000 110,537 0.06 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.5% 13/03/2027 USD 50,000 45,199 0.02

155,736 0.08 Netherlands

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 3.15% 01/10/2026 USD 305,000 273,472 0.14 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 2.8% 21/07/2023 USD 75,000 71,083 0.03 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 4.1% 01/10/2046 USD 50,000 42,163 0.02

386,718 0.19 Norway

Equinor ASA 3.25% 18/11/2049 USD 38,000 40,446 0.02 Equinor ASA 3.7% 06/04/2050 USD 32,000 36,957 0.02

77,403 0.04 Portugal

Portugal Government Bond, Reg. S 5.125% 15/10/2024 USD 3,000 3,496 –

3,496 – Qatar

Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 200,000 236,224 0.12

236,224 0.12

Capital Group Capital Income Builder (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (149)

Capital Group Capital Income Builder (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 145




SwitzerlandNovartis Capital Corp. 1.75% 14/02/2025 USD 16,000 16,742 0.01 Novartis Capital Corp. 2.2% 14/08/2030 USD 36,000 38,134 0.02

54,876 0.03 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc 4% 17/01/2029 USD 29,000 35,546 0.02 BAT Capital Corp. 3.222% 15/08/2024 USD 50,000 53,607 0.03 BAT Capital Corp. 2.789% 06/09/2024 USD 50,000 52,749 0.03 BAT Capital Corp. 4.7% 02/04/2027 USD 26,000 29,754 0.01 BAT Capital Corp. 3.557% 15/08/2027 USD 125,000 135,334 0.07 BAT Capital Corp. 4.54% 15/08/2047 USD 35,000 38,158 0.02 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 2.875% 01/06/2022 USD 75,000 78,405 0.04 Lloyds Banking Group plc, FRN 3.87% 09/07/2025 USD 200,000 217,832 0.11 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.875% 23/09/2023 USD 75,000 79,484 0.04

720,869 0.37 United States of America

3M Co. 3.7% 15/04/2050 USD 27,000 32,202 0.02 Abbott Laboratories 3.4% 30/11/2023 USD 3,000 3,275 – Abbott Laboratories 3.75% 30/11/2026 USD 56,000 65,209 0.03 AbbVie, Inc. 4.875% 14/11/2048 USD 50,000 64,074 0.03 AES Corp. (The) 5.5% 15/04/2025 USD 50,000 51,471 0.03 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 2.8% 15/05/2050 USD 14,000 14,882 0.01 Ally Financial, Inc. 5.75% 20/11/2025 USD 50,000 53,477 0.03 Ally Financial, Inc. 8% 01/11/2031 USD 30,000 38,778 0.02 Altria Group, Inc. 4.8% 14/02/2029 USD 45,000 52,493 0.03 Altria Group, Inc. 5.95% 14/02/2049 USD 65,000 85,354 0.04 Ameren Corp. 3.5% 15/01/2031 USD 100,000 112,029 0.06 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.875% 30/01/2031 USD 8,000 8,402 – American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 4.125% 01/07/2024 USD 15,000 15,780 0.01 American Electric Power Co., Inc. 2.3% 01/03/2030 USD 50,000 50,655 0.03 American International Group, Inc. 4.75% 01/04/2048 USD 25,000 30,180 0.02 Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 4.7% 01/02/2036 USD 20,000 23,605 0.01 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.75% 23/01/2029 USD 50,000 60,445 0.03 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 5.55% 23/01/2049 USD 50,000 67,034 0.03 AT&T, Inc. 4.35% 15/06/2045 USD 22,000 24,787 0.01 AT&T, Inc. 4.5% 09/03/2048 USD 28,000 32,911 0.02 AT&T, Inc. 3.65% 01/06/2051 USD 25,000 26,201 0.01 Baker Hughes a GE Co. LLC 4.486% 01/05/2030 USD 3,000 3,457 – Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.7% 06/06/2027 USD 33,000 36,942 0.02 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.794% 20/05/2050 USD 18,000 20,089 0.01 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 4.2% 15/08/2048 USD 50,000 63,544 0.03 Boeing Co. (The) 4.508% 01/05/2023 USD 95,000 100,376 0.05 Boeing Co. (The) 2.7% 01/02/2027 USD 38,000 37,144 0.02 Boeing Co. (The) 5.805% 01/05/2050 USD 25,000 29,565 0.01 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 50,000 52,000 0.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (150)

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BP Capital Markets America, Inc. 4.234% 06/11/2028 USD 125,000 145,315 0.07 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.05% 15/02/2051 USD 20,000 21,817 0.01 CenturyLink, Inc. 7.5% 01/04/2024 USD 100,000 110,066 0.06 Chevron Corp. 2.978% 11/05/2040 USD 9,000 9,646 – Cigna Corp. 4.375% 15/10/2028 USD 25,000 29,606 0.01 Cigna Corp. 4.9% 15/12/2048 USD 50,000 66,201 0.03 Citigroup, Inc. 2.35% 02/08/2021 USD 35,000 35,682 0.02 Citigroup, Inc. 4.45% 29/09/2027 USD 10,000 11,403 0.01 Clorox Co. (The) 1.8% 15/05/2030 USD 51,000 51,552 0.03 CMS Energy Corp. 4.875% 01/03/2044 USD 50,000 65,049 0.03 Conagra Brands, Inc. 4.6% 01/11/2025 USD 70,000 80,779 0.04 Conagra Brands, Inc. 5.3% 01/11/2038 USD 4,000 5,229 – Constellation Brands, Inc. 3.75% 01/05/2050 USD 10,000 10,921 0.01 CVS Health Corp. 4.25% 01/04/2050 USD 15,000 18,123 0.01 Deere & Co. 3.75% 15/04/2050 USD 23,000 28,416 0.01 Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 2.45% 15/08/2029 USD 50,000 53,772 0.03 Duke Energy Progress LLC 3.375% 01/09/2023 USD 50,000 53,881 0.03 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 5.875% 15/10/2025 USD 50,000 59,744 0.03 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 7.375% 15/10/2045 USD 44,000 63,024 0.03 Energy Transfer Operating LP 6% 15/06/2048 USD 50,000 51,936 0.03 Energy Transfer Operating LP 6.25% 15/04/2049 USD 20,000 21,224 0.01 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5% 15/05/2050 USD 6,000 5,690 – EOG Resources, Inc. 4.375% 15/04/2030 USD 12,000 14,313 0.01 EOG Resources, Inc. 4.95% 15/04/2050 USD 8,000 10,452 0.01 EQT Corp. 7% 01/02/2030 USD 35,000 36,098 0.02 Essex Portfolio LP, REIT 4% 01/03/2029 USD 15,000 17,458 0.01 Essex Portfolio LP, REIT 3.5% 01/04/2025 USD 20,000 21,839 0.01 Eversource Energy 3.8% 01/12/2023 USD 15,000 16,435 0.01 Exxon Mobil Corp. 3.452% 15/04/2051 USD 56,000 62,443 0.03 Federal Realty Investment Trust, REIT 3.5% 01/06/2030 USD 50,000 52,772 0.03 FirstEnergy Corp. 2.65% 01/03/2030 USD 25,000 26,143 0.01 FirstEnergy Corp. 3.4% 01/03/2050 USD 50,000 53,661 0.03 Ford Motor Co. 9.625% 22/04/2030 USD 25,000 29,654 0.01 General Electric Co. 4.35% 01/05/2050 USD 50,000 49,634 0.03 General Motors Co. 5.4% 02/10/2023 USD 47,000 50,952 0.03 General Motors Co. 5.95% 01/04/2049 USD 29,000 30,456 0.02 General Motors Co. 4% 01/04/2025 USD 10,000 10,390 0.01 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 4.15% 19/06/2023 USD 55,000 57,511 0.03 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 4% 06/10/2026 USD 10,000 10,389 0.01 Global Payments, Inc. 2.9% 15/05/2030 USD 23,000 24,085 0.01 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3.8% 15/03/2030 USD 100,000 114,302 0.06 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3% 26/04/2022 USD 25,000 25,488 0.01 HCA, Inc. 5.875% 01/02/2029 USD 20,000 22,666 0.01 Home Depot, Inc. (The) 3.35% 15/04/2050 USD 75,000 85,947 0.04 International Business Machines Corp. 1.95% 15/05/2030 USD 125,000 128,103 0.07 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.55% 29/10/2020 USD 35,000 35,180 0.02 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.985% 25/05/2038 USD 50,000 64,344 0.03 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 3.8% 01/05/2050 USD 12,000 13,752 0.01 Kinder Morgan, Inc. 5.2% 01/03/2048 USD 175,000 212,795 0.11

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (151)

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��� Security is currently in default.




Kinder Morgan, Inc. 3.15% 15/01/2023 USD 60,000 62,717 0.03 Lowe's Cos., Inc. 4.55% 05/04/2049 USD 9,000 11,415 0.01 LYB International Finance III LLC 4.2% 01/05/2050 USD 25,000 27,041 0.01 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. 2.25% 15/11/2030 USD 35,000 36,446 0.02 Mastercard, Inc. 3.85% 26/03/2050 USD 11,000 13,788 0.01 McDonald's Corp. 3.5% 01/03/2027 USD 20,000 22,658 0.01 McDonald's Corp. 2.125% 01/03/2030 USD 9,000 9,246 – McDonald's Corp. 4.45% 01/09/2048 USD 25,000 30,939 0.02 McDonald's Corp. 3.625% 01/09/2049 USD 12,000 13,360 0.01 McDonald's Corp. 4.2% 01/04/2050 USD 13,000 15,817 0.01 MetLife, Inc. 4.55% 23/03/2030 USD 50,000 62,130 0.03 Mississippi Power Co. 4.25% 15/03/2042 USD 25,000 29,495 0.01 MPLX LP 4% 15/03/2028 USD 10,000 10,543 0.01 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. 2.25% 01/06/2030 USD 50,000 51,475 0.03 NIKE, Inc. 3.375% 27/03/2050 USD 10,000 11,499 0.01 Norfolk Southern Corp. 2.55% 01/11/2029 USD 23,000 24,545 0.01 ONEOK, Inc. 2.2% 15/09/2025 USD 18,000 17,688 0.01 ONEOK, Inc. 3.1% 15/03/2030 USD 14,000 13,419 0.01 ONEOK, Inc. 4.95% 13/07/2047 USD 3,000 2,893 – ONEOK, Inc. 5.2% 15/07/2048 USD 9,000 8,976 – ONEOK, Inc. 7.15% 15/01/2051 USD 9,000 10,967 0.01 Oracle Corp. 3.6% 01/04/2040 USD 50,000 56,955 0.03 Oracle Corp. 3.6% 01/04/2050 USD 25,000 28,308 0.01 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 100,000 98,010 0.05 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 25,000 24,389 0.01 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R�����������������§ USD 80,000 87,052 0.04 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.85% 01/10/2029 USD 26,000 28,508 0.01 3À]HU��,QF����������������� USD 56,000 60,445 0.03 3À]HU��,QF������������������� USD 61,000 67,192 0.03 3À]HU��,QF����������������� USD 25,000 25,859 0.01 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.1% 01/05/2030 USD 11,000 11,346 0.01 Philip Morris International, Inc. 1.875% 25/02/2021 USD 5,000 5,041 – Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.625% 18/02/2022 USD 34,000 35,088 0.02 Phillips 66 Partners LP 3.55% 01/10/2026 USD 5,000 5,426 – Plains All American Pipeline LP 3.8% 15/09/2030 USD 6,000 5,921 – Procter & Gamble Co. (The) 3% 25/03/2030 USD 51,000 58,514 0.03 Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. 2.875% 15/06/2024 USD 25,000 26,707 0.01 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 3.65% 16/08/2023 USD 2,000 2,166 – Raytheon Technologies Corp. 4.125% 16/11/2028 USD 25,000 29,482 0.01 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 3.125% 01/07/2050 USD 25,000 26,792 0.01 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 3.125% 01/06/2024 USD 10,000 10,758 0.01 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 2.95% 15/08/2029 USD 25,000 26,923 0.01 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 2.3% 15/05/2030 USD 18,000 18,392 0.01 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 2.75% 01/06/2022 USD 2,000 2,064 – Southern California Edison Co. 3.5% 01/10/2023 USD 175,000 188,097 0.10 Southern California Edison Co. 3.7% 01/08/2025 USD 31,000 34,316 0.02 TC PipeLines LP 4.375% 13/03/2025 USD 20,000 21,443 0.01 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������� USD 35,000 40,002 0.02 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������� USD 23,000 28,484 0.01 TransDigm, Inc. 6.5% 15/07/2024 USD 50,000 48,245 0.02 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 15,000 16,299 0.01

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (152)

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8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 24,000 25,706 0.01 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2.375% 15/08/2024 USD 75,000 79,854 0.04 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 3.7% 15/12/2025 USD 50,000 57,403 0.03 US Treasury 0.125% 31/05/2022 USD 1,000,000 999,355 0.51 US Treasury 0.125% 30/06/2022 USD 800,000 799,563 0.41 US Treasury 1.5% 15/08/2022 USD 1,953,000 2,008,691 1.03 US Treasury 1.375% 15/02/2023 USD 1,607,000 1,657,909 0.85 US Treasury 2.75% 30/04/2023 USD 654,000 701,619 0.36 US Treasury 1.75% 31/07/2024 USD 4,524,000 4,803,216 2.45 US Treasury 0.25% 30/06/2025 USD 542,000 541,005 0.28 US Treasury 0.5% 30/04/2027 USD 400,000 400,518 0.20 US Treasury 1.125% 15/05/2040 USD 400,000 396,250 0.20 US Treasury 2.5% 15/02/2046 USD 75,000 92,898 0.05 US Treasury 2.875% 15/05/2049 USD 243,000 328,649 0.17 US Treasury 2% 15/02/2050 USD 525,000 600,995 0.31 US Treasury 1.75% 30/06/2022 USD 250,000 257,920 0.13 US Treasury 2.125% 30/06/2022 USD 70,000 72,752 0.04 US Treasury 1.75% 31/01/2023 USD 5,000 5,204 – US Treasury 1.375% 30/06/2023 USD 75,000 77,698 0.04 US Treasury 2.125% 30/11/2023 USD 160,000 170,531 0.09 US Treasury 2.5% 15/05/2046 USD 100,000 124,057 0.06 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG�������������� USD 225,000 306,629 0.16 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG���������������� USD 950,000 1,015,831 0.52 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG����������������� USD 200,000 230,587 0.12 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG������������������ USD 65,000 73,355 0.04 Verizon Communications, Inc. 4% 22/03/2050 USD 25,000 31,619 0.02 Visa, Inc. 2.05% 15/04/2030 USD 30,000 31,515 0.02 Visa, Inc. 2.7% 15/04/2040 USD 10,000 10,746 0.01 Walmart, Inc. 3.4% 26/06/2023 USD 30,000 32,600 0.02 Walmart, Inc. 3.7% 26/06/2028 USD 50,000 59,281 0.03 Walt Disney Co. (The) 3.6% 13/01/2051 USD 37,000 41,337 0.02 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 3.9% 15/01/2025 USD 9,000 9,860 – Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 3.5% 15/11/2030 USD 39,000 41,112 0.02

21,224,245 10.85

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������

&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGVUnited States of America

American Electric Power Co., Inc. 6.125% USD 875 42,359 0.02 Broadcom, Inc. 8% USD 738 822,390 0.42 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT 6.875% USD 184 273,293 0.14 NextEra Energy, Inc. 0% USD 5,012 243,283 0.13 Sempra Energy 6% USD 3,432 335,409 0.17 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. 5.25% USD 1,285 114,982 0.06

1,831,716 0.94

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ��������� �������


Charter Hall Group, REIT AUD 33,537 224,264 0.11 QBE Insurance Group Ltd. AUD 68,857 421,012 0.22

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (153)

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Treasury Wine Estates Ltd. AUD 3,350 24,228 0.01

669,504 0.34 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 4,675 230,395 0.12

230,395 0.12 Brazil

B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao BRL 10,383 105,184 0.05 CCR SA BRL 61,465 163,889 0.09 Nexa Resources SA USD 9,380 62,283 0.03

331,356 0.17 Canada

Bank of Montreal CAD 5,044 268,473 0.14 BCE, Inc. CAD 35,818 1,493,824 0.76 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. CAD 34,112 591,734 0.30 Enbridge, Inc. CAD 43,894 1,334,667 0.68 Great-West Lifeco, Inc. CAD 33,918 594,614 0.30 Inter Pipeline Ltd. CAD 8,116 75,564 0.04 Nutrien Ltd. USD 9,632 309,187 0.16 Power Corp. of Canada CAD 24,607 432,834 0.22 Royal Bank of Canada CAD 6,751 458,040 0.24 TC Energy Corp. USD 7,487 320,893 0.17 TC Energy Corp. CAD 27,143 1,159,616 0.59 Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) CAD 15,495 691,545 0.35

7,730,991 3.95 China

BOC Aviation Ltd., Reg. S HKD 40,264 257,153 0.13 China Merchants Bank Co. Ltd. 'H' HKD 18,000 82,795 0.04 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. HKD 42,500 128,589 0.07 &KLQD�3DFLÀF�,QVXUDQFH�*URXS�&R��/WG��+ HKD 141,400 377,650 0.19 China Resources Land Ltd. HKD 12,000 45,442 0.02 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. HKD 400 4,500 – Gree Electric Appliances, Inc. of Zhuhai 'A' CNY 21,315 170,451 0.09 Guangdong Investment Ltd. HKD 105,324 180,738 0.09 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd., Reg. S HKD 70,080 333,198 0.17 Midea Group Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 4,400 37,189 0.02 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'A' CNY 13,200 133,230 0.07 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'H' HKD 82,000 819,947 0.42

2,570,882 1.31 Denmark

Carlsberg A/S 'B' DKK 3,980 526,026 0.27

526,026 0.27 Finland

Sampo OYJ 'A' EUR 10,804 371,675 0.19

371,675 0.19 France

ALD SA, Reg. S EUR 10,124 100,094 0.05 BNP Paribas SA EUR 6,691 265,888 0.14 Danone SA EUR 7,335 507,695 0.26

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (154)

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Engie SA EUR 3,723 46,011 0.02 Euronext NV, Reg. S EUR 663 66,481 0.03 Kering SA EUR 666 362,340 0.19 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 325 142,586 0.07 Nexity SA EUR 3,522 113,961 0.06 TOTAL SA EUR 14,706 561,341 0.29 8QLEDLO�5RGDPFR�:HVWÀHOG��5(,7 EUR 466 26,261 0.01 Vinci SA EUR 5,769 531,481 0.27

2,724,139 1.39 Germany

BASF SE EUR 11,331 634,991 0.32 Deutsche Post AG EUR 17,963 656,906 0.34 E.ON SE EUR 234,376 2,637,164 1.35 Evonik Industries AG EUR 9,815 249,324 0.13 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG EUR 4,150 1,078,908 0.55 ProSiebenSat.1 Media SE EUR 7,232 86,045 0.04 TAG Immobilien AG EUR 16,314 388,937 0.20

5,732,275 2.93 Hong Kong

BOC Hong Kong Holdings Ltd. HKD 150,000 477,066 0.24 CK Asset Holdings Ltd. HKD 182,872 1,090,083 0.56 CK Infrastructure Holdings Ltd. HKD 7,000 36,036 0.02 CLP Holdings Ltd. HKD 22,231 217,993 0.11 Convenience Retail Asia Ltd. HKD 98,411 46,345 0.02 HKBN Ltd. HKD 43,500 76,106 0.04 HKT Trust & HKT Ltd. HKD 550,551 805,528 0.41 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. HKD 20,701 881,405 0.45 Link REIT HKD 99,625 814,302 0.42 Power Assets Holdings Ltd. HKD 27,867 151,551 0.08 Sands China Ltd. HKD 48,098 188,656 0.10 Sun Hung Kai Properties Ltd. HKD 12,323 157,327 0.08 VTech Holdings Ltd. HKD 10,666 64,061 0.03

5,006,459 2.56 India

Bharti Infratel Ltd. INR 18,296 53,674 0.03 (PEDVV\�2IÀFH�3DUNV�5(,7 INR 15,782 71,617 0.04 ITC Ltd. INR 78,385 202,078 0.10

327,369 0.17 Ireland

CRH plc EUR 2,082 71,343 0.04

71,343 0.04 Italy

Banca Mediolanum SpA EUR 30,973 222,360 0.11 Enel SpA EUR 124,671 1,075,441 0.55 IMA Industria Macchine Automatiche SpA EUR 1,064 63,954 0.03 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA EUR 57,278 109,630 0.06

1,471,385 0.75

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (155)

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JapanAsahi Kasei Corp. JPY 23,699 192,182 0.10 Daito Trust Construction Co. Ltd. JPY 2,346 215,295 0.11 Japan Tobacco, Inc. JPY 12,133 224,906 0.11 Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd. JPY 4,400 92,686 0.05 Nippon Telegraph & Telephone Corp. JPY 42,470 989,426 0.51

1,714,495 0.88 Netherlands

Koninklijke KPN NV EUR 267,835 710,154 0.36

710,154 0.36 New Zealand

Infratil Ltd. NZD 34,688 105,206 0.05

105,206 0.05 Portugal

EDP - Energias de Portugal SA EUR 246,782 1,178,353 0.60

1,178,353 0.60 Russian Federation

Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC RUB 110,390 175,588 0.09 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC USD 45,884 72,984 0.04

248,572 0.13 Singapore

ComfortDelGro Corp. Ltd. SGD 93,200 96,972 0.05 DBS Group Holdings Ltd. SGD 63,795 952,164 0.49 Keppel Infrastructure Trust SGD 198,800 77,032 0.04 Singapore Technologies Engineering Ltd. SGD 205,002 485,438 0.25 Singapore Telecommunications Ltd. SGD 61,269 108,153 0.05

1,719,759 0.88 South Korea

Hyundai Motor Co. KRW 757 61,487 0.03 KT Corp., ADR USD 12,972 126,347 0.07 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Preference KRW 4,166 161,050 0.08

348,884 0.18 Spain

Banco Santander SA EUR 42,698 104,313 0.05 Cia de Distribucion Integral Logista Holdings SA EUR 17,702 330,144 0.17 Euskaltel SA, Reg. S EUR 21,933 194,670 0.10 Iberdrola SA EUR 135,168 1,567,208 0.80 Industria de Diseno Textil SA EUR 3,325 88,049 0.05 Naturgy Energy Group SA EUR 22,897 426,131 0.22

2,710,515 1.39 Sweden

Svenska Handelsbanken AB 'A' SEK 17,435 165,477 0.08

165,477 0.08 Switzerland

ABB Ltd. CHF 5,428 122,201 0.06 Alcon, Inc. CHF 519 29,778 0.02 Cie Financiere Richemont SA CHF 734 46,823 0.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (156)

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Givaudan SA CHF 32 119,158 0.06 Nestle SA CHF 11,582 1,280,383 0.66 Novartis AG CHF 31,026 2,698,995 1.38 Roche Holding AG CHF 1,089 377,406 0.19 Zurich Insurance Group AG CHF 5,197 1,833,170 0.94

6,507,914 3.33 Taiwan

Delta Electronics, Inc. TWD 42,000 238,438 0.12 Globalwafers Co. Ltd. TWD 7,000 95,613 0.05 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 160,764 1,705,473 0.87 Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp. TWD 144,319 380,553 0.20

2,420,077 1.24 Thailand

Ratch Group PCL THB 43,734 88,084 0.04

88,084 0.04 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc, ADR USD 2,398 126,830 0.06 AstraZeneca plc GBP 10,800 1,126,922 0.58 BAE Systems plc GBP 73,628 441,018 0.23 BHP Group plc GBP 38,856 796,535 0.41 BP plc GBP 117,231 446,242 0.23 British American Tobacco plc, ADR USD 23,237 902,060 0.46 British American Tobacco plc GBP 88,695 3,411,907 1.74 Centrica plc GBP 265,159 126,626 0.06 Diageo plc GBP 10,066 334,458 0.17 GlaxoSmithKline plc GBP 176,676 3,582,832 1.83 Imperial Brands plc GBP 41,837 797,562 0.41 ITV plc GBP 142,037 131,435 0.07 Melrose Industries plc GBP 37,985 53,657 0.03 National Grid plc GBP 139,298 1,707,400 0.87 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 2,000 184,180 0.09 RELX plc GBP 7,708 178,603 0.09 Rio Tinto plc GBP 12,645 712,756 0.36 Royal Dutch Shell plc, ADR 'B' USD 1,466 44,640 0.02 Royal Dutch Shell plc 'B' GBP 19,119 289,970 0.15 SSE plc GBP 88,588 1,497,803 0.77 Unilever plc GBP 14,316 772,532 0.40 Vodafone Group plc GBP 450,646 719,548 0.37 Zegona Communications plc GBP 29,429 41,571 0.02

18,427,087 9.42 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories USD 5,443 497,653 0.25 AbbVie, Inc. USD 45,945 4,510,880 2.31 AES Corp. (The) USD 6,982 101,169 0.05 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. USD 1,061 256,189 0.13 Altria Group, Inc. USD 26,872 1,054,726 0.54 Amcor plc, CDI AUD 19,361 193,468 0.10 American Electric Power Co., Inc. USD 2,952 235,097 0.12 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 2,164 559,481 0.29 Americold Realty Trust, REIT USD 3,541 128,538 0.07

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (157)

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Amgen, Inc. USD 15,467 3,648,047 1.86 Apple, Inc. USD 562 205,018 0.10 Aptiv plc Preference USD 396 40,701 0.02 AT&T, Inc. USD 11,374 343,836 0.18 Bank of New York Mellon Corp. (The) USD 2,058 79,542 0.04 Blackstone Group, Inc. (The) 'A' USD 2,523 142,953 0.07 Broadcom, Inc. USD 17,139 5,409,240 2.76 Caterpillar, Inc. USD 2,016 255,024 0.13 CenturyLink, Inc. USD 7,369 73,911 0.04 Chevron Corp. USD 22,337 1,993,130 1.02 Cisco Systems, Inc. USD 1,608 74,997 0.04 CME Group, Inc. USD 7,216 1,172,889 0.60 Coca-Cola Co. (The) USD 42,308 1,890,321 0.97 Comcast Corp. 'A' USD 20,471 797,960 0.41 ConocoPhillips USD 4,516 189,762 0.10 Consolidated Edison, Inc. USD 8,807 633,487 0.32 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT USD 23,943 4,006,861 2.05 Cummins, Inc. USD 542 93,907 0.05 Danaher Corp. Preference USD 300 322,089 0.16 Digital Realty Trust, Inc., REIT USD 7,716 1,096,521 0.56 Dominion Energy, Inc. Preference USD 1,565 158,597 0.08 Dominion Energy, Inc. USD 35,558 2,886,598 1.48 Dow, Inc. USD 37,136 1,513,663 0.77 DTE Energy Co. USD 5,474 588,455 0.30 Duke Energy Corp. USD 10,968 876,233 0.45 East West Bancorp, Inc. USD 7,847 284,375 0.15 Edison International USD 7,205 391,304 0.20 Eli Lilly and Co. USD 981 161,061 0.08 EOG Resources, Inc. USD 7,841 397,225 0.20 Equitrans Midstream Corp. USD 38,497 319,910 0.16 Equity Residential, REIT USD 3,345 196,753 0.10 Essex Property Trust, Inc., REIT USD 875 200,524 0.10 Everest Re Group Ltd. USD 545 112,379 0.06 Exelon Corp. USD 8,665 314,453 0.16 Exxon Mobil Corp. USD 19,972 893,148 0.46 Federal Realty Investment Trust, REIT USD 4,495 383,019 0.20 Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc., REIT USD 14,058 486,407 0.25 General Dynamics Corp. USD 630 94,160 0.05 General Mills, Inc. USD 26,503 1,633,910 0.83 General Motors Co. USD 1,786 45,186 0.02 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 61,563 4,736,657 2.42 Hasbro, Inc. USD 4,277 320,561 0.16 Home Depot, Inc. (The) USD 816 204,416 0.10 Intel Corp. USD 16,918 1,012,204 0.52 International Business Machines Corp. USD 4,462 538,876 0.28 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 10,639 1,000,704 0.51 Kellogg Co. USD 6,134 405,212 0.21 KeyCorp USD 9,641 117,427 0.06 Kimberly-Clark Corp. USD 2,009 283,972 0.15 KLA Corp. USD 1,377 267,799 0.14 Kraft Heinz Co. (The) USD 3,766 120,098 0.06 Lamar Advertising Co., REIT 'A' USD 3,223 215,167 0.11

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (158)

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Linde plc USD 277 58,754 0.03 LyondellBasell Industries NV 'A' USD 6,896 453,205 0.23 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. USD 1,040 111,665 0.06 Maxim Integrated Products, Inc. USD 2,628 159,283 0.08 McDonald's Corp. USD 2,041 376,503 0.19 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 8,603 665,270 0.34 MGM Growth Properties LLC, REIT 'A' USD 2,363 64,297 0.03 Microsoft Corp. USD 19,709 4,010,979 2.05 NetApp, Inc. USD 5,870 260,452 0.13 Paychex, Inc. USD 4,992 378,144 0.19 PepsiCo, Inc. USD 917 121,282 0.06 3À]HU��,QF� USD 4,870 159,249 0.08 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 53,530 3,750,312 1.92 PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) USD 7,431 781,815 0.40 Principal Financial Group, Inc. USD 12,631 524,692 0.27 Procter & Gamble Co. (The) USD 2,578 308,251 0.16 Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. USD 4,267 209,766 0.11 QUALCOMM, Inc. USD 5,248 478,670 0.24 Raytheon Technologies Corp. USD 16,946 1,044,213 0.53 Royalty Pharma plc 'A' USD 5,018 243,624 0.12 Sempra Energy USD 653 76,551 0.04 Simon Property Group, Inc., REIT USD 5,921 404,878 0.21 Southern Co. (The) USD 8,200 425,170 0.22 Stanley Black & Decker, Inc. USD 1,357 189,139 0.10 State Street Corp. USD 9,426 599,022 0.31 Texas Instruments, Inc. USD 968 122,907 0.06 Travelers Cos., Inc. (The) USD 2,596 296,074 0.15 Trinity Industries, Inc. USD 15,841 337,255 0.17 Truist Financial Corp. USD 28,440 1,067,922 0.55 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 2,137 361,303 0.18 United Parcel Service, Inc. 'B' USD 12,971 1,442,116 0.74 Vector Group Ltd. USD 19,628 197,458 0.10 Verizon Communications, Inc. USD 29,482 1,625,343 0.83 VICI Properties, Inc., REIT USD 29,230 590,154 0.30 Wells Fargo & Co. USD 1,897 48,563 0.02 Western Union Co. (The) USD 20,682 447,145 0.23 Westrock Co. USD 1,269 35,862 0.02

73,595,138 37.61

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WEA Finance LLC, REIT, 144A 3.5% 15/06/2029 USD 21,000 20,392 0.01 Westpac Banking Corp., FRN 2.894% 04/02/2030 USD 50,000 50,884 0.03

71,276 0.04

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (159)

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CanadaBausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 5.5% 01/03/2023 USD 54,000 53,871 0.03 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 7.25% 15/05/2022 USD 200,000 196,245 0.10 Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) 2.65% 12/06/2024 USD 50,000 53,538 0.03 Transcanada Trust, FRN 5.875% 15/08/2076 USD 75,000 79,376 0.04

383,030 0.20 Japan

Sprint Capital Corp. 8.75% 15/03/2032 USD 25,000 35,762 0.02 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 4% 26/11/2021 USD 250,000 261,061 0.13 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 4.4% 26/11/2023 USD 200,000 222,527 0.11

519,350 0.26 United Kingdom

Vodafone Group plc 4.125% 30/05/2025 USD 30,000 34,088 0.02 Vodafone Group plc 4.375% 30/05/2028 USD 50,000 59,494 0.03

93,582 0.05 United States of America

Adobe, Inc. 2.3% 01/02/2030 USD 75,000 81,082 0.04, Inc. 2.4% 22/02/2023 USD 40,000 42,058 0.02, Inc. 4.05% 22/08/2047 USD 25,000 32,655 0.02, Inc. 2.5% 03/06/2050 USD 45,000 45,749 0.02 American International Group, Inc. 4.375% 30/06/2050 USD 42,000 48,334 0.02 Amgen, Inc. 2.45% 21/02/2030 USD 75,000 79,448 0.04 Amgen, Inc. 3.375% 21/02/2050 USD 25,000 27,503 0.01 Apple, Inc. 1.8% 11/09/2024 USD 50,000 52,391 0.03 Apple, Inc. 2.65% 11/05/2050 USD 18,000 18,652 0.01 Apple, Inc. 1.55% 04/08/2021 USD 15,000 15,229 0.01 Apple, Inc. 2.5% 09/02/2022 USD 15,000 15,511 0.01 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.458% 15/03/2025 USD 50,000 54,261 0.03 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.419% 20/12/2028 USD 121,000 134,840 0.07 Bank of America Corp., FRN 2.592% 29/04/2031 USD 50,000 53,003 0.03 Bayer US Finance II LLC, 144A 3.875% 15/12/2023 USD 200,000 219,550 0.11 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 3.4% 26/07/2029 USD 25,000 29,160 0.01 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 4.25% 26/10/2049 USD 65,000 86,703 0.04 Broadcom Corp. 3.875% 15/01/2027 USD 50,000 54,099 0.03 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.875% 01/04/2024 USD 45,000 46,451 0.02 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.5% 01/05/2026 USD 55,000 57,123 0.03 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.125% 01/05/2027 USD 25,000 25,901 0.01 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.75% 15/02/2026 USD 25,000 25,914 0.01 Centene Corp. 4.25% 15/12/2027 USD 25,000 25,856 0.01 Centene Corp. 3.375% 15/02/2030 USD 45,000 45,507 0.02 Charter Communications Operating LLC 4.5% 01/02/2024 USD 24,000 26,571 0.01 Charter Communications Operating LLC 5.125% 01/07/2049 USD 51,000 58,972 0.03 Charter Communications Operating LLC 4.8% 01/03/2050 USD 25,000 28,452 0.01 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.976% 05/11/2030 USD 50,000 53,242 0.03 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 4.412% 31/03/2031 USD 25,000 29,603 0.01 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.572% 03/06/2031 USD 40,000 41,393 0.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (160)

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Comcast Corp. 2.65% 01/02/2030 USD 75,000 81,615 0.04 Comcast Corp. 3.75% 01/04/2040 USD 11,000 12,985 0.01 Comcast Corp. 2.8% 15/01/2051 USD 25,000 25,681 0.01 Comcast Corp. 2.35% 15/01/2027 USD 29,000 31,013 0.02 Concho Resources, Inc. 4.3% 15/08/2028 USD 67,000 73,640 0.04 Costco Wholesale Corp. 1.6% 20/04/2030 USD 50,000 50,627 0.03 CSX Corp. 4.25% 15/03/2029 USD 100,000 119,744 0.06 Discovery Communications LLC 4.65% 15/05/2050 USD 25,000 28,471 0.01 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 3.625% 15/05/2026 USD 19,000 20,952 0.01 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 4.8% 15/05/2049 USD 25,000 29,881 0.02 Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2019-3 'B' 2.65% 15/02/2024 USD 100,000 100,922 0.05 Energy Transfer Operating LP 4.2% 15/09/2023 USD 15,000 15,956 0.01 Energy Transfer Operating LP 4.95% 15/06/2028 USD 56,000 60,166 0.03 Equinix, Inc., REIT 3.2% 18/11/2029 USD 57,000 61,968 0.03 Equinix, Inc., REIT 3% 15/07/2050 USD 9,000 8,804 – Evergy Metro, Inc. 2.25% 01/06/2030 USD 25,000 26,221 0.01 FHLMC, FRN, Series K061 'A2' 3.347% 25/11/2026 USD 100,000 114,490 0.06 FHLMC, FRN, Series K063 'A2' 3.43% 25/01/2027 USD 100,000 115,234 0.06 FHLMC, Series K065 'A2' 3.243% 25/04/2027 USD 100,000 114,662 0.06 FHLMC, Series K718 'A2' 2.791% 25/01/2022 USD 70,000 72,075 0.04 Fiserv, Inc. 3.5% 01/07/2029 USD 150,000 168,758 0.09 FNMA 2.375% 19/01/2023 USD 272,000 287,385 0.15 FNMA 2.625% 06/09/2024 USD 70,000 76,671 0.04 FNMA ACES, FRN, Series 2017-M7 'A2' 2.961% 25/02/2027 USD 49,000 54,507 0.03 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-1 'A', 144A 3.19% 15/07/2031 USD 100,000 107,251 0.05 Fox Corp. 3.5% 08/04/2030 USD 46,000 51,461 0.03 Frontier Communications Corp. 10.5% 15/09/2022§ USD 50,000 17,426 0.01 GNMA MA5332 5% 20/07/2048 USD 1,693 1,846 – GNMA MA5650 3.5% 20/12/2048 USD 47,699 50,411 0.03 GNMA MA5653 5% 20/12/2048 USD 82,968 90,204 0.05 GNMA MA5764 4.5% 20/02/2049 USD 243,512 260,193 0.13 GNMA MA5765 5% 20/02/2049 USD 17,792 19,354 0.01 GNMA MA5877 4.5% 20/04/2049 USD 14,003 14,967 0.01 GNMA MA5878 5% 20/04/2049 USD 178,201 193,718 0.10 GNMA MA6042 5% 20/07/2049 USD 3,843 4,178 – Grand Parkway Transportation Corp. 3.236% 01/10/2052 USD 15,000 15,656 0.01 Hertz Vehicle Financing II LP, Series 2016-4A 'A', 144A 2.65% 25/07/2022 USD 80,199 79,081 0.04 Intel Corp. 3.9% 25/03/2030 USD 50,000 60,509 0.03 Intuit, Inc. 0.95% 15/07/2025 USD 10,000 10,021 – Jersey Central Power & Light Co., 144A 4.3% 15/01/2026 USD 15,000 17,369 0.01 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 2.083% 22/04/2026 USD 98,000 101,794 0.05 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 4.203% 23/07/2029 USD 93,000 109,131 0.06 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 2.739% 15/10/2030 USD 25,000 26,838 0.01 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 2.522% 22/04/2031 USD 58,000 61,388 0.03 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 3.109% 22/04/2051 USD 50,000 54,078 0.03 Lowe's Cos., Inc. 5.125% 15/04/2050 USD 30,000 41,591 0.02

��� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (161)

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Mello Warehouse Securitization Trust, FRN, Series 2018-W1 'B', 144A 1.218% 25/11/2051 USD 23,333 23,350 0.01 METLIFE Securitization Trust, FRN, Series 2018-1A 'A', 144A 3.75% 25/03/2057 USD 111,793 120,017 0.06 Mill City Mortgage Loan Trust, FRN, Series 2018-1 'A1', 144A 3.25% 25/05/2062 USD 66,522 69,673 0.04 Morgan Stanley, FRN 2.188% 28/04/2026 USD 100,000 104,120 0.05 Morgan Stanley, FRN 5.597% 24/03/2051 USD 25,000 37,976 0.02 Morgan Stanley Bank of America Merrill Lynch Trust, Series 2013-C9 'A4' 3.102% 15/05/2046 USD 50,000 51,973 0.03 MPLX LP 3.375% 15/03/2023 USD 15,000 15,687 0.01 Navient Corp. 6.75% 15/06/2026 USD 75,000 69,924 0.04 1HWÁL[��,QF������������������� USD 50,000 57,000 0.03 New York Life Global Funding, 144A 1.7% 14/09/2021 USD 50,000 50,788 0.03 Noble Energy, Inc. 3.25% 15/10/2029 USD 25,000 22,620 0.01 Noble Energy, Inc. 4.95% 15/08/2047 USD 25,000 22,315 0.01 Northern States Power Co. 2.9% 01/03/2050 USD 50,000 54,877 0.03 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 50,000 48,394 0.02 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 3.25% 01/06/2050 USD 8,000 8,753 – PepsiCo, Inc. 3.625% 19/03/2050 USD 25,000 30,489 0.02 PetSmart, Inc., 144A 7.125% 15/03/2023 USD 50,000 49,402 0.03 President and Fellows of Harvard College 2.517% 15/10/2050 USD 5,000 5,193 – Progressive Corp. (The) 3.2% 26/03/2030 USD 50,000 56,878 0.03 Public Service Co. of Colorado 3.8% 15/06/2047 USD 15,000 18,133 0.01 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 3.15% 01/01/2050 USD 50,000 55,233 0.03 Schlumberger Holdings Corp., 144A 3.75% 01/05/2024 USD 65,000 70,057 0.04 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, STEP, Series 2017-1 'HA' 3% 25/01/2056 USD 72,416 77,221 0.04 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, STEP, Series 2017-2 'HA' 3% 25/08/2056 USD 36,696 39,119 0.02 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2017-2 'MA' 3% 25/08/2056 USD 31,583 33,844 0.02 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2018-3 'MA' 3.5% 25/08/2057 USD 15,451 16,751 0.01 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2019-1 'MA' 3.5% 25/07/2058 USD 158,352 172,425 0.09 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2019-2 'MA' 3.5% 25/08/2058 USD 70,058 76,386 0.04 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2018-2 'MT' 3.5% 25/11/2057 USD 7,958 9,002 – Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2019-1 'MT' 3.5% 25/07/2058 USD 301,901 341,728 0.17 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2019-2 'MT' 3.5% 25/08/2058 USD 10,882 12,305 0.01 Seasoned Credit Risk Transfer Trust, Series 2019-3 'MT' 3.5% 25/10/2058 USD 9,036 10,231 – Seasoned Loans Structured Transaction, Series 2019-1 'A1' 3.5% 25/05/2029 USD 78,766 85,806 0.04 Sirius XM Radio, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/05/2023 USD 50,000 50,405 0.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (162)

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Southern California Edison Co. 2.85% 01/08/2029 USD 50,000 53,033 0.03 Southern California Edison Co. 2.25% 01/06/2030 USD 75,000 76,324 0.04 Sprint Capital Corp. 6.875% 15/11/2028 USD 75,000 91,609 0.05 Sprint Communications, Inc. 11.5% 15/11/2021 USD 250,000 277,444 0.14 Sprint Corp. 7.25% 15/09/2021 USD 50,000 52,475 0.03 Sprint Corp. 7.875% 15/09/2023 USD 75,000 84,562 0.04 Starbucks Corp. 4.45% 15/08/2049 USD 25,000 30,250 0.02 State of Illinois 5.1% 01/06/2033 USD 55,000 55,876 0.03 Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2016-5 'A1', 144A 2.5% 25/10/2056 USD 86,459 88,234 0.04 Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2017-3 'A1', 144A 2.75% 25/07/2057 USD 51,647 53,102 0.03 Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2017-4 'A1', 144A 2.75% 25/06/2057 USD 114,658 118,613 0.06 Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2017-6 'A1', 144A 2.75% 25/10/2057 USD 127,720 132,391 0.07 Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2018-2 'A1', 144A 3.25% 25/03/2058 USD 70,346 74,430 0.04 Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2018-5 'A1A', 144A 3.25% 25/07/2058 USD 149,612 157,682 0.08 TransDigm, Inc., 144A 6.25% 15/03/2026 USD 35,000 35,039 0.02 UMBS BH0250 4% 01/04/2047 USD 412,530 450,772 0.23 UMBS BK0920 4% 01/07/2048 USD 87,972 93,179 0.05 UMBS CA2157 4% 01/08/2048 USD 280,581 303,602 0.15 UMBS CA2493 4.5% 01/10/2048 USD 170,466 183,317 0.09 UMBS FM1116 3.5% 01/06/2049 USD 541,767 578,771 0.30 UMBS FM2886 3% 01/05/2050 USD 1,749,161 1,856,464 0.95 UMBS MA3955 2.5% 01/03/2035 USD 403,502 422,886 0.22 UMBS SD7507 3% 01/11/2049 USD 142,521 152,911 0.08 UMBS SD7512 3% 01/02/2050 USD 293,288 312,337 0.16 UMBS SI2002 4% 01/03/2048 USD 37,996 40,322 0.02 UMBS ZN5963 4.5% 01/05/2049 USD 192,721 207,190 0.11 UMBS ZS8716 3.5% 01/09/2033 USD 98,127 103,123 0.05 UMBS ZT1922 4.5% 01/04/2049 USD 150,837 166,047 0.08 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 35,000 37,946 0.02 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 20,000 22,670 0.01 Univision Communications, Inc., 144A 5.125% 15/05/2023 USD 75,000 75,914 0.04 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG������������������ USD 800,000 837,984 0.43 Verizon Communications, Inc. 4.329% 21/09/2028 USD 43,000 51,801 0.03 Walmart, Inc. 3.125% 23/06/2021 USD 28,000 28,783 0.01 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 2.572% 11/02/2031 USD 101,000 105,790 0.05 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 3.584% 22/05/2028 USD 40,000 44,420 0.02 Xcel Energy, Inc. 3.35% 01/12/2026 USD 25,000 28,057 0.01

14,149,531 7.23

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TELUS Corp. CAD 9,007 157,636 0.08

157,636 0.08

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (163)

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United States of AmericaStanley Black & Decker, Inc. Preference USD 144 164,017 0.08

164,017 0.08

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Daimler Finance North America LLC, 144A 2.7% 14/06/2024 USD 150,000 155,139 0.08

155,139 0.08 Mexico

Petroleos Mexicanos, 144A 6.84% 23/01/2030 USD 36,000 31,629 0.02

31,629 0.02 United States of America

AbbVie, Inc., 144A 3.2% 21/11/2029 USD 21,000 23,448 0.01 AbbVie, Inc., 144A 4.25% 21/11/2049 USD 52,000 62,610 0.03 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 5% 15/04/2030 USD 135,000 155,431 0.08 Carnival Corp., 144A 11.5% 01/04/2023 USD 155,000 167,778 0.09 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.722% 15/02/2030 USD 37,000 37,163 0.02 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 3.577% 05/04/2050 USD 26,000 25,483 0.01 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.75% 01/03/2030 USD 83,000 85,052 0.04 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/08/2030 USD 100,000 102,415 0.05 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, 144A 3.7% 15/11/2029 USD 30,000 30,776 0.02 Hanesbrands, Inc., 144A 5.375% 15/05/2025 USD 14,000 14,184 0.01 Iron Mountain, Inc., REIT, 144A 4.875% 15/09/2029 USD 25,000 24,337 0.01 New York Life Insurance Co., 144A 3.75% 15/05/2050 USD 20,000 22,601 0.01 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 2.565% 15/02/2030 USD 25,000 26,271 0.01 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 3.362% 15/02/2050 USD 9,000 9,571 0.01 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 10.875% 01/06/2023 USD 185,000 190,207 0.10 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 11.5% 01/06/2025 USD 245,000 255,593 0.13 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/05/2030 USD 64,000 70,804 0.04 Targa Resources Partners LP, 144A 5.5% 01/03/2030 USD 25,000 24,164 0.01 Tenet Healthcare Corp., 144A 4.875% 01/01/2026 USD 50,000 49,049 0.03 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 3.75% 15/04/2027 USD 100,000 111,075 0.06 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 4.375% 15/04/2040 USD 25,000 29,027 0.01 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 4.5% 15/04/2050 USD 50,000 59,022 0.03 TransDigm, Inc., 144A 8% 15/12/2025 USD 60,000 63,322 0.03 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 2.7% 22/06/2030 USD 24,000 24,711 0.01 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 3.85% 22/06/2040 USD 6,000 6,457 – Upjohn, Inc., 144A 4% 22/06/2050 USD 18,000 19,351 0.01

1,689,902 0.86

7RWDO�%RQGV ��������� �������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (164)

Capital Group Capital Income Builder (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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160 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company





United States of AmericaCarnival Corp., 144A 5.75% 01/04/2023 USD 21,000 33,887 0.02 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 4.25% 15/06/2023 USD 80,000 74,800 0.04

108,687 0.06

7RWDO�&RQYHUWLEOH�%RQGV ������� �������




Engie SA� EUR 5,337 65,957 0.03

65,957 0.03

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������ �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 9,443,939 9,443,939 4.83

9,443,939 4.83

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ����������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (165)

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 161








United States of America

GNMA, 3.50%, 15/07/2050 USD 500,000 527,656 (2,168) 0.27

United States of America

UMBS, 3.00%, 25/07/2035 USD 175,000 183,907 (349) 0.09

United States of America

UMBS, 2.50%, 25/08/2035 USD 108,000 112,877 99 0.06

United States of America

UMBS, 2.00%, 25/09/2035 USD 3,175,000 3,273,476 11,822 1.67

United States of America

UMBS, 4.00%, 25/07/2050 USD 373,000 395,249 (1,850) 0.20

United States of America

UMBS, 4.50%, 25/07/2050 USD 292,000 313,786 (1,346) 0.16

United States of America

UMBS, 3.50%, 25/08/2050 USD 2,615,000 2,750,478 (4,772) 1.41

7RWDO�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV�/RQJ�3RVLWLRQV ��������� ������ �������

1HW�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV� ��������� ������ �������








US 2 Year Note, 30/09/2020 6 USD 1,324,969 516 – US 5 Year Note, 30/09/2020 15 USD 1,886,133 4,510 – US 10 Year Note, 21/09/2020 5 USD 695,859 2,682 – US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 10 USD 2,181,562 13,781 0.01


3 Month Eurodollar, 14/09/2020 (26) USD (6,482,775) (2,318) – 3 Month Eurodollar, 15/03/2021 (16) USD (3,992,000) (728) – 3 Month Eurodollar, 14/03/2022 (33) USD (8,235,150) (4,470) –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (166)

Capital Group Capital Income Builder (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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162 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020







325,000 USD Goldman Sachs


12/05/2050 3,288 3,288 –

1,200,000 USD Goldman Sachs


H15 1 day

18/05/2024 94 94 –


3,700,000 USD Goldman Sachs


08/05/2024 (301,512) (301,512) (0.15)

1,400,000 USD Goldman Sachs


12/05/2030 (2,079) (2,079) –

500,000 USD Goldman Sachs


H15 1 day

25/06/2025 (946) (946) –

600,000 USD Goldman Sachs


H15 1 day

30/06/2025 (428) (428) –

245,000 USD Goldman Sachs


H15 1 day

30/06/2025 (187) (187) –

255,000 USD Goldman Sachs


H15 1 day

30/06/2025 (85) (85) –

7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������� ��������

1HW�8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������� ��������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (167)

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$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVAUD 130,125 USD 89,270 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 538 – &1+�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCNH 1,133,417 USD 159,885 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 285 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 41,417 EUR 36,777 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 84 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 48,500 USD 59,623 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 479 – 6*'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 10,754 SGD 14,979 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 5 –



MXN 600,000 USD 26,454 23/07/2020 Bank of America (426) –


$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 2,011 AUD 2,920 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (5) –

&1+�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 3,410 CNH 24,138 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – –

(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 1,637,181 USD 1,843,811 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (3,823) –

*%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 979,416 USD 1,226,105 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (12,390) (0.01)

USD 27,071 GBP 21,874 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (36) –

6*'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVSGD 670,084 USD 481,266 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (421) –














450,000 USD Goldman Sachs

CDX.NA.HY.34-V6 Sell 5.00% 20/06/2025 (3,385) (3,385) –




Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (168)

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Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 22/06/2027 EUR 730,000 885,841 0.11 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0% 22/10/2027 EUR 2,270,000 2,606,506 0.32 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 22/06/2028 EUR 580,000 708,572 0.08

4,200,919 0.51 Brazil

Brazil Letras do Tesouro Nacional 0% 01/01/2022 BRL 180,000 316,870 0.04 Brazil Letras do Tesouro Nacional 0% 01/07/2022 BRL 1,920,000 329,222 0.04 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 10% 01/01/2025 BRL 2,830,000 609,442 0.07

1,255,534 0.15 Canada

Canada Government Bond 1% 01/06/2027 CAD 1,870,000 1,433,341 0.17 Canada Government Bond 2.25% 01/06/2029 CAD 3,020,000 2,567,467 0.31 Canada Government Bond 2.25% 01/06/2025 CAD 1,130,000 909,119 0.11 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.95% 15/07/2030 USD 396,000 393,764 0.05 Cenovus Energy, Inc. 4.25% 15/04/2027 USD 70,000 63,582 0.01 Province of Quebec Canada 2.375% 31/01/2022 USD 46,000 47,434 0.01 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 4.1% 15/04/2030 USD 177,000 201,933 0.02

5,616,640 0.68 Chile

Banco del Estado de Chile, 144A 2.668% 08/01/2021 USD 450,000 453,885 0.06 Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos 4.5% 01/03/2026 CLP 350,000,000 499,713 0.06 Enel Americas SA 4% 25/10/2026 USD 5,000 5,318 –

958,916 0.12 China

China Development Bank 4.24% 24/08/2027 CNY 10,900,000 1,629,345 0.20 China Development Bank 4.04% 06/07/2028 CNY 6,000,000 887,795 0.11 China Development Bank 3.48% 08/01/2029 CNY 27,200,000 3,873,494 0.47 China Government Bond 3.12% 05/12/2026 CNY 6,600,000 948,763 0.11 China Government Bond 3.29% 23/05/2029 CNY 12,300,000 1,788,794 0.22 China Government Bond 3.86% 22/07/2049 CNY 13,000,000 1,920,349 0.23 China Government Bond, Reg. S 0.125% 12/11/2026 EUR 200,000 223,736 0.03 State Grid Overseas Investment 2016 Ltd., 144A 3.5% 04/05/2027 USD 350,000 387,586 0.05

11,659,862 1.42 Denmark

Nykredit Realkredit A/S 1.5% 01/10/2037 DKK 2,023,133 316,320 0.04 Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 0.5% 01/10/2040 DKK 14,271,423 2,119,895 0.26 Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 1.5% 01/10/2040 DKK 2,554,001 396,433 0.05 Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 0.5% 01/10/2050 DKK 3,066,090 443,838 0.05

3,276,486 0.40

Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (169)

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EstoniaEstonia Government Bond, Reg. S 0.125% 10/06/2030 EUR 160,000 180,296 0.02

180,296 0.02 France

BPCE SA, Reg. S 0.875% 31/01/2024 EUR 200,000 227,181 0.03 BPCE SA, Reg. S 0.25% 15/01/2026 EUR 300,000 334,965 0.04 Credit Agricole SA, Reg. S 0.875% 14/01/2032 EUR 300,000 331,829 0.04 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 0.75% 25/11/2028 EUR 210,000 256,515 0.03 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S, 144A 2% 25/05/2048 EUR 365,000 567,952 0.07 Pernod Ricard SA, Reg. S 1.125% 07/04/2025 EUR 100,000 116,084 0.01 Peugeot SA, Reg. S 2.75% 15/05/2026 EUR 200,000 228,546 0.03

2,063,072 0.25 Germany

Allianz SE, Reg. S, FRN 4.75% Perpetual EUR 100,000 123,644 0.01 Bundesobligation, Reg. S 0% 11/04/2025 EUR 1,620,000 1,882,648 0.23 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0.25% 15/02/2029 EUR 1,630,000 1,963,734 0.24 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0% 15/02/2030 EUR 1,590,000 1,874,219 0.23 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0% 15/08/2050 EUR 2,000,000 2,255,044 0.27 Daimler International Finance BV, Reg. S 0.875% 09/04/2024 EUR 275,000 308,106 0.04 'HXWVFKH�%XQGHVUHSXEOLN�,QÁDWLRQ�/LQNHG�%RQG��5HJ��S 0.5% 15/04/2030 EUR 505,000 704,976 0.09 'HXWVFKH�%XQGHVUHSXEOLN�,QÁDWLRQ�/LQNHG�%RQG��5HJ��S 0.1% 15/04/2026 EUR 440,000 558,654 0.07 Hannover Rueck SE, Reg. S, FRN 0% 08/10/2040 EUR 200,000 224,588 0.03 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 0.125% 16/07/2025 EUR 200,000 223,799 0.03 Volkswagen Financial Services NV, Reg. S 1.625% 10/02/2024 GBP 100,000 123,340 0.01

10,242,752 1.25 Greece

Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 3.45% 02/04/2024 EUR 330,000 411,614 0.05 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.875% 23/07/2026 EUR 400,000 478,485 0.06 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 3.875% 12/03/2029 EUR 520,000 716,024 0.09 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.5% 18/06/2030 EUR 810,000 935,590 0.11 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S 3.75% 30/01/2028 EUR 1,575,000 2,121,914 0.26

4,663,627 0.57 Hungary

Hungary Government Bond, Reg. S 1.625% 28/04/2032 EUR 200,000 226,016 0.03

226,016 0.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (170)

Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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IndiaIndian Renewable Energy Development Agency Ltd., Reg. S 7.125% 10/10/2022 INR 20,000,000 259,625 0.03 National Highways Authority of India, Reg. S 7.3% 18/05/2022 INR 30,000,000 397,794 0.05 NTPC Ltd., Reg. S 7.25% 03/05/2022 INR 10,000,000 132,404 0.02

789,823 0.10 Indonesia

Indonesia Government Bond, 144A 3.85% 18/07/2027 USD 625,000 678,255 0.08 Indonesia Government Bond 3.85% 15/10/2030 USD 425,000 473,833 0.06 Indonesia Government Bond, Reg. S 3.85% 18/07/2027 USD 250,000 271,302 0.03 Indonesia Treasury 8.25% 15/05/2029 IDR 3,386,000,000 253,103 0.03

1,676,493 0.20 Israel

Israel Government Bond 2.5% 15/01/2030 USD 210,000 227,325 0.03 Israel Government Bond 2.75% 03/07/2030 USD 270,000 298,415 0.04 Israel Government Bond 3.75% 31/03/2047 ILS 880,000 375,212 0.04 Israel Government Bond, Reg. S 1.5% 16/01/2029 EUR 110,000 132,561 0.01 Israel Government Bond 2% 31/03/2027 ILS 2,275,000 725,797 0.09 Israel Government Bond 5.5% 31/01/2042 ILS 1,295,000 666,256 0.08

2,425,566 0.29 Italy

Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 1.3% 15/05/2028 EUR 170,000 208,119 0.03 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S 0.1% 15/05/2023 EUR 3,396,000 3,904,060 0.47 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 5.75% 28/10/2025 EUR 200,000 227,581 0.03

4,339,760 0.53 Japan

Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/03/2024 JPY 391,000,000 3,652,342 0.44 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/06/2024 JPY 247,300,000 2,311,302 0.28 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/12/2024 JPY 285,800,000 2,672,783 0.32 Japan Government Forty Year Bond 0.5% 20/03/2059 JPY 16,000,000 142,214 0.02 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.1% 20/09/2029 JPY 738,300,000 6,901,238 0.84 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.1% 20/03/2030 JPY 932,050,000 8,697,845 1.06 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.1% 20/03/2027 JPY 269,350,000 2,528,784 0.31 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 0.5% 20/03/2049 JPY 86,550,000 786,247 0.09 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 2% 20/03/2042 JPY 10,000,000 122,307 0.01 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.7% 20/03/2044 JPY 32,400,000 381,478 0.05 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2030 JPY 5,000,000 56,082 0.01 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 0.6% 20/06/2037 JPY 95,700,000 925,955 0.11 Japan Government Two Year Bond 0.1% 01/12/2020 JPY 166,150,000 1,540,461 0.19 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 0.75% 09/07/2027 EUR 102,000 115,426 0.01 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1% 09/07/2029 EUR 436,000 491,639 0.06

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (171)

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Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Reg. S 2.25% 21/11/2026 EUR 250,000 307,980 0.04 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 1.8% 13/02/2025 USD 290,000 300,794 0.04 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.05% 11/01/2028 USD 147,000 164,640 0.02 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.375% 01/04/2030 USD 123,000 141,516 0.02

32,241,033 3.92 Mexico

Mexican Bonos 8% 07/12/2023 MXN 16,500,000 791,536 0.10 Mexican Bonos 8.5% 31/05/2029 MXN 45,500,000 2,345,167 0.29 Mexican Bonos 8% 07/11/2047 MXN 11,000,000 536,707 0.07 Mexican Bonos 5.75% 05/03/2026 MXN 2,500,000 111,759 0.01 Mexican Bonos 7.5% 03/06/2027 MXN 26,000,000 1,261,036 0.15 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 5.5% 31/07/2047 USD 400,000 353,230 0.04 Mexico Government Bond 3.9% 27/04/2025 USD 240,000 257,640 0.03 Mexico Government Bond 3.25% 16/04/2030 USD 350,000 347,183 0.04 Petroleos Mexicanos 7.47% 12/11/2026 MXN 4,140,000 141,461 0.02

6,145,719 0.75 Morocco

Morocco Government Bond, 144A 1.5% 27/11/2031 EUR 210,000 220,407 0.03 Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 3.5% 19/06/2024 EUR 120,000 147,724 0.02 Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 1.5% 27/11/2031 EUR 240,000 251,894 0.03 Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 4.25% 11/12/2022 USD 400,000 422,277 0.05

1,042,302 0.13 Netherlands

BAT Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 3.125% 07/04/2028 EUR 300,000 373,473 0.04 Conti-Gummi Finance BV, Reg. S 1.125% 25/09/2024 EUR 80,000 89,758 0.01 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, Reg. S 1.25% 14/01/2025 GBP 300,000 375,206 0.05 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, Reg. S 3.875% 25/07/2023 EUR 100,000 123,680 0.01 Enel Finance International NV, Reg. S 1% 16/09/2024 EUR 150,000 174,116 0.02 Netherlands Government Bond 5.5% 15/01/2028 EUR 80,000 130,890 0.02 Netherlands Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 2.25% 15/07/2022 EUR 50,000 59,533 0.01 Netherlands Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 2% 15/07/2024 EUR 40,000 49,789 0.01

1,376,445 0.17 Norway

Equinor ASA 1.75% 22/01/2026 USD 84,000 86,108 0.01 Equinor ASA 2.375% 22/05/2030 USD 134,000 139,457 0.02 Equinor ASA 3.7% 01/03/2024 USD 60,000 66,606 0.01

292,171 0.04 Panama

Panama Government Bond 3.16% 23/01/2030 USD 700,000 754,863 0.09 Panama Government Bond 4.5% 01/04/2056 USD 335,000 412,388 0.05

1,167,251 0.14

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (172)

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PeruPeru Government Bond 2.392% 23/01/2026 USD 220,000 229,975 0.03

229,975 0.03 Portugal

Portugal Government Bond, Reg. S 5.125% 15/10/2024 USD 125,000 145,647 0.02 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 0.7% 15/10/2027 EUR 420,000 489,600 0.06

635,247 0.08 Qatar

Qatar Government Bond, 144A 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 655,000 773,634 0.09 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.75% 16/04/2030 USD 200,000 228,235 0.03 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.4% 16/04/2050 USD 200,000 248,036 0.03

1,249,905 0.15 Romania

Romania Government Bond, 144A 2% 28/01/2032 EUR 170,000 178,839 0.02 Romania Government Bond, 144A 3.5% 03/04/2034 EUR 80,000 94,251 0.01 Romania Government Bond, 144A 3.375% 08/02/2038 EUR 175,000 200,859 0.02 Romania Government Bond, 144A 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 958,000 1,235,414 0.15 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 1,600,000 1,944,248 0.24 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 29/10/2035 EUR 175,000 212,703 0.03 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.125% 11/03/2039 EUR 125,000 155,335 0.02 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 530,000 683,475 0.08

4,705,124 0.57 Russian Federation

Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 6.9% 23/05/2029 RUB 45,100,000 686,201 0.08 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.65% 10/04/2030 RUB 17,300,000 275,645 0.03 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.25% 10/05/2034 RUB 7,920,000 123,612 0.02 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% 16/08/2023 RUB 29,100,000 435,824 0.05 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.5% 17/09/2031 RUB 5,390,000 91,570 0.01 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.7% 23/03/2033 RUB 38,190,000 614,745 0.08 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 2.875% 04/12/2025 EUR 700,000 868,084 0.11 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.25% 23/06/2027 USD 400,000 448,000 0.05

3,543,681 0.43 Saudi Arabia

KSA Sukuk Ltd., 144A 3.628% 20/04/2027 USD 225,000 246,656 0.03 KSA Sukuk Ltd., 144A 2.894% 20/04/2022 USD 200,000 206,115 0.03 Saudi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.625% 04/03/2028 USD 260,000 286,341 0.03

739,112 0.09 Serbia

Serbia Government Bond, 144A 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 410,000 483,114 0.06

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (173)

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Serbia Government Bond, 144A 1.5% 26/06/2029 EUR 110,000 116,130 0.01 Serbia Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 180,000 212,099 0.03

811,343 0.10 Singapore

Singapore Government Bond 2.625% 01/05/2028 SGD 493,000 402,369 0.05 Singapore Government Bond 2.875% 01/07/2029 SGD 293,000 246,167 0.03 Singapore Government Bond 2.875% 01/09/2030 SGD 314,000 267,175 0.03

915,711 0.11 South Africa

South Africa Government Bond 6.5% 28/02/2041 ZAR 4,690,000 172,356 0.02 South Africa Government Bond 8.75% 28/02/2048 ZAR 11,765,000 534,807 0.07

707,163 0.09 South Korea

Korea Housing Finance Corp., Reg. S 2% 11/10/2021 USD 475,000 482,189 0.06 Korea Treasury 2% 10/09/2022 KRW 844,000,000 719,746 0.09 Korea Treasury 1.5% 10/03/2025 KRW 1,380,000,000 1,168,268 0.14 Korea Treasury 4.25% 10/06/2021 KRW 58,500,000 50,315 –

2,420,518 0.29 Spain

CaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% 15/02/2027 EUR 100,000 114,809 0.01

114,809 0.01 Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 27/07/2021 USD 430,000 374,100 0.05

374,100 0.05 Supra National

International Finance Corp. 6.3% 25/11/2024 INR 15,000,000 204,030 0.02

204,030 0.02 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 2.125% 12/09/2025 GBP 100,000 126,494 0.01

126,494 0.01 Thailand

Thailand Government Bond 3.65% 20/06/2031 THB 16,725,000 661,977 0.08

661,977 0.08 Turkey

Turkey Government Bond 7.625% 26/04/2029 USD 380,000 401,025 0.05

401,025 0.05 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 20/06/2026 EUR 350,000 400,795 0.05

400,795 0.05 United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Government Bond, 144A 2.5% 11/10/2022 USD 775,000 802,024 0.10

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (174)

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Abu Dhabi Government Bond, 144A 2.5% 16/04/2025 USD 415,000 436,408 0.05

1,238,432 0.15 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc 3.375% 16/11/2025 USD 350,000 393,625 0.05 Barclays Bank plc, Reg. S 10% 21/05/2021 GBP 50,000 66,332 0.01 BAT Capital Corp. 3.215% 06/09/2026 USD 349,000 375,257 0.04 BAT Capital Corp. 4.7% 02/04/2027 USD 123,000 140,760 0.02 BAT Capital Corp. 4.758% 06/09/2049 USD 140,000 155,902 0.02 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 4.292% 12/09/2026 USD 250,000 278,421 0.03 HSBC Holdings plc 4% 30/03/2022 USD 110,000 116,304 0.01 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 3.033% 22/11/2023 USD 275,000 287,449 0.03 Lloyds Banking Group plc, FRN 3.87% 09/07/2025 USD 270,000 294,073 0.04 Lloyds Banking Group plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.875% 15/01/2026 GBP 128,000 158,414 0.02 NatWest Markets plc, Reg. S 2.75% 02/04/2025 EUR 250,000 301,162 0.04 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.4% 23/09/2021 USD 333,000 339,733 0.04 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.875% 23/09/2023 USD 51,000 54,049 0.01 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 3.2% 23/09/2026 USD 123,000 136,545 0.02 UK Treasury, Reg. S 4.75% 07/12/2030 GBP 1,210,000 2,209,823 0.27 UK Treasury, Reg. S 4.25% 07/06/2032 GBP 510,000 926,236 0.11 UK Treasury, Reg. S 0.625% 22/10/2050 GBP 520,000 642,618 0.08 UK Treasury, Reg. S 4.5% 07/09/2034 GBP 50,000 97,011 0.01

6,973,714 0.85 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories 3.75% 30/11/2026 USD 57,000 66,374 0.01 AbbVie, Inc. 4.45% 14/05/2046 USD 160,000 194,833 0.02 AbbVie, Inc. 3.2% 14/05/2026 USD 300,000 333,988 0.04 Altria Group, Inc. 1% 15/02/2023 EUR 125,000 141,697 0.02 Altria Group, Inc. 4.4% 14/02/2026 USD 55,000 63,307 0.01 Altria Group, Inc. 2.2% 15/06/2027 EUR 375,000 443,981 0.05 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.875% 30/01/2031 USD 50,000 52,514 0.01 Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 4.9% 01/02/2046 USD 260,000 319,000 0.04 AT&T, Inc. 2.75% 01/06/2031 USD 425,000 440,673 0.05 AT&T, Inc. 3.4% 15/05/2025 USD 50,000 55,013 0.01 AT&T, Inc. 4.25% 01/03/2027 USD 100,000 114,290 0.01 Avangrid, Inc. 3.8% 01/06/2029 USD 300,000 348,877 0.04 Becton Dickinson and Co. 2.823% 20/05/2030 USD 67,000 71,110 0.01 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.734% 15/12/2024 USD 180,000 198,300 0.02 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co. 3.75% 15/11/2023 USD 60,000 66,006 0.01 Boeing Co. (The) 2.7% 01/02/2027 USD 12,000 11,730 – Boeing Co. (The) 3.2% 01/03/2029 USD 193,000 191,037 0.02 Boeing Co. (The) 2.95% 01/02/2030 USD 13,000 12,706 – Boeing Co. (The) 5.805% 01/05/2050 USD 190,000 224,694 0.03 BP Capital Markets America, Inc. 4.234% 06/11/2028 USD 225,000 261,567 0.03 Cigna Corp. 3.4% 17/09/2021 USD 115,000 118,917 0.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (175)

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Cigna Corp. 4.125% 15/11/2025 USD 80,000 92,006 0.01 Cigna Corp. 4.375% 15/10/2028 USD 160,000 189,480 0.02 CMS Energy Corp. 3.45% 15/08/2027 USD 175,000 192,508 0.02 CMS Energy Corp. 3.6% 15/11/2025 USD 25,000 27,241 – Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 4% 01/12/2028 USD 200,000 236,893 0.03 Duke Energy Corp. 2.45% 01/06/2030 USD 1,650,000 1,742,209 0.21 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 7.375% 15/10/2045 USD 22,000 31,512 – Essex Portfolio LP, REIT 3.5% 01/04/2025 USD 30,000 32,758 – Exxon Mobil Corp. 3.482% 19/03/2030 USD 290,000 330,904 0.04 FirstEnergy Corp. 3.9% 15/07/2027 USD 225,000 254,876 0.03 FirstEnergy Corp. 4.85% 15/07/2047 USD 30,000 38,065 0.01 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 3.55% 08/07/2022 USD 140,000 143,598 0.02 Global Payments, Inc. 2.9% 15/05/2030 USD 135,000 141,369 0.02 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 4.75% 21/10/2045 USD 30,000 39,392 0.01 Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc., Reg. S 3.875% 19/05/2023 EUR 230,000 269,969 0.03 International Business Machines Corp. 1.95% 15/05/2030 USD 290,000 297,200 0.04 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.597% 25/05/2028 USD 400,000 480,477 0.06 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 3.2% 01/05/2030 USD 30,000 33,257 – Lowe's Cos., Inc. 4.55% 05/04/2049 USD 100,000 126,835 0.02 Medtronic, Inc. 3.5% 15/03/2025 USD 36,000 40,615 0.01 Morgan Stanley, FRN 0.637% 26/07/2024 EUR 250,000 281,324 0.04 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 1,068,000 1,057,395 0.13 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R�����������������§ USD 250,000 271,086 0.03 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 880,000 858,484 0.11 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R������������������§ USD 20,000 22,273 – Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.1% 01/05/2030 USD 106,000 109,336 0.01 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.9% 15/11/2021 USD 25,000 25,889 – Procter & Gamble Co. (The) 3.55% 25/03/2040 USD 90,000 108,781 0.01 Prologis LP, REIT 3.75% 01/11/2025 USD 25,000 28,746 – Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. 2% 15/11/2021 USD 80,000 81,332 0.01 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 4.125% 16/11/2028 USD 215,000 253,548 0.03 Reynolds American, Inc. 4.45% 12/06/2025 USD 195,000 219,827 0.03 Reynolds American, Inc. 5.85% 15/08/2045 USD 20,000 25,081 – Stryker Corp. 0.75% 01/03/2029 EUR 190,000 210,535 0.03 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������� USD 161,000 184,008 0.02 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������� USD 71,000 87,928 0.01 US Bank NA 3.45% 16/11/2021 USD 400,000 415,826 0.05 US Treasury 0.375% 31/03/2022 USD 17,275,000 17,339,781 2.11 US Treasury 2.5% 31/01/2024 USD 11,115,000 12,027,645 1.46 US Treasury 2.25% 30/04/2024 USD 3,960,000 4,267,519 0.52 US Treasury 1.75% 31/12/2024 USD 3,900,000 4,160,203 0.51 US Treasury 0.5% 31/03/2025 USD 17,509,000 17,692,982 2.15 US Treasury 1.5% 15/02/2030 USD 28,877,000 31,208,312 3.80 US Treasury 2.375% 15/11/2049 USD 11,025,000 13,609,972 1.66 US Treasury 2% 15/02/2050 USD 880,000 1,007,382 0.12 US Treasury 1.875% 30/09/2022 USD 3,340,000 3,468,903 0.42 US Treasury 2.125% 31/03/2024 USD 2,125,000 2,276,904 0.28 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG������������������ USD 4,910,000 5,691,882 0.69 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG������������������ USD 1,570,000 1,692,022 0.21

��� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (176)

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86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG�������������� USD 3,390,000 4,619,871 0.56 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG����������������� USD 330,000 369,998 0.05 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG����������������� USD 1,200,000 1,316,968 0.16 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG�������������� USD 305,000 428,425 0.05 Virginia Electric and Power Co. 4.6% 01/12/2048 USD 250,000 329,976 0.04 Walt Disney Co. (The) 2.65% 13/01/2031 USD 490,000 520,477 0.06 Wells Fargo & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.338% 04/05/2025 EUR 340,000 389,284 0.05

135,131,683 16.44 Uruguay

Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 9.875% 20/06/2022 UYU 5,700,000 134,398 0.02

134,398 0.02

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������


B3 SA - Brasil Bolsa Balcao BRL 270,000 2,735,202 0.33 Pagseguro Digital Ltd. 'A' USD 177,000 6,255,180 0.76 Petroleo Brasileiro SA, ADR USD 75,000 620,250 0.08 Vale SA BRL 99,000 1,018,017 0.12

10,628,649 1.29 Canada

Franco-Nevada Corp. CAD 26,000 3,632,071 0.44

3,632,071 0.44 China

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. HKD 74,200 2,006,621 0.24 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. HKD 260,000 786,659 0.09 Kweichow Moutai Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 23,401 4,839,182 0.59 Shimao Group Holdings Ltd. HKD 345,500 1,462,151 0.18 TravelSky Technology Ltd. 'H' HKD 1,061,000 1,867,240 0.23

10,961,853 1.33 Denmark

Coloplast A/S 'B' DKK 38,825 6,017,656 0.73

6,017,656 0.73 Finland

Nokian Renkaat OYJ EUR 34,100 748,604 0.09

748,604 0.09 France

Airbus SE EUR 46,100 3,289,913 0.40 Edenred EUR 80,838 3,535,681 0.43 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 16,095 7,061,307 0.86 Peugeot SA EUR 102,400 1,665,872 0.20

15,552,773 1.89 Germany

Carl Zeiss Meditec AG EUR 22,100 2,155,188 0.26 Deutsche Boerse AG EUR 24,000 4,342,552 0.53 MTU Aero Engines AG EUR 16,500 2,857,594 0.35 Rational AG EUR 4,605 2,578,581 0.31

11,933,915 1.45

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (177)

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Hong KongAIA Group Ltd. HKD 410,000 3,824,657 0.47 Budweiser Brewing Co. APAC Ltd., Reg. S HKD 1,673,000 4,867,576 0.59 Wynn Macau Ltd. HKD 534,000 919,110 0.11

9,611,343 1.17 Indonesia

Bank Central Asia Tbk. PT IDR 929,400 1,852,619 0.23

1,852,619 0.23 Italy

Enel SpA EUR 660,100 5,694,176 0.69 Ferrari NV EUR 11,900 2,030,181 0.25 FinecoBank Banca Fineco SpA EUR 169,460 2,287,516 0.28

10,011,873 1.22 Japan

Keyence Corp. JPY 8,600 3,586,552 0.44 Murata Manufacturing Co. Ltd. JPY 39,500 2,310,553 0.28 Nidec Corp. JPY 32,800 2,185,958 0.27 Nintendo Co. Ltd. JPY 10,000 4,446,400 0.54 SMC Corp. JPY 8,500 4,343,876 0.53 Softbank Corp. JPY 137,000 1,744,617 0.21 Tokio Marine Holdings, Inc. JPY 90,000 3,915,906 0.48 Tokyo Electron Ltd. JPY 21,900 5,362,686 0.65

27,896,548 3.40 Mexico

America Movil SAB de CV, ADR 'L' USD 94,600 1,200,474 0.14 Coca-Cola Femsa SAB de CV MXN 275,000 1,203,877 0.15

2,404,351 0.29 Netherlands

Akzo Nobel NV EUR 32,000 2,866,812 0.35 ASML Holding NV EUR 40,610 14,914,922 1.81 Coca-Cola European Partners plc USD 45,000 1,699,200 0.21 Koninklijke DSM NV EUR 18,500 2,560,681 0.31 Koninklijke Philips NV EUR 30,000 1,399,432 0.17

23,441,047 2.85 New Zealand

Fisher & Paykel Healthcare Corp. Ltd. NZD 161,500 3,710,088 0.45

3,710,088 0.45 Norway

Atea ASA NOK 100,000 962,053 0.12

962,053 0.12 Russian Federation

Sberbank of Russia PJSC, ADR USD 321,300 3,656,394 0.45

3,656,394 0.45 Spain

International Consolidated Airlines Group SA GBP 100,000 275,328 0.03

275,328 0.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (178)

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SwedenVolvo AB 'B' SEK 241,000 3,773,465 0.46

3,773,465 0.46 Switzerland

Givaudan SA CHF 1,465 5,455,190 0.66 Nestle SA CHF 132,850 14,686,484 1.79 Novartis AG CHF 43,000 3,740,630 0.46 Temenos AG CHF 16,000 2,484,986 0.30 Zurich Insurance Group AG CHF 28,959 10,214,890 1.24

36,582,180 4.45 Taiwan

Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 1,579,000 16,750,902 2.04

16,750,902 2.04 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc GBP 155,200 16,194,284 1.97 BAE Systems plc GBP 530,000 3,174,599 0.39 British American Tobacco plc, ADR USD 2,280 88,510 0.01 British American Tobacco plc GBP 238,900 9,189,972 1.12 Croda International plc GBP 52,500 3,419,172 0.41 GlaxoSmithKline plc GBP 220,000 4,461,404 0.54 Ocado Group plc GBP 113,200 2,844,597 0.35 Rio Tinto plc GBP 29,000 1,634,633 0.20 Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc GBP 28,550 3,529,140 0.43

44,536,311 5.42 United States of America

Alphabet, Inc. 'C' USD 3,700 5,230,357 0.64 Altria Group, Inc. USD 205,500 8,065,875 0.98, Inc. USD 1,500 4,138,230 0.50 American Tower Corp., REIT USD 15,667 4,050,546 0.49 Amphenol Corp. 'A' USD 18,750 1,796,437 0.22 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 'A' USD 25 6,682,500 0.81 BlackRock, Inc. USD 8,800 4,787,992 0.58 Boeing Co. (The) USD 15,750 2,886,975 0.35 Broadcom, Inc. USD 44,020 13,893,152 1.69 %URRNÀHOG�,QIUDVWUXFWXUH�3DUWQHUV�/3� CAD 35,600 1,465,065 0.18 Cigna Corp. USD 10,000 1,876,500 0.23 Coca-Cola Co. (The) USD 38,500 1,720,180 0.21 ConocoPhillips USD 35,000 1,470,700 0.18 Crown Castle International Corp., REIT USD 40,700 6,811,145 0.83 CSX Corp. USD 28,500 1,987,590 0.24 CVS Health Corp. USD 22,000 1,429,340 0.17 Equinix, Inc., REIT USD 6,175 4,336,703 0.53 Gaming and Leisure Properties, Inc., REIT USD 55,000 1,903,000 0.23 General Motors Co. USD 69,000 1,745,700 0.21 Gilead Sciences, Inc. USD 27,500 2,115,850 0.26 Home Depot, Inc. (The) USD 27,650 6,926,601 0.84 Honeywell International, Inc. USD 17,000 2,458,030 0.30 Humana, Inc. USD 17,600 6,824,400 0.83 JPMorgan Chase & Co. USD 84,300 7,929,258 0.96 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. USD 86,000 2,442,400 0.30

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (179)

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Las Vegas Sands Corp. USD 17,925 816,305 0.10 Linde plc EUR 10,000 2,114,427 0.26 LyondellBasell Industries NV 'A' USD 20,000 1,314,400 0.16 Mastercard, Inc. 'A' USD 11,780 3,483,346 0.42 Merck & Co., Inc. USD 152,500 11,792,825 1.44 Mettler-Toledo International, Inc. USD 3,620 2,916,091 0.36 Microsoft Corp. USD 87,745 17,856,985 2.17 3À]HU��,QF� USD 183,950 6,015,165 0.73 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 153,900 10,782,234 1.31 Procter & Gamble Co. (The) USD 12,000 1,434,840 0.17 S&P Global, Inc. USD 13,115 4,321,130 0.53 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF� USD 13,100 4,746,654 0.58 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS� USD 10,650 1,800,595 0.22 United Parcel Service, Inc. 'B' USD 13,000 1,445,340 0.18 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. USD 34,300 10,116,785 1.23 Verizon Communications, Inc. USD 85,300 4,702,589 0.57 Visa, Inc. 'A' USD 14,440 2,789,375 0.34 Walgreens Boots Alliance, Inc. USD 33,000 1,398,870 0.17 Watsco, Inc. USD 13,785 2,449,595 0.30 Zoetis, Inc. USD 9,250 1,267,620 0.15

198,539,697 24.15

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������




Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) 1.15% 12/06/2025 USD 400,000 405,164 0.05

405,164 0.05 France

BPCE SA, 144A 5.15% 21/07/2024 USD 211,000 235,734 0.03 Vinci SA, 144A 3.75% 10/04/2029 USD 225,000 259,734 0.03

495,468 0.06 Germany

Daimler Finance North America LLC, 144A 3% 22/02/2021 USD 250,000 253,046 0.03 Daimler Finance North America LLC, 144A 2% 06/07/2021 USD 200,000 201,612 0.03 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, 144A 2.485% 19/09/2023 USD 175,000 182,681 0.02 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 4.25% 13/11/2023 USD 375,000 410,820 0.05

1,048,159 0.13 Japan

Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2028 JPY 309,200,000 2,882,236 0.35 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2029 JPY 404,000,000 3,753,059 0.46

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (180)

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Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/09/2024 JPY 27,000,000 253,124 0.03 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2027 JPY 15,000,000 140,944 0.02 Mizuho Financial Group, Inc., FRN 2.721% 16/07/2023 USD 347,000 358,961 0.04 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp., 144A 2.6% 28/09/2022 USD 60,000 58,742 0.01 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 4.4% 26/11/2023 USD 325,000 361,606 0.04 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 5% 26/11/2028 USD 200,000 246,878 0.03 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3.025% 09/07/2040 USD 611,000 617,923 0.07

8,673,473 1.05 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 4.893% 08/06/2038 MYR 5,546,000 1,510,220 0.18 Malaysia Government Bond 4.467% 15/09/2039 MYR 25,000 6,428 – Malaysia Government Bond 3.757% 22/05/2040 MYR 4,379,000 1,040,181 0.13 Malaysia Government Bond 4.935% 30/09/2043 MYR 47,000 12,586 – Malaysia Government Bond 4.736% 15/03/2046 MYR 1,134,000 293,817 0.04 Malaysia Government Bond 4.921% 06/07/2048 MYR 409,000 109,832 0.01 Malaysia Government Bond 3.659% 15/10/2020 MYR 27,000 6,331 – Malaysia Government Bond 3.62% 30/11/2021 MYR 325,000 77,495 0.01 Malaysia Government Bond 3.9% 30/11/2026 MYR 2,300,000 573,497 0.07

3,630,387 0.44 Mexico

Mexico Government Bond 0.62% 05/07/2022 JPY 100,000,000 918,189 0.11

918,189 0.11 Netherlands

Enel Finance International NV, 144A 2.75% 06/04/2023 USD 200,000 207,709 0.03 Enel Finance International NV, 144A 3.5% 06/04/2028 USD 550,000 592,311 0.07

800,020 0.10 South Korea

KT Corp. 0.3% 13/11/2020 JPY 100,000,000 925,349 0.11

925,349 0.11 United Kingdom

Anglo American Capital plc, 144A 4% 11/09/2027 USD 200,000 213,920 0.03 Niagara Mohawk Power Corp., Reg. S 3.508% 01/10/2024 USD 5,000 5,496 –

219,416 0.03 United States of America

Altria Group, Inc. 3.4% 06/05/2030 USD 25,000 26,948 –, Inc. 2.5% 03/06/2050 USD 610,000 620,158 0.08 Amgen, Inc. 1.9% 21/02/2025 USD 79,000 82,599 0.01 Apple, Inc. 2.65% 11/05/2050 USD 71,000 73,572 0.01 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.55% 05/03/2024 USD 180,000 192,412 0.02 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.458% 15/03/2025 USD 225,000 244,173 0.03 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.419% 20/12/2028 USD 298,000 332,085 0.04

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (181)

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BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 2.95% 14/04/2022 USD 225,000 233,248 0.03 BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 3.15% 18/04/2024 USD 105,000 112,452 0.01 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 2.9% 26/07/2024 USD 225,000 243,679 0.03 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 3.106% 08/04/2026 USD 525,000 563,883 0.07 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.572% 03/06/2031 USD 780,000 807,171 0.10 Comcast Corp. 3.95% 15/10/2025 USD 115,000 131,877 0.02 Comcast Corp. 1.95% 15/01/2031 USD 87,000 88,813 0.01 Comcast Corp. 2.8% 15/01/2051 USD 190,000 195,175 0.02 CSX Corp. 3.8% 15/04/2050 USD 12,000 14,295 – Equinix, Inc., REIT 1.8% 15/07/2027 USD 222,000 223,339 0.03 Equinix, Inc., REIT 2.15% 15/07/2030 USD 910,000 902,338 0.11 Exelon Corp. 3.497% 01/06/2022 USD 90,000 93,976 0.01 Exelon Corp. 3.4% 15/04/2026 USD 20,000 22,289 – FHLMC Q52216 3.5% 01/11/2047 USD 44,755 47,459 0.01 FHLMC V84637 4% 01/09/2048 USD 402,954 427,551 0.05 General Mills, Inc. 3.2% 16/04/2021 USD 35,000 35,771 – GNMA MA5764 4.5% 20/02/2049 USD 652,749 697,462 0.08 GNMA MA5877 4.5% 20/04/2049 USD 13,184 14,092 – Grand Parkway Transportation Corp. 3.236% 01/10/2052 USD 150,000 156,561 0.02 Interstate Power and Light Co. 2.3% 01/06/2030 USD 75,000 76,744 0.01 Intuit, Inc. 1.35% 15/07/2027 USD 90,000 90,545 0.01 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 4.005% 23/04/2029 USD 340,000 393,263 0.05 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 4.493% 24/03/2031 USD 450,000 550,856 0.07 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 3.54% 01/05/2028 USD 100,000 111,726 0.01 Morgan Stanley, FRN 3.622% 01/04/2031 USD 460,000 526,474 0.06 Ohio Turnpike & Infrastructure Commission 3.216% 15/02/2048 USD 175,000 181,493 0.02 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.3% 01/06/2030 USD 72,000 74,984 0.01 Southern California Edison Co. 2.85% 01/08/2029 USD 420,000 445,477 0.05 Southern California Gas Co. 2.55% 01/02/2030 USD 440,000 474,634 0.06 UMBS BJ9252 4% 01/06/2048 USD 45,109 47,807 0.01 UMBS BK0915 4% 01/07/2048 USD 14,564 15,425 – UMBS BK0920 4% 01/07/2048 USD 149,991 158,869 0.02 UMBS BK4764 4% 01/08/2048 USD 38,953 41,252 0.01 UMBS CA2493 4.5% 01/10/2048 USD 123,142 132,426 0.02 UMBS SI2002 4% 01/03/2048 USD 371,586 394,329 0.05 US Treasury 0.625% 15/05/2030 USD 630,000 628,080 0.08 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 2.393% 02/06/2028 USD 750,000 775,511 0.09

11,703,273 1.42

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������




Braskem Netherlands Finance BV, 144A 4.5% 31/01/2030 USD 215,000 197,101 0.02

197,101 0.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (182)

Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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178 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




GermanyVolkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 3.125% 12/05/2023 USD 373,000 392,567 0.05

392,567 0.05 United Kingdom

UBS AG, 144A 1.75% 21/04/2022 USD 400,000 407,656 0.05

407,656 0.05 United States of America

AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 4.75% 15/03/2045 USD 24,000 29,822 – BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 3.9% 09/04/2025 USD 130,000 144,614 0.02 BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 4.15% 09/04/2030 USD 130,000 150,069 0.02 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 3.15% 15/11/2025 USD 130,000 138,190 0.02 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 4.15% 15/11/2030 USD 130,000 141,740 0.02 Carnival Corp., 144A 11.5% 01/04/2023 USD 300,000 324,731 0.04 New York Life Insurance Co., 144A 3.75% 15/05/2050 USD 41,000 46,331 – T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 3.875% 15/04/2030 USD 425,000 474,489 0.06 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 2.55% 15/02/2031 USD 200,000 201,204 0.02 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 4.375% 15/04/2040 USD 200,000 232,219 0.03 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 2.3% 22/06/2027 USD 75,000 77,550 0.01

1,960,959 0.24

7RWDO�%RQGV ��������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 49,322,601 49,322,601 6.00

49,322,601 6.00

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ���������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����


7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (183)

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 179








United States of America GNMA, 4.50%, 15/07/2050 USD 401,000 428,130 (1,566) 0.05

United States of America UMBS, 2.00%, 25/08/2035 USD 1,030,000 1,063,716 5,706 0.13 United States of America UMBS, 4.00%, 25/07/2050 USD 2,724,607 2,887,126 (13,517) 0.35

United States of America UMBS, 4.50%, 25/07/2050 USD 669,572 719,528 (3,086) 0.09 United States of America UMBS, 3.50%, 25/08/2050 USD 635,000 667,898 453 0.08 United States of America UMBS, 2.50%, 25/09/2050 USD 2,040,000 2,117,562 9,987 0.26

7RWDO�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV�/RQJ�3RVLWLRQV ��������� ����������� �������

1HW�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV� ��������� ����������� �������








US 2 Year Note, 30/09/2020 24 USD 5,299,875 809 – US 5 Year Note, 30/09/2020 31 USD 3,898,008 8,760 –


US 10 Year Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 (4) USD (629,937) (2,722) – US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 (3) USD (654,469) (4,374) –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (184)

Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

180 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020







2,800,000 EUR Citigroup3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�(85,%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG���������

25/07/2024 16,520 16,520 –

1,100,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG������

25/02/2022 22,885 22,885 –

1,577,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG�������

26/02/2022 29,326 29,326 0.01


246,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG�������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

11/11/2029 (8,098) (8,098) –

173,500,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

22/01/2030 (26,150) (26,150) –

5,200,000 PLN Citigroup 3D\�À[HG��������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�:,%25���PRQWK

22/01/2030 (159,894) (159,894) (0.02)

1,920,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG�������

29/01/2022 (7,671) (7,671) –

292,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG��������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

25/02/2030 (47,339) (47,339) (0.01)

292,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG�������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

26/02/2030 (42,656) (42,656) (0.01)

7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������� ��������

1HW�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������� ��������







USD 1,031,608 MXN 23,140,000 06/07/2020 Standard Chartered 25,350 – USD 1,788,540 MYR 7,630,000 06/07/2020 Standard Chartered 8,277 – CAD 1,230,000 USD 895,608 09/07/2020 UBS 10,422 – EUR 1,800,000 USD 2,015,568 09/07/2020 BNY Mellon 7,020 – JPY 188,000,000 USD 1,731,522 09/07/2020 Barclays 9,748 – THB 24,000,000 USD 762,840 09/07/2020 Standard Chartered 13,671 – USD 885,616 JPY 95,000,000 09/07/2020 Bank of America 5,719 – USD 503,098 JPY 54,000,000 09/07/2020 BNY Mellon 2,946 – USD 204,529 EUR 180,000 13/07/2020 Standard Chartered 2,250 – USD 186,293 GBP 150,000 13/07/2020 UBS 414 – USD 439,385 ZAR 7,410,000 13/07/2020 Standard Chartered 12,895 – USD 483,810 ILS 1,670,000 15/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,552 – KRW 873,000,000 USD 723,971 16/07/2020 Standard Chartered 1,833 – AUD 1,500,000 USD 1,024,775 17/07/2020 UBS 10,473 – USD 288,868 CZK 6,830,000 17/07/2020 Standard Chartered 942 – EUR 400,000 USD 449,348 20/07/2020 Barclays 235 – USD 3,454 AUD 5,000 21/07/2020 Citibank 3 – CZK 42,175,000 EUR 1,579,913 22/07/2020 Bank of America 2,164 – USD 1,590,470 MXN 35,930,000 22/07/2020 Citibank 31,628 0.01 USD 1,228,593 BRL 6,550,000 23/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 25,445 0.01 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ������� �������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (185)

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 181







(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 1,036 EUR 969 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4 – EUR 33,359 CHF 35,498 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 8 – EUR 21,989,514 GBP 19,765,683 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 219,390 0.03 EUR 34,231 HKD 297,660 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 69 – EUR 27,694,879 JPY 3,346,257,689 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 128,814 0.01 EUR 1,133,510 USD 1,271,803 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,122 – GBP 907 EUR 992 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 9 – HKD 3,168 EUR 363 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – USD 1,700 EUR 1,509 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4 – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 109,733 JPY 12,389,201 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,109 – EUR 300,665 JPY 36,206,259 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,527 – GBP 111,803 JPY 14,879,172 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 722 – HKD 416,609 JPY 5,751,112 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 475 – JPY 520,267,977 GBP 3,869,243 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 24,450 0.01 USD 1,366,988 JPY 146,231,051 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 12,432 –


7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ������� �������EUR 200,000 USD 226,391 06/07/2020 BNY Mellon (1,673) – EUR 970,000 USD 1,090,060 06/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (176) – MYR 4,600,000 USD 1,076,335 06/07/2020 Standard Chartered (3,045) – CAD 280,000 USD 206,903 09/07/2020 HSBC (652) – JPY 88,100,000 USD 821,161 09/07/2020 Barclays (5,172) – JPY 132,000,000 USD 1,236,320 09/07/2020 UBS (13,726) – USD 610,815 CNH 4,350,000 09/07/2020 HSBC (4,183) – USD 201,952 JPY 22,000,000 09/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,813) – USD 285,189 THB 9,000,000 09/07/2020 Citibank (6,002) – USD 1,492,905 CNH 10,600,000 10/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (5,626) – EUR 480,000 USD 543,656 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (4,247) – GBP 160,000 USD 203,920 13/07/2020 Bank of America (5,650) – GBP 160,000 USD 201,213 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2,943) – GBP 2,150,000 USD 2,729,374 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (65,123) (0.01) USD 202,266 EUR 180,000 13/07/2020 Barclays (12) – GBP 674,710 USD 854,656 14/07/2020 BNY Mellon (18,558) – CAD 5,290,000 USD 3,920,967 15/07/2020 HSBC (24,231) – NOK 21,760,000 USD 2,300,414 15/07/2020 Standard Chartered (39,580) (0.01) GBP 205,000 EUR 228,521 16/07/2020 UBS (2,784) – RUB 15,000,000 USD 216,969 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (6,556) – USD 382,953 KRW 466,100,000 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4,558) – EUR 730,000 USD 822,338 17/07/2020 Barclays (1,908) – EUR 645,000 USD 727,950 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (3,050) – EUR 5,688,127 USD 6,416,304 20/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (23,097) – USD 1,572,773 CNH 11,150,000 20/07/2020 HSBC (2,626) – 8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������

(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 830 EUR 780 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – EUR 14,638,112 CHF 15,677,953 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (103,571) (0.02)

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (186)

Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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182 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020







EUR 67,739 GBP 61,788 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (439) – EUR 6,776,321 HKD 59,165,382 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (17,471) – EUR 29,623 JPY 3,599,194 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (48) – EUR 172,035,339 USD 193,763,397 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (417,067) (0.05) GBP 1,482 EUR 1,640 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (7) – HKD 3,882 EUR 446 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1) – JPY 398,957 EUR 3,310 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (24) – USD 21,523 EUR 19,169 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (20) – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 7,217 JPY 876,828 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (12) – GBP 27,849 JPY 3,746,894 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (197) – JPY 346,058,341 CHF 3,065,710 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (31,628) – JPY 1,035,813,938 EUR 8,572,410 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (39,454) (0.01) JPY 160,641,596 HKD 11,600,787 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (8,631) – JPY 4,084,561,428 USD 38,052,557 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (216,774) (0.03)





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (187)

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Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 9.5% 12/11/2025 USD 3,550,000 3,211,316 0.30 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 09/05/2028 USD 6,325,000 5,235,816 0.48 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 8% 26/11/2029 USD 4,425,000 3,659,475 0.34

12,106,607 1.12 Argentina

Argentina Government Bond 4.625% 11/01/2023 USD 425,000 179,412 0.02 Argentina Government Bond 3.375% 15/01/2023 EUR 7,425,000 3,262,543 0.30 Argentina Government Bond 7.5% 22/04/2026 USD 7,275,000 2,980,495 0.28 Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 26/01/2027 USD 2,688,000 1,090,656 0.10 Argentina Government Bond 5.875% 11/01/2028 USD 1,147,000 464,030 0.04 Argentina Government Bond 7.625% 22/04/2046 USD 2,500,000 985,738 0.09 Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 11/01/2048 USD 525,000 206,456 0.02 Argentina Government Bond, STEP 3.75% 31/12/2038 USD 16,150,000 6,408,239 0.59

15,577,569 1.44 Armenia

Armenia Government Bond, Reg. S 3.95% 26/09/2029 USD 300,000 290,979 0.03

290,979 0.03 Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 18/03/2024 USD 650,000 694,090 0.06

694,090 0.06 Bahrain

Bahrain Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 26/01/2021 USD 1,650,000 1,677,697 0.15 Bahrain Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 05/07/2022 USD 5,335,000 5,577,716 0.52

7,255,413 0.67 Brazil

Brazil Government Bond 3.875% 12/06/2030 USD 2,650,000 2,560,033 0.24 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 6% 15/08/2030 BRL 90,000 672,123 0.06 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 10% 01/01/2025 BRL 20,000,000 4,307,009 0.40 Cemig Geracao e Transmissao SA, Reg. S 9.25% 05/12/2024 USD 3,500,000 3,868,375 0.36 MV24 Capital BV, Reg. S 6.748% 01/06/2034 USD 325,400 309,842 0.03 Petrobras Global Finance BV 6.75% 03/06/2050 USD 240,000 247,440 0.02

11,964,822 1.11 Cameroon

Cameroon Government Bond, Reg. S 9.5% 19/11/2025 USD 1,000,000 1,007,498 0.09

1,007,498 0.09

Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (188)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

184 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




ChileBonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos 5% 01/03/2035 CLP 155,000,000 238,721 0.02 Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos, Reg. S, 144A 4.7% 01/09/2030 CLP 190,000,000 279,967 0.02 Chile Government Bond 3.875% 05/08/2020 USD 3,865,000 3,871,648 0.36 Empresa Nacional del Petroleo, Reg. S 5.25% 10/08/2020 USD 2,130,000 2,138,528 0.20

6,528,864 0.60 China

China Construction Bank Corp., Reg. S, FRN 2.491% 24/06/2030 USD 3,850,000 3,848,138 0.35 China Development Bank 3.5% 13/08/2026 CNY 5,030,000 719,878 0.07 China Development Bank 3.43% 14/01/2027 CNY 33,470,000 4,772,495 0.44 China Development Bank 3.48% 08/01/2029 CNY 56,400,000 8,031,804 0.74 China Government Bond 3.25% 22/11/2028 CNY 14,800,000 2,142,761 0.20 China Government Bond 3.86% 22/07/2049 CNY 62,200,000 9,188,131 0.85 Dianjian Haiyu Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.5% Perpetual USD 4,420,000 4,441,788 0.41 Dianjian International Finance Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.6% Perpetual USD 200,000 204,750 0.02 Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 3.24% 03/06/2050 USD 200,000 200,975 0.02

33,550,720 3.10 Colombia

Colombia Government Bond 4.5% 15/03/2029 USD 1,870,000 2,057,224 0.19 Colombia Government Bond 7.25% 18/10/2034 COP 12,450,000,000 3,459,541 0.32 Colombia Government Bond 4.125% 15/05/2051 USD 430,000 433,010 0.04 Colombian TES 10% 24/07/2024 COP 3,345,000,000 1,096,536 0.10 Colombian TES 7.5% 26/08/2026 COP 2,705,000,000 820,360 0.08 Colombian TES 6% 28/04/2028 COP 3,600,000,000 975,601 0.09

8,842,272 0.82 Costa Rica

Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 9.995% 01/08/2020 USD 881,000 883,114 0.08 Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 19/02/2031 USD 2,730,000 2,367,593 0.22 Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 04/04/2044 USD 640,000 528,640 0.05 Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 4.25% 26/01/2023 USD 6,613,000 6,280,002 0.58

10,059,349 0.93 Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 8.9% 15/02/2023 DOP 234,750,000 3,739,077 0.35 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 9.75% 05/06/2026 DOP 305,000,000 4,707,354 0.43 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.375% 06/07/2029 DOP 144,000,000 2,469,734 0.23 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.5% 15/02/2048 USD 385,000 357,472 0.03 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.4% 05/06/2049 USD 5,726,000 5,267,920 0.49

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (189)

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Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 30/01/2060 USD 3,610,000 3,117,235 0.29 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 5.95% 25/01/2027 USD 11,231,000 11,338,368 1.05 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.85% 27/01/2045 USD 3,290,000 3,169,915 0.29

34,167,075 3.16 Egypt

Egypt Government Bond 15.9% 09/09/2024 EGP 16,800,000 1,104,785 0.11 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 4.55% 20/11/2023 USD 4,250,000 4,219,017 0.39 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 16/04/2026 EUR 100,000 107,012 0.01 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 11/04/2031 EUR 410,000 427,812 0.04 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 7.625% 29/05/2032 USD 1,230,000 1,203,666 0.11 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 7.5% 31/01/2027 USD 325,000 341,771 0.03

7,404,063 0.69 Ethiopia

Ethiopia Government Bond, Reg. S 6.625% 11/12/2024 USD 4,615,000 4,635,661 0.43

4,635,661 0.43 Gabon

Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.625% 06/02/2031 USD 1,700,000 1,523,142 0.14 Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 12/12/2024 USD 3,299,537 3,144,376 0.29 Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.95% 16/06/2025 USD 5,928,000 5,587,332 0.52

10,254,850 0.95 Ghana

Ghana Government Bond, Reg. S 7.625% 16/05/2029 USD 1,400,000 1,327,480 0.12

1,327,480 0.12 Greece

Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.875% 23/07/2026 EUR 2,050,000 2,452,237 0.23

2,452,237 0.23 Honduras

Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 8.75% 16/12/2020 USD 2,000,000 2,041,250 0.19 Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 19/01/2027 USD 1,250,000 1,336,875 0.12

3,378,125 0.31 Hong Kong

CCCI Treasure Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.425% Perpetual USD 830,000 824,107 0.08 China CITIC Bank International Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.625% 28/02/2029 USD 420,000 442,783 0.04 CMB Wing Lung Bank Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.75% 22/11/2027 USD 770,000 782,378 0.07 CMB Wing Lung Bank Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 6.5% Perpetual USD 550,000 570,511 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (190)

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CRCC Chengan Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.97% Perpetual USD 275,000 280,452 0.03 Kasikornbank PCL, Reg. S, FRN 3.343% 02/10/2031 USD 673,000 654,493 0.06 Melco Resorts Finance Ltd., 144A 5.375% 04/12/2029 USD 2,100,000 2,104,495 0.19

5,659,219 0.52 Hungary

Hungary Government Bond 0.5% 21/04/2021 HUF 716,000,000 2,275,068 0.21

2,275,068 0.21 India

Export-Import Bank of India, Reg. S 3.25% 15/01/2030 USD 3,877,000 3,843,645 0.36 HDFC Bank Ltd., Reg. S 8.1% 22/03/2025 INR 210,000,000 2,846,705 0.26 India Government Bond 7.17% 08/01/2028 INR 60,000,000 851,878 0.08 India Government Bond 7.59% 20/03/2029 INR 93,000,000 1,350,656 0.13 India Government Bond 7.73% 19/12/2034 INR 10,500,000 156,102 0.01 Power Finance Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 3.9% 16/09/2029 USD 215,000 204,814 0.02 Power Finance Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 3.95% 23/04/2030 USD 785,000 749,225 0.07

10,003,025 0.93 Indonesia

Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 4.75% 15/05/2025 USD 6,390,000 6,844,562 0.63 Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 6.53% 15/11/2028 USD 525,000 623,454 0.06 Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 5.45% 15/05/2030 USD 3,380,000 3,777,826 0.35 Indonesia Government Bond 3.85% 15/10/2030 USD 2,380,000 2,653,467 0.24 Indonesia Government Bond, Reg. S 4.875% 05/05/2021 USD 2,050,000 2,116,625 0.20 Indonesia Treasury 6.125% 15/05/2028 IDR 34,790,000,000 2,287,104 0.21 Indonesia Treasury 8.75% 15/05/2031 IDR 15,115,000,000 1,153,332 0.11 Indonesia Treasury 7.5% 15/06/2035 IDR 23,500,000,000 1,629,125 0.15

21,085,495 1.95 Israel

Israel Government Bond 3.875% 03/07/2050 USD 3,650,000 4,348,464 0.40

4,348,464 0.40 Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 17/10/2031 EUR 2,990,000 3,164,713 0.29

3,164,713 0.29 Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 14/10/2024 USD 550,000 600,817 0.06 Kazakhstan Government Bond, Reg. S 4.875% 14/10/2044 USD 300,000 382,057 0.03 KazMunayGas National Co. JSC, Reg. S 4.75% 19/04/2027 USD 818,000 889,493 0.08

1,872,367 0.17

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (191)

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KenyaKenya Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 28/02/2048 USD 300,000 296,677 0.03

296,677 0.03 Malaysia

Petronas Capital Ltd., Reg. S 3.5% 21/04/2030 USD 270,000 300,632 0.03

300,632 0.03 Mexico

Braskem Idesa SAPI, Reg. S 7.45% 15/11/2029 USD 400,000 375,124 0.04 Mexican Bonos 8% 07/12/2023 MXN 37,870,000 1,816,696 0.17 Mexican Bonos 8.5% 31/05/2029 MXN 101,500,000 5,231,526 0.48 Mexican Bonos 10% 05/12/2024 MXN 82,500,000 4,322,218 0.40 Mexican Bonos 7.5% 03/06/2027 MXN 170,700,000 8,279,186 0.77 Mexican Bonos 7.75% 13/11/2042 MXN 52,500,000 2,497,099 0.23 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 4.25% 31/10/2026 USD 200,000 189,212 0.02 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 5.5% 31/07/2047 USD 1,570,000 1,386,428 0.13 Mexico Government Bond 3.9% 27/04/2025 USD 2,310,000 2,479,785 0.23 Mexico Government Bond 4.5% 22/04/2029 USD 2,000,000 2,178,750 0.20 Mexico Government Bond 4.5% 31/01/2050 USD 1,250,000 1,288,750 0.12 Mexico Government Bond 5% 27/04/2051 USD 720,000 778,320 0.07 Petroleos Mexicanos, 144A 7.65% 24/11/2021 MXN 13,650,000 567,957 0.05 Petroleos Mexicanos 7.19% 12/09/2024 MXN 117,200,000 4,344,239 0.40 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.75% 21/09/2047 USD 7,630,000 5,879,907 0.54 Petroleos Mexicanos 7.47% 12/11/2026 MXN 248,340,000 8,485,610 0.78 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 7.19% 12/09/2024 MXN 155,000,000 5,745,367 0.53 Red de Carreteras de Occidente SAPIB de CV, Reg. S 9% 10/06/2028 MXN 19,185,400 846,053 0.08

56,692,227 5.24 Namibia

Namibia Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 03/11/2021 USD 6,025,000 6,067,777 0.56

6,067,777 0.56 Oman

Oman Government Bond, Reg. S 5.375% 08/03/2027 USD 6,150,000 5,754,862 0.53

5,754,862 0.53 Pakistan

Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 05/12/2027 USD 10,015,000 9,901,831 0.92 Third Pakistan International Sukuk Co. Ltd. (The), Reg. S 5.5% 13/10/2021 USD 5,880,000 5,757,884 0.53

15,659,715 1.45 Panama

Panama Government Bond 3.16% 23/01/2030 USD 2,100,000 2,264,588 0.21 Panama Government Bond 4.3% 29/04/2053 USD 436,000 522,659 0.05

2,787,247 0.26 Peru

Lima Metro Line 2 Finance Ltd., Reg. S 5.875% 05/07/2034 USD 401,044 474,258 0.05 Peru Government Bond 2.392% 23/01/2026 USD 2,075,000 2,169,082 0.20

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (192)

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Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 5.4% 12/08/2034 PEN 800,000 238,463 0.02 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 5.35% 12/08/2040 PEN 7,975,000 2,263,974 0.21 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 6.15% 12/08/2032 PEN 9,460,000 3,057,482 0.28

8,203,259 0.76 Philippines

Philippine Government Bond 5.5% 30/03/2026 USD 370,000 444,991 0.04 Philippine Government Bond 3% 01/02/2028 USD 1,430,000 1,547,558 0.14 Philippine Government Bond 5% 13/01/2037 USD 1,000,000 1,292,169 0.12 Philippine Government Bond 3.95% 20/01/2040 USD 500,000 582,123 0.05 Philippine Government Bond 4.2% 21/01/2024 USD 1,750,000 1,909,340 0.18

5,776,181 0.53 Poland

Poland Government Bond 5.75% 23/09/2022 PLN 28,360,000 8,067,220 0.75 Poland Government Bond 3.25% 06/04/2026 USD 1,380,000 1,550,996 0.14

9,618,216 0.89 Qatar

Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 23/04/2023 USD 325,000 349,339 0.03 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.4% 16/04/2025 USD 3,800,000 4,142,015 0.38 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 5,523,000 6,523,326 0.61 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4% 14/03/2029 USD 680,000 783,795 0.07 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.75% 16/04/2030 USD 6,200,000 7,075,297 0.66 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.4% 16/04/2050 USD 450,000 558,082 0.05

19,431,854 1.80 Romania

Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.375% 22/08/2023 USD 3,000,000 3,194,748 0.30 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.875% 22/01/2024 USD 1,750,000 1,908,270 0.18 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 2.75% 26/02/2026 EUR 3,740,000 4,382,221 0.40 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 2,677,000 3,252,970 0.30 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 2.124% 16/07/2031 EUR 2,350,000 2,519,600 0.23 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.5% 03/04/2034 EUR 665,000 783,458 0.07 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 5,790,000 7,466,644 0.69 Romania Government Bond 3.25% 22/03/2021 RON 11,450,000 2,663,718 0.25

26,171,629 2.42 Russian Federation

Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.1% 16/10/2024 RUB 117,120,000 1,778,659 0.17 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.15% 03/02/2027 RUB 142,000,000 2,302,099 0.21 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.25% 10/05/2034 RUB 617,640,000 9,639,844 0.89 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.7% 16/03/2039 RUB 43,000,000 707,631 0.07 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.5% 18/08/2021 RUB 568,233,000 8,255,517 0.76 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% 25/01/2023 RUB 134,000,000 1,991,505 0.19 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.05% 19/01/2028 RUB 248,050,000 3,806,640 0.35

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (193)

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Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.5% 17/09/2031 RUB 191,230,000 3,248,781 0.30 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.7% 23/03/2033 RUB 69,230,000 1,114,397 0.10 Russian Federation 2.5% 02/02/2028 RUB 265,000,000 4,064,600 0.38 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.75% 27/05/2026 USD 400,000 456,501 0.04 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.25% 23/06/2027 USD 3,200,000 3,584,000 0.33 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.375% 21/03/2029 USD 600,000 683,250 0.06

41,633,424 3.85 Saudi Arabia

Saudi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.25% 22/10/2030 USD 2,170,000 2,333,423 0.22

2,333,423 0.22 Senegal

Senegal Government Bond, Reg. S 8.75% 13/05/2021 USD 2,100,000 2,176,083 0.20 Senegal Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 13/03/2028 EUR 3,900,000 4,248,448 0.40 Senegal Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 30/07/2024 USD 5,263,000 5,543,286 0.51

11,967,817 1.11 Serbia

Serbia Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 7,250,000 8,542,869 0.79 Serbia Government Bond, Reg. S 1.5% 26/06/2029 EUR 1,400,000 1,478,023 0.14

10,020,892 0.93 Singapore

COSL Singapore Capital Ltd., Reg. S 2.5% 24/06/2030 USD 920,000 908,711 0.08

908,711 0.08 South Africa

South Africa Government Bond 8% 31/01/2030 ZAR 54,000,000 2,878,523 0.26 South Africa Government Bond 8.75% 28/02/2048 ZAR 61,120,000 2,778,358 0.26

5,656,881 0.52 Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 04/10/2020 USD 5,699,000 5,449,669 0.50 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 27/07/2021 USD 3,166,000 2,754,420 0.25 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 18/04/2023 USD 2,971,000 2,109,411 0.20 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.2% 11/05/2027 USD 1,500,000 986,329 0.09 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 18/04/2028 USD 1,338,000 879,818 0.08 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 7.55% 28/03/2030 USD 515,000 338,652 0.03 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 25/07/2022 USD 629,000 490,620 0.05

13,008,919 1.20 Thailand

PTTEP Treasury Center Co. Ltd., Reg. S 2.587% 10/06/2027 USD 950,000 973,633 0.09 Thailand Government Bond 3.775% 25/06/2032 THB 68,100,000 2,753,248 0.26

3,726,881 0.35

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (194)

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TunisiaBanque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 31/10/2023 EUR 13,195,000 14,115,152 1.30 Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 5.625% 17/02/2024 EUR 2,495,000 2,586,534 0.24 Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 15/07/2026 EUR 320,000 324,467 0.03

17,026,153 1.57 Turkey

Turkey Government Bond 4.25% 13/03/2025 USD 2,360,000 2,206,031 0.21 Turkey Government Bond 7.625% 26/04/2029 USD 740,000 780,944 0.07 Turkey Government Bond 6% 14/01/2041 USD 1,750,000 1,516,594 0.14 Turkey Government Bond 4.1% 05/06/2024 TRY 4,365,000 772,213 0.07 Turkey Government Bond 10.6% 11/02/2026 TRY 5,500,000 792,077 0.07 Turkey Government Bond 4.25% 14/04/2026 USD 5,180,000 4,737,203 0.44 Turkey Government Bond 6% 25/03/2027 USD 470,000 459,968 0.04

11,265,030 1.04 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond 17.25% 30/09/2020 UAH 26,000,000 997,777 0.09 Ukraine Government Bond 18% 24/03/2021 UAH 22,715,000 906,034 0.08 Ukraine Government Bond 16% 11/08/2021 UAH 105,500,000 4,205,995 0.39 Ukraine Government Bond 15.36% 29/09/2021 UAH 21,385,000 862,395 0.08 Ukraine Government Bond 17% 11/05/2022 UAH 4,100,000 170,002 0.02 Ukraine Government Bond 11.67% 22/11/2023 UAH 45,946,000 1,766,477 0.16 Ukraine Government Bond 15.84% 26/02/2025 UAH 37,300,000 1,630,346 0.15 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2020 USD 2,000,000 2,008,980 0.19 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 8.994% 01/02/2024 USD 925,000 996,506 0.09 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2024 USD 8,312,000 8,696,014 0.80 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 20/06/2026 EUR 4,665,000 5,342,019 0.49 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 9.75% 01/11/2028 USD 3,200,000 3,656,250 0.34 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.375% 25/09/2032 USD 1,200,000 1,209,284 0.11 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S, FRN 0% 31/05/2040 USD 9,600,000 8,913,389 0.83

41,361,468 3.82 United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 11/10/2027 USD 300,000 328,633 0.03 Abu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 2.5% 30/09/2029 USD 390,000 409,800 0.04

738,433 0.07 United States of America

Uruguay Government Bond 3.875% 02/07/2040 UYU 217,915,000 5,195,109 0.48 US Treasury 2.875% 15/05/2049 USD 9,015,000 12,192,484 1.13 Valaris plc 7.75% 01/02/2026 USD 3,060,000 239,154 0.02 Valaris plc 5.75% 01/10/2044 USD 2,825,000 224,008 0.02

17,850,755 1.65

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (195)

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UruguayUruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 9.875% 20/06/2022 UYU 91,590,000 2,159,571 0.20

2,159,571 0.20

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������

(TXLWLHVArgentina Corp. USD 73,300 526,294 0.05 Loma Negra Cia Industrial Argentina SA, ADR USD 104,673 445,907 0.04

972,201 0.09 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV EUR 131,333 6,472,396 0.60

6,472,396 0.60 Brazil

Azul SA, ADR Preference USD 201,967 2,257,991 0.21 BR Malls Participacoes SA BRL 867,000 1,607,061 0.15 CCR SA BRL 1,593,227 4,248,137 0.39 Cyrela Brazil Realty SA Empreendimentos e Participacoes BRL 1,398,534 5,876,409 0.55 Fleury SA BRL 190,000 859,142 0.08 Gerdau SA, ADR Preference USD 449,600 1,330,816 0.12 Gol Linhas Aereas Inteligentes SA, ADR Preference USD 81,704 553,953 0.05 Hypera SA BRL 919,285 5,629,207 0.52 Lojas Americanas SA BRL 385,345 1,932,358 0.18 Lojas Americanas SA Preference BRL 755,443 4,470,340 0.41 Nexa Resources SA USD 354,065 2,350,992 0.22 Odontoprev SA BRL 259,800 679,825 0.06 Petroleo Brasileiro SA, ADR USD 428,300 3,542,041 0.33 Petroleo Brasileiro SA Preference BRL 582,011 2,306,382 0.21 Vale SA BRL 195,969 2,015,150 0.19

39,659,804 3.67 Canada

Barrick Gold Corp. USD 388,900 10,476,966 0.97

10,476,966 0.97 China

Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. HKD 580,516 15,699,136 1.45 BOC Aviation Ltd., Reg. S HKD 144,500 922,876 0.09 CanSino Biologics, Inc., Reg. S 'H' HKD 465,400 12,838,207 1.19 China Gas Holdings Ltd. HKD 438,600 1,352,499 0.13 China Overseas Land & Investment Ltd. HKD 286,500 866,838 0.08 China Overseas Property Holdings Ltd. HKD 830,000 878,137 0.08 China Resources Gas Group Ltd. HKD 840,000 4,091,349 0.38 China Tower Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 8,904,000 1,573,896 0.15 ENN Energy Holdings Ltd. HKD 132,100 1,486,242 0.14 Hangzhou Tigermed Consulting Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 189,050 2,722,666 0.25 Hutchison China MediTech Ltd., ADR USD 299,861 8,270,166 0.76 HUYA, Inc., ADR USD 36,000 672,120 0.06 Jiangsu Hengrui Medicine Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 370,165 4,829,763 0.45 Kweichow Moutai Co. Ltd. 'A' CNY 8,800 1,819,785 0.17

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (196)

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Legend Biotech Corp., ADR USD 169,800 7,226,688 0.67 Longfor Group Holdings Ltd., Reg. S HKD 1,232,199 5,858,530 0.54 OneConnect Financial Technology Co. Ltd., ADR USD 109,500 1,999,470 0.18 Ping An Insurance Group Co. of China Ltd. 'H' HKD 580,500 5,804,626 0.54 Poly Property Development Co. Ltd., Reg. S 'H' HKD 120,800 1,215,715 0.11 Tencent Holdings Ltd. HKD 282,600 18,180,035 1.68 Wuxi Biologics Cayman, Inc., Reg. S HKD 363,500 6,650,448 0.61 Yeahka Ltd. HKD 823,200 1,826,855 0.17 Yunnan Energy New Material Co. Ltd. CNY 97,000 902,249 0.08

107,688,296 9.96 Denmark

Carlsberg A/S 'B' DKK 17,764 2,347,821 0.22

2,347,821 0.22 France

Hermes International EUR 1,600 1,337,055 0.12 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE EUR 9,958 4,368,841 0.41 Safran SA EUR 17,617 1,765,905 0.16

7,471,801 0.69 Hong Kong

AIA Group Ltd. HKD 1,492,400 13,921,750 1.29 BeiGene Ltd., ADR USD 42,325 7,974,030 0.74 &DWKD\�3DFLÀF�$LUZD\V�/WG� HKD 420,000 406,425 0.04 ESR Cayman Ltd., Reg. S HKD 638,000 1,508,052 0.14 Galaxy Entertainment Group Ltd. HKD 833,000 5,669,408 0.52 Hong Kong Exchanges & Clearing Ltd. HKD 85,260 3,630,192 0.34 Sands China Ltd. HKD 179,600 704,450 0.06

33,814,307 3.13 India

Asian Paints Ltd. INR 102,383 2,288,180 0.21 Avenue Supermarts Ltd., Reg. S INR 52,861 1,622,262 0.15 Berger Paints India Ltd. INR 191,300 1,251,369 0.12 Bharti Infratel Ltd. INR 535,999 1,572,422 0.15 Coforge Ltd. INR 48,995 914,442 0.08 Godrej Consumer Products Ltd. INR 167,300 1,530,664 0.14 HDFC Bank Ltd. INR 421,022 5,943,364 0.55 HDFC Life Insurance Co. Ltd., Reg. S INR 162,145 1,178,983 0.11 ICICI Bank Ltd. INR 353,007 1,643,154 0.15 Info Edge India Ltd. INR 27,858 1,019,017 0.09 Infosys Ltd. INR 456,374 4,448,368 0.41 Kotak Mahindra Bank Ltd. INR 468,986 8,450,335 0.78 Maruti Suzuki India Ltd. INR 32,866 2,541,352 0.24 Reliance Industries Ltd. INR 94,800 2,139,611 0.20 United Spirits Ltd. INR 115,869 908,951 0.08 Varun Beverages Ltd. INR 346,243 3,122,682 0.29

40,575,156 3.75 Indonesia

Bank Central Asia Tbk. PT IDR 3,130,300 6,239,782 0.58

6,239,782 0.58

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (197)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 193




JapanKeyence Corp. JPY 11,900 4,962,788 0.46 SMC Corp. JPY 5,100 2,606,325 0.24 Tokyo Electron Ltd. JPY 4,700 1,150,896 0.11

8,720,009 0.81 Kazakhstan

Halyk Savings Bank of Kazakhstan JSC, Reg. S, GDR USD 656,996 8,146,750 0.75

8,146,750 0.75 Mexico

America Movil SAB de CV, ADR 'L' USD 199,955 2,537,429 0.23 Bolsa Mexicana de Valores SAB de CV MXN 3,386,600 6,338,686 0.59

8,876,115 0.82 Netherlands

ASML Holding NV EUR 12,735 4,677,211 0.43

4,677,211 0.43 Nigeria

Guaranty Trust Bank plc � NGN 72,535,036 3,554,217 0.33

3,554,217 0.33 Peru

Credicorp Ltd. USD 34,345 4,590,896 0.42

4,590,896 0.42 Romania

OMV Petrom SA RON 11,446,369 861,539 0.08

861,539 0.08 Russian Federation

Alrosa PJSC USD 4,021,700 3,643,787 0.34 Detsky Mir PJSC USD 5,619,290 7,943,241 0.73 Moscow Exchange MICEX-RTS PJSC RUB 2,483,801 3,950,768 0.36 Rosneft Oil Co. PJSC, Reg. S, GDR USD 1,174,300 5,904,380 0.55 Sberbank of Russia PJSC, ADR USD 583,001 6,634,551 0.61 TCS Group Holding plc, Reg. S, GDR USD 142,100 2,884,630 0.27 Yandex NV 'A' USD 198,000 9,903,960 0.92

40,865,317 3.78 Slovenia

Nova Ljubljanska Banka dd, Reg. S, GDR EUR 953,556 8,249,165 0.76

8,249,165 0.76 South Africa

AngloGold Ashanti Ltd. ZAR 298,000 8,682,658 0.80 Discovery Ltd. ZAR 1,287,995 7,760,258 0.72

16,442,916 1.52 South Korea

NHN KCP Corp. KRW 24,200 992,867 0.09 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. Preference KRW 112,000 4,329,717 0.40 Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd. KRW 331,750 14,562,414 1.35

19,884,998 1.84

� Foreign currency is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (198)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

194 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




SpainBanco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA EUR 1,000,000 3,442,404 0.32

3,442,404 0.32 Sweden

Epiroc AB 'B' SEK 192,401 2,352,825 0.22

2,352,825 0.22 Switzerland

ABB Ltd. CHF 38,640 869,905 0.08 LafargeHolcim Ltd. CHF 62,635 2,744,186 0.25

3,614,091 0.33 Taiwan

King Slide Works Co. Ltd. TWD 55,000 625,413 0.06 MediaTek, Inc. TWD 145,660 2,858,450 0.26 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co. Ltd. TWD 1,329,455 14,103,592 1.30 Vanguard International Semiconductor Corp. TWD 640,000 1,687,607 0.16

19,275,062 1.78 Thailand

Central Retail Corp. PCL THB 2,760,000 2,924,533 0.27

2,924,533 0.27 United Kingdom

British American Tobacco plc GBP 279,200 10,740,227 0.99 Reckitt Benckiser Group plc GBP 20,736 1,909,576 0.18 Spirax-Sarco Engineering plc GBP 21,350 2,639,129 0.24

15,288,932 1.41 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories USD 26,500 2,422,895 0.22 MercadoLibre, Inc. USD 4,913 4,843,088 0.45 Philip Morris International, Inc. USD 75,748 5,306,905 0.49 Valaris plc USD 265,905 173,343 0.02

12,746,231 1.18 Vietnam

Vinhomes JSC, Reg. S VND 1,293,212 4,207,425 0.39

4,207,425 0.39

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ����������� ��������




Brazil Government Bond 10% 01/01/2029 BRL 6,105,000 1,348,127 0.12 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional, FRN 1.977% 15/08/2050 BRL 220,000 1,734,134 0.16 BRAZIL NTNB, FRN 6% 15/08/2024 BRL 150,000 1,066,067 0.10 Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd., Reg. S 6.72% 01/12/2022 USD 759,526 626,609 0.06

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (199)

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Odebrecht Offshore Drilling Finance Ltd., Reg. S 7.827% 01/12/2026 USD 4,204,525 399,430 0.04 Odebrecht Oil & Gas Finance Ltd., Reg. S 0% Perpetual USD 571,938 2,002 –

5,176,369 0.48 Luxembourg

CSN Resources SA, Reg. S 7.625% 13/02/2023 USD 1,100,000 1,024,375 0.09

1,024,375 0.09 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 3.733% 15/06/2028 MYR 10,650,000 2,629,690 0.24 Malaysia Government Bond 4.893% 08/06/2038 MYR 33,688,000 9,173,509 0.85 Malaysia Government Bond 4.467% 15/09/2039 MYR 1,000,000 257,133 0.03 Malaysia Government Bond 3.757% 22/05/2040 MYR 2,400,000 570,092 0.05

12,630,424 1.17 Mexico

BBVA Bancomer SA, Reg. S 6.5% 10/03/2021 USD 3,857,000 3,957,186 0.37

3,957,186 0.37 Mozambique

Mozambique Government Bond, Reg. S 5% 15/09/2031 USD 6,500,000 5,573,750 0.51

5,573,750 0.51 United States of America

NBM US Holdings, Inc., Reg. S 7% 14/05/2026 USD 1,720,000 1,727,138 0.16

1,727,138 0.16 Virgin Islands (British)

Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2017 Ltd., Reg. S 3.625% 12/04/2027 USD 805,000 885,910 0.08

885,910 0.08

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������




Braskem Netherlands Finance BV, 144A 4.5% 31/01/2030 USD 500,000 458,375 0.04 Braskem Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 4.5% 31/01/2030 USD 350,000 320,862 0.03 CSN Islands XI Corp., Reg. S 6.75% 28/01/2028 USD 890,000 763,175 0.07

1,542,412 0.14 Chile

Colbun SA, Reg. S 3.15% 06/03/2030 USD 445,000 450,785 0.04 Geopark Ltd., Reg. S 5.5% 17/01/2027 USD 350,000 301,879 0.03

752,664 0.07 China

Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 3.29% 03/06/2060 USD 500,000 506,502 0.05

506,502 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (200)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

196 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020




ColombiaEmpresas Publicas de Medellin ESP, Reg. S 4.25% 18/07/2029 USD 2,355,000 2,367,799 0.22

2,367,799 0.22 Hong Kong

Sands China Ltd., Reg. S 3.8% 08/01/2026 USD 2,750,000 2,829,062 0.26

2,829,062 0.26 Luxembourg

Rede D'or Finance Sarl, Reg. S 4.5% 22/01/2030 USD 565,000 499,494 0.05

499,494 0.05 Peru

Credicorp Ltd., Reg. S 2.75% 17/06/2025 USD 1,250,000 1,246,437 0.11

1,246,437 0.11 Thailand

Bangkok Bank PCL, Reg. S, FRN 3.733% 25/09/2034 USD 4,877,000 4,667,813 0.43

4,667,813 0.43 United States of America

Wynn Resorts Finance LLC, 144A 7.75% 15/04/2025 USD 815,000 824,434 0.08

824,434 0.08

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������




Fu Ji Food & Catering Services Holdings Ltd. 0% 18/10/2010� CNY 3,500,000 – –

– –





JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 18,474,315 18,474,315 1.71

18,474,315 1.71

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ���������� �������


� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (201)

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7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ������������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ������������ ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ������������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (202)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

198 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020







CZK 461,431,000 EUR 17,261,114 08/07/2020 HSBC 55,710 0.01 MXN 24,945,000 USD 1,079,352 09/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4,987 – USD 354,432 MXN 8,005,000 09/07/2020 BNY Mellon 6,461 – USD 6,780,613 MXN 151,584,000 09/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 191,380 0.02 USD 955,196 MXN 20,850,000 09/07/2020 Standard

Chartered48,864 –

EUR 5,871,339 CZK 156,482,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,214 – THB 86,565,000 USD 2,746,264 10/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 54,500 0.01 USD 6,712,721 KRW 8,056,272,000 10/07/2020 HSBC 14,938 – USD 11,938,270 MXN 259,166,000 10/07/2020 BNY Mellon 674,202 0.06 USD 365,084 THB 11,269,000 10/07/2020 HSBC 481 – USD 1,191,437 ZAR 20,395,000 10/07/2020 Standard

Chartered17,163 –

ZAR 11,255,000 USD 645,808 10/07/2020 Standard Chartered

2,216 –

USD 6,667,474 EUR 5,861,000 13/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 81,070 0.01 USD 3,954,266 BRL 19,869,000 15/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 302,926 0.03 CLP 66,831,000 USD 81,258 20/07/2020 Citibank 137 – USD 18,539,510 BRL 96,170,000 27/07/2020 Citibank 878,388 0.08 BRL 1,939,000 USD 353,477 29/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,569 – KRW 855,288,000 USD 710,331 29/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 774 – USD 8,312,300 BRL 43,933,000 29/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 245,155 0.02 EUR 210,000 USD 235,678 03/08/2020 Bank of America 431 – PLN 47,305,000 EUR 10,585,237 03/08/2020 Goldman Sachs 56,874 0.01 USD 22,124,088 EUR 19,600,000 03/08/2020 Goldman Sachs 87,233 0.01 USD 933,316 EUR 827,000 03/08/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,495 – USD 2,083,425 ZAR 36,037,000 03/08/2020 Citibank 14,394 – USD 162,547 PEN 576,000 10/08/2020 J.P. Morgan 28 – 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� �������

&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 662,843 USD 696,780 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,143 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 405,915 USD 455,227 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 970 – USD 1,272,125 EUR 1,129,611 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,583 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 4,232,773 USD 5,243,495 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,854 – USD 12,664 GBP 10,073 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 181 – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 1,147,520 JPY 122,810,000 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 9,916 –



EUR 118,000 USD 133,773 02/07/2020 Bank of America (1,200) – PLN 47,305,000 EUR 10,687,572 02/07/2020 Citibank (50,608) (0.01) USD 18,839,180 EUR 16,916,000 02/07/2020 Bank of America (165,946) (0.02) USD 4,454,281 EUR 4,005,000 02/07/2020 HSBC (45,337) (0.01) USD 2,054,704 ZAR 36,028,000 02/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (21,539) – MXN 8,965,000 USD 399,916 09/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(10,215) –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (203)

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CNH 3,333,000 USD 471,556 10/07/2020 HSBC (367) – CNH 5,898,000 USD 834,465 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (660) – CZK 156,482,000 EUR 5,876,570 10/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (7,091) – INR 251,000 USD 3,322 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1) – INR 18,790,000 USD 248,677 10/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(5) –

USD 1,581,317 CNH 11,274,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (12,497) – USD 12,586,721 CNH 90,019,000 10/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(139,335) (0.01)

USD 1,358,463 IDR 20,010,162,000 10/07/2020 UBS (41,028) – USD 1,305,479 INR 98,877,000 10/07/2020 UBS (3,085) – CLP 131,037,000 USD 169,002 20/07/2020 Citibank (9,408) – KRW 230,155,000 USD 191,836 29/07/2020 Citibank (480) – CZK 161,618,000 EUR 6,061,586 10/08/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,923) – USD 461,255 COP 1,748,204,000 10/08/2020 J.P. Morgan (2,333) – 8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������

&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 2,425 USD 2,564 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4) – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 22,582,128 USD 25,430,910 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (51,406) (0.01) *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 202,308,324 USD 253,375,598 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2,670,461) (0.25) USD 44,759,261 GBP 36,409,123 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (359,763) (0.03) -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVJPY 6,410,402,498 USD 59,730,530 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (350,202) (0.03)





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (204)

200 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020






Australia Government Bond, Reg. S 0.25% 21/11/2024 AUD 2,600,000 1,785,671 0.37

1,785,671 0.37 Belgium

Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 22/06/2027 EUR 305,000 370,112 0.08 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0% 22/10/2027 EUR 3,025,000 3,473,428 0.72 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 22/06/2028 EUR 70,000 85,517 0.02 KBC Group NV, Reg. S 0.75% 24/01/2030 EUR 300,000 338,832 0.07

4,267,889 0.89 Canada

Canada Government Bond 2.25% 01/06/2029 CAD 7,165,000 6,091,358 1.27 Canada Government Bond 2.75% 01/12/2048 CAD 900,000 952,200 0.20 Canada Government Bond 1% 01/09/2022 CAD 600,000 449,045 0.09 Canada Government Bond 2.25% 01/06/2025 CAD 4,400,000 3,539,932 0.74 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.95% 15/07/2030 USD 1,039,000 1,033,135 0.22 Cenovus Energy, Inc. 5.4% 15/06/2047 USD 70,000 60,153 0.01 Enbridge, Inc. 4.25% 01/12/2026 USD 55,000 62,679 0.01 Magna International, Inc. 2.45% 15/06/2030 USD 200,000 204,955 0.04 Province of Quebec Canada 2.375% 31/01/2022 USD 289,000 298,012 0.06 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 4.1% 15/04/2030 USD 287,000 327,428 0.07

13,018,897 2.71 Chile

Banco del Estado de Chile, Reg. S 2.668% 08/01/2021 USD 1,500,000 1,512,950 0.32 Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos 4.5% 01/03/2026 CLP 620,000,000 885,205 0.18

2,398,155 0.50 China

China Construction Bank Corp., Reg. S, FRN 2.491% 24/06/2030 USD 1,150,000 1,149,444 0.24 China Development Bank 4.69% 23/03/2023 CNY 10,000,000 1,483,001 0.31 China Development Bank 3.5% 13/08/2026 CNY 2,440,000 349,205 0.07 China Development Bank 3.43% 14/01/2027 CNY 9,050,000 1,290,470 0.27 China Development Bank 4.24% 24/08/2027 CNY 13,500,000 2,017,996 0.42 China Development Bank 4.04% 06/07/2028 CNY 14,300,000 2,115,911 0.44 China Development Bank 3.48% 08/01/2029 CNY 26,250,000 3,738,207 0.78 China Government Bond 3.12% 05/12/2026 CNY 14,700,000 2,113,153 0.44 China Government Bond 3.29% 23/05/2029 CNY 23,300,000 3,388,529 0.71 China Government Bond 3.86% 22/07/2049 CNY 78,880,000 11,652,086 2.42 State Grid Europe Development 2014 plc, Reg. S 1.5% 26/01/2022 EUR 100,000 114,071 0.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (205)

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 201

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




State Grid Overseas Investment 2016 Ltd., Reg. S 1.25% 19/05/2022 EUR 200,000 227,269 0.05 State Grid Overseas Investment 2016 Ltd., 144A 3.5% 04/05/2027 USD 1,400,000 1,550,346 0.32 Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 3.24% 03/06/2050 USD 980,000 984,779 0.20

32,174,467 6.69 Colombia

Colombia Government Bond 3.125% 15/04/2031 USD 440,000 437,034 0.09 Grupo Energia Bogota SA ESP, Reg. S 4.875% 15/05/2030 USD 200,000 210,375 0.05

647,409 0.14 Denmark

Nykredit Realkredit A/S 1.5% 01/10/2037 DKK 5,447,094 851,660 0.18 Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 0.5% 01/10/2040 DKK 22,738,004 3,377,532 0.70 Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 1.5% 01/10/2040 DKK 18,140,695 2,815,808 0.59 Nykredit Realkredit A/S 2% 01/07/2037 DKK 3,392,459 529,648 0.11 Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 2.5% 01/10/2047 DKK 709,577 112,575 0.02

7,687,223 1.60 Estonia

Estonia Government Bond, Reg. S 0.125% 10/06/2030 EUR 270,000 304,249 0.06

304,249 0.06 France

AXA SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% 28/05/2049 EUR 500,000 616,893 0.13 BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 0.5% 15/07/2025 EUR 300,000 334,207 0.07 BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 0.5% 19/02/2028 EUR 1,000,000 1,094,825 0.23 BPCE SA, Reg. S 1% 01/04/2025 EUR 600,000 684,008 0.14 BPCE SA, Reg. S 4.625% 18/07/2023 EUR 700,000 874,580 0.18 Credit Agricole SA, 144A 4.375% 17/03/2025 USD 440,000 487,306 0.10 Credit Agricole SA, Reg. S 0.875% 14/01/2032 EUR 1,200,000 1,327,316 0.28 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 1% 25/11/2025 EUR 1,140,000 1,386,011 0.29 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S, 144A 2% 25/05/2048 EUR 1,100,000 1,711,635 0.36 Orange SA, Reg. S, FRN 5% Perpetual EUR 270,000 352,262 0.07 6DQRÀ��5HJ��6�������������� EUR 500,000 592,587 0.12 Veolia Environnement SA, Reg. S 0.664% 15/01/2031 EUR 400,000 445,169 0.09 Veolia Environnement SA, Reg. S 0.314% 04/10/2023 EUR 300,000 338,641 0.07

10,245,440 2.13 Germany

Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 0% 14/01/2025 EUR 400,000 450,520 0.09 Allianz SE, Reg. S, FRN 4.75% Perpetual EUR 800,000 989,153 0.20 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 0% 14/04/2023 EUR 350,000 389,188 0.08 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 0.375% 14/01/2027 EUR 545,000 605,061 0.13 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 0.875% 14/01/2032 EUR 200,000 227,969 0.05 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0% 15/08/2050 EUR 2,130,000 2,401,622 0.50 Daimler AG, Reg. S 2.625% 07/04/2025 EUR 340,000 407,236 0.08

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (206)

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Schedule of investments




'HXWVFKH�%XQGHVUHSXEOLN�,QÁDWLRQ�/LQNHG�%RQG��5HJ��S 0.5% 15/04/2030 EUR 1,225,000 1,710,091 0.35 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0% 18/12/2023 EUR 390,000 434,587 0.09 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.375% 29/09/2027 EUR 390,000 437,269 0.09 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.75% 18/12/2030 EUR 390,000 440,677 0.09 Hannover Rueck SE, Reg. S, FRN 0% 08/10/2040 EUR 900,000 1,010,644 0.21 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 0.125% 16/07/2025 EUR 200,000 223,799 0.05 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 0.5% 16/07/2028 EUR 500,000 564,218 0.12 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.25% 05/06/2024 EUR 200,000 226,085 0.05 Volkswagen International Finance NV, Reg. S 1.125% 02/10/2023 EUR 200,000 224,933 0.05 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH, Reg. S 1.125% 04/04/2024 EUR 200,000 223,972 0.05

10,967,024 2.28 Hong Kong

CCCI Treasure Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.425% Perpetual USD 890,000 883,681 0.18

883,681 0.18 Hungary

Hungary Government Bond, Reg. S 1.625% 28/04/2032 EUR 380,000 429,431 0.09 Hungary Government Bond 5.375% 25/03/2024 USD 1,020,000 1,160,401 0.24

1,589,832 0.33 India

State of Maharashtra India 8.54% 20/03/2023 INR 17,200,000 248,910 0.05 State of Maharashtra India 8.51% 09/03/2026 INR 24,300,000 356,511 0.07 State of Maharashtra India 9.63% 12/02/2024 INR 11,500,000 172,671 0.04 State of Maharashtra India 8.21% 09/12/2025 INR 20,000,000 291,950 0.06

1,070,042 0.22 Indonesia

Indonesia Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 08/01/2026 USD 1,270,000 1,432,987 0.30 Indonesia Treasury 8.25% 15/05/2029 IDR 6,974,000,000 521,304 0.11 Indonesia Treasury 8.375% 15/03/2034 IDR 7,633,000,000 563,779 0.11

2,518,070 0.52 Ireland

Abbott Ireland Financing DAC, Reg. S 0.875% 27/09/2023 EUR 630,000 724,540 0.15 Ireland Government Bond, Reg. S 0.9% 15/05/2028 EUR 1,175,000 1,433,880 0.30 Ireland Government Bond, Reg. S 2.4% 15/05/2030 EUR 140,000 195,437 0.04 Zurich Finance Ireland Designated Activity Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.875% 17/09/2050 EUR 750,000 842,439 0.18

3,196,296 0.67 Israel

Israel Government Bond 2.5% 15/01/2030 USD 1,330,000 1,439,725 0.30 Israel Government Bond 3.375% 15/01/2050 USD 690,000 758,724 0.16 Israel Government Bond, Reg. S 1.5% 18/01/2027 EUR 150,000 180,030 0.04

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (207)

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Israel Government Bond, Reg. S 1.5% 16/01/2029 EUR 850,000 1,024,337 0.21 Israel Government Bond 2% 31/03/2027 ILS 10,925,000 3,485,418 0.72 Israel Government Bond 5.5% 31/01/2042 ILS 2,050,000 1,054,692 0.22

7,942,926 1.65 Italy

Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 0.05% 15/01/2023 EUR 1,560,000 1,747,097 0.36 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 1.85% 01/07/2025 EUR 3,740,000 4,435,578 0.92 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 1.65% 01/12/2030 EUR 1,036,000 1,201,722 0.25 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S 2.8% 01/12/2028 EUR 8,917,000 11,383,617 2.37 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S 0.1% 15/05/2023 EUR 4,356,000 5,007,681 1.04 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 5.75% 28/10/2025 EUR 200,000 227,581 0.05 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 2.731% 15/01/2032 EUR 1,175,000 1,198,398 0.25

25,201,674 5.24 Japan

American Honda Finance Corp. 1.6% 20/04/2022 EUR 170,000 194,969 0.04 American Honda Finance Corp. 1.95% 18/10/2024 EUR 150,000 177,851 0.04 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.1% 20/09/2029 JPY 376,000,000 3,514,649 0.73 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 1.2% 20/06/2021 JPY 126,000,000 1,182,503 0.25 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.3% 20/12/2024 JPY 207,300,000 1,955,880 0.41 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.1% 20/09/2026 JPY 130,000,000 1,219,278 0.25 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.1% 20/03/2027 JPY 668,100,000 6,272,435 1.30 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 1.7% 20/03/2044 JPY 174,700,000 2,056,920 0.43 Japan Government Thirty Year Bond 0.6% 20/12/2046 JPY 132,800,000 1,249,682 0.26 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.2% 20/03/2035 JPY 564,000,000 5,942,668 1.24 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 2.2% 20/03/2030 JPY 50,000,000 560,819 0.12 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 1.7% 20/06/2033 JPY 400,000,000 4,429,086 0.92 Japan Government Twenty Year Bond 0.6% 20/06/2037 JPY 51,400,000 497,326 0.10 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 0.75% 09/07/2027 EUR 170,000 192,377 0.04 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1% 09/07/2029 EUR 1,095,000 1,234,735 0.26 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1.375% 09/07/2032 EUR 187,000 212,209 0.04 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 2% 09/07/2040 EUR 195,000 219,265 0.04 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.9% 30/03/2023 USD 340,000 360,648 0.07 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3% 01/04/2025 USD 340,000 370,065 0.08 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.375% 01/04/2030 USD 113,000 130,011 0.03 Toyota Motor Credit Corp., Reg. S 0.25% 16/07/2026 EUR 550,000 608,309 0.13

32,581,685 6.78 Kuwait

Kuwait Government Bond, 144A 2.75% 20/03/2022 USD 650,000 671,489 0.14

671,489 0.14

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (208)

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Schedule of investments




LithuaniaLithuania Government Bond, Reg. S 0.75% 06/05/2030 EUR 420,000 502,403 0.11

502,403 0.11 Malaysia

Petronas Capital Ltd., Reg. S 3.5% 21/04/2030 USD 400,000 445,380 0.09 Petronas Capital Ltd., Reg. S 4.55% 21/04/2050 USD 400,000 509,212 0.11

954,592 0.20 Mexico

Mexican Bonos 8.5% 31/05/2029 MXN 24,600,000 1,267,936 0.26 Mexican Bonos 8.5% 18/11/2038 MXN 6,500,000 335,824 0.07 Mexican Bonos 8% 07/11/2047 MXN 28,900,000 1,410,077 0.29 Mexican Bonos 5.75% 05/03/2026 MXN 8,200,000 366,570 0.08 Mexican Bonos 7.5% 03/06/2027 MXN 75,312,500 3,652,760 0.76 Mexico Government Bond 3.9% 27/04/2025 USD 520,000 558,220 0.12 Mexico Government Bond 3.25% 16/04/2030 USD 450,000 446,377 0.09 Mexico Government Bond 3.6% 30/01/2025 USD 485,000 515,458 0.11 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.35% 12/02/2048 USD 131,000 97,444 0.02 Petroleos Mexicanos 7.47% 12/11/2026 MXN 13,790,000 471,195 0.10 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 7.19% 12/09/2024 MXN 1,412,700 52,364 0.01

9,174,225 1.91 Morocco

Morocco Government Bond, 144A 1.5% 27/11/2031 EUR 350,000 367,345 0.07 Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 3.5% 19/06/2024 EUR 300,000 369,309 0.08 Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 1.5% 27/11/2031 EUR 1,190,000 1,248,974 0.26 Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 4.25% 11/12/2022 USD 950,000 1,002,910 0.21

2,988,538 0.62 Netherlands

BAT Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 3.125% 07/04/2028 EUR 560,000 697,149 0.15 Conti-Gummi Finance BV, Reg. S 1.125% 25/09/2024 EUR 725,000 813,430 0.17 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, Reg. S 3.875% 25/07/2023 EUR 250,000 309,201 0.06 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 26/05/2026 EUR 550,000 625,013 0.13 Enel Finance International NV, Reg. S 1% 16/09/2024 EUR 100,000 116,077 0.02 Upjohn Finance BV, Reg. S 1.023% 23/06/2024 EUR 170,000 192,392 0.04 Upjohn Finance BV, Reg. S 1.362% 23/06/2027 EUR 170,000 192,647 0.04 Upjohn Finance BV, Reg. S 1.908% 23/06/2032 EUR 375,000 428,130 0.09

3,374,039 0.70 Norway

Equinor ASA 3.7% 06/04/2050 USD 416,000 480,443 0.10 Equinor ASA, Reg. S 1.375% 22/05/2032 EUR 320,000 382,953 0.08 Equinor ASA 3.7% 01/03/2024 USD 100,000 111,010 0.02 Norway Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 3.75% 25/05/2021 NOK 1,400,000 150,248 0.03

1,124,654 0.23

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (209)

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PanamaPanama Government Bond, 144A 3.75% 17/04/2026 USD 790,000 827,892 0.17 Panama Government Bond 3.16% 23/01/2030 USD 860,000 927,403 0.20 Panama Government Bond 4.5% 16/04/2050 USD 675,000 830,587 0.17

2,585,882 0.54 Peru

Lima Metro Line 2 Finance Ltd., Reg. S 5.875% 05/07/2034 USD 398,352 471,075 0.10 Peru Government Bond 2.392% 23/01/2026 USD 310,000 324,056 0.07

795,131 0.17 Philippines

Philippine Government Bond 0.7% 03/02/2029 EUR 280,000 297,741 0.06

297,741 0.06 Poland

Poland Government Bond 2.75% 25/10/2029 PLN 1,380,000 392,902 0.08 Poland Government Bond 3.25% 06/04/2026 USD 785,000 882,269 0.19

1,275,171 0.27 Portugal

Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 0.7% 15/10/2027 EUR 750,000 874,286 0.18 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 0.475% 18/10/2030 EUR 480,000 539,625 0.11

1,413,911 0.29 Qatar

Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.4% 16/04/2025 USD 685,000 746,653 0.16 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 700,000 826,784 0.17 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4% 14/03/2029 USD 1,100,000 1,267,903 0.26

2,841,340 0.59 Romania

Romania Government Bond, 144A 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 671,000 815,369 0.17 Romania Government Bond, 144A 2% 28/01/2032 EUR 315,000 331,379 0.07 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 2,539,000 3,085,279 0.64 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 2% 28/01/2032 EUR 1,050,000 1,104,595 0.23 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.5% 03/04/2034 EUR 150,000 176,720 0.03 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 29/10/2035 EUR 680,000 826,504 0.17 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.375% 08/02/2038 EUR 835,000 958,381 0.20 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.125% 11/03/2039 EUR 375,000 466,005 0.10 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 2,940,000 3,791,353 0.79

11,555,585 2.40 Russian Federation

Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.15% 03/02/2027 RUB 38,830,000 629,511 0.13 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 6.9% 23/05/2029 RUB 64,100,000 975,287 0.20

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (210)

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Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.65% 10/04/2030 RUB 74,000,000 1,179,061 0.25 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.25% 10/05/2034 RUB 20,220,000 315,585 0.07 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% 16/08/2023 RUB 136,000,000 2,036,842 0.42 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.5% 17/09/2031 RUB 13,690,000 232,578 0.05 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.7% 23/03/2033 RUB 72,790,000 1,171,702 0.24 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, 144A 5.1% 28/03/2035 USD 400,000 495,023 0.10 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 2.875% 04/12/2025 EUR 1,000,000 1,240,119 0.26 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.25% 23/06/2027 USD 400,000 448,000 0.09 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 5.1% 28/03/2035 USD 600,000 742,535 0.16

9,466,243 1.97 Saudi Arabia

Saudi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.625% 04/03/2028 USD 1,200,000 1,321,572 0.28

1,321,572 0.28 Singapore

Singapore Government Bond 2.625% 01/05/2028 SGD 913,000 745,158 0.15 Singapore Government Bond 2.875% 01/07/2029 SGD 513,000 431,002 0.09 Singapore Government Bond 2.875% 01/09/2030 SGD 549,000 467,131 0.10

1,643,291 0.34 South Africa

South Africa Government Bond 6.5% 28/02/2041 ZAR 45,600,000 1,675,789 0.35 South Africa Government Bond 8.75% 28/02/2048 ZAR 30,860,000 1,402,816 0.29

3,078,605 0.64 South Korea

Korea Housing Finance Corp., Reg. S 2% 11/10/2021 USD 590,000 598,930 0.13 Korea Treasury 1.5% 10/03/2025 KRW 2,545,000,000 2,154,523 0.45 Korea Treasury 2.375% 10/12/2027 KRW 2,434,400,000 2,178,050 0.45

4,931,503 1.03 Spain

CaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% 15/02/2027 EUR 300,000 344,428 0.07 Red Electrica Financiaciones SAU, Reg. S 0.375% 24/07/2028 EUR 300,000 340,369 0.07 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 30/07/2027 EUR 690,000 810,639 0.17 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.45% 30/04/2029 EUR 345,000 425,981 0.09 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.25% 31/10/2030 EUR 1,167,000 1,414,643 0.29 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 2.7% 31/10/2048 EUR 250,000 379,646 0.08

3,715,706 0.77 Supra National

European Financial Stability Facility, Reg. S 0.4% 17/02/2025 EUR 1,100,000 1,288,594 0.27 European Financial Stability Facility, Reg. S 0.95% 14/02/2028 EUR 1,500,000 1,859,984 0.38

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (211)

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European Investment Bank 2.25% 15/03/2022 USD 413,000 427,203 0.09

3,575,781 0.74 Sweden

Svenska Handelsbanken AB, Reg. S 1% 15/04/2025 EUR 420,000 492,048 0.10

492,048 0.10 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% 02/04/2026 EUR 550,000 685,326 0.14 Credit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 2.125% 12/09/2025 GBP 685,000 866,483 0.18 Novartis Capital Corp. 1.75% 14/02/2025 USD 220,000 230,211 0.05 Novartis Capital Corp. 2% 14/02/2027 USD 120,000 127,291 0.03 Novartis Capital Corp. 2.2% 14/08/2030 USD 254,000 269,055 0.05

2,178,366 0.45 Thailand

Thailand Government Bond 2.125% 17/12/2026 THB 53,350,000 1,850,400 0.39

1,850,400 0.39 United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi Government Bond, 144A 2.5% 11/10/2022 USD 700,000 724,409 0.15 Abu Dhabi Government Bond, 144A 3.125% 11/10/2027 USD 750,000 821,583 0.17 Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. PJSC, Reg. S 3.625% 12/01/2023 USD 810,000 853,431 0.18

2,399,423 0.50 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc 3.5% 17/08/2023 USD 400,000 433,026 0.09 Barclays Bank plc, Reg. S 10% 21/05/2021 GBP 225,000 298,493 0.06 Barclays plc, Reg. S, FRN 3.375% 02/04/2025 EUR 400,000 484,456 0.10 BAT Capital Corp. 3.557% 15/08/2027 USD 550,000 595,468 0.12 BAT Capital Corp. 3.462% 06/09/2029 USD 250,000 266,438 0.06 BAT Capital Corp. 4.39% 15/08/2037 USD 300,000 327,631 0.07 BAT Capital Corp. 4.758% 06/09/2049 USD 194,000 216,036 0.04 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 1.876% 07/04/2024 EUR 190,000 224,347 0.05 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.519% 07/04/2028 EUR 220,000 272,432 0.06 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.822% 07/04/2032 EUR 420,000 542,816 0.11 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 4.292% 12/09/2026 USD 514,000 572,434 0.12 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 3.033% 22/11/2023 USD 500,000 522,634 0.11 Lloyds Banking Group plc, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% 01/04/2026 EUR 200,000 248,561 0.05 Lloyds Banking Group plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.75% 07/09/2028 EUR 800,000 897,380 0.19 NatWest Markets plc, Reg. S 2.75% 02/04/2025 EUR 1,020,000 1,228,742 0.26 Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, FRN 3.073% 22/05/2028 USD 625,000 657,074 0.14 Shell International Finance BV 3.5% 13/11/2023 USD 316,000 343,453 0.07 Shell International Finance BV 2.375% 07/11/2029 USD 345,000 362,358 0.08 Shell International Finance BV 2.5% 12/09/2026 USD 400,000 430,868 0.09 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.4% 23/09/2021 USD 328,000 334,632 0.07

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (212)

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Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.875% 23/09/2023 USD 20,000 21,196 – Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 3.2% 23/09/2026 USD 605,000 671,622 0.14 Standard Chartered plc, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 09/09/2030 EUR 160,000 182,724 0.04 UK Treasury, Reg. S 1.25% 22/07/2027 GBP 410,000 552,710 0.11 UK Treasury, Reg. S 0.375% 22/10/2030 GBP 1,400,000 1,763,936 0.37 UK Treasury, Reg. S 4.75% 07/12/2030 GBP 1,670,000 3,049,920 0.63 UK Treasury, Reg. S 4.25% 07/06/2032 GBP 920,000 1,670,857 0.35 UK Treasury, Reg. S 1.5% 22/07/2047 GBP 750,000 1,128,773 0.23 UK Treasury, Reg. S 2.75% 07/09/2024 GBP 590,000 817,676 0.17 UK Treasury, Reg. S 4.25% 07/12/2027 GBP 1,830,000 2,980,648 0.62 UK Treasury, Reg. S 3.25% 22/01/2044 GBP 160,000 311,314 0.06 UK Treasury, Reg. S 3.5% 22/01/2045 GBP 285,000 582,344 0.12

22,992,999 4.78 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories 3.75% 30/11/2026 USD 395,000 459,957 0.10 AbbVie, Inc. 3.6% 14/05/2025 USD 200,000 222,215 0.05 Altria Group, Inc. 1% 15/02/2023 EUR 215,000 243,719 0.05 Altria Group, Inc. 1.7% 15/06/2025 EUR 1,240,000 1,433,688 0.30 Altria Group, Inc. 2.2% 15/06/2027 EUR 640,000 757,728 0.16 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.75% 15/04/2023 USD 400,000 411,030 0.09 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.15% 23/01/2025 USD 440,000 499,585 0.10 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4% 13/04/2028 USD 600,000 692,789 0.14 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.75% 23/01/2029 USD 820,000 991,298 0.21 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.5% 01/06/2050 USD 650,000 778,437 0.16 AT&T, Inc. 2.75% 01/06/2031 USD 2,400,000 2,488,505 0.52 AT&T, Inc. 2.05% 19/05/2032 EUR 310,000 362,464 0.07 Baker Hughes a GE Co. LLC 4.486% 01/05/2030 USD 114,000 131,366 0.03 Becton Dickinson and Co. 2.823% 20/05/2030 USD 919,000 975,374 0.20 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.734% 15/12/2024 USD 81,000 89,235 0.02 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 3% 15/05/2022 USD 125,000 131,151 0.03 Boeing Co. (The) 5.805% 01/05/2050 USD 660,000 780,516 0.16 Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. 2.875% 03/11/2022 USD 20,000 21,039 – Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. 3.35% 03/05/2026 USD 20,000 22,822 – Cigna Corp. 3.4% 17/09/2021 USD 135,000 139,598 0.03 Cigna Corp. 4.125% 15/11/2025 USD 295,000 339,271 0.07 Citigroup, Inc. 3.3% 27/04/2025 USD 100,000 109,892 0.02 CMS Energy Corp. 3% 15/05/2026 USD 300,000 325,893 0.07 CMS Energy Corp. 3.6% 15/11/2025 USD 175,000 190,688 0.04 Comcast Corp. 0.25% 20/05/2027 EUR 300,000 330,540 0.07 Conagra Brands, Inc. 4.3% 01/05/2024 USD 540,000 597,501 0.12 CVS Health Corp. 3.7% 09/03/2023 USD 100,000 107,490 0.02 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 0.5% 15/03/2027 EUR 260,000 276,694 0.06 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 1.125% 15/03/2032 EUR 240,000 247,137 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (213)

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Schedule of investments




Duke Energy Corp. 2.45% 01/06/2030 USD 1,700,000 1,795,003 0.37 Duke Energy Corp. 3.75% 15/04/2024 USD 155,000 169,798 0.03 Duke Energy Progress LLC 3.7% 01/09/2028 USD 225,000 261,843 0.05 Edison International 4.125% 15/03/2028 USD 255,000 269,830 0.06 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 5.875% 15/10/2025 USD 155,000 185,205 0.04 Energy Transfer Operating LP 6.25% 15/04/2049 USD 270,000 286,527 0.06 Essex Portfolio LP, REIT 3.5% 01/04/2025 USD 120,000 131,032 0.03 Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.992% 19/03/2025 USD 610,000 664,306 0.14 Exxon Mobil Corp. 3.482% 19/03/2030 USD 830,000 947,069 0.20 FirstEnergy Corp. 4.85% 15/07/2047 USD 500,000 634,412 0.13 General Electric Co. 4.35% 01/05/2050 USD 425,000 421,891 0.09 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 0.85% 26/02/2026 EUR 1,620,000 1,599,095 0.33 Global Payments, Inc. 2.9% 15/05/2030 USD 191,000 200,011 0.04 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3.2% 23/02/2023 USD 100,000 106,181 0.02 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 2.6% 07/02/2030 USD 702,000 733,768 0.15 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3.8% 15/03/2030 USD 520,000 594,369 0.12 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3.85% 08/07/2024 USD 200,000 220,673 0.05 Halliburton Co. 3.8% 15/11/2025 USD 4,000 4,336 – Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc., Reg. S 3.875% 19/05/2023 EUR 310,000 363,871 0.08 Honeywell International, Inc. 1.85% 01/11/2021 USD 450,000 458,697 0.10 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Reg. S, FRN 0.389% 24/02/2028 EUR 640,000 702,688 0.15 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.597% 25/05/2028 USD 880,000 1,057,049 0.22 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 3.2% 01/05/2030 USD 43,000 47,668 0.01 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 5.085% 25/05/2048 USD 225,000 299,050 0.06 Kimberly-Clark Corp. 3.1% 26/03/2030 USD 33,000 37,611 0.01 Medtronic, Inc. 3.5% 15/03/2025 USD 210,000 236,920 0.05 Morgan Stanley 4% 23/07/2025 USD 70,000 79,420 0.02 Morgan Stanley 3.125% 27/07/2026 USD 260,000 287,080 0.06 NIKE, Inc. 3.375% 27/03/2050 USD 81,000 93,139 0.02 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 4.4% 15/08/2049 USD 400,000 279,470 0.06 Oracle Corp. 2.65% 15/07/2026 USD 443,000 478,450 0.10 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 442,000 437,611 0.09 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 1,550,000 1,519,155 0.32 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 985,000 960,917 0.20 3À]HU��,QF����������������� USD 700,000 755,557 0.16 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.1% 01/05/2030 USD 187,000 192,885 0.04 Plains All American Pipeline LP 3.8% 15/09/2030 USD 94,000 92,759 0.02 PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 3.3% 08/03/2022 USD 70,000 73,099 0.01 Prologis LP, REIT 3.75% 01/11/2025 USD 70,000 80,489 0.02 Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. 2% 15/11/2021 USD 500,000 508,327 0.11 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 4.125% 16/11/2028 USD 450,000 530,681 0.11 Stryker Corp. 0.25% 03/12/2024 EUR 110,000 122,363 0.03 Stryker Corp. 0.75% 01/03/2029 EUR 220,000 243,778 0.05 Stryker Corp. 1% 03/12/2031 EUR 100,000 111,260 0.02 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������� USD 297,000 339,443 0.07 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������� USD 131,000 162,234 0.03 US Treasury 2.625% 28/02/2023 USD 2,500,000 2,663,379 0.55 US Treasury 2.5% 31/03/2023 USD 3,325,000 3,537,618 0.74

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (214)

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Schedule of investments




US Treasury 2.75% 31/07/2023 USD 1,990,000 2,147,334 0.45 US Treasury 2.625% 31/12/2025 USD 289,000 324,753 0.07 US Treasury 2.625% 31/01/2026 USD 1,000,000 1,125,156 0.23 US Treasury 2.75% 15/02/2028 USD 6,910,000 8,059,790 1.68 US Treasury 2.625% 15/02/2029 USD 4,669,000 5,470,107 1.14 US Treasury 1.5% 15/02/2030 USD 710,000 767,320 0.16 US Treasury 6.25% 15/05/2030 USD 2,200,000 3,389,031 0.70 US Treasury 1.125% 15/05/2040 USD 1,910,000 1,892,094 0.39 US Treasury 2% 15/02/2050 USD 1,425,000 1,631,273 0.34 US Treasury 1.375% 31/08/2023 USD 4,500,000 4,670,684 0.97 US Treasury 2.375% 15/05/2027 USD 3,875,000 4,372,338 0.91 US Treasury 2.25% 15/11/2027 USD 5,000,000 5,629,714 1.17 US Treasury 3% 15/05/2047 USD 1,300,000 1,772,099 0.37 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG������������������ USD 12,493,000 14,482,421 3.01 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG������������������ USD 4,760,000 5,129,951 1.07 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG�������������� USD 5,070,000 6,909,364 1.44 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG����������������� USD 1,860,000 2,085,441 0.43 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG����������������� USD 3,700,000 4,060,650 0.84 86�7UHDVXU\�,QÁDWLRQ�,QGH[HG�������������� USD 740,000 1,039,458 0.22 Verizon Communications, Inc. 3.15% 22/03/2030 USD 175,000 198,218 0.04 Verizon Communications, Inc. 4.5% 10/08/2033 USD 150,000 186,985 0.04 Walt Disney Co. (The) 2.65% 13/01/2031 USD 1,490,000 1,582,675 0.33 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 3.5% 15/11/2030 USD 288,000 303,599 0.06

117,366,094 24.42 Uruguay

Uruguay Government Bond 4.375% 23/01/2031 USD 130,000 152,305 0.03 Uruguay Government Bond, 144A 8.5% 15/03/2028 UYU 5,950,000 129,365 0.03 Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 9.875% 20/06/2022 UYU 5,490,000 129,447 0.03

411,117 0.09

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������




WEA Finance LLC, REIT, 144A 3.75% 17/09/2024 USD 200,000 206,553 0.04 WEA Finance LLC, REIT, Reg. S 3.15% 05/04/2022 USD 260,000 263,933 0.06 Westpac Banking Corp., FRN 2.894% 04/02/2030 USD 900,000 915,916 0.19

1,386,402 0.29 Canada

Enbridge, Inc. 3.7% 15/07/2027 USD 687,000 759,046 0.16 Province of Nova Scotia Canada 3.15% 01/12/2051 CAD 500,000 460,717 0.09

1,219,763 0.25 Chile

Colbun SA, Reg. S 3.95% 11/10/2027 USD 400,000 430,942 0.09

430,942 0.09

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (215)

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FranceBNP Paribas SA, 144A 3.375% 09/01/2025 USD 325,000 351,717 0.07 BPCE SA, 144A 5.15% 21/07/2024 USD 632,000 706,083 0.15 Pernod Ricard SA, 144A 4.45% 15/01/2022 USD 400,000 422,477 0.09

1,480,277 0.31 Germany

Daimler Finance North America LLC, 144A 3% 22/02/2021 USD 875,000 885,661 0.18 Daimler Finance North America LLC, Reg. S 2% 06/07/2021 USD 460,000 463,707 0.10 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, 144A 4.375% 21/06/2028 USD 450,000 534,020 0.11 EMD Finance LLC, 144A 3.25% 19/03/2025 USD 825,000 900,481 0.19 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 3.875% 13/11/2020 USD 340,000 343,244 0.07 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 4% 12/11/2021 USD 340,000 354,115 0.07 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 4.25% 13/11/2023 USD 1,000,000 1,095,522 0.23 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 4.625% 13/11/2025 USD 290,000 330,096 0.07

4,906,846 1.02 India

Export-Import Bank of India 0.59% 05/09/2022 JPY 100,000,000 921,787 0.19

921,787 0.19 Indonesia

Indonesia Government Bond, Reg. S 0.67% 31/05/2021 JPY 100,000,000 922,620 0.19

922,620 0.19 Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, 144A 5.017% 26/06/2024 USD 600,000 615,128 0.13 UniCredit SpA, 144A 4.625% 12/04/2027 USD 920,000 992,281 0.21

1,607,409 0.34 Japan

Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2028 JPY 638,700,000 5,953,701 1.24 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2029 JPY 626,400,000 5,819,100 1.21 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/09/2024 JPY 105,000,000 984,369 0.20 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2024 JPY 81,000,000 783,448 0.16 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2025 JPY 50,000,000 468,493 0.10 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2026 JPY 90,000,000 842,783 0.18 Japan Government CPI Linked Bond 0.1% 10/03/2027 JPY 165,000,000 1,550,382 0.32 Nissan Motor Acceptance Corp., 144A 2.6% 28/09/2022 USD 1,175,000 1,150,366 0.24

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (216)

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Schedule of investments




Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 4.4% 26/11/2023 USD 645,000 717,650 0.15 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3.175% 09/07/2050 USD 441,000 444,833 0.09

18,715,125 3.89 Luxembourg

Swiss Re Finance Luxembourg SA, FRN, 144A 5% 02/04/2049 USD 200,000 225,050 0.05

225,050 0.05 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 4.893% 08/06/2038 MYR 15,429,000 4,201,439 0.87 Malaysia Government Bond 4.467% 15/09/2039 MYR 3,046,000 783,228 0.16 Malaysia Government Bond 3.757% 22/05/2040 MYR 5,977,000 1,419,768 0.30 Malaysia Government Bond 4.935% 30/09/2043 MYR 86,000 23,030 – Malaysia Government Bond 4.736% 15/03/2046 MYR 2,079,000 538,663 0.11 Malaysia Government Bond 4.921% 06/07/2048 MYR 1,748,000 469,405 0.10 Malaysia Government Bond 3.9% 30/11/2026 MYR 7,900,000 1,969,839 0.41 Malaysia Government Bond 4.498% 15/04/2030 MYR 2,500,000 653,072 0.14

10,058,444 2.09 Mexico

Mexico Government Bond 0.7% 16/06/2021 JPY 100,000,000 924,093 0.19

924,093 0.19 Netherlands

Enel Finance International NV, 144A 2.75% 06/04/2023 USD 600,000 623,128 0.13 Enel Finance International NV, 144A 3.625% 25/05/2027 USD 840,000 918,361 0.19 Enel Finance International NV, 144A 3.5% 06/04/2028 USD 200,000 215,386 0.05

1,756,875 0.37 South Korea

Hyundai Capital Services, Inc., 144A 3.75% 05/03/2023 USD 790,000 828,972 0.17 KT Corp. 0.3% 13/11/2020 JPY 200,000,000 1,850,697 0.39

2,679,669 0.56 United States of America

Adobe, Inc. 2.15% 01/02/2027 USD 318,000 341,621 0.07, Inc. 2.8% 22/08/2024 USD 400,000 434,855 0.09, Inc. 2.5% 03/06/2050 USD 980,000 996,320 0.21 Amgen, Inc. 1.9% 21/02/2025 USD 136,000 142,195 0.03 Amgen, Inc. 2.2% 21/02/2027 USD 104,000 109,831 0.02 Apache Corp. 4.25% 15/01/2044 USD 80,000 60,333 0.01 Apple, Inc. 2.9% 12/09/2027 USD 570,000 639,297 0.13 Apple, Inc. 2.5% 09/02/2022 USD 170,000 175,795 0.04 Apple, Inc. 3.35% 09/02/2027 USD 145,000 164,577 0.03 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.55% 05/03/2024 USD 400,000 427,582 0.09 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.419% 20/12/2028 USD 158,000 176,072 0.04 Bank of America Corp., FRN 2.496% 13/02/2031 USD 530,000 556,253 0.12 Bank of America Corp., FRN 4.083% 20/03/2051 USD 865,000 1,084,376 0.23 Bayer US Finance II LLC, 144A 3.875% 15/12/2023 USD 250,000 274,438 0.06 BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 2.95% 14/04/2022 USD 775,000 803,410 0.17

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (217)

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Schedule of investments




Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 2.9% 26/07/2024 USD 561,000 607,572 0.13 Charter Communications Operating LLC 3.75% 15/02/2028 USD 780,000 851,506 0.18 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 3.106% 08/04/2026 USD 1,225,000 1,315,728 0.27 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.976% 05/11/2030 USD 130,000 138,428 0.03 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.572% 03/06/2031 USD 1,660,000 1,717,825 0.36 Comcast Corp. 3.95% 15/10/2025 USD 915,000 1,049,281 0.22 Comcast Corp. 1.95% 15/01/2031 USD 149,000 152,105 0.03 Comcast Corp. 2.8% 15/01/2051 USD 325,000 333,851 0.07 Concho Resources, Inc. 4.85% 15/08/2048 USD 145,000 163,870 0.03 CSX Corp. 3.8% 15/04/2050 USD 19,000 22,634 – CVS Health Corp. 3.35% 09/03/2021 USD 40,000 40,796 0.01 Discovery Communications LLC 3.625% 15/05/2030 USD 130,000 142,473 0.03 Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 3.05% 15/03/2023 USD 705,000 750,597 0.16 Equinix, Inc., REIT 2.15% 15/07/2030 USD 492,000 487,857 0.10 Equinix, Inc., REIT 3% 15/07/2050 USD 151,000 147,710 0.03 Exelon Corp. 3.497% 01/06/2022 USD 610,000 636,947 0.13 Exelon Corp. 3.4% 15/04/2026 USD 60,000 66,868 0.01 FHLMC, FRN 2B7343 3.746% 01/02/2049 USD 695,777 730,769 0.15 General Mills, Inc. 3.2% 16/04/2021 USD 80,000 81,763 0.02 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), FRN 2.905% 24/07/2023 USD 900,000 935,747 0.19 Grand Parkway Transportation Corp. 3.236% 01/10/2052 USD 480,000 500,995 0.10 Interstate Power and Light Co. 2.3% 01/06/2030 USD 225,000 230,232 0.05 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 3.54% 01/05/2028 USD 700,000 782,082 0.16 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 4.493% 24/03/2031 USD 1,330,000 1,628,085 0.34 Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 3% 01/06/2026 USD 200,000 202,331 0.04 Microsoft Corp. 2.4% 08/08/2026 USD 466,000 509,153 0.11 Morgan Stanley, FRN 3.622% 01/04/2031 USD 410,000 469,249 0.10 Morgan Stanley, FRN 5.597% 24/03/2051 USD 180,000 273,428 0.06 Noble Energy, Inc. 3.25% 15/10/2029 USD 155,000 140,242 0.03 Noble Energy, Inc. 5.05% 15/11/2044 USD 82,000 74,613 0.02 Noble Energy, Inc. 4.95% 15/08/2047 USD 466,000 415,959 0.09 Noble Energy, Inc. 4.2% 15/10/2049 USD 192,000 159,559 0.03 Ohio Turnpike & Infrastructure Commission 3.216% 15/02/2048 USD 345,000 357,800 0.07 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 500,000 483,940 0.10 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.3% 01/06/2030 USD 152,000 158,300 0.03 Santander Holdings USA, Inc. 3.244% 05/10/2026 USD 700,000 728,249 0.15 Southern California Edison Co. 2.85% 01/08/2029 USD 50,000 53,033 0.01 UMBS BJ9252 4% 01/06/2048 USD 13,771 14,595 – UMBS BK0920 4% 01/07/2048 USD 18,855 19,971 – UMBS BP0033 2.5% 01/12/2034 USD 1,476,073 1,546,982 0.32 UMBS FM3217 3.5% 01/05/2050 USD 1,540,756 1,644,107 0.34 UMBS MA3407 3% 01/07/2028 USD 157,495 166,010 0.03 UMBS MA3955 2.5% 01/03/2035 USD 11,912 12,484 – UMBS SI2002 4% 01/03/2048 USD 38,263 40,605 0.01 UMBS ZK3836 3% 01/02/2027 USD 39,685 41,726 0.01 UMBS ZK4025 3% 01/04/2027 USD 123,261 129,815 0.03 UMBS ZS8715 3% 01/09/2033 USD 47,775 50,214 0.01 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 2.393% 02/06/2028 USD 2,500,000 2,585,036 0.54

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (218)

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Schedule of investments




Xcel Energy, Inc. 3.35% 01/12/2026 USD 450,000 505,034 0.11

30,685,111 6.38

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������




Newcrest Finance Pty. Ltd., 144A 3.25% 13/05/2030 USD 253,000 270,685 0.06

270,685 0.06 Chile

Engie Energia Chile SA, Reg. S 3.4% 28/01/2030 USD 271,000 282,585 0.06

282,585 0.06 Germany

Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 3.125% 12/05/2023 USD 687,000 723,040 0.15

723,040 0.15 Mexico

Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 6.95% 28/01/2060 USD 35,000 26,954 –

26,954 – United States of America

AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 3.8% 15/03/2025 USD 252,000 280,450 0.06 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co., 144A 3.7% 15/07/2030 USD 200,000 234,820 0.05 BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 3.9% 09/04/2025 USD 240,000 266,980 0.06 BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 4.15% 09/04/2030 USD 240,000 277,050 0.06 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 3.15% 15/11/2025 USD 250,000 265,750 0.05 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 4.15% 15/11/2030 USD 250,000 272,578 0.06 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.242% 15/02/2025 USD 127,000 130,351 0.03 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.493% 15/02/2027 USD 105,000 107,104 0.02 Five Corners Funding Trust II, 144A 2.85% 15/05/2030 USD 660,000 681,423 0.14 New York Life Insurance Co., 144A 3.75% 15/05/2050 USD 183,000 206,795 0.04 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 2.05% 15/02/2028 USD 625,000 626,856 0.13 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 3.875% 15/04/2030 USD 725,000 809,423 0.17 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 2.7% 22/06/2030 USD 474,000 488,033 0.10 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 3.85% 22/06/2040 USD 158,000 170,040 0.03

4,817,653 1.00

7RWDO�%RQGV ��������� �������



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (219)

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 215

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments





JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 6,818,559 6,818,559 1.42

6,818,559 1.42

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ����������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������








United States of America GNMA, 3.50%, 15/08/2050 USD 1,700,000 1,793,766 (157) 0.37 United States of America UMBS, 3.00%, 25/07/2035 USD 1,381,715 1,452,042 (3,929) 0.30 United States of America UMBS, 2.00%, 25/08/2035 USD 1,610,000 1,662,702 6,767 0.35 United States of America UMBS, 2.50%, 25/08/2035 USD 25,000 26,129 (15) 0.01 United States of America UMBS, 4.00%, 25/07/2050 USD 1,548,000 1,640,336 (7,921) 0.34 United States of America UMBS, 3.50%, 25/08/2050 USD 3,131,000 3,293,210 (5,520) 0.68 United States of America UMBS, 2.50%, 25/09/2050 USD 8,615,443 8,943,006 39,656 1.86

7RWDO�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV�/RQJ�3RVLWLRQV ���������� ����������� �������

1HW�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV� ���������� ����������� �������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (220)

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

216 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







7,600,000 EUR Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�(85,%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG�


22/07/2024 49,527 49,527 0.01

2,200,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG������

25/02/2022 45,770 45,770 0.01

3,152,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG�������

26/02/2022 58,614 58,614 0.01


346,000,000 JPY Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�/,%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG�������

08/04/2030 (10,097) (10,097) –

522,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG�������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

11/11/2029 (17,183) (17,183) –

362,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

22/01/2030 (54,561) (54,561) (0.01)

9,000,000 PLN Citigroup 3D\�À[HG��������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�:,%25���PRQWK

22/01/2030 (276,741) (276,741) (0.06)

3,970,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK�5HFHLYH�À[HG�������

29/01/2022 (15,861) (15,861) –

496,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG��������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

25/02/2030 (80,411) (80,411) (0.02)

496,000,000 HUF Citigroup 3D\�À[HG�������5HFHLYH�ÁRDWLQJ�%8%25���PRQWK

26/02/2030 (72,456) (72,456) (0.02)

7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������� ��������

1HW�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������� ��������








US 2 Year Note, 30/09/2020 107 USD 23,628,609 3,698 – US 5 Year Note, 30/09/2020 111 USD 13,957,383 46,003 0.01

US Long Bond, 21/09/2020 7 USD 1,249,938 24,682 –


Euro-Bobl, 08/09/2020 (18) EUR (2,729,701) (12,958) – Euro-Bund, 08/09/2020 (1) EUR (198,320) (2,157) – US 10 Year Note, 21/09/2020 (103) USD (14,334,703) (42,683) (0.01) US 10 Year Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020

(69) USD (10,866,422) (100,063) (0.02)

US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 (2) USD (436,312) (3,856) –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (221)

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 217

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







CZK 41,100,000 EUR 1,524,294 02/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 19,937 – JPY 371,000,000 USD 3,415,129 06/07/2020 Standard Chartered 20,993 – USD 124,517 GBP 100,000 06/07/2020 Barclays 604 – USD 931,897 JPY 100,000,000 06/07/2020 Standard Chartered 5,719 – USD 1,494,357 MYR 6,375,000 06/07/2020 Standard Chartered 6,916 – EUR 1,500,000 USD 1,658,140 09/07/2020 Standard Chartered 27,350 0.01 USD 1,585,098 CZK 37,100,000 09/07/2020 Standard Chartered 21,198 0.01 AUD 2,200,000 USD 1,508,337 10/07/2020 Standard Chartered 9,959 – USD 1,427,573 MXN 31,190,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 71,969 0.02 USD 709,036 ZAR 12,200,000 10/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 6,602 – USD 820,821 MXN 18,400,000 13/07/2020 Citibank 21,462 0.01 USD 5,930 ZAR 100,000 13/07/2020 Standard Chartered 174 – USD 1,484,111 CNH 10,490,000 14/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 1,464 – USD 758,470 JPY 81,294,000 14/07/2020 HSBC 5,466 – USD 1,027,156 MXN 22,600,000 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 45,480 0.01 USD 4,826,073 EUR 4,243,000 15/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 57,697 0.01 USD 1,512,268 ILS 5,220,000 15/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4,850 – CNH 12,700,000 USD 1,790,902 16/07/2020 UBS 3,902 – KRW 1,017,900,000 USD 844,135 16/07/2020 Standard Chartered 2,137 – AUD 2,625,000 USD 1,793,355 17/07/2020 UBS 18,327 – CAD 50,000 USD 36,689 17/07/2020 Standard Chartered 142 – ILS 3,500,000 USD 1,002,880 17/07/2020 Standard Chartered 7,897 – USD 1,477,137 GBP 1,170,000 20/07/2020 HSBC 27,214 0.01 USD 1,533,508 AUD 2,220,000 21/07/2020 Citibank 1,304 – USD 2,040,606 AUD 2,950,000 21/07/2020 HSBC 4,569 – USD 6,471,250 EUR 5,755,000 21/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,725 – USD 627,261 GBP 500,000 21/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 7,631 – USD 886,793 NOK 8,480,000 21/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 5,710 – USD 2,160,271 MYR 9,260,000 22/07/2020 Standard Chartered 1,164 – USD 1,645,864 MXN 37,330,000 23/07/2020 Bank of America 26,522 0.01 USD 1,174,027 ZAR 20,410,000 23/07/2020 Bank of America 712 – USD 1,750,946 MYR 7,500,000 27/07/2020 Standard Chartered 2,563 – 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ������� �������

&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 61,880 CAD 88,476 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 168 – CHF 106,712 CNH 795,612 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 249 – CHF 543,067 EUR 507,032 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,605 – CHF 112,796 GBP 94,607 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,867 – CHF 342,713 JPY 38,685,564 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,536 – CHF 1,007,898 USD 1,059,921 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4,360 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 780 CAD 1,188 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1 – EUR 854 CNH 6,786 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – EUR 187,667 GBP 168,703 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,854 – EUR 572,444 JPY 69,161,183 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,707 – EUR 27,789 USD 31,181 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 50 – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCAD 292,128 JPY 23,031,750 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,843 – CNH 2,627,242 JPY 39,717,930 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,357 –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (222)

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

218 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







EUR 1,589,600 JPY 191,329,400 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 14,206 – GBP 265,881 JPY 35,351,000 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,025 – JPY 1,375,864,596 GBP 10,232,331 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 64,659 0.02 USD 3,506,572 JPY 375,137,700 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 31,627 0.01 86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCAD 8 USD 6 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – CNH 424 USD 60 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – USD 38,354,075 EUR 34,053,290 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 82,412 0.01 USD 7,966,198 GBP 6,359,380 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 85,507 0.02 USD 24,204,136 JPY 2,598,072,261 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 137,881 0.03


7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ������� �������CAD 5,200,000 USD 3,849,494 06/07/2020 Bank of America (19,157) – GBP 815,000 USD 1,023,461 06/07/2020 Bank of America (13,571) – JPY 44,000,000 USD 412,463 06/07/2020 Bank of America (4,945) – MXN 32,990,000 USD 1,523,309 06/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (88,718) (0.02) EUR 575,000 USD 651,487 08/07/2020 Standard Chartered (5,395) – CZK 37,100,000 EUR 1,395,681 09/07/2020 Standard Chartered (4,372) – CZK 17,050,000 USD 725,202 09/07/2020 HSBC (6,482) – EUR 10,718,965 USD 12,159,857 09/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (115,385) (0.03) USD 1,601,990 CAD 2,200,000 09/07/2020 Citibank (18,553) – USD 1,408,187 CNH 10,000,000 09/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (5,600) – USD 4,732,060 CNH 33,700,000 09/07/2020 HSBC (32,403) (0.01) USD 782,900 CNH 5,610,000 09/07/2020 UBS (10,235) – USD 2,257,382 ILS 7,830,000 10/07/2020 Bank of America (3,432) – EUR 617,856 RON 3,000,000 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (2,083) – EUR 490,000 USD 554,845 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4,199) – EUR 360,000 USD 407,742 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (3,185) – GBP 1,850,000 USD 2,348,531 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (56,036) (0.01) ILS 7,400,000 USD 2,143,027 13/07/2020 Standard Chartered (6,193) – MXN 28,300,000 USD 1,303,427 13/07/2020 Citibank (73,977) (0.02) CZK 65,550,000 USD 2,801,941 14/07/2020 HSBC (38,666) (0.01) EUR 10,051,000 USD 11,421,464 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (126,202) (0.03) JPY 428,791,200 USD 4,000,000 14/07/2020 Bank of America (28,224) (0.01) JPY 160,300,000 USD 1,496,827 14/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (12,012) – JPY 380,965,000 USD 3,554,390 14/07/2020 HSBC (25,616) (0.01) SEK 6,600,000 USD 714,951 14/07/2020 Bank of America (6,559) – USD 1,130,494 CZK 26,940,000 14/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (5,168) – CAD 9,430,000 USD 6,989,550 15/07/2020 HSBC (43,195) (0.01) EUR 3,202,942 USD 3,646,511 15/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (46,974) (0.01) JPY 248,204,000 USD 2,322,416 15/07/2020 Citibank (23,337) (0.01) NOK 36,250,000 USD 3,832,262 15/07/2020 Standard Chartered (65,935) (0.01) EUR 1,600,000 USD 1,805,133 16/07/2020 Citibank (6,975) – GBP 1,380,000 USD 1,731,445 16/07/2020 UBS (21,329) (0.01) USD 1,667,452 ILS 5,800,000 16/07/2020 UBS (7,502) – USD 836,358 KRW 1,017,948,000 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (9,954) – GBP 1,000,000 USD 1,253,982 17/07/2020 HSBC (14,758) – PLN 3,500,000 USD 891,331 17/07/2020 Citibank (6,622) – EUR 1,120,000 USD 1,263,379 20/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4,548) –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (223)

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 219

Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







USD 1,435,949 CNH 10,180,000 20/07/2020 HSBC (2,397) – AUD 2,950,000 USD 2,037,770 21/07/2020 Citibank (1,733) – CAD 2,317,000 USD 1,709,977 21/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (3,192) – KRW 1,804,870,000 USD 1,507,010 21/07/2020 Standard Chartered (6,437) – NOK 16,174,665 USD 1,698,982 21/07/2020 HSBC (18,415) – MYR 3,800,000 USD 888,764 22/07/2020 Standard Chartered (2,737) – USD 2,695,030 EUR 2,400,000 23/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2,660) – USD 880,636 PLN 3,500,000 23/07/2020 Bank of America (4,091) – JPY 587,000,000 USD 5,467,453 28/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (29,157) (0.01) CZK 41,100,000 EUR 1,542,388 07/08/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,426) – 8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ����������� ��������

(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 102,668 CAD 157,236 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (438) – EUR 177,541 CNH 1,417,639 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (800) – EUR 898 GBP 817 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4) – EUR 484 JPY 58,755 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1) – EUR 1,657,154 USD 1,866,454 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4,019) – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 88,879 JPY 10,798,960 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (143) – GBP 49,216 JPY 6,631,360 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (437) – JPY 754,806,767 CAD 9,564,052 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (53,276) (0.01) JPY 1,301,653,688 CNH 85,997,943 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (95,442) (0.02) JPY 6,624,240,622 EUR 54,822,305 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (252,319) (0.05) JPY 12,294,179,754 USD 114,534,933 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (652,471) (0.14) 86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCAD 201 USD 148 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1) – CNH 1,454 USD 206 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – EUR 1,201 USD 1,352 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2) – GBP 225 USD 281 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2) – JPY 91,190 USD 853 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (8) – USD 4,370,305 CAD 5,942,360 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (7,000) – USD 7,536,529 CNH 53,432,428 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (14,285) (0.01) USD 45 EUR 40 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – USD 9 GBP 8 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (224)

220 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Schedule of investments






Australia Government Bond, Reg. S 2.75% 21/04/2024 AUD 1,600,000 1,206,027 0.56 Australia Government Bond, Reg. S 2.75% 21/11/2029 AUD 1,540,000 1,246,085 0.58 Australia Government Bond, Reg. S 2.5% 21/05/2030 AUD 3,600,000 2,867,453 1.33 Scentre Group Trust 1, REIT, Reg. S 2.375% 08/04/2022 GBP 100,000 124,678 0.06 Scentre Group Trust 1, REIT, Reg. S 2.25% 16/07/2024 EUR 100,000 115,928 0.05

5,560,171 2.58 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Reg. S 1.15% 22/01/2027 EUR 400,000 460,653 0.22 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Reg. S 2.125% 02/12/2027 EUR 250,000 304,576 0.14 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0% 22/10/2027 EUR 260,000 298,542 0.14 Euroclear Bank SA, Reg. S 0.125% 07/07/2025 EUR 160,000 178,885 0.08

1,242,656 0.58 Brazil

Vale SA 3.75% 10/01/2023 EUR 290,000 337,793 0.16

337,793 0.16 Canada

Canada Government Bond 1% 01/06/2027 CAD 1,600,000 1,226,388 0.57 Canada Government Bond 2.25% 01/06/2025 CAD 3,850,000 3,097,441 1.44 Export Development Canada 2.5% 24/01/2023 USD 350,000 369,494 0.17 Province of Alberta Canada 1.875% 13/11/2024 USD 250,000 262,518 0.12 Province of Quebec Canada 2.375% 31/01/2022 USD 114,000 117,555 0.05

5,073,396 2.35 China

China Development Bank 4.73% 02/04/2025 CNY 21,000,000 3,177,049 1.47 China Government Bond 3.25% 06/06/2026 CNY 20,000,000 2,907,857 1.35 China Government Bond 3.29% 23/05/2029 CNY 24,000,000 3,490,330 1.62 State Grid Overseas Investment 2016 Ltd., Reg. S 1.25% 19/05/2022 EUR 310,000 352,266 0.16 State Grid Overseas Investment 2016 Ltd., Reg. S 3.5% 04/05/2027 USD 350,000 387,587 0.18

10,315,089 4.78 Denmark

Danske Bank A/S, 144A 3.875% 12/09/2023 USD 500,000 530,641 0.25 Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 0.5% 01/10/2040 DKK 15,244,193 2,264,392 1.05

2,795,033 1.30 France

BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.875% 20/03/2026 EUR 300,000 340,362 0.16

Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (225)

Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 221

Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




BPCE SA, Reg. S 4.625% 18/07/2023 EUR 200,000 249,880 0.12 Credit Agricole SA, Reg. S 0.875% 14/01/2032 EUR 300,000 331,829 0.15 Credit Agricole SA, Reg. S, FRN 1% 22/04/2026 EUR 500,000 567,779 0.26 Engie SA, Reg. S, FRN 1.625% Perpetual EUR 300,000 329,012 0.15 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 0% 25/11/2029 EUR 940,000 1,075,450 0.50 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Reg. S 1% 11/02/2023 GBP 300,000 375,211 0.17 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Reg. S 0% 11/02/2024 EUR 300,000 335,319 0.16 LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton SE, Reg. S 0.125% 11/02/2028 EUR 500,000 552,072 0.26 Pernod Ricard SA, Reg. S 1.125% 07/04/2025 EUR 200,000 232,169 0.11 Total Capital International SA 2.434% 10/01/2025 USD 495,000 527,653 0.24 Total Capital International SA, Reg. S 1.491% 08/04/2027 EUR 500,000 599,248 0.28 TOTAL SA, Reg. S, FRN 1.75% Perpetual EUR 300,000 333,258 0.15

5,849,242 2.71 Germany

Allianz SE, Reg. S, FRN 4.75% Perpetual EUR 600,000 741,865 0.34 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0.5% 15/02/2028 EUR 1,900,000 2,321,803 1.08 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0.25% 15/02/2029 EUR 2,500,000 3,011,862 1.40 Daimler AG, Reg. S 2.625% 07/04/2025 EUR 170,000 203,618 0.09 Daimler AG, Reg. S 0.375% 08/11/2026 EUR 250,000 265,377 0.12 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, Reg. S 0.01% 31/03/2025 EUR 790,000 910,640 0.42 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau 2.125% 07/03/2022 USD 110,000 113,503 0.05 Landwirtschaftliche Rentenbank 2% 06/12/2021 USD 50,000 51,229 0.02 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 1.375% 01/09/2022 EUR 100,000 115,079 0.05 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.25% 05/06/2024 EUR 200,000 226,085 0.11 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.375% 05/06/2026 EUR 400,000 452,630 0.21 Volkswagen International Finance NV, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% Perpetual EUR 400,000 445,135 0.21 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH, Reg. S 1.125% 04/04/2024 EUR 550,000 615,923 0.29

9,474,749 4.39 Hong Kong

CCCI Treasure Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.425% Perpetual USD 200,000 198,580 0.09

198,580 0.09 India

HDFC Bank Ltd., Reg. S 8.1% 22/03/2025 INR 50,000,000 677,787 0.32 India Government Bond 6.18% 04/11/2024 INR 18,600,000 257,456 0.12 India Government Bond 7.27% 08/04/2026 INR 39,300,000 565,580 0.26 India Government Bond 7.26% 14/01/2029 INR 50,000,000 713,607 0.33 India Government Bond 7.35% 22/06/2024 INR 50,000,000 714,630 0.33 State Bank of India, Reg. S 3.25% 24/01/2022 USD 200,000 202,755 0.09 State Bank of India, Reg. S 4.5% 28/09/2023 USD 280,000 297,991 0.14

3,429,806 1.59

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (226)

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Schedule of investments




IndonesiaIndonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 5.71% 15/11/2023 USD 320,000 347,987 0.16 Indonesia Government Bond 0.9% 14/02/2027 EUR 320,000 342,443 0.16 Indonesia Government Bond, Reg. S 4.125% 15/01/2025 USD 330,000 359,146 0.17 Indonesia Treasury 6.5% 15/06/2025 IDR 13,151,000,000 919,327 0.42 Pertamina Persero PT, Reg. S 4.875% 03/05/2022 USD 330,000 346,499 0.16

2,315,402 1.07 Ireland

CRH Finance DAC, Reg. S 3.125% 03/04/2023 EUR 100,000 120,812 0.05 Ireland Government Bond, Reg. S 0.2% 15/05/2027 EUR 560,000 647,984 0.30 Zurich Finance Ireland Designated Activity Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.875% 17/09/2050 EUR 150,000 168,488 0.08

937,284 0.43 Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, Reg. S 6.625% 13/09/2023 EUR 300,000 384,009 0.18 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S 0.1% 15/05/2023 EUR 505,000 580,551 0.27 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA, Reg. S 0.875% 02/02/2022 EUR 100,000 113,358 0.05 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S 1% 18/01/2023 EUR 250,000 277,613 0.13 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 4.375% 03/01/2027 EUR 250,000 288,031 0.13 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S 6.95% 31/10/2022 EUR 360,000 445,681 0.21

2,089,243 0.97 Japan

Japan Bank for International Cooperation 0.625% 22/05/2023 USD 200,000 200,811 0.09 Japan Bank for International Cooperation 2.5% 23/05/2024 USD 220,000 236,028 0.11 Japan Bank for International Cooperation 2.125% 16/11/2020 USD 300,000 302,038 0.14 Japan Government Five Year Bond 0.1% 20/06/2024 JPY 69,000,000 644,884 0.30 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.8% 20/06/2023 JPY 84,600,000 805,344 0.37 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.3% 20/12/2024 JPY 51,800,000 488,734 0.23 Japan Government Ten Year Bond 0.1% 20/03/2027 JPY 670,000,000 6,290,273 2.92 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Reg. S 2.25% 21/11/2026 EUR 350,000 431,172 0.20 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.15% 08/09/2022 USD 130,000 134,435 0.06 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.35% 08/01/2024 USD 150,000 162,731 0.07

9,696,450 4.49 Lithuania

Lithuania Government Bond, 144A 6.625% 01/02/2022 USD 750,000 817,858 0.38

817,858 0.38 Luxembourg

DH Europe Finance II Sarl 0.45% 18/03/2028 EUR 175,000 192,383 0.09

192,383 0.09

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (227)

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MexicoAmerica Movil SAB de CV 7.125% 09/12/2024 MXN 6,770,000 306,505 0.14 Comision Federal de Electricidad 7.35% 25/11/2025 MXN 7,000,000 287,853 0.13 Mexican Bonos 10% 05/12/2024 MXN 25,000,000 1,309,763 0.61 Mexican Bonos 5.75% 05/03/2026 MXN 21,000,000 938,776 0.44 Mexican Bonos 7.5% 03/06/2027 MXN 23,500,000 1,139,782 0.53 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 4.25% 31/10/2026 USD 295,000 279,088 0.13 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 3.875% 30/04/2028 USD 265,000 241,168 0.11 Mexico Government Bond 4.15% 28/03/2027 USD 330,000 353,719 0.16 Mexico Government Bond 4.5% 22/04/2029 USD 250,000 272,344 0.13 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 3.125% 27/11/2020 EUR 310,000 345,617 0.16 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 2.5% 21/08/2021 EUR 500,000 545,249 0.25 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 7.19% 12/09/2024 MXN 8,000,000 296,535 0.14

6,316,399 2.93 Netherlands

BAT Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 3.125% 07/04/2028 EUR 580,000 722,048 0.34 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, Reg. S 1.25% 14/01/2025 GBP 1,100,000 1,375,756 0.64 Unilever NV, Reg. S 0.375% 14/02/2023 EUR 100,000 113,925 0.05

2,211,729 1.03 Norway

Equinor ASA, Reg. S 0.75% 22/05/2026 EUR 500,000 577,678 0.27 Equinor ASA 2.75% 10/11/2021 USD 250,000 256,647 0.12 Norway Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 3.75% 25/05/2021 NOK 5,000,000 536,598 0.25

1,370,923 0.64 Panama

Panama Government Bond, 144A 3.75% 17/04/2026 USD 330,000 345,828 0.16

345,828 0.16 Peru

Peru Government Bond 2.392% 23/01/2026 USD 65,000 67,947 0.03

67,947 0.03 Poland

Poland Government Bond 4% 22/01/2024 USD 220,000 244,653 0.11 Poland Government Bond 5.75% 25/10/2021 PLN 3,000,000 815,338 0.38 Poland Government Bond 5.75% 23/09/2022 PLN 520,000 147,918 0.07 Poland Government Bond 4% 25/10/2023 PLN 2,040,000 577,483 0.27 Poland Government Bond 3.25% 06/04/2026 USD 25,000 28,098 0.01

1,813,490 0.84 Portugal

Portugal Government Bond, Reg. S 5.125% 15/10/2024 USD 150,000 174,776 0.08 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 0.475% 18/10/2030 EUR 750,000 843,164 0.39 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 2.875% 15/10/2025 EUR 210,000 273,025 0.13

1,290,965 0.60

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (228)

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Schedule of investments




QatarQatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 23/04/2023 USD 1,010,000 1,085,639 0.51 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.4% 16/04/2025 USD 300,000 327,001 0.15

1,412,640 0.66 Russian Federation

Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% 16/08/2023 RUB 44,200,000 661,974 0.31 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.875% 16/09/2023 USD 400,000 444,750 0.20 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.75% 27/05/2026 USD 1,000,000 1,141,252 0.53

2,247,976 1.04 Saudi Arabia

Saudi Government Bond, Reg. S 2.875% 04/03/2023 USD 200,000 209,003 0.10 Saudi Government Bond, Reg. S 4% 17/04/2025 USD 200,000 222,185 0.10

431,188 0.20 Singapore

COSL Singapore Capital Ltd., Reg. S 4.5% 30/07/2025 USD 440,000 493,472 0.23

493,472 0.23 South Korea

Export-Import Bank of Korea, Reg. S 8.4% 30/11/2021 IDR 7,000,000,000 505,492 0.24 Korea Treasury 1.375% 10/09/2024 KRW 1,647,920,000 1,388,422 0.64

1,893,914 0.88 Spain

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA, Reg. S 1.375% 14/05/2025 EUR 300,000 343,703 0.16 Banco Santander SA, Reg. S 1.375% 09/02/2022 EUR 100,000 113,822 0.05 CaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% 15/02/2027 EUR 300,000 344,428 0.16 Iberdrola International BV, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% Perpetual EUR 400,000 463,652 0.21 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 30/07/2027 EUR 770,000 904,626 0.42 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 2.75% 31/10/2024 EUR 1,460,000 1,850,025 0.86

4,020,256 1.86 Supra National

Asian Development Bank 2.75% 17/03/2023 USD 220,000 234,607 0.11 European Financial Stability Facility, Reg. S 0.4% 17/02/2025 EUR 2,225,000 2,606,475 1.21 European Investment Bank 0% 16/10/2023 EUR 2,080,000 2,383,657 1.11 European Investment Bank 0% 17/06/2027 EUR 820,000 953,971 0.44 European Investment Bank, Reg. S 0.75% 14/07/2023 GBP 760,000 958,849 0.44 European Investment Bank 1.375% 15/09/2021 USD 90,000 91,260 0.04 European Investment Bank 2.25% 15/03/2022 USD 280,000 289,629 0.13 European Stability Mechanism, Reg. S 2.125% 03/11/2022 USD 938,000 977,419 0.45 Inter-American Development Bank 2.5% 18/01/2023 USD 520,000 549,017 0.26

9,044,884 4.19

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (229)

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Schedule of investments




SwedenSweden Government Bond, 144A 2.375% 15/02/2023 USD 365,000 384,659 0.18 Volvo Treasury AB, Reg. S 0% 11/02/2023 EUR 200,000 219,792 0.10

604,451 0.28 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 1.25% 17/07/2025 EUR 300,000 344,114 0.16 Credit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 2.125% 12/09/2025 GBP 100,000 126,494 0.06

470,608 0.22 United Arab Emirates

DP World Crescent Ltd., Reg. S 3.908% 31/05/2023 USD 340,000 354,076 0.16

354,076 0.16 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc 3.5% 17/08/2023 USD 700,000 757,796 0.35 Barclays Bank plc, Reg. S 10% 21/05/2021 GBP 50,000 66,332 0.03 BAT Capital Corp. 2.764% 15/08/2022 USD 330,000 341,906 0.16 BAT Capital Corp. 3.215% 06/09/2026 USD 600,000 645,142 0.30 Cadent Finance plc, Reg. S 1.125% 22/09/2021 GBP 100,000 124,330 0.06 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 2.875% 01/06/2022 USD 800,000 836,317 0.39 GlaxoSmithKline Capital, Inc. 3.625% 15/05/2025 USD 500,000 564,687 0.26 HSBC Holdings plc 0.45% 24/09/2021 JPY 100,000,000 926,948 0.43 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 4.292% 12/09/2026 USD 350,000 389,790 0.18 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 3.033% 22/11/2023 USD 550,000 574,897 0.27 Lloyds Banking Group plc 4.45% 08/05/2025 USD 600,000 680,867 0.31 Lloyds Banking Group plc, FRN 3.87% 09/07/2025 USD 650,000 707,954 0.33 Lloyds Banking Group plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.875% 15/01/2026 GBP 302,000 373,759 0.17 Nationwide Building Society, Reg. S 1% 24/01/2023 GBP 175,000 217,824 0.10 NGG Finance plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.625% 05/12/2079 EUR 300,000 331,711 0.15 Shell International Finance BV 3.5% 13/11/2023 USD 300,000 326,063 0.15 Shell International Finance BV 1.875% 10/05/2021 USD 100,000 101,076 0.05 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.4% 23/09/2021 USD 448,000 457,058 0.21 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.875% 23/09/2023 USD 532,000 563,810 0.26 UK Treasury, Reg. S 2.75% 07/09/2024 GBP 1,310,000 1,815,517 0.84 UK Treasury, Reg. S 4.25% 07/12/2027 GBP 1,320,000 2,149,975 1.00

12,953,759 6.00 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories 3.75% 30/11/2026 USD 124,000 144,392 0.07 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1.85% 15/05/2027 USD 96,000 100,666 0.05 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 0.5% 05/05/2028 EUR 500,000 564,977 0.26 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 2.75% 15/12/2029 USD 243,000 259,583 0.12 Altria Group, Inc. 2.35% 06/05/2025 USD 115,000 121,142 0.06 Altria Group, Inc. 1.7% 15/06/2025 EUR 1,000,000 1,156,200 0.54 Altria Group, Inc. 4.8% 14/02/2029 USD 500,000 583,258 0.27

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (230)

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Schedule of investments




American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.3% 15/07/2026 USD 402,000 412,799 0.19 Aon Corp. 2.2% 15/11/2022 USD 384,000 398,997 0.18 AT&T, Inc. 2.3% 01/06/2027 USD 275,000 284,368 0.13 Bank of America Corp. 2.625% 19/04/2021 USD 30,000 30,533 0.01 Becton Dickinson Euro Finance Sarl 1.208% 04/06/2026 EUR 750,000 846,902 0.39 Boeing Co. (The) 2.7% 01/02/2027 USD 210,000 205,270 0.09 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 535,000 580,210 0.27 Chevron Corp. 2.498% 03/03/2022 USD 40,000 41,399 0.02 Chevron Corp. 1.995% 11/05/2027 USD 185,000 193,887 0.09 Cigna Corp. 4.125% 15/11/2025 USD 280,000 322,020 0.15 CMS Energy Corp. 3.45% 15/08/2027 USD 250,000 275,012 0.13 Conagra Brands, Inc. 4.3% 01/05/2024 USD 360,000 398,334 0.18 Dominion Energy, Inc., STEP 3.071% 15/08/2024 USD 150,000 161,230 0.07 Duke Energy Corp. 3.75% 15/04/2024 USD 250,000 273,868 0.13 FirstEnergy Corp. 4.25% 15/03/2023 USD 100,000 108,203 0.05 FirstEnergy Corp. 3.9% 15/07/2027 USD 250,000 283,195 0.13 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 0.2% 02/09/2022 EUR 190,000 205,326 0.10 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 1.694% 26/03/2025 EUR 300,000 314,161 0.15 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3.5% 01/04/2025 USD 425,000 466,521 0.22 Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc., Reg. S 3.875% 19/05/2023 EUR 450,000 528,199 0.24 Home Depot, Inc. (The) 2.5% 15/04/2027 USD 425,000 466,311 0.22 JPMorgan Chase & Co. 2.4% 07/06/2021 USD 100,000 101,714 0.05 Merck & Co., Inc. 2.9% 07/03/2024 USD 120,000 129,827 0.06 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, Reg. S 0.55% 16/06/2027 EUR 670,000 757,179 0.35 Morgan Stanley 2.5% 21/04/2021 USD 100,000 101,682 0.05 Morgan Stanley 2.75% 19/05/2022 USD 70,000 72,798 0.03 NV Energy, Inc. 6.25% 15/11/2020 USD 100,000 102,163 0.05 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 750,000 735,075 0.34 3À]HU��,QF������������������ USD 265,000 286,883 0.13 Philip Morris International, Inc. 1.5% 01/05/2025 USD 560,000 574,482 0.27 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.875% 03/03/2026 EUR 200,000 250,223 0.12 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.1% 01/05/2030 USD 106,000 109,336 0.05 Public Service Enterprise Group, Inc. 2% 15/11/2021 USD 50,000 50,833 0.02 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 3.65% 16/08/2023 USD 17,000 18,413 0.01 Reynolds American, Inc. 4.45% 12/06/2025 USD 250,000 281,830 0.13 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 110,000 119,529 0.06 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2.375% 15/08/2024 USD 60,000 63,883 0.03 US Treasury 1.125% 28/02/2022 USD 4,310,000 4,379,280 2.03 US Treasury 2.875% 30/11/2023 USD 480,000 523,875 0.24 US Treasury 1.75% 30/06/2024 USD 860,000 912,272 0.42 US Treasury 1.75% 31/07/2024 USD 350,000 371,602 0.17 US Treasury 1.5% 31/10/2024 USD 2,500,000 2,634,766 1.22 US Treasury 1.75% 31/12/2024 USD 2,000,000 2,133,437 0.99 US Treasury 1.375% 31/01/2025 USD 1,740,000 1,827,884 0.85 US Treasury 1.875% 30/06/2026 USD 3,500,000 3,804,839 1.76 US Treasury 1.375% 31/08/2026 USD 1,000,000 1,057,993 0.49 US Treasury 1.5% 15/02/2030 USD 710,000 767,320 0.36

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (231)

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Schedule of investments




Walmart, Inc. 3.4% 26/06/2023 USD 566,000 615,062 0.28 Wells Fargo & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.338% 04/05/2025 EUR 810,000 927,413 0.43 Wells Fargo & Co. 2.625% 22/07/2022 USD 170,000 177,186 0.08

33,615,742 15.58

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������




Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) 2.65% 12/06/2024 USD 500,000 535,383 0.25

535,383 0.25 Denmark

Danske Bank A/S, 144A 2.8% 10/03/2021 USD 500,000 507,783 0.24

507,783 0.24 France

Societe Generale SA, Reg. S 0.448% 26/05/2022 JPY 100,000,000 922,683 0.43

922,683 0.43 Germany

Daimler Finance North America LLC, 144A 3% 22/02/2021 USD 500,000 506,092 0.23 EMD Finance LLC, 144A 3.25% 19/03/2025 USD 350,000 382,022 0.18 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 4% 12/11/2021 USD 440,000 458,267 0.21 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 4.25% 13/11/2023 USD 410,000 449,164 0.21

1,795,545 0.83 Italy

UniCredit SpA, FRN, 144A 5.861% 19/06/2032 USD 500,000 526,072 0.24

526,072 0.24 Japan

American Honda Finance Corp. 2.65% 12/02/2021 USD 750,000 759,592 0.35 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 4.4% 26/11/2023 USD 595,000 662,018 0.31 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.7% 11/01/2023 USD 330,000 346,963 0.16 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 2.9% 17/04/2024 USD 76,000 82,101 0.04

1,850,674 0.86 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 3.885% 15/08/2029 MYR 8,930,000 2,249,219 1.04 Malaysia Government Bond 3.828% 05/07/2034 MYR 2,380,000 586,196 0.27 Malaysia Government Bond 3.955% 15/09/2025 MYR 2,880,000 720,232 0.34

3,555,647 1.65 Mexico

Mexico Government Bond 0.6% 20/04/2023 JPY 200,000,000 1,820,680 0.84

1,820,680 0.84

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (232)

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Schedule of investments




PhilippinesPhilippine Government Bond, Reg. S 0.18% 15/08/2022 JPY 100,000,000 916,017 0.43

916,017 0.43 South Korea

Hyundai Capital America, Reg. S 2.75% 18/09/2020 USD 68,000 68,150 0.03 Hyundai Capital America, Reg. S 3.25% 20/09/2022 USD 50,000 51,398 0.02 Hyundai Capital America, 144A 3.25% 20/09/2022 USD 233,000 239,514 0.11 Hyundai Capital Services, Inc., 144A 3.75% 05/03/2023 USD 250,000 262,333 0.12 KT Corp. 0.22% 19/07/2022 JPY 100,000,000 917,268 0.43

1,538,663 0.71 Sweden

Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB 2.8% 11/03/2022 USD 250,000 259,913 0.12 Swedbank AB, Reg. S 2.8% 14/03/2022 USD 200,000 207,110 0.10

467,023 0.22 Thailand

Bangkok Bank PCL, Reg. S 9.025% 15/03/2029 USD 370,000 502,048 0.23

502,048 0.23 United States of America

AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 0.5% 01/06/2021 EUR 100,000 112,405 0.05, Inc. 2.8% 22/08/2024 USD 280,000 304,399 0.14, Inc. 1.2% 03/06/2027 USD 500,000 503,995 0.23 Arroyo Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2018-1 'A1', 144A 3.763% 25/04/2048 USD 424,553 437,906 0.20 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.55% 05/03/2024 USD 170,000 181,722 0.08 Bank of America Corp., FRN 2.015% 13/02/2026 USD 750,000 776,085 0.36 BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 3.15% 18/04/2024 USD 500,000 535,485 0.25 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 3.2% 15/06/2026 USD 518,000 581,795 0.27 Cascade Funding Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2018-RM2 'A', 144A 4% 25/10/2068 USD 115,070 120,331 0.06 Charter Communications Operating LLC 4.5% 01/02/2024 USD 400,000 442,854 0.20 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 3.106% 08/04/2026 USD 1,680,000 1,804,427 0.84 Comcast Corp. 3.7% 15/04/2024 USD 180,000 199,855 0.09 Comcast Corp. 3.95% 15/10/2025 USD 60,000 68,805 0.03 Comcast Corp. 2.65% 01/02/2030 USD 300,000 326,461 0.15 Costco Wholesale Corp. 1.375% 20/06/2027 USD 586,000 599,671 0.28 CPS Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2018-D 'B', 144A 3.61% 15/11/2022 USD 183,891 185,274 0.09 CPS Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-D 'C', 144A 3.01% 17/10/2022 USD 106,409 107,010 0.05 CVS Health Corp. 3.35% 09/03/2021 USD 229,000 233,559 0.11 DT Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-3A 'A', 144A 3.02% 15/02/2022 USD 1,972 1,976 – Exelon Corp. 2.45% 15/04/2021 USD 100,000 101,391 0.05 Exelon Corp. 3.497% 01/06/2022 USD 50,000 52,209 0.02 FHLMC, Series K733 'A2' 3.75% 25/08/2025 USD 1,250,000 1,413,538 0.65 FHLMC Q44363 4.5% 01/11/2046 USD 517,607 564,102 0.26 Fiserv, Inc. 3.2% 01/07/2026 USD 500,000 553,850 0.26 Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-1 'A', 144A 3.19% 15/07/2031 USD 445,000 477,268 0.22

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (233)

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Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Ford Credit Auto Owner Trust, Series 2018-2 'A', 144A 3.47% 15/01/2030 USD 460,000 487,385 0.23 Galton Funding Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2018-2 'A42', 144A 4% 25/10/2058 USD 97,060 98,732 0.05 GNMA MA4511 4% 20/06/2047 USD 855,713 919,767 0.43 GNMA MA6040 4% 20/07/2049 USD 612,555 649,512 0.30 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), FRN 2.905% 24/07/2023 USD 250,000 259,930 0.12 Homeward Opportunities Fund I Trust, FRN, Series 2018-1 'A1', 144A 3.766% 25/06/2048 USD 47,838 49,218 0.02 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 2.005% 13/03/2026 USD 500,000 518,402 0.24 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.417% 25/05/2025 USD 329,000 379,598 0.18 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 144A 2.4% 17/06/2022 USD 235,000 243,763 0.11 Mill City Mortgage Loan Trust, FRN, Series 2017-2 'A1', 144A 2.75% 25/07/2059 USD 1,320,954 1,358,930 0.63 Morgan Stanley, FRN 2.72% 22/07/2025 USD 500,000 531,214 0.25 Nationstar HECM Loan Trust, FRN, Series 2018-3A 'A', 144A 3.555% 25/11/2028 USD 50,193 50,313 0.02 Nestle Holdings, Inc., 144A 3.35% 24/09/2023 USD 170,000 184,890 0.09 New York Life Global Funding, 144A 2% 13/04/2021 USD 410,000 415,520 0.19 New York Life Global Funding, Reg. S 2% 13/04/2021 USD 100,000 101,346 0.05 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. 2.403% 01/09/2021 USD 500,000 511,424 0.24 Oncor Electric Delivery Co. LLC 2.75% 01/06/2024 USD 250,000 270,732 0.12 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 1.35% 01/06/2023 USD 380,000 388,181 0.18 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 1.65% 01/06/2025 USD 266,000 275,655 0.13 PNC Financial Services Group, Inc. (The), STEP 2.854% 09/11/2022 USD 100,000 105,376 0.05 Public Service Co. of Colorado 2.25% 15/09/2022 USD 100,000 102,762 0.05 Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2016-3 'C' 2.46% 15/03/2022 USD 8,144 8,154 – Santander Drive Auto Receivables Trust, Series 2017-1 'C' 2.58% 16/05/2022 USD 1,487 1,489 – Sequoia Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2018-CH1 'A1', 144A 4% 25/02/2048 USD 205,681 211,149 0.10 Southern California Gas Co. 2.55% 01/02/2030 USD 750,000 809,035 0.37 Starwood Mortgage Residential Trust, FRN, Series 2018-IMC1 'A1', 144A 3.793% 25/03/2048 USD 964 979 – Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2016-2 'A1', 144A 3% 25/08/2055 USD 500,541 513,893 0.24 Towd Point Mortgage Trust, FRN, Series 2017-5 'A1', 144A 0.768% 25/02/2057 USD 473,142 470,075 0.22 UMBS CA4534 3% 01/11/2049 USD 1,263,185 1,350,417 0.63 UMBS CA5333 3% 01/03/2050 USD 1,474,324 1,571,774 0.73 UMBS MA3496 4.5% 01/10/2048 USD 111,705 120,055 0.06 UMBS MA3955 2.5% 01/03/2035 USD 619,106 648,847 0.30 UMBS ZT1344 3% 01/11/2033 USD 297,951 313,330 0.14 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 210,000 215,219 0.10 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 2.406% 30/10/2025 USD 90,000 93,748 0.04 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 2.164% 11/02/2026 USD 500,000 516,385 0.24 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 2.188% 30/04/2026 USD 500,000 517,576 0.24

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (234)

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Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




World Financial Network Credit Card Master Trust, Series 2018-B 'A' 3.46% 15/07/2025 USD 470,000 484,202 0.22

26,435,350 12.25

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������




Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 2.9% 13/05/2022 USD 950,000 981,566 0.45 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 2.85% 26/09/2024 USD 281,000 296,011 0.14

1,277,577 0.59 Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, 144A 3.25% 23/09/2024 USD 500,000 511,217 0.24

511,217 0.24 South Korea

Hyundai Capital America, 144A 5.75% 06/04/2023 USD 630,000 688,361 0.32

688,361 0.32 United States of America

AbbVie, Inc., 144A 2.6% 21/11/2024 USD 500,000 532,766 0.25 AbbVie, Inc., 144A 2.95% 21/11/2026 USD 361,000 395,351 0.18 AbbVie, Inc., 144A 3.2% 21/11/2029 USD 160,000 178,648 0.08 AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 3.8% 15/03/2025 USD 189,000 210,338 0.10 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 3.875% 15/08/2025 USD 350,000 398,423 0.19 New York Life Global Funding, 144A 2% 22/01/2025 USD 620,000 651,941 0.30

2,367,467 1.10

7RWDO�%RQGV ��������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 16,234,083 16,234,083 7.52

16,234,083 7.52

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ���������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����


7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (235)

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Schedule of investments








United States of America GNMA, 2.50%, 15/08/2050 USD 3,500,000 3,675,547 32,266 1.70

United States of America UMBS, 3.00%, 25/07/2035 USD 4,470,519 4,698,061 (12,714) 2.18 United States of America UMBS, 2.00%, 25/08/2035 USD 4,750,000 4,905,488 27,871 2.27 United States of America UMBS, 2.50%, 25/08/2035 USD 754,000 788,048 (442) 0.37 United States of America UMBS, 4.00%, 25/07/2050 USD 292,000 309,417 (1,494) 0.14 United States of America UMBS, 4.50%, 25/07/2050 USD 112,000 120,356 (516) 0.06 United States of America UMBS, 3.00%, 25/08/2050 USD 3,000,000 3,154,467 3,989 1.46 United States of America UMBS, 3.50%, 25/08/2050 USD 4,624,000 4,863,560 (8,153) 2.25 United States of America UMBS, 2.50%, 25/09/2050 USD 2,900,000 3,010,259 13,552 1.40

7RWDO�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV�/RQJ�3RVLWLRQV ���������� ����������� ��������

1HW�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�&RQWUDFWV� ���������� ����������� ��������







3,300,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


29/08/2024 62,122 62,122 0.03

3,275,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


03/03/2025 54,565 54,565 0.02


1HW�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ������� ������� �������








Euro-Bobl, 08/09/2020 1 EUR 151,650 718 –

Euro-Bund, 08/09/2020 1 EUR 198,320 2,156 – Euro-Schatz, 08/09/2020 1 EUR 125,989 106 – US 2 Year Note, 30/09/2020 1 USD 220,828 69 – US 5 Year Note, 30/09/2020 61 USD 7,670,274 20,653 0.01

US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 6 USD 1,308,938 4,700 –


US 10 Year Note, 21/09/2020 (45) USD (6,262,735) (99,254) (0.04) US 10 Year Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 (22) USD (3,464,656) (36,781) (0.02)



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (236)

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Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







USD 555,549 MYR 2,370,000 06/07/2020 Standard Chartered

2,571 –

USD 692,498 DKK 4,550,000 09/07/2020 Standard Chartered

6,399 –

USD 21,280,957 EUR 18,784,000 09/07/2020 HSBC 174,128 0.08 USD 272,439 JPY 29,333,000 09/07/2020 HSBC 755 – USD 297,780 MXN 6,500,000 09/07/2020 Standard

Chartered15,230 0.01

USD 5,410,083 CAD 7,250,000 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 69,597 0.03 USD 750,403 COP 2,744,000,000 13/07/2020 Barclays 20,941 0.01 USD 2,814,596 DKK 18,530,000 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 20,188 0.01 USD 2,714,790 EUR 2,400,000 13/07/2020 Citibank 17,747 0.01 USD 2,294,956 EUR 2,020,000 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 24,945 0.01 USD 5,847,373 GBP 4,600,000 13/07/2020 Citibank 147,115 0.07 USD 1,466,382 GBP 1,155,000 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 35,122 0.02 USD 552,368 GBP 440,000 13/07/2020 Standard

Chartered7,126 –

USD 858,051 MXN 18,630,000 13/07/2020 Citibank 48,699 0.02 USD 1,084,368 MXN 23,800,000 13/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 50,414 0.03 USD 345,669 IDR 4,900,890,000 16/07/2020 UBS 3,155 – USD 5,552,866 JPY 596,080,000 16/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 31,384 0.02 USD 528,716 MXN 11,970,000 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 9,006 0.01 USD 762,698 AUD 1,100,000 20/07/2020 Standard

Chartered3,503 –

USD 1,138,646 EUR 1,010,000 20/07/2020 BNY Mellon 3,450 – USD 960,080 JPY 103,100,000 20/07/2020 Citibank 5,012 – USD 372,279 GBP 300,000 22/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 498 – USD 8,330,969 JPY 889,545,000 22/07/2020 BNY Mellon 90,425 0.04 USD 705,704 MYR 3,025,000 22/07/2020 Standard

Chartered380 –

USD 191,508 NOK 1,825,000 22/07/2020 Citibank 1,887 – USD 37,697 MXN 855,000 23/07/2020 Bank of America 608 – USD 3,176,105 MXN 72,150,000 23/07/2020 Standard

Chartered46,304 0.02


-3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 3,261,402 JPY 349,000,000 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 28,573 0.01 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�1$9�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVHV�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ������ �������


USD 659,481 EUR 599,000 08/07/2020 Bank of America (13,578) (0.01) USD 1,605,788 EUR 1,460,000 08/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (34,722) (0.02) EUR 1,180,000 USD 1,340,362 09/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (14,443) (0.01) USD 1,662,903 AUD 2,475,000 09/07/2020 UBS (45,169) (0.02) USD 7,360,156 CNH 52,430,000 09/07/2020 HSBC (52,330) (0.02) USD 2,602,688 CNH 18,650,000 09/07/2020 UBS (34,026) (0.02) USD 12,058,398 EUR 10,837,000 09/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(118,705) (0.05)

USD 4,368,007 AUD 6,371,000 10/07/2020 Standard Chartered

(28,839) (0.01)

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (237)

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Schedule of investments







USD 1,351,206 KRW 1,644,580,000 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (16,081) (0.01) USD 1,382,561 SEK 12,900,000 16/07/2020 Bank of America (2,062) – USD 843,216 CAD 1,145,000 22/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (234) – USD 1,152,893 CNH 8,175,000 22/07/2020 HSBC (2,035) – MXN 69,160,000 USD 3,000,551 23/07/2020 Citibank (453) – USD 2,384,295 GBP 1,925,000 23/07/2020 BNY Mellon (1,314) – USD 364,835 PLN 1,450,000 23/07/2020 Bank of America (1,695) – USD 394,575 INR 30,200,000 27/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (4,407) – 8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� ��������

*%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 10,850,884 USD 13,589,897 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (143,231) (0.07) -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVJPY 12,682,485,985 USD 118,168,982 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (689,592) (0.32)





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (238)

234 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020






BHP Billiton Finance Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.75% 22/04/2076 EUR 600,000 612,325 0.07 BHP Billiton Finance Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 5.625% 22/10/2079 EUR 600,000 696,916 0.08 Scentre Group Trust 1, REIT, Reg. S 1.75% 11/04/2028 EUR 500,000 493,740 0.06 Scentre Group Trust 1, REIT, Reg. S 2.25% 16/07/2024 EUR 600,000 619,108 0.07

2,422,089 0.28 Austria

Austria Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0% 15/07/2024 EUR 2,320,000 2,373,399 0.28

2,373,399 0.28 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Reg. S 1.15% 22/01/2027 EUR 250,000 256,260 0.03 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Reg. S 0.875% 17/03/2022 EUR 550,000 557,088 0.07 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 2.6% 22/06/2024 EUR 3,870,000 4,360,058 0.51 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 22/06/2027 EUR 7,655,000 8,268,089 0.97 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0% 22/10/2027 EUR 37,900,000 38,734,596 4.56 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 22/06/2028 EUR 7,425,000 8,073,819 0.95 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.7% 22/06/2050 EUR 2,000,000 2,602,986 0.31 Belgium Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.2% 22/10/2023 EUR 8,120,000 8,332,744 0.98 Elia Transmission Belgium SA, Reg. S 1.375% 14/01/2026 EUR 200,000 210,832 0.03 Euroclear Bank SA, Reg. S 0.5% 10/07/2023 EUR 840,000 852,016 0.10 Euroclear Bank SA, Reg. S 0.125% 07/07/2025 EUR 240,000 238,831 0.03 KBC Group NV, Reg. S 0.75% 24/01/2030 EUR 1,200,000 1,206,347 0.14

73,693,666 8.68 China

State Grid Europe Development 2014 plc, Reg. S 1.5% 26/01/2022 EUR 550,000 558,426 0.07

558,426 0.07 Denmark

Nykredit Realkredit A/S, Reg. S 0.5% 01/10/2040 DKK 108,281,584 14,316,230 1.69

14,316,230 1.69

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (239)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




EstoniaEstonia Government Bond, Reg. S 0.125% 10/06/2030 EUR 650,000 651,937 0.08

651,937 0.08 France

Airbus SE, Reg. S 2.375% 09/06/2040 EUR 230,000 238,772 0.03 AXA SA, Reg. S 1.125% 15/05/2028 EUR 500,000 542,319 0.06 BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 0.5% 15/07/2025 EUR 1,200,000 1,189,878 0.14 BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 0.5% 19/02/2028 EUR 2,700,000 2,631,088 0.31 BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% 14/10/2027 EUR 100,000 102,221 0.01 BPCE SA, Reg. S 0.875% 31/01/2024 EUR 800,000 808,835 0.10 BPCE SA, Reg. S 1% 01/04/2025 EUR 1,600,000 1,623,518 0.19 Cie de Saint-Gobain, Reg. S 1.875% 21/09/2028 EUR 200,000 215,723 0.03 Credit Agricole Assurances SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% 29/01/2048 EUR 500,000 506,736 0.06 Credit Agricole SA, Reg. S 0.5% 24/06/2024 EUR 3,800,000 3,796,177 0.45 Engie SA, Reg. S 0.875% 27/03/2024 EUR 600,000 616,939 0.07 Engie SA, Reg. S 0.875% 19/09/2025 EUR 200,000 206,304 0.02 Engie SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% Perpetual EUR 300,000 314,783 0.04 Euronext NV, Reg. S 1% 18/04/2025 EUR 500,000 513,847 0.06 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S, 144A 0.5% 25/05/2040 EUR 15,010,000 15,474,334 1.82 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S, 144A 0.75% 25/05/2052 EUR 2,880,000 3,003,111 0.35 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S, 144A 1.75% 25/05/2066 EUR 1,780,000 2,540,665 0.30 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 0% 25/05/2021 EUR 15,160,000 15,240,454 1.80 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 0.5% 25/05/2025 EUR 17,370,000 18,266,987 2.15 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 1% 25/05/2027 EUR 7,220,000 7,915,705 0.93 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 0% 25/11/2029 EUR 14,760,000 15,030,580 1.77 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 1.25% 25/05/2034 EUR 1,100,000 1,279,445 0.15 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S 0.1% 01/03/2029 EUR 13,700,000 15,109,779 1.78 France Government Bond OAT, Reg. S, 144A 2% 25/05/2048 EUR 1,550,000 2,146,728 0.25 Klepierre SA, REIT, Reg. S 2% 12/05/2029 EUR 400,000 418,407 0.05 Klepierre SA, REIT, Reg. S 1.25% 29/09/2031 EUR 300,000 291,642 0.03 Orange SA, Reg. S 1.25% 07/07/2027 EUR 300,000 315,649 0.04 Orange SA, Reg. S 2% 15/01/2029 EUR 300,000 335,654 0.04 Pernod Ricard SA, Reg. S 1.125% 07/04/2025 EUR 800,000 826,591 0.10 Peugeot SA, Reg. S 2% 23/03/2024 EUR 600,000 608,462 0.07 Peugeot SA, Reg. S 2.75% 15/05/2026 EUR 1,400,000 1,423,961 0.17 RCI Banque SA, Reg. S 0.75% 10/04/2023 EUR 340,000 330,861 0.04 RCI Banque SA, Reg. S 1.75% 10/04/2026 EUR 500,000 495,732 0.06 RCI Banque SA, Reg. S 2.25% 29/03/2021 EUR 190,000 190,506 0.02 RCI Banque SA, Reg. S 1.25% 08/06/2022 EUR 425,000 420,899 0.05 Renault SA, Reg. S 1% 18/04/2024 EUR 700,000 652,371 0.08 Renault SA, Reg. S 1.25% 24/06/2025 EUR 300,000 274,524 0.03 RTE Reseau de Transport d'Electricite SADIR, Reg. S 2.125% 27/09/2038 EUR 200,000 243,727 0.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (240)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




RTE Reseau de Transport d'Electricite SADIR, Reg. S 1.125% 09/09/2049 EUR 500,000 499,784 0.06 6DQRÀ��5HJ��6�������������� EUR 400,000 421,958 0.05 6DQRÀ��5HJ��6���������������� EUR 600,000 615,547 0.07 SNCF Reseau, Reg. S 1.875% 30/03/2034 EUR 800,000 961,623 0.11 Suez SA, Reg. S 1.5% 03/04/2029 EUR 500,000 539,352 0.06 Suez SA, Reg. S 1.625% 21/09/2032 EUR 600,000 657,241 0.08 Suez SA, Reg. S, FRN 1.625% Perpetual EUR 300,000 281,922 0.03 Total Capital International SA, Reg. S 1.535% 31/05/2039 EUR 500,000 524,390 0.06 TOTAL SA, Reg. S, FRN 1.75% Perpetual EUR 1,000,000 988,750 0.12 TOTAL SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% Perpetual EUR 500,000 511,758 0.06 8QLEDLO�5RGDPFR�:HVWÀHOG�6(��5(,7��5HJ��6������22/02/2028 EUR 400,000 398,176 0.05 Veolia Environnement SA, Reg. S 0.664% 15/01/2031 EUR 900,000 891,527 0.11 Veolia Environnement SA, Reg. S 0.314% 04/10/2023 EUR 1,300,000 1,306,137 0.15 Veolia Environnement SA, Reg. S 0.927% 04/01/2029 EUR 800,000 822,430 0.10 Vinci SA, Reg. S 1.625% 18/01/2029 EUR 1,000,000 1,096,862 0.13

126,661,371 14.92 Germany

Allianz Finance II BV, FRN 5.75% 08/07/2041 EUR 500,000 523,410 0.06 Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 0.25% 06/06/2023 EUR 1,000,000 1,009,880 0.12 Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 0% 14/01/2025 EUR 1,000,000 1,002,491 0.12 Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 0.875% 15/01/2026 EUR 1,200,000 1,254,795 0.15 Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 1.5% 15/01/2030 EUR 700,000 780,425 0.09 Allianz SE, Reg. S, FRN 4.75% Perpetual EUR 1,600,000 1,760,842 0.21 BASF SE, Reg. S 0.875% 15/11/2027 EUR 750,000 790,692 0.09 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 0.5% 22/11/2022 EUR 2,225,000 2,240,909 0.26 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 1% 14/11/2024 EUR 800,000 821,054 0.10 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 1% 29/08/2025 EUR 750,000 773,816 0.09 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 0.375% 14/01/2027 EUR 780,000 770,769 0.09 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0.5% 15/02/2025 EUR 2,740,000 2,897,619 0.34 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0.25% 15/02/2029 EUR 28,380,000 30,432,271 3.59 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0% 15/02/2030 EUR 34,245,000 35,929,169 4.23 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0% 15/05/2035 EUR 3,520,000 3,661,050 0.43 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0% 15/08/2050 EUR 13,890,000 13,939,726 1.64 Bundesrepublik Deutschland, Reg. S 0.25% 15/02/2027 EUR 5,615,000 5,965,730 0.70 Daimler AG, Reg. S 1.625% 22/08/2023 EUR 500,000 511,383 0.06 Daimler AG, Reg. S 2.625% 07/04/2025 EUR 1,490,000 1,588,474 0.19 Daimler AG, Reg. S 1% 15/11/2027 EUR 500,000 485,185 0.06 Deutsche Bahn Finance GMBH, Reg. S 1.125% 18/12/2028 EUR 700,000 752,084 0.09 Deutsche Boerse AG, Reg. S 1.125% 26/03/2028 EUR 750,000 808,860 0.10 'HXWVFKH�%XQGHVUHSXEOLN�,QÁDWLRQ�/LQNHG�%RQG��5HJ��S 0.5% 15/04/2030 EUR 15,225,000 18,917,660 2.23

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (241)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




'HXWVFKH�%XQGHVUHSXEOLN�,QÁDWLRQ�/LQNHG�%RQG��5HJ��S 0.1% 15/04/2026 EUR 4,175,000 4,718,174 0.56 Deutsche Telekom AG, Reg. S 1.75% 25/03/2031 EUR 500,000 543,559 0.06 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, Reg. S 1.375% 01/12/2025 EUR 1,824,000 1,929,234 0.23 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, Reg. S 2% 01/12/2029 EUR 815,000 909,243 0.11 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0% 18/12/2023 EUR 1,250,000 1,239,794 0.15 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0% 28/08/2024 EUR 580,000 573,802 0.07 E.ON SE, Reg. S 1% 07/10/2025 EUR 100,000 103,626 0.01 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.375% 29/09/2027 EUR 1,060,000 1,057,832 0.12 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.35% 28/02/2030 EUR 190,000 184,245 0.02 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.75% 18/12/2030 EUR 1,060,000 1,066,078 0.13 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.625% 07/11/2031 EUR 730,000 716,973 0.08 Hannover Rueck SE, Reg. S, FRN 0% 08/10/2040 EUR 3,300,000 3,298,350 0.39 HeidelbergCement Finance Luxembourg SA, Reg. S 1.625% 07/04/2026 EUR 600,000 614,159 0.07 Henkel AG & Co. KGaA, Reg. S 0% 13/09/2021 EUR 710,000 710,819 0.08 Kreditanstalt fuer Wiederaufbau, Reg. S 0.01% 31/03/2025 EUR 6,840,000 7,017,826 0.83 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 0.125% 16/07/2025 EUR 500,000 497,995 0.06 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 0.5% 16/07/2028 EUR 1,300,000 1,305,711 0.15 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 1.375% 01/09/2022 EUR 500,000 512,143 0.06 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Reg. S, FRN 6.25% 26/05/2042 EUR 400,000 440,129 0.05 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% 26/05/2049 EUR 500,000 572,077 0.07 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.375% 06/09/2023 EUR 500,000 505,962 0.06 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.3% 28/02/2024 EUR 900,000 910,058 0.11 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.25% 05/06/2024 EUR 600,000 603,698 0.07 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.25% 20/02/2029 EUR 900,000 889,404 0.10 Volkswagen Bank GmbH, Reg. S 1.25% 10/06/2024 EUR 500,000 500,321 0.06 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH, Reg. S 0.5% 20/06/2022 EUR 460,000 455,315 0.05 Volkswagen Leasing GmbH, Reg. S 1.125% 04/04/2024 EUR 1,100,000 1,096,437 0.13

160,591,258 18.92 Greece

Greece Government Bond 0% 04/12/2020 EUR 10,215,000 10,209,892 1.20 Greece Government Bond 0% 11/06/2021 EUR 2,085,000 2,089,858 0.25 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 3.375% 15/02/2025 EUR 5,140,000 5,783,881 0.68 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 2% 22/04/2027 EUR 3,905,000 4,183,544 0.49 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 3.875% 12/03/2029 EUR 3,410,000 4,179,316 0.49

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (242)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Schedule of investments




Greece Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.5% 18/06/2030 EUR 12,205,000 12,547,732 1.48 Greece Government Bond, Reg. S 3.5% 30/01/2023 EUR 2,520,000 2,724,702 0.32

41,718,925 4.91 Ireland

Abbott Ireland Financing DAC, Reg. S 0.875% 27/09/2023 EUR 2,100,000 2,149,652 0.25 Abbott Ireland Financing DAC, Reg. S 0.1% 19/11/2024 EUR 1,350,000 1,343,776 0.16 Abbott Ireland Financing DAC, Reg. S 0.375% 19/11/2027 EUR 1,350,000 1,350,024 0.16 CRH Finance DAC, Reg. S 3.125% 03/04/2023 EUR 1,500,000 1,612,973 0.19 CRH Funding BV, Reg. S 1.875% 09/01/2024 EUR 450,000 472,505 0.06 Ireland Government Bond, Reg. S 0.2% 15/05/2027 EUR 5,440,000 5,602,765 0.66 Ireland Government Bond, Reg. S 0.9% 15/05/2028 EUR 4,415,000 4,795,484 0.56 Ireland Government Bond, Reg. S 0.2% 18/10/2030 EUR 11,240,000 11,482,009 1.35 Zurich Finance Ireland Designated Activity Co., Reg. S 1.625% 17/06/2039 EUR 500,000 555,962 0.07 Zurich Finance Ireland Designated Activity Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.875% 17/09/2050 EUR 3,100,000 3,099,318 0.36 Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd., Reg. S 1.75% 16/09/2024 EUR 1,800,000 1,916,066 0.23 Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd., Reg. S 1.5% 15/12/2028 EUR 1,500,000 1,608,475 0.19

35,989,009 4.24 Israel

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands II BV, Reg. S 0.375% 25/07/2020 EUR 456,353 455,312 0.05 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands II BV, Reg. S 1.125% 15/10/2024 EUR 1,700,000 1,494,467 0.18

1,949,779 0.23 Italy

Buzzi Unicem SpA, Reg. S 2.125% 28/04/2023 EUR 500,000 518,994 0.06 Enel SpA, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 24/11/2078 EUR 600,000 602,712 0.07 Eni SpA, Reg. S 0.75% 17/05/2022 EUR 1,200,000 1,209,948 0.14 FCA Bank SpA, Reg. S 1% 21/02/2022 EUR 390,000 388,027 0.05 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, Reg. S 1% 19/11/2026 EUR 3,800,000 3,722,389 0.44 Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, Reg. S 6.625% 13/09/2023 EUR 1,575,000 1,794,434 0.21 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 0.85% 15/01/2027 EUR 34,660,000 34,543,438 4.07 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 1.65% 01/12/2030 EUR 12,718,000 13,130,763 1.55 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 3.35% 01/03/2035 EUR 455,000 554,614 0.06 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 1.45% 01/03/2036 EUR 4,640,000 4,503,501 0.53 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S, 144A 3.85% 01/09/2049 EUR 2,890,000 3,909,023 0.46 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S 3% 01/08/2029 EUR 285,000 330,006 0.04 Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S 1.35% 01/04/2030 EUR 850,000 860,600 0.10

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (243)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Italy Buoni Poliennali Del Tesoro, Reg. S 0.1% 15/05/2023 EUR 20,125,000 20,592,620 2.43 Snam SpA, Reg. S 0.875% 25/10/2026 EUR 1,525,000 1,570,276 0.18 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA, Reg. S 1% 23/07/2023 EUR 375,000 383,109 0.04 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA, Reg. S 1% 11/10/2028 EUR 400,000 413,813 0.05 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 4.375% 03/01/2027 EUR 4,400,000 4,512,103 0.53 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 4.875% 20/02/2029 EUR 1,525,000 1,579,874 0.19 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 2.731% 15/01/2032 EUR 2,125,000 1,929,075 0.23

97,049,319 11.43 Japan

American Honda Finance Corp. 1.6% 20/04/2022 EUR 840,000 857,475 0.10 American Honda Finance Corp. 1.95% 18/10/2024 EUR 660,000 696,524 0.08 American Honda Finance Corp. 1.375% 10/11/2022 EUR 300,000 306,249 0.04 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 0.75% 09/07/2027 EUR 1,071,000 1,078,749 0.13 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1% 09/07/2029 EUR 1,260,000 1,264,612 0.15 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 1.375% 09/07/2032 EUR 746,000 753,508 0.09 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 2% 09/07/2040 EUR 1,496,000 1,497,249 0.18 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Reg. S 2.25% 21/11/2026 EUR 375,000 411,189 0.05 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Reg. S 3% 21/11/2030 EUR 800,000 940,220 0.11 Toyota Finance Australia Ltd., Reg. S 1.584% 21/04/2022 EUR 625,000 640,534 0.07 Toyota Finance Australia Ltd., Reg. S 0.5% 06/04/2023 EUR 500,000 502,945 0.06 Toyota Motor Credit Corp., Reg. S 0.25% 16/07/2026 EUR 3,005,000 2,958,236 0.35 Toyota Motor Credit Corp., Reg. S 0.75% 21/07/2022 EUR 1,200,000 1,213,363 0.14

13,120,853 1.55 Lithuania

Lithuania Government Bond, Reg. S 0.75% 06/05/2030 EUR 1,190,000 1,267,000 0.15

1,267,000 0.15 Luxembourg

DH Europe Finance II Sarl 0.45% 18/03/2028 EUR 175,000 171,235 0.02

171,235 0.02 Netherlands

BAT Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 2.375% 07/10/2024 EUR 820,000 867,653 0.10 BAT Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 3.125% 07/04/2028 EUR 1,380,000 1,529,128 0.18 Conti-Gummi Finance BV, Reg. S 1.125% 25/09/2024 EUR 2,380,000 2,376,763 0.28 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, Reg. S 3.875% 25/07/2023 EUR 1,085,000 1,194,421 0.14 Cooperatieve Rabobank UA, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 26/05/2026 EUR 1,200,000 1,213,764 0.14 Enel Finance International NV, Reg. S 1.125% 16/09/2026 EUR 700,000 735,588 0.09 Heineken NV, Reg. S 1.625% 30/03/2025 EUR 300,000 317,974 0.04

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (244)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




ING Bank NV, Reg. S 0% 08/04/2022 EUR 1,200,000 1,197,670 0.14 ING Bank NV, Reg. S, FRN 3.625% 25/02/2026 EUR 560,000 569,200 0.07 innogy Finance BV, Reg. S 0.75% 30/11/2022 EUR 210,000 212,429 0.03 Netherlands Government Bond 5.5% 15/01/2028 EUR 370,000 538,820 0.06 Schlumberger Finance BV, Reg. S 0.25% 15/10/2027 EUR 500,000 472,867 0.06 Upjohn Finance BV, Reg. S 1.023% 23/06/2024 EUR 710,000 715,192 0.08 Upjohn Finance BV, Reg. S 1.362% 23/06/2027 EUR 710,000 716,143 0.08 Upjohn Finance BV, Reg. S 1.908% 23/06/2032 EUR 2,205,000 2,240,679 0.26

14,898,291 1.75 Norway

Equinor ASA, Reg. S 1.25% 17/02/2027 EUR 775,000 820,924 0.10 Equinor ASA, Reg. S 1.375% 22/05/2032 EUR 1,030,000 1,097,134 0.13 Norway Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 3.75% 25/05/2021 NOK 41,311,000 3,946,134 0.46

5,864,192 0.69 Portugal

EDP - Energias de Portugal SA, Reg. S 1.625% 15/04/2027 EUR 500,000 531,149 0.06 EDP Finance BV, Reg. S 2% 22/04/2025 EUR 300,000 322,223 0.04 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 0.7% 15/10/2027 EUR 16,450,000 17,068,092 2.01 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 1.95% 15/06/2029 EUR 1,510,000 1,720,342 0.20 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 0.475% 18/10/2030 EUR 2,490,000 2,491,593 0.29 Portugal Obrigacoes do Tesouro OT, Reg. S, 144A 2.875% 21/07/2026 EUR 2,410,000 2,832,823 0.34

24,966,222 2.94 Romania

Romania Government Bond, 144A 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 2,925,000 3,357,373 0.39 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 5,495,000 5,943,282 0.70 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 29/10/2035 EUR 1,915,000 2,071,724 0.24 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.375% 08/02/2038 EUR 1,235,000 1,261,670 0.15 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.125% 11/03/2039 EUR 750,000 829,560 0.10 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 720,000 826,430 0.10

14,290,039 1.68 Russian Federation

Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 2.875% 04/12/2025 EUR 1,100,000 1,214,180 0.14

1,214,180 0.14 Serbia

Serbia Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 7,990,000 8,379,912 0.99

8,379,912 0.99

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (245)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




SpainCaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.25% 17/04/2030 EUR 3,000,000 2,958,755 0.35 CaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% 15/02/2027 EUR 1,500,000 1,532,836 0.18 Iberdrola Finanzas SA, Reg. S 1% 07/03/2024 EUR 300,000 308,652 0.04 Iberdrola International BV, Reg. S, FRN 1.875% Perpetual EUR 1,000,000 1,000,854 0.12 Iberdrola International BV, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% Perpetual EUR 500,000 515,856 0.06 Red Electrica Financiaciones SAU, Reg. S 0.375% 24/07/2028 EUR 1,200,000 1,211,817 0.14 Red Electrica Financiaciones SAU, Reg. S 3.875% 25/01/2022 EUR 800,000 848,092 0.10 Red Electrica Financiaciones SAU, Reg. S 1.125% 24/04/2025 EUR 1,500,000 1,578,738 0.19 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.25% 30/07/2024 EUR 880,000 896,965 0.10 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.8% 30/07/2027 EUR 8,170,000 8,543,334 1.01 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.4% 30/04/2028 EUR 3,385,000 3,699,450 0.44 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.4% 30/07/2028 EUR 1,325,000 1,449,598 0.17 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.45% 30/04/2029 EUR 3,540,000 3,890,460 0.46 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 0.5% 30/04/2030 EUR 2,500,000 2,524,562 0.30 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.25% 31/10/2030 EUR 20,709,000 22,344,058 2.63 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 2.7% 31/10/2048 EUR 2,480,000 3,352,101 0.39 Spain Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 1.45% 31/10/2027 EUR 11,610,000 12,695,094 1.49 Telefonica Europe BV, Reg. S, FRN 3% Perpetual EUR 500,000 490,000 0.06

69,841,222 8.23 Supra National

European Financial Stability Facility, Reg. S 0.2% 28/04/2025 EUR 2,760,000 2,855,635 0.34 European Financial Stability Facility, Reg. S 0.05% 17/10/2029 EUR 990,000 1,025,523 0.12 European Investment Bank 0% 17/06/2027 EUR 2,870,000 2,971,871 0.35 European Investment Bank, Reg. S 0% 13/03/2026 EUR 3,710,000 3,827,707 0.45 European Investment Bank, Reg. S 0.01% 15/11/2035 EUR 870,000 875,738 0.10

11,556,474 1.36 Sweden

Svenska Handelsbanken AB, Reg. S 1% 15/04/2025 EUR 760,000 792,500 0.09 Swedbank AB, Reg. S 0.3% 06/09/2022 EUR 900,000 902,898 0.11 Swedbank AB, Reg. S, FRN 1% 22/11/2027 EUR 3,490,000 3,453,392 0.41

5,148,790 0.61

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (246)

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Schedule of investments




SwitzerlandCredit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% 02/04/2026 EUR 850,000 942,715 0.11 Credit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 1% 24/06/2027 EUR 1,930,000 1,933,509 0.23 Holcim Finance Luxembourg SA, Reg. S 0.5% 29/11/2026 EUR 1,250,000 1,232,547 0.14 Novartis Finance SA, Reg. S 0.5% 14/08/2023 EUR 300,000 305,262 0.04 Novartis Finance SA, Reg. S 0.125% 20/09/2023 EUR 1,020,000 1,029,078 0.12

5,443,111 0.64 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 20/06/2026 EUR 2,325,000 2,369,756 0.28

2,369,756 0.28 United Kingdom

Anglo American Capital plc, Reg. S 1.625% 11/03/2026 EUR 700,000 696,262 0.08 BAT International Finance plc, Reg. S 2.75% 25/03/2025 EUR 850,000 921,181 0.11 BAT International Finance plc, Reg. S 2.25% 16/01/2030 EUR 900,000 933,805 0.11 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 1.876% 07/04/2024 EUR 660,000 693,645 0.08 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 1.573% 16/02/2027 EUR 775,000 807,557 0.09 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.519% 07/04/2028 EUR 660,000 727,455 0.09 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.822% 07/04/2032 EUR 660,000 759,231 0.09 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.177% 28/09/2021 EUR 1,400,000 1,434,115 0.17 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc, Reg. S 1.375% 02/12/2024 EUR 700,000 738,618 0.09 Heathrow Funding Ltd., Reg. S 1.875% 12/07/2032 EUR 600,000 612,895 0.07 HSBC Holdings plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.5% 04/12/2024 EUR 2,465,000 2,555,630 0.30 Imperial Brands Finance plc, Reg. S 2.25% 26/02/2021 EUR 1,350,000 1,359,373 0.16 Lloyds Banking Group plc, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% 01/04/2026 EUR 330,000 366,199 0.04 Lloyds Banking Group plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.75% 07/09/2028 EUR 2,500,000 2,496,052 0.29 NatWest Markets plc, Reg. S 2.75% 02/04/2025 EUR 4,170,000 4,471,195 0.53 NGG Finance plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.625% 05/12/2079 EUR 250,000 246,040 0.03 NGG Finance plc, Reg. S, FRN 2.125% 05/09/2082 EUR 250,000 246,260 0.03 Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, Reg. S, FRN 2% 04/03/2025 EUR 1,900,000 1,961,874 0.23 Shell International Finance BV, Reg. S 0.75% 15/08/2028 EUR 800,000 818,159 0.10 SSE plc, Reg. S 1.25% 16/04/2025 EUR 2,210,000 2,280,718 0.27 SSE plc, Reg. S 1.75% 16/04/2030 EUR 1,300,000 1,362,500 0.16 SSE plc, Reg. S, FRN 2.375% Perpetual EUR 700,000 698,702 0.08 Standard Chartered plc, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 09/09/2030 EUR 1,910,000 1,941,489 0.23 Tesco Corporate Treasury Services plc, Reg. S 1.375% 24/10/2023 EUR 500,000 510,939 0.06 Tesco Corporate Treasury Services plc, Reg. S 2.5% 01/07/2024 EUR 850,000 905,272 0.11

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (247)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Unilever plc, Reg. S 1.5% 11/06/2039 EUR 500,000 568,169 0.07 Vodafone Group plc, Reg. S 1.125% 20/11/2025 EUR 3,150,000 3,264,452 0.38 Vodafone Group plc, Reg. S 0.9% 24/11/2026 EUR 800,000 816,104 0.10 Wellcome Trust Ltd. (The), Reg. S 1.125% 21/01/2027 EUR 500,000 516,643 0.06

35,710,534 4.21 United States of America

3M Co. 0.95% 15/05/2023 EUR 300,000 309,024 0.04 AbbVie, Inc. 0.75% 18/11/2027 EUR 500,000 500,582 0.06 Altria Group, Inc. 1% 15/02/2023 EUR 815,000 822,311 0.10 Altria Group, Inc. 1.7% 15/06/2025 EUR 750,000 771,829 0.09 Altria Group, Inc. 2.2% 15/06/2027 EUR 750,000 790,354 0.09 Apple, Inc. 2% 17/09/2027 EUR 750,000 852,505 0.10 AT&T, Inc. 1.45% 01/06/2022 EUR 450,000 458,188 0.05 AT&T, Inc. 1.3% 05/09/2023 EUR 2,225,000 2,268,498 0.27 AT&T, Inc. 0.25% 04/03/2026 EUR 1,000,000 964,815 0.11 AT&T, Inc. 1.8% 05/09/2026 EUR 400,000 418,639 0.05 AT&T, Inc. 1.6% 19/05/2028 EUR 350,000 358,678 0.04 AT&T, Inc. 0.8% 04/03/2030 EUR 200,000 191,277 0.02 AT&T, Inc. 2.6% 19/05/2038 EUR 750,000 794,809 0.09 AT&T, Inc. 1.8% 14/09/2039 EUR 200,000 188,111 0.02 Becton Dickinson and Co. 1.401% 24/05/2023 EUR 500,000 508,201 0.06 Becton Dickinson Euro Finance Sarl 1.208% 04/06/2026 EUR 500,000 502,538 0.06 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 0.75% 16/03/2023 EUR 700,000 712,913 0.08 BlackRock, Inc. 1.25% 06/05/2025 EUR 750,000 793,056 0.09 Blackstone Holdings Finance Co. LLC, Reg. S 1% 05/10/2026 EUR 750,000 764,785 0.09 BorgWarner, Inc. 1.8% 07/11/2022 EUR 300,000 304,954 0.04 Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. 1.55% 15/03/2028 EUR 1,630,000 1,720,635 0.20 Citigroup, Inc. 1.75% 28/01/2025 EUR 750,000 793,575 0.09 Coca-Cola Co. (The) 1.1% 02/09/2036 EUR 350,000 361,650 0.04 Comcast Corp. 0.25% 20/05/2027 EUR 840,000 823,775 0.10 Comcast Corp. 1.25% 20/02/2040 EUR 1,400,000 1,353,275 0.16 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 0.5% 15/03/2027 EUR 750,000 711,071 0.08 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 1.125% 15/03/2032 EUR 680,000 623,250 0.07 Emerson Electric Co. 1.25% 15/10/2025 EUR 300,000 316,244 0.04 Emerson Electric Co. 2% 15/10/2029 EUR 300,000 336,607 0.04 Expedia Group, Inc. 2.5% 03/06/2022 EUR 500,000 499,673 0.06 Exxon Mobil Corp. 1.408% 26/06/2039 EUR 750,000 743,669 0.09 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 0.125% 03/12/2022 EUR 300,000 298,658 0.04 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 0.625% 03/12/2025 EUR 500,000 496,235 0.06 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 1.5% 21/05/2027 EUR 1,360,000 1,407,361 0.17 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 1% 03/12/2028 EUR 300,000 297,316 0.04 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 2% 21/05/2030 EUR 175,000 187,569 0.02 Fiserv, Inc. 1.125% 01/07/2027 EUR 1,390,000 1,408,299 0.17

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (248)

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 2.2% 01/04/2024 EUR 1,125,000 1,106,486 0.13 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 1.694% 26/03/2025 EUR 2,200,000 2,050,596 0.24 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 0.85% 26/02/2026 EUR 1,930,000 1,692,444 0.20 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Reg. S 1.375% 15/05/2024 EUR 1,075,000 1,096,161 0.13 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Reg. S 0.125% 19/08/2024 EUR 500,000 488,324 0.06 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Reg. S 3.375% 27/03/2025 EUR 720,000 803,740 0.09 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 4.75% 12/10/2021 EUR 535,000 563,619 0.07 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Reg. S 1.375% 26/07/2022 EUR 960,000 980,077 0.12 Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc., Reg. S 3.875% 19/05/2023 EUR 1,330,000 1,391,030 0.16 Honeywell International, Inc. 0.75% 10/03/2032 EUR 390,000 382,685 0.05 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Reg. S, FRN 0.389% 24/02/2028 EUR 1,820,000 1,778,610 0.21 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.638% 18/05/2028 EUR 750,000 793,486 0.09 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.001% 25/07/2031 EUR 2,200,000 2,204,122 0.26 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Reg. S 3.875% 23/09/2020 EUR 1,550,000 1,564,014 0.18 Liberty Mutual Group, Inc., Reg. S 2.75% 04/05/2026 EUR 1,100,000 1,215,584 0.14 LYB International Finance II BV 0.875% 17/09/2026 EUR 1,150,000 1,104,907 0.13 Medtronic Global Holdings SCA 0.375% 07/03/2023 EUR 500,000 501,267 0.06 Medtronic Global Holdings SCA 1.125% 07/03/2027 EUR 1,750,000 1,829,685 0.22 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, Reg. S 0.55% 16/06/2027 EUR 1,700,000 1,710,013 0.20 Moody's Corp. 1.75% 09/03/2027 EUR 750,000 810,739 0.10 Morgan Stanley 1.875% 27/04/2027 EUR 700,000 759,782 0.09 Morgan Stanley, FRN 0.637% 26/07/2024 EUR 500,000 500,799 0.06 Prologis Euro Finance LLC, REIT 1% 06/02/2035 EUR 690,000 670,629 0.08 Simon International Finance SCA, REIT, Reg. S 1.25% 13/05/2025 EUR 500,000 495,940 0.06 Stryker Corp. 0.25% 03/12/2024 EUR 430,000 425,749 0.05 Stryker Corp. 0.75% 01/03/2029 EUR 3,480,000 3,432,239 0.40 Stryker Corp. 1% 03/12/2031 EUR 410,000 404,914 0.05 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������ EUR 600,000 630,401 0.07 Verizon Communications, Inc. 0.875% 08/04/2027 EUR 2,500,000 2,536,537 0.30 Verizon Communications, Inc. 1.5% 19/09/2039 EUR 200,000 195,990 0.02 Walmart, Inc. 4.875% 21/09/2029 EUR 650,000 915,092 0.11 Wells Fargo & Co., Reg. S 1.5% 24/05/2027 EUR 400,000 415,182 0.05 Wells Fargo & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.741% 04/05/2030 EUR 1,080,000 1,126,789 0.13 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. 2.425% 13/12/2026 EUR 400,000 424,353 0.05

62,656,914 7.38

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (249)

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments






%RQGVUnited States of America

AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 1.25% 01/06/2024 EUR 750,000 767,509 0.09

767,509 0.09

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ����������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������








6,300,000,000 HUF Goldman Sachs


25/02/2022 116,661 116,661 0.01

9,033,000,000 HUF Goldman Sachs


26/02/2022 149,511 149,511 0.02


1,500,000 EUR Goldman Sachs


05/12/2026 (101,642) (101,642) (0.01)

1,700,000 EUR Goldman Sachs


29/07/2026 (66,858) (66,858) (0.01)

1,345,000,000 HUF Goldman Sachs


11/11/2029 (39,407) (39,407) –

1,100,000,000 HUF Goldman Sachs


22/01/2030 (147,568) (147,568) (0.02)

27,000,000 PLN Goldman Sachs


22/01/2030 (738,960) (738,960) (0.09)

11,024,000,000 HUF Goldman Sachs


29/01/2022 (39,203) (39,203) –

1,432,000,000 HUF Goldman Sachs


25/02/2030 (212,195) (212,195) (0.03)

1,432,000,000 HUF Goldman Sachs


26/02/2030 (186,193) (186,193) (0.02)

7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ����������� ����������� ��������

1HW�8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ����������� ����������� ��������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (250)

Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments








Euro-Bund, 08/09/2020 69 EUR 12,179,880 98,711 0.01

Euro-Buxl 30 Year Bond, 08/09/2020

29 EUR 6,378,840 62,944 0.01

Euro-Schatz, 08/09/2020 99 EUR 11,101,860 9,213 –


Euro-Bobl, 08/09/2020 (47) EUR (6,344,060) (30,116) –









CZK 109,900,000 EUR 4,075,911 02/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 47,450 0.01

NOK 23,500,000 EUR 2,162,138 08/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 10,760 – EUR 1,134,102 GBP 1,020,000 15/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 9,379 –


&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 233,379,386 EUR 217,845,135 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,427,147 0.17

86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 9 USD 10 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan – – USD 207,203 EUR 183,994 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 370 –


7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� �������CZK 56,500,000 EUR 2,123,961 02/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (4,126) – NOK 11,050,000 EUR 1,046,771 08/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(25,046) (0.01)

EUR 1,624,961 RON 7,890,000 13/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (4,876) – GBP 1,020,000 EUR 1,128,649 15/07/2020 Barclays (3,926) – CZK 166,400,000 EUR 6,244,605 07/08/2020 J.P. Morgan (5,134) –


86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 1,045 EUR 931 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (251)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 247

Schedule of investments






Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Reg. S 1.125% 01/07/2027 EUR 230,000 264,375 0.08 Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Reg. S 2.875% 02/04/2032 EUR 100,000 127,684 0.04 Euroclear Bank SA, Reg. S 0.5% 10/07/2023 EUR 550,000 626,764 0.19

1,018,823 0.31 Canada

Canadian National Railway Co. 2.45% 01/05/2050 USD 250,000 242,783 0.07 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.05% 15/07/2025 USD 404,000 405,281 0.12 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 3.85% 01/06/2027 USD 1,246,000 1,333,382 0.41 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.95% 15/07/2030 USD 455,000 452,431 0.14 Nutrien Ltd. 1.9% 13/05/2023 USD 111,000 114,627 0.04 Nutrien Ltd. 4.2% 01/04/2029 USD 350,000 406,373 0.12 Nutrien Ltd. 2.95% 13/05/2030 USD 750,000 796,409 0.24 Nutrien Ltd. 5% 01/04/2049 USD 100,000 128,998 0.04 Toronto-Dominion Bank (The), Reg. S 0.375% 25/04/2024 EUR 100,000 112,839 0.03 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 4.1% 15/04/2030 USD 2,271,000 2,590,899 0.79

6,584,022 2.00 Chile

Enel Chile SA 4.875% 12/06/2028 USD 265,000 296,419 0.09 Enel Generacion Chile SA 4.25% 15/04/2024 USD 750,000 803,056 0.25

1,099,475 0.34 China

China Construction Bank Corp., Reg. S, FRN 2.491% 24/06/2030 USD 750,000 749,637 0.23 Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 2.39% 03/06/2030 USD 400,000 400,929 0.12 Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 3.925% 19/01/2038 USD 300,000 337,599 0.10

1,488,165 0.45 France

Alstom SA, Reg. S 0.25% 14/10/2026 EUR 500,000 537,854 0.17 BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 0.5% 19/02/2028 EUR 1,900,000 2,080,167 0.63 Credit Agricole SA, 144A 4.375% 17/03/2025 USD 380,000 420,855 0.13 Credit Agricole SA, Reg. S 0.5% 24/06/2024 EUR 900,000 1,010,133 0.31 Orange SA, Reg. S 1.25% 07/07/2027 EUR 100,000 118,211 0.04 Pernod Ricard SA, Reg. S 1.5% 18/05/2026 EUR 200,000 237,733 0.07 Total Capital International SA 2.434% 10/01/2025 USD 225,000 239,842 0.07 Total Capital International SA 3.455% 19/02/2029 USD 398,000 452,817 0.14 Total Capital International SA 3.127% 29/05/2050 USD 100,000 102,370 0.03 TOTAL SA, Reg. S, FRN 1.75% Perpetual EUR 2,110,000 2,343,916 0.71

7,543,898 2.30 Germany

Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 0.25% 06/06/2023 EUR 600,000 680,760 0.21 Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 0% 14/01/2025 EUR 200,000 225,260 0.07 Allianz Finance II BV, Reg. S 0.875% 06/12/2027 EUR 600,000 714,285 0.22

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (252)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Bayer Capital Corp. BV, Reg. S 1.5% 26/06/2026 EUR 200,000 236,645 0.07 BMW Finance NV, Reg. S 0.375% 14/01/2027 EUR 240,000 266,560 0.08 Deutsche Telekom AG, Reg. S 1.75% 25/03/2031 EUR 200,000 244,275 0.07 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, Reg. S 2% 01/12/2029 EUR 625,000 783,386 0.24 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.625% 07/11/2031 EUR 920,000 1,015,175 0.31 Hannover Rueck SE, Reg. S 1.125% 18/04/2028 EUR 500,000 602,889 0.18 Hannover Rueck SE, Reg. S, FRN 0% 08/10/2040 EUR 600,000 673,763 0.20 HeidelbergCement AG, Reg. S 1.5% 07/02/2025 EUR 740,000 848,099 0.26 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% 26/05/2049 EUR 600,000 771,274 0.23 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.375% 06/09/2023 EUR 180,000 204,642 0.06 Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, Reg. S 0.25% 20/02/2029 EUR 100,000 111,027 0.03 Volkswagen Financial Services NV, Reg. S 1.875% 07/09/2021 GBP 200,000 248,644 0.08 Volkswagen Financial Services NV, Reg. S 1.625% 10/02/2024 GBP 100,000 123,340 0.04 Volkswagen Financial Services NV, Reg. S 4.25% 09/10/2025 GBP 300,000 412,899 0.13 Volkswagen International Finance NV, Reg. S, FRN 4.625% Perpetual EUR 100,000 116,957 0.04

8,279,880 2.52 Hong Kong

CCCI Treasure Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.425% Perpetual USD 2,170,000 2,154,593 0.65 China CITIC Bank International Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.625% 28/02/2029 USD 650,000 685,259 0.21 Kasikornbank PCL, Reg. S, FRN 3.343% 02/10/2031 USD 740,000 719,650 0.22

3,559,502 1.08 India

Power Finance Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 5.25% 10/08/2028 USD 860,000 903,089 0.28 Power Finance Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 3.95% 23/04/2030 USD 1,170,000 1,116,679 0.34

2,019,768 0.62 Ireland

Abbott Ireland Financing DAC, Reg. S 1.5% 27/09/2026 EUR 475,000 571,042 0.17 CRH SMW Finance DAC, Reg. S 1.25% 05/11/2026 EUR 400,000 465,263 0.14 Zurich Finance Ireland Designated Activity Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.875% 17/09/2050 EUR 350,000 393,139 0.12 Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd., Reg. S 1.75% 16/09/2024 EUR 300,000 358,783 0.11

1,788,227 0.54 Italy

Enel SpA, FRN, 144A 8.75% 24/09/2073 USD 820,000 934,357 0.28

934,357 0.28 Japan

Toyota Finance Australia Ltd., Reg. S 1.625% 11/07/2022 GBP 100,000 125,869 0.04 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 1.8% 13/02/2025 USD 1,000,000 1,037,220 0.31 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.375% 01/04/2030 USD 337,000 387,731 0.12

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (253)

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Schedule of investments




Toyota Motor Credit Corp., Reg. S 0.625% 21/11/2024 EUR 600,000 682,521 0.21

2,233,341 0.68 Luxembourg

DH Europe Finance II Sarl 0.45% 18/03/2028 EUR 575,000 632,115 0.19

632,115 0.19 Malaysia

Petronas Capital Ltd., Reg. S 4.55% 21/04/2050 USD 800,000 1,018,423 0.31

1,018,423 0.31 Norway

DNB Bank ASA, Reg. S 1.375% 12/06/2023 GBP 1,375,000 1,740,842 0.53 Equinor ASA 3.125% 06/04/2030 USD 170,000 187,856 0.06 Equinor ASA 2.375% 22/05/2030 USD 220,000 228,959 0.07 Equinor ASA 3.7% 06/04/2050 USD 163,000 188,251 0.06 Equinor ASA, Reg. S 1.375% 22/05/2032 EUR 100,000 119,673 0.03

2,465,581 0.75 Philippines

PLDT, Inc., Reg. S 2.5% 23/01/2031 USD 200,000 202,915 0.06 PLDT, Inc., Reg. S 3.45% 23/06/2050 USD 200,000 202,349 0.06

405,264 0.12 Singapore

COSL Singapore Capital Ltd., Reg. S 2.5% 24/06/2030 USD 1,100,000 1,086,502 0.33

1,086,502 0.33 Spain

CaixaBank SA, Reg. S 1.375% 19/06/2026 EUR 2,200,000 2,469,960 0.75 CaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.25% 17/04/2030 EUR 1,600,000 1,772,886 0.54

4,242,846 1.29 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, Reg. S, FRN 2.25% 09/06/2028 GBP 800,000 997,976 0.30 Novartis Capital Corp. 1.75% 14/02/2025 USD 136,000 142,312 0.04 Novartis Capital Corp. 2% 14/02/2027 USD 108,000 114,562 0.04 Novartis Capital Corp. 2.2% 14/08/2030 USD 150,000 158,891 0.05

1,413,741 0.43 Thailand

PTTEP Treasury Center Co. Ltd., 144A 2.587% 10/06/2027 USD 500,000 512,439 0.16

512,439 0.16 United Arab Emirates

Abu Dhabi National Energy Co. PJSC, 144A 5.875% 13/12/2021 USD 400,000 426,444 0.13

426,444 0.13 United Kingdom

Anglo American Capital plc, Reg. S 1.625% 11/03/2026 EUR 700,000 782,250 0.24 AstraZeneca plc 4% 17/01/2029 USD 200,000 245,141 0.07 AstraZeneca plc 3.375% 16/11/2025 USD 700,000 787,249 0.24 BAT Capital Corp. 2.789% 06/09/2024 USD 430,000 453,640 0.14

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (254)

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Schedule of investments




BAT Capital Corp. 4.7% 02/04/2027 USD 147,000 168,226 0.05 BAT Capital Corp. 3.557% 15/08/2027 USD 1,245,000 1,347,924 0.41 BAT Capital Corp. 4.906% 02/04/2030 USD 389,000 457,673 0.14 BAT Capital Corp. 4.758% 06/09/2049 USD 256,000 285,079 0.09 BAT International Finance plc, Reg. S 2.75% 25/03/2025 EUR 790,000 961,891 0.29 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.822% 07/04/2032 EUR 270,000 348,953 0.11 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.177% 28/09/2021 EUR 800,000 920,702 0.28 Experian Finance plc, Reg. S 2.125% 27/09/2024 GBP 200,000 259,765 0.08 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 2.875% 01/06/2022 USD 118,000 123,357 0.04 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 3.375% 01/06/2029 USD 250,000 287,862 0.09 GlaxoSmithKline Capital, Inc. 3.625% 15/05/2025 USD 791,000 893,335 0.27 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 2.175% 27/06/2023 GBP 170,000 212,990 0.06 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 3% 29/05/2030 GBP 800,000 1,053,374 0.32 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 2.848% 04/06/2031 USD 1,350,000 1,383,491 0.42 HSBC Holdings plc 4.3% 08/03/2026 USD 700,000 790,766 0.24 Lloyds Banking Group plc 4.375% 22/03/2028 USD 3,270,000 3,796,710 1.16 National Grid Electricity Transmission plc, Reg. S 1.375% 16/09/2026 GBP 250,000 318,544 0.10 National Grid Electricity Transmission plc, Reg. S 4% 08/06/2027 GBP 300,000 443,170 0.14 National Grid Gas plc, Reg. S 1.375% 07/02/2031 GBP 400,000 502,816 0.15 Royal Bank of Scotland Group plc, FRN 4.445% 08/05/2030 USD 2,670,000 3,101,500 0.94 Shell International Finance BV 3.875% 13/11/2028 USD 630,000 732,938 0.22 Shell International Finance BV 2.375% 07/11/2029 USD 430,000 451,635 0.14 Shell International Finance BV 3.125% 07/11/2049 USD 160,000 168,468 0.05 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.4% 23/09/2021 USD 512,000 522,352 0.16 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.875% 23/09/2023 USD 229,000 242,693 0.07 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 3.2% 23/09/2026 USD 552,000 612,786 0.19 Standard Chartered plc, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 09/09/2030 EUR 660,000 753,735 0.23 University of Cambridge, Reg. S 2.35% 27/06/2078 GBP 370,000 753,364 0.23 University of Southampton, Reg. S 2.25% 11/04/2057 GBP 370,000 570,384 0.17 Wellcome Trust Ltd. (The), Reg. S 1.125% 21/01/2027 EUR 370,000 429,532 0.13

25,164,295 7.66 United States of America

Abbott Laboratories 3.4% 30/11/2023 USD 228,000 248,907 0.08 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 1.5% 15/10/2025 USD 114,000 117,975 0.04 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 2.05% 15/05/2030 USD 86,000 90,488 0.03 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 0.8% 05/05/2032 EUR 250,000 282,982 0.09 Air Products and Chemicals, Inc. 2.7% 15/05/2040 USD 215,000 228,874 0.07 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 3.8% 15/04/2026 USD 55,000 61,792 0.02 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 3.95% 15/01/2028 USD 100,000 114,204 0.03

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (255)

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Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 4.5% 30/07/2029 USD 100,000 119,951 0.04 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 2.75% 15/12/2029 USD 367,000 392,045 0.12 Allstate Corp. (The) 3.85% 10/08/2049 USD 100,000 120,893 0.04 Altria Group, Inc. 2.35% 06/05/2025 USD 373,000 392,921 0.12 Altria Group, Inc. 2.2% 15/06/2027 EUR 1,000,000 1,183,950 0.36 Altria Group, Inc. 4.8% 14/02/2029 USD 286,000 333,624 0.10 Altria Group, Inc. 5.95% 14/02/2049 USD 300,000 393,940 0.12 Ameren Corp. 3.5% 15/01/2031 USD 875,000 980,253 0.30 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.625% 15/11/2027 USD 225,000 231,396 0.07 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 2.85% 01/02/2030 USD 372,000 359,671 0.11 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.875% 30/01/2031 USD 26,000 27,307 0.01 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 4.125% 01/07/2024 USD 150,000 157,796 0.05 American Electric Power Co., Inc. 2.3% 01/03/2030 USD 500,000 506,553 0.15 American International Group, Inc. 2.5% 30/06/2025 USD 750,000 794,486 0.24 American International Group, Inc. 3.9% 01/04/2026 USD 250,000 282,586 0.09 American International Group, Inc. 3.4% 30/06/2030 USD 750,000 814,119 0.25 American International Group, Inc. 4.8% 10/07/2045 USD 100,000 121,774 0.04 Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 4.7% 01/02/2036 USD 160,000 188,839 0.06 Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 4.9% 01/02/2046 USD 29,000 35,581 0.01 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.15% 23/01/2025 USD 1,300,000 1,476,048 0.45 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.75% 23/01/2029 USD 335,000 404,982 0.12 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 3.5% 01/06/2030 USD 175,000 197,137 0.06 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.9% 23/01/2031 USD 144,000 181,560 0.06 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 5.55% 23/01/2049 USD 226,000 302,993 0.09 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.5% 01/06/2050 USD 95,000 113,772 0.03 Aon Corp. 2.2% 15/11/2022 USD 167,000 173,522 0.05 AT&T, Inc. 2.3% 01/06/2027 USD 300,000 310,220 0.09 AT&T, Inc. 1.6% 19/05/2028 EUR 290,000 333,894 0.10 AT&T, Inc. 2.75% 01/06/2031 USD 200,000 207,375 0.06 AT&T, Inc. 4.3% 15/12/2042 USD 500,000 560,746 0.17 AT&T, Inc. 4.35% 15/06/2045 USD 26,000 29,294 0.01 Avangrid, Inc. 3.8% 01/06/2029 USD 2,490,000 2,895,678 0.88 Baker Hughes a GE Co. LLC 4.486% 01/05/2030 USD 169,000 194,744 0.06 Becton Dickinson and Co. 2.894% 06/06/2022 USD 200,000 207,015 0.06 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.7% 06/06/2027 USD 1,196,000 1,338,882 0.41 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.794% 20/05/2050 USD 250,000 279,009 0.09 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.734% 15/12/2024 USD 150,000 165,250 0.05 Becton Dickinson Euro Finance Sarl 1.208% 04/06/2026 EUR 2,450,000 2,766,547 0.84 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 4.2% 15/08/2048 USD 100,000 127,087 0.04

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (256)

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Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 4.25% 15/01/2049 USD 284,000 364,490 0.11 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 2.75% 15/03/2023 USD 1,526,000 1,616,589 0.49 Boeing Co. (The) 2.8% 01/03/2024 USD 300,000 304,646 0.09 Boeing Co. (The) 4.875% 01/05/2025 USD 900,000 981,011 0.30 Boeing Co. (The) 3.1% 01/05/2026 USD 92,000 93,836 0.03 Boeing Co. (The) 2.7% 01/02/2027 USD 767,000 749,725 0.23 Boeing Co. (The) 5.04% 01/05/2027 USD 397,000 438,369 0.13 Boeing Co. (The) 3.2% 01/03/2029 USD 258,000 255,376 0.08 Boeing Co. (The) 2.95% 01/02/2030 USD 10,000 9,774 – Boeing Co. (The) 5.15% 01/05/2030 USD 687,000 767,945 0.23 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 1,420,000 1,539,997 0.47 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 360,000 409,097 0.12 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 400,000 415,999 0.13 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 20,000 25,549 0.01 BP Capital Markets America, Inc. 3.79% 06/02/2024 USD 850,000 930,868 0.28 BP Capital Markets America, Inc. 3.633% 06/04/2030 USD 250,000 282,922 0.09 BP Capital Markets America, Inc. 3% 24/02/2050 USD 116,000 114,550 0.04 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.05% 15/02/2051 USD 385,000 419,980 0.13 CenterPoint Energy, Inc. 2.95% 01/03/2030 USD 1,000,000 1,064,207 0.32 Chevron Corp. 1.554% 11/05/2025 USD 910,000 935,417 0.28 Chevron Corp. 1.995% 11/05/2027 USD 541,000 566,989 0.17 Chevron Corp. 2.236% 11/05/2030 USD 335,000 351,128 0.11 Chevron Corp. 3.078% 11/05/2050 USD 214,000 227,732 0.07 Chevron Corp. 2.954% 16/05/2026 USD 440,000 487,709 0.15 Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. 0.3% 15/12/2024 EUR 550,000 611,625 0.19 Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. 1.55% 15/03/2028 EUR 200,000 237,194 0.07 Cigna Corp. 3.75% 15/07/2023 USD 70,000 76,040 0.02 Cigna Corp. 4.375% 15/10/2028 USD 785,000 929,636 0.28 Citigroup, Inc. 2.7% 30/03/2021 USD 230,000 233,761 0.07 CMS Energy Corp. 3.45% 15/08/2027 USD 250,000 275,012 0.08 Comcast Corp. 1.5% 20/02/2029 GBP 200,000 253,811 0.08 Comcast Corp. 1.875% 20/02/2036 GBP 200,000 257,485 0.08 Comcast Corp. 1.25% 20/02/2040 EUR 200,000 217,201 0.07 Conagra Brands, Inc. 4.3% 01/05/2024 USD 442,000 489,066 0.15 Conagra Brands, Inc. 4.6% 01/11/2025 USD 319,000 368,122 0.11 Conagra Brands, Inc. 5.4% 01/11/2048 USD 521,000 720,292 0.22 Constellation Brands, Inc. 3.15% 01/08/2029 USD 272,000 292,159 0.09 Constellation Brands, Inc. 2.875% 01/05/2030 USD 113,000 120,004 0.04 Constellation Brands, Inc. 3.75% 01/05/2050 USD 137,000 149,614 0.05 CVS Health Corp. 4.3% 25/03/2028 USD 510,000 596,625 0.18 Dominion Energy, Inc. 3.375% 01/04/2030 USD 1,400,000 1,551,900 0.47 Dominion Energy, Inc., STEP 3.071% 15/08/2024 USD 1,000,000 1,074,864 0.33 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 0.5% 15/03/2027 EUR 500,000 532,348 0.16 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 4.8% 30/11/2028 USD 50,000 59,949 0.02 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 1.125% 15/03/2032 EUR 200,000 205,947 0.06 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 1.875% 15/03/2040 EUR 150,000 156,186 0.05 Duke Energy Florida LLC 2.5% 01/12/2029 USD 500,000 541,577 0.16 Edison International 3.125% 15/11/2022 USD 1,000 1,031 – Edison International 4.95% 15/04/2025 USD 50,000 55,037 0.02 Edison International 5.75% 15/06/2027 USD 1,750,000 2,011,910 0.61

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (257)

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Edison International 4.125% 15/03/2028 USD 1,740,000 1,841,191 0.56 EI du Pont de Nemours and Co. 2.3% 15/07/2030 USD 335,000 348,922 0.11 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 7.375% 15/10/2045 USD 160,000 229,176 0.07 Energy Transfer Operating LP 2.9% 15/05/2025 USD 415,000 425,422 0.13 Energy Transfer Operating LP 3.75% 15/05/2030 USD 1,463,000 1,448,611 0.44 Energy Transfer Operating LP 6% 15/06/2048 USD 121,000 125,686 0.04 Energy Transfer Operating LP 6.25% 15/04/2049 USD 127,000 134,774 0.04 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5% 15/05/2050 USD 848,000 804,218 0.24 Entergy Corp. 3.75% 15/06/2050 USD 1,860,000 2,072,750 0.63 EOG Resources, Inc. 4.375% 15/04/2030 USD 887,000 1,057,974 0.32 Essex Portfolio LP, REIT 4% 01/03/2029 USD 395,000 459,738 0.14 Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.019% 16/08/2024 USD 41,000 42,838 0.01 Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.44% 16/08/2029 USD 270,000 286,744 0.09 Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.995% 16/08/2039 USD 70,000 74,304 0.02 Exxon Mobil Corp. 4.327% 19/03/2050 USD 110,000 138,430 0.04 Exxon Mobil Corp. 3.452% 15/04/2051 USD 259,000 288,799 0.09 Federal Realty Investment Trust, REIT 3.5% 01/06/2030 USD 285,000 300,803 0.09 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 1.5% 21/05/2027 EUR 660,000 767,332 0.23 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 1% 03/12/2028 EUR 450,000 501,053 0.15 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 2% 21/05/2030 EUR 260,000 313,000 0.10 FirstEnergy Corp. 1.6% 15/01/2026 USD 125,000 126,267 0.04 FirstEnergy Corp. 2.25% 01/09/2030 USD 426,000 427,802 0.13 FirstEnergy Corp. 4.25% 15/03/2023 USD 2,070,000 2,239,810 0.68 FirstEnergy Corp. 3.9% 15/07/2027 USD 1,191,000 1,349,144 0.41 Fiserv, Inc. 1.125% 01/07/2027 EUR 625,000 711,432 0.22 Fiserv, Inc. 1.625% 01/07/2030 EUR 400,000 464,868 0.14 GE Capital International Funding Co. Unlimited Co. 3.373% 15/11/2025 USD 450,000 472,520 0.14 General Electric Co. 3.45% 01/05/2027 USD 50,000 51,334 0.02 General Motors Co. 6.125% 01/10/2025 USD 103,000 115,881 0.04 General Motors Co. 6.75% 01/04/2046 USD 600,000 654,773 0.20 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 3.55% 08/07/2022 USD 90,000 92,313 0.03 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 2.9% 26/02/2025 USD 580,000 578,311 0.18 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 1.694% 26/03/2025 EUR 600,000 628,321 0.19 Global Payments, Inc. 2.9% 15/05/2030 USD 941,000 985,396 0.30 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 5.25% 27/07/2021 USD 250,000 262,547 0.08 Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc., Reg. S 3.875% 19/05/2023 EUR 510,000 598,626 0.18 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 2.8% 19/08/2029 USD 550,000 583,367 0.18 Home Depot, Inc. (The) 2.95% 15/06/2029 USD 1,002,000 1,125,968 0.34 Home Depot, Inc. (The) 2.7% 15/04/2030 USD 1,137,000 1,250,876 0.38 Honeywell International, Inc. 2.3% 15/08/2024 USD 265,000 282,717 0.09 Honeywell International, Inc. 2.7% 15/08/2029 USD 375,000 415,515 0.13 Honeywell International, Inc. 1.95% 01/06/2030 USD 250,000 261,551 0.08 Honeywell International, Inc. 0.75% 10/03/2032 EUR 140,000 154,187 0.05 Honeywell International, Inc. 2.8% 01/06/2050 USD 200,000 213,956 0.07

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (258)

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International Business Machines Corp. 1.7% 15/05/2027 USD 575,000 588,256 0.18 International Business Machines Corp. 1.95% 15/05/2030 USD 425,000 435,552 0.13 International Business Machines Corp. 2.85% 15/05/2040 USD 250,000 259,551 0.08 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 3.2% 01/05/2030 USD 472,000 523,244 0.16 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 5.085% 25/05/2048 USD 340,000 451,899 0.14 Kinder Morgan Energy Partners LP 4.15% 01/02/2024 USD 1,148,000 1,245,619 0.38 Kinder Morgan, Inc. 5.2% 01/03/2048 USD 224,000 272,377 0.08 Lowe's Cos., Inc. 3.65% 05/04/2029 USD 504,000 578,289 0.18 Lowe's Cos., Inc. 4.05% 03/05/2047 USD 12,000 14,088 – Lowe's Cos., Inc. 4.55% 05/04/2049 USD 443,000 561,878 0.17 LYB International Finance II BV 0.875% 17/09/2026 EUR 425,000 458,765 0.14 LYB International Finance II BV 1.625% 17/09/2031 EUR 200,000 215,551 0.07 LYB International Finance III LLC 4.2% 01/05/2050 USD 150,000 162,246 0.05 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. 3.875% 15/03/2024 USD 200,000 221,531 0.07 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. 1.349% 21/09/2026 EUR 350,000 412,055 0.13 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. 4.375% 15/03/2029 USD 95,000 114,607 0.04 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. 4.9% 15/03/2049 USD 100,000 136,243 0.04 McDonald's Corp. 2.125% 01/03/2030 USD 327,000 335,951 0.10 Medtronic Global Holdings SCA 1.125% 07/03/2027 EUR 950,000 1,115,925 0.34 Merck & Co., Inc. 2.9% 07/03/2024 USD 242,000 261,818 0.08 MetLife, Inc. 4.55% 23/03/2030 USD 250,000 310,651 0.09 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, Reg. S 0.375% 09/04/2024 EUR 100,000 113,144 0.03 MidAmerican Energy Co. 3.1% 01/05/2027 USD 178,000 200,216 0.06 MPLX LP 5.5% 15/02/2049 USD 440,000 499,993 0.15 New York Life Global Funding, Reg. S 0.25% 23/01/2027 EUR 200,000 223,211 0.07 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. 2.75% 01/05/2025 USD 425,000 459,729 0.14 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. 2.25% 01/06/2030 USD 500,000 514,751 0.16 Norfolk Southern Corp. 3.05% 15/05/2050 USD 138,000 142,715 0.04 ONEOK, Inc. 3.1% 15/03/2030 USD 84,000 80,515 0.02 ONEOK, Inc. 6.35% 15/01/2031 USD 355,000 416,278 0.13 ONEOK, Inc. 4.95% 13/07/2047 USD 36,000 34,713 0.01 ONEOK, Inc. 5.2% 15/07/2048 USD 122,000 121,678 0.04 ONEOK, Inc. 4.45% 01/09/2049 USD 226,000 209,946 0.06 ONEOK, Inc. 7.15% 15/01/2051 USD 166,000 202,285 0.06 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 475,000 470,283 0.14 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 400,000 392,040 0.12 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R������������������§ USD 1,000,000 1,039,295 0.32 3DFLÀ&RUS���������������� USD 530,000 580,625 0.18 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.4% 01/10/2024 USD 675,000 717,278 0.22 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.65% 01/10/2026 USD 475,000 516,635 0.16 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.85% 01/10/2029 USD 539,000 590,990 0.18 3À]HU��,QF����������������� USD 104,000 108,346 0.03 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.875% 01/05/2024 USD 650,000 699,076 0.21 Philip Morris International, Inc. 1.5% 01/05/2025 USD 555,000 569,353 0.17

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (259)

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.875% 03/03/2026 EUR 350,000 437,889 0.13 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.1% 01/05/2030 USD 398,000 410,525 0.13 Philip Morris International, Inc. 0.8% 01/08/2031 EUR 620,000 662,083 0.20 Phillips 66 3.9% 15/03/2028 USD 225,000 254,473 0.08 Plains All American Pipeline LP 3.8% 15/09/2030 USD 263,000 259,527 0.08 Prudential Financial, Inc. 2.1% 10/03/2030 USD 500,000 509,566 0.16 Prudential Financial, Inc. 4.35% 25/02/2050 USD 100,000 120,232 0.04 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 3% 15/05/2025 USD 2,000 2,189 – Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 2.25% 15/09/2026 USD 250,000 267,351 0.08 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 3.65% 01/09/2028 USD 1,000,000 1,156,467 0.35 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 4.125% 16/11/2028 USD 450,000 530,681 0.16 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 2.15% 18/05/2030 EUR 450,000 557,349 0.17 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 4.5% 01/06/2042 USD 65,000 80,603 0.02 Reynolds American, Inc. 4.45% 12/06/2025 USD 500,000 563,660 0.17 San Diego Gas & Electric Co. 6.125% 15/09/2037 USD 150,000 203,230 0.06 San Diego Gas & Electric Co. 3.32% 15/04/2050 USD 226,000 246,670 0.08 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 3.45% 01/06/2027 USD 100,000 112,007 0.03 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 2.95% 15/08/2029 USD 150,000 161,536 0.05 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 2.3% 15/05/2030 USD 636,000 649,857 0.20 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 3.8% 15/08/2049 USD 100,000 109,473 0.03 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 3.3% 15/05/2050 USD 100,000 101,741 0.03 Stryker Corp. 0.25% 03/12/2024 EUR 1,190,000 1,323,748 0.40 Sunoco Logistics Partners Operations LP 5.4% 01/10/2047 USD 184,000 181,253 0.06 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF����������������� EUR 100,000 110,765 0.03 Travelers Cos., Inc. (The) 4% 30/05/2047 USD 50,000 61,613 0.02 Travelers Cos., Inc. (The) 4.1% 04/03/2049 USD 50,000 62,995 0.02 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 300,000 321,328 0.10 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 50,000 64,130 0.02 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 696,000 764,812 0.23 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 3.5% 15/02/2024 USD 500,000 550,501 0.17 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2.375% 15/08/2024 USD 565,000 601,564 0.18 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 3.75% 15/07/2025 USD 200,000 228,144 0.07 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2.875% 15/08/2029 USD 480,000 536,186 0.16 US Treasury 0.375% 30/04/2025 USD 174,000 174,782 0.05 US Treasury 0.25% 30/06/2025 USD 599,000 597,900 0.18 US Treasury 3.125% 15/05/2048 USD 44,900 62,895 0.02 US Treasury 2.375% 15/11/2049 USD 810,000 999,916 0.30 US Treasury 2% 15/02/2050 USD 2,204,300 2,523,378 0.77 Verizon Communications, Inc. 0.875% 08/04/2027 EUR 1,000,000 1,139,920 0.35 Verizon Communications, Inc. 3.15% 22/03/2030 USD 375,000 424,752 0.13 Verizon Communications, Inc. 5.25% 16/03/2037 USD 75,000 101,626 0.03 Verizon Communications, Inc. 3.85% 01/11/2042 USD 63,000 77,016 0.02 Verizon Communications, Inc. 4.125% 15/08/2046 USD 125,000 156,363 0.05 Walmart, Inc. 2.35% 15/12/2022 USD 120,000 125,685 0.04 Walmart, Inc. 3.4% 26/06/2023 USD 135,000 146,702 0.04 Walmart, Inc. 2.85% 08/07/2024 USD 1,176,000 1,279,736 0.39 Walmart, Inc. 3.55% 26/06/2025 USD 2,350,000 2,665,693 0.81 Walmart, Inc. 3.05% 08/07/2026 USD 80,000 90,330 0.03 Walmart, Inc. 3.7% 26/06/2028 USD 125,000 148,201 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (260)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Walmart, Inc. 3.25% 08/07/2029 USD 830,000 965,020 0.29 Walt Disney Co. (The) 2.65% 13/01/2031 USD 500,000 531,099 0.16 Walt Disney Co. (The) 3.6% 13/01/2051 USD 100,000 111,722 0.03 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. 4.4% 15/03/2024 USD 15,000 15,921 – Westlake Chemical Corp. 1.625% 17/07/2029 EUR 270,000 291,107 0.09 Westlake Chemical Corp. 4.375% 15/11/2047 USD 200,000 198,200 0.06 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 3.9% 15/01/2025 USD 93,000 101,882 0.03 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 3.5% 15/11/2030 USD 1,502,000 1,583,351 0.48 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 6.3% 15/04/2040 USD 139,000 166,788 0.05 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 5.1% 15/09/2045 USD 92,000 100,886 0.03 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. 3.15% 01/04/2022 USD 200,000 207,701 0.06

116,702,121 35.52

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������




National Australia Bank Ltd., FRN 3.515% 12/06/2030 CAD 878,000 653,811 0.20 Scentre Group Trust 1, REIT, 144A 3.5% 12/02/2025 USD 250,000 260,697 0.08 WEA Finance LLC, REIT, 144A 3.5% 15/06/2029 USD 200,000 194,209 0.06 Westpac Banking Corp., FRN 2.894% 04/02/2030 USD 2,007,000 2,042,493 0.62 Westpac Banking Corp., FRN 4.11% 24/07/2034 USD 120,000 132,706 0.04

3,283,916 1.00 Canada

Bank of Montreal, FRN 3.803% 15/12/2032 USD 564,000 607,499 0.18 Royal Bank of Canada 1.15% 10/06/2025 USD 1,212,000 1,214,511 0.37

1,822,010 0.55 Chile

Colbun SA, 144A 3.95% 11/10/2027 USD 740,000 797,243 0.24 Colbun SA, Reg. S 3.95% 11/10/2027 USD 270,000 290,886 0.09

1,088,129 0.33 France

BPCE SA, 144A 4.5% 15/03/2025 USD 1,800,000 1,967,788 0.60 BPCE SA, Reg. S 4.875% 01/04/2026 USD 405,000 459,714 0.14 BPCE SA, 144A 5.15% 21/07/2024 USD 935,000 1,044,601 0.32 Electricite de France SA, 144A 4.5% 21/09/2028 USD 740,000 862,685 0.26 Electricite de France SA, 144A 4.95% 13/10/2045 USD 180,000 220,263 0.07 Pernod Ricard SA, 144A 4.45% 15/01/2022 USD 1,134,000 1,197,723 0.36 Total Capital International SA 3.386% 29/06/2060 USD 110,000 113,586 0.04 Vinci SA, 144A 3.75% 10/04/2029 USD 550,000 634,905 0.19

6,501,265 1.98 Germany

Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, 144A 2.35% 15/10/2026 USD 910,000 976,005 0.30

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (261)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 4.75% 13/11/2028 USD 600,000 707,576 0.21

1,683,581 0.51 Ireland

CRH America, Inc., 144A 3.875% 18/05/2025 USD 400,000 441,653 0.13

441,653 0.13 Italy

UniCredit SpA, FRN, 144A 5.861% 19/06/2032 USD 3,455,000 3,635,158 1.11

3,635,158 1.11 Japan

American Honda Finance Corp. 2.6% 16/11/2022 USD 300,000 313,277 0.09 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 4.4% 26/11/2023 USD 275,000 305,974 0.09 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 2.05% 31/03/2030 USD 289,000 286,677 0.09 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3.025% 09/07/2040 USD 390,000 394,419 0.12 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3.175% 09/07/2050 USD 247,000 249,147 0.08 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3.375% 09/07/2060 USD 584,000 587,229 0.18

2,136,723 0.65 Portugal

EDP Finance BV, 144A 3.625% 15/07/2024 USD 600,000 647,259 0.20

647,259 0.20 South Korea

Hyundai Capital America, 144A 3.25% 20/09/2022 USD 150,000 154,194 0.05

154,194 0.05 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, 144A 4.282% 09/01/2028 USD 1,100,000 1,232,515 0.37

1,232,515 0.37 Thailand

Bangkok Bank PCL, Reg. S 9.025% 15/03/2029 USD 140,000 189,964 0.06

189,964 0.06 United Kingdom

Vodafone Group plc 4.25% 17/09/2050 USD 400,000 470,752 0.14

470,752 0.14 United States of America

Adobe, Inc. 2.15% 01/02/2027 USD 875,000 939,995 0.29 Adobe, Inc. 2.3% 01/02/2030 USD 839,000 907,040 0.28 Alliant Energy Finance LLC, 144A 4.25% 15/06/2028 USD 125,000 145,408 0.04 Altria Group, Inc. 3.4% 06/05/2030 USD 297,000 320,139 0.10 Altria Group, Inc. 4.45% 06/05/2050 USD 247,000 271,215 0.08, Inc. 3.15% 22/08/2027 USD 150,000 171,749 0.05, Inc. 1.5% 03/06/2030 USD 1,443,000 1,466,690 0.45, Inc. 4.05% 22/08/2047 USD 42,000 54,860 0.02, Inc. 2.5% 03/06/2050 USD 415,000 421,911 0.13, Inc. 2.7% 03/06/2060 USD 330,000 337,011 0.10 American International Group, Inc. 4.375% 30/06/2050 USD 250,000 287,703 0.09 Apple, Inc. 1.125% 11/05/2025 USD 2,603,000 2,652,595 0.81 Apple, Inc. 2.65% 11/05/2050 USD 218,000 225,896 0.07

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (262)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Bank of America Corp., FRN 2.592% 29/04/2031 USD 1,456,000 1,543,436 0.47 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.946% 23/01/2049 USD 20,000 24,230 0.01 Bank of America Corp., FRN 4.083% 20/03/2051 USD 516,000 646,865 0.20 Bayer US Finance II LLC, 144A 4.25% 15/12/2025 USD 700,000 804,834 0.25 Bayer US Finance II LLC, 144A 4.375% 15/12/2028 USD 400,000 467,698 0.14 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 2.6% 16/05/2022 USD 179,000 186,159 0.06 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 2.9% 26/07/2024 USD 952,000 1,031,031 0.31 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 3.2% 15/06/2026 USD 119,000 133,655 0.04 Broadcom Corp. 3.875% 15/01/2027 USD 650,000 703,281 0.21 Broadcom Corp. 3.5% 15/01/2028 USD 339,000 358,378 0.11 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 3.625% 15/10/2024 USD 625,000 679,583 0.21 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 4.75% 15/04/2029 USD 525,000 596,248 0.18 Charter Communications Operating LLC 2.8% 01/04/2031 USD 700,000 711,191 0.22 Charter Communications Operating LLC 4.8% 01/03/2050 USD 100,000 113,808 0.03 Charter Communications Operating LLC 3.7% 01/04/2051 USD 500,000 489,028 0.15 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.572% 03/06/2031 USD 2,047,000 2,118,306 0.64 Comcast Corp. 2.65% 01/02/2030 USD 1,220,000 1,327,607 0.40 Comcast Corp. 1.95% 15/01/2031 USD 137,000 139,855 0.04 Comcast Corp. 3.75% 01/04/2040 USD 67,000 79,089 0.02 Comcast Corp. 2.8% 15/01/2051 USD 300,000 308,170 0.09 Concho Resources, Inc. 4.85% 15/08/2048 USD 346,000 391,027 0.12 Constellation Brands, Inc. 3.6% 15/02/2028 USD 150,000 166,278 0.05 Constellation Brands, Inc. 4.1% 15/02/2048 USD 96,000 111,133 0.03 Consumers Energy Co. 3.8% 15/11/2028 USD 81,000 96,308 0.03 Costco Wholesale Corp. 2.75% 18/05/2024 USD 200,000 217,170 0.07 CSX Corp. 3.8% 01/03/2028 USD 600,000 693,080 0.21 CSX Corp. 4.25% 15/03/2029 USD 335,000 401,141 0.12 CVS Health Corp. 3.35% 09/03/2021 USD 144,000 146,867 0.05 Discovery Communications LLC 4.65% 15/05/2050 USD 250,000 284,706 0.09 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 3.15% 15/05/2024 USD 530,000 566,282 0.17 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 3.625% 15/05/2026 USD 550,000 606,510 0.18 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 4.8% 15/05/2049 USD 100,000 119,522 0.04 Equinix, Inc., REIT 2.625% 18/11/2024 USD 1,005,000 1,071,933 0.33 Equinix, Inc., REIT 1.25% 15/07/2025 USD 952,000 956,522 0.29 Equinix, Inc., REIT 2.9% 18/11/2026 USD 235,000 253,862 0.08 Equinix, Inc., REIT 1.8% 15/07/2027 USD 260,000 261,568 0.08 Equinix, Inc., REIT 3.2% 18/11/2029 USD 714,000 776,236 0.24 Equinix, Inc., REIT 2.15% 15/07/2030 USD 500,000 495,790 0.15 Equinix, Inc., REIT 3% 15/07/2050 USD 68,000 66,518 0.02 Fiserv, Inc. 2.25% 01/06/2027 USD 600,000 628,288 0.19 Fiserv, Inc. 3.5% 01/07/2029 USD 100,000 112,505 0.03 Fiserv, Inc. 2.65% 01/06/2030 USD 2,863,000 3,026,788 0.92 Florida Power & Light Co. 2.85% 01/04/2025 USD 275,000 301,298 0.09 Fox Corp. 3.5% 08/04/2030 USD 696,000 778,625 0.24 GLP Capital LP, REIT 3.35% 01/09/2024 USD 247,000 247,703 0.08 GLP Capital LP, REIT 4% 15/01/2030 USD 81,000 80,727 0.02 Intuit, Inc. 0.65% 15/07/2023 USD 765,000 766,951 0.23 Intuit, Inc. 0.95% 15/07/2025 USD 250,000 250,517 0.08 Intuit, Inc. 1.35% 15/07/2027 USD 170,000 171,030 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (263)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Intuit, Inc. 1.65% 15/07/2030 USD 210,000 209,696 0.06 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 2.522% 22/04/2031 USD 2,798,000 2,961,431 0.90 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 3.109% 22/04/2051 USD 58,000 62,731 0.02 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.057% 25/05/2023 USD 556,000 606,836 0.19 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.417% 25/05/2025 USD 170,000 196,145 0.06 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 144A 3.6% 11/01/2024 USD 650,000 711,153 0.22 Mississippi Power Co. 3.95% 30/03/2028 USD 100,000 113,709 0.03 Morgan Stanley, FRN 2.699% 22/01/2031 USD 780,000 829,518 0.25 Morgan Stanley, FRN 5.597% 24/03/2051 USD 142,000 215,704 0.07 New York Life Global Funding, 144A 2.3% 10/06/2022 USD 475,000 492,642 0.15 New York State Electric & Gas Corp., 144A 3.25% 01/12/2026 USD 380,000 421,263 0.13 Noble Energy, Inc. 3.85% 15/01/2028 USD 851,000 822,575 0.25 Noble Energy, Inc. 3.25% 15/10/2029 USD 429,000 388,152 0.12 Noble Energy, Inc. 4.95% 15/08/2047 USD 600,000 535,570 0.16 Noble Energy, Inc. 4.2% 15/10/2049 USD 398,000 330,752 0.10 Nuveen LLC, 144A 4% 01/11/2028 USD 117,000 138,520 0.04 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 125,000 120,985 0.04 3DFLÀ&RUS���������������� USD 275,000 300,703 0.09 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.3% 01/06/2030 USD 248,000 258,279 0.08 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 3.25% 01/06/2050 USD 210,000 229,779 0.07 Progressive Corp. (The) 3.2% 26/03/2030 USD 250,000 284,391 0.09 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 2.45% 15/01/2030 USD 1,883,000 2,030,607 0.62 Southern California Edison Co. 3.4% 01/06/2023 USD 1,000 1,071 – Southern California Edison Co. 2.25% 01/06/2030 USD 720,000 732,710 0.22 US Treasury 0.625% 15/05/2030 USD 3,968,000 3,955,910 1.20 Verizon Communications, Inc. 4.329% 21/09/2028 USD 920,000 1,108,303 0.34 Verizon Communications, Inc. 2.5% 16/05/2030 CAD 160,000 122,222 0.04 Verizon Communications, Inc. 3.625% 16/05/2050 CAD 220,000 172,830 0.05 Walmart, Inc. 3.125% 23/06/2021 USD 225,000 231,294 0.07 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 3.068% 30/04/2041 USD 1,606,000 1,677,328 0.51 Willis North America, Inc. 3.875% 15/09/2049 USD 350,000 389,667 0.12 Xcel Energy, Inc. 3.3% 01/06/2025 USD 1,400,000 1,548,601 0.47 Xcel Energy, Inc. 3.35% 01/12/2026 USD 742,000 832,745 0.25 Xcel Energy, Inc. 6.5% 01/07/2036 USD 1,000,000 1,455,869 0.44 Xcel Energy, Inc. 3.5% 01/12/2049 USD 57,000 63,849 0.02

59,265,089 18.04

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������




Commonwealth Bank of Australia, FRN, 144A 3.61% 12/09/2034 USD 1,025,000 1,092,554 0.33 Newcrest Finance Pty. Ltd., 144A 3.25% 13/05/2030 USD 278,000 297,433 0.09 Newcrest Finance Pty. Ltd., 144A 4.2% 13/05/2050 USD 77,000 86,275 0.03

1,476,262 0.45

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (264)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




CanadaTeck Resources Ltd., 144A 3.9% 15/07/2030 USD 211,000 210,963 0.06

210,963 0.06 France

Air Liquide Finance SA, 144A 2.25% 10/09/2029 USD 407,000 420,707 0.13 Credit Agricole SA, FRN, 144A 1.907% 16/06/2026 USD 825,000 837,330 0.25

1,258,037 0.38 Germany

Deutsche Telekom AG, 144A 3.625% 21/01/2050 USD 380,000 422,129 0.13

422,129 0.13 Hong Kong

Sands China Ltd., 144A 3.8% 08/01/2026 USD 200,000 206,502 0.06 Sands China Ltd., 144A 4.375% 18/06/2030 USD 1,215,000 1,270,064 0.39

1,476,566 0.45 Italy

Intesa Sanpaolo SpA, 144A 3.25% 23/09/2024 USD 3,960,000 4,048,840 1.23 UniCredit SpA, FRN, 144A 5.459% 30/06/2035 USD 439,000 443,314 0.14

4,492,154 1.37 Japan

GE Capital Funding LLC, 144A 3.45% 15/05/2025 USD 250,000 262,097 0.08 GE Capital Funding LLC, 144A 4.4% 15/05/2030 USD 1,300,000 1,353,311 0.41

1,615,408 0.49 South Korea

Hyundai Capital America, 144A 2.85% 01/11/2022 USD 1,400,000 1,429,694 0.44

1,429,694 0.44 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, FRN, 144A 4.194% 01/04/2031 USD 549,000 627,784 0.19

627,784 0.19 Thailand

Bangkok Bank PCL, Reg. S, FRN 3.733% 25/09/2034 USD 2,600,000 2,488,479 0.76

2,488,479 0.76 United Kingdom

Anglo American Capital plc, 144A 5.625% 01/04/2030 USD 500,000 604,977 0.18

604,977 0.18 United States of America

AbbVie, Inc., 144A 2.6% 21/11/2024 USD 539,000 574,322 0.18 AbbVie, Inc., 144A 2.95% 21/11/2026 USD 115,000 125,943 0.04 AbbVie, Inc., 144A 4.05% 21/11/2039 USD 97,000 112,655 0.03 AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 3.45% 15/03/2022 USD 1,700,000 1,766,815 0.54 AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 3.8% 15/03/2025 USD 49,000 54,532 0.02 AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 4.75% 15/03/2045 USD 100,000 124,257 0.04 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co., 144A 4.05% 15/04/2025 USD 1,221,000 1,392,257 0.42

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (265)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 3.8% 06/04/2023 USD 500,000 537,343 0.16 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 5% 15/04/2030 USD 2,425,000 2,791,998 0.85 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 4.15% 15/11/2030 USD 2,000,000 2,180,622 0.66 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.242% 15/02/2025 USD 750,000 769,788 0.23 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.493% 15/02/2027 USD 250,000 255,009 0.08 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.722% 15/02/2030 USD 450,000 451,983 0.14 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 3.377% 05/04/2040 USD 100,000 97,600 0.03 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, 144A 3.7% 15/11/2029 USD 967,000 992,030 0.30 Five Corners Funding Trust II, 144A 2.85% 15/05/2030 USD 200,000 206,492 0.06 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 144A 1.95% 13/01/2023 USD 250,000 258,843 0.08 New York Life Global Funding, 144A 0.95% 24/06/2025 USD 210,000 210,696 0.06 New York Life Insurance Co., 144A 3.75% 15/05/2050 USD 55,000 62,151 0.02 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 2.056% 05/04/2025 USD 500,000 524,575 0.16 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 2.293% 05/04/2027 USD 650,000 679,705 0.21 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 2.565% 15/02/2030 USD 250,000 262,707 0.08 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 3.362% 15/02/2050 USD 100,000 106,349 0.03 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/05/2030 USD 1,563,000 1,729,164 0.53 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 3.5% 15/04/2025 USD 600,000 655,137 0.20 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 1.5% 15/02/2026 USD 400,000 400,972 0.12 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 3.75% 15/04/2027 USD 600,000 666,450 0.20 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 2.05% 15/02/2028 USD 275,000 275,817 0.08 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 3.875% 15/04/2030 USD 246,000 274,645 0.08 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 2.55% 15/02/2031 USD 246,000 247,481 0.08 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 4.375% 15/04/2040 USD 500,000 580,548 0.18 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 4.5% 15/04/2050 USD 500,000 590,225 0.18 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 2.7% 22/06/2030 USD 411,000 423,168 0.13 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 3.85% 22/06/2040 USD 167,000 179,726 0.06 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 4% 22/06/2050 USD 760,000 817,055 0.25

21,379,060 6.51

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������

7RWDO�5HFHQWO\�LVVXHG�VHFXULWLHV ���������� ��������



JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 6,772,775 6,772,775 2.06

6,772,775 2.06

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (266)

Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����


7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������







670,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


22/02/2028 86,282 86,282 0.03

850,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


21/02/2040 76,901 76,901 0.02

430,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


23/07/2039 65,727 65,727 0.02

450,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


22/10/2029 28,003 28,003 0.01


200,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


21/08/2048 (82,202) (82,202) (0.03)

900,000 GBP Goldman Sachs


24/06/2025 (2,789) (2,789) –

7RWDO�8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV �������� �������� ��������

1HW�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�,QWHUHVW�5DWH�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ������� ������� �������








Euro-Bund, 08/09/2020 48 EUR 9,519,371 102,624 0.03 Euro-Schatz, 08/09/2020 66 EUR 8,315,293 6,568 – US 2 Year Note, 30/09/2020 53 USD 11,703,891 6,877 – US Long Bond, 21/09/2020 32 USD 5,714,000 25,377 0.01 US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 56 USD 12,216,750 86,334 0.03


Euro-Bobl, 08/09/2020 (16) EUR (2,426,401) (11,519) – US 5 Year Note, 30/09/2020 (130) USD (16,346,484) (38,133) (0.01) US 10 Year Note, 21/09/2020 (43) USD (5,984,391) (21,645) (0.01) US 10 Year Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020

(270) USD (42,520,781) (222,590) (0.07)



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (267)

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Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







USD 761,480 EUR 677,610 06/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 123 – USD 1,228,825 EUR 1,086,000 09/07/2020 BNY Mellon 8,531 – USD 111,027 EUR 98,000 09/07/2020 HSBC 908 – USD 533,980 EUR 469,000 10/07/2020 Bank of America 6,971 – USD 866,155 EUR 761,000 10/07/2020 BNY Mellon 11,029 0.01 USD 2,999,350 EUR 2,650,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 21,579 0.01 USD 1,137,384 EUR 1,005,500 13/07/2020 Citibank 7,435 – USD 3,512,560 EUR 3,104,000 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 24,385 0.01 USD 983,884 GBP 774,000 13/07/2020 Citibank 24,754 0.01 USD 664,594 CAD 890,000 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 9,001 – USD 16,401 GBP 13,000 14/07/2020 Barclays 292 – USD 1,697,888 EUR 1,490,000 15/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 23,393 0.01 USD 4,061,219 EUR 3,599,708 16/07/2020 Citibank 15,692 0.01 USD 1,283,127 EUR 1,140,000 16/07/2020 Standard

Chartered1,939 –

USD 220,454 GBP 176,000 16/07/2020 Citibank 2,352 – USD 562,161 GBP 448,000 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 6,993 – USD 739,755 EUR 655,500 17/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 3,054 – USD 4,872,127 GBP 3,884,600 17/07/2020 BNY Mellon 58,242 0.02 USD 301,558 CAD 408,608 21/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 563 – USD 921,161 GBP 735,000 21/07/2020 Citibank 10,305 – USD 806,218 GBP 643,000 21/07/2020 HSBC 9,374 – 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ������� �������

$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVAUD 13,362,377 USD 9,165,325 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 56,917 0.02 &+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 3,079,529 USD 3,242,805 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 8,995 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 171,410 USD 192,409 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 235 – USD 9,605 EUR 8,532 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 16 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 1,267 USD 1,557 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 13 –



EUR 532,000 USD 602,719 09/07/2020 HSBC (4,932) – USD 1,673,510 EUR 1,504,000 09/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(16,474) –

USD 6,152,974 EUR 5,497,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (23,934) (0.01) EUR 570,000 USD 643,265 17/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (2,656) – USD 650,026 EUR 579,000 21/07/2020 BNY Mellon (760) – USD 18,289,735 EUR 16,292,700 21/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (22,990) (0.01) 8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV �������� ��������

(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 7,372,859 USD 8,302,939 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (16,763) (0.01) USD 7,764 EUR 6,926 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (20) – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 265,287 USD 332,251 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (3,502) –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (268)

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Schedule of investments





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (269)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 265

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Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020






BHP Billiton Finance Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.75% 22/04/2076 EUR 700,000 714,379 1.20 BHP Billiton Finance Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 5.625% 22/10/2079 EUR 700,000 813,068 1.37 Scentre Group Trust 1, REIT, Reg. S 1.75% 11/04/2028 EUR 400,000 394,992 0.66

1,922,439 3.23 Belgium

Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Reg. S 1.15% 22/01/2027 EUR 250,000 256,260 0.43 Euroclear Bank SA, Reg. S 0.5% 10/07/2023 EUR 500,000 507,153 0.85

763,413 1.28 China

State Grid Europe Development 2014 plc, Reg. S 1.5% 26/01/2022 EUR 300,000 304,596 0.51

304,596 0.51 France

Airbus SE, Reg. S 2.375% 07/04/2032 EUR 200,000 219,820 0.37 Airbus SE, Reg. S 2.375% 09/06/2040 EUR 320,000 332,205 0.56 AXA SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% 28/05/2049 EUR 300,000 329,449 0.55 BNP Paribas SA, Reg. S, FRN 0.5% 19/02/2028 EUR 200,000 194,895 0.33 BPCE SA, Reg. S 0.875% 31/01/2024 EUR 200,000 202,209 0.34 Cie de Saint-Gobain, Reg. S 1.875% 21/09/2028 EUR 300,000 323,585 0.54 Credit Agricole Assurances SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% 29/01/2048 EUR 100,000 101,347 0.17 Engie SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% Perpetual EUR 200,000 209,856 0.35 Euronext NV, Reg. S 1% 18/04/2025 EUR 500,000 513,846 0.86 Klepierre SA, REIT, Reg. S 2% 12/05/2029 EUR 400,000 418,407 0.70 Klepierre SA, REIT, Reg. S 1.25% 29/09/2031 EUR 500,000 486,071 0.82 Orange SA, Reg. S 1.375% 20/03/2028 EUR 300,000 319,588 0.54 Orange SA, Reg. S, FRN 5% Perpetual EUR 300,000 348,377 0.58 Pernod Ricard SA, Reg. S 1.125% 07/04/2025 EUR 500,000 516,620 0.87 Peugeot SA, Reg. S 2% 23/03/2024 EUR 500,000 507,051 0.85 RCI Banque SA, Reg. S 1.75% 10/04/2026 EUR 300,000 297,439 0.50 Renault SA, Reg. S 1.25% 24/06/2025 EUR 300,000 274,524 0.46 RTE Reseau de Transport d'Electricite SADIR, Reg. S 2.125% 27/09/2038 EUR 100,000 121,864 0.20 RTE Reseau de Transport d'Electricite SADIR, Reg. S 1.125% 09/09/2049 EUR 500,000 499,784 0.84 SNCF Reseau, Reg. S 1.875% 30/03/2034 EUR 300,000 360,609 0.61 Suez SA, Reg. S, FRN 1.625% Perpetual EUR 200,000 187,948 0.32 Suez SA, Reg. S 1.625% 21/09/2032 EUR 500,000 547,701 0.92 Total Capital International SA, Reg. S 1.535% 31/05/2039 EUR 500,000 527,094 0.88 TOTAL SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% Perpetual EUR 425,000 434,994 0.73

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (270)

Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




8QLEDLO�5RGDPFR�:HVWÀHOG�6(��5(,7��5HJ��6������22/02/2028 EUR 300,000 298,632 0.50 Vinci SA, Reg. S 1.625% 18/01/2029 EUR 500,000 548,431 0.92

9,122,346 15.31 Germany

Allianz SE, Reg. S, FRN 3.099% 06/07/2047 EUR 500,000 554,248 0.93 BASF SE, Reg. S 0.875% 15/11/2027 EUR 400,000 421,702 0.71 Deutsche Bahn Finance GMBH, Reg. S 1.125% 18/12/2028 EUR 300,000 322,322 0.54 Deutsche Boerse AG, Reg. S 1.125% 26/03/2028 EUR 500,000 539,240 0.91 Deutsche Telekom International Finance BV, Reg. S 0.875% 30/01/2024 EUR 200,000 205,506 0.35 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0% 28/08/2024 EUR 360,000 356,153 0.60 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.35% 28/02/2030 EUR 190,000 184,245 0.31 E.ON SE, Reg. S 0.625% 07/11/2031 EUR 270,000 265,182 0.45 Fresenius SE & Co. KGaA, Reg. S 1.625% 08/10/2027 EUR 550,000 578,582 0.97 Hannover Rueck SE, Reg. S, FRN 0% 08/10/2040 EUR 300,000 299,850 0.50 HeidelbergCement AG, Reg. S 1.5% 07/02/2025 EUR 400,000 408,039 0.68 Merck Financial Services GmbH, Reg. S 1.375% 01/09/2022 EUR 350,000 358,500 0.60 Muenchener Rueckversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Reg. S, FRN 3.25% 26/05/2049 EUR 500,000 572,077 0.96 Volkswagen Financial Services AG, Reg. S 2.25% 16/10/2026 EUR 300,000 315,954 0.53 Volkswagen International Finance NV, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% Perpetual EUR 700,000 693,357 1.16 Volkswagen International Finance NV, Reg. S, FRN 4.625% Perpetual EUR 500,000 520,503 0.87

6,595,460 11.07 Ireland

CRH Finance DAC, Reg. S 3.125% 03/04/2023 EUR 500,000 537,658 0.90 Zurich Insurance Co. Ltd., Reg. S 1.5% 15/12/2028 EUR 500,000 536,158 0.90

1,073,816 1.80 Israel

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands II BV, Reg. S 1.125% 15/10/2024 EUR 700,000 615,369 1.03

615,369 1.03 Italy

Assicurazioni Generali SpA, Reg. S 2.124% 01/10/2030 EUR 300,000 289,902 0.49 Assicurazioni Generali SpA, Reg. S, FRN 7.75% 12/12/2042 EUR 200,000 231,708 0.39 Buzzi Unicem SpA, Reg. S 2.125% 28/04/2023 EUR 500,000 518,994 0.87 Enel SpA, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 24/11/2078 EUR 500,000 502,260 0.84 FCA Bank SpA, Reg. S 1% 21/02/2022 EUR 245,000 243,761 0.41 Snam SpA, Reg. S 0.875% 25/10/2026 EUR 300,000 308,907 0.52 Terna Rete Elettrica Nazionale SpA, Reg. S 1% 11/10/2028 EUR 500,000 517,266 0.87 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S 1% 18/01/2023 EUR 500,000 494,194 0.83

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (271)

Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




UniCredit SpA, Reg. S, FRN 2% 23/09/2029 EUR 500,000 454,398 0.76 UniCredit SpA, Reg. S 6.95% 31/10/2022 EUR 900,000 991,724 1.66

4,553,114 7.64 Japan

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 2% 09/07/2040 EUR 780,000 780,652 1.31 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Reg. S 2.25% 21/11/2026 EUR 225,000 246,713 0.41 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd., Reg. S 3% 21/11/2030 EUR 500,000 587,637 0.99 Toyota Finance Australia Ltd., Reg. S 1.584% 21/04/2022 EUR 820,000 840,380 1.41

2,455,382 4.12 Luxembourg

DH Europe Finance II Sarl 0.45% 18/03/2028 EUR 175,000 171,235 0.29

171,235 0.29 Netherlands

BAT Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 3.125% 07/04/2028 EUR 250,000 277,016 0.47 Enel Finance International NV, Reg. S 1.125% 16/09/2026 EUR 500,000 525,420 0.88 Schlumberger Finance BV, Reg. S 0.25% 15/10/2027 EUR 400,000 378,293 0.63 Upjohn Finance BV, Reg. S 1.908% 23/06/2032 EUR 815,000 828,188 1.39

2,008,917 3.37 Norway

Equinor ASA, Reg. S 1.375% 22/05/2032 EUR 440,000 468,679 0.79

468,679 0.79 Portugal

EDP - Energias de Portugal SA, Reg. S 1.625% 15/04/2027 EUR 100,000 106,230 0.18

106,230 0.18 Spain

Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria SA, Reg. S 1.375% 14/05/2025 EUR 500,000 509,870 0.86 Banco Santander SA, Reg. S 1.375% 09/02/2022 EUR 300,000 303,930 0.51 CaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 2.25% 17/04/2030 EUR 700,000 690,376 1.16 CaixaBank SA, Reg. S, FRN 3.5% 15/02/2027 EUR 300,000 306,567 0.51 Iberdrola International BV, Reg. S, FRN 2.625% Perpetual EUR 500,000 515,856 0.87 Iberdrola International BV, Reg. S, FRN 1.875% Perpetual EUR 900,000 900,769 1.51 Telefonica Europe BV, Reg. S, FRN 3% Perpetual EUR 500,000 490,000 0.82

3,717,368 6.24 Sweden

Svenska Handelsbanken AB, Reg. S 1% 15/04/2025 EUR 110,000 114,704 0.19

114,704 0.19 Switzerland

Swiss Re Finance UK plc, Reg. S 1.375% 27/05/2023 EUR 500,000 516,124 0.87

516,124 0.87

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (272)

Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




United KingdomBarclays Bank plc, Reg. S 6% 14/01/2021 EUR 400,000 411,370 0.69 BP Capital Markets plc, Reg. S 2.519% 07/04/2028 EUR 540,000 595,190 1.00 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc, Reg. S 1.375% 02/12/2024 EUR 400,000 422,068 0.71 Heathrow Funding Ltd., Reg. S 1.875% 12/07/2032 EUR 450,000 459,671 0.77 HSBC Holdings plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.5% 04/12/2024 EUR 180,000 186,618 0.31 NGG Finance plc, Reg. S, FRN 1.625% 05/12/2079 EUR 250,000 246,040 0.41 NGG Finance plc, Reg. S, FRN 2.125% 05/09/2082 EUR 250,000 246,260 0.41 Shell International Finance BV, Reg. S 0.75% 15/08/2028 EUR 500,000 511,350 0.86 SSE plc, Reg. S 1.25% 16/04/2025 EUR 520,000 536,639 0.90 Standard Chartered plc, Reg. S, FRN 2.5% 09/09/2030 EUR 160,000 162,638 0.27 Tesco Corporate Treasury Services plc, Reg. S 1.375% 24/10/2023 EUR 500,000 510,939 0.86 UBS AG, Reg. S 0.75% 21/04/2023 EUR 230,000 233,772 0.39 Unilever plc, Reg. S 1.5% 11/06/2039 EUR 500,000 568,169 0.96 Wellcome Trust Ltd. (The), Reg. S 1.125% 21/01/2027 EUR 780,000 805,964 1.35

5,896,688 9.89 United States of America

AbbVie, Inc. 0.75% 18/11/2027 EUR 500,000 500,582 0.84 Apple, Inc. 2% 17/09/2027 EUR 550,000 625,170 1.05 AT&T, Inc. 1.6% 19/05/2028 EUR 850,000 871,076 1.46 Becton Dickinson Euro Finance Sarl 1.208% 04/06/2026 EUR 500,000 502,538 0.84 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 0.75% 16/03/2023 EUR 600,000 611,068 1.03 BlackRock, Inc. 1.25% 06/05/2025 EUR 500,000 528,704 0.89 Blackstone Holdings Finance Co. LLC, Reg. S 1% 05/10/2026 EUR 500,000 509,857 0.86 BorgWarner, Inc. 1.8% 07/11/2022 EUR 300,000 304,954 0.51 Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. 1.55% 15/03/2028 EUR 480,000 506,690 0.85 Coca-Cola Co. (The) 1.1% 02/09/2036 EUR 350,000 361,650 0.61 Danaher Corp. 2.1% 30/09/2026 EUR 540,000 586,259 0.98 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 1.125% 15/03/2032 EUR 250,000 229,136 0.38 Emerson Electric Co. 1.25% 15/10/2025 EUR 200,000 210,829 0.35 Emerson Electric Co. 2% 15/10/2029 EUR 200,000 224,405 0.38 Expedia Group, Inc. 2.5% 03/06/2022 EUR 300,000 299,804 0.50 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 1.5% 21/05/2027 EUR 185,000 191,442 0.32 Fidelity National Information Services, Inc. 2% 21/05/2030 EUR 175,000 187,569 0.31 Fiserv, Inc. 1.125% 01/07/2027 EUR 125,000 126,646 0.21 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 2.2% 01/04/2024 EUR 250,000 245,886 0.41 General Motors Financial Co., Inc., Reg. S 1.694% 26/03/2025 EUR 500,000 466,045 0.78 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Reg. S 0.125% 19/08/2024 EUR 500,000 488,324 0.82 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), Reg. S 3.375% 27/03/2025 EUR 180,000 200,943 0.34

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (273)

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Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Harley-Davidson Financial Services, Inc., Reg. S 3.875% 19/05/2023 EUR 1,020,000 1,065,645 1.79 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.001% 25/07/2031 EUR 480,000 480,899 0.81 JPMorgan Chase & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.638% 18/05/2028 EUR 500,000 528,991 0.89 LYB International Finance II BV 0.875% 17/09/2026 EUR 325,000 312,256 0.52 Medtronic Global Holdings SCA 0.375% 07/03/2023 EUR 300,000 300,760 0.50 Medtronic Global Holdings SCA 1.125% 07/03/2027 EUR 600,000 627,321 1.05 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, Reg. S 0.55% 16/06/2027 EUR 850,000 855,007 1.44 Molson Coors Beverage Co. 1.25% 15/07/2024 EUR 120,000 116,312 0.20 Moody's Corp. 1.75% 09/03/2027 EUR 500,000 540,493 0.91 Morgan Stanley, FRN 0.637% 26/07/2024 EUR 500,000 500,800 0.84 Philip Morris International, Inc. 0.8% 01/08/2031 EUR 250,000 237,623 0.40 Prologis Euro Finance LLC, REIT 1% 06/02/2035 EUR 440,000 427,647 0.72 Simon International Finance SCA, REIT, Reg. S 1.25% 13/05/2025 EUR 300,000 297,564 0.50 Stryker Corp. 0.75% 01/03/2029 EUR 570,000 562,177 0.94 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������ EUR 400,000 420,267 0.71 Wells Fargo & Co., Reg. S, FRN 1.741% 04/05/2030 EUR 560,000 584,261 0.98 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. 2.425% 13/12/2026 EUR 400,000 424,353 0.71

17,061,953 28.63

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������



%RQGVUnited States of America

AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 1.25% 01/06/2024 EUR 500,000 511,672 0.86

511,672 0.86

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ���������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ���������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (274)

Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments








Euro-Schatz, 08/09/2020 37 EUR 4,149,180 3,486 0.01


Euro-Bund, 08/09/2020 (13) EUR (2,294,760) (24,580) (0.04) Euro-Buxl 30 Year Bond, 08/09/2020

(4) EUR (879,840) (20,883) (0.04)










86'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 207,200 EUR 183,990 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 372 –




Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (275)

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Schedule of investments






Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.95% 15/01/2023 USD 230,000 237,389 0.14 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.05% 15/07/2025 USD 672,000 674,132 0.39 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 3.85% 01/06/2027 USD 111,000 118,784 0.07 Canadian Natural Resources Ltd. 2.95% 15/07/2030 USD 285,000 283,391 0.16 Enbridge, Inc. 4% 01/10/2023 USD 150,000 162,748 0.09 Enbridge, Inc. 3.5% 10/06/2024 USD 175,000 190,085 0.11 Nutrien Ltd. 2.95% 13/05/2030 USD 140,000 148,663 0.08 Nutrien Ltd. 3.95% 13/05/2050 USD 50,000 55,413 0.03 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 4.1% 15/04/2030 USD 959,000 1,094,087 0.63 TransCanada PipeLines Ltd. 5.1% 15/03/2049 USD 50,000 63,867 0.04

3,028,559 1.74 Chile

Enel Chile SA 4.875% 12/06/2028 USD 95,000 106,263 0.06 Enel Generacion Chile SA 4.25% 15/04/2024 USD 20,000 21,415 0.01

127,678 0.07 France

Total Capital International SA 3.7% 15/01/2024 USD 90,000 99,582 0.05 Total Capital International SA 3.127% 29/05/2050 USD 150,000 153,556 0.09

253,138 0.14 Italy

UniCredit SpA, Reg. S 4.625% 12/04/2027 USD 200,000 215,713 0.12

215,713 0.12 Japan

Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group, Inc. 3.195% 18/07/2029 USD 200,000 218,832 0.12 Sumitomo Mitsui Financial Group, Inc. 2.448% 27/09/2024 USD 200,000 210,128 0.12 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.05% 11/01/2028 USD 76,000 85,120 0.05 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.375% 01/04/2030 USD 162,000 186,387 0.11 Toyota Motor Credit Corp. 3.2% 11/01/2027 USD 25,000 27,859 0.02

728,326 0.42 Norway

Equinor ASA 3.625% 10/09/2028 USD 62,000 71,391 0.04 Equinor ASA 3.25% 18/11/2049 USD 25,000 26,609 0.02

98,000 0.06 Switzerland

Novartis Capital Corp. 1.75% 14/02/2025 USD 330,000 345,317 0.20 Novartis Capital Corp. 2% 14/02/2027 USD 257,000 272,614 0.16 Novartis Capital Corp. 2.2% 14/08/2030 USD 50,000 52,964 0.03

670,895 0.39 United Kingdom

AstraZeneca plc 3.5% 17/08/2023 USD 115,000 124,495 0.07 AstraZeneca plc 4% 17/01/2029 USD 50,000 61,285 0.04 AstraZeneca plc 3.375% 16/11/2025 USD 575,000 646,669 0.37

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (276)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




BAT Capital Corp. 2.764% 15/08/2022 USD 40,000 41,443 0.02 BAT Capital Corp. 2.789% 06/09/2024 USD 200,000 210,995 0.12 BAT Capital Corp. 3.215% 06/09/2026 USD 150,000 161,285 0.09 BAT Capital Corp. 3.557% 15/08/2027 USD 735,000 795,762 0.46 BAT Capital Corp. 4.906% 02/04/2030 USD 875,000 1,029,470 0.59 BAT Capital Corp. 4.54% 15/08/2047 USD 145,000 158,085 0.09 BAT Capital Corp. 4.758% 06/09/2049 USD 125,000 139,199 0.08 BAT Capital Corp. 5.282% 02/04/2050 USD 125,000 151,673 0.09 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 3.125% 14/05/2021 USD 275,000 281,755 0.16 GlaxoSmithKline Capital plc 2.875% 01/06/2022 USD 1,675,000 1,751,040 1.01 GlaxoSmithKline Capital, Inc. 3.375% 15/05/2023 USD 57,000 61,484 0.04 HSBC Holdings plc 4.95% 31/03/2030 USD 250,000 299,896 0.17 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 2.633% 07/11/2025 USD 1,225,000 1,271,061 0.73 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 3.973% 22/05/2030 USD 255,000 283,226 0.16 HSBC Holdings plc, FRN 2.848% 04/06/2031 USD 375,000 384,303 0.22 Lloyds Banking Group plc 4.45% 08/05/2025 USD 300,000 340,434 0.20 Lloyds Banking Group plc, FRN 3.87% 09/07/2025 USD 200,000 217,832 0.13 Shell International Finance BV 2.375% 07/11/2029 USD 150,000 157,547 0.09 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.4% 23/09/2021 USD 51,000 52,031 0.03 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 2.875% 23/09/2023 USD 368,000 390,004 0.22 Shire Acquisitions Investments Ireland DAC 3.2% 23/09/2026 USD 404,000 448,488 0.26

9,459,462 5.44 United States of America

3M Co. 3.7% 15/04/2050 USD 160,000 190,826 0.11 Abbott Laboratories 3.4% 30/11/2023 USD 15,000 16,375 0.01 Abbott Laboratories 3.75% 30/11/2026 USD 92,000 107,129 0.06 AbbVie, Inc. 4.875% 14/11/2048 USD 100,000 128,148 0.07 AEP Transmission Co. LLC 3.65% 01/04/2050 USD 75,000 86,969 0.05 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 3.95% 15/01/2028 USD 20,000 22,841 0.01 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 2.75% 15/12/2029 USD 33,000 35,252 0.02 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc., REIT 3.375% 15/08/2031 USD 60,000 66,972 0.04 Allstate Corp. (The) 3.85% 10/08/2049 USD 75,000 90,670 0.05 Altria Group, Inc. 2.35% 06/05/2025 USD 12,000 12,641 0.01 Altria Group, Inc. 4.4% 14/02/2026 USD 95,000 109,348 0.06 Altria Group, Inc. 4.8% 14/02/2029 USD 135,000 157,480 0.09 Altria Group, Inc. 5.95% 14/02/2049 USD 330,000 433,334 0.25 Ameren Corp. 3.5% 15/01/2031 USD 775,000 868,224 0.50 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.625% 15/11/2027 USD 125,000 128,554 0.07 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 2.85% 01/02/2030 USD 56,000 54,144 0.03 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.875% 30/01/2031 USD 25,000 26,257 0.02 American Campus Communities Operating Partnership LP, REIT 3.75% 15/04/2023 USD 390,000 400,754 0.23 American Electric Power Co., Inc. 2.3% 01/03/2030 USD 600,000 607,864 0.35

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (277)

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




American International Group, Inc. 4.2% 01/04/2028 USD 50,000 56,961 0.03 American International Group, Inc. 3.4% 30/06/2030 USD 200,000 217,098 0.12 Anheuser-Busch Cos. LLC 4.9% 01/02/2046 USD 290,000 355,808 0.20 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4% 13/04/2028 USD 15,000 17,320 0.01 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.75% 23/01/2029 USD 55,000 66,489 0.04 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 3.5% 01/06/2030 USD 200,000 225,300 0.13 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 5.55% 23/01/2049 USD 140,000 187,694 0.11 Anheuser-Busch InBev Worldwide, Inc. 4.5% 01/06/2050 USD 325,000 389,218 0.22 AT&T, Inc. 2.3% 01/06/2027 USD 150,000 155,110 0.09 AT&T, Inc. 2.75% 01/06/2031 USD 1,000,000 1,036,877 0.60 AT&T, Inc. 3.5% 01/06/2041 USD 125,000 131,756 0.08 AT&T, Inc. 3.65% 01/06/2051 USD 550,000 576,425 0.33 Baker Hughes a GE Co. LLC 4.486% 01/05/2030 USD 83,000 95,643 0.05 Becton Dickinson and Co. 2.894% 06/06/2022 USD 410,000 424,381 0.24 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.363% 06/06/2024 USD 225,000 242,732 0.14 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.7% 06/06/2027 USD 775,000 867,587 0.50 Becton Dickinson and Co. 2.823% 20/05/2030 USD 500,000 530,672 0.31 Becton Dickinson and Co. 3.794% 20/05/2050 USD 50,000 55,802 0.03 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 4.2% 15/08/2048 USD 110,000 139,796 0.08 Berkshire Hathaway Finance Corp. 4.25% 15/01/2049 USD 15,000 19,251 0.01 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 3.125% 15/03/2026 USD 25,000 28,028 0.02 Berkshire Hathaway, Inc. 4.5% 11/02/2043 USD 25,000 33,275 0.02 Boeing Co. (The) 2.7% 01/05/2022 USD 200,000 202,799 0.12 Boeing Co. (The) 4.875% 01/05/2025 USD 950,000 1,035,512 0.60 Boeing Co. (The) 3.1% 01/05/2026 USD 149,000 151,973 0.09 Boeing Co. (The) 2.7% 01/02/2027 USD 135,000 131,959 0.08 Boeing Co. (The) 5.04% 01/05/2027 USD 75,000 82,815 0.05 Boeing Co. (The) 2.95% 01/02/2030 USD 46,000 44,959 0.03 Boeing Co. (The) 5.15% 01/05/2030 USD 500,000 558,912 0.32 Boeing Co. (The) 5.805% 01/05/2050 USD 100,000 118,260 0.07 Boeing Co. (The) 5.93% 01/05/2060 USD 50,000 59,331 0.03 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������� USD 150,000 156,901 0.09 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 45,000 48,803 0.03 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 825,000 857,999 0.49 %RVWRQ�6FLHQWLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 30,000 38,323 0.02 BP Capital Markets America, Inc. 3.79% 06/02/2024 USD 975,000 1,067,760 0.61 BP Capital Markets America, Inc. 3.41% 11/02/2026 USD 170,000 188,299 0.11 Burlington Northern Santa Fe LLC 3.05% 15/02/2051 USD 250,000 272,715 0.16 CenterPoint Energy Houston Electric LLC 2.9% 01/07/2050 USD 75,000 78,322 0.05 CenterPoint Energy, Inc. 3.85% 01/02/2024 USD 100,000 109,460 0.06 Chevron Corp. 1.995% 11/05/2027 USD 12,000 12,576 0.01 Chevron Corp. 2.236% 11/05/2030 USD 583,000 611,067 0.35 Chevron Corp. 2.978% 11/05/2040 USD 36,000 38,584 0.02 Chevron Corp. 3.078% 11/05/2050 USD 58,000 61,722 0.04 Chubb INA Holdings, Inc. 4.35% 03/11/2045 USD 10,000 13,062 0.01

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (278)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Cigna Corp. 4.375% 15/10/2028 USD 255,000 301,984 0.17 Conagra Brands, Inc. 4.3% 01/05/2024 USD 227,000 251,172 0.14 Conagra Brands, Inc. 4.6% 01/11/2025 USD 1,035,000 1,194,376 0.69 Conagra Brands, Inc. 5.3% 01/11/2038 USD 11,000 14,381 0.01 Connecticut Light and Power Co. (The) 3.2% 15/03/2027 USD 200,000 220,622 0.13 Consolidated Edison Co. of New York, Inc. 3.95% 01/04/2050 USD 100,000 119,548 0.07 Constellation Brands, Inc. 2.7% 09/05/2022 USD 5,000 5,188 – Constellation Brands, Inc. 2.65% 07/11/2022 USD 60,000 62,609 0.04 Constellation Brands, Inc. 2.875% 01/05/2030 USD 325,000 345,145 0.20 Constellation Brands, Inc. 3.75% 01/05/2050 USD 64,000 69,893 0.04 Consumers Energy Co. 3.1% 15/08/2050 USD 100,000 111,664 0.06 CVS Health Corp. 4.1% 25/03/2025 USD 200,000 226,227 0.13 CVS Health Corp. 4.3% 25/03/2028 USD 131,000 153,251 0.09 Deere & Co. 3.75% 15/04/2050 USD 70,000 86,484 0.05 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 4.8% 30/11/2028 USD 35,000 41,965 0.02 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 5.55% 30/11/2048 USD 15,000 19,718 0.01 Duke Energy Carolinas LLC 2.45% 15/08/2029 USD 375,000 403,290 0.23 Duke Energy Florida LLC 2.5% 01/12/2029 USD 1,625,000 1,760,125 1.01 Duke Energy Progress LLC 3.45% 15/03/2029 USD 125,000 143,670 0.08 Edison International 3.55% 15/11/2024 USD 550,000 581,431 0.33 Edison International 4.95% 15/04/2025 USD 25,000 27,519 0.02 Edison International 4.125% 15/03/2028 USD 1,247,000 1,319,520 0.76 Enbridge Energy Partners LP 7.375% 15/10/2045 USD 55,000 78,779 0.05 Energy Transfer Operating LP 2.9% 15/05/2025 USD 135,000 138,390 0.08 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5.3% 15/04/2047 USD 155,000 150,114 0.09 Energy Transfer Operating LP 6% 15/06/2048 USD 163,000 169,313 0.10 Energy Transfer Operating LP 6.25% 15/04/2049 USD 62,000 65,795 0.04 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5% 15/05/2050 USD 925,000 877,243 0.50 Entergy Corp. 2.95% 01/09/2026 USD 200,000 220,877 0.13 Entergy Corp. 2.8% 15/06/2030 USD 150,000 158,309 0.09 Entergy Corp. 3.75% 15/06/2050 USD 100,000 111,438 0.06 Enterprise Products Operating LLC 4.2% 31/01/2050 USD 65,000 72,232 0.04 Essex Portfolio LP, REIT 3.25% 01/05/2023 USD 50,000 52,691 0.03 Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.726% 01/03/2023 USD 50,000 52,620 0.03 Exxon Mobil Corp. 2.992% 19/03/2025 USD 100,000 108,903 0.06 Exxon Mobil Corp. 3.452% 15/04/2051 USD 125,000 139,382 0.08 FirstEnergy Corp. 1.6% 15/01/2026 USD 50,000 50,507 0.03 FirstEnergy Corp. 2.65% 01/03/2030 USD 875,000 914,987 0.53 FirstEnergy Corp. 2.25% 01/09/2030 USD 275,000 276,163 0.16 Florida Power & Light Co. 3.7% 01/12/2047 USD 150,000 180,335 0.10 GE Capital International Funding Co. Unlimited Co. 3.373% 15/11/2025 USD 375,000 393,767 0.23 General Electric Co. 3.625% 01/05/2030 USD 375,000 376,107 0.22 General Electric Co. 4.25% 01/05/2040 USD 25,000 24,630 0.01 General Electric Co. 4.35% 01/05/2050 USD 75,000 74,451 0.04 General Motors Co. 5.4% 02/10/2023 USD 106,000 114,913 0.07 General Motors Co. 6.125% 01/10/2025 USD 268,000 301,516 0.17 General Motors Co. 6.75% 01/04/2046 USD 25,000 27,282 0.02 General Motors Co. 5.4% 01/04/2048 USD 75,000 74,231 0.04 General Motors Co. 5.95% 01/04/2049 USD 75,000 78,764 0.05

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (279)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 5.2% 20/03/2023 USD 175,000 187,360 0.11 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 3.5% 07/11/2024 USD 45,000 45,655 0.03 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 2.75% 20/06/2025 USD 1,727,000 1,703,862 0.98 Global Payments, Inc. 2.9% 15/05/2030 USD 314,000 328,815 0.19 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3.5% 01/04/2025 USD 25,000 27,442 0.02 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The) 3.8% 15/03/2030 USD 1,825,000 2,086,006 1.20 Gulf Power Co. 3.3% 30/05/2027 USD 200,000 222,080 0.13 Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. (The) 2.8% 19/08/2029 USD 250,000 265,167 0.15 HCA, Inc. 4.125% 15/06/2029 USD 75,000 82,806 0.05 Home Depot, Inc. (The) 2.95% 15/06/2029 USD 282,000 316,889 0.18 Home Depot, Inc. (The) 4.5% 06/12/2048 USD 6,000 7,988 – Home Depot, Inc. (The) 3.35% 15/04/2050 USD 150,000 171,893 0.10 Honeywell International, Inc. 2.3% 15/08/2024 USD 830,000 885,492 0.51 International Business Machines Corp. 1.7% 15/05/2027 USD 175,000 179,034 0.10 International Business Machines Corp. 1.95% 15/05/2030 USD 625,000 640,517 0.37 International Business Machines Corp. 2.95% 15/05/2050 USD 326,000 335,821 0.19 Interstate Power and Light Co. 3.25% 01/12/2024 USD 125,000 135,823 0.08 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 3.551% 25/05/2021 USD 100,000 102,802 0.06 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 3.2% 01/05/2030 USD 527,000 584,215 0.34 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 5.085% 25/05/2048 USD 116,000 154,177 0.09 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 3.8% 01/05/2050 USD 264,000 302,553 0.17 Kimco Realty Corp., REIT 3.3% 01/02/2025 USD 130,000 136,596 0.08 Kinder Morgan, Inc. 3.15% 15/01/2023 USD 25,000 26,132 0.02 Kinder Morgan, Inc. 5.2% 01/03/2048 USD 55,000 66,878 0.04 Las Vegas Sands Corp. 3.9% 08/08/2029 USD 14,000 13,811 0.01 Lowe's Cos., Inc. 5% 15/04/2040 USD 175,000 228,103 0.13 LYB International Finance II BV 3.5% 02/03/2027 USD 100,000 109,232 0.06 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. 3.875% 15/03/2024 USD 75,000 83,074 0.05 Marsh & McLennan Cos., Inc. 2.25% 15/11/2030 USD 50,000 52,065 0.03 Mastercard, Inc. 3.35% 26/03/2030 USD 175,000 202,863 0.12 McDonald's Corp. 4.2% 01/04/2050 USD 75,000 91,255 0.05 Merck & Co., Inc. 2.75% 10/02/2025 USD 30,000 32,663 0.02 MetLife, Inc. 4.55% 23/03/2030 USD 250,000 310,651 0.18 Molson Coors Beverage Co. 2.1% 15/07/2021 USD 50,000 50,623 0.03 MPLX LP 5.5% 15/02/2049 USD 52,000 59,090 0.03 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. 2.75% 01/05/2025 USD 150,000 162,257 0.09 NextEra Energy Capital Holdings, Inc. 2.25% 01/06/2030 USD 1,000,000 1,029,502 0.59 Norfolk Southern Corp. 2.55% 01/11/2029 USD 73,000 77,903 0.04 Norfolk Southern Corp. 3.05% 15/05/2050 USD 138,000 142,715 0.08 ONEOK, Inc. 5.85% 15/01/2026 USD 145,000 165,773 0.10 ONEOK, Inc. 4% 13/07/2027 USD 9,000 9,147 0.01 ONEOK, Inc. 4.55% 15/07/2028 USD 3,000 3,149 – ONEOK, Inc. 4.35% 15/03/2029 USD 5,000 5,263 – ONEOK, Inc. 3.1% 15/03/2030 USD 62,000 59,428 0.03 ONEOK, Inc. 6.35% 15/01/2031 USD 230,000 269,701 0.16 ONEOK, Inc. 5.2% 15/07/2048 USD 300,000 299,208 0.17 ONEOK, Inc. 4.45% 01/09/2049 USD 26,000 24,153 0.01

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (280)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




ONEOK, Inc. 7.15% 15/01/2051 USD 55,000 67,022 0.04 Oracle Corp. 1.9% 15/09/2021 USD 125,000 127,134 0.07 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 1,725,000 1,707,871 0.98 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 1,725,000 1,690,672 0.97 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 175,000 170,721 0.10 3DFLÀ&RUS���������������� USD 100,000 109,346 0.06 3DFLÀ&RUS���������������� USD 100,000 110,668 0.06 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.85% 01/10/2029 USD 295,000 323,455 0.19 3À]HU��,QF����������������� USD 635,000 685,398 0.39 3À]HU��,QF������������������� USD 712,000 784,272 0.45 Philip Morris International, Inc. 2.875% 01/05/2024 USD 200,000 215,100 0.12 Philip Morris International, Inc. 3.375% 15/08/2029 USD 100,000 113,768 0.07 Plains All American Pipeline LP 3.8% 15/09/2030 USD 119,000 117,429 0.07 Praxair, Inc. 2.2% 15/08/2022 USD 125,000 129,391 0.07 Procter & Gamble Co. (The) 3% 25/03/2030 USD 133,000 152,596 0.09 Procter & Gamble Co. (The) 3.6% 25/03/2050 USD 36,000 44,947 0.03 Progress Energy, Inc. 7% 30/10/2031 USD 50,000 70,797 0.04 Prudential Financial, Inc. 3.905% 07/12/2047 USD 100,000 113,835 0.07 Prudential Financial, Inc. 4.35% 25/02/2050 USD 125,000 150,290 0.09 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 3.65% 16/08/2023 USD 22,000 23,829 0.01 Raytheon Technologies Corp. 3.125% 04/05/2027 USD 50,000 55,458 0.03 Reynolds American, Inc. 5.85% 15/08/2045 USD 85,000 106,594 0.06 San Diego Gas & Electric Co. 3.32% 15/04/2050 USD 250,000 272,865 0.16 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 3.45% 01/06/2027 USD 50,000 56,004 0.03 Sherwin-Williams Co. (The) 2.95% 15/08/2029 USD 150,000 161,536 0.09 Southern California Edison Co. 3.5% 01/10/2023 USD 250,000 268,710 0.15 Southern California Edison Co. 3.7% 01/08/2025 USD 125,000 138,372 0.08 Southern California Edison Co. 4.2% 01/03/2029 USD 475,000 554,651 0.32 Southern California Edison Co. 3.6% 01/02/2045 USD 450,000 490,323 0.28 7KHUPR�)LVKHU�6FLHQWLÀF��,QF������������������� USD 121,000 149,850 0.09 Travelers Cos., Inc. (The) 4% 30/05/2047 USD 20,000 24,645 0.01 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 95,000 103,229 0.06 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 131,000 138,682 0.08 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS����������������� USD 170,000 218,043 0.13 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 174,000 191,203 0.11 8QLRQ�3DFLÀF�&RUS������������������ USD 75,000 90,158 0.05 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 3.5% 15/02/2024 USD 250,000 275,250 0.16 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2.375% 15/08/2024 USD 820,000 873,066 0.50 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2.875% 15/08/2029 USD 105,000 117,291 0.07 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 4.45% 15/12/2048 USD 50,000 65,610 0.04 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 3.7% 15/08/2049 USD 50,000 59,237 0.03 UnitedHealth Group, Inc. 2.9% 15/05/2050 USD 175,000 186,726 0.11 US Bancorp 2.4% 30/07/2024 USD 250,000 266,260 0.15 US Treasury 0.125% 31/05/2022 USD 6,275,000 6,270,955 3.61 US Treasury 0.25% 30/06/2025 USD 3,915,000 3,907,812 2.25 US Treasury 0.5% 30/04/2027 USD 1,750,000 1,752,267 1.01 US Treasury 2% 15/02/2050 USD 4,775,000 5,466,194 3.14 Verizon Communications, Inc. 3% 22/03/2027 USD 175,000 194,392 0.11 Verizon Communications, Inc. 3.875% 08/02/2029 USD 25,000 29,629 0.02 Verizon Communications, Inc. 3.15% 22/03/2030 USD 925,000 1,047,721 0.60 Verizon Communications, Inc. 4% 22/03/2050 USD 125,000 158,096 0.09 Virginia Electric and Power Co. 4% 15/11/2046 USD 125,000 150,772 0.09

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (281)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Virginia Electric and Power Co. 3.3% 01/12/2049 USD 500,000 557,301 0.32 Visa, Inc. 2.15% 15/09/2022 USD 175,000 181,946 0.10 Visa, Inc. 2.05% 15/04/2030 USD 155,000 162,825 0.09 Walmart, Inc. 3.4% 26/06/2023 USD 40,000 43,467 0.02 Walmart, Inc. 2.85% 08/07/2024 USD 1,500,000 1,632,317 0.94 Walmart, Inc. 3.7% 26/06/2028 USD 65,000 77,065 0.04 Walt Disney Co. (The) 2.65% 13/01/2031 USD 775,000 823,204 0.47 Westinghouse Air Brake Technologies Corp. 4.4% 15/03/2024 USD 4,000 4,246 – Westlake Chemical Corp. 5% 15/08/2046 USD 50,000 53,211 0.03 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 3.9% 15/01/2025 USD 26,000 28,483 0.02 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 3.5% 15/11/2030 USD 280,000 295,165 0.17 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 6.3% 15/04/2040 USD 16,000 19,199 0.01 Williams Cos., Inc. (The) 5.1% 15/09/2045 USD 11,000 12,062 0.01 Zimmer Biomet Holdings, Inc. 3.15% 01/04/2022 USD 200,000 207,701 0.12

75,408,605 43.36

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Westpac Banking Corp., FRN 2.894% 04/02/2030 USD 225,000 228,979 0.13

228,979 0.13 Canada

Canadian National Railway Co. 3.2% 02/08/2046 USD 30,000 33,249 0.02 Toronto-Dominion Bank (The) 2.65% 12/06/2024 USD 250,000 267,691 0.15

300,940 0.17 Chile

Colbun SA, Reg. S 3.95% 11/10/2027 USD 200,000 215,471 0.12

215,471 0.12 France

BPCE SA, 144A 5.7% 22/10/2023 USD 200,000 223,869 0.13 Total Capital International SA 2.986% 29/06/2041 USD 450,000 459,672 0.26

683,541 0.39 Germany

Siemens Financieringsmaatschappij NV, 144A 2.7% 16/03/2022 USD 175,000 181,713 0.11

181,713 0.11 Japan

Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 4.4% 26/11/2023 USD 1,175,000 1,307,346 0.75 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 5% 26/11/2028 USD 200,000 246,878 0.14 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 2.05% 31/03/2030 USD 845,000 838,209 0.48 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3.175% 09/07/2050 USD 317,000 319,755 0.19 Takeda Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd. 3.375% 09/07/2060 USD 200,000 201,106 0.12

2,913,294 1.68

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (282)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




NetherlandsEnel Finance International NV, 144A 4.875% 14/06/2029 USD 200,000 236,540 0.14

236,540 0.14 Portugal

EDP Finance BV, Reg. S 3.625% 15/07/2024 USD 275,000 296,661 0.17

296,661 0.17 South Korea

Hyundai Capital America, Reg. S 3.25% 20/09/2022 USD 36,000 37,006 0.02

37,006 0.02 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, 144A 4.282% 09/01/2028 USD 275,000 308,129 0.18 Credit Suisse Group AG, FRN, 144A 4.207% 12/06/2024 USD 250,000 268,940 0.15

577,069 0.33 United Kingdom

Boston Gas Co., Reg. S 3.15% 01/08/2027 USD 85,000 93,018 0.05 Vodafone Group plc 4.25% 17/09/2050 USD 425,000 500,174 0.29

593,192 0.34 United States of America

Adobe, Inc. 1.7% 01/02/2023 USD 1,200,000 1,245,312 0.72 Adobe, Inc. 2.3% 01/02/2030 USD 1,000,000 1,081,096 0.62 Altria Group, Inc. 3.4% 06/05/2030 USD 88,000 94,856 0.05 Altria Group, Inc. 4.45% 06/05/2050 USD 286,000 314,038 0.18, Inc. 3.15% 22/08/2027 USD 50,000 57,250 0.03, Inc. 3.875% 22/08/2037 USD 18,000 22,309 0.01, Inc. 2.5% 03/06/2050 USD 490,000 498,160 0.29, Inc. 2.7% 03/06/2060 USD 230,000 234,886 0.14 American International Group, Inc. 4.375% 30/06/2050 USD 300,000 345,243 0.20 Amgen, Inc. 3.375% 21/02/2050 USD 250,000 275,032 0.16 Apple, Inc. 1.8% 11/09/2024 USD 150,000 157,173 0.09 Apple, Inc. 1.125% 11/05/2025 USD 1,055,000 1,075,101 0.62 Apple, Inc. 2.65% 11/05/2050 USD 137,000 141,963 0.08 Bank of America Corp., FRN 3.458% 15/03/2025 USD 400,000 434,085 0.25 Bank of America Corp., FRN 2.456% 22/10/2025 USD 250,000 263,168 0.15 Bank of America Corp., FRN 1.319% 19/06/2026 USD 1,890,000 1,896,739 1.09 Bank of America Corp., FRN 2.592% 29/04/2031 USD 1,000,000 1,060,052 0.61 Bank of America Corp., FRN 4.083% 20/03/2051 USD 100,000 125,361 0.07 Bayer US Finance II LLC, 144A 3.5% 25/06/2021 USD 200,000 204,914 0.12 Bayer US Finance II LLC, 144A 4.375% 15/12/2028 USD 375,000 438,467 0.25 BMW US Capital LLC, 144A 2.95% 14/04/2022 USD 300,000 310,998 0.18 BMW US Capital LLC, Reg. S 3.45% 12/04/2023 USD 50,000 53,003 0.03 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 2.9% 26/07/2024 USD 155,000 167,868 0.10 Bristol-Myers Squibb Co., 144A 3.4% 26/07/2029 USD 475,000 554,042 0.32 Broadcom Corp. 3.625% 15/01/2024 USD 50,000 53,808 0.03 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 4.75% 15/04/2029 USD 1,400,000 1,589,995 0.91 Centene Corp. 4.625% 15/12/2029 USD 185,000 196,335 0.11 Centene Corp. 3.375% 15/02/2030 USD 260,000 262,932 0.15

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (283)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Charter Communications Operating LLC 2.8% 01/04/2031 USD 877,000 891,021 0.51 Charter Communications Operating LLC 5.125% 01/07/2049 USD 118,000 136,444 0.08 Charter Communications Operating LLC 4.8% 01/03/2050 USD 50,000 56,904 0.03 Charter Communications Operating LLC 3.7% 01/04/2051 USD 225,000 220,063 0.13 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.976% 05/11/2030 USD 328,000 349,264 0.20 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 4.412% 31/03/2031 USD 550,000 651,269 0.37 Citigroup, Inc., FRN 2.572% 03/06/2031 USD 905,000 936,525 0.54 Comcast Corp. 3.95% 15/10/2025 USD 400,000 458,702 0.26 Comcast Corp. 2.65% 01/02/2030 USD 450,000 489,691 0.28 Comcast Corp. 1.95% 15/01/2031 USD 223,000 227,647 0.13 Comcast Corp. 3.75% 01/04/2040 USD 78,000 92,074 0.05 Comcast Corp. 4% 01/03/2048 USD 40,000 49,199 0.03 Comcast Corp. 2.8% 15/01/2051 USD 350,000 359,532 0.21 Concho Resources, Inc. 4.3% 15/08/2028 USD 225,000 247,297 0.14 Concho Resources, Inc. 4.85% 15/08/2048 USD 199,000 224,897 0.13 Constellation Brands, Inc. 3.2% 15/02/2023 USD 26,000 27,607 0.02 Constellation Brands, Inc. 3.6% 15/02/2028 USD 20,000 22,170 0.01 Consumers Energy Co. 3.5% 01/08/2051 USD 75,000 88,764 0.05 CSX Corp. 4.25% 15/03/2029 USD 846,000 1,013,030 0.58 CSX Corp. 3.35% 15/09/2049 USD 70,000 77,312 0.04 Discovery Communications LLC 3.625% 15/05/2030 USD 155,000 169,872 0.10 Discovery Communications LLC 4.65% 15/05/2050 USD 125,000 142,353 0.08 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 3.625% 15/05/2026 USD 92,000 101,453 0.06 Dow Chemical Co. (The) 4.8% 15/05/2049 USD 116,000 138,646 0.08 Equinix, Inc., REIT 2.9% 18/11/2026 USD 227,000 245,220 0.14 Equinix, Inc., REIT 3.2% 18/11/2029 USD 471,000 512,055 0.29 Equinix, Inc., REIT 2.15% 15/07/2030 USD 1,432,000 1,419,943 0.82 Equinix, Inc., REIT 3% 15/07/2050 USD 62,000 60,649 0.03 Exelon Corp. 3.497% 01/06/2022 USD 675,000 704,819 0.41 Exelon Corp. 3.95% 15/06/2025 USD 550,000 618,578 0.36 Exelon Corp. 4.05% 15/04/2030 USD 125,000 144,595 0.08 Fiserv, Inc. 2.25% 01/06/2027 USD 150,000 157,072 0.09 Fiserv, Inc. 3.5% 01/07/2029 USD 625,000 703,156 0.40 Fiserv, Inc. 2.65% 01/06/2030 USD 985,000 1,041,350 0.60 Fiserv, Inc. 4.4% 01/07/2049 USD 125,000 152,714 0.09 Florida Power & Light Co. 2.85% 01/04/2025 USD 125,000 136,954 0.08 Fox Corp. 3.5% 08/04/2030 USD 659,000 737,232 0.42 General Motors Financial Co., Inc. 3.55% 09/04/2021 USD 50,000 50,607 0.03 Glencore Funding LLC, 144A 4.125% 12/03/2024 USD 150,000 160,952 0.09 Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. (The), FRN 2.905% 24/07/2023 USD 275,000 285,923 0.16 Interstate Power and Light Co. 2.3% 01/06/2030 USD 50,000 51,163 0.03 Intuit, Inc. 0.65% 15/07/2023 USD 1,310,000 1,313,341 0.76 Intuit, Inc. 1.35% 15/07/2027 USD 65,000 65,394 0.04 Intuit, Inc. 1.65% 15/07/2030 USD 85,000 84,877 0.05 Jersey Central Power & Light Co., 144A 4.3% 15/01/2026 USD 230,000 266,330 0.15 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 2.301% 15/10/2025 USD 1,350,000 1,415,025 0.81

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (284)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

280 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 4.005% 23/04/2029 USD 60,000 69,399 0.04 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 4.203% 23/07/2029 USD 72,000 84,489 0.05 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 2.522% 22/04/2031 USD 690,000 730,303 0.42 JPMorgan Chase & Co., FRN 3.109% 22/04/2051 USD 250,000 270,391 0.16 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.057% 25/05/2023 USD 105,000 114,600 0.07 Keurig Dr Pepper, Inc. 4.417% 25/05/2025 USD 15,000 17,307 0.01 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 144A 1.95% 15/09/2021 USD 350,000 355,950 0.20 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 144A 3.05% 17/06/2029 USD 150,000 165,887 0.10 Microsoft Corp. 1.55% 08/08/2021 USD 4,000,000 4,056,021 2.33 Microsoft Corp. 3.125% 03/11/2025 USD 200,000 224,525 0.13 Microsoft Corp. 2.875% 06/02/2024 USD 350,000 378,194 0.22 Morgan Stanley, FRN 2.72% 22/07/2025 USD 450,000 478,093 0.28 Morgan Stanley, FRN 3.622% 01/04/2031 USD 400,000 457,804 0.26 Morgan Stanley, FRN 5.597% 24/03/2051 USD 75,000 113,928 0.07 Morongo Band of Mission Indians (The), 144A 7% 01/10/2039 USD 175,000 199,038 0.11 MPLX LP 3.5% 01/12/2022 USD 100,000 104,249 0.06 Nestle Holdings, Inc., 144A 3.35% 24/09/2023 USD 350,000 380,655 0.22 New York Life Global Funding, Reg. S 1.95% 28/09/2020 USD 50,000 50,202 0.03 New York Life Global Funding, Reg. S 2% 13/04/2021 USD 385,000 390,184 0.22 New York Life Global Funding, Reg. S 2.3% 10/06/2022 USD 75,000 77,786 0.04 Noble Energy, Inc. 3.25% 15/10/2029 USD 436,000 394,486 0.23 Noble Energy, Inc. 5.05% 15/11/2044 USD 28,000 25,478 0.01 Noble Energy, Inc. 4.95% 15/08/2047 USD 188,000 167,812 0.10 Noble Energy, Inc. 4.2% 15/10/2049 USD 139,000 115,514 0.07 Northern States Power Co. 2.6% 01/06/2051 USD 250,000 252,818 0.15 Nuveen LLC, 144A 4% 01/11/2028 USD 140,000 165,750 0.10 3DFLÀF�*DV�DQG�(OHFWULF�&R����������������� USD 750,000 725,910 0.42 Partners Healthcare System, Inc. 3.192% 01/07/2049 USD 150,000 159,983 0.09 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 2.3% 01/06/2030 USD 488,000 508,227 0.29 PayPal Holdings, Inc. 3.25% 01/06/2050 USD 105,000 114,890 0.07 PepsiCo, Inc. 3.625% 19/03/2050 USD 125,000 152,447 0.09 Public Service Co. of Colorado 1.9% 15/01/2031 USD 75,000 76,599 0.04 Public Service Co. of Colorado 3.8% 15/06/2047 USD 125,000 151,109 0.09 Public Service Co. of Colorado 2.7% 15/01/2051 USD 75,000 76,984 0.04 Public Service Electric and Gas Co. 2.45% 15/01/2030 USD 1,250,000 1,347,987 0.78 Puget Energy, Inc. 6% 01/09/2021 USD 150,000 158,298 0.09 Puget Energy, Inc. 5.625% 15/07/2022 USD 175,000 186,634 0.11 Raytheon Technologies Corp., Reg. S 2.8% 15/03/2022 USD 50,000 51,598 0.03 San Diego Gas & Electric Co. 4.1% 15/06/2049 USD 700,000 860,148 0.49 Southern California Edison Co. 2.85% 01/08/2029 USD 100,000 106,066 0.06 Southern California Edison Co. 2.25% 01/06/2030 USD 100,000 101,765 0.06 Southern California Edison Co. 3.65% 01/02/2050 USD 400,000 441,405 0.25 State of Illinois 5.1% 01/06/2033 USD 165,000 167,628 0.10 US Treasury 0.625% 15/05/2030 USD 3,457,000 3,446,467 1.98 Verizon Communications, Inc. 4.329% 21/09/2028 USD 25,000 30,117 0.02

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (285)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Verizon Communications, Inc. 4.016% 03/12/2029 USD 175,000 209,593 0.12 Walmart, Inc. 3.125% 23/06/2021 USD 75,000 77,098 0.04 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 2.572% 11/02/2031 USD 625,000 654,643 0.38 Wells Fargo & Co., FRN 5.013% 04/04/2051 USD 525,000 728,241 0.42 Wisconsin Power and Light Co. 3.65% 01/04/2050 USD 50,000 58,637 0.03 Wm Wrigley Jr Co., 144A 3.375% 21/10/2020 USD 475,000 478,178 0.28 Xcel Energy, Inc. 2.6% 01/12/2029 USD 325,000 350,035 0.20

51,915,421 29.85

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������




Newcrest Finance Pty. Ltd., 144A 3.25% 13/05/2030 USD 139,000 148,716 0.08 Newcrest Finance Pty. Ltd., 144A 4.2% 13/05/2050 USD 58,000 64,987 0.04

213,703 0.12 Canada

Teck Resources Ltd., 144A 3.9% 15/07/2030 USD 128,000 127,978 0.08

127,978 0.08 Germany

Daimler Finance North America LLC, 144A 2.7% 14/06/2024 USD 300,000 310,278 0.18 Volkswagen Group of America Finance LLC, 144A 3.35% 13/05/2025 USD 217,000 233,256 0.13

543,534 0.31 Norway

Yara International ASA, 144A 3.148% 04/06/2030 USD 75,000 78,132 0.05

78,132 0.05 Switzerland

Credit Suisse Group AG, FRN, 144A 4.194% 01/04/2031 USD 1,100,000 1,257,855 0.72

1,257,855 0.72 United Kingdom

Anglo American Capital plc, 144A 5.625% 01/04/2030 USD 200,000 241,991 0.14

241,991 0.14 United States of America

AbbVie, Inc., 144A 2.95% 21/11/2026 USD 564,000 617,667 0.36 AbbVie, Inc., 144A 3.2% 21/11/2029 USD 75,000 83,741 0.05 AbbVie, Inc., 144A 4.25% 21/11/2049 USD 125,000 150,504 0.09 AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 3.45% 15/03/2022 USD 313,000 325,302 0.19 AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 3.8% 15/03/2025 USD 20,000 22,258 0.01 AbbVie, Inc., Reg. S 4.75% 15/03/2045 USD 75,000 93,193 0.05 Berkshire Hathaway Energy Co., 144A 3.7% 15/07/2030 USD 750,000 880,575 0.51 Broadcom, Inc., 144A 5% 15/04/2030 USD 1,250,000 1,439,174 0.83

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (286)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.242% 15/02/2025 USD 258,000 264,807 0.15 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 2.722% 15/02/2030 USD 239,000 240,053 0.14 Carrier Global Corp., 144A 3.577% 05/04/2050 USD 26,000 25,483 0.01 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, 144A 3.7% 15/11/2029 USD 269,000 275,963 0.16 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 144A 1.95% 13/01/2023 USD 225,000 232,959 0.13 Metropolitan Life Global Funding I, 144A 0.95% 02/07/2025 USD 1,041,000 1,043,404 0.60 New York Life Global Funding, 144A 0.95% 24/06/2025 USD 1,375,000 1,379,555 0.79 New York Life Insurance Co., 144A 3.75% 15/05/2050 USD 41,000 46,331 0.03 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 2.056% 05/04/2025 USD 225,000 236,059 0.14 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 2.293% 05/04/2027 USD 150,000 156,855 0.09 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 2.565% 15/02/2030 USD 50,000 52,541 0.03 Otis Worldwide Corp., 144A 3.362% 15/02/2050 USD 13,000 13,825 0.01 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/05/2030 USD 464,000 513,328 0.30 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 1.5% 15/02/2026 USD 250,000 250,608 0.14 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 3.875% 15/04/2030 USD 1,125,000 1,256,001 0.72 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 2.55% 15/02/2031 USD 725,000 729,365 0.42 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 4.375% 15/04/2040 USD 275,000 319,301 0.18 T-Mobile USA, Inc., 144A 4.5% 15/04/2050 USD 525,000 619,736 0.36 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 2.7% 22/06/2030 USD 818,000 842,218 0.48 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 3.85% 22/06/2040 USD 101,000 108,697 0.06 Upjohn, Inc., 144A 4% 22/06/2050 USD 554,000 595,590 0.34

12,815,093 7.37

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 9,275,201 9,275,201 5.33

9,275,201 5.33

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

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2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ��������� ������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (287)

Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments








US 2 Year Note, 30/09/2020 18 USD 3,974,906 646 –

US 5 Year Note, 30/09/2020 6 USD 754,453 1,507 – US Long Bond, 21/09/2020 23 USD 4,106,937 18,160 0.01 US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 18 USD 3,926,813 10,375 0.01


US 10 Year Note, 21/09/2020 (15) USD (2,087,578) (8,291) – US 10 Year Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 (35) USD (5,511,953) (26,633) (0.02)









(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 89,101 USD 100,071 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 68 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 24,462 GBP 19,700 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 49 –



(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 292,954 USD 329,861 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (617) – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 7,197,848 USD 9,014,537 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (94,798) (0.06) -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVJPY 8,190,823,303 USD 76,347,436 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (474,857) (0.27) 6*'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVSGD 152,552 USD 109,563 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (93) –




Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (288)

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Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments











16,000,000 USD Goldman Sachs

CDX.NA.IG.34-V1 Sell 1.00% 20/06/2025 186,374 186,374 0.11


1HW�8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�&UHGLW�'HIDXOW�6ZDS�&RQWUDFWV ������� ������� �������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (289)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 285

Schedule of investments

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX)As at 30 June 2020






Angola Government Bond, 144A 8% 26/11/2029 USD 8,600,000 7,112,200 0.63 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 09/05/2028 USD 600,000 496,678 0.04 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 8% 26/11/2029 USD 1,150,000 951,050 0.09

8,559,928 0.76 Argentina

Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 22/04/2021 USD 5,145,000 2,171,833 0.19 Argentina Government Bond 4.625% 11/01/2023 USD 2,520,000 1,063,805 0.10 Argentina Government Bond 7.5% 22/04/2026 USD 13,658,000 5,595,546 0.50 Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 26/01/2027 USD 4,920,000 1,996,290 0.18 Argentina Government Bond 5.875% 11/01/2028 USD 3,730,000 1,509,009 0.13 Argentina Government Bond 6.625% 06/07/2028 USD 700,000 281,442 0.03 Argentina Government Bond, FRN 5.83% 31/12/2033� ARS 5,000,000 698,514 0.06 Argentina Government Bond, FRN 0% 15/12/2035 USD 17,350,000 262,853 0.02 Ciudad Autonoma De Buenos Aires, FRN 27.685% 22/02/2028� ARS 87,068,000 675,525 0.06 YPF Energia Electrica SA, 144A 10% 25/07/2026 USD 2,000,000 1,525,000 0.14

15,779,817 1.41 Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 18/03/2024 USD 2,348,000 2,507,265 0.22

2,507,265 0.22 Bahrain

Bahrain Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 20/09/2029 USD 1,080,000 1,185,894 0.11

1,185,894 0.11 Benin

Benin Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 26/03/2026 EUR 1,615,000 1,695,290 0.15

1,695,290 0.15 Brazil

Brazil Government Bond 3.875% 12/06/2030 USD 3,420,000 3,303,891 0.29 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 6% 15/08/2030 BRL 175,000 1,306,905 0.12 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 10% 01/01/2025 BRL 18,342,000 3,949,958 0.35 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 6% 15/05/2055 BRL 215,500 1,722,065 0.15 JBS Investments II GmbH, Reg. S 7% 15/01/2026 USD 2,000,000 2,103,550 0.19 JBS Investments II GmbH, Reg. S 5.75% 15/01/2028 USD 1,800,000 1,782,450 0.16 MV24 Capital BV, Reg. S 6.748% 01/06/2034 USD 2,827,906 2,692,704 0.24 Petrobras Global Finance BV 6.75% 03/06/2050 USD 6,100,000 6,289,100 0.56 Petrobras Global Finance BV 8.75% 23/05/2026 USD 1,900,000 2,246,750 0.20 Petrobras Global Finance BV 6.85% 05/06/2115 USD 894,000 889,262 0.08

26,286,635 2.34 Cameroon

Cameroon Government Bond, Reg. S 9.5% 19/11/2025 USD 3,200,000 3,223,994 0.29

3,223,994 0.29 � Foreign currency is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (290)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




ChileEnel Chile SA 4.875% 12/06/2028 USD 2,075,000 2,321,012 0.21

2,321,012 0.21 China

Baidu, Inc. 3.425% 07/04/2030 USD 370,000 402,686 0.04 China Development Bank 3.48% 08/01/2029 CNY 96,100,000 13,685,396 1.22 China Government Bond 3.29% 23/05/2029 CNY 16,900,000 2,457,774 0.22 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Reg. S 4.875% 21/09/2025 USD 1,800,000 2,033,979 0.18 Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 3.975% 11/04/2029 USD 1,900,000 2,148,482 0.19

20,728,317 1.85 Colombia

Colombia Government Bond 5.75% 03/11/2027 COP 28,746,900,000 7,702,971 0.69 Colombia Government Bond 4.5% 15/03/2029 USD 380,000 418,046 0.04 Colombian TES 6.25% 26/11/2025 COP 9,400,000,000 2,713,301 0.24 Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial SA Findeter, Reg. S 7.875% 12/08/2024 COP 2,008,000,000 569,013 0.05

11,403,331 1.02 Costa Rica

Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 04/04/2044 USD 1,235,000 1,020,110 0.09

1,020,110 0.09 Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Government Bond, 144A 6.4% 05/06/2049 USD 1,220,000 1,122,400 0.10 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 8.9% 15/02/2023 DOP 64,000,000 1,019,386 0.09 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11% 04/12/2026 DOP 133,200,000 2,269,498 0.20 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.5% 15/02/2048 USD 775,000 719,588 0.06 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.4% 05/06/2049 USD 1,140,000 1,048,800 0.09 Dominican Republic Government Bond, 144A 5.5% 27/01/2025 USD 420,000 426,361 0.04 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 27/01/2025 USD 3,317,000 3,367,236 0.30 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 29/01/2026 USD 5,280,000 5,552,237 0.50 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.25% 05/02/2027 DOP 123,100,000 2,199,903 0.20 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 8.625% 20/04/2027 USD 2,375,000 2,638,767 0.24 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.85% 27/01/2045 USD 1,330,000 1,281,455 0.11

21,645,631 1.93 Egypt

Egypt Government Bond, 144A 4.75% 16/04/2026 EUR 3,300,000 3,531,404 0.31 Egypt Government Bond, 144A 5.625% 16/04/2030 EUR 1,350,000 1,374,153 0.12 Egypt Government Bond, 144A 7.053% 15/01/2032 USD 4,100,000 3,905,250 0.35 Egypt Government Bond 13.973% 04/02/2023 EGP 26,500,000 1,651,422 0.15

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (291)

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Egypt Government Bond 17.2% 09/08/2023 EGP 11,650,000 786,416 0.07 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 6.588% 21/02/2028 USD 5,500,000 5,444,626 0.49 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 7.5% 31/01/2027 USD 3,000,000 3,154,809 0.28 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 8.5% 31/01/2047 USD 1,200,000 1,177,650 0.10

21,025,730 1.87 Ethiopia

Ethiopia Government Bond, Reg. S 6.625% 11/12/2024 USD 2,575,000 2,586,528 0.23

2,586,528 0.23 Gabon

Gabon Government Bond, 144A 6.625% 06/02/2031 USD 760,000 680,934 0.06 Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 12/12/2024 USD 1,202,508 1,145,960 0.10 Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.95% 16/06/2025 USD 3,100,000 2,921,850 0.26

4,748,744 0.42 Ghana

Ghana Government Bond, 144A 6.375% 11/02/2027 USD 910,000 854,262 0.08

854,262 0.08 Guatemala

Guatemala Government Bond, Reg. S 4.375% 05/06/2027 USD 1,800,000 1,869,408 0.16 Guatemala Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 01/06/2050 USD 3,450,000 4,007,175 0.36

5,876,583 0.52 Honduras

Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 19/01/2027 USD 11,017,000 11,782,682 1.05

11,782,682 1.05 India

National Highways Authority of India 7.17% 23/12/2021 INR 100,000,000 1,378,403 0.12 National Highways Authority of India 7.27% 06/06/2022 INR 20,000,000 278,613 0.03 Power Finance Corp. Ltd., 144A 3.95% 23/04/2030 USD 2,000,000 1,908,854 0.17

3,565,870 0.32 Indonesia

Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 6.53% 15/11/2028 USD 315,000 374,072 0.03 Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 5.45% 15/05/2030 USD 3,430,000 3,833,711 0.34 Indonesia Government Bond 4.2% 15/10/2050 USD 1,845,000 2,066,657 0.19 Indonesia Treasury 6.125% 15/05/2028 IDR 22,391,000,000 1,471,991 0.13 Indonesia Treasury 8.25% 15/05/2029 IDR 37,500,000,000 2,803,115 0.25 Indonesia Treasury 8.75% 15/05/2031 IDR 27,500,000,000 2,098,355 0.19 Indonesia Treasury 8.375% 15/09/2026 IDR 17,119,000,000 1,294,860 0.12 Indonesia Treasury 7% 15/05/2027 IDR 106,066,000,000 7,447,266 0.66

21,390,027 1.91

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (292)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




IraqIraq Government Bond, Reg. S 6.752% 09/03/2023 USD 615,000 569,143 0.05 Iraq Government Bond, Reg. S 5.8% 15/01/2028 USD 3,380,000 3,054,506 0.27

3,623,649 0.32 Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast Government Bond, 144A 5.875% 17/10/2031 EUR 1,810,000 1,915,763 0.17 Ivory Coast Government Bond, Reg. S 5.25% 22/03/2030 EUR 4,200,000 4,409,814 0.39 Ivory Coast Government Bond, STEP, Reg. S 5.75% 31/12/2032 USD 2,647,700 2,617,505 0.24

8,943,082 0.80 Jordan

Jordan Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 29/01/2026 USD 1,130,000 1,193,641 0.10 Jordan Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 31/01/2027 USD 405,000 421,249 0.04

1,614,890 0.14 Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Government Bond, Reg. S 6.5% 21/07/2045 USD 3,210,000 4,766,003 0.43 KazMunayGas National Co. JSC, Reg. S 4.75% 19/04/2027 USD 2,401,000 2,610,847 0.23

7,376,850 0.66 Kenya

Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 7.25% 28/02/2028 USD 3,000,000 2,974,620 0.27 Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 28/02/2048 USD 1,800,000 1,780,065 0.16 Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 24/06/2024 USD 1,790,000 1,823,428 0.16

6,578,113 0.59 Malaysia

Petronas Capital Ltd., Reg. S 3.5% 21/04/2030 USD 1,655,000 1,842,762 0.16

1,842,762 0.16 Mexico

America Movil SAB de CV 6.45% 05/12/2022 MXN 11,000,000 485,011 0.04 Banco Nacional de Comercio Exterior SNC, Reg. S, FRN 3.8% 11/08/2026 USD 2,500,000 2,446,425 0.22 Braskem Idesa SAPI, Reg. S 7.45% 15/11/2029 USD 2,600,000 2,438,306 0.22 Comision Federal de Electricidad 7.35% 25/11/2025 MXN 35,460,000 1,458,181 0.13 Grupo Televisa SAB 7.25% 14/05/2043 MXN 9,290,000 306,859 0.03 Mexican Bonos 8.5% 31/05/2029 MXN 278,000,000 14,328,711 1.28 Mexican Bonos 5.75% 05/03/2026 MXN 148,500,000 6,638,485 0.59 Mexican Bonos 7.75% 13/11/2042 MXN 40,000,000 1,902,552 0.17 Mexico City Airport Trust, 144A 5.5% 31/07/2047 USD 214,000 188,978 0.02 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 4.25% 31/10/2026 USD 300,000 283,818 0.02 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 3.875% 30/04/2028 USD 1,085,000 987,426 0.09 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 5.5% 31/10/2046 USD 1,184,000 1,046,265 0.09 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 5.5% 31/07/2047 USD 2,802,000 2,474,376 0.22 Mexico Government Bond 3.25% 16/04/2030 USD 3,520,000 3,491,664 0.31 Mexico Government Bond 4.75% 27/04/2032 USD 1,590,000 1,756,950 0.15 Mexico Government Bond 5.75% 12/10/2110 USD 6,200,000 6,893,129 0.61

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (293)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Petroleos Mexicanos 5.375% 13/03/2022 USD 416,000 416,422 0.04 Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 18/01/2024 USD 335,000 322,821 0.03 Petroleos Mexicanos 7.47% 12/11/2026 MXN 107,500,000 3,673,203 0.33 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 7.19% 12/09/2024 MXN 21,600,000 800,645 0.07

52,340,227 4.66 Morocco

Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 11/12/2042 USD 2,625,000 3,215,405 0.29

3,215,405 0.29 Namibia

Namibia Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 03/11/2021 USD 770,000 775,467 0.07

775,467 0.07 Netherlands

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 2.8% 21/07/2023 USD 1,247,000 1,181,876 0.10 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 3.15% 01/10/2026 USD 3,370,000 3,021,643 0.27 Ziggo Bond Co. BV, 144A 5.125% 28/02/2030 USD 1,025,000 1,018,768 0.09

5,222,287 0.46 Nigeria

Nigeria Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 28/01/2021 USD 1,000,000 1,015,940 0.09

1,015,940 0.09 Pakistan

Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 05/12/2027 USD 1,100,000 1,087,570 0.10 Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 15/04/2024 USD 5,060,000 5,292,558 0.47 Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 30/09/2025 USD 500,000 523,437 0.04

6,903,565 0.61 Panama

Panama Government Bond, 144A 3.75% 17/04/2026 USD 2,725,000 2,855,705 0.26 Panama Government Bond 3.16% 23/01/2030 USD 4,400,000 4,744,850 0.42 Panama Government Bond 4.5% 16/04/2050 USD 3,670,000 4,515,935 0.40 Panama Government Bond 4.5% 01/04/2056 USD 2,850,000 3,508,378 0.31

15,624,868 1.39 Paraguay

Paraguay Government Bond, Reg. S 4.625% 25/01/2023 USD 4,700,000 4,946,797 0.44 Paraguay Government Bond, Reg. S 5.6% 13/03/2048 USD 2,190,000 2,566,231 0.23 Paraguay Government Bond, Reg. S 5.4% 30/03/2050 USD 940,000 1,092,087 0.10 Paraguay Government Bond, Reg. S 5% 15/04/2026 USD 3,750,000 4,158,975 0.37

12,764,090 1.14 Peru

Peru Government Bond 2.783% 23/01/2031 USD 6,170,000 6,592,645 0.59 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S 5.4% 12/08/2034 PEN 5,600,000 1,669,243 0.15

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (294)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 6.15% 12/08/2032 PEN 36,600,000 11,829,160 1.05

20,091,048 1.79 Philippines

Philippine Government Bond 2.95% 05/05/2045 USD 2,180,000 2,272,076 0.20

2,272,076 0.20 Poland

Poland Government Bond 5.75% 23/09/2022 PLN 25,000 7,111 –

7,111 – Qatar

Qatar Government Bond, 144A 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 5,800,000 6,850,496 0.61 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 2,800,000 3,307,136 0.29 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4% 14/03/2029 USD 10,700,000 12,333,237 1.10 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.4% 16/04/2050 USD 980,000 1,215,378 0.11

23,706,247 2.11 Romania

Romania Government Bond, 144A 2.75% 26/02/2026 EUR 2,600,000 3,046,464 0.27 Romania Government Bond, 144A 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 1,737,000 2,110,725 0.19 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.375% 08/02/2038 EUR 4,200,000 4,820,600 0.43 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 1,700,000 2,192,279 0.19

12,170,068 1.08 Russian Federation

Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.15% 03/02/2027 RUB 224,000,000 3,631,480 0.32 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% 25/01/2023 RUB 734,825,000 10,920,955 0.97 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.5% 17/09/2031 RUB 731,540,000 12,428,034 1.11 Russian Federation 2.5% 02/02/2028 RUB 501,800,000 7,696,665 0.69 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, 144A 4.375% 21/03/2029 USD 4,200,000 4,782,750 0.43 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, 144A 5.1% 28/03/2035 USD 2,400,000 2,970,139 0.26 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.375% 21/03/2029 USD 6,200,000 7,060,250 0.63 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 5.1% 28/03/2035 USD 3,200,000 3,960,186 0.35 Vnesheconombank, Reg. S 6.902% 09/07/2020 USD 3,305,000 3,313,312 0.30

56,763,771 5.06 Senegal

Senegal Government Bond, Reg. S 8.75% 13/05/2021 USD 1,017,000 1,053,846 0.10 Senegal Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 13/03/2028 EUR 6,200,000 6,753,943 0.60

7,807,789 0.70 Serbia

Serbia Government Bond, 144A 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 2,310,000 2,721,935 0.24

2,721,935 0.24

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (295)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




South AfricaSouth Africa Government Bond 6.5% 28/02/2041 ZAR 172,510,000 6,339,699 0.57 South Africa Government Bond 8.75% 28/02/2048 ZAR 141,650,000 6,439,045 0.57

12,778,744 1.14 Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 27/07/2021 USD 5,975,000 5,198,250 0.46 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 18/04/2023 USD 653,000 463,630 0.04 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 18/01/2022 USD 650,000 519,997 0.05 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 25/07/2022 USD 1,650,000 1,287,000 0.12

7,468,877 0.67 Thailand

Bangkok Bank PCL, Reg. S 4.05% 19/03/2024 USD 1,500,000 1,620,029 0.15 Bangkok Bank PCL, Reg. S 4.45% 19/09/2028 USD 1,500,000 1,706,643 0.15

3,326,672 0.30 Tunisia

Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, 144A 6.375% 15/07/2026 EUR 2,900,000 2,940,480 0.26 Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 31/10/2023 EUR 2,050,000 2,192,957 0.20 Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 5.625% 17/02/2024 EUR 1,500,000 1,555,031 0.14

6,688,468 0.60 Turkey

Turkey Government Bond 5.125% 17/02/2028 USD 930,000 857,653 0.08 Turkey Government Bond 7.375% 05/02/2025 USD 770,000 812,930 0.07 Turkey Government Bond 4.25% 14/04/2026 USD 12,250,000 11,202,846 1.00

12,873,429 1.15 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, 144A 6.75% 20/06/2026 EUR 3,665,000 4,196,892 0.38 Ukraine Government Bond, 144A 4.375% 27/01/2030 EUR 995,000 963,740 0.09 Ukraine Government Bond 14.3% 08/07/2020 UAH 10,000,000 375,287 0.03 Ukraine Government Bond 17% 11/05/2022 UAH 103,453,000 4,289,579 0.38 Ukraine Government Bond 14.91% 12/10/2022 UAH 16,226,000 660,475 0.06 Ukraine Government Bond 10% 23/08/2023 UAH 50,800,000 1,872,063 0.17 Ukraine Government Bond 15.84% 26/02/2025 UAH 42,021,000 1,836,696 0.16 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2021 USD 3,300,000 3,410,708 0.31 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2025 USD 1,500,000 1,570,206 0.14 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2026 USD 2,500,000 2,613,010 0.23 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S, FRN 0% 31/05/2040 USD 2,700,000 2,506,890 0.22

24,295,546 2.17

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (296)

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Schedule of investments




United Arab EmiratesAbu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 2.5% 30/09/2029 USD 13,000,000 13,660,010 1.22 Abu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 16/04/2030 USD 315,000 347,859 0.03 Abu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 16/04/2050 USD 2,100,000 2,490,075 0.22 DP World Crescent Ltd., Reg. S 4.848% 26/09/2028 USD 2,670,000 2,821,042 0.25

19,318,986 1.72 United States of America

AES Corp. (The) 5.5% 15/04/2025 USD 902,000 928,532 0.08 B&G Foods, Inc. 5.25% 01/04/2025 USD 1,145,000 1,154,732 0.10 Centene Corp. 4.75% 15/05/2022 USD 470,000 477,527 0.04 Centene Corp. 4.75% 15/01/2025 USD 3,350,000 3,433,616 0.31 CenturyLink, Inc. 7.5% 01/04/2024 USD 1,150,000 1,265,759 0.11 CenturyLink, Inc. 6.75% 01/12/2023 USD 4,275,000 4,605,864 0.41 Chemours Co. (The) 6.625% 15/05/2023 USD 2,750,000 2,647,164 0.24 CIT Group, Inc. 5.25% 07/03/2025 USD 189,000 196,304 0.02 CIT Group, Inc., FRN 3.929% 19/06/2024 USD 1,265,000 1,238,245 0.11 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 5.75% 01/03/2025 USD 6,850,000 5,852,811 0.52 CNX Resources Corp. 5.875% 15/04/2022 USD 5,387,000 5,309,562 0.47 DaVita, Inc. 5% 01/05/2025 USD 1,110,000 1,136,085 0.10 DCP Midstream Operating LP 4.95% 01/04/2022 USD 1,605,000 1,619,421 0.14 Diebold Nixdorf, Inc. 8.5% 15/04/2024 USD 2,600,000 2,069,977 0.18 Embarq Corp. 7.995% 01/06/2036 USD 1,580,000 1,777,848 0.16 Encompass Health Corp. 4.5% 01/02/2028 USD 1,150,000 1,104,931 0.10 Encompass Health Corp. 4.75% 01/02/2030 USD 535,000 511,829 0.05 Encompass Health Corp. 5.75% 01/11/2024 USD 1,987,000 1,992,176 0.18 Encompass Health Corp. 5.75% 15/09/2025 USD 1,080,000 1,113,896 0.10 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5% 15/05/2050 USD 1,073,000 1,017,602 0.09 EQM Midstream Partners LP 4.125% 01/12/2026 USD 380,000 346,315 0.03 EQM Midstream Partners LP 5.5% 15/07/2028 USD 1,095,000 1,045,429 0.09 EQT Corp. 7% 01/02/2030 USD 520,000 536,312 0.05 Ford Motor Co. 9% 22/04/2025 USD 2,273,000 2,461,943 0.22 Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.087% 09/01/2023 USD 205,000 195,326 0.02 Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.81% 09/01/2024 USD 995,000 959,230 0.09 Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 5.125% 16/06/2025 USD 1,770,000 1,778,461 0.16 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 3.875% 15/03/2023 USD 475,000 476,567 0.04 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 4.25% 01/03/2030 USD 2,500,000 2,427,350 0.22 Genesis Energy LP 6.5% 01/10/2025 USD 2,000,000 1,716,230 0.15 HCA, Inc. 5.875% 01/05/2023 USD 850,000 921,383 0.08 HCA, Inc. 5.375% 01/02/2025 USD 305,000 327,587 0.03 Howmet Aerospace, Inc. 6.875% 01/05/2025 USD 1,140,000 1,239,436 0.11 MGM Resorts International 7.75% 15/03/2022 USD 3,650,000 3,720,901 0.33 Molina Healthcare, Inc. 5.375% 15/11/2022 USD 4,125,000 4,216,678 0.38 Murphy Oil Corp. 5.875% 01/12/2027 USD 2,135,000 1,880,807 0.17 NGL Energy Partners LP 7.5% 01/11/2023 USD 800,000 666,492 0.06 NGL Energy Partners LP 6.125% 01/03/2025 USD 4,205,000 3,190,102 0.28 NuStar Logistics LP 4.8% 01/09/2020 USD 85,000 85,307 0.01 NuStar Logistics LP 6.75% 01/02/2021 USD 120,000 119,565 0.01 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 2.6% 13/08/2021 USD 373,000 365,531 0.03 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 2.9% 15/08/2024 USD 524,000 449,063 0.04

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (297)

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Schedule of investments




Owens & Minor, Inc. 3.875% 15/09/2021 USD 8,306,000 8,253,049 0.74 Owens & Minor, Inc. 4.375% 15/12/2024 USD 3,150,000 2,712,607 0.24 Owl Rock Capital Corp. 3.75% 22/07/2025 USD 1,450,000 1,419,957 0.13 PG&E Corp. 5% 01/07/2028 USD 1,525,000 1,523,094 0.14 RR Donnelley & Sons Co. 6.5% 15/11/2023 USD 950,000 870,537 0.08 Sally Holdings LLC 5.5% 01/11/2023 USD 1,070,000 1,043,919 0.09 Sally Holdings LLC 5.625% 01/12/2025 USD 2,615,000 2,547,847 0.23 Southwestern Energy Co. 6.2% 23/01/2025 USD 475,000 408,196 0.04 Springleaf Finance Corp. 6.125% 15/03/2024 USD 5,000,000 5,091,525 0.45 Starwood Property Trust, Inc., REIT 5% 15/12/2021 USD 2,525,000 2,456,358 0.22 Targa Resources Partners LP 5.875% 15/04/2026 USD 850,000 843,489 0.07 Tenet Healthcare Corp. 4.625% 15/07/2024 USD 1,403,000 1,376,743 0.12 TransDigm, Inc. 6.5% 15/07/2024 USD 140,000 135,085 0.01 Uruguay Government Bond 3.875% 02/07/2040 UYU 23,443,000 558,883 0.05 Xerox Corp. 4.125% 15/03/2023 USD 445,000 445,716 0.04

98,266,901 8.76 Uruguay

Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 9.875% 20/06/2022 UYU 45,680,000 1,077,074 0.09 Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 8.5% 15/03/2028 UYU 65,174,000 1,417,009 0.13

2,494,083 0.22 Venezuela

Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 01/12/2018 USD 159,000 9,937 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 13/10/2019 USD 2,851,000 185,315 0.02 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 6% 09/12/2020 USD 2,348,000 146,750 0.01 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 9% 07/05/2023 USD 3,429,000 214,313 0.02 Venezuela Government Bond 9.25% 15/09/2027 USD 422,000 26,375 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 12.75% 23/08/2022 USD 213,000 13,313 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 13/10/2024 USD 739,000 46,188 0.01 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7.65% 21/04/2025 USD 315,000 19,687 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 11.75% 21/10/2026 USD 158,000 9,875 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 9.25% 07/05/2028 USD 789,000 49,313 0.01 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 11.95% 05/08/2031 USD 264,000 16,500 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 31/03/2038 USD 263,000 16,437 –

754,003 0.07

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������

(TXLWLHVUnited States of America

Weatherford International plc USD 110,121 216,938 0.02

216,938 0.02

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������� �������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (298)

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments






Braskem Finance Ltd. 6.45% 03/02/2024 USD 530,000 582,006 0.05 BRAZIL NTNB, FRN 6% 15/08/2024 BRL 501,800 3,566,348 0.32

4,148,354 0.37 Canada

Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 6.125% 15/04/2025 USD 7,550,000 7,668,384 0.68 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 7.25% 01/04/2023 USD 1,700,000 1,634,235 0.15 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 6.5% 01/03/2024 USD 1,627,000 1,537,686 0.14 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 6.875% 01/03/2026 USD 2,425,000 2,303,301 0.20 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 7.25% 15/05/2022 USD 1,950,000 1,913,389 0.17 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 7.5% 01/04/2025 USD 10,275,000 9,854,907 0.88 NOVA Chemicals Corp., 144A 5.25% 01/06/2027 USD 1,260,000 1,109,033 0.10 Teekay Corp., 144A 9.25% 15/11/2022 USD 3,295,000 3,174,782 0.28

29,195,717 2.60 Chile

Colbun SA, Reg. S 3.95% 11/10/2027 USD 2,450,000 2,639,520 0.23

2,639,520 0.23 Italy

International Game Technology plc, 144A 6.25% 15/02/2022 USD 227,000 229,633 0.02 International Game Technology plc, 144A 6.5% 15/02/2025 USD 1,545,000 1,584,591 0.14

1,814,224 0.16 Luxembourg

CSN Resources SA, Reg. S 7.625% 13/02/2023 USD 4,100,000 3,818,125 0.34 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA, 144A 8.5% 15/10/2024§ USD 4,475,000 2,704,891 0.24 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 8% 15/02/2024 USD 5,350,000 5,434,744 0.49

11,957,760 1.07 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 4.893% 08/06/2038 MYR 36,000,000 9,803,085 0.87 Malaysia Government Bond 4.467% 15/09/2039 MYR 6,000,000 1,542,799 0.14 Malaysia Government Bond 4.921% 06/07/2048 MYR 2,000,000 537,077 0.05

11,882,961 1.06 Mexico

Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 24/01/2022 USD 775,000 770,339 0.07 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.875% 04/08/2026 USD 1,040,000 985,041 0.09

1,755,380 0.16 Mozambique

Mozambique Government Bond, Reg. S 5% 15/09/2031 USD 3,065,000 2,628,238 0.23

2,628,238 0.23 �� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (299)

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Schedule of investments




NetherlandsTeva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 6% 15/04/2024 USD 6,748,000 6,949,259 0.62 Ziggo BV, 144A 5.5% 15/01/2027 USD 3,453,000 3,515,620 0.31

10,464,879 0.93 Panama

ENA Norte Trust, Reg. S 4.95% 25/04/2028 USD 1,195,246 1,181,799 0.11

1,181,799 0.11 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 17.25% 30/09/2020 UAH 67,687,000 2,597,558 0.23

2,597,558 0.23 United States of America

ADT Security Corp. (The) 3.5% 15/07/2022 USD 6,860,000 6,840,209 0.61 Allison Transmission, Inc., 144A 5% 01/10/2024 USD 1,465,000 1,465,894 0.13 Altera Infrastructure LP, 144A 8.5% 15/07/2023 USD 2,275,000 2,007,926 0.18 Antero Midstream Partners LP, 144A 5.75% 15/01/2028 USD 245,000 194,170 0.02 Associated Materials LLC, 144A 9% 01/01/2024 USD 4,555,000 3,921,809 0.35 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 144A 5.25% 15/03/2025 USD 1,050,000 845,250 0.08 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC 5.5% 01/04/2023 USD 352,000 291,683 0.03 Brink's Co. (The), 144A 4.625% 15/10/2027 USD 1,490,000 1,434,728 0.13 %URRNÀHOG�3URSHUW\�5(,7��,QF������$�������15/05/2026 USD 6,755,000 5,723,782 0.51 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.75% 15/02/2026 USD 2,405,000 2,492,891 0.22 Centene Corp. 4.625% 15/12/2029 USD 2,115,000 2,244,586 0.20 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 4.875% 15/04/2022§ USD 2,110,000 73,850 0.01 Clarios Global LP, 144A 6.25% 15/05/2026 USD 795,000 823,358 0.07 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 5.875% 01/06/2027 USD 4,625,000 3,829,223 0.34 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/01/2024 USD 2,925,000 2,760,162 0.25 CommScope, Inc., 144A 6% 01/03/2026 USD 3,075,000 3,159,962 0.28 &RPSDVV�*URXS�'LYHUVLÀHG�+ROGLQJV�//&�����$����01/05/2026 USD 2,305,000 2,352,229 0.21 Comstock Resources, Inc. 9.75% 15/08/2026 USD 607,000 569,575 0.05 Comstock Resources, Inc., 144A 7.5% 15/05/2025 USD 575,000 525,406 0.05 Cornerstone Building Brands, Inc., 144A 8% 15/04/2026 USD 885,000 894,430 0.08 CSC Holdings LLC 6.75% 15/11/2021 USD 3,075,000 3,236,514 0.29 CVR Partners LP, 144A 9.25% 15/06/2023 USD 1,750,000 1,719,559 0.15 Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. 4.875% 01/11/2043�� USD 1,615,000 190,901 0.02 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. (The), 144A 6.875% 15/08/2026 USD 2,355,000 2,501,822 0.22 Endo Finance LLC, 144A 5.75% 15/01/2022 USD 3,115,000 2,865,800 0.26 Extraction Oil & Gas, Inc., 144A 5.625% 01/02/2026§ USD 1,925,000 377,416 0.03 Frontier Communications Corp., 144A 8% 01/04/2027§ USD 1,125,000 1,143,765 0.10 Frontier Communications Corp. 11% 15/09/2025§ USD 7,120,000 2,484,666 0.22 FS Energy and Power Fund, 144A 7.5% 15/08/2023 USD 1,505,000 1,286,933 0.11 FXI Holdings, Inc., 144A 7.875% 01/11/2024 USD 2,216,000 1,912,663 0.17

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (300)

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc., 144A 10% 30/11/2024 USD 425,000 443,107 0.04 Gogo Intermediate Holdings LLC, 144A 9.875% 01/05/2024 USD 12,690,000 10,756,107 0.96 Hanesbrands, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/05/2024 USD 675,000 673,383 0.06 Hanesbrands, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/05/2026 USD 2,055,000 2,075,170 0.18 Icahn Enterprises LP 4.75% 15/09/2024 USD 1,945,000 1,841,069 0.16 Icahn Enterprises LP 5.25% 15/05/2027 USD 2,635,000 2,551,009 0.23 Icahn Enterprises LP 6.25% 01/02/2022 USD 3,220,000 3,235,215 0.29 Jonah Energy LLC, 144A 7.25% 15/10/2025 USD 700,000 92,750 0.01 Joseph T Ryerson & Son, Inc., 144A 11% 15/05/2022 USD 2,862,000 2,931,790 0.26 Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 3.95% 15/07/2025 USD 1,275,000 1,363,215 0.12 LSB Industries, Inc., 144A 9.625% 01/05/2023 USD 4,905,000 4,739,971 0.42 LSC Communications, Inc., 144A 8.75% 15/10/2023§ USD 2,270,000 227,000 0.02 Mattel, Inc., 144A 6.75% 31/12/2025 USD 2,150,000 2,234,355 0.20 MDC Partners, Inc., 144A 6.5% 01/05/2024 USD 2,000,000 1,866,250 0.17 Molina Healthcare, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/06/2025 USD 3,198,000 3,225,647 0.29 Navient Corp. 7.25% 25/09/2023 USD 60,000 58,830 0.01 Navient Corp. 6.125% 25/03/2024 USD 7,690,000 7,329,454 0.65 Navient Corp. 6.5% 15/06/2022 USD 1,195,000 1,177,822 0.10 Navient Corp. 5.5% 25/01/2023 USD 6,170,000 5,934,769 0.53 Nielsen Co. Luxembourg SARL (The), 144A 5% 01/02/2025 USD 1,100,000 1,097,805 0.10 Northwest Hardwoods, Inc., 144A 7.5% 01/08/2021 USD 853,000 311,345 0.03 Oasis Petroleum, Inc. 6.875% 15/03/2022 USD 4,225,000 710,328 0.06 Omnimax International, Inc., 144A 12% 15/08/2020 USD 2,075,000 1,708,991 0.15 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc., 144A 7.5% 01/04/2027 USD 3,350,000 3,448,976 0.31 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc., Reg. S 7.5% 01/04/2027 USD 1,325,000 1,364,147 0.12 Parsley Energy LLC, 144A 5.25% 15/08/2025 USD 220,000 212,079 0.02 Peabody Energy Corp., 144A 6% 31/03/2022 USD 1,780,000 1,162,563 0.10 PetSmart, Inc., 144A 5.875% 01/06/2025 USD 1,494,000 1,502,374 0.13 PetSmart, Inc., 144A 8.875% 01/06/2025 USD 10,980,000 10,993,505 0.98 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 5.25% 01/12/2021 USD 925,000 937,950 0.08 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 4.875% 01/06/2023 USD 2,710,000 2,542,319 0.23 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 9.375% 01/04/2027 USD 1,330,000 1,244,567 0.11 Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 144A 4.95% 15/07/2029 USD 1,475,000 1,379,568 0.12 Sabre GLBL, Inc., 144A 5.375% 15/04/2023 USD 1,789,000 1,674,763 0.15 Sabre GLBL, Inc., 144A 5.25% 15/11/2023 USD 200,000 184,623 0.02 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$����15/10/2025 USD 1,295,000 1,200,180 0.11 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$�������15/03/2026 USD 3,220,000 2,863,240 0.26 Sirius XM Radio, Inc., 144A 3.875% 01/08/2022 USD 1,725,000 1,737,618 0.15 Sprint Capital Corp. 6.875% 15/11/2028 USD 4,300,000 5,252,235 0.47 Sprint Corp. 7.625% 01/03/2026 USD 2,375,000 2,808,877 0.25 Staples, Inc., 144A 7.5% 15/04/2026 USD 5,470,000 4,309,676 0.38 Starwood Property Trust, Inc., REIT 3.625% 01/02/2021 USD 1,695,000 1,671,482 0.15 Talen Energy Supply LLC, 144A 10.5% 15/01/2026 USD 130,000 103,078 0.01

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (301)

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Schedule of investments




Talen Energy Supply LLC, 144A 7.25% 15/05/2027 USD 2,015,000 2,008,330 0.18 Team Health Holdings, Inc., 144A 6.375% 01/02/2025 USD 7,925,000 4,625,387 0.41 Trilogy International Partners LLC, 144A 8.875% 01/05/2022 USD 9,900,000 8,796,299 0.78 Tronox, Inc., 144A 6.5% 15/04/2026 USD 1,930,000 1,809,182 0.16 Uber Technologies, Inc., 144A 8% 01/11/2026 USD 1,600,000 1,630,400 0.15 Uniti Group LP, REIT, 144A 6% 15/04/2023 USD 2,025,000 1,980,703 0.18 Univision Communications, Inc., 144A 5.125% 15/05/2023 USD 7,525,000 7,616,692 0.68 UPC Holding BV, 144A 5.5% 15/01/2028 USD 575,000 555,689 0.05 Venator Finance Sarl, 144A 5.75% 15/07/2025 USD 5,055,000 3,610,610 0.32 Veritas US, Inc., 144A 7.5% 01/02/2023 USD 4,800,000 4,745,496 0.42 Veritas US, Inc., 144A 10.5% 01/02/2024 USD 550,000 494,255 0.04 ViaSat, Inc., 144A 5.625% 15/04/2027 USD 350,000 359,123 0.03 Warrior Met Coal, Inc., 144A 8% 01/11/2024 USD 3,399,000 3,316,676 0.30 Western Midstream Operating LP 4.5% 01/03/2028 USD 2,200,000 2,079,000 0.19 Wynn Las Vegas LLC, 144A 4.25% 30/05/2023 USD 4,500,000 4,244,018 0.38

211,222,224 18.83

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������




Braskem Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 4.5% 31/01/2030 USD 2,620,000 2,401,885 0.21 Constellation Oil Services Holding SA, 144A 10% 09/11/2024 USD 1,074,719 322,426 0.03 CSN Islands XI Corp., Reg. S 6.75% 28/01/2028 USD 2,935,000 2,516,763 0.23

5,241,074 0.47 Canada

Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 5% 30/01/2028 USD 2,060,000 1,942,044 0.17

1,942,044 0.17 Chile

Colbun SA, Reg. S 3.15% 06/03/2030 USD 660,000 668,580 0.06 Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro SA, Reg. S 4.7% 07/05/2050 USD 2,190,000 2,515,817 0.22 Engie Energia Chile SA, Reg. S 3.4% 28/01/2030 USD 2,413,000 2,516,156 0.23

5,700,553 0.51 Colombia

Empresas Publicas de Medellin ESP, Reg. S 4.25% 18/07/2029 USD 3,400,000 3,418,479 0.30

3,418,479 0.30 Hong Kong

Sands China Ltd., 144A 3.8% 08/01/2026 USD 1,450,000 1,497,140 0.13

1,497,140 0.13

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (302)

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




IrelandArdagh Packaging Finance plc, 144A 5.25% 30/04/2025 USD 722,000 742,306 0.07

742,306 0.07 Mexico

Petroleos Mexicanos, 144A 6.49% 23/01/2027 USD 4,000,000 3,655,560 0.33

3,655,560 0.33 Netherlands

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV, 144A 7.125% 31/01/2025 USD 1,490,000 1,589,040 0.14

1,589,040 0.14 Paraguay

Rutas 2 and 7 Finance Ltd., 144A 0% 30/09/2036 USD 3,380,000 2,213,900 0.20

2,213,900 0.20 Peru

Lima Metro Line 2 Finance Ltd., 144A 4.35% 05/04/2036 USD 1,835,000 1,961,927 0.17

1,961,927 0.17 United States of America

Adient US LLC, 144A 9% 15/04/2025 USD 472,000 510,503 0.04 Advisor Group Holdings, Inc., 144A 10.75% 01/08/2027 USD 2,285,000 2,246,006 0.20 AG Issuer LLC, 144A 6.25% 01/03/2028 USD 920,000 857,900 0.08 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 144A 10.5% 15/05/2025 USD 1,625,000 1,810,859 0.16 Boxer Parent Co., Inc., 144A 7.125% 02/10/2025 USD 490,000 515,566 0.05 Boxer Parent Co., Inc., 144A 9.125% 01/03/2026 USD 405,000 420,947 0.04 Carnival Corp., 144A 11.5% 01/04/2023 USD 2,690,000 2,911,758 0.26 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.75% 01/03/2030 USD 1,875,000 1,921,350 0.17 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/08/2030 USD 3,075,000 3,149,277 0.28 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.5% 01/05/2032 USD 1,225,000 1,241,844 0.11 CenturyLink, Inc., 144A 5.125% 15/12/2026 USD 1,625,000 1,623,464 0.14 CenturyLink, Inc., 144A 4% 15/02/2027 USD 575,000 557,874 0.05 Chesapeake Energy Corp., Reg. S 11.5% 01/01/2025§ USD 2,145,000 232,250 0.02 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., 144A 9.875% 17/10/2025 USD 825,000 866,931 0.08 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., 144A 6.75% 15/03/2026 USD 1,840,000 1,780,200 0.16 Colt Merger Sub, Inc., 144A 6.25% 01/07/2025 USD 1,700,000 1,690,990 0.15 Delta Air Lines, Inc., 144A 7% 01/05/2025 USD 950,000 981,653 0.09 DPL, Inc., 144A 4.125% 01/07/2025 USD 435,000 436,209 0.04 Endo Dac, Reg. S 9.5% 31/07/2027 USD 3,533,000 3,754,519 0.33 Endo Dac, Reg. S 6% 30/06/2028 USD 5,400,000 3,510,000 0.31 EQM Midstream Partners LP, 144A 6.5% 01/07/2027 USD 1,525,000 1,565,916 0.14 FXI Holdings, Inc., 144A 12.25% 15/11/2026 USD 2,491,000 2,423,656 0.22 Gartner, Inc., 144A 4.5% 01/07/2028 USD 600,000 608,520 0.05 Hanesbrands, Inc., 144A 5.375% 15/05/2025 USD 626,000 634,216 0.06 Hess Midstream Operations LP, 144A 5.125% 15/06/2028 USD 1,005,000 968,177 0.09 Hexion, Inc., 144A 7.875% 15/07/2027 USD 2,040,000 1,861,561 0.17

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (303)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




iHeartCommunications, Inc., 144A 5.25% 15/08/2027 USD 1,250,000 1,198,988 0.11 Iron Mountain, Inc., REIT, 144A 5.25% 15/07/2030 USD 2,025,000 1,989,208 0.18 Kraft Heinz Foods Co., 144A 3.875% 15/05/2027 USD 1,475,000 1,543,351 0.14 Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP, REIT, 144A 4.25% 01/02/2027 USD 1,641,000 1,316,902 0.12 LPL Holdings, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/11/2027 USD 1,105,000 1,094,641 0.10 Macy's, Inc., 144A 8.375% 15/06/2025 USD 1,265,000 1,261,047 0.11 Mallinckrodt International Finance SA, 144A 10% 15/04/2025 USD 9,710,000 8,229,225 0.73 NCL Corp. Ltd., 144A 3.625% 15/12/2024 USD 1,995,000 1,226,925 0.11 Olin Corp., 144A 9.5% 01/06/2025 USD 950,000 1,061,031 0.09 Owl Rock Capital Corp. II, 144A 4.625% 26/11/2024 USD 1,100,000 1,086,840 0.10 Post Holdings, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/04/2030 USD 2,420,000 2,379,223 0.21 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 7.625% 15/06/2025 USD 395,000 395,000 0.03 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 10.875% 01/06/2023 USD 1,225,000 1,259,479 0.11 Sabre GLBL, Inc., 144A 9.25% 15/04/2025 USD 925,000 978,766 0.09 Sally Holdings LLC, 144A 8.75% 30/04/2025 USD 1,625,000 1,766,172 0.16 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$��������01/07/2025 USD 985,000 923,142 0.08 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$����15/05/2028 USD 625,000 501,056 0.04 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$�������15/11/2029 USD 2,465,000 1,976,166 0.18 Sirius XM Radio, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/07/2024 USD 2,435,000 2,504,251 0.22 Spirit AeroSystems, Inc., 144A 7.5% 15/04/2025 USD 1,200,000 1,188,750 0.11 Station Casinos LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/02/2028 USD 995,000 838,909 0.07 Talen Energy Supply LLC, 144A 7.625% 01/06/2028 USD 960,000 961,800 0.08 Targa Resources Partners LP, 144A 5.5% 01/03/2030 USD 1,120,000 1,082,547 0.10 Tenet Healthcare Corp., 144A 4.875% 01/01/2026 USD 8,775,000 8,608,100 0.77 Univision Communications, Inc., 144A 6.625% 01/06/2027 USD 6,825,000 6,543,469 0.58 Valvoline, Inc., 144A 4.375% 15/08/2025 USD 605,000 610,230 0.05 Venator Finance Sarl, 144A 9.5% 01/07/2025 USD 300,000 306,000 0.03 VICI Properties LP, REIT, 144A 3.5% 15/02/2025 USD 845,000 796,282 0.07 VICI Properties LP, REIT, 144A 4.625% 01/12/2029 USD 1,365,000 1,333,182 0.12 Weatherford International Ltd., 144A 11% 01/12/2024 USD 3,349,000 2,344,300 0.21 WESCO Distribution, Inc., 144A 7.125% 15/06/2025 USD 1,100,000 1,162,920 0.10 WESCO Distribution, Inc., 144A 7.25% 15/06/2028 USD 1,050,000 1,109,923 0.10 Wolverine Escrow LLC, 144A 9% 15/11/2026 USD 1,155,000 762,300 0.07 Wynn Resorts Finance LLC, 144A 7.75% 15/04/2025 USD 805,000 814,318 0.07 XPO Logistics, Inc., 144A 6.25% 01/05/2025 USD 600,000 629,625 0.06

100,866,214 8.99

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������

7RWDO�5HFHQWO\�LVVXHG�VHFXULWLHV ����������� ��������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (304)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

300 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments

� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.�� Security is currently in default.





%RQGVUnited States of America

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc., 144A 10.625% 01/05/2024� ��� USD 2,245,000 149,439 0.01

149,439 0.01

7RWDO�%RQGV ������� �������

(TXLWLHVUnited States of America

Rotech Healthcare, Inc.� USD 153,793 7,382,064 0.66 Sable Permian Resources Land LLC� USD 9,523,800 1 –

7,382,065 0.66

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ��������� �������




JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 18,558,779 18,558,779 1.66

18,558,779 1.66

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ���������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ������������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ���������� ����

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ������������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (305)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments








Euro-Bund, 08/09/2020 (119) EUR (23,600,106) (252,791) (0.02)









USD 27,359,423 EUR 24,272,000 06/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 87,612 0.01 CNH 12,800,000 USD 1,786,295 09/07/2020 UBS 23,353 – EUR 135,000 USD 150,215 09/07/2020 Standard

Chartered1,479 –

USD 21,667,286 EUR 19,125,000 09/07/2020 HSBC 177,288 0.02 EUR 5,360,000 USD 5,999,625 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 23,337 – USD 11,289,862 EUR 9,982,000 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 72,411 0.01 USD 3,076,014 MXN 67,680,000 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 136,197 0.01 USD 2,130,906 EUR 1,870,000 15/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 29,359 0.01 USD 3,001,683 COP 11,236,800,000 16/07/2020 Standard

Chartered15,301 –

USD 638,908 MXN 14,300,000 16/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 17,942 – USD 77,731 BRL 385,000 17/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 6,987 – USD 12,615,442 COP 47,449,200,000 17/07/2020 Standard

Chartered6,102 –

EUR 1,100,000 USD 1,234,830 21/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 1,552 – EUR 730,000 USD 819,003 23/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 1,544 –


$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVAUD 30,066,316 USD 20,624,218 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 126,495 0.01

USD 172,297 AUD 249,022 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 431 – &+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 1,654,931 USD 1,740,171 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 7,338 – &1+�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCNH 647,608 USD 91,355 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 162 – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 833,500 USD 934,468 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,282 – USD 3,287,857 EUR 2,914,494 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 12,328 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 32,494 USD 40,114 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 154 – USD 4,030,852 GBP 3,242,575 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 12,578 – -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 1,444,621 JPY 154,600,000 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 12,543 – 6*'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVSGD 9,900 USD 7,100 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 4 – USD 494,140 SGD 688,330 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 203 –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (306)

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

302 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments









MXN 15,500,000 USD 710,091 09/07/2020 Standard Chartered

(36,318) –

CZK 141,850,000 USD 6,040,334 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (60,662) (0.01)

MXN 63,200,000 USD 2,910,833 13/07/2020 Citibank (165,207) (0.02) PLN 88,700,000 USD 22,646,616 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (225,862) (0.02) CNH 29,800,000 USD 4,218,480 14/07/2020 BNY Mellon (6,577) – EUR 2,185,000 USD 2,482,933 14/07/2020 Barclays (27,441) – PLN 11,680,000 USD 2,978,604 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (26,233) – ZAR 51,900,000 USD 3,034,023 15/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (47,582) (0.01) COP 16,895,300,000 USD 4,522,297 16/07/2020 Citibank (32,067) – COP 47,529,100,000 USD 13,305,274 17/07/2020 Citibank (674,701) (0.06) EUR 800,000 USD 903,362 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (4,262) – EUR 6,285,000 USD 7,092,842 17/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (29,284) – EUR 2,700,000 USD 3,043,904 20/07/2020 BNY Mellon (9,222) – USD 14,879,903 CNH 105,500,000 20/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(26,337) –

ZAR 50,500,000 USD 2,964,433 20/07/2020 Barclays (60,286) (0.01) USD 3,742,234 PLN 14,850,000 21/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(11,512) –

USD 5,499,074 EUR 4,900,000 22/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (8,577) – 8QUHDOLVHG�/RVV�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ����������� ��������

$8'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVAUD 157,250 USD 108,696 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (167) –

USD 150,320 AUD 218,841 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (717) – (85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 76,498,697 USD 86,151,670 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (176,647) (0.02) USD 1,183,816 EUR 1,056,527 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (3,589) –

*%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 19,670,233 USD 24,634,816 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (259,010) (0.02) -3<�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVJPY 6,371,889,091 USD 59,370,695 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (347,121) (0.03) 6*'�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVSGD 46,472,315 USD 33,376,258 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (28,243) – USD 29,673 SGD 41,452 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (72) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (307)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 303

Schedule of investments






Petrobras Global Finance BV 6.75% 03/06/2050 USD 70,000 72,170 0.14

72,170 0.14 Canada

Cenovus Energy, Inc. 3% 15/08/2022 USD 7,000 6,708 0.02 Cenovus Energy, Inc. 4.25% 15/04/2027 USD 30,000 27,249 0.05

33,957 0.07 France

Altice France SA, 144A 7.375% 01/05/2026 USD 200,000 208,998 0.39

208,998 0.39 Luxembourg

ARD Finance SA, 144A 6.5% 30/06/2027 USD 200,000 198,213 0.37

198,213 0.37 Netherlands

OCI NV, 144A 5.25% 01/11/2024 USD 200,000 192,750 0.36 Starfruit Finco BV, 144A 8% 01/10/2026 USD 150,000 154,027 0.29 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 2.8% 21/07/2023 USD 123,000 116,576 0.22 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 3.15% 01/10/2026 USD 175,000 156,910 0.30 Trivium Packaging Finance BV, 144A 5.5% 15/08/2026 USD 200,000 202,750 0.38 Ziggo Bond Co. BV, 144A 5.125% 28/02/2030 USD 225,000 223,632 0.42

1,046,645 1.97 Switzerland

Transocean, Inc. 8.375% 15/12/2021 USD 100,000 71,000 0.13

71,000 0.13 United States of America

AES Corp. (The) 5.5% 15/04/2025 USD 125,000 128,677 0.24 AES Corp. (The) 6% 15/05/2026 USD 125,000 130,914 0.25 AmeriGas Partners LP 5.5% 20/05/2025 USD 200,000 206,623 0.39 B&G Foods, Inc. 5.25% 01/04/2025 USD 270,000 272,295 0.51 B&G Foods, Inc. 5.25% 15/09/2027 USD 135,000 135,464 0.26 Ball Corp. 4% 15/11/2023 USD 50,000 51,906 0.10 Berry Global, Inc. 5.5% 15/05/2022 USD 17,000 17,078 0.03 Boeing Co. (The) 4.875% 01/05/2025 USD 105,000 114,451 0.22 Centene Corp. 4.75% 15/05/2022 USD 290,000 294,644 0.56 CenturyLink, Inc. 7.5% 01/04/2024 USD 25,000 27,517 0.05 CenturyLink, Inc. 6.75% 01/12/2023 USD 225,000 242,414 0.46 Chemours Co. (The) 6.625% 15/05/2023 USD 205,000 197,334 0.37 Cinemark USA, Inc. 4.875% 01/06/2023 USD 75,000 63,609 0.12 CIT Group, Inc. 4.125% 09/03/2021 USD 95,000 95,380 0.18 CIT Group, Inc. 5.25% 07/03/2025 USD 13,000 13,502 0.03 CIT Group, Inc., FRN 3.929% 19/06/2024 USD 70,000 68,519 0.13 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 5.75% 01/03/2025 USD 319,000 272,562 0.51

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (308)

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

304 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




CNX Resources Corp. 5.875% 15/04/2022 USD 272,000 268,090 0.51 Comstock Resources, Inc. 9.75% 15/08/2026 USD 10,000 9,362 0.02 Dana, Inc. 5.625% 15/06/2028 USD 100,000 99,519 0.19 DaVita, Inc. 5% 01/05/2025 USD 65,000 66,528 0.13 DCP Midstream Operating LP 4.95% 01/04/2022 USD 100,000 100,899 0.19 Diebold Nixdorf, Inc. 8.5% 15/04/2024 USD 225,000 179,133 0.34 Embarq Corp. 7.995% 01/06/2036 USD 110,000 123,774 0.23 Encompass Health Corp. 4.5% 01/02/2028 USD 192,000 184,476 0.35 Encompass Health Corp. 4.75% 01/02/2030 USD 145,000 138,720 0.26 Encompass Health Corp. 5.75% 01/11/2024 USD 79,000 79,206 0.15 Encompass Health Corp. 5.75% 15/09/2025 USD 185,000 190,806 0.36 Energy Transfer Operating LP 5% 15/05/2050 USD 54,000 51,212 0.10 EQM Midstream Partners LP 4.125% 01/12/2026 USD 19,000 17,316 0.03 EQM Midstream Partners LP 5.5% 15/07/2028 USD 56,000 53,465 0.10 EQT Corp. 7% 01/02/2030 USD 30,000 30,941 0.06 Ford Motor Co. 8.5% 21/04/2023 USD 89,000 94,284 0.18 Ford Motor Co. 9% 22/04/2025 USD 170,000 184,131 0.35 Ford Motor Credit Co. LLC 3.81% 09/01/2024 USD 200,000 192,810 0.36 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 3.875% 15/03/2023 USD 75,000 75,248 0.14 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 4.25% 01/03/2030 USD 100,000 97,094 0.18 Freeport-McMoRan, Inc. 5.45% 15/03/2043 USD 25,000 24,585 0.05 General Motors Co. 6.8% 01/10/2027 USD 70,000 81,675 0.15 Genesis Energy LP 6.5% 01/10/2025 USD 85,000 72,940 0.14 HCA, Inc. 5.875% 01/05/2023 USD 325,000 352,294 0.66 HCA, Inc. 5.375% 01/02/2025 USD 20,000 21,481 0.04 HCA, Inc. 5.625% 01/09/2028 USD 75,000 83,829 0.16 Howmet Aerospace, Inc. 6.875% 01/05/2025 USD 30,000 32,617 0.06 MGM Resorts International 7.75% 15/03/2022 USD 250,000 254,856 0.48 MGM Resorts International 6% 15/03/2023 USD 100,000 101,261 0.19 MGM Resorts International 5.5% 15/04/2027 USD 72,000 69,712 0.13 Molina Healthcare, Inc. 5.375% 15/11/2022 USD 435,000 444,668 0.84 MPT Operating Partnership LP, REIT 5% 15/10/2027 USD 175,000 180,365 0.34 Murphy Oil Corp. 5.875% 01/12/2027 USD 165,000 145,355 0.27 Navient Corp. 5% 15/03/2027 USD 115,000 96,852 0.18 NGL Energy Partners LP 7.5% 01/11/2023 USD 65,000 54,152 0.10 NGL Energy Partners LP 6.125% 01/03/2025 USD 240,000 182,075 0.34 NuStar Logistics LP 4.8% 01/09/2020 USD 15,000 15,054 0.03 NuStar Logistics LP 6.75% 01/02/2021 USD 15,000 14,946 0.03 NuStar Logistics LP 6% 01/06/2026 USD 95,000 93,263 0.18 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 4.1% 01/02/2021 USD 6,000 6,054 0.01 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 2.6% 13/08/2021 USD 18,000 17,640 0.03 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 3.125% 15/02/2022 USD 55,000 52,948 0.10 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 2.7% 15/08/2022 USD 75,000 69,960 0.13 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 2.7% 15/02/2023 USD 79,000 72,384 0.14 Occidental Petroleum Corp. 2.9% 15/08/2024 USD 89,000 76,272 0.14 Owens & Minor, Inc. 3.875% 15/09/2021 USD 469,000 466,010 0.88 Owens & Minor, Inc. 4.375% 15/12/2024 USD 100,000 86,115 0.16 Owl Rock Capital Corp. 3.75% 22/07/2025 USD 90,000 88,135 0.17 PG&E Corp. 5% 01/07/2028 USD 140,000 139,825 0.26 PG&E Corp. 5.25% 01/07/2030 USD 50,000 50,375 0.10 QEP Resources, Inc. 5.625% 01/03/2026 USD 70,000 44,671 0.08 Range Resources Corp. 5% 15/03/2023 USD 75,000 64,171 0.12

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (309)

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 305

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




RR Donnelley & Sons Co. 6.5% 15/11/2023 USD 95,000 87,054 0.16 Sally Holdings LLC 5.5% 01/11/2023 USD 50,000 48,781 0.09 Sally Holdings LLC 5.625% 01/12/2025 USD 160,000 155,891 0.29 SM Energy Co. 5.625% 01/06/2025 USD 55,000 29,350 0.06 Southwestern Energy Co. 6.2% 23/01/2025 USD 25,000 21,484 0.04 Southwestern Energy Co. 7.5% 01/04/2026 USD 150,000 131,768 0.25 Springleaf Finance Corp. 6.125% 15/03/2024 USD 250,000 254,576 0.48 Starwood Property Trust, Inc., REIT 5% 15/12/2021 USD 185,000 179,971 0.34 Targa Resources Partners LP 5.875% 15/04/2026 USD 50,000 49,617 0.09 Tenet Healthcare Corp. 4.625% 15/07/2024 USD 190,000 186,444 0.35 TransDigm, Inc. 6.5% 15/07/2024 USD 5,000 4,824 0.01 United Rentals North America, Inc. 5.875% 15/09/2026 USD 150,000 157,367 0.30 Valaris plc 7.75% 01/02/2026 USD 100,000 7,816 0.01 Whiting Petroleum Corp. 6.625% 15/01/2026§ USD 70,000 12,549 0.02 Xerox Corp. 4.125% 15/03/2023 USD 17,000 17,027 0.03

9,470,962 17.85

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������

:DUUDQWVUnited States of America

Ultra Petroleum Corp. 14/07/2025 USD 3,640 127 –

127 –

7RWDO�:DUUDQWV ��� �²��




Bausch Health Americas, Inc., 144A 8.5% 31/01/2027 USD 120,000 127,587 0.24 Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 5.875% 15/05/2023 USD 3,000 2,995 – Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 6.125% 15/04/2025 USD 680,000 690,662 1.30 Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 9% 15/12/2025 USD 210,000 226,466 0.43 Bombardier, Inc., 144A 7.5% 01/12/2024 USD 25,000 16,315 0.03 Bombardier, Inc., 144A 7.5% 15/03/2025 USD 30,000 19,672 0.04 Bombardier, Inc., 144A 7.875% 15/04/2027 USD 30,000 19,701 0.04 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 7.25% 15/05/2022 USD 200,000 196,245 0.37 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 6.5% 01/03/2024 USD 200,000 189,021 0.36 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 7.5% 01/04/2025 USD 300,000 287,734 0.54 First Quantum Minerals Ltd., 144A 6.875% 01/03/2026 USD 475,000 451,162 0.85 NOVA Chemicals Corp., 144A 5.25% 01/06/2027 USD 90,000 79,217 0.15 Teekay Corp., 144A 9.25% 15/11/2022 USD 240,000 231,244 0.44

2,538,021 4.79 France

SPCM SA, 144A 4.875% 15/09/2025 USD 200,000 202,177 0.38

202,177 0.38

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (310)

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Schedule of investments




ItalyInternational Game Technology plc, 144A 6.5% 15/02/2025 USD 200,000 205,125 0.39

205,125 0.39 Japan

Sprint Capital Corp. 8.75% 15/03/2032 USD 120,000 171,659 0.32

171,659 0.32 Luxembourg

Cirsa Finance International Sarl, 144A 7.875% 20/12/2023 USD 31,000 28,753 0.05 INEOS Group Holdings SA, 144A 5.625% 01/08/2024 USD 200,000 194,067 0.37 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA, 144A 8.5% 15/10/2024§ USD 225,000 136,000 0.26 Intelsat Jackson Holdings SA 8% 15/02/2024 USD 360,000 365,702 0.69

724,522 1.37 Netherlands

Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 6% 15/04/2024 USD 400,000 411,930 0.77 Teva Pharmaceutical Finance Netherlands III BV 6.75% 01/03/2028 USD 325,000 344,079 0.65 Ziggo BV, 144A 5.5% 15/01/2027 USD 150,000 152,720 0.29

908,729 1.71 Switzerland

Transocean Guardian Ltd., 144A 5.875% 15/01/2024 USD 70,976 62,795 0.12 Transocean Pontus Ltd., 144A 6.125% 01/08/2025 USD 37,575 33,066 0.06 Transocean Poseidon Ltd., 144A 6.875% 01/02/2027 USD 80,000 69,200 0.13

165,061 0.31 United Kingdom

Mclaren Finance plc, 144A 5.75% 01/08/2022 USD 200,000 141,500 0.27 Merlin Entertainments Ltd., 144A 5.75% 15/06/2026 USD 200,000 193,348 0.36

334,848 0.63 United States of America

ADT Security Corp. (The) 3.5% 15/07/2022 USD 235,000 234,322 0.44 Allison Transmission, Inc., 144A 5% 01/10/2024 USD 240,000 240,146 0.45 Altera Infrastructure LP, 144A 8.5% 15/07/2023 USD 150,000 132,391 0.25 Antero Midstream Partners LP, 144A 5.75% 15/01/2028 USD 12,000 9,510 0.02 Ascent Resources Utica Holdings LLC, 144A 10% 01/04/2022 USD 35,000 29,947 0.06 Ascent Resources Utica Holdings LLC, 144A 7% 01/11/2026 USD 90,000 57,920 0.11 Associated Materials LLC, 144A 9% 01/01/2024 USD 483,000 415,858 0.78 Atotech Alpha 2 BV, 144A 8.75% 01/06/2023 USD 40,000 40,046 0.08 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 144A 5.25% 15/03/2025 USD 75,000 60,375 0.11 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC 5.5% 01/04/2023 USD 28,000 23,202 0.04 Axalta Coating Systems LLC, 144A 4.875% 15/08/2024 USD 150,000 152,266 0.29

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (311)

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Schedule of investments




Banff Merger Sub, Inc., 144A 9.75% 01/09/2026 USD 100,000 100,856 0.19 Brink's Co. (The), 144A 4.625% 15/10/2027 USD 75,000 72,218 0.14 %URRNÀHOG�3URSHUW\�5(,7��,QF������$�������15/05/2026 USD 355,000 300,806 0.57 Catalent Pharma Solutions, Inc., 144A 5% 15/07/2027 USD 5,000 5,199 0.01 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.875% 01/04/2024 USD 125,000 129,031 0.24 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.125% 01/05/2027 USD 100,000 103,605 0.20 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 5.75% 15/02/2026 USD 435,000 450,897 0.85 Cedar Fair LP, 144A 5.25% 15/07/2029 USD 35,000 31,703 0.06 Centene Corp., 144A 5.375% 01/06/2026 USD 40,000 41,629 0.08 Centene Corp. 4.25% 15/12/2027 USD 160,000 165,476 0.31 Centene Corp. 4.625% 15/12/2029 USD 250,000 265,317 0.50 Centene Corp. 3.375% 15/02/2030 USD 34,000 34,383 0.06 Centennial Resource Production LLC, 144A 6.875% 01/04/2027 USD 65,000 34,639 0.07 Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., 144A 5.5% 01/04/2026 USD 65,000 67,789 0.13 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC 7% 30/06/2024 USD 100,000 113,888 0.21 Chesapeake Energy Corp. 4.875% 15/04/2022§ USD 450,000 15,750 0.03 Churchill Downs, Inc., 144A 4.75% 15/01/2028 USD 170,000 164,444 0.31 Clarios Global LP, 144A 6.25% 15/05/2026 USD 115,000 119,102 0.22 Clarios Global LP, 144A 8.5% 15/05/2027 USD 125,000 125,934 0.24 Clear Channel Worldwide Holdings, Inc. 9.25% 15/02/2024 USD 174,000 161,861 0.30 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc. 5.875% 01/06/2027 USD 380,000 314,617 0.59 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/01/2024 USD 245,000 231,193 0.44 CommScope, Inc., 144A 6% 01/03/2026 USD 150,000 154,145 0.29 &RPSDVV�*URXS�'LYHUVLÀHG�+ROGLQJV�//&�����$����01/05/2026 USD 320,000 326,557 0.62 Comstock Resources, Inc. 9.75% 15/08/2026 USD 117,000 109,786 0.21 Comstock Resources, Inc., 144A 7.5% 15/05/2025 USD 30,000 27,413 0.05 Cornerstone Building Brands, Inc., 144A 8% 15/04/2026 USD 45,000 45,479 0.09 CSC Holdings LLC 6.75% 15/11/2021 USD 235,000 247,343 0.47 Cumulus Media New Holdings, Inc., 144A 6.75% 01/07/2026 USD 150,000 138,820 0.26 CVR Partners LP, 144A 9.25% 15/06/2023 USD 125,000 122,826 0.23 Darling Ingredients, Inc., 144A 5.25% 15/04/2027 USD 35,000 36,074 0.07 Denbury Resources, Inc., 144A 9% 15/05/2021 USD 95,000 37,080 0.07 Diamond Offshore Drilling, Inc. 7.875% 15/08/2025§ USD 35,000 3,741 0.01 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. (The), 144A 6.875% 15/08/2026 USD 120,000 127,481 0.24 Dun & Bradstreet Corp. (The), 144A 10.25% 15/02/2027 USD 110,000 122,355 0.23 Element Solutions, Inc., 144A 5.875% 01/12/2025 USD 95,000 96,216 0.18 Endo Finance LLC, 144A 5.75% 15/01/2022 USD 220,000 202,400 0.38 Energizer Holdings, Inc., 144A 6.375% 15/07/2026 USD 130,000 134,741 0.25 Energizer Holdings, Inc., 144A 7.75% 15/01/2027 USD 75,000 80,144 0.15 Energizer Holdings, Inc., 144A 5.5% 15/06/2025 USD 50,000 50,941 0.10 Entercom Media Corp., 144A 7.25% 01/11/2024 USD 25,000 21,841 0.04 Entercom Media Corp., 144A 6.5% 01/05/2027 USD 40,000 36,042 0.07

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (312)

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Schedule of investments




Extraction Oil & Gas, Inc., 144A 5.625% 01/02/2026§ USD 125,000 24,508 0.05 Frontier Communications Corp., 144A 8% 01/04/2027§ USD 255,000 259,253 0.49 FS Energy and Power Fund, 144A 7.5% 15/08/2023 USD 225,000 192,399 0.36 FXI Holdings, Inc., 144A 7.875% 01/11/2024 USD 69,000 59,555 0.11 Genesys Telecommunications Laboratories, Inc., 144A 10% 30/11/2024 USD 260,000 271,077 0.51 Go Daddy Operating Co. LLC, 144A 5.25% 01/12/2027 USD 40,000 40,793 0.08 Gogo Intermediate Holdings LLC, 144A 9.875% 01/05/2024 USD 570,000 483,135 0.91 Gray Television, Inc., 144A 7% 15/05/2027 USD 100,000 102,765 0.19 Greif, Inc., 144A 6.5% 01/03/2027 USD 60,000 61,211 0.12 GTCR AP Finance, Inc., 144A 8% 15/05/2027 USD 95,000 98,128 0.18 Hanesbrands, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/05/2024 USD 60,000 59,856 0.11 Hanesbrands, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/05/2026 USD 355,000 358,484 0.68 Harsco Corp., 144A 5.75% 31/07/2027 USD 115,000 115,578 0.22 Hilton Domestic Operating Co., Inc. 4.875% 15/01/2030 USD 85,000 83,919 0.16 Howard Hughes Corp. (The), 144A 5.375% 15/03/2025 USD 270,000 252,103 0.48 HUB International Ltd., 144A 7% 01/05/2026 USD 260,000 260,261 0.49 Icahn Enterprises LP 6.25% 01/02/2022 USD 170,000 170,803 0.32 Icahn Enterprises LP 4.75% 15/09/2024 USD 135,000 127,786 0.24 Icahn Enterprises LP 5.25% 15/05/2027 USD 90,000 87,131 0.16 IQVIA, Inc., 144A 5% 15/10/2026 USD 250,000 258,363 0.49 Iron Mountain, Inc., REIT 5.75% 15/08/2024 USD 170,000 172,162 0.32 JELD-WEN, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/12/2027 USD 140,000 135,275 0.25 Jonah Energy LLC, 144A 7.25% 15/10/2025 USD 245,000 32,463 0.06 Joseph T Ryerson & Son, Inc., 144A 11% 15/05/2022 USD 150,000 153,658 0.29 Kraft Heinz Foods Co. 3.95% 15/07/2025 USD 65,000 69,497 0.13 Lamar Media Corp. 5.75% 01/02/2026 USD 75,000 77,545 0.15 Levi Strauss & Co. 5% 01/05/2025 USD 60,000 60,444 0.11 Live Nation Entertainment, Inc., 144A 5.625% 15/03/2026 USD 25,000 22,839 0.04 LSB Industries, Inc., 144A 9.625% 01/05/2023 USD 200,000 193,271 0.36 LSC Communications, Inc., 144A 8.75% 15/10/2023§ USD 250,000 25,000 0.05 Matador Resources Co. 5.875% 15/09/2026 USD 30,000 22,271 0.04 Mattel, Inc., 144A 6.75% 31/12/2025 USD 100,000 103,923 0.20 Mauser Packaging Solutions Holding Co., 144A 5.5% 15/04/2024 USD 95,000 93,514 0.18 MDC Partners, Inc., 144A 6.5% 01/05/2024 USD 110,000 102,644 0.19 Meredith Corp. 6.875% 01/02/2026 USD 225,000 187,342 0.35 Molina Healthcare, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/06/2025 USD 164,000 165,418 0.31 MSCI, Inc., 144A 5.375% 15/05/2027 USD 100,000 106,415 0.20 Nabors Industries, Inc. 5.75% 01/02/2025 USD 35,000 14,303 0.03 Navient Corp. 7.25% 25/09/2023 USD 45,000 44,123 0.08 Navient Corp. 6.125% 25/03/2024 USD 115,000 109,608 0.21 Navient Corp. 5.625% 01/08/2033 USD 30,000 23,187 0.04 Navient Corp. 6.5% 15/06/2022 USD 135,000 133,059 0.25 Navient Corp. 5.5% 25/01/2023 USD 405,000 389,559 0.73

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (313)

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Schedule of investments




Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC, 144A 14% 25/04/2024§ USD 157,583 47,275 0.09 Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC, Reg. S 8% 25/10/2024§ USD 149,000 7,450 0.01 Neiman Marcus Group Ltd. LLC, Reg. S 8.872% 25/10/2024§ USD 70,347 3,517 0.01 Newell Brands, Inc. 4.875% 01/06/2025 USD 75,000 78,687 0.15 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc., 144A 5.625% 01/08/2024 USD 25,000 25,253 0.05 NGL Energy Partners LP 7.5% 15/04/2026 USD 110,000 83,857 0.16 Nielsen Co. Luxembourg SARL (The), 144A 5% 01/02/2025 USD 75,000 74,850 0.14 Northwest Hardwoods, Inc., 144A 7.5% 01/08/2021 USD 65,000 23,725 0.04 Oasis Petroleum, Inc., 144A 6.25% 01/05/2026 USD 40,000 6,726 0.01 Oasis Petroleum, Inc. 6.875% 15/03/2022 USD 135,000 22,697 0.04 Omnimax International, Inc., 144A 12% 15/08/2020 USD 130,000 107,069 0.20 Outfront Media Capital LLC, 144A 5% 15/08/2027 USD 80,000 72,135 0.14 Owens-Brockway Glass Container, Inc., 144A 5.875% 15/08/2023 USD 190,000 196,670 0.37 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc., 144A 7.5% 01/04/2027 USD 150,000 154,432 0.29 Par Pharmaceutical, Inc., Reg. S 7.5% 01/04/2027 USD 51,000 52,507 0.10 Parsley Energy LLC, 144A 5.25% 15/08/2025 USD 10,000 9,640 0.02 Peabody Energy Corp., 144A 6% 31/03/2022 USD 160,000 104,500 0.20 PetSmart, Inc., 144A 5.875% 01/06/2025 USD 76,000 76,426 0.14 PetSmart, Inc., 144A 8.875% 01/06/2025 USD 485,000 485,597 0.92 Post Holdings, Inc., 144A 5% 15/08/2026 USD 50,000 50,284 0.09 Post Holdings, Inc., 144A 5.625% 15/01/2028 USD 25,000 25,933 0.05 Prestige Brands, Inc., 144A 6.375% 01/03/2024 USD 50,000 51,630 0.10 RBS Global, Inc., 144A 4.875% 15/12/2025 USD 190,000 191,542 0.36 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 5.25% 01/12/2021 USD 50,000 50,700 0.10 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 4.875% 01/06/2023 USD 105,000 98,503 0.19 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 9.375% 01/04/2027 USD 140,000 131,007 0.25 5HÀQLWLY�86�+ROGLQJV��,QF������$����������������� USD 85,000 92,139 0.17 Rockies Express Pipeline LLC, 144A 4.95% 15/07/2029 USD 75,000 70,148 0.13 Sabre GLBL, Inc., 144A 5.375% 15/04/2023 USD 135,000 126,380 0.24 Sanchez Energy Corp., 144A 7.25% 15/02/2023§ USD 50,000 875 – 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$����15/10/2025 USD 70,000 64,875 0.12 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$�������15/03/2026 USD 285,000 253,423 0.48 Scotts Miracle-Gro Co. (The) 4.5% 15/10/2029 USD 110,000 113,510 0.21 Sealed Air Corp., 144A 5.25% 01/04/2023 USD 55,000 57,701 0.11 Sensata Technologies BV, 144A 4.875% 15/10/2023 USD 25,000 26,028 0.05 Service Properties Trust, REIT 7.5% 15/09/2025 USD 24,000 25,219 0.05 Sirius XM Radio, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/05/2023 USD 125,000 126,013 0.24 Sirius XM Radio, Inc., 144A 3.875% 01/08/2022 USD 100,000 100,732 0.19 Six Flags Entertainment Corp., 144A 4.875% 31/07/2024 USD 275,000 246,642 0.46 Sprint Capital Corp. 6.875% 15/11/2028 USD 430,000 525,223 0.99 Sprint Corp. 7.625% 01/03/2026 USD 150,000 177,403 0.33 Staples, Inc., 144A 7.5% 15/04/2026 USD 285,000 224,544 0.42

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (314)

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Starwood Property Trust, Inc., REIT 3.625% 01/02/2021 USD 50,000 49,306 0.09 Summit Materials LLC, 144A 6.5% 15/03/2027 USD 130,000 133,388 0.25 Sunoco LP 5.5% 15/02/2026 USD 75,000 73,017 0.14 Sunoco LP 6% 15/04/2027 USD 75,000 74,421 0.14 Surgery Center Holdings, Inc., 144A 10% 15/04/2027 USD 95,000 95,338 0.18 Talen Energy Supply LLC, 144A 10.5% 15/01/2026 USD 95,000 75,326 0.14 Talen Energy Supply LLC, 144A 7.25% 15/05/2027 USD 175,000 174,421 0.33 Targa Resources Partners LP 6.5% 15/07/2027 USD 35,000 35,175 0.07 Targa Resources Partners LP 6.875% 15/01/2029 USD 60,000 63,038 0.12 Team Health Holdings, Inc., 144A 6.375% 01/02/2025 USD 355,000 207,194 0.39 Tempo Acquisition LLC, 144A 6.75% 01/06/2025 USD 150,000 152,342 0.29 T-Mobile USA, Inc. 4% 15/04/2022 USD 75,000 77,035 0.15 T-Mobile USA, Inc. 6.375% 01/03/2025 USD 125,000 128,563 0.24 TransDigm, Inc., 144A 6.25% 15/03/2026 USD 44,000 44,048 0.08 Trilogy International Partners LLC, 144A 8.875% 01/05/2022 USD 480,000 426,487 0.80 Tronox Finance plc, 144A 5.75% 01/10/2025 USD 175,000 162,513 0.31 Uber Technologies, Inc., 144A 8% 01/11/2026 USD 120,000 122,280 0.23 Uniti Group LP, REIT, 144A 6% 15/04/2023 USD 50,000 48,906 0.09 Univision Communications, Inc., 144A 5.125% 15/05/2023 USD 300,000 303,656 0.57 Venator Finance Sarl, 144A 5.75% 15/07/2025 USD 445,000 317,848 0.60 Veritas US, Inc., 144A 7.5% 01/02/2023 USD 400,000 395,458 0.75 ViaSat, Inc., 144A 5.625% 15/04/2027 USD 5,000 5,130 0.01 Vizient, Inc., 144A 6.25% 15/05/2027 USD 20,000 21,021 0.04 Warrior Met Coal, Inc., 144A 8% 01/11/2024 USD 141,000 137,585 0.26 West Street Merger Sub, Inc., 144A 6.375% 01/09/2025 USD 180,000 174,711 0.33 Western Midstream Operating LP 4.5% 01/03/2028 USD 125,000 118,125 0.22 William Carter Co. (The), 144A 5.625% 15/03/2027 USD 50,000 51,645 0.10 WMG Acquisition Corp., 144A 5% 01/08/2023 USD 150,000 152,422 0.29 WMG Acquisition Corp., 144A 5.5% 15/04/2026 USD 75,000 77,870 0.15 Wyndham Hotels & Resorts, Inc., 144A 5.375% 15/04/2026 USD 125,000 120,676 0.23 Wynn Las Vegas LLC, 144A 4.25% 30/05/2023 USD 355,000 334,806 0.63 Wynn Las Vegas LLC, 144A 5.25% 15/05/2027 USD 55,000 47,665 0.09

21,237,256 40.03

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������

(TXLWLHVUnited States of America

MYT Holding Co. Preference USD 44,753 32,401 0.06

32,401 0.06

7RWDO�(TXLWLHV ������ �������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (315)

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Schedule of investments






Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 5% 30/01/2028 USD 70,000 65,992 0.12 Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 6.25% 15/02/2029 USD 25,000 25,172 0.05 Bausch Health Cos., Inc., 144A 5.25% 30/01/2030 USD 70,000 66,491 0.12 Cascades, Inc., 144A 5.125% 15/01/2026 USD 75,000 76,359 0.14 Fairstone Financial, Inc., 144A 7.875% 15/07/2024 USD 91,000 89,455 0.17 Open Text Corp., 144A 3.875% 15/02/2028 USD 75,000 72,340 0.14 Open Text Holdings, Inc., 144A 4.125% 15/02/2030 USD 75,000 73,863 0.14 Teck Resources Ltd., 144A 3.9% 15/07/2030 USD 14,000 13,998 0.03

483,670 0.91 Ireland

Ardagh Packaging Finance plc, 144A 5.25% 30/04/2025 USD 200,000 205,625 0.39

205,625 0.39 Italy

International Game Technology plc, 144A 5.25% 15/01/2029 USD 200,000 195,500 0.37

195,500 0.37 United Kingdom

Ashtead Capital, Inc., 144A 4.25% 01/11/2029 USD 200,000 200,500 0.38 Connect Finco SARL, 144A 6.75% 01/10/2026 USD 200,000 189,380 0.35

389,880 0.73 United States of America

Adient US LLC, 144A 9% 15/04/2025 USD 26,000 28,121 0.05 Advisor Group Holdings, Inc., 144A 10.75% 01/08/2027 USD 195,000 191,672 0.36 AES Corp. (The), 144A 3.95% 15/07/2030 USD 75,000 76,885 0.15 AG Issuer LLC, 144A 6.25% 01/03/2028 USD 135,000 125,887 0.24 Alliant Holdings Intermediate LLC, 144A 6.75% 15/10/2027 USD 138,000 137,767 0.26 Allied Universal Holdco LLC, 144A 6.625% 15/07/2026 USD 70,000 73,727 0.14 Allied Universal Holdco LLC, 144A 9.75% 15/07/2027 USD 155,000 163,601 0.31 Arconic Corp., 144A 6% 15/05/2025 USD 75,000 77,297 0.15 Avis Budget Car Rental LLC, 144A 10.5% 15/05/2025 USD 75,000 83,578 0.16 Axalta Coating Systems LLC, 144A 4.75% 15/06/2027 USD 75,000 75,578 0.14 Boxer Parent Co., Inc., 144A 7.125% 02/10/2025 USD 25,000 26,304 0.05 Boxer Parent Co., Inc., 144A 9.125% 01/03/2026 USD 20,000 20,787 0.04 Boyd Gaming Corp., 144A 8.625% 01/06/2025 USD 20,000 20,938 0.04 Boyd Gaming Corp., 144A 4.75% 01/12/2027 USD 115,000 98,939 0.19 BWX Technologies, Inc., 144A 4.125% 30/06/2028 USD 50,000 50,063 0.09 Calpine Corp., 144A 5.125% 15/03/2028 USD 105,000 102,861 0.19 Carnival Corp., 144A 11.5% 01/04/2023 USD 155,000 167,778 0.32 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.75% 01/03/2030 USD 275,000 281,798 0.53 CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/08/2030 USD 200,000 204,831 0.39

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (316)

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Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




CCO Holdings LLC, 144A 4.5% 01/05/2032 USD 110,000 111,512 0.21 Cedar Fair LP, 144A 5.5% 01/05/2025 USD 80,000 80,750 0.15 CenturyLink, Inc., 144A 5.125% 15/12/2026 USD 100,000 99,905 0.19 CenturyLink, Inc., 144A 4% 15/02/2027 USD 25,000 24,255 0.05 Charles River Laboratories International, Inc., 144A 4.25% 01/05/2028 USD 16,000 16,019 0.03 Cheniere Corpus Christi Holdings LLC, 144A 3.7% 15/11/2029 USD 29,000 29,751 0.06 Cheniere Energy Partners LP, 144A 4.5% 01/10/2029 USD 166,000 162,360 0.31 Chesapeake Energy Corp., Reg. S 11.5% 01/01/2025§ USD 80,000 8,662 0.02 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., 144A 9.875% 17/10/2025 USD 85,000 89,320 0.17 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., 144A 6.75% 15/03/2026 USD 100,000 96,750 0.18 Cleveland-Cliffs, Inc., Reg. S 7% 15/03/2027 USD 50,000 38,000 0.07 Colt Merger Sub, Inc., 144A 5.75% 01/07/2025 USD 55,000 55,413 0.10 Colt Merger Sub, Inc., 144A 6.25% 01/07/2025 USD 145,000 144,232 0.27 Delta Air Lines, Inc., 144A 7% 01/05/2025 USD 125,000 129,165 0.24 Diamond Sports Group LLC, 144A 5.375% 15/08/2026 USD 55,000 40,146 0.08 Diamond Sports Group LLC, 144A 6.625% 15/08/2027 USD 131,000 70,547 0.13 DPL, Inc., 144A 4.125% 01/07/2025 USD 95,000 95,264 0.18 Edgewell Personal Care Co., 144A 5.5% 01/06/2028 USD 45,000 46,378 0.09 Endeavor Energy Resources LP, 144A 6.625% 15/07/2025 USD 65,000 65,671 0.12 Endo Dac, Reg. S 9.5% 31/07/2027 USD 137,000 145,590 0.27 Endo Dac, Reg. S 6% 30/06/2028 USD 211,000 137,150 0.26 EQM Midstream Partners LP, 144A 6.5% 01/07/2027 USD 165,000 169,427 0.32 FXI Holdings, Inc., 144A 12.25% 15/11/2026 USD 133,000 129,404 0.24 Gartner, Inc., 144A 4.5% 01/07/2028 USD 150,000 152,130 0.29 Hanesbrands, Inc., 144A 5.375% 15/05/2025 USD 60,000 60,787 0.11 Hess Midstream Operations LP, 144A 5.125% 15/06/2028 USD 55,000 52,985 0.10 Hexion, Inc., 144A 7.875% 15/07/2027 USD 90,000 82,128 0.15 iHeartCommunications, Inc., 144A 5.25% 15/08/2027 USD 171,000 164,021 0.31 Iron Mountain, Inc., REIT, 144A 5% 15/07/2028 USD 99,000 96,958 0.18 Iron Mountain, Inc., REIT, 144A 5.25% 15/07/2030 USD 100,000 98,233 0.19 Jaguar Holding Co. II/PPD Development LP, 144A 5% 15/06/2028 USD 60,000 61,538 0.12 Kraft Heinz Foods Co., 144A 3.875% 15/05/2027 USD 75,000 78,475 0.15 Kraft Heinz Foods Co., 144A 4.25% 01/03/2031 USD 49,000 52,051 0.10 LABL Escrow Issuer LLC, 144A 10.5% 15/07/2027 USD 95,000 101,154 0.19 Ladder Capital Finance Holdings LLLP, REIT, 144A 4.25% 01/02/2027 USD 87,000 69,818 0.13 Lamar Media Corp., 144A 4.875% 15/01/2029 USD 50,000 50,469 0.10 Live Nation Entertainment, Inc., 144A 4.75% 15/10/2027 USD 59,000 50,894 0.10 LPL Holdings, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/11/2027 USD 125,000 123,828 0.23 Macy's, Inc., 144A 8.375% 15/06/2025 USD 70,000 69,781 0.13 Mallinckrodt International Finance SA, 144A 10% 15/04/2025 USD 600,000 508,500 0.96

�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (317)

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




MGM Growth Properties Operating Partnership LP, REIT, 144A 4.625% 15/06/2025 USD 60,000 59,030 0.11 Mileage Plus Holdings LLC, 144A 6.5% 20/06/2027 USD 190,000 190,950 0.36 Molina Healthcare, Inc., 144A 4.375% 15/06/2028 USD 50,000 50,219 0.09 Moog, Inc., 144A 4.25% 15/12/2027 USD 17,000 16,612 0.03 MSCI, Inc., 144A 4% 15/11/2029 USD 125,000 127,711 0.24 MSCI, Inc., 144A 3.875% 15/02/2031 USD 100,000 102,188 0.19 Navistar International Corp., 144A 9.5% 01/05/2025 USD 97,000 104,336 0.20 NCL Corp. Ltd., 144A 3.625% 15/12/2024 USD 110,000 67,650 0.13 1HWÁL[��,QF������$������������������ USD 26,000 27,848 0.05 Nexstar Broadcasting, Inc., 144A 5.625% 15/07/2027 USD 30,000 30,076 0.06 Novelis Corp., 144A 4.75% 30/01/2030 USD 140,000 134,047 0.25 Olin Corp., 144A 9.5% 01/06/2025 USD 60,000 67,012 0.13 Owl Rock Capital Corp. II, 144A 4.625% 26/11/2024 USD 75,000 74,103 0.14 Post Holdings, Inc., 144A 5.5% 15/12/2029 USD 100,000 103,581 0.20 Post Holdings, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/04/2030 USD 163,000 160,253 0.30 Prestige Brands, Inc., 144A 5.125% 15/01/2028 USD 29,000 28,638 0.05 Radiology Partners, Inc., 144A 9.25% 01/02/2028 USD 120,000 113,400 0.21 Realogy Group LLC, 144A 7.625% 15/06/2025 USD 45,000 45,000 0.08 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd., 144A 10.875% 01/06/2023 USD 75,000 77,111 0.15 Sabine Pass Liquefaction LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/05/2030 USD 32,000 35,402 0.07 Sabre GLBL, Inc., 144A 9.25% 15/04/2025 USD 50,000 52,906 0.10 Sally Holdings LLC, 144A 8.75% 30/04/2025 USD 85,000 92,384 0.17 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$��������01/07/2025 USD 160,000 149,952 0.28 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$����15/05/2028 USD 60,000 48,101 0.09 6FLHQWLÀF�*DPHV�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF������$�������15/11/2029 USD 95,000 76,161 0.14 Sealed Air Corp., 144A 4% 01/12/2027 USD 76,000 76,190 0.14 Select Medical Corp., 144A 6.25% 15/08/2026 USD 80,000 81,054 0.15 Silgan Holdings, Inc., 144A 4.125% 01/02/2028 USD 106,000 105,338 0.20 Sirius XM Radio, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/07/2024 USD 205,000 210,830 0.40 Six Flags Theme Parks, Inc., 144A 7% 01/07/2025 USD 30,000 31,144 0.06 Spirit AeroSystems, Inc., 144A 7.5% 15/04/2025 USD 65,000 64,391 0.12 Station Casinos LLC, 144A 4.5% 15/02/2028 USD 50,000 42,156 0.08 Talen Energy Supply LLC, 144A 7.625% 01/06/2028 USD 80,000 80,150 0.15 Targa Resources Partners LP, 144A 5.5% 01/03/2030 USD 95,000 91,823 0.17 TEGNA, Inc., 144A 4.625% 15/03/2028 USD 110,000 101,841 0.19 Tenet Healthcare Corp., 144A 4.875% 01/01/2026 USD 630,000 618,017 1.17 Twitter, Inc., 144A 3.875% 15/12/2027 USD 40,000 40,104 0.08 Univision Communications, Inc., 144A 6.625% 01/06/2027 USD 275,000 263,656 0.50 Vail Resorts, Inc., 144A 6.25% 15/05/2025 USD 70,000 73,544 0.14 Valvoline, Inc., 144A 4.375% 15/08/2025 USD 85,000 85,735 0.16 Valvoline, Inc., 144A 4.25% 15/02/2030 USD 70,000 69,070 0.13 Venator Finance Sarl, 144A 9.5% 01/07/2025 USD 125,000 127,500 0.24 VICI Properties LP, REIT, 144A 3.5% 15/02/2025 USD 50,000 47,117 0.09 VICI Properties LP, REIT, 144A 3.75% 15/02/2027 USD 70,000 65,920 0.12

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (318)

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

314 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




VICI Properties LP, REIT, 144A 4.625% 01/12/2029 USD 45,000 43,951 0.08 VICI Properties LP, REIT, 144A 4.125% 15/08/2030 USD 55,000 52,542 0.10 W.R. Grace & Co.-Conn., 144A 4.875% 15/06/2027 USD 125,000 127,254 0.24 Weatherford International Ltd., 144A 11% 01/12/2024 USD 246,000 172,200 0.32 WESCO Distribution, Inc., 144A 7.125% 15/06/2025 USD 120,000 126,864 0.24 WESCO Distribution, Inc., 144A 7.25% 15/06/2028 USD 115,000 121,563 0.23 William Carter Co. (The), 144A 5.5% 15/05/2025 USD 27,000 27,894 0.05 WMG Acquisition Corp., 144A 3.875% 15/07/2030 USD 125,000 126,569 0.24 Wolverine Escrow LLC, 144A 8.5% 15/11/2024 USD 55,000 36,850 0.07 Wolverine Escrow LLC, 144A 9% 15/11/2026 USD 130,000 85,800 0.16 Wynn Resorts Finance LLC, 144A 7.75% 15/04/2025 USD 95,000 96,100 0.18 Wynn Resorts Finance LLC, 144A 5.125% 01/10/2029 USD 70,000 62,683 0.12 XPO Logistics, Inc., 144A 6.25% 01/05/2025 USD 35,000 36,728 0.07 Zayo Group Holdings, Inc., 144A 6.125% 01/03/2028 USD 150,000 146,133 0.28

11,441,215 21.57

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� ��������

7RWDO�5HFHQWO\�LVVXHG�VHFXULWLHV ���������� ��������


%RQGVUnited States of America

McDermott Technology Americas, Inc., 144A 10.625% 01/04/2027� ��� USD 150,000 9,985 0.02

9,985 0.02

7RWDO�%RQGV ����� �������

(TXLWLHVUnited States of America

Sable Permian Resources Land LLC� USD 244,200 – –

– –





JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 532,346 532,346 1.00

532,346 1.00

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ������� �������


� Security is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.�� Security is currently in default.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (319)

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 315

Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ���������� ��������

&DVK ��������� ����


7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ���������� ������







&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVCHF 98,138 USD 103,165 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 464 – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 991 GBP 798 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2 –



&+)�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVUSD 2,274 CHF 2,161 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (8) – *%3�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVGBP 68,072 USD 85,260 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (904) – USD 848 GBP 691 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (8) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (320)

316 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020






Angola Government Bond, 144A 8% 26/11/2029 USD 5,900,000 4,879,300 0.38 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 9.5% 12/11/2025 USD 3,000,000 2,713,788 0.22 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 09/05/2028 USD 5,410,000 4,478,382 0.35 Angola Government Bond, Reg. S 8% 26/11/2029 USD 11,760,000 9,725,520 0.76

21,796,990 1.71 Argentina

Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 22/04/2021 USD 15,975,000 6,743,447 0.53 Argentina Government Bond 5.625% 26/01/2022 USD 2,200,000 919,633 0.07 Argentina Government Bond 4.625% 11/01/2023 USD 5,060,000 2,136,054 0.17 Argentina Government Bond 7.5% 22/04/2026 USD 23,299,000 9,545,367 0.75 Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 26/01/2027 USD 5,305,000 2,152,504 0.17 Argentina Government Bond 5.875% 11/01/2028 USD 10,381,000 4,199,737 0.33 Argentina Government Bond 6.625% 06/07/2028 USD 3,105,000 1,248,396 0.10 Argentina Government Bond 7.625% 22/04/2046 USD 4,450,000 1,754,613 0.14 Argentina Government Bond 6.875% 11/01/2048 USD 2,115,000 831,724 0.06 Argentina Government Bond, FRN 0% 15/12/2035 USD 14,700,000 222,705 0.01 Argentina Government Bond, STEP 3.38% 31/12/2038 EUR 1,850,000 785,362 0.06 Argentina Government Bond, STEP 3.75% 31/12/2038 USD 3,500,000 1,388,782 0.11 Ciudad Autonoma De Buenos Aires, FRN 27.685% 22/02/2028� ARS 119,600,000 927,927 0.07 YPF SA, Reg. S 8.5% 28/07/2025 USD 1,495,000 1,115,801 0.09

33,972,052 2.66 Armenia

Armenia Government Bond, Reg. S 3.95% 26/09/2029 USD 700,000 678,951 0.05

678,951 0.05 Azerbaijan

Azerbaijan Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 18/03/2024 USD 3,073,000 3,281,442 0.26

3,281,442 0.26 Bahrain

Bahrain Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 26/01/2021 USD 1,125,000 1,143,884 0.09 Bahrain Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 05/07/2022 USD 2,025,000 2,117,127 0.17 Bahrain Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 01/08/2023 USD 1,800,000 1,909,356 0.15

5,170,367 0.41 Belarus

Belarus Government Bond, Reg. S 6.2% 28/02/2030 USD 400,000 383,528 0.03

383,528 0.03

� Foreign currency is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (321)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 317

Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




BeninBenin Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 26/03/2026 EUR 1,400,000 1,469,601 0.12

1,469,601 0.12 Brazil

Brazil Government Bond 3.875% 12/06/2030 USD 2,650,000 2,560,033 0.20 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 6% 15/08/2030 BRL 1,192,400 8,904,876 0.70 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 10% 01/01/2025 BRL 37,481,000 8,071,551 0.63 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 10% 01/01/2027 BRL 22,980,000 5,011,377 0.39 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 6% 15/05/2055 BRL 171,500 1,370,460 0.11 MV24 Capital BV, Reg. S 6.748% 01/06/2034 USD 4,190,755 3,990,395 0.31 Petrobras Global Finance BV 5.6% 03/01/2031 USD 2,300,000 2,312,362 0.18 Petrobras Global Finance BV 6.75% 03/06/2050 USD 4,000,000 4,124,000 0.33 Petrobras Global Finance BV 8.75% 23/05/2026 USD 1,800,000 2,128,500 0.17 Petrobras Global Finance BV 6.85% 05/06/2115 USD 1,000,000 994,700 0.08

39,468,254 3.10 Cameroon

Cameroon Government Bond, Reg. S 9.5% 19/11/2025 USD 6,980,000 7,032,336 0.55

7,032,336 0.55 Chile

Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos 5% 01/03/2035 CLP 375,000,000 577,552 0.04 Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos, Reg. S, 144A 4.7% 01/09/2030 CLP 315,000,000 464,155 0.04 Enel Americas SA 4% 25/10/2026 USD 824,000 876,382 0.07 Enel Chile SA 4.875% 12/06/2028 USD 2,602,000 2,910,493 0.23

4,828,582 0.38 China

Baidu, Inc. 3.425% 07/04/2030 USD 495,000 538,728 0.04 China Construction Bank Corp., Reg. S, FRN 2.491% 24/06/2030 USD 1,000,000 999,516 0.08 China Development Bank 3.43% 14/01/2027 CNY 79,280,000 11,304,946 0.89 China Development Bank 4.04% 06/07/2028 CNY 10,000,000 1,479,658 0.11 China Development Bank 3.48% 08/01/2029 CNY 58,800,000 8,373,583 0.66 China Government Bond 3.29% 23/05/2029 CNY 16,600,000 2,414,145 0.19 China Government Bond 3.86% 22/07/2049 CNY 92,040,000 13,596,070 1.07 Dianjian Haiyu Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.5% Perpetual USD 654,000 657,224 0.05 Dianjian Haiyu Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.3% Perpetual USD 846,000 854,460 0.07 Dianjian International Finance Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.6% Perpetual USD 1,231,000 1,260,236 0.10 Industrial & Commercial Bank of China Ltd., Reg. S 4.875% 21/09/2025 USD 1,300,000 1,468,985 0.11 State Grid Overseas Investment 2016 Ltd., 144A 3.5% 04/05/2027 USD 2,170,000 2,403,036 0.19 Tencent Holdings Ltd., 144A 3.24% 03/06/2050 USD 200,000 200,975 0.01 Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 3.975% 11/04/2029 USD 2,600,000 2,940,028 0.23 Tencent Holdings Ltd., Reg. S 3.24% 03/06/2050 USD 1,500,000 1,507,314 0.12

49,998,904 3.92

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (322)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




ColombiaColombia Government Bond 5.75% 03/11/2027 COP 9,875,200,000 2,646,142 0.21 Colombia Government Bond 4.5% 15/03/2029 USD 2,500,000 2,750,300 0.21 Colombia Government Bond 7% 30/06/2032 COP 13,960,000,000 3,832,101 0.30 Colombia Government Bond 7.25% 18/10/2034 COP 43,913,700,000 12,202,509 0.96 Colombia Government Bond 4.125% 15/05/2051 USD 2,210,000 2,225,470 0.17 Colombia Government Bond 7.375% 18/09/2037 USD 1,000,000 1,365,000 0.11 Colombian TES 6.25% 26/11/2025 COP 25,613,100,000 7,393,196 0.58 Colombian TES 10% 24/07/2024 COP 2,675,100,000 876,933 0.07 Colombian TES 7.5% 26/08/2026 COP 6,660,000,000 2,019,815 0.16 Colombian TES 6% 28/04/2028 COP 4,580,000,000 1,241,182 0.10 Colombian TES 7.75% 18/09/2030 COP 4,274,400,000 1,250,120 0.10 Colombian TES 3.5% 10/03/2021 COP 33,500,000 2,482,999 0.19 Financiera de Desarrollo Territorial SA Findeter, Reg. S 7.875% 12/08/2024 COP 1,252,000,000 354,783 0.03 Termocandelaria Power Ltd., Reg. S 7.875% 30/01/2029 USD 300,000 316,068 0.02

40,956,618 3.21 Costa Rica

Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 4.375% 30/04/2025 USD 953,000 856,418 0.07 Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 19/02/2031 USD 2,395,000 2,077,064 0.16 Costa Rica Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 04/04/2044 USD 3,402,000 2,810,052 0.22

5,743,534 0.45 Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Government Bond, 144A 6.4% 05/06/2049 USD 3,003,000 2,762,760 0.22 Dominican Republic Government Bond, 144A 5.875% 30/01/2060 USD 175,000 151,112 0.01 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 8.9% 15/02/2023 DOP 40,200,000 640,302 0.05 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 9.75% 05/06/2026 DOP 248,600,000 3,836,879 0.30 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11% 06/11/2026 DOP 51,300,000 908,008 0.07 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11% 04/12/2026 DOP 78,900,000 1,344,320 0.11 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.375% 06/07/2029 DOP 25,000,000 428,773 0.03 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.5% 15/02/2048 USD 505,000 468,892 0.04 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.4% 05/06/2049 USD 1,850,000 1,702,000 0.13 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 30/01/2060 USD 4,970,000 4,291,595 0.34 Dominican Republic Government Bond, 144A 6.85% 27/01/2045 USD 1,800,000 1,734,300 0.14 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 7.5% 06/05/2021 USD 193,333 199,860 0.02 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 27/01/2025 USD 14,083,000 14,296,287 1.12

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (323)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

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Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 29/01/2026 USD 5,010,000 5,268,316 0.41 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 10.375% 06/03/2026 DOP 43,900,000 738,777 0.06 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.25% 05/02/2027 DOP 179,400,000 3,206,033 0.25 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 6.85% 27/01/2045 USD 2,825,000 2,721,888 0.21

44,700,102 3.51 Egypt

Egypt Government Bond, 144A 4.75% 16/04/2026 EUR 2,100,000 2,247,257 0.18 Egypt Government Bond, 144A 7.053% 15/01/2032 USD 3,900,000 3,714,750 0.29 Egypt Government Bond 13.973% 04/02/2023 EGP 21,300,000 1,327,369 0.11 Egypt Government Bond 15.9% 09/09/2024 EGP 29,550,000 1,943,237 0.15 Egypt Government Bond 15.7% 07/11/2027 EGP 36,700,000 2,456,915 0.19 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 29/05/2024 USD 1,000,000 1,004,445 0.08 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 16/04/2026 EUR 690,000 738,385 0.06 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 6.588% 21/02/2028 USD 6,100,000 6,038,585 0.47 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 5.625% 16/04/2030 EUR 780,000 793,955 0.06 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 11/04/2031 EUR 500,000 521,723 0.04 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 7.625% 29/05/2032 USD 2,590,000 2,534,548 0.20 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 8.15% 20/11/2059 USD 4,200,000 3,925,950 0.31 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 7.5% 31/01/2027 USD 500,000 525,801 0.04 Egypt Government Bond, Reg. S 8.5% 31/01/2047 USD 1,200,000 1,177,650 0.09

28,950,570 2.27 Ethiopia

Ethiopia Government Bond, Reg. S 6.625% 11/12/2024 USD 6,275,000 6,303,093 0.49

6,303,093 0.49 Gabon

Gabon Government Bond, 144A 6.625% 06/02/2031 USD 655,000 586,858 0.05 Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.625% 06/02/2031 USD 300,000 268,790 0.02 Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 12/12/2024 USD 7,010,554 6,680,883 0.52 Gabon Government Bond, Reg. S 6.95% 16/06/2025 USD 5,430,000 5,117,950 0.40

12,654,481 0.99 Ghana

Ghana Government Bond, 144A 6.375% 11/02/2027 USD 690,000 647,737 0.05 Ghana Government Bond, Reg. S 7.625% 16/05/2029 USD 2,400,000 2,275,680 0.18

2,923,417 0.23 Guatemala

Guatemala Government Bond, Reg. S 4.375% 05/06/2027 USD 1,725,000 1,791,516 0.14 Guatemala Government Bond, Reg. S 4.875% 13/02/2028 USD 1,000,000 1,070,000 0.08 Guatemala Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 01/06/2050 USD 1,500,000 1,742,250 0.14 Guatemala Government Bond, Reg. S 4.5% 03/05/2026 USD 1,750,000 1,825,355 0.14

6,429,121 0.50

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (324)

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Schedule of investments




HondurasHonduras Government Bond, 144A 6.25% 19/01/2027 USD 350,000 374,325 0.03 Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 5.625% 24/06/2030 USD 1,510,000 1,539,445 0.12 Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 8.75% 16/12/2020 USD 2,644,000 2,698,532 0.21 Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 7.5% 15/03/2024 USD 300,000 325,247 0.03 Honduras Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 19/01/2027 USD 12,648,000 13,527,036 1.06

18,464,585 1.45 Hong Kong

CCCI Treasure Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.425% Perpetual USD 3,890,000 3,862,381 0.30 CCCI Treasure Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.65% Perpetual USD 260,000 258,050 0.02 China CITIC Bank International Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 4.625% 28/02/2029 USD 1,390,000 1,465,399 0.12 CMB Wing Lung Bank Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.75% 22/11/2027 USD 1,480,000 1,503,793 0.12 CMB Wing Lung Bank Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 6.5% Perpetual USD 910,000 943,937 0.07 CRCC Chengan Ltd., Reg. S, FRN 3.97% Perpetual USD 717,000 731,215 0.06 CRCC Yuxiang Ltd., Reg. S 3.5% 16/05/2023 USD 229,000 240,945 0.02 Kasikornbank PCL, Reg. S, FRN 3.343% 02/10/2031 USD 440,000 427,900 0.03

9,433,620 0.74 Hungary

Hungary Government Bond 0.5% 21/04/2021 HUF 1,250,000,000 3,971,837 0.31 Hungary Government Bond 1.5% 23/08/2023 HUF 1,400,000,000 4,517,301 0.36

8,489,138 0.67 India

Export-Import Bank of India, Reg. S 3.875% 01/02/2028 USD 770,000 801,045 0.06 Export-Import Bank of India, Reg. S 3.25% 15/01/2030 USD 6,700,000 6,642,359 0.52 India Government Bond 7.59% 11/01/2026 INR 91,550,000 1,327,283 0.11 India Government Bond 8.24% 15/02/2027 INR 451,250,000 6,627,966 0.52 India Government Bond 7.26% 14/01/2029 INR 66,140,000 943,959 0.07 India Government Bond 7.59% 20/03/2029 INR 134,300,000 1,950,463 0.15 India Government Bond 7.73% 19/12/2034 INR 487,100,000 7,241,624 0.57 Power Finance Corp. Ltd., Reg. S 3.95% 23/04/2030 USD 1,980,000 1,889,765 0.15

27,424,464 2.15 Indonesia

Bank Tabungan Negara Persero Tbk. PT, Reg. S 4.2% 23/01/2025 USD 550,000 528,168 0.04 Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 4.75% 15/05/2025 USD 1,670,000 1,790,889 0.14 Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 6.53% 15/11/2028 USD 1,635,000 1,941,613 0.15 Indonesia Asahan Aluminium Persero PT, Reg. S 5.45% 15/05/2030 USD 1,490,000 1,665,373 0.13

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (325)

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Schedule of investments




Indonesia Government Bond 4.2% 15/10/2050 USD 3,475,000 3,892,484 0.31 Indonesia Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 15/01/2044 USD 1,150,000 1,685,330 0.13 Indonesia Treasury 6.125% 15/05/2028 IDR 125,930,000,000 8,278,674 0.65 Indonesia Treasury 8.25% 15/05/2029 IDR 51,266,000,000 3,832,120 0.30 Indonesia Treasury 8.75% 15/05/2031 IDR 116,703,000,000 8,904,884 0.70 Indonesia Treasury 6.625% 15/05/2033 IDR 105,879,000,000 6,799,678 0.53 Indonesia Treasury 7.5% 15/06/2035 IDR 39,406,000,000 2,731,800 0.21 Indonesia Treasury 8.25% 15/05/2036 IDR 60,421,000,000 4,406,059 0.35 Indonesia Treasury 5.625% 15/05/2023 IDR 12,500,000,000 865,243 0.07 Indonesia Treasury 8.375% 15/09/2026 IDR 64,885,000,000 4,907,822 0.38 Indonesia Treasury 7% 15/05/2027 IDR 72,311,000,000 5,077,209 0.40 Indonesia Treasury 8.375% 15/03/2034 IDR 41,200,000,000 3,043,061 0.24

60,350,407 4.73 Iraq

Iraq Government Bond, Reg. S 5.8% 15/01/2028 USD 2,700,000 2,439,990 0.19

2,439,990 0.19 Israel

Israel Government Bond 3.375% 15/01/2050 USD 2,040,000 2,243,184 0.18

2,243,184 0.18 Ivory Coast

Ivory Coast Government Bond, 144A 5.875% 17/10/2031 EUR 3,405,000 3,603,963 0.29 Ivory Coast Government Bond, Reg. S 5.25% 22/03/2030 EUR 2,700,000 2,834,880 0.22 Ivory Coast Government Bond, Reg. S 5.375% 23/07/2024 USD 525,000 528,733 0.04 Ivory Coast Government Bond, STEP, Reg. S 5.75% 31/12/2032 USD 3,249,000 3,211,949 0.25

10,179,525 0.80 Jordan

Jordan Government Bond, 144A 5.75% 31/01/2027 USD 1,800,000 1,872,216 0.15 Jordan Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 29/01/2026 USD 1,260,000 1,330,963 0.10 Jordan Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 31/01/2027 USD 2,690,000 2,797,923 0.22

6,001,102 0.47 Kazakhstan

Kazakhstan Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 14/10/2024 USD 1,125,000 1,228,943 0.10 Kazakhstan Government Bond, Reg. S 4.875% 14/10/2044 USD 450,000 573,086 0.04 Kazakhstan Government Bond, Reg. S 6.5% 21/07/2045 USD 3,040,000 4,513,597 0.35 KazMunayGas National Co. JSC, Reg. S 4.75% 19/04/2027 USD 3,122,000 3,394,863 0.27

9,710,489 0.76 Kenya

Kenya Government Bond, 144A 8% 22/05/2032 USD 1,400,000 1,386,448 0.11 Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 7.25% 28/02/2028 USD 3,800,000 3,767,852 0.30

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (326)

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Schedule of investments




Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 28/02/2048 USD 2,080,000 2,056,964 0.16 Kenya Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 24/06/2024 USD 8,875,000 9,040,741 0.71

16,252,005 1.28 Malaysia

Export-Import Bank of Malaysia Bhd., Reg. S 2.48% 20/10/2021 USD 1,700,000 1,699,646 0.13 Petronas Capital Ltd., Reg. S 3.5% 21/04/2030 USD 3,300,000 3,674,389 0.29

5,374,035 0.42 Mexico

Braskem Idesa SAPI, Reg. S 7.45% 15/11/2029 USD 4,850,000 4,548,379 0.36 Comision Federal de Electricidad 7.35% 25/11/2025 MXN 21,370,000 878,774 0.07 Grupo Televisa SAB 7.25% 14/05/2043 MXN 2,000,000 66,062 0.01 Mexican Bonos 8% 07/12/2023 MXN 56,507,000 2,710,748 0.21 Mexican Bonos 8.5% 31/05/2029 MXN 525,500,000 27,085,387 2.12 Mexican Bonos 10% 05/12/2024 MXN 10,230,000 535,955 0.04 Mexican Bonos 5.75% 05/03/2026 MXN 161,100,000 7,201,751 0.56 Mexican Bonos 7.5% 03/06/2027 MXN 451,859,800 21,915,824 1.72 Mexican Bonos 7.75% 29/05/2031 MXN 90,000,000 4,428,832 0.35 Mexican Bonos 7.75% 13/11/2042 MXN 125,000,000 5,945,474 0.47 Mexican Udibonos 4% 08/11/2046 MXN 12,500,000 4,075,640 0.32 Mexico City Airport Trust, 144A 5.5% 31/07/2047 USD 426,000 376,190 0.03 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 4.25% 31/10/2026 USD 210,000 198,673 0.02 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 3.875% 30/04/2028 USD 2,270,000 2,065,859 0.16 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 5.5% 31/10/2046 USD 2,232,000 1,972,351 0.15 Mexico City Airport Trust, Reg. S 5.5% 31/07/2047 USD 5,221,000 4,610,535 0.36 Mexico Government Bond 3.9% 27/04/2025 USD 720,000 772,920 0.06 Mexico Government Bond 4.75% 27/04/2032 USD 3,000,000 3,315,000 0.26 Mexico Government Bond 4.5% 31/01/2050 USD 5,230,000 5,392,130 0.42 Mexico Government Bond 5% 27/04/2051 USD 1,960,000 2,118,760 0.17 Mexico Government Bond 5.75% 12/10/2110 USD 3,508,000 3,900,177 0.31 Petroleos Mexicanos 5.375% 13/03/2022 USD 335,000 335,340 0.03 Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 18/01/2024 USD 265,000 255,366 0.02 Petroleos Mexicanos 7.47% 12/11/2026 MXN 162,000,000 5,535,431 0.43 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 7.19% 12/09/2024 MXN 68,700,000 2,546,495 0.20

112,788,053 8.85 Morocco

Morocco Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 11/12/2042 USD 3,875,000 4,746,549 0.37

4,746,549 0.37 Namibia

Namibia Government Bond, Reg. S 5.5% 03/11/2021 USD 620,000 624,402 0.05

624,402 0.05 Nigeria

Nigeria Government Bond 16.39% 27/01/2022� NGN 427,500,000 1,121,380 0.09 Nigeria Government Bond, Reg. S 6.5% 28/11/2027 USD 4,465,000 4,261,843 0.34 Nigeria Government Bond, Reg. S 9.248% 21/01/2049 USD 370,000 375,716 0.03 Nigeria Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 28/01/2021 USD 800,000 812,752 0.06

6,571,691 0.52

� Foreign currency is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (327)

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Schedule of investments




OmanOman Government Bond, Reg. S 5.375% 08/03/2027 USD 4,925,000 4,608,569 0.36

4,608,569 0.36 Pakistan

Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 6.875% 05/12/2027 USD 2,350,000 2,323,445 0.18 Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 15/04/2024 USD 4,240,000 4,434,870 0.35 Pakistan Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 30/09/2025 USD 3,300,000 3,454,688 0.27 Third Pakistan International Sukuk Co. Ltd. (The), Reg. S 5.5% 13/10/2021 USD 835,000 817,659 0.07

11,030,662 0.87 Panama

Panama Government Bond, 144A 3.75% 17/04/2026 USD 3,735,000 3,914,149 0.31 Panama Government Bond 3.75% 16/03/2025 USD 1,410,000 1,530,055 0.12 Panama Government Bond 3.875% 17/03/2028 USD 1,250,000 1,406,056 0.11 Panama Government Bond 3.16% 23/01/2030 USD 2,300,000 2,480,263 0.19 Panama Government Bond 4.5% 15/05/2047 USD 1,645,000 2,022,190 0.16 Panama Government Bond 4.5% 16/04/2050 USD 2,370,000 2,916,285 0.23 Panama Government Bond 4.3% 29/04/2053 USD 910,000 1,090,872 0.08 Panama Government Bond 4.5% 01/04/2056 USD 2,190,000 2,695,912 0.21 Panama Government Bond 7.125% 29/01/2026 USD 1,090,000 1,382,741 0.11

19,438,523 1.52 Paraguay

Paraguay Government Bond, 144A 4.7% 27/03/2027 USD 600,000 657,642 0.05 Paraguay Government Bond, Reg. S 5.6% 13/03/2048 USD 5,010,000 5,870,693 0.46 Paraguay Government Bond, Reg. S 5% 15/04/2026 USD 4,450,000 4,935,317 0.39 Paraguay Government Bond, Reg. S 4.7% 27/03/2027 USD 995,000 1,090,590 0.08

12,554,242 0.98 Peru

Lima Metro Line 2 Finance Ltd., Reg. S 5.875% 05/07/2034 USD 853,227 1,008,992 0.08 Peru Government Bond 4.125% 25/08/2027 USD 2,200,000 2,535,654 0.20 Peru Government Bond 2.783% 23/01/2031 USD 4,920,000 5,257,020 0.41 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 5.4% 12/08/2034 PEN 3,025,000 901,690 0.07 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 5.35% 12/08/2040 PEN 20,175,000 5,727,356 0.45 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 6.15% 12/08/2032 PEN 50,349,000 16,272,851 1.28

31,703,563 2.49 Philippines

Philippine Government Bond 6.375% 15/01/2032 USD 2,670,000 3,702,508 0.29 Philippine Government Bond 2.95% 05/05/2045 USD 6,050,000 6,305,531 0.50 PLDT, Inc., Reg. S 2.5% 23/01/2031 USD 210,000 213,061 0.02 PLDT, Inc., Reg. S 3.45% 23/06/2050 USD 290,000 293,406 0.02

10,514,506 0.83

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (328)

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Schedule of investments




PolandPoland Government Bond 2.25% 25/10/2024 PLN 31,400,000 8,522,334 0.67 Poland Government Bond 5.75% 23/09/2022 PLN 54,000,000 15,360,716 1.20 Poland Government Bond 3.25% 06/04/2026 USD 2,700,000 3,034,557 0.24

26,917,607 2.11 Qatar

Qatar Government Bond, 144A 3.875% 23/04/2023 USD 1,000,000 1,074,890 0.08 Qatar Government Bond, 144A 4.5% 23/04/2028 USD 7,200,000 8,504,064 0.67 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 23/04/2023 USD 3,400,000 3,654,626 0.29 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4% 14/03/2029 USD 3,875,000 4,466,476 0.35 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 3.75% 16/04/2030 USD 4,200,000 4,792,943 0.37 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 5.103% 23/04/2048 USD 2,800,000 3,815,930 0.30 Qatar Government Bond, Reg. S 4.4% 16/04/2050 USD 1,955,000 2,424,554 0.19

28,733,483 2.25 Romania

Romania Government Bond, 144A 2.75% 26/02/2026 EUR 2,000,000 2,343,434 0.18 Romania Government Bond, 144A 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 1,337,000 1,624,662 0.13 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.875% 22/01/2024 USD 3,400,000 3,707,496 0.29 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 2.75% 26/02/2026 EUR 4,800,000 5,624,241 0.44 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.624% 26/05/2030 EUR 1,451,000 1,763,190 0.14 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.5% 03/04/2034 EUR 1,230,000 1,449,103 0.11 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 3.375% 08/02/2038 EUR 4,995,000 5,733,071 0.45 Romania Government Bond, Reg. S 4.625% 03/04/2049 EUR 4,000,000 5,158,303 0.41 Romania Government Bond 3.25% 22/03/2021 RON 22,000,000 5,118,061 0.40

32,521,561 2.55 Russian Federation

Gazprom OAO, Reg. S 6.51% 07/03/2022 USD 475,000 510,497 0.04 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.4% 17/07/2024 RUB 112,000,000 1,713,486 0.13 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.1% 16/10/2024 RUB 108,600,000 1,649,269 0.13 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.15% 03/02/2027 RUB 651,275,000 10,558,447 0.83 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.25% 10/05/2034 RUB 536,925,000 8,380,081 0.66 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.7% 16/03/2039 RUB 62,775,000 1,033,059 0.08 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.5% 18/08/2021 RUB 160,500,000 2,331,808 0.18 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% 25/01/2023 RUB 1,449,500,000 21,542,441 1.69 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.5% 17/09/2031 RUB 724,875,000 12,314,803 0.96 Russian Federation 2.5% 02/02/2028 RUB 844,500,000 12,953,037 1.02 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, 144A 4.375% 21/03/2029 USD 1,200,000 1,366,500 0.11 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, 144A 5.1% 28/03/2035 USD 2,000,000 2,475,116 0.19 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.75% 27/05/2026 USD 1,200,000 1,369,502 0.11 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.25% 23/06/2027 USD 2,400,000 2,688,000 0.21

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (329)

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Schedule of investments




Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 4.375% 21/03/2029 USD 4,000,000 4,555,000 0.36 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 5.1% 28/03/2035 USD 800,000 990,046 0.08 Russian Foreign Bond - Eurobond, Reg. S 5.25% 23/06/2047 USD 7,600,000 10,051,000 0.79

96,482,092 7.57 Senegal

Senegal Government Bond, Reg. S 8.75% 13/05/2021 USD 1,189,000 1,232,078 0.10 Senegal Government Bond, Reg. S 4.75% 13/03/2028 EUR 7,900,000 8,605,830 0.67

9,837,908 0.77 Serbia

Serbia Government Bond, 144A 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 1,800,000 2,120,988 0.17 Serbia Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 15/05/2027 EUR 5,120,000 6,033,033 0.47 Serbia Government Bond, Reg. S 1.5% 26/06/2029 EUR 2,150,000 2,269,821 0.18

10,423,842 0.82 Singapore

COSL Singapore Capital Ltd., Reg. S 2.5% 24/06/2030 USD 1,600,000 1,580,366 0.12

1,580,366 0.12 South Africa

South Africa Government Bond 4.875% 14/04/2026 USD 3,000,000 3,009,480 0.24 South Africa Government Bond 8% 31/01/2030 ZAR 229,000,000 12,207,070 0.96 South Africa Government Bond 6.5% 28/02/2041 ZAR 504,555,000 18,542,269 1.45 South Africa Government Bond 8.75% 28/02/2048 ZAR 474,285,000 21,559,776 1.69

55,318,595 4.34 Sri Lanka

Sri Lanka Government Bond, 144A 6.2% 11/05/2027 USD 3,650,000 2,400,069 0.19 Sri Lanka Government Bond, 144A 6.75% 18/04/2028 USD 600,000 394,537 0.03 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.25% 27/07/2021 USD 5,007,000 4,356,090 0.34 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 18/04/2023 USD 1,924,000 1,366,040 0.11 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 18/04/2028 USD 2,210,000 1,453,213 0.11 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 7.55% 28/03/2030 USD 2,603,000 1,711,672 0.14 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.75% 18/01/2022 USD 700,000 559,997 0.04 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 5.875% 25/07/2022 USD 1,686,000 1,315,080 0.10 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.125% 03/06/2025 USD 1,400,000 945,027 0.07 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.85% 03/11/2025 USD 1,425,000 961,911 0.08 Sri Lanka Government Bond, Reg. S 6.825% 18/07/2026 USD 200,000 133,007 0.01

15,596,643 1.22 Thailand

PTTEP Treasury Center Co. Ltd., 144A 2.587% 10/06/2027 USD 200,000 204,976 0.02 PTTEP Treasury Center Co. Ltd., Reg. S 2.587% 10/06/2027 USD 2,300,000 2,357,217 0.18 Thailand Government Bond 3.65% 20/06/2031 THB 130,760,000 5,175,494 0.41 Thailand Government Bond 3.775% 25/06/2032 THB 16,160,000 653,341 0.05 Thailand Government Bond 2.125% 17/12/2026 THB 100,350,000 3,480,555 0.27

11,871,583 0.93

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (330)

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Schedule of investments




TunisiaBanque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, 144A 6.375% 15/07/2026 EUR 3,000,000 3,041,876 0.24 Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 31/10/2023 EUR 4,845,000 5,182,866 0.41 Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 5.625% 17/02/2024 EUR 1,300,000 1,347,693 0.10 Banque Centrale de Tunisie International Bond, Reg. S 6.375% 15/07/2026 EUR 3,400,000 3,447,460 0.27

13,019,895 1.02 Turkey

Turkey Government Bond 5.125% 17/02/2028 USD 930,000 857,653 0.07 Turkey Government Bond 7.625% 26/04/2029 USD 1,300,000 1,371,928 0.11 Turkey Government Bond 6% 14/01/2041 USD 3,200,000 2,773,200 0.22 Turkey Government Bond 4.1% 05/06/2024 TRY 21,475,000 3,799,147 0.30 Turkey Government Bond 3.2% 06/11/2024 TRY 1,798 298 – Turkey Government Bond 7.375% 05/02/2025 USD 560,000 591,221 0.04 Turkey Government Bond 8% 12/03/2025 TRY 21,700,000 2,900,299 0.23 Turkey Government Bond 10.6% 11/02/2026 TRY 7,775,000 1,119,709 0.09 Turkey Government Bond 4.25% 14/04/2026 USD 6,075,000 5,555,697 0.43 Turkey Government Bond 6% 25/03/2027 USD 1,650,000 1,614,781 0.13 Turkey Government Bond 2% 18/09/2024 TRY 10,675,000 2,966,106 0.23 Turkiye Ihracat Kredi Bankasi A/S, Reg. S 5.375% 08/02/2021 USD 3,050,000 3,072,802 0.24

26,622,841 2.09 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, 144A 6.75% 20/06/2026 EUR 2,413,000 2,763,192 0.22 Ukraine Government Bond, 144A 4.375% 27/01/2030 EUR 830,000 803,924 0.06 Ukraine Government Bond 17.25% 30/09/2020 UAH 21,800,000 836,598 0.07 Ukraine Government Bond 18% 24/03/2021 UAH 4,932,000 196,723 0.01 Ukraine Government Bond 16% 11/08/2021 UAH 19,800,000 789,372 0.06 Ukraine Government Bond 15.36% 29/09/2021 UAH 23,071,000 930,386 0.07 Ukraine Government Bond 17% 11/05/2022 UAH 73,650,000 3,053,826 0.24 Ukraine Government Bond 14.91% 12/10/2022 UAH 30,812,000 1,254,194 0.10 Ukraine Government Bond 10% 23/08/2023 UAH 48,100,000 1,772,563 0.14 Ukraine Government Bond 11.67% 22/11/2023 UAH 13,219,000 508,228 0.04 Ukraine Government Bond 15.84% 26/02/2025 UAH 205,348,000 8,975,557 0.70 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2021 USD 5,900,000 6,097,933 0.48 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 01/09/2022 USD 1,300,000 1,357,855 0.11 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 8.994% 01/02/2024 USD 4,945,000 5,327,268 0.42 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 6.75% 20/06/2026 EUR 2,117,000 2,424,235 0.19 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 7.375% 25/09/2032 USD 2,050,000 2,065,861 0.16 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S, FRN 0% 31/05/2040 USD 5,875,000 5,454,808 0.43

44,612,523 3.50

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (331)

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Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




United Arab EmiratesAbu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 11/10/2027 USD 2,350,000 2,574,294 0.20 Abu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 2.5% 30/09/2029 USD 600,000 630,462 0.05 Abu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.125% 16/04/2030 USD 240,000 265,035 0.02 Abu Dhabi Government Bond, Reg. S 3.875% 16/04/2050 USD 1,600,000 1,897,200 0.15 DP World Crescent Ltd., Reg. S 4.848% 26/09/2028 USD 3,005,000 3,174,993 0.25

8,541,984 0.67 United States of America

Uruguay Government Bond 3.875% 02/07/2040 UYU 214,342,000 5,109,928 0.40

5,109,928 0.40 Uruguay

Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 9.875% 20/06/2022 UYU 29,734,000 701,088 0.06 Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 8.5% 15/03/2028 UYU 71,997,000 1,565,355 0.12

2,266,443 0.18 Venezuela

Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 01/12/2018 USD 310,000 19,375 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7.75% 13/10/2019 USD 8,591,000 558,415 0.04 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 6% 09/12/2020 USD 4,607,000 287,937 0.02 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 9% 07/05/2023 USD 5,260,000 328,750 0.03 Venezuela Government Bond 9.25% 15/09/2027 USD 5,633,000 352,062 0.03 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 12.75% 23/08/2022 USD 414,000 25,875 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 8.25% 13/10/2024 USD 2,931,000 183,187 0.02 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7.65% 21/04/2025 USD 621,000 38,813 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 11.75% 21/10/2026 USD 310,000 19,375 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 9.25% 07/05/2028 USD 1,213,000 75,813 0.01 Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 11.95% 05/08/2031 USD 517,000 32,313 – Venezuela Government Bond, Reg. S 7% 31/03/2038 USD 516,000 32,250 –

1,954,165 0.15

7RWDO�%RQGV ������������� ��������




Braskem Finance Ltd. 6.45% 03/02/2024 USD 470,000 516,119 0.04 Brazil Government Bond 10% 01/01/2029 BRL 9,150,000 2,020,535 0.16

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (332)

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Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional, FRN 1.977% 15/08/2050 BRL 620,000 4,887,105 0.38 BRAZIL NTNB, FRN 6% 15/08/2024 BRL 828,900 5,891,083 0.46

13,314,842 1.04 Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Government Bond, 144A 9.75% 05/06/2026 DOP 131,300,000 2,026,477 0.16

2,026,477 0.16 Luxembourg

CSN Resources SA, Reg. S 7.625% 13/02/2023 USD 3,850,000 3,585,312 0.28

3,585,312 0.28 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 3.899% 16/11/2027 MYR 10,150,000 2,539,356 0.20 Malaysia Government Bond 3.733% 15/06/2028 MYR 13,200,000 3,259,334 0.26 Malaysia Government Bond 3.828% 05/07/2034 MYR 19,000,000 4,679,712 0.37 Malaysia Government Bond 4.893% 08/06/2038 MYR 71,220,000 19,393,769 1.52 Malaysia Government Bond 4.467% 15/09/2039 MYR 10,000,000 2,571,332 0.20 Malaysia Government Bond 4.921% 06/07/2048 MYR 9,000,000 2,416,845 0.19 Malaysia Government Bond 3.99% 15/10/2025 MYR 2,920,000 729,325 0.06 Malaysia Government Bond 4.254% 31/05/2035 MYR 9,200,000 2,345,546 0.18 Malaysia Government Bond 4.786% 31/10/2035 MYR 21,550,000 5,739,752 0.45

43,674,971 3.43 Mexico

Cydsa SAB de CV, Reg. S 6.25% 04/10/2027 USD 2,225,000 2,187,887 0.17 Petroleos Mexicanos 4.875% 24/01/2022 USD 610,000 606,331 0.05 Petroleos Mexicanos 6.875% 04/08/2026 USD 3,285,000 3,111,404 0.24

5,905,622 0.46 Mozambique

Mozambique Government Bond, Reg. S 5% 15/09/2031 USD 4,430,000 3,798,725 0.30

3,798,725 0.30 Panama

ENA Norte Trust, Reg. S 4.95% 25/04/2028 USD 1,443,273 1,427,037 0.11

1,427,037 0.11 Peru

Peru Government Bond, 144A 6.35% 12/08/2028 PEN 11,800,000 3,949,339 0.31 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S 6.35% 12/08/2028 PEN 2,100,000 702,848 0.06 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S 6.9% 12/08/2037 PEN 2,590,000 879,859 0.07 Transportadora de Gas del Peru SA, Reg. S 4.25% 30/04/2028 USD 850,000 917,847 0.07

6,449,893 0.51 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, 144A 15.84% 26/02/2025 UAH 7,225,000 315,797 0.02 Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 17.25% 30/09/2020 UAH 79,349,000 3,045,100 0.24

3,360,897 0.26

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (333)

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Schedule of investments




United States of AmericaBraskem America Finance Co., Reg. S 7.125% 22/07/2041 USD 225,000 231,232 0.02 NBM US Holdings, Inc., Reg. S 7% 14/05/2026 USD 2,465,000 2,475,230 0.19

2,706,462 0.21 Virgin Islands (British)

Sinopec Group Overseas Development 2017 Ltd., Reg. S 3.625% 12/04/2027 USD 1,370,000 1,507,698 0.12

1,507,698 0.12

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������




Braskem Netherlands Finance BV, Reg. S 4.5% 31/01/2030 USD 5,970,000 5,472,998 0.43 Constellation Oil Services Holding SA, 144A 10% 09/11/2024 USD 242,872 72,864 – CSN Islands XI Corp., Reg. S 6.75% 28/01/2028 USD 4,100,000 3,515,750 0.28

9,061,612 0.71 Chile

Colbun SA, Reg. S 3.15% 06/03/2030 USD 1,225,000 1,240,925 0.10 Empresa de Transporte de Pasajeros Metro SA, Reg. S 4.7% 07/05/2050 USD 3,150,000 3,618,641 0.28 Engie Energia Chile SA, Reg. S 3.4% 28/01/2030 USD 1,407,000 1,467,150 0.12 Geopark Ltd., Reg. S 5.5% 17/01/2027 USD 500,000 431,255 0.03

6,757,971 0.53 China

Tencent Holdings Ltd., 144A 3.29% 03/06/2060 USD 1,000,000 1,013,003 0.08

1,013,003 0.08 Colombia

Empresas Publicas de Medellin ESP, Reg. S 4.25% 18/07/2029 USD 6,755,000 6,791,713 0.53

6,791,713 0.53 Hong Kong

Sands China Ltd., 144A 3.8% 08/01/2026 USD 1,850,000 1,910,143 0.15 Sands China Ltd., 144A 4.375% 18/06/2030 USD 535,000 559,246 0.05 Sands China Ltd., Reg. S 4.375% 18/06/2030 USD 855,000 893,749 0.07

3,363,138 0.27 Luxembourg

Rede D'or Finance Sarl, Reg. S 4.5% 22/01/2030 USD 750,000 663,045 0.05

663,045 0.05 Mexico

Grupo Idesa SA de CV, Reg. S 10.375% 22/05/2026 USD 202,000 111,100 0.01 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 6.49% 23/01/2027 USD 710,000 648,862 0.05

759,962 0.06

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (334)

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Schedule of investments




ParaguayRutas 2 and 7 Finance Ltd., 144A 0% 30/09/2036 USD 2,145,000 1,404,975 0.11 Rutas 2 and 7 Finance Ltd., Reg. S 0% 30/09/2036 USD 1,475,000 966,125 0.08

2,371,100 0.19 Peru

Lima Metro Line 2 Finance Ltd., 144A 4.35% 05/04/2036 USD 975,000 1,042,441 0.08

1,042,441 0.08 Thailand

Bangkok Bank PCL, Reg. S, FRN 3.733% 25/09/2034 USD 5,490,000 5,254,519 0.41

5,254,519 0.41

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ������������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����

2WKHU�DVVHWV��OLDELOLWLHV� ���������� ����

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ������������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (335)

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Schedule of investments







28,661,700 MXN Goldman Sachs


04/06/2025 30,209 30,209 –










US 2 Year Note, 30/09/2020 4 USD 883,313 120 – US 5 Year Note, 30/09/2020 125 USD 15,717,773 38,151 – US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 17 USD 3,708,656 88,243 0.01


Euro-Bund, 08/09/2020 (107) EUR (21,220,263) (227,299) (0.02) US 10 Year Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020

(5) USD (787,422) (4,616) –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (336)

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Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







USD 33,863,160 EUR 30,065,000 06/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 82,384 0.01 EUR 205,000 USD 228,105 09/07/2020 Standard

Chartered2,246 –

THB 114,560,000 USD 3,630,141 09/07/2020 Citibank 76,402 0.01 EUR 200,000 USD 224,546 10/07/2020 Bank of America 192 – EUR 3,770,000 USD 4,219,885 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 16,414 – MXN 9,289,900 USD 402,237 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 1,528 – USD 586,966 CLP 470,770,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 13,696 – USD 645,427 MXN 14,100,000 10/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 32,602 – USD 1,806,154 MXN 39,257,500 10/07/2020 HSBC 99,915 0.01 USD 404,048 MXN 9,138,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 6,885 – USD 309,354 PEN 1,060,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 10,093 – USD 7,817,624 EUR 6,912,000 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 50,141 0.01 USD 8,314,801 INR 626,620,000 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 24,483 – EUR 386,000 USD 432,823 14/07/2020 Barclays 961 – USD 5,487,956 CNH 38,790,000 14/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 5,415 – USD 1,729,303 EUR 1,521,800 14/07/2020 Barclays 19,112 – USD 3,525,888 MXN 81,100,000 14/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 3,146 – USD 49,085 MXN 1,080,000 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 2,173 – USD 2,207,254 EUR 1,937,000 15/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 30,411 – KRW 4,969,580,000 USD 4,083,065 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 48,594 – USD 545,168 COP 2,036,747,700 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 3,866 – USD 1,847,469 COP 6,916,000,000 16/07/2020 Standard

Chartered9,417 –

USD 4,954,573 BRL 24,540,000 17/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 445,355 0.04 USD 9,873,764 COP 37,137,200,000 17/07/2020 Standard

Chartered4,776 –

EUR 600,000 USD 673,543 21/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 847 – USD 1,585,914 BRL 7,800,000 21/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 152,993 0.01 USD 2,494,465 COP 9,081,600,000 21/07/2020 Standard

Chartered81,938 0.01

USD 12,362,891 MXN 275,870,000 21/07/2020 UBS 392,350 0.03 EUR 3,890,000 USD 4,364,277 23/07/2020 Morgan Stanley 8,229 – ZAR 15,000,000 USD 861,644 23/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 665 – 8QUHDOLVHG�*DLQ�RQ�)RUZDUG�&XUUHQF\�([FKDQJH�&RQWUDFWV ��������� �������

(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 3,534 USD 3,959 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 14 – USD 3,601 EUR 3,173 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 35 –



EUR 5,830,000 USD 6,604,982 09/07/2020 HSBC (54,044) (0.01) USD 446,574 CNH 3,200,000 09/07/2020 UBS (5,838) – BRL 12,620,000 USD 2,356,456 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (36,608) – CLP 470,770,000 USD 612,742 10/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (39,473) – CZK 244,953,730 EUR 9,200,000 10/07/2020 Bank of America (12,154) – EUR 290,000 USD 326,542 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (673) – MXN 15,360,100 USD 687,225 10/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (19,633) – MXN 9,253,200 USD 412,196 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (10,027) –

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (337)

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Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







USD 5,807,391 CNH 41,374,000 10/07/2020 Bank of America (41,684) (0.01) USD 36,555,625 EUR 32,658,400 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (142,194) (0.01) CZK 158,150,000 USD 6,734,430 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (67,633) (0.01) EUR 1,570,000 USD 1,775,705 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (11,389) – MXN 49,600,000 USD 2,284,451 13/07/2020 Citibank (129,656) (0.01) PLN 77,700,000 USD 19,838,129 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (197,852) (0.02) USD 2,380,072 IDR 34,408,700,000 13/07/2020 Citibank (25,543) – CNH 34,100,000 USD 4,827,187 14/07/2020 BNY Mellon (7,526) – MXN 81,100,000 USD 3,685,945 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (163,203) (0.01) PLN 43,590,000 USD 11,116,211 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (97,903) (0.01) ZAR 73,550,000 USD 4,299,661 15/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (67,431) (0.01) COP 21,776,500,000 USD 5,828,828 16/07/2020 Citibank (41,331) – USD 4,223,558 CNH 29,940,000 16/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (7,657) – USD 842,747 COP 3,183,900,000 16/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (3,431) – BRL 11,500,000 USD 2,332,657 17/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (219,535) (0.02) BRL 2,083,700 USD 401,832 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (18,953) – CLP 325,671,700 USD 407,472 17/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (10,846) – COP 37,104,100,000 USD 10,386,904 17/07/2020 Citibank (526,712) (0.04) EUR 8,800,000 USD 9,931,108 17/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (41,002) – KRW 3,701,690,000 USD 3,087,495 17/07/2020 Citibank (9,939) – EUR 3,200,000 USD 3,607,590 20/07/2020 BNY Mellon (10,930) – USD 5,063,398 CNH 35,900,000 20/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(8,962) –

ZAR 37,400,000 USD 2,195,441 20/07/2020 Barclays (44,647) (0.01) MXN 275,870,000 USD 11,982,470 21/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (11,928) – USD 2,129,419 PLN 8,450,000 21/07/2020 Standard

Chartered(6,551) –

BRL 7,800,000 USD 1,463,058 23/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (30,301) – CZK 218,700,000 USD 9,296,809 24/07/2020 Bank of America (76,771) (0.01) KRW 11,191,000,000 USD 9,343,430 24/07/2020 Citibank (39,132) – USD 1,989,339 INR 152,260,000 27/07/2020 Goldman Sachs (22,219) –


(85�+HGJHG�6KDUH�&ODVVEUR 17,828,043 USD 20,077,004 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (40,500) – USD 28,666 EUR 25,536 17/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (34) –





Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (338)

334 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Schedule of investments

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX)As at 30 June 2020






Argentina Government Bond, FRN 5.83% 31/12/2033� ARS 2,400,000 335,287 0.07 Argentina Government Bond, FRN 0% 15/12/2035 USD 800,000 12,120 – Argentina Government Bond, STEP 3.38% 31/12/2038 EUR 450,000 191,034 0.04 Argentina Treasury BONCER 4% 06/03/2023� ARS 1,900,000 40,707 0.01 Argentina Treasury BONCER 1.4% 25/03/2023� ARS 177,845,870 1,524,197 0.32 Ciudad Autonoma De Buenos Aires, FRN 27.685% 22/02/2028� ARS 25,127,000 194,950 0.04

2,298,295 0.48 Brazil

Brazil Letras do Tesouro Nacional 0% 01/07/2021 BRL 37,500,000 6,738,410 1.41 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 6% 15/08/2030 BRL 1,317,000 9,835,392 2.06 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 10% 01/01/2025 BRL 35,249,000 7,590,889 1.59 Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional 10% 01/01/2027 BRL 19,600,000 4,274,281 0.89

28,438,972 5.95 Chile

Bonos de la Tesoreria de la Republica en pesos, Reg. S, 144A 4.7% 01/09/2030 CLP 1,830,000,000 2,696,521 0.57

2,696,521 0.57 China

China Development Bank 3.43% 14/01/2027 CNY 28,300,000 4,035,303 0.84 China Development Bank 4.24% 24/08/2027 CNY 52,200,000 7,802,919 1.63 China Development Bank 3.48% 08/01/2029 CNY 22,400,000 3,189,936 0.67 China Development Bank 3.65% 21/05/2029 CNY 15,500,000 2,235,941 0.47 China Government Bond 3.12% 05/12/2026 CNY 13,500,000 1,940,651 0.41 China Government Bond 3.13% 21/11/2029 CNY 8,400,000 1,213,399 0.25 China Government Bond 3.86% 22/07/2049 CNY 28,100,000 4,150,908 0.87

24,569,057 5.14 Colombia

Colombia Government Bond 5.75% 03/11/2027 COP 12,847,800,000 3,442,675 0.72 Colombia Government Bond 7% 30/06/2032 COP 6,240,000,000 1,712,916 0.36 Colombia Government Bond 7.25% 18/10/2034 COP 13,558,000,000 3,767,426 0.79 Colombian TES 6.25% 26/11/2025 COP 24,594,800,000 7,099,265 1.49 Colombian TES 7.5% 26/08/2026 COP 21,200,000,000 6,429,442 1.35 Colombian TES 6% 28/04/2028 COP 19,586,600,000 5,307,975 1.11 Colombian TES 7.75% 18/09/2030 COP 11,600,000,000 3,392,614 0.71 Colombian TES 3.5% 10/03/2021 COP 15,200,000 1,126,614 0.23 Empresas Publicas de Medellin ESP, Reg. S 8.375% 08/11/2027 COP 5,000,000,000 1,408,766 0.29

33,687,693 7.05 Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 8.9% 15/02/2023 DOP 190,900,000 3,040,638 0.64 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 9.75% 05/06/2026 DOP 125,750,000 1,940,819 0.41

� Foreign currency is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (339)

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Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.375% 06/07/2029 DOP 35,000,000 600,283 0.12 Dominican Republic Government Bond, Reg. S 11.25% 05/02/2027 DOP 32,000,000 571,867 0.12

6,153,607 1.29 Egypt

Egypt Government Bond 14.8% 30/01/2023 EGP 18,000,000 1,149,008 0.24 Egypt Government Bond 13.973% 04/02/2023 EGP 20,000,000 1,246,356 0.26 Egypt Government Bond 18.35% 09/10/2023 EGP 11,200,000 776,132 0.16 Egypt Government Bond 15.7% 07/11/2027 EGP 14,000,000 937,243 0.20

4,108,739 0.86 Hungary

Hungary Government Bond 1.5% 23/08/2023 HUF 1,087,000,000 3,507,361 0.74

3,507,361 0.74 India

India Government Bond 8.24% 15/02/2027 INR 514,010,000 7,549,785 1.58 India Government Bond 7.17% 08/01/2028 INR 318,200,000 4,517,794 0.94 India Government Bond 7.73% 19/12/2034 INR 279,100,000 4,149,327 0.87 National Highways Authority of India 7.17% 23/12/2021 INR 20,000,000 275,680 0.06 State of Maharashtra India 8.44% 26/11/2024 INR 55,250,000 808,673 0.17

17,301,259 3.62 Indonesia

Indonesia Treasury 6.125% 15/05/2028 IDR 196,087,000,000 12,890,816 2.70 Indonesia Treasury 8.25% 15/05/2029 IDR 69,005,000,000 5,158,106 1.08 Indonesia Treasury 8.75% 15/05/2031 IDR 69,000,000,000 5,264,963 1.10 Indonesia Treasury 6.625% 15/05/2033 IDR 116,401,000,000 7,475,413 1.56 Indonesia Treasury 7% 15/05/2027 IDR 75,305,000,000 5,287,428 1.11

36,076,726 7.55 Mexico

Comision Federal de Electricidad 7.35% 25/11/2025 MXN 2,130,000 87,590 0.02 Mexican Bonos 8.5% 31/05/2029 MXN 537,120,000 27,684,307 5.80 Mexican Bonos 8% 07/11/2047 MXN 70,000,000 3,415,410 0.72 Mexican Bonos 5.75% 05/03/2026 MXN 118,500,000 5,297,377 1.11 Mexican Bonos 7.5% 03/06/2027 MXN 166,500,000 8,075,480 1.69 Mexican Bonos 7.75% 23/11/2034 MXN 70,000,000 3,460,515 0.72 Mexican Bonos 7.75% 13/11/2042 MXN 25,000,000 1,189,095 0.25 Mexican Udibonos 4% 15/11/2040 MXN 600,000 191,982 0.04 Mexican Udibonos 4% 08/11/2046 MXN 2,840,000 925,985 0.19 Mexico Government Bond 4.5% 22/04/2029 USD 2,200,000 2,396,625 0.50 Petroleos Mexicanos 7.47% 12/11/2026 MXN 99,100,000 3,386,180 0.71 Petroleos Mexicanos, Reg. S 7.19% 12/09/2024 MXN 7,050,000 261,322 0.05

56,371,868 11.80 Peru

Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 5.94% 12/02/2029 PEN 9,600,000 3,132,063 0.66 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 5.4% 12/08/2034 PEN 3,000,000 894,237 0.19

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (340)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

336 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 5.35% 12/08/2040 PEN 6,400,000 1,816,856 0.38 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S 5.4% 12/08/2034 PEN 27,600,000 8,226,985 1.72 Peru Government Bond, Reg. S, 144A 6.15% 12/08/2032 PEN 34,940,000 11,292,646 2.36

25,362,787 5.31 Poland

Poland Government Bond 2.25% 25/10/2024 PLN 35,000,000 9,499,418 1.99 Poland Government Bond 5.75% 23/09/2022 PLN 23,455,000 6,671,955 1.40

16,171,373 3.39 Romania

Romania Government Bond 4% 27/10/2021 RON 19,800,000 4,647,054 0.97

4,647,054 0.97 Russian Federation

Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.15% 12/11/2025 RUB 160,000,000 2,449,006 0.51 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.15% 03/02/2027 RUB 181,620,000 2,944,417 0.62 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.25% 10/05/2034 RUB 271,000,000 4,229,645 0.89 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.7% 16/03/2039 RUB 100,000,000 1,645,653 0.35 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7% 25/01/2023 RUB 787,800,000 11,708,268 2.45 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 7.05% 19/01/2028 RUB 335,700,000 5,151,740 1.08 Russian Federal Bond - OFZ 8.5% 17/09/2031 RUB 979,435,000 16,639,488 3.48 Russian Federation 2.5% 02/02/2028 RUB 688,900,000 10,566,426 2.21

55,334,643 11.59 South Africa

South Africa Government Bond 10.5% 21/12/2026 ZAR 52,500,000 3,453,307 0.72 South Africa Government Bond 8% 31/01/2030 ZAR 236,200,000 12,590,873 2.63 South Africa Government Bond 6.5% 28/02/2041 ZAR 418,045,000 15,363,048 3.22 South Africa Government Bond 8.75% 28/02/2048 ZAR 272,000,000 12,364,420 2.59

43,771,648 9.16 Thailand

Thailand Government Bond 2.875% 17/12/2028 THB 145,000,000 5,331,359 1.12 Thailand Government Bond 1.6% 17/06/2035 THB 145,000,000 4,734,565 0.99 Thailand Government Bond 3.3% 17/06/2038 THB 41,092,000 1,656,277 0.35 Thailand Government Bond 2.125% 17/12/2026 THB 56,500,000 1,959,655 0.41 Thailand Government Bond 3.4% 17/06/2036 THB 90,900,000 3,682,977 0.77

17,364,833 3.64 Turkey

Turkey Government Bond 10.7% 17/02/2021 TRY 7,600,000 1,124,447 0.23 Turkey Government Bond 12.2% 18/01/2023 TRY 22,440,000 3,473,968 0.73 Turkey Government Bond 4.1% 05/06/2024 TRY 19,500,000 3,449,749 0.72 Turkey Government Bond 2% 18/09/2024 TRY 10,925,000 3,035,570 0.64

11,083,734 2.32 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond 14.3% 08/07/2020 UAH 27,200,000 1,020,782 0.21 Ukraine Government Bond 18% 24/03/2021 UAH 12,000 479 – Ukraine Government Bond 16% 11/08/2021 UAH 43,100,000 1,718,278 0.36 Ukraine Government Bond 15.36% 29/09/2021 UAH 16,488,000 664,913 0.14 Ukraine Government Bond 17% 11/05/2022 UAH 77,368,000 3,207,990 0.67

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (341)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 337

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments




Ukraine Government Bond 16.06% 03/08/2022 UAH 16,000,000 660,421 0.14 Ukraine Government Bond 14.91% 12/10/2022 UAH 11,933,000 485,729 0.10 Ukraine Government Bond 10% 23/08/2023 UAH 46,900,000 1,728,341 0.36 Ukraine Government Bond 11.67% 22/11/2023 UAH 15,700,000 603,615 0.13 Ukraine Government Bond 15.84% 26/02/2025 UAH 82,949,000 3,625,618 0.76

13,716,166 2.87 United States of America

Uruguay Government Bond 3.875% 02/07/2040 UYU 168,040,000 4,006,086 0.84

4,006,086 0.84 Uruguay

Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 9.875% 20/06/2022 UYU 38,198,000 900,658 0.19 Uruguay Government Bond, Reg. S 8.5% 15/03/2028 UYU 64,840,000 1,409,748 0.29

2,310,406 0.48

7RWDO�%RQGV ����������� ��������




BONCER, FRN 8.692% 22/07/2021 ARS 79,430,000 2,620,328 0.55

2,620,328 0.55 Brazil

Brazil Notas do Tesouro Nacional, FRN 1.977% 15/08/2050 BRL 212,000 1,671,075 0.35 BRAZIL NTNB, FRN 6% 15/08/2024 BRL 281,200 1,998,519 0.42

3,669,594 0.77 Malaysia

Malaysia Government Bond 3.502% 31/05/2027 MYR 13,200,000 3,232,394 0.68 Malaysia Government Bond 3.885% 15/08/2029 MYR 5,700,000 1,435,672 0.30 Malaysia Government Bond 3.844% 15/04/2033 MYR 23,500,000 5,773,332 1.21 Malaysia Government Bond 4.642% 07/11/2033 MYR 9,700,000 2,580,426 0.54 Malaysia Government Bond 3.828% 05/07/2034 MYR 15,570,000 3,834,900 0.80 Malaysia Government Bond 4.893% 08/06/2038 MYR 32,820,000 8,937,146 1.87 Malaysia Government Bond 4.467% 15/09/2039 MYR 7,000,000 1,799,933 0.38 Malaysia Government Bond 3.9% 30/11/2026 MYR 39,085,000 9,745,716 2.04

37,339,519 7.82 Peru

Peru Government Bond, 144A 5.7% 12/08/2024 PEN 5,900,000 1,934,805 0.40

1,934,805 0.40 Ukraine

Ukraine Government Bond, Reg. S 17.25% 30/09/2020 UAH 51,178,000 1,964,008 0.41

1,964,008 0.41

7RWDO�%RQGV ���������� �������

7RWDO�7UDQVIHUDEOH�VHFXULWLHV�DQG�PRQH\�PDUNHW�LQVWUXPHQWV�GHDOW�LQ�RQ�DQRWKHU�UHJXODWHG�PDUNHW ���������� ������� � Foreign currency is valued at its fair value under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (342)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

338 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments






JPMorgan USD Treasury CNAV Fund - JPM USD Treasury CNAV Institutional (dist.) USD 5,556,967 5,556,967 1.16

5,556,967 1.16

7RWDO�&ROOHFWLYH�,QYHVWPHQW�6FKHPHV���8&,76 ��������� �������


7RWDO�,QYHVWPHQWV ����������� ��������

&DVK ���������� ����


7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ����������� ������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (343)

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 339

Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (continued)As at 30 June 2020

Schedule of investments







USD 2,139,938 INR 161,270,000 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan 6,301 –

USD 1,202,288 PLN 4,750,000 14/07/2020 Bank of America 1,624 – USD 1,093,184 ZAR 18,700,000 15/07/2020 Goldman Sachs 17,144 – USD 1,829,233 PEN 6,380,000 24/07/2020 Citibank 28,521 0.01



USD 363,783 EUR 325,000 10/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (1,415) – EUR 386,000 USD 436,574 13/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (2,800) – PLN 47,850,000 USD 12,202,586 14/07/2020 J.P. Morgan (107,471) (0.02) EUR 388,000 USD 437,872 17/07/2020 Morgan Stanley (1,808) – ZAR 18,700,000 USD 1,097,721 20/07/2020 Barclays (22,323) – KRW 8,652,000,000 USD 7,223,604 24/07/2020 Citibank (30,254) (0.01)











US 10 Year Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020

(43) USD (6,771,828) (90,084) (0.02)

US Ultra Bond, 21/09/2020 (6) USD (1,308,938) (34,320) (0.01)




Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (344)

340 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

As at 30 June 2020










AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) US$6,969,314,178 €601,745,765 US$310,970,310 US$155,276,161 US$88,392,829 US$330,727,687 US$257,282,488Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) – – – – – – – Cash at bank and broker 190,539,037 11,851,597 9,297,596 3,080,451 2,490,910 10,787,920 18,513,970 Receivable for investments sold 3,798,017 58,950 62,922 539,796 5,802 1,807,212 – Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 6,034,286 582,351 467,654 462,710 39,198 643,624 861,201 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – – – – Receivable for fund shares subscribed 39,621,000 3,371,403 363,000 122,585 416,975 200,002 7,937 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 1,492,378 – – – – 18,140 44,138 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 1,163,474 258,505 118,980 51,690 35,165 163,828 478,668 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – – – – 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – – 9,747 – Interest receivable on swaps contracts – – – – – – –

7RWDO�DVVHWV ��������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������ ������������� �������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 13,241,908 3,721,482 1,003,412 1,488,189 305,548 1,115,862 – Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – – – – Payable for fund shares redeemed 5,020,296 9,160 21,472 41,882 146,345 1,708,835 39 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers 54,962 – 779 – – 146,589 8,016,284 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 2,415,809 – – – – 192,276 – Accrued expenses and other payables 1,894,762 506,882 303,447 136,403 59,543 374,089 303,074 Management fee payable (note 3a) 3,762,548 106,890 114,275 28,253 81,433 100,570 130,636 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – – – – Dividend payable to shareholders 1,294,071 – – 34,878 – 59,388 – 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – – – – Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – – – – – Interest payable on swaps contracts – – – – – – –

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� �����������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV 86�������������� Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86����������� 86������������ 86������������

,QYHVWPHQW�VHFXULWLHV�DW�FRVW 86�������������� Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86����������� 86������������ 86������������


Combined statement of net assets


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (345)

Combined statement of net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 341










AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) US$6,969,314,178 €601,745,765 US$310,970,310 US$155,276,161 US$88,392,829 US$330,727,687 US$257,282,488Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) – – – – – – – Cash at bank and broker 190,539,037 11,851,597 9,297,596 3,080,451 2,490,910 10,787,920 18,513,970 Receivable for investments sold 3,798,017 58,950 62,922 539,796 5,802 1,807,212 – Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 6,034,286 582,351 467,654 462,710 39,198 643,624 861,201 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – – – – Receivable for fund shares subscribed 39,621,000 3,371,403 363,000 122,585 416,975 200,002 7,937 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 1,492,378 – – – – 18,140 44,138 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 1,163,474 258,505 118,980 51,690 35,165 163,828 478,668 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – – – – 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – – 9,747 – Interest receivable on swaps contracts – – – – – – –

7RWDO�DVVHWV ��������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������ ������������� �������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 13,241,908 3,721,482 1,003,412 1,488,189 305,548 1,115,862 – Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – – – – Payable for fund shares redeemed 5,020,296 9,160 21,472 41,882 146,345 1,708,835 39 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers 54,962 – 779 – – 146,589 8,016,284 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 2,415,809 – – – – 192,276 – Accrued expenses and other payables 1,894,762 506,882 303,447 136,403 59,543 374,089 303,074 Management fee payable (note 3a) 3,762,548 106,890 114,275 28,253 81,433 100,570 130,636 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – – – – Dividend payable to shareholders 1,294,071 – – 34,878 – 59,388 – 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – – – – Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – – – – – Interest payable on swaps contracts – – – – – – –

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� �����������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV 86�������������� Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86����������� 86������������ 86������������

,QYHVWPHQW�VHFXULWLHV�DW�FRVW 86�������������� Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86����������� 86������������ 86������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (346)

As at 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of net assets

342 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020













AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) ¥16,669,846,706 €199,010,259 US$105,749,329 US$408,664,500 US$189,803,946 US$782,139,421 US$1,065,449,909Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) – – – – 7,557,429 7,883,960 – Cash at bank and broker 685,692,588 10,719,114 3,193,857 10,203,121 7,288,061 40,682,432 52,971,333 Receivable for investments sold 8,485,922 – 101,248 650,572 193,886 – 58,663,204 Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 10,250,474 115,721 31,749 381,206 558,612 2,003,066 11,335,845 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – 9,635,785 3,335,114 – Receivable for fund shares subscribed 12,358,710 71,141 37,370 698,743 81,377 2,418,761 1,398,526 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 4,972,619 26,606 1,463 7,109 1,391 565,122 2,764,237 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 5,128,786 316,173 37,559 96,732 75,635 178,956 1,787,224 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – 3,382 68,731 – 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – 21,489 9,569 – Interest receivable on swaps contracts – – – – 680 16,701 –

7RWDO�DVVHWV ���������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ���������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 23,122,883 – 196,289 750,960 1,445,309 1,437,517 6,417,716 Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – 17,181,496 11,225,981 – Payable for fund shares redeemed 25,936,684 214,706 20,709 477,059 137,747 642,571 90,242,002 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers – – – 3,063 189,885 1,459,171 8,584,557 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 989,942 4,767 3,774 423,021 17,101 1,082,335 3,944,894 Accrued expenses and other payables 17,745,407 310,296 95,403 389,727 173,772 463,069 2,105,959 Management fee payable (note 3a) 7,440,715 136,819 49,502 224,854 98,175 692,388 650,989 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – 308,622 291,808 – Dividend payable to shareholders – – – – – – 9,299 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – 7,516 7,096 – Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – – – – 910,057 Interest payable on swaps contracts – – – – 10,251 19,023 –

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ������������ ��������� ��������� ����������� ������������ ������������ �������������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ��������������� Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86��������������

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Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (347)

Combined statement of net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 343












AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) ¥16,669,846,706 €199,010,259 US$105,749,329 US$408,664,500 US$189,803,946 US$782,139,421 US$1,065,449,909Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) – – – – 7,557,429 7,883,960 – Cash at bank and broker 685,692,588 10,719,114 3,193,857 10,203,121 7,288,061 40,682,432 52,971,333 Receivable for investments sold 8,485,922 – 101,248 650,572 193,886 – 58,663,204 Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 10,250,474 115,721 31,749 381,206 558,612 2,003,066 11,335,845 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – 9,635,785 3,335,114 – Receivable for fund shares subscribed 12,358,710 71,141 37,370 698,743 81,377 2,418,761 1,398,526 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 4,972,619 26,606 1,463 7,109 1,391 565,122 2,764,237 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 5,128,786 316,173 37,559 96,732 75,635 178,956 1,787,224 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – 3,382 68,731 – 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – 21,489 9,569 – Interest receivable on swaps contracts – – – – 680 16,701 –

7RWDO�DVVHWV ���������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ���������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 23,122,883 – 196,289 750,960 1,445,309 1,437,517 6,417,716 Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – – 17,181,496 11,225,981 – Payable for fund shares redeemed 25,936,684 214,706 20,709 477,059 137,747 642,571 90,242,002 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers – – – 3,063 189,885 1,459,171 8,584,557 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 989,942 4,767 3,774 423,021 17,101 1,082,335 3,944,894 Accrued expenses and other payables 17,745,407 310,296 95,403 389,727 173,772 463,069 2,105,959 Management fee payable (note 3a) 7,440,715 136,819 49,502 224,854 98,175 692,388 650,989 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – – 308,622 291,808 – Dividend payable to shareholders – – – – – – 9,299 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – – – – 7,516 7,096 – Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – – – – 910,057 Interest payable on swaps contracts – – – – 10,251 19,023 –

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ������������ ��������� ��������� ����������� ������������ ������������ �������������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV ��������������� Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86��������������

,QYHVWPHQW�VHFXULWLHV�DW�FRVW ��������������� Ą������������ 86����������� 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86��������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (348)

As at 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of net assets

344 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020












AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) US$464,318,368 US$203,737,655 €835,641,642 US$317,425,725 €57,979,505 US$172,723,690 US$1,076,458,671Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) 18,811,191 25,525,203 – – – – – Cash at bank and broker 28,323,086 18,047,681 17,622,474 9,404,933 2,304,961 1,854,171 46,238,403 Receivable for investments sold 1,925,960 – 43,933,213 – – 520,189 4,366,169 Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 2,713,678 1,060,686 2,618,353 2,017,313 410,240 925,852 17,368,026 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) 24,008,880 22,083,331 – – – – – Receivable for fund shares subscribed 66,575 176 1,012,379 3,108,619 52,350 1,030,396 2,550,786 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 882,273 865,162 1,495,106 313,091 372 117 774,982 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 250,286 120,376 291,502 92,659 36,372 47,298 280,017 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) 153,911 116,687 266,172 256,913 – 186,374 – 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� 74,383 28,402 170,868 227,780 3,486 30,688 – Interest receivable on swaps contracts 33,864 – 85,227 3,527 – 4,000 –

7RWDO�DVVHWV ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������ ������������� ���������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 3,808,634 178,885 51,412,520 3,299,461 1,072,353 2,600,854 6,340,660 Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) 42,812,263 47,549,290 – – – – – Payable for fund shares redeemed 791,860 288,535 173,965 20,985 1 40,103 725,565 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers 10,198,731 6,328,774 161,892 272,783 3 31,015 14,834,860 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 2,120,390 1,202,916 43,109 92,031 – 570,365 2,267,696 Accrued expenses and other payables 395,628 165,701 615,307 153,136 52,791 76,412 844,120 Management fee payable (note 3a) 12,304 3,420 217,619 30,089 26,231 41,305 791,992 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) 527,310 – 1,532,026 84,991 – – – Dividend payable to shareholders – – – 17,194 – – 59,537 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� 161,717 136,035 30,116 293,887 45,463 34,924 252,791 Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – – – – – Interest payable on swaps contracts 36,442 2,897 104,835 719 – – –

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ������������ ������������ ������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ������������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV 86������������ 86������������ Ą������������ 86������������ Ą����������� 86������������ 86��������������

,QYHVWPHQW�VHFXULWLHV�DW�FRVW 86������������ 86������������ Ą������������ 86������������ Ą����������� 86������������ 86��������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (349)

Combined statement of net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 345











AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) US$464,318,368 US$203,737,655 €835,641,642 US$317,425,725 €57,979,505 US$172,723,690 US$1,076,458,671Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) 18,811,191 25,525,203 – – – – – Cash at bank and broker 28,323,086 18,047,681 17,622,474 9,404,933 2,304,961 1,854,171 46,238,403 Receivable for investments sold 1,925,960 – 43,933,213 – – 520,189 4,366,169 Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 2,713,678 1,060,686 2,618,353 2,017,313 410,240 925,852 17,368,026 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) 24,008,880 22,083,331 – – – – – Receivable for fund shares subscribed 66,575 176 1,012,379 3,108,619 52,350 1,030,396 2,550,786 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 882,273 865,162 1,495,106 313,091 372 117 774,982 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 250,286 120,376 291,502 92,659 36,372 47,298 280,017 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) 153,911 116,687 266,172 256,913 – 186,374 – 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� 74,383 28,402 170,868 227,780 3,486 30,688 – Interest receivable on swaps contracts 33,864 – 85,227 3,527 – 4,000 –

7RWDO�DVVHWV ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������ ������������� ���������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 3,808,634 178,885 51,412,520 3,299,461 1,072,353 2,600,854 6,340,660 Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) 42,812,263 47,549,290 – – – – – Payable for fund shares redeemed 791,860 288,535 173,965 20,985 1 40,103 725,565 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers 10,198,731 6,328,774 161,892 272,783 3 31,015 14,834,860 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 2,120,390 1,202,916 43,109 92,031 – 570,365 2,267,696 Accrued expenses and other payables 395,628 165,701 615,307 153,136 52,791 76,412 844,120 Management fee payable (note 3a) 12,304 3,420 217,619 30,089 26,231 41,305 791,992 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) 527,310 – 1,532,026 84,991 – – – Dividend payable to shareholders – – – 17,194 – – 59,537 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� 161,717 136,035 30,116 293,887 45,463 34,924 252,791 Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – – – – – Interest payable on swaps contracts 36,442 2,897 104,835 719 – – –

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ������������ ������������ ������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ������������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV 86������������ 86������������ Ą������������ 86������������ Ą����������� 86������������ 86��������������

,QYHVWPHQW�VHFXULWLHV�DW�FRVW 86������������ 86������������ Ą������������ 86������������ Ą����������� 86������������ 86��������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (350)

As at 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of net assets

346 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020





AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) US$50,880,092 US$1,223,933,146 US$462,064,049 €14,858,327,520 Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) – – – 53,206,749 Cash at bank and broker 1,917,192 47,098,282 14,964,995 508,228,366 Receivable for investments sold 115,247 4,025,298 2,400,331 114,534,614 Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 787,208 20,775,919 8,556,952 72,369,049 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – 52,570,636 Receivable for fund shares subscribed 13 9,421 56,520 51,061,114 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 466 1,627,278 53,590 9,939,521 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 18,063 896,627 393,548 6,540,544 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – 30,209 – 992,658 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – 126,514 – 644,824 Interest receivable on swaps contracts – – – 137,539

7RWDO�DVVHWV ������������ ��������������� ������������� ����������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 587,494 9,142,436 9,842,539 112,653,015 Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – 105,713,422 Payable for fund shares redeemed – 1,371 13,602 89,922,698 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers – 10,714,954 – 54,310,900 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 920 2,301,845 166,071 15,010,593 Accrued expenses and other payables 45,492 868,711 463,491 9,919,888 Management fee payable (note 3a) 30,480 367,488 212,268 7,155,899 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – 2,611,448 Dividend payable to shareholders – – – 1,312,298 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – 231,915 124,404 1,188,427 Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – 810,020 Interest payable on swaps contracts – 230 – 166,750

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ��������� ������������ ������������ �������������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV 86����������� 86�������������� 86������������ Ą���������������

,QYHVWPHQW�VHFXULWLHV�DW�FRVW 86����������� 86�������������� 86������������ Ą���������������



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (351)

Combined statement of net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 347





AssetsInvestments at market value (note 2b) US$50,880,092 US$1,223,933,146 US$462,064,049 €14,858,327,520 Investment in To Be Announced contracts at market value (note 2g) – – – 53,206,749 Cash at bank and broker 1,917,192 47,098,282 14,964,995 508,228,366 Receivable for investments sold 115,247 4,025,298 2,400,331 114,534,614 Dividend and interest receivable (net of withholding taxes) (note 2d and 5b) 787,208 20,775,919 8,556,952 72,369,049 Receivable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – 52,570,636 Receivable for fund shares subscribed 13 9,421 56,520 51,061,114 Unrealised gain on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 466 1,627,278 53,590 9,939,521 Prepaid expenses and other receivables 18,063 896,627 393,548 6,540,544 Unrealised gain on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – 30,209 – 992,658 8QUHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – 126,514 – 644,824 Interest receivable on swaps contracts – – – 137,539

7RWDO�DVVHWV ������������ ��������������� ������������� ����������������

/LDELOLWLHVPayable for investments purchased 587,494 9,142,436 9,842,539 112,653,015 Payable for To Be Announced contracts (note 2g) – – – 105,713,422 Payable for fund shares redeemed – 1,371 13,602 89,922,698 Bank overdraft1 and cash at brokers – 10,714,954 – 54,310,900 Unrealised loss on forward and hedged share class forward currency exchange contracts (note 6 and 7) 920 2,301,845 166,071 15,010,593 Accrued expenses and other payables 45,492 868,711 463,491 9,919,888 Management fee payable (note 3a) 30,480 367,488 212,268 7,155,899 Unrealised loss on swap contracts (note 8 and 9) – – – 2,611,448 Dividend payable to shareholders – – – 1,312,298 8QUHDOLVHG�ORVV�RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV��QRWH���� – 231,915 124,404 1,188,427 Payable on closed forward currency exchange contracts – – – 810,020 Interest payable on swaps contracts – 230 – 166,750

7RWDO�OLDELOLWLHV ��������� ������������ ������������ �������������

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV 86����������� 86�������������� 86������������ Ą���������������

,QYHVWPHQW�VHFXULWLHV�DW�FRVW 86����������� 86�������������� 86������������ Ą���������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (352)

348 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

For the period ended 30 June 2020











,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) US$220,036 €10,418 US$92,834 US$11,614 US$8,075 US$464,797 US$90Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) 32,550,285 4,139,315 3,099,754 2,537,291 308,700 1,945,715 2,110,032 Other income (note 5b) 17,639 3,150 3,248 - - 6,471 5,299,346 Interest on bank accounts 624,518 41,320 43,256 15,582 5,903 41,725 22,387 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - - - -

������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� �����������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 18,971,412 595,070 666,985 160,280 280,611 519,677 680,914 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 443,849 213,854 144,062 73,751 29,452 156,391 111,562 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 988,635 54,604 49,668 15,695 15,746 33,115 25,707 Professional services 511,035 78,939 50,771 25,733 14,568 70,686 41,227 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 275,291 52,982 36,975 18,141 7,875 38,469 59,657 Printing and publishing 248,720 18,058 11,986 5,471 2,167 3,860 7,522 Other 163,075 12,382 8,906 5,481 1,714 6,654 10,777 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - - - - Overdraft interest� - 2 - - - - -

������������ ����������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ���������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 151,267 37,231 75,622 31,199 33,092 74,763 127,899

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ������� ����������� �����������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) (137,889,559) 32,389,313 (13,042,592) (3,114,457) (1,577,674) (2,525,911) 758,661 Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - - - - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) 7,285,736 192,468 (41,182) 3,255 (4,583) 400,727 (52,724)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - - - -

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� �������������� ������������ ������������� ������������ ������������ ������������ ���������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments 257,687,859 (59,444,286) (10,166,214) (15,653,866) 5,937,491 (13,741,028) (8,939,067)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - - 9,747 - Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - - - - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (4,842,473) (2,699) (13,764) (2,662) (171) (480,751) 156,427

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� ������������ ���������� ���������� ���������� ����� ���������� ���������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period 1,197,036,228 70,384,805 6,359,220 5,078,805 33,377,670 (30,170,423) 19,947,262 Total net assets at the beginning of the period 5,861,179,788 566,966,147 334,500,180 169,338,790 53,051,640 385,628,369 250,278,196 Translation difference

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG 86�������������� �Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86����������� 86������������ 86������������

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets


� Mainly due to negative interest rate policy implemented by central banks.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (353)

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 349











,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) US$220,036 €10,418 US$92,834 US$11,614 US$8,075 US$464,797 US$90Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) 32,550,285 4,139,315 3,099,754 2,537,291 308,700 1,945,715 2,110,032 Other income (note 5b) 17,639 3,150 3,248 - - 6,471 5,299,346 Interest on bank accounts 624,518 41,320 43,256 15,582 5,903 41,725 22,387 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - - - -

������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� �����������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 18,971,412 595,070 666,985 160,280 280,611 519,677 680,914 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 443,849 213,854 144,062 73,751 29,452 156,391 111,562 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 988,635 54,604 49,668 15,695 15,746 33,115 25,707 Professional services 511,035 78,939 50,771 25,733 14,568 70,686 41,227 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 275,291 52,982 36,975 18,141 7,875 38,469 59,657 Printing and publishing 248,720 18,058 11,986 5,471 2,167 3,860 7,522 Other 163,075 12,382 8,906 5,481 1,714 6,654 10,777 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - - - - Overdraft interest� - 2 - - - - -

������������ ����������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ��������� ���������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 151,267 37,231 75,622 31,199 33,092 74,763 127,899

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ������������ ����������� ����������� ����������� ������� ����������� �����������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) (137,889,559) 32,389,313 (13,042,592) (3,114,457) (1,577,674) (2,525,911) 758,661 Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - - - - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) 7,285,736 192,468 (41,182) 3,255 (4,583) 400,727 (52,724)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - - - -

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� �������������� ������������ ������������� ������������ ������������ ������������ ���������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments 257,687,859 (59,444,286) (10,166,214) (15,653,866) 5,937,491 (13,741,028) (8,939,067)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - - 9,747 - Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - - - - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (4,842,473) (2,699) (13,764) (2,662) (171) (480,751) 156,427

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� ������������� ������������� ������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� ������������ ���������� ���������� ���������� ����� ���������� ���������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period 1,197,036,228 70,384,805 6,359,220 5,078,805 33,377,670 (30,170,423) 19,947,262 Total net assets at the beginning of the period 5,861,179,788 566,966,147 334,500,180 169,338,790 53,051,640 385,628,369 250,278,196 Translation difference

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG 86�������������� �Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86����������� 86������������ 86������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (354)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets

350 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


� Mainly due to negative interest rate policy implemented by central banks.












,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) - €35,562 US$14,570 US$47,849 US$582,041 US$2,801,499 US$20,220,260Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) ¥106,021,495 2,984,389 387,752 3,429,166 2,553,719 4,567,986 4,645,316 Other income (note 5b) - - 195 4,399 - 858 277,480 Interest on bank accounts - - 11,611 50,234 40,372 97,107 138,075 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - 16,962 16,631 -

������������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ������������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 43,935,065 951,771 264,528 1,289,663 502,977 3,561,954 3,802,364 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 8,164,593 112,352 47,753 193,379 84,936 237,203 269,704 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 2,769,743 50,901 20,064 80,331 32,451 136,454 103,035 Professional services 3,025,047 38,832 24,997 63,486 25,281 144,181 170,024 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 2,619,652 28,837 8,172 31,020 18,092 74,283 292,996 Printing and publishing 182,486 10,123 4,286 14,054 7,733 32,014 35,561 Other 732,292 6,580 5,136 9,991 6,739 23,587 87,749 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - 22,228 16,960 - Overdraft interest� 722,506 38,633 - - - - -

������������ ����������� ��������� ����������� ��������� ����������� �����������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 4,780,072 70,222 35,450 88,432 40,995 121,625 314,779

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ������������ ����������� �������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ������������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) (96,394,311) (25,471,548) 330,262 (14,150,875) (10,206,298) (3,066,392) (68,745,827)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - 532,919 666,714 - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (40,610,542) 144,005 (520) (1,479,259) (83,752) 4,183,339 (17,831,690)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - (26,152) (44,231) -

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� �������������� ������������� ��������� ������������� ������������ ����������� �������������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments (615,637,290) (30,612,454) 1,155,540 (9,740,905) (7,521,330) (18,409,317) (37,629,182)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - 10,905 22,902 - Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - (196,483) (211,283) - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) 5,308,757 34,766 (5,264) (586,986) (36,883) (1,859,140) 6,130,823

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� �������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������ ������������� �������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� �������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������� ������������� �������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� ������������� ���������� ������ ������������ ���������� ���������� ������������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period (2,829,959,145) (52,918,352) 529,973 (17,498,348) 29,908,362 129,376,596 (244,798,072)Total net assets at the beginning of the period 20,863,097,566 316,899,392 106,702,793 461,102,441 180,910,107 708,146,361 1,433,427,878 Translation difference

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG ��������������� �Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86��������������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (355)

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 351













,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) - €35,562 US$14,570 US$47,849 US$582,041 US$2,801,499 US$20,220,260Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) ¥106,021,495 2,984,389 387,752 3,429,166 2,553,719 4,567,986 4,645,316 Other income (note 5b) - - 195 4,399 - 858 277,480 Interest on bank accounts - - 11,611 50,234 40,372 97,107 138,075 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - 16,962 16,631 -

������������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ������������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 43,935,065 951,771 264,528 1,289,663 502,977 3,561,954 3,802,364 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 8,164,593 112,352 47,753 193,379 84,936 237,203 269,704 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 2,769,743 50,901 20,064 80,331 32,451 136,454 103,035 Professional services 3,025,047 38,832 24,997 63,486 25,281 144,181 170,024 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 2,619,652 28,837 8,172 31,020 18,092 74,283 292,996 Printing and publishing 182,486 10,123 4,286 14,054 7,733 32,014 35,561 Other 732,292 6,580 5,136 9,991 6,739 23,587 87,749 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - - - - 22,228 16,960 - Overdraft interest� 722,506 38,633 - - - - -

������������ ����������� ��������� ����������� ��������� ����������� �����������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 4,780,072 70,222 35,450 88,432 40,995 121,625 314,779

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ������������ ����������� �������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ������������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) (96,394,311) (25,471,548) 330,262 (14,150,875) (10,206,298) (3,066,392) (68,745,827)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - 532,919 666,714 - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (40,610,542) 144,005 (520) (1,479,259) (83,752) 4,183,339 (17,831,690)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - (26,152) (44,231) -

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� �������������� ������������� ��������� ������������� ������������ ����������� �������������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments (615,637,290) (30,612,454) 1,155,540 (9,740,905) (7,521,330) (18,409,317) (37,629,182)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - - - - 10,905 22,902 - Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - - - - (196,483) (211,283) - Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) 5,308,757 34,766 (5,264) (586,986) (36,883) (1,859,140) 6,130,823

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� �������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������ ������������� �������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� �������������� ������������� ����������� ������������� ������������� ������������� �������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� ������������� ���������� ������ ������������ ���������� ���������� ������������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period (2,829,959,145) (52,918,352) 529,973 (17,498,348) 29,908,362 129,376,596 (244,798,072)Total net assets at the beginning of the period 20,863,097,566 316,899,392 106,702,793 461,102,441 180,910,107 708,146,361 1,433,427,878 Translation difference

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG ��������������� �Ą������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86������������ 86��������������

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (356)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets

352 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020











,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) US$5,441,815 US$2,107,698 €3,244,838 US$2,701,281 €476,544 US$1,301,042 US$35,234,996Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) - - - - - - - Other income (note 5b) 24,307 - - - - - 78 Interest on bank accounts 43,165 22,469 - 21,737 - 10,034 118,643 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) 33,988 - 86,527 4,800 - 5,778 281,320

����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ������������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 67,020 13,584 1,344,632 154,496 146,380 175,614 4,265,702 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 221,618 99,785 203,158 105,068 27,116 45,116 262,073 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 27,463 10,576 122,190 23,541 14,189 17,913 177,112 Professional services 82,038 34,568 158,300 34,315 9,447 14,149 165,028 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 62,856 24,270 107,488 15,653 7,184 9,167 185,599 Printing and publishing 18,420 6,987 28,685 6,242 2,096 2,514 46,489 Other 12,776 4,232 26,768 6,162 3,276 3,748 31,683 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) 31,941 45,450 96,150 1,023 - - 89,002 Overdraft interest� - - 106,283 - 8,695 - -

��������� ��������� ����������� ��������� ��������� ��������� �����������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 178,359 76,780 217,357 82,877 34,610 44,631 197,672

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ������������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) 2,355,816 (659,935) (1,515,122) 2,727,725 139,739 1,988,688 (20,608,771)Financial futures contracts (note 10) (830,568) 573,549 (187,479) (643,547) (97,264) 393,408 2,252,132 Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) 4,868,371 1,647,957 4,598,122 (201,372) (364) 591,999 (851,907)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) (99,227) 86,079 (485,977) 1 - (243,434) 2,042,388

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� ����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� �������� ����������� �������������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments 8,033,087 2,665,198 2,002,504 7,083,994 (1,077,535) 4,730,960 (51,319,139)Financial futures contracts (note 10) (58,738) (185,968) 126,586 37,385 (104,087) 51,454 (128,971)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) (367,231) 468,126 (1,035,744) 168,521 - 186,374 (168,724)Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (1,940,428) (563,285) (220,637) 253,500 1,259 (571,124) (2,812,963)

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ������������ ����������� �������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� ������������ ����������� ����������� ������������ ���������� ����������� �������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� ���������� ����� �������� ���������� ������ ���������� �������������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period (32,151,081) 14,229,611 (2,864,110) 198,621,444 3,112,913 103,911,990 135,029,433 Total net assets at the beginning of the period 496,061,525 195,500,079 847,076,809 118,212,421 57,323,799 61,986,088 1,041,613,075 Translation difference

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG 86������������ 86������������ �Ą������������ 86������������ �Ą����������� 86������������ 86��������������


� Mainly due to negative interest rate policy implemented by central banks.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (357)

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 353











,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) US$5,441,815 US$2,107,698 €3,244,838 US$2,701,281 €476,544 US$1,301,042 US$35,234,996Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) - - - - - - - Other income (note 5b) 24,307 - - - - - 78 Interest on bank accounts 43,165 22,469 - 21,737 - 10,034 118,643 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) 33,988 - 86,527 4,800 - 5,778 281,320

����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ������������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 67,020 13,584 1,344,632 154,496 146,380 175,614 4,265,702 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 221,618 99,785 203,158 105,068 27,116 45,116 262,073 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 27,463 10,576 122,190 23,541 14,189 17,913 177,112 Professional services 82,038 34,568 158,300 34,315 9,447 14,149 165,028 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 62,856 24,270 107,488 15,653 7,184 9,167 185,599 Printing and publishing 18,420 6,987 28,685 6,242 2,096 2,514 46,489 Other 12,776 4,232 26,768 6,162 3,276 3,748 31,683 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) 31,941 45,450 96,150 1,023 - - 89,002 Overdraft interest� - - 106,283 - 8,695 - -

��������� ��������� ����������� ��������� ��������� ��������� �����������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 178,359 76,780 217,357 82,877 34,610 44,631 197,672

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ������������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) 2,355,816 (659,935) (1,515,122) 2,727,725 139,739 1,988,688 (20,608,771)Financial futures contracts (note 10) (830,568) 573,549 (187,479) (643,547) (97,264) 393,408 2,252,132 Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) 4,868,371 1,647,957 4,598,122 (201,372) (364) 591,999 (851,907)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) (99,227) 86,079 (485,977) 1 - (243,434) 2,042,388

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� ����������� ����������� ����������� ����������� �������� ����������� �������������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments 8,033,087 2,665,198 2,002,504 7,083,994 (1,077,535) 4,730,960 (51,319,139)Financial futures contracts (note 10) (58,738) (185,968) 126,586 37,385 (104,087) 51,454 (128,971)Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) (367,231) 468,126 (1,035,744) 168,521 - 186,374 (168,724)Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (1,940,428) (563,285) (220,637) 253,500 1,259 (571,124) (2,812,963)

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� ����������� ����������� ��������� ����������� ������������ ����������� �������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� ������������ ����������� ����������� ������������ ���������� ����������� �������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� ���������� ����� �������� ���������� ������ ���������� �������������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period (32,151,081) 14,229,611 (2,864,110) 198,621,444 3,112,913 103,911,990 135,029,433 Total net assets at the beginning of the period 496,061,525 195,500,079 847,076,809 118,212,421 57,323,799 61,986,088 1,041,613,075 Translation difference

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG 86������������ 86������������ �Ą������������ 86������������ �Ą����������� 86������������ 86��������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (358)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets

354 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) US$1,677,835 US$38,689,294 US$13,830,275 €115,425,484 Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) - - - 59,742,861 Other income (note 5b) - 853 5 5,018,619 Interest on bank accounts 7,249 125,154 26,545 1,345,963 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - 9,164 - 414,647

����������� ������������ ������������ �������������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 170,721 2,001,291 1,110,486 37,810,598 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 24,560 261,162 195,308 3,300,003 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 13,077 63,725 49,252 1,941,227 Professional services 8,697 188,112 74,875 1,862,543 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 3,809 298,813 160,757 1,661,695 Printing and publishing 2,031 55,015 16,735 530,254 Other 3,421 47,277 14,023 458,364 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - 8,203 3,463 290,427 Overdraft interest� - 147 48 159,742

��������� ����������� ����������� ������������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 16,357 455,535 277,358 2,556,983

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ����������� ������������ ������������ �������������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) (667,871) (35,641,785) (13,344,503) (277,478,572)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - 10,250,581 - 11,459,973 Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (4,001) 919,782 (2,065,673) 2,182,466 Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - (218,860) (27,239) 821,833

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� ���������� ������������� ������������� ��������������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments (3,459,383) (52,599,972) (27,140,952) (66,637,682)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - 661,801 (124,404) 286,062 Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - (50,867) (35,237) (1,219,815)Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (1,077) 1,260,314 675,629 (4,807,793)

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� ������������ ������������� ������������� �������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� ������������ ������������� ������������� ��������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� �������� ��������� ������������ �������������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period 101,971 39,170,183 156,820,483 1,547,463,278 Total net assets at the beginning of the period 55,615,377 1,274,872,168 351,734,438 14,030,286,355 Translation difference (18,537,189)

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG 86����������� 86�������������� 86������������ �Ą���������������


� Mainly due to negative interest rate policy implemented by central banks.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (359)

Combined statement of operations and changes in net assets

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 355






,QFRPH��QRWH��G�Interest on bonds and convertible bonds (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) US$1,677,835 US$38,689,294 US$13,830,275 €115,425,484 Dividend income (net of withholding taxes) (note 5b) - - - 59,742,861 Other income (note 5b) - 853 5 5,018,619 Interest on bank accounts 7,249 125,154 26,545 1,345,963 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - 9,164 - 414,647

����������� ������������ ������������ �������������([SHQVHVManagement fees (note 3a) 170,721 2,001,291 1,110,486 37,810,598 Administrative Manager services (note 3b) 24,560 261,162 195,308 3,300,003 Taxe d’abonnement (note 5a) 13,077 63,725 49,252 1,941,227 Professional services 8,697 188,112 74,875 1,862,543 Depositary and custody (note 3b) 3,809 298,813 160,757 1,661,695 Printing and publishing 2,031 55,015 16,735 530,254 Other 3,421 47,277 14,023 458,364 Interest on swap contracts (notes 8 and 9) - 8,203 3,463 290,427 Overdraft interest� - 147 48 159,742

��������� ����������� ����������� ������������

Reimbursem*nt of expenses (note 3d) 16,357 455,535 277,358 2,556,983

1HW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D� ����������� ������������ ������������ �������������

Net realised gain/(loss) on:Sale of investments (note 2e) (667,871) (35,641,785) (13,344,503) (277,478,572)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - 10,250,581 - 11,459,973 Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (4,001) 919,782 (2,065,673) 2,182,466 Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - (218,860) (27,239) 821,833

1HW�UHDOLVHG�SURÀW��ORVV��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��E� ���������� ������������� ������������� ��������������

Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on:Investments (3,459,383) (52,599,972) (27,140,952) (66,637,682)Financial futures contracts (note 10) - 661,801 (124,404) 286,062 Swap contracts (note 8 and 9) - (50,867) (35,237) (1,219,815)Foreign currency transactions (note 2c) (1,077) 1,260,314 675,629 (4,807,793)

1HW�FKDQJH�LQ��XQUHDOLVHG�DSSUHFLDWLRQ��GHSUHFLDWLRQ��IRU�WKH�SHULRG��F� ������������ ������������� ������������� �������������

5HVXOW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�IRU�WKH�SHULRG��D�E�F� ������������ ������������� ������������� ��������������

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLRQ��QRWH��� �������� ��������� ������������ �������������

Net subscriptions/(redemptions) of shares for the period 101,971 39,170,183 156,820,483 1,547,463,278 Total net assets at the beginning of the period 55,615,377 1,274,872,168 351,734,438 14,030,286,355 Translation difference (18,537,189)

7RWDO�QHW�DVVHWV�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG 86����������� 86�������������� 86������������ �Ą���������������


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (360)

356 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,949,832Shares subscribed 9,271,053Shares redeemed (7,159,983)


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,419,365Shares subscribed 12,764,915Shares redeemed (136,590)


&ODVV�$�GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 3,200Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,238Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 14,954,454Shares subscribed 865,585Shares redeemed (917,548)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 59,301,248Shares subscribed 32,088,227Shares redeemed (17,860,809)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,582,414Shares subscribed 2,160,320Shares redeemed (1,967,194)


&ODVV�%GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 30,028Shares subscribed 223,333Shares redeemed (11,480)


�&ODVV�%JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 773,760Shares subscribed 74,120Shares redeemed (209,781)


&ODVV�%K�$8'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 73,110Shares subscribed 128,091Shares redeemed (28,120)


&ODVV�%K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 334,055Shares subscribed 57,111Shares redeemed (57,106)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 26,188,913Shares subscribed 9,470,550Shares redeemed (6,654,148)


&ODVV�%K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 839,479Shares subscribed 593,014Shares redeemed (254,403)


&ODVV�%K�6*'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 870,834Shares subscribed 375,501Shares redeemed (235,917)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 90,945,584Shares subscribed 14,954,730Shares redeemed (3,093,131)


&ODVV�&DGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 23,707,969Shares subscribed 4,926,911Shares redeemed (1,189,019)


For the period ended 30 June 2020

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (361)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 357

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�&DGK�$8'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,885,398Shares subscribed 3,878,092Shares redeemed (52,555)


&ODVV�&GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,551,159Shares subscribed 1,689,528Shares redeemed (34,718)


&ODVV�&GK�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 974,525Shares subscribed 3,061,661Shares redeemed (78,556)


&ODVV�&K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 205,008Shares subscribed 5,967Shares redeemed (18,194)


&ODVV�&K�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,782,297Shares subscribed 1,083,965Shares redeemed (158,784)


&ODVV�&K�1='Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 297,813Shares subscribed 662,808Shares redeemed (25,551)


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,504,170Shares subscribed 334,541Shares redeemed (275,530)


&ODVV�1JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 131,233Shares subscribed 41,265Shares redeemed (21,431)


�&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,136,897Shares subscribed 432,407Shares redeemed (597,012)


&ODVV�3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 663,730Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 8,790Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 246,022Shares subscribed 97,595Shares redeemed (97,807)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 70,721Shares subscribed 4,871Shares redeemed (37,462)


&ODVV�7JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 21,719Shares subscribed 5,446Shares redeemed (6,091)


&ODVV�7K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 28,081Shares subscribed 12,655Shares redeemed (10,563)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 57,299,055Shares subscribed 24,963,406Shares redeemed (19,069,576)


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (362)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

358 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,092,753Shares subscribed 409,648Shares redeemed (1,083,128)


&ODVV�=GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 48,281Shares subscribed 47,943Shares redeemed (23,903)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,168,049Shares subscribed 268,104Shares redeemed (249,615)


&ODVV�=K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,062,665Shares subscribed 47,363Shares redeemed (44,171)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,554,094Shares subscribed 5,262,541Shares redeemed (3,817,834)


&ODVV�=K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 421,480Shares subscribed 179,207Shares redeemed (108,114)


&ODVV�=K�6*'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 17,732Shares subscribed 24,960Shares redeemed (4,433)


�&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,917,773Shares subscribed 10,805,800Shares redeemed (3,836,269)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 34,356,589Shares subscribed 7,662,968Shares redeemed (2,190,819)


&ODVV�=/JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 375,383Shares subscribed 41,905Shares redeemed (51,802)


&ODVV�=/K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,231,652Shares subscribed 745,920Shares redeemed (211,373)


&ODVV�=/K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,626,724Shares subscribed 1,478,909Shares redeemed (873,246)


&ODVV�=/K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,017,044Shares subscribed 2,804,896Shares redeemed (482,144)



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (363)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 359

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 244,524Shares subscribed 8,762Shares redeemed (35)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 610,084Shares subscribed 147,611Shares redeemed (190,499)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 91,385Shares subscribed 3,991Shares redeemed (11,469)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,751,531Shares subscribed 300,841Shares redeemed (531,862)


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,817Shares subscribed 453Shares redeemed (251)


�&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,311,381Shares subscribed 114,467Shares redeemed (744,594)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 814,481Shares subscribed 15,751Shares redeemed (696,360)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,565,189Shares redeemed (459)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 1,169,903Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (364)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

360 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 878,897Shares subscribed 1,972Shares redeemed (364)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 745,966Shares subscribed 61,325Shares redeemed (110,852)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 78,337Shares subscribed 15,792Shares redeemed (37,589)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,255,193Shares subscribed 1,468,737Shares redeemed (481,475)


&ODVV�&GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,812,948Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 23,611Shares subscribed 584Shares redeemed (1,823)


�&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 25,487Shares subscribed 974Shares redeemed (1,995)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 15,897,387Shares subscribed 332,083Shares redeemed (4,580,642)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 818,174Shares subscribed 6,920Shares redeemed (708,970)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,841Shares subscribed 354Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 3,958,915Shares redeemed (2,089)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 608,016Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (365)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 361

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 223,919Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 45,222Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (34,362)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 26,202Shares subscribed 5,719Shares redeemed (930)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 13,763Shares subscribed 2,513Shares redeemed (540)


&ODVV�%JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,759Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,757,707Shares subscribed 669,712Shares redeemed (484,185)


&ODVV�&DGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 233,243Shares subscribed 29,785Shares redeemed –


�&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,759Shares subscribed 318Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,380Shares subscribed 3,278Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,911,472Shares subscribed 64,494Shares redeemed (45,878)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 275,191Shares subscribed 3,471Shares redeemed (127,669)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,018Shares subscribed 26Shares redeemed (1,868)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 24,522Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 128,935Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (366)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

362 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,000Shares subscribed 4,292,214Shares redeemed (1,189,158)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 4,939Shares redeemed –


�&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,000,068Shares subscribed 74,172Shares redeemed (11,187)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 53,193Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (367)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 363

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,004,963Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 193,524Shares subscribed 3,590Shares redeemed (46,858)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,362,811Shares subscribed 801,114Shares redeemed (306,189)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 19,367Shares subscribed 6,519Shares redeemed (7,640)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 16,563,514Shares subscribed 145,485Shares redeemed (3,431,984)


&ODVV�&DGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 751,603Shares subscribed 523,201Shares redeemed (82,735)


&ODVV�&DGK�$8'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 64,302Shares subscribed 25,641Shares redeemed (3,464)


&ODVV�&K�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,684,161Shares subscribed 37,847Shares redeemed (655,091)


�&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 211,649Shares subscribed 172,407Shares redeemed (59,303)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,327,185Shares subscribed 1,152,753Shares redeemed (787,679)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 311,157Shares subscribed 112,512Shares redeemed (234,484)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 56,434Shares subscribed 26,950Shares redeemed (62)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 547,277Shares subscribed 156,779Shares redeemed (202,228)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 211,967Shares redeemed (1,570)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 178,253Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 3,475Shares redeemed –


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (368)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

364 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=/K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,954Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (369)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 365

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 16,750Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 962,502Shares subscribed 228,896Shares redeemed (37,775)


&ODVV�$��Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 372Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 14,627Shares subscribed 946Shares redeemed (4,173)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 572Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 261,485Shares subscribed 2,871Shares redeemed (6,078)


&ODVV�3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 532,756Shares subscribed 4,179Shares redeemed (57,187)


�&ODVV�3GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 79,315Shares subscribed 242Shares redeemed (75,775)


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 689Shares subscribed 877Shares redeemed (408)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 13,672Shares subscribed 186Shares redeemed (6,438)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,220Shares subscribed 2,708Shares redeemed (6,824)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 52,216Shares redeemed (1,829)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 65,188Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (370)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

366 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,007,204Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (971,875)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 711,124Shares subscribed 17,368Shares redeemed (87,688)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,343Shares subscribed 1,295Shares redeemed (1,147)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 33,899Shares subscribed 5,852Shares redeemed (26,210)


&ODVV�%K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 16,500Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (4,534)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,403,590Shares subscribed 4,665Shares redeemed (9,928)


&ODVV�&K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,258Shares subscribed 38Shares redeemed (9,833)


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,889Shares subscribed 18,264Shares redeemed (81)


�&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,997Shares subscribed 374Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,859Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 1,306,302Shares redeemed (3,691)


&ODVV�3GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 5,809Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 5,806Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3GK�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 5,811Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 5,761Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 5,757Shares redeemed –


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (371)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 367

&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,141Shares subscribed 184Shares redeemed (434)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 35,414Shares subscribed 4,005Shares redeemed (8,801)


&ODVV�7JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 38,563Shares subscribed 465Shares redeemed (11,306)


&ODVV�7K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,473Shares subscribed 134Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,262,634Shares subscribed 1,742,277Shares redeemed (2,463,031)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,206,927Shares subscribed 10,573Shares redeemed (1,156,636)


&ODVV�=JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,572Shares subscribed 19Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 15,717Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (7,171)


�&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 880,365Shares subscribed 5,431Shares redeemed (288,680)


&ODVV�=K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 106,639Shares subscribed 4,967Shares redeemed (12,491)


&ODVV�=K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 46,467Shares subscribed 5,745Shares redeemed (37,483)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 28,698Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 40,275Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 5,625Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 5,987Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 43,696Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (372)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

368 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 104,166Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (9,427)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,010,263Shares subscribed 103,157Shares redeemed (781,705)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 146,986Shares subscribed 1,944Shares redeemed (16,069)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 23,196Shares subscribed 8,854Shares redeemed (3,113)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 119,161Shares subscribed 83,785Shares redeemed (99,808)


&ODVV�%K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 134,916Shares subscribed 184Shares redeemed (43,594)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,237,534Shares subscribed 125,113Shares redeemed (63,134)


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,770Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (42)


�&ODVV�1JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,161Shares subscribed 15Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,873Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 1,291Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,655Shares subscribed 37Shares redeemed (1,626)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 208,281Shares subscribed 8,146Shares redeemed (23,608)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,171,181Shares subscribed 359,890Shares redeemed (2,508,841)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 269,198Shares subscribed 40,101Shares redeemed (126,634)


&ODVV�=JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,753Shares subscribed 5Shares redeemed –


� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (373)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 369

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,866Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 13,389Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 974,329Shares redeemed (308)


���&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 60,517Shares redeemed (35,686)


&ODVV�=/K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,138Shares redeemed (3,027)



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (374)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

370 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 40,725Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 315,909Shares subscribed 1,909Shares redeemed (264,645)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 180,483Shares subscribed 88,665Shares redeemed (29,410)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,997Shares subscribed 100Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,733,326Shares subscribed 116,215Shares redeemed (89,708)


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 14,959Shares subscribed 3,421Shares redeemed (1,167)


&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,997Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,372,865Shares subscribed 234,907Shares redeemed (72,856)


�&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,641Shares subscribed 94Shares redeemed (2,325)


&ODVV�=K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,154Shares subscribed 50Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 15,072Shares subscribed 376Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,530Shares subscribed 11,217Shares redeemed (10,350)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 23,072Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,798Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,905Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (375)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 371

&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 210,966Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (4,638)


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 719,493Shares subscribed 5,358Shares redeemed (4,049)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,250,620Shares subscribed 609,755Shares redeemed (831,582)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 290,103Shares subscribed 21,637Shares redeemed (13,004)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,466,471Shares subscribed 280,065Shares redeemed (383,293)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,010,625Shares subscribed 728,720Shares redeemed (282,293)


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 111,642Shares subscribed 2,795Shares redeemed (6,944)


&ODVV�1GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,925Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (848)


�&ODVV�1JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,718Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,253Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 3,376Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,693Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,433Shares subscribed 222Shares redeemed (365)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 24,066Shares subscribed 1,720Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,294Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,161Shares subscribed 301Shares redeemed –


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (376)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

372 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,241,368Shares subscribed 590,408Shares redeemed (1,302,023)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 904,727Shares subscribed 26,954Shares redeemed (129,712)


&ODVV�=GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 19,128Shares subscribed 5,255Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,809,681Shares subscribed 146,867Shares redeemed (235,499)


&ODVV�=JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,620,803Shares subscribed 404,550Shares redeemed (110,021)


&ODVV�=K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,671Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (1,158)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,845,479Shares subscribed 712,073Shares redeemed (1,529,863)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 74,427Shares redeemed –


��&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,042Shares subscribed 31,457Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,731,251Shares subscribed 89,401Shares redeemed (636,679)


&ODVV�=/JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 448,159Shares subscribed 286,473Shares redeemed (117,198)


&ODVV�=/K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 7,761Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (377)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 373

&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 254,264Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 469,742Shares subscribed 1,264,334Shares redeemed (82,414)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 161,288Shares subscribed 67,777Shares redeemed (58,868)


&ODVV�%GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 51,310Shares subscribed 40,019Shares redeemed (5,934)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,570Shares subscribed 171,968Shares redeemed (15,143)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,874Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,863Shares subscribed 7,583Shares redeemed –



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,868Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,894Shares subscribed 176,485Shares redeemed (166,165)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 112,152Shares subscribed 33,121Shares redeemed (93,238)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 9,947Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 10,559Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,425,821Shares subscribed 1,100,554Shares redeemed (211,244)


&ODVV�&GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,431Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 47,404Shares subscribed 3,151Shares redeemed (6,113)


&ODVV�1GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,299Shares subscribed 1Shares redeemed (2,249)


� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (378)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

374 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,036Shares subscribed 408Shares redeemed (422)


&ODVV�7GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,554Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,752,547Shares subscribed 749,603Shares redeemed (461,306)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,023,719Shares subscribed 409,807Shares redeemed (465,459)


&ODVV�=GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 218,869Shares subscribed 11,548Shares redeemed (56,124)


&ODVV�=GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,898Shares subscribed 3,792Shares redeemed –


�&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 9,814Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 9,818Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 44,115Shares redeemed (339)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 398,605Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (379)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 375

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 60,813Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,492,811Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (720,821)


&ODVV�$�GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 343,943Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,002,503Shares subscribed 2,019,875Shares redeemed (1,096,072)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 413,852Shares subscribed 493,143Shares redeemed (65,138)


&ODVV�%GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 255,266Shares subscribed 48,230Shares redeemed (78,104)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 16,894,633Shares subscribed 5,190,202Shares redeemed (1,129,344)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,203,508Shares subscribed 930,010Shares redeemed (393,121)


�&ODVV�&K�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,542,003Shares subscribed 145,386Shares redeemed (447,195)


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 553,719Shares subscribed 228,213Shares redeemed (35,163)


&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 352,552Shares subscribed 152,470Shares redeemed (36,807)


&ODVV�3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 64,173Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 130,237Shares subscribed 36,700Shares redeemed (23,236)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 177,367Shares subscribed 56,176Shares redeemed (29,507)


&ODVV�7JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 300,862Shares subscribed 27,128Shares redeemed (22,641)


&ODVV�7K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 437,392Shares subscribed 119,621Shares redeemed (114,819)


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (380)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

376 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,599,587Shares subscribed 4,293,510Shares redeemed (2,917,114)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 274,143Shares subscribed 96,278Shares redeemed (235,248)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,706Shares subscribed 4,897Shares redeemed (47)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,454,677Shares subscribed 753,569Shares redeemed (350,595)


�&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 80,621Shares redeemed (536)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 230,713Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,034Shares redeemed (636)



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (381)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 377

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 608,690Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,222,972Shares subscribed 370,000Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,503Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,276,093Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,409,967Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 13,962,660Shares subscribed 1,351,839Shares redeemed (671,200)


&ODVV�$�GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 430,022Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 27,949,642Shares subscribed 114,980Shares redeemed (22,375,434)


�&ODVV�$�K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 22,781,847Shares subscribed 19,037Shares redeemed (9,866)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,573,019Shares subscribed 348,556Shares redeemed (1,211,908)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 117,983Shares subscribed 28,236Shares redeemed (11,559)


&ODVV�%JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 136,132Shares subscribed 728Shares redeemed (55,225)


&ODVV�%K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 19,630Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (14,125)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 538,640Shares subscribed 76,377Shares redeemed (201,818)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,479,110Shares subscribed 163,236Shares redeemed (121,730)


&ODVV�&DGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 195,156Shares subscribed 1,662Shares redeemed (137,248)


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (382)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

378 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�&GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,100Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,006,862Shares subscribed 48,264Shares redeemed (258,236)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,328,167Shares subscribed 624,626Shares redeemed (878,001)


&ODVV�&K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 74,807Shares subscribed 3,750Shares redeemed (2,790)


&ODVV�&K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,395Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 42,886Shares subscribed 25,170Shares redeemed (11,657)


&ODVV�1JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,386Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,306Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


��&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 16,913Shares subscribed 1,383Shares redeemed (1,383)


&ODVV�3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,240,632Shares subscribed 626,638Shares redeemed (64,704)


&ODVV�3GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 34,547Shares subscribed 609Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,648Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,645Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 80,713Shares subscribed 4,861Shares redeemed (21,880)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 19,670Shares subscribed 9,227Shares redeemed (9,839)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 175,685Shares subscribed 205,686Shares redeemed (95,422)


� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (383)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 379

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�7JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 99,441Shares subscribed 2,620Shares redeemed (6,469)


&ODVV�7K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 28,308Shares subscribed 4,362Shares redeemed (2,503)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,436,356Shares subscribed 326,793Shares redeemed (796,571)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 520,181Shares subscribed 12,016Shares redeemed (211,913)


&ODVV�=GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 672,398Shares subscribed 90Shares redeemed (4,163)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,105,893Shares subscribed 916,135Shares redeemed (2,405,570)


&ODVV�=JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 465,855Shares subscribed 17,590Shares redeemed (285,750)


&ODVV�=K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,423Shares subscribed 81Shares redeemed (174)


��&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,467,508Shares subscribed 2,232,710Shares redeemed (3,130,344)


&ODVV�=K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 209,738Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (4,000)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 94,936Shares redeemed (11,042)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 143,425Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,795Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 7,597Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 9,583Shares redeemed (2,608)



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (384)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

380 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 341,267Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (27)


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 678,258Shares subscribed 21,310Shares redeemed (59,527)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 26,846Shares subscribed 29,377Shares redeemed (4,538)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,385Shares subscribed 2,551Shares redeemed (980)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 488,188Shares subscribed 73,332Shares redeemed (8,459)


&ODVV�&GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,303,503Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (1,862,655)


&ODVV�&GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 120,711Shares subscribed 680Shares redeemed (46,639)


&ODVV�&K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 170,080Shares subscribed 2,770Shares redeemed (79,761)


�&ODVV�&K�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,792,776Shares subscribed 596,324Shares redeemed (1,094,239)


&ODVV�&K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,476,353Shares subscribed 1,241,584Shares redeemed (745,103)


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 34,091Shares subscribed 7,943Shares redeemed (5,994)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 274,652Shares subscribed 33,098Shares redeemed (82,257)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 13,003Shares subscribed 32,243Shares redeemed (2,832)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 99,886Shares subscribed 85,310Shares redeemed (44,419)


&ODVV�=K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,562Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 72,823Shares redeemed –


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (385)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 381

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,157Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (386)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

382 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,735Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 722,655Shares subscribed 626,566Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,858,434Shares subscribed 1,824,720Shares redeemed (1,046,640)


&ODVV�&K�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,439,986Shares subscribed 1,155,102Shares redeemed (1,223,394)


�&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,262Shares subscribed 5,103Shares redeemed (989)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 4,916Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (387)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 383

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 176,775Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (24)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,970,309Shares subscribed 6,549,041Shares redeemed (5,167,107)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 78,653Shares subscribed 20,855Shares redeemed (12,488)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,738,107Shares subscribed 1,118,411Shares redeemed (1,536,329)


&ODVV�&K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,137,539Shares subscribed 6,492Shares redeemed (557,437)


&ODVV�&K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,401Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 107,148Shares subscribed 17,136Shares redeemed (56,218)


&ODVV�3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 9,972,632Shares redeemed (1,111,232)


�&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 22,402Shares subscribed 14,782Shares redeemed (7,982)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,414,227Shares subscribed 657,991Shares redeemed (9,871,099)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 382,306Shares subscribed 8,722Shares redeemed (14,199)


&ODVV�=K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,690Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 22,539Shares redeemed (516)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,256Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (388)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

384 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$��K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,002Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,173Shares subscribed 47Shares redeemed (47)


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 8,406Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,896,265Shares subscribed 15,660,521Shares redeemed (497,049)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 717,719Shares subscribed 121,028Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 138,838Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,081Shares subscribed 358Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,372,352Shares subscribed 58,184Shares redeemed (6,842)


�&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,407Shares subscribed 818,004Shares redeemed (28,000)


&ODVV�=GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 8,608Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,000Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,107Shares subscribed 1Shares redeemed (1)


&ODVV�=K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 127,008Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 359,221Shares subscribed 426,194Shares redeemed (88,017)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 64,211Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 4,288Shares redeemed –


� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (389)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 385

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=OGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 10,101Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (390)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

386 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,774Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 21,069Shares subscribed 9,830Shares redeemed (3,165)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 13,147Shares subscribed 8,302Shares redeemed (3,456)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,000Shares subscribed 94,198Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,146Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 47,762Shares subscribed 16,135Shares redeemed –


�&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,250Shares subscribed 847Shares redeemed (3,101)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,896,901Shares subscribed 130,396Shares redeemed (73,433)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,378Shares subscribed 677Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�86'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,289Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 43,838Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (391)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 387

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,483Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 170,655Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (82,431)


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 14,571Shares subscribed 1,075,899Shares redeemed (152,974)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 4,006Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 18,432Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,725Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (7)


&ODVV�&GK�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,037,761Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 21,428Shares subscribed 183,535Shares redeemed (9,253)


�&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 8,178Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,042,140Shares subscribed 662,498Shares redeemed (23,823)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,685Shares subscribed 18Shares redeemed (2,703)


&ODVV�=GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 698,176Shares redeemed (1,902)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 31,939Shares subscribed 26,926Shares redeemed (21,738)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 7,871Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=K�6*'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 8,939Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 10,386Shares redeemed –


Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (392)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

388 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,669Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (393)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 389

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,509,997Shares subscribed 66,489Shares redeemed (140,970)


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 30,012Shares subscribed 1,014Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 28,675Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,337,081Shares subscribed 344,841Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,283,044Shares subscribed 1,049,792Shares redeemed (713,794)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,506,927Shares subscribed 1,696,654Shares redeemed (358,770)


&ODVV�%GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 478,751Shares subscribed 362,291Shares redeemed (64,886)


&ODVV�%GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 44,410Shares subscribed 62,375Shares redeemed –



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,656,587Shares subscribed 642,847Shares redeemed (682,985)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 280,025Shares subscribed 69,063Shares redeemed (78,740)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,510Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 73,375Shares subscribed 64,957Shares redeemed (7,647)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 119,016Shares subscribed 42,430Shares redeemed (30,981)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 856,956Shares subscribed 170,608Shares redeemed (118,307)


&ODVV�%JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 904,305Shares subscribed 418,991Shares redeemed (233,348)


&ODVV�%JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 6,184Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (394)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

390 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�%K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 278,186Shares subscribed 570,405Shares redeemed (169,943)


&ODVV�%K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,361Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%K�6*'Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,250Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed (91)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,231,139Shares subscribed 163,193Shares redeemed (69,876)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 154,391Shares subscribed 96,398Shares redeemed (9,750)


&ODVV�&GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,610,719Shares subscribed 851,225Shares redeemed (888,842)


&ODVV�&K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 20,708Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&K�-3<Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,079,101Shares subscribed 47,569Shares redeemed (119,410)


��&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 166,948Shares subscribed 58,197Shares redeemed (20,201)


&ODVV�1GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 202,574Shares subscribed 109,450Shares redeemed (64,961)


&ODVV�1JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 25,887Shares subscribed 12,810Shares redeemed (1,172)


&ODVV�1JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,550Shares subscribed 19Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 30,621Shares subscribed 7,408Shares redeemed (1,905)


&ODVV�3JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 1,039Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,076Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�3K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,294Shares redeemed –


� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (395)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 391

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�3K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,256Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 187,369Shares subscribed 24,721Shares redeemed (49,099)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 162,908Shares subscribed 84,636Shares redeemed (30,234)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 374,589Shares subscribed 87,738Shares redeemed (51,325)


&ODVV�7JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 80,131Shares subscribed 17,399Shares redeemed (16,401)


&ODVV�7K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,242Shares subscribed 33Shares redeemed (1,168)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,455,237Shares subscribed 1,458,982Shares redeemed (557,989)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,446,076Shares subscribed 281,715Shares redeemed (272,295)


��&ODVV�=GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 129,916Shares subscribed 33,419Shares redeemed (30,705)


&ODVV�=GK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 86,285Shares subscribed 55,898Shares redeemed (34,171)


&ODVV�=GPShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 1,050Shares redeemed –



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 65,000Shares subscribed 10,000Shares redeemed (5,000)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,113,408Shares subscribed 390,704Shares redeemed (649,922)


&ODVV�=JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 1,063,900Shares subscribed 138,571Shares redeemed (746,734)


&ODVV�=K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,706Shares subscribed 3,500Shares redeemed (4,895)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 318,397Shares subscribed 1,969,855Shares redeemed (1,325,197)


� Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (396)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

392 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�&ODVV�=K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 330,851Shares subscribed 59,599Shares redeemed (311,436)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 38,631Shares redeemed (74)


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 49,182Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/GK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,026Shares redeemed –


��&ODVV�=/K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,568Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,297Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/K�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 2,123Shares redeemed (98)



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (397)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 393

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 12,949Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�K�&+)Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,496Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,924Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,031Shares subscribed 1Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,000Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,018,624Shares subscribed 59Shares redeemed (34,678)


�&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,885Shares subscribed 24Shares redeemed (104)


&ODVV�=JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,000Shares subscribed 115Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=JGK�*%3Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,986Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 39,074Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 4,605Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (398)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

394 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,324,258Shares subscribed 1,136,364Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 2,094,832Shares subscribed 344,250Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 7,863,828Shares subscribed 627,284Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$��Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 25,581,621Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$��Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 31,245,195Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,751Shares subscribed 770Shares redeemed (977)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,646Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 3,331Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


�&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 25,636Shares subscribed 83Shares redeemed (3,025)



Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 16,384Shares subscribed 2,010Shares redeemed (5,535)


&ODVV�7JGK�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 73,084Shares subscribed 18,285Shares redeemed (9,879)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 525,895Shares subscribed 271,520Shares redeemed (62,789)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 176,137Shares subscribed 98,990Shares redeemed (156,206)


&ODVV�=K�(85Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 6,118Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 15,421Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 72,561Shares redeemed –


7RWDO�VKDUHV�RXWVWDQGLQJ�DW�WKH�HQG�RI�WKH�SHULRG ���������� � Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (399)

For the period ended 30 June 2020 (continued)

Combined statement of changes in the number of shares outstanding

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 395

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 997,357Shares subscribed 455,000Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 15,542,476Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$�Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,496Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$��GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 12,505,478Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�$��Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 4,864Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�%Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 357,149Shares subscribed 104,892Shares redeemed (98,085)


&ODVV�%GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 425,170Shares subscribed 61,176Shares redeemed (48,326)


&ODVV�&Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 5,011Shares subscribed –Shares redeemed –


��&ODVV�1Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 176,729Shares subscribed 41,078Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�1JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 9,083Shares subscribed 159,475Shares redeemed (1,300)


&ODVV�7Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 26,847Shares subscribed 11,459Shares redeemed (2,075)


&ODVV�7JGShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 342,176Shares subscribed 29,298Shares redeemed (46,845)


&ODVV�=Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period 11,639,844Shares subscribed 1,329,213Shares redeemed (902,456)


&ODVV�=GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period 308,302Shares subscribed 63,515Shares redeemed (148,866)


&ODVV�=/Shares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 7,067Shares redeemed –


&ODVV�=/GShares outstanding at the beginning of the period –Shares subscribed 4,470Shares redeemed –



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (400)

396 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


D���/HJDO�VWUXFWXUHCIF is an investment company (the “Company”) organised as a Société d’Investissem*nt à Capital Variable (SICAV) in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg and is established as an Undertaking for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) under Part 1 of the amended law of 17 December 2010. CIF has been converted from a self-managed SICAV into a SICAV managed by a management company, namely Capital International Management Company, Sàrl (the “Management Company”), on 1 February 2013. CIF commenced operations on 30 December 1969.

E�� )XQGVCIF has adopted a multiple-compartment (or “umbrella”) structure. CIF currently comprises the following funds (the “funds”): Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX), Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX), Capital Group World Growth and Income (LUX) (launched on 27 September 2019), Capital Group World Dividend Growers (LUX), Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX) (launched on 7 November 2019), Capital Group New World Fund (LUX), Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) (launched on 28 June 2019), Capital Group Japan Equity Fund (LUX), Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX), Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX), Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX), Capital Group Capital Income Builder (LUX), Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX), Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) (launched on 31 May 2019), Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX), Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX), Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX), Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX), Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX), Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX), Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX), Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX), Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) (launched on 31 May 2019) and Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) (launched on 31 May 2019).

F���6KDUH�FODVVHV�DQG�FXUUHQFLHV�Shares of each fund may be divided into class A4, A7, A9, A11, A13, A15, B, C, N, P, T, Z and ZL shares. In addition, some classes of some funds may be further broken down into equivalent classes.

The funds publish net asset values (NAVs) and offer dealing and reporting in various payment currencies, except hedged equivalent and dividend-distributing hedged equivalent classes for which the funds publish NAVs and offer dealing in the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation only. A detailed list of all active share classes as at 30 June 2020 is disclosed on page 14 to page 29. Furthermore, the list of all active share classes, available payment currencies and other details can be found online on the Management Company’s webpage at 7KH�UHSRUWLQJ�FXUUHQF\�LQ�ZKLFK�WKH�FRQVROLGDWHG�ÀQDQFLDO�VWDWHPHQWV�DFFRXQWV�DUH�SUHSDUHG�LV�(XUR��7KLV�FXUUHQF\�PD\�be different from the reporting currency of each CIF sub-funds which are expressed in Euro, US dollars or Yen.

The combined statement of net assets and the combined statement of operations and changes in net assets are the sum of the statement of net assets, the statement of operations and changes in net assets of each fund converted into the Company’s reporting currency using an exchange rate as at 30 June 2020.

G���'LYLGHQG�3ROLF\�Class A4, Class A7, Class A9, Class A11, Class A13, Class A15, Class B, Class C, Class N, Class P, Class T, Class Z and Class ZL and corresponding Hedged Equivalent Classes

As at 30 June 2020

Notes to the financial statements

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (401)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 397

It is not at present intended that dividends be distributed to Shareholders of Class A4, Class A7, Class A9, Class A11, Class A13, Class A15, Class B, Class C, Class N, Class P, Class T, Class Z, Class ZL and corresponding Hedged Equivalent Classes in any Fund.

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV�DQG�'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�+HGJHG�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV���3ULQFLSOH�DQG�DPRXQW��The Board of Directors of the Company intends to recommend that dividends be distributed to

Shareholders of all Dividend distributing Equivalent Classes and Dividend-distributing Hedged Equivalent Classes. 'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV�DQG�'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�+HGJHG�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV�PDUNHG�ZLWK�D�´Gµ�

The dividend will generally represent all of the net investment income (i.e., investment income net of withholding taxes and expenses) of such Classes. A given Class may not actually pay a dividend in any given accounting period if it KDV�QR��RU�LQVLJQLÀFDQW��QHW�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH�

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV�DQG�'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�+HGJHG�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV�PDUNHG�ZLWK�D�´JGµ� The dividend will generally represent a substantial part of the gross investment income (i.e., investment income net of withholding taxes but gross of expenses) of such Classes. A given Class may not actually pay a dividend in any given accounting period if it KDV�QR��RU�LQVLJQLÀFDQW��JURVV�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH��7KH�SD\PHQW�RI�GLYLGHQGV�RXW�RI�JURVV�LQYHVWPHQW�LQFRPH�LPSOLHV�WKDW�DOO�RU�part of the fees and expenses are charged to capital (i.e. accumulated capital gains or initial investment).

'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV�DQG�'LYLGHQG�GLVWULEXWLQJ�+HGJHG�(TXLYDOHQW�&ODVVHV�PDUNHG�ZLWK�DQ�´DGµ� This share class is available only to Capital Group investors, subject to conditions established from time to time by Capital Group. The dividend will generally represent all of the net investment income (i.e., investment income net of withholding taxes and expenses) of such Classes. A given Class may not actually pay a dividend in any given DFFRXQWLQJ�SHULRG�LI�LW�KDV�QR��RU�LQVLJQLÀFDQW��QHW�LQFRPH��



These are marked by a “m”, i.e. “dm”, “gdm”, “adm”, “fdm” depending on the applicable dividend methodology (see “Dividend Policy” above for details) or “dmh”, “gdmh”, “admh” or “fdmh” for Dividend-distributing Hedged Equivalent Classes.

��3D\PHQW� Shareholders can elect in writing to have their dividends either reinvested in Shares or paid to them. In the absence of instruction from a Shareholder, the Administrative Manager will automatically reinvest any dividends in Shares promptly upon payment of the dividend. If the Shareholder elects to have dividends paid, the relevant amount will be paid at no charge by bank transfer in the relevant Payment Currency to the bank account designated for this SXUSRVH��ZLWK�DOO�QHFHVVDU\�GHWDLOV�DV�VSHFLÀHG�LQ�WKH�$FFRXQW�2SHQLQJ�)RUP��E\�WKH�6KDUHKROGHU��8SRQ�GLYLGHQGV�paid to a Shareholder having been returned to the Company for the second consecutive year, the Administrative Manager will reinvest in Shares the amounts so returned, as well as the amount of any subsequent dividend paid to the same Shareholder until otherwise instructed.

H�� $FFRXQWLQJ�\HDUThe accounting year of CIF begins on 1 January and terminates on 31 December in each year.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (402)


398 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


D�� *HQHUDO7KHVH�ÀQDQFLDO�VWDWHPHQWV�DUH�SUHSDUHG�LQ�DFFRUGDQFH�ZLWK�/X[HPERXUJ�ODZV��UHJXODWLRQV�DQG�SUDFWLFHV�UHODWLQJ�WR�investment funds. The last audited Net Asset Value, and the last day on which prices were calculated for all funds, was 30 June 2020. Please note that Fund Non-trading dates calendar for the year ongoing is available on CG website at (under How to invest / Non-trading days).


other regulated market are valued at the last traded or otherwise available price at the time the NAV is calculated on the principal market on which they are traded, as published by such market or furnished by a pricing service approved by the Board of Directors of the Company; and other securities are valued at prices furnished by, or yield equivalents obtained from, one or more dealers or such pricing service.

ii. Securities issued by UCITS or UCIs will be valued at their last available NAV on the relevant valuation date; they may be valued in accordance with item (i) above where such securities are listed.

iii. Money market instruments will be valued at nominal value plus any accrued interest or using an amortised cost method, provided that this method of valuation ensures that such assets will be valued at their fair value as determined in good faith pursuant to the procedure established by the Board of Directors of the Company.

iv. The liquidating value of OTC derivatives shall be determined based on information provided by pricing services approved by the Board of Directors of the Company.

v. If a price representative of a security’s fair value is not readily available from the pricing sources described under (i) through (iv) above, or if the accuracy of a portfolio’s valuation, as established pursuant to (i) above, is materially affected by events that occur prior to the NAV being calculated, the relevant security or securities will be valued at the fair value, as determined by or under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company. Use of such fair valuation procedures is intended to result in more representative NAVs and to eliminate or substantially reduce potential arbitrage opportunities at the expense of shareholders that might otherwise be available to short-term investors.

F���)RUHLJQ�FXUUHQFLHVi. Assets and liabilities in currencies other than euros have been translated into euros at the prevailing exchange rates

as at 30 June 2020. Transactions during the period in currencies other than euros have been translated at rates prevailing at the time of the transaction. The variation of the net unrealised exchange gains or losses on open forward currency exchange contracts and on other assets and liabilities between 31 December 2019 and 30 June 2020 is disclosed in “net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on foreign currency transactions”. The net realised gains or losses on exchange, including on open forward currency exchange contracts expired during the year, are disclosed in “net realised gain/(loss) on foreign currency transactions”.

The principal exchange rate applied as at 30 June 2020 is 1 EUR = 121.309913376 YEN and 1 EUR = 1.123500008 USD.

ii. If a current quote representative of a foreign currency value is not readily available, or if the accuracy of a portfolio’s YDOXDWLRQ��DV�HVWDEOLVKHG�SXUVXDQW�WR��L��DERYH��LV�VLJQLÀFDQWO\�DIIHFWHG�E\�HYHQWV�WKDW�RFFXU�SULRU�WR�WKH�1$9�EHLQJ�calculated, the relevant foreign currency or currencies will be valued at the fair value, as determined by or under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Company. Use of such fair valuation procedures is intended to result in more representative NAVs and to eliminate or substantially reduce potential arbitrage opportunities at the expense of shareholders that might otherwise be available to short-term investors.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (403)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 399



H���5HDOLVHG�JDLQ�RU�ORVV�RQ�VDOH�RI�LQYHVWPHQWV�The realised gain or loss on sale of equities is determined on the average cost basis and the methodology of calculating JDLQV�RU�ORVVHV�RQ�GLVSRVDO�RI�À[HG�LQFRPH�VHFXULWLHV�LV�ÀUVW�LQ�ÀUVW�RXW��),)2��

I�� 8QIXQGHG�FDSLWDO�FRPPLWPHQWVUnfunded capital commitments represent agreements which obligate the Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) to meet capital calls in the future. Payment would be made when a capital call is requested. Capital calls can RQO\�EH�PDGH�LI�DQG�ZKHQ�FHUWDLQ�UHTXLUHPHQWV�KDYH�EHHQ�IXOÀOOHG��WKXV��WKH�WLPLQJ�DQG�WKH�DPRXQW�RI�VXFK�FDSLWDO�FDOOV�cannot readily be determined. Unfunded capital commitments are recorded when capital calls are requested. As of 30 June 2020, unfunded capital commitments were US$4,617,496.

J�� 0RUWJDJH�UHODWHG�VHFXULWLHV�²�7R�%H�$QQRXQFHG�VHFXULWLHV�FRQWUDFWV��7%$V�TBA contracts are forward contracts on agency mortgage pass-through securities issued by agencies such as Fannie Mae, )UHGGLH�0DF�DQG�*LQQLH�0DH��7KH�SDUWLFXODU�VHFXULWLHV��L�H���VSHFLÀHG�PRUWJDJH�SRROV��WR�EH�GHOLYHUHG�RU�UHFHLYHG�DUH�QRW�LGHQWLÀHG�DW�WKH�WUDGH�GDWH��EXW�DUH�´WR�EH�DQQRXQFHGµ�RQ�WKH�QRWLÀFDWLRQ�GDWH�ZKLFK�LV�WZR�GD\V�EHIRUH�WKH�VHWWOHPHQW�GDWH��+RZHYHU��VHFXULWLHV�WR�EH�GHOLYHUHG�PXVW�PHHW�VSHFLÀHG�FULWHULD��LQFOXGLQJ�IDFH�YDOXH��FRXSRQ�UDWH�DQG�PDWXULW\��DQG�be within industry-accepted “good delivery” standards. TBAs settle once each month based on a calendar published by the Securities Industry and Financial Markets Association.

TBA positions are disclosed in the schedule of investments. The purchase of this type of security has not been settled and as a consequence, the amount corresponding to the payable due when the transaction is settled, is disclosed under “Payable for To Be Announced contracts” in the statement of net assets.

1HJDWLYH�SRVLWLRQV�LQ�WKH�VFKHGXOH�RI�LQYHVWPHQWV�UHÁHFW�WKH�IXQG·V�VDOH�FRPPLWPHQWV�RI�7%$V��7KH�DPRXQW�corresponding to the receivable due when the transaction is settled, is disclosed under “Receivable for To Be Announced contracts” in the statement of net assets.

The realised gain/(loss) on TBAs and changes in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) are disclosed in the statement of operations and changes in net assets respectively under the headings “Net realised gain/(loss) on sale of investments” and “Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on investments”.

K���6ZLQJ�SULFLQJ�DGMXVWPHQWA fund may suffer dilution of the net asset value as a result of large subscriptions, redemptions or switches. Such GLOXWLRQ�ZRXOG�DULVH�IURP�VKDUHKROGHUV�EX\LQJ�RU�VHOOLQJ�VKDUHV�DW�D�QHW�DVVHW�YDOXH�ZKLFK�ZRXOG�QRW�DFFXUDWHO\�UHÁHFW�WKH�GHDOLQJ�DQG�RWKHU�FRVWV�LQFXUUHG�ZKHQ�VHFXULWLHV�DUH�WUDGHG�WR�DFFRPPRGDWH�FDVK�LQÁRZV�RU�RXWÁRZV��,Q�RUGHU�WR�counter such dilution impact, the Company adopts a swing pricing mechanism as part of its valuation policy. If on any valuation date, the net aggregate amount of subscriptions or redemptions in shares of a fund exceeds a pre-determined threshold expressed as a percentage of the net asset value of that fund, the net asset value may be adjusted upwards or

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (404)


400 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


$Q\�VZLQJ�SULFLQJ�DGMXVWPHQW�WR�VXFK�QHW�DVVHW�YDOXH�ZLOO�EH�DSSOLHG�V\VWHPDWLFDOO\�DQG�FRQVLVWHQWO\�EDVHG�RQ�SUHGHÀQHG�factors. The price adjustment may vary from fund to fund and will normally not exceed 2% of the original net asset value. The Company may decide to suspend the application of any swing pricing adjustment to the net asset value of any particular fund or increase this price adjustment limit in exceptional circ*mstances to protect the interests of shareholders. Such price adjustment is available on the Management Company’s webpage at concomitantly with the publication of the relevant net asset value. The Company, relying on the Management &RPSDQ\�DQG�LWV�&RQGXFWLQJ�2IÀFHUV·�RQJRLQJ�UHYLHZ��ZLOO�UHDVVHVV�RQ�D�SHULRGLF�EDVLV�WKH�SULFH�DGMXVWPHQW�IDFWRUV�WR�UHÁHFW�DQ�DSSUR[LPDWLRQ�RI�FXUUHQW�GHDOLQJ�DQG�RWKHU�FRVWV�

As at period end, a swing pricing adjustment has been applied to Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX) and Capital *URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;���7KH�RIÀFLDO�1HW�$VVHW�9DOXHV�SHU�VKDUH�RI�WKLV�IXQGV�IROORZLQJ�WKH�DSSOLFDWLRQ�RI�WKH�VZLQJ�SULFLQJ�IDFWRU��DUH�VKRZQ�LQ�WKH�IROORZLQJ�WDEOH��$OO�RWKHU�ÀQDQFLDO�LQIRUPDWLRQ�VWDWHG�LQ�WKLV�UHSRUW�LV�VKRZQ�EHIRUH�any adjustment for swing pricing.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;� DV�DW����-XQH�����Class B US$11.02Class C 11.09Class Z 11.06Class ZL 11.08

&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�Class A4 ¥1,956.26Class B 1,702.32Class Bd 1,692.60Class Bh-EUR 1,371.08Class Bh-USD 1,646.88Class C 2,134.26Class Ch-GBP 1,514.91Class N 1,628.82Class Nh-EUR 1,609.41Class P 1,871.25Class Pd 1,871.25Class Pdh-EUR 1,881.16Class Pdh-GBP 1,750.77Class Pdh-USD 1,837.45Class Ph-EUR 1,849.62Class Ph-GBP 1,732.13Class T 1,651.81Class Tgd 1,481.64Class Tgdh-EUR 1,306.17Class Th-EUR 1,460.89Class Z 1,869.83Class Zd 1,749.18Class Zgdh-GBP 1,382.41Class Zh-CHF 1,839.38Class Zh-EUR 1,499.76

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (405)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 401

&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;���FRQWLQXHG�Class Zh-GBP 1,570.29Class Zh-USD 1,954.89Class ZL 1,956.39Class ZLd 1,956.40Class ZLh-CHF 1,971.37Class ZLh-EUR 1,959.89Class ZLh-USD 1,920.08


D�� 0DQDJHPHQW�IHH&,)�SD\V�WKH�PDQDJHPHQW�IHH�DW�WKH�DQQXDO�UDWHV�VSHFLÀHG�EHORZ��7KLV�IHH�LV�XVHG�WR�FRPSHQVDWH�WKH�0DQDJHPHQW�Company which can in turn use it to compensate the Investment Advisers for their investment advisory services and the distributors and other intermediaries, as applicable, for services to investors or similar services in relation to investments made with their assistance.


$� $� $�� $��� $��� $��� %�and equi-

valent classes

and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;� 0.53% 0.43% 0.40% –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� 0.53% –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH��/8;� –�� 0.43% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;� 0.53% 0.43% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;� –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;� 0.65% 0.59% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.75%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;� –�� 0.80% 0.65% 0.60% –�� –�� 1.75%&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� 0.475% –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;� 0.53% –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;� 0.40% 0.35% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;� 0.40% 0.29% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;� 0.53% –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;� 0.53% 0.43% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� 0.90% 0.75% 0.60% –�� –�� –�� 1.75%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.31% 0.28% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.00%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.31% 0.28% –�� –�� –�� –�� –��

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.275% –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.00%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� –�� –�� –�� 0.21% –�� –�� 1.00%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.275% –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.00%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.275% 0.25% –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.00%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� 0.50% 0.40% 0.35% –�� –�� –�� 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;� 0.43% –�� –�� –�� –�� –�� 1.30%

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (406)


402 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


$� $� $�� $��� $��� $��� %�and equi-

valent classes

and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


and equi-valent


&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� 0.50% 0.40% –�� –�� 0.30% 0.275% 1.50%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� 0.50% 0.40% 0.35% 0.32% 0.30% –�� 1.50%


C &DG 1 3 T = =/and

equivalent classes�

and equivalent


and equivalent


and equivalent


and equivalent


and equivalent


and equivalent


&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;� – – 2.15% 0.60% 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� – –�� –�� –�� 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH��/8;� – –�� –�� –�� 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;� – – –�� –�� 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;� – –�� –�� –�� –�� 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;� – – 2.40% –�� –�� 0.875% 0.62%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;� – –�� –�� 0.70% 2.00% 0.875% 0.62%&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 2.15% 0.60% 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 2.15% 0.60% 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 2.15% –�� –�� 0.65% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;� – –�� 2.15% 0.60% 1.75% 0.65% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;� – –�� 2.15% –�� 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 2.15% 0.60% 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� – – 2.40% 0.70% 2.00% 0.875% 0.62%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� – –�� –�� –�� 1.15% 0.50% 0.35%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� – –�� –�� –�� –�� 0.50% 0.35%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 1.50% 0.40% 1.15% 0.50% 0.35%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� – – –�� –�� –�� 0.50% 0.35%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 1.50% –�� 1.15% 0.50% 0.35%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 1.50% –�� –�� 0.50% 0.35%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� – – 2.15% 0.60% 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 2.05% –�� –�� 0.65% 0.455%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� – –�� –�� –�� 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� – –�� 2.15% –�� 1.75% 0.75% 0.525%

�� Share classes not available.�� Investments in shares of class C and equivalent classes may only be made by investors having entered into a seperate agreement with respect to management fee.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (407)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 403

E�� 'HSRVLWDU\�IHH��FXVWRG\�IHH�DQG�IXQG�DGPLQLVWUDWLRQ�IHHThe Company has appointed J.P. Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. as Depositary, Custodian and Administrative Manager.The depositary, custody and fund administration effective fees may vary with the total assets of the funds and, for the custody fee, with the country breakdown in the portfolio. CIF paid fund administration, depositary and custody fees at the DSSUR[LPDWH�HIIHFWLYH�DQQXDO�UDWHV�VSHFLÀHG�EHORZ��5DWHV�DUH�FDOFXODWHG�EDVHG�RQ�WKH�DYHUDJH�QHW�DVVHWV�GXULQJ�WKH�SHULRG�


&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;� 0.01% 0.01%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.08%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;� 0.05% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;� 0.03% 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.06%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� 0.05% 0.05%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.03% 0.05%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.01% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.03% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� 0.02% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� 0.04% 0.05%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;� 0.01% 0.09%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� 0.05% 0.04%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� 0.08% 0.09%

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (408)


404 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

F�� 5HODWHG�SDUW\�WUDQVDFWLRQVProfessional services in the statement of operations and changes in net assets include an amount of €1,049,839 charged by the Management Company for administrative services rendered during the period ended 30 June 2020.

G�� 5HLPEXUVHPHQW�RI�H[SHQVHVEach share class is designed to support the needs of different investor types and has a different total expense ratio that affects the returns to shareholders. The CIF prospectus, available on the Management Company’s webpage at, explains further the differences between share classes.

The Management Company established a reimbursem*nt threshold so that each fund’s total expense ratio (excluding PDQDJHPHQW�IHH��GLG�QRW�H[FHHG�WKH�DQQXDO�UDWHV�VSHFLÀHG�EHORZ�


$� $� $� A11 $�� $�� B

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% – – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH��/8;�� – 0.06% – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;�� – – – – – – 0.00%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;��� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;�� – 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% – – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% – – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;�� 0.06% – – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�� 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – –&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% – – – – – 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� – – – 0.06% – – 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% – – – – – 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% – – – – 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�� 0.06% 0.06% 0.06% – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.06% – – – – – 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� 0.09% 0.09% – – 0.07% 0.07% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�� 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.09% 0.07% – 0.15%

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (409)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 405


C &DG 1 3 T = =/

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – – – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH��/8;�� 0.15% – – – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;�� 0.15% – – – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�(FRQRP\�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – – – – 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;��� 0.15% – 0.15% – – 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;�� 0.09% – – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% – – 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.10% – – – 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.10% – – – – 0.10% 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.10% – 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.10% – – – – 0.10% 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.10% – 0.10% – 0.10% 0.10% 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.10% – 0.10% – – 0.10% 0.10%&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% – – 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� 0.15% – – – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�� 0.15% – 0.15% – 0.15% 0.15% 0.15%

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (410)


406 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

As a result, for the period ended 30 June 2020, the amounts of the reimbursem*nt accrued daily in the funds and tobe paid by the Management Company were as indicated hereafter.

This reimbursem*nt policy may be changed or withdrawn at any time at the sole discretion of the Management Company.



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (411)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 407



The following quarterly and yearly dividends were distributed during the period ended 30 June 2020:









Class Bd 0.0125 – –Class Zd 0.2038 – –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd 0.4493 – –Class Ngd 0.1171 0.1458 –Class Tgd 0.1031 0.1286 –Class Zd 0.6314 – –Class Zgdh-GBP 0.1153 0.1438 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd – –Class Zd 0.0082 0.0035 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0089 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd 0.0218 0.0145 –Class Zd 0.0397 0.0314 –









Class Bd – – –Class Tgd 1.3538 8.0622 –Class Tgdh-EUR 1.2015 7.0447 –Class Zd 10.2139 – –Class Zgdh-GBP 1.3384 7.5836 –

Footnotes are on page 411.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (412)


408 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020









Class Bd – – –Class Bdh-EUR – – –Class Bgd 0.0404 0.0346 –Class Cad 0.0424�� 0.0369�� 0.0383Class Cadh-AUD 0.0371�� 0.0276�� 0.0315Class Cd 0.1958 – –Class Cdh-JPY 0.2004 – –Class Ngd 0.0402 0.0343 –Class Tgd 0.0400 0.0342 –Class Tgdh-EUR 0.0380 0.0322 –Class Zd 0.0788 – –Class Zdh-EUR 0.0748 – –Class Zgd 0.0418 0.0359 –Class ZLd 0.1067 – –Class ZLgd 0.0420 0.0361 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd 0.0037 – –Class Cd 0.0445 – –Class Tgd 0.0485 0.0507 –Class Zd 0.0241 – –Class Zgd 0.0485 0.0509 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�:RUOG�'LYLGHQG�*URZHUV��/8;�Class Bd 0.0316 0.0504 –Class Bgd 0.0876 0.1021 –Class Cad 0.1067�� 0.1311�� 0.1326Class Tgd 0.0864 0.1005 –Class Zd 0.0617 0.0795 –Class Zgd 0.0924 0.1079 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0975 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;�Class Cad 0.0391�� 0.0366�� 0.0467Class Cadh-AUD 0.0400�� 0.0267�� 0.0430Class Zd 0.1014 – –Class Zgd 0.0463 0.0370 –Class ZLgd n/a 0.0263 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�*URZWK�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd – – –Class Pd 0.3716 – –Class Zd 0.2942 – –&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;�Class Zgd 0.0373 0.0266 –Class ZLgd n/a 0.0143 –

Footnotes are on page 411.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (413)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 409








&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;�Class Bd 0.0352 – –Class Nd – – –Class Ngdh-EUR 0.0565 0.0555 –Class Pgdh-GBP n/a 0.0537 –Class Pgd n/a 0.0580 –Class Tgd 0.0585 0.0582 –Class Tgdh-EUR 0.0527 0.0518 –Class Zd 0.1457 – –Class Zdh-GBP 0.1241 – –Class Zgd 0.0609 0.0608 –Class Zgdh-GBP 0.0519 0.0508 –Class ZLd 0.1521 – –Class ZLgd 0.0609 0.0609 –Class ZLgdh-GBP 0.0507 0.0496 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;�Class Bd 0.0287 0.0417 –Class Bdh-GBP 0.0275 0.0389 –Class Cd 0.0678 0.0793 –Class Nd 0.0118 0.0254 –Class Td 0.0222 0.0354 –Class Zd 0.0482 0.0605 –Class Zdh-EUR 0.0437 0.0543 –Class Zdh-GBP 0.0464 0.0569 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0583 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd 0.1126 – –Class Bdh-EUR 0.0964 – –Class Tgd 0.0732 0.0758 –Class Tgdh-EUR 0.0614 0.0630 –Class Zd 0.2416 – –Class Zgd 0.0780 0.0809 –

Footnotes are on page 411.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (414)


410 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020








&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�Class A7d 0.1230 0.0936 –Class A7dh-GBP 0.1075 0.0813 –Class A9d 0.1476 0.1136 –Class A9dh-GBP 0.1118 0.0835 –Class Bd 0.0864 0.0606 –Class Bgd 0.1201 0.0953 –Class Cad 0.2004�� 0.1956�� 0.1561Class Cdh-GBP 0.1250 0.0979 –Class Ngd 0.1407 0.1115 –Class Ngdh-EUR 0.1384 0.1090 –Class Pd 0.1441 0.1125 –Class Tgd 0.1251 0.0992 –Class Tgdh-EUR 0.1086 0.0857 –Class Zd 0.1101 0.0830 –Class Zdh-GBP 0.1050 0.0784 –Class Zgd 0.1353 0.1076 –Class Zgdh-GBP 0.1190 0.0939 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0842 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd 0.0500 0.0420 –Class Cd 0.1007 0.0913 –Class Cdh-EUR 0.0894 0.0806 –Class Zd 0.0874 0.0773 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0658 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class Zd 0.0600 0.0521 –Class Zgd 0.0756 0.0675 –Class Zgdh-GBP 0.0717 0.0636 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0290 –Class ZLdh-GBP 0.0634 0.0564 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class Cdh-JPY n/a 0.0788 –Class Zd 0.0713 0.0615 –Class Zgd 0.0863 0.0765 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0426 –

Footnotes are on page 411.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (415)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 411








&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�Class A7d 0.6796 0.6481 –Class Bd 0.2225 0.2113 –Class Bdh-EUR 0.2400 0.2260 –Class Bdh-GBP 0.1696 0.1605 –Class Bgd 0.2656 0.2525 –Class Bgdh-GBP 0.2098 0.1986 –Class Cd 0.3538 0.3378 –Class Nd 0.3713 0.3515 –Class Ngd 0.5468 0.5192 –Class Ngdh-EUR 0.5311 0.4999 –Class Pgd n/a 0.5565 –Class Pgdh-GBP n/a 0.5409 –Class Tgd 0.4257 0.4046 –Class Tgdh-EUR 0.3273 0.3083 –Class Zd 0.4354 0.4147 –Class Zdh-EUR 0.5269 0.4975 –Class Zdh-GBP 0.3366 0.3193 –Class Zgd 0.4703 0.4481 –Class Zgdh-GBP 0.3645 0.3457 –Class ZLd n/a 0.4922 –Class ZLdh-EUR n/a 0.2780 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;�Class Zd 0.1317 0.1305 –Class Zgd 0.1490 0.1467 –Class Zgdh-GBP 0.1444 0.1409 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0806 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�Class Bd 0.1322 0.1060 –Class Tgdh-EUR 0.1479 0.1234 –Class Zd 0.1716 0.1421 –Class ZLd n/a 0.1529 –

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�Class A11d n/a 0.0943 –Class Bd 0.1087 0.0906 –Class Ngd 0.1679 0.1439 –Class Tgd 0.1331 0.1141 –Class Zd 0.1484 0.1258 –Class ZLd n/a 0.0805 –

Q�D� Indicates that the share class was not active on ex-date.²� Indicates that no distribution was made.�� The pay-date was 15 January 2020.�� The pay-date was 16 April 2020.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (416)


412 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

� � Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.”

In addition, the following dividends were distributed during the period ended 30 June 2020:



&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�Class Bgdm� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0201Class Bgdm� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0269Class Bgdm� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0445Class Bgdm� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0823Class Bgdm� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0052Class Bgdm� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.1265Class Bgdmh-USD� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0220Class Bgdmh-USD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0293Class Bgdmh-USD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0496Class Bgdmh-USD� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0919Class Bgdmh-USD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0059Class Bgdmh-USD� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.1430



&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;�Class Bfdm� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0281Class Bfdm� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0281Class Bfdm� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0281Class Bfdm� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0281Class Bfdm� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0281Class Bfdm� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0281Class Bfdmh-AUD� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0277Class Bfdmh-AUD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0262Class Bfdmh-AUD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0255Class Bfdmh-AUD� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0241Class Bfdmh-AUD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0255Class Bfdmh-AUD� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0261Class Bfdmh-CNH� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0271Class Bfdmh-CNH� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0271Class Bfdmh-CNH� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0272Class Bfdmh-CNH� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0267Class Bfdmh-CNH� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0268Class Bfdmh-CNH� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0266Class Bfdmh-EUR� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0282Class Bfdmh-EUR� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0272Class Bfdmh-EUR� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0270Class Bfdmh-EUR� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0270Class Bfdmh-EUR� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0268Class Bfdmh-EUR� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0272Class Bfdmh-GBP� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0283Class Bfdmh-GBP� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0279Class Bfdmh-GBP� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0271Class Bfdmh-GBP� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0262Class Bfdmh-GBP� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0266Class Bfdmh-GBP� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0261

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (417)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 413

� � Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.”



Class Bfdmh-SGD� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0283Class Bfdmh-SGD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0278Class Bfdmh-SGD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0272Class Bfdmh-SGD� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0267Class Bfdmh-SGD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0269Class Bfdmh-SGD� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0268

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�Class Cdm� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0422Class Cdm� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0336Class Cdm� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0283Class Cdm� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0301Class Cdm� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0238Class Cdm� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0243Class Cdmh-JPY� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0347Class Cdmh-JPY� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0275Class Cdmh-JPY� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0230Class Cdmh-JPY� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0248Class Cdmh-JPY� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0195Class Cdmh-JPY� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0203Class Tgdm� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0451Class Tgdm� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0361Class Tgdm� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0304Class Tgdm� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0325Class Tgdm� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0256Class Tgdm� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0261

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�Class Cadmh-AUD� 2 January 2020 15 January 2020 0.0210Class Cadmh-AUD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0246Class Cadmh-AUD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0184Class Cadmh-AUD� 1 April 2020 16 April 2020 0.0212Class Cadmh-AUD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0194Class Cadmh-AUD� 2 June 2020 10 June 2020 0.0184Class Cadmh-AUD� 30 June 2020 15 July 2020 0.0205

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�Class Bfdm� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.1981Class Bfdm� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.1875Class Bfdm� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.1875Class Bfdm� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.1875Class Bfdm� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.1875Class Bfdm� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.1875Class Bfdmh-AUD� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.2018Class Bfdmh-AUD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.1803Class Bfdmh-AUD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.1754Class Bfdmh-AUD� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.1656Class Bfdmh-AUD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.1755Class Bfdmh-AUD� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.1795Class Bfdmh-CNH� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.2151Class Bfdmh-CNH� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.2044Class Bfdmh-CNH� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.2050

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (418)


414 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020



Class Bfdmh-CNH� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.2017Class Bfdmh-CNH� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.2021Class Bfdmh-CNH� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.2005Class Bfdmh-EUR� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.2022Class Bfdmh-EUR� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.1835Class Bfdmh-EUR� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.1827Class Bfdmh-EUR� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.1825Class Bfdmh-EUR� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.1814Class Bfdmh-EUR� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.1837Class Bfdmh-GBP� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.2113Class Bfdmh-GBP� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.1957Class Bfdmh-GBP� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.1900Class Bfdmh-GBP� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.1841Class Bfdmh-GBP� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.1867Class Bfdmh-GBP� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.1830Class Bfdmh-SGD� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.2036Class Bfdmh-SGD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.1884Class Bfdmh-SGD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.1846Class Bfdmh-SGD� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.1809Class Bfdmh-SGD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.1823Class Bfdmh-SGD� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.1820Class Cadmh-AUD� 2 January 2020 15 January 2020 0.2770Class Cadmh-AUD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.2838Class Cadmh-AUD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.2507Class Cadmh-AUD� 1 April 2020 16 April 2020 0.2186Class Cadmh-AUD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.2008Class Cadmh-AUD� 2 June 2020 10 June 2020 0.2254Class Cadmh-AUD� 30 June 2020 15 July 2020 0.2470Class Tfdm� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0885Class Tfdm� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0835Class Tfdm� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0835Class Tfdm� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0835Class Tfdm� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0835Class Tfdm� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0835Class Zdm 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0064Class Zdm 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.1989Class Zdm 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.2192Class Zdm 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.2122Class Zfdmh-SGD� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.2298Class Zfdmh-SGD� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.2143Class Zfdmh-SGD� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.2099Class Zfdmh-SGD� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.2057Class Zfdmh-SGD� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.2074Class Zfdmh-SGD� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.2070

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�Class Tfdm� 2 January 2020 9 January 2020 0.0491Class Tfdm� 3 February 2020 10 February 2020 0.0480Class Tfdm� 2 March 2020 9 March 2020 0.0480Class Tfdm� 1 April 2020 8 April 2020 0.0480Class Tfdm� 4 May 2020 11 May 2020 0.0480Class Tfdm� 2 June 2020 9 June 2020 0.0480

� � Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.”

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (419)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 415

��� 7D[DWLRQ

D���7D[H�G·DERQQHPHQWIn Luxembourg, CIF is subject only to a tax (“taxe d’abonnement”) at the annual rate of 0.05% of the total net assets of each share class in each fund. However, as provided by the relevant Luxembourg laws in respect of share classes wholly held by institutional investors, a reduced rate of 0.01% per annum was applied in respect of class A4, A7, A9, A11, A13, A15, C and equivalent share classes, where available, for the period ended 30 June 2020. It should be noted that there can be no guarantee WKDW�WKH�EHQHÀW�RI�VXFK�UHGXFHG�UDWH�ZLOO�QRW�EH�GHQLHG�RU�WKDW��RQFH�REWDLQHG��LW�ZLOO�FRQWLQXH�WR�EH�DYDLODEOH�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH��6XFK�tax is accrued daily, payable quarterly and calculated on the total NAV of each share class at the end of the relevant quarter.

E�� )RUHLJQ�WD[HVCapital gains and income on securities may be subject to respectively capital gain taxes and withholding taxes. CIF is not expected to recover such taxes in full, but may have the possibility to reclaim a portion of the withholding taxes in accordance with the tax relief provided for in the double tax treaties in place between Luxembourg and some foreign countries.


8QGHU�FHUWDLQ�FLUFXPVWDQFHV��&,)�PD\�ÀOH�FODLPV�ZLWK�WKH�WD[�DXWKRULWLHV�RI�VRPH�IRUHLJQ�FRXQWULHV��ZKHQ�WKH�WD[�treatment it has been subject to could be considered as contestable or discriminatory. The nature of these claims is complex and subject to each jurisdiction’s local procedural rules and case law. In such cases, in view of the uncertainty of success, and in accordance with the accounting principle of prudence applied in Luxembourg, CIF does not accrue for the potential tax refund. When a claim is successful, any withholding tax or capital gain tax reimbursem*nt is only recognised DV�´RWKHU�LQFRPHµ�RU�´QHW�UHDOLVHG�JDLQ�RQ�VDOH�RI�LQYHVWPHQWVµ�UHVSHFWLYHO\�XSRQ�QRWLÀFDWLRQ�RI�WKH�ÀQDO�MXGJPHQW�

For the period ended 30 June 2020, the total amounts earned by the funds as a result of these claims were as follows:

Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) USD 17,639Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX) EUR 3,150 Capital Group World Growth and Income (LUX) USD 3,248 Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) USD 6,471 Capital Group Emerging Markets Growth Fund (LUX) USD 5,299,346 Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) USD 195 Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) USD 4,399 Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) USD 858 Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX) USD 277,480 Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) USD 24,307 Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) USD 78 Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX) USD 853 Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX) USD 5


In order to achieve the most appropriate currency distribution, the funds enter into forward currency exchange contracts DLPLQJ�WR�UHGXFH�WKH�ULVN�RI�WKH�GHSUHFLDWLRQ�LQ�WKH�YDOXH�RI�VSHFLÀF�FXUUHQFLHV��7KH�IXQGV�GR�QRW�LQWHQG�WR�V\VWHPDWLFDOO\�hedge currency exposures back to any currency, except in the case of hedged equivalent classes, as described in note 7 to WKH�ÀQDQFLDO�VWDWHPHQWV��

� � Effective 19 February 2020, the monthly dividend-paying share classes were renamed by adding a “m”.”

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (420)


416 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

�� In this note, “hedged equivalent classes” include “dividend-distributing hedged equivalent classes” as well.

Forward currency exchange contracts are valued on the basis of forward currency exchange rates prevailing on the relevant reporting date and the resulting net change in unrealised gain or loss is included in the statement of operations and changes in net assets.


The hedged equivalent classes seek to limit the exposure of their shareholders to currencies other than the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation, through a systematic passive currency-hedging overlay performed by -�3��0RUJDQ�&KDVH�%DQN��1�$��RQ�D�VLJQLÀFDQW�SDUW�RI�WKH�DVVHWV�RI�WKH�UHOHYDQW�IXQG�DWWULEXWDEOH�WR�WKHVH�FODVVHV�,Q�WKH�FDVH�RI�D�QHW�DVVHW�ÁRZ�WR�RU�IURP�VXFK�D�FODVV�RU�ÁXFWXDWLRQ�LQ�WKH�QHW�DVVHW�YDOXH�RI�WKH�FODVV��WKH�SDVVLYH�FXUUHQF\�KHGJLQJ�RYHUOD\�PD\�QRW��RU�QRW�LPPHGLDWHO\��EH�DGMXVWHG��XQOHVV�WKH�ÁRZ�RU�ÁXFWXDWLRQ�LV�VLJQLÀFDQW��3DVVLYH�FXUUHQF\�KHGJLQJ�overlay will not completely eliminate the exposure to currency movements, and proxy hedging may, for instance, be used when the underlying currency is not liquid or is closely linked to another currency. Shareholders of hedged equivalent classes should QRWH�WKDW�UHWXUQV�RI�KHGJHG�HTXLYDOHQW�FODVVHV�PD\�EH�VLJQLÀFDQWO\�GLIIHUHQW�RYHU�WLPH�WKDQ�WKRVH�RI�XQKHGJHG�FODVVHV�DQG�WKDW�SDVVLYH�FXUUHQF\�KHGJLQJ�RYHUOD\�PD\�OLPLW�WKHLU�DELOLW\�WR�EHQHÀW�IURP�WKH�FXUUHQF\�GLYHUVLÀFDWLRQ�XQGHUWDNHQ�ZLWKLQ�WKH�portfolio (including partially offsetting the currency hedging undertaken at the level of the fund’s portfolio).The cost of passive currency-hedging overlay and gains/losses from hedging transactions are borne by the relevant hedged equivalent class(es).

These classes are marked by a “h” and a reference to the currency being hedged into.

The actual passive currency-hedging overlay methodology varies from fund to fund, as described hereafter.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�3HUVSHFWLYH�)XQG��/8;�CGNPLU hedged share classes aim at hedging with a reasonable margin of tolerance the main currency exposures of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation. It is expected that the resulting effective hedge ratio will typically be in the range of 80% to 100%.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;�The Class will aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of its total net assets, from USD (regardless of the underlying current exposure of the portfolio to USD) into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�-DSDQ�(TXLW\�)XQG��/8;�CGJPELU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of the main currency exposure of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (421)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 417

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XURSHDQ�*URZWK�DQG�,QFRPH�)XQG��/8;�CGEGILU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of the main currency exposure of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�$0&$3�)XQG��/8;�CGAMCAPLU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of the main currency exposure of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�,QYHVWPHQW�&RPSDQ\�RI�$PHULFD��/8;�CGICALU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of the main currency exposure of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;��CGCIBLU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of its total net assets from USD (regardless of the underlying current exposure of the portfolio to USD) into the currency referred to in the relevant Class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;�CGGALU hedged share classes aim at hedging (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) the main currency exposure of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation. It is expected that the resulting effective hedge ratio will typically be in the range of 80% to 100%.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�CGETOPLU SGD and JPY hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% and other hedged share classes aim at hedging 50% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of their total net assets, from US dollar (regardless of the current exposure of the portfolio to USD) into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�CGGBLU hedged share classes aim at hedging (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) the main currency exposures of the Fund’s investment universe (represented by a relevant representative index) back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation. It is expected that the resulting effective hedge ratio will typically be in the range of 80% to 100%.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�The Fund will aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of its total net assets from USD (regardless of the underlying current exposure of the portfolio to USD) into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�CGEBLU hedged share classes aim at hedging (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) the main currency exposure of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation. It is expected that the resulting effective hedge ratio will typically be in the range of 80% to 100%.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�CGGCBLU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of its total net assets from USD (regardless of the underlying current exposure of the portfolio to USD) into the currency referred to in the relevant Class’s designation.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (422)


418 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;�CGECBLU hedged share classes aim at hedging (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) the main currency exposures of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation. It is expected that the resulting effective hedge ratio will typically be in the range of 80% to 100%.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;��CGUSCBLU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of its total net assets from USD (regardless of the underlying current exposure of the portfolio to USD) into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;�CGGHIOLU hedged share classes aim at hedging (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) their total net assets from USD (regardless of the underlying current exposure of the portfolio to USD) into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation. It is expected that the resulting effective hedge ratio will typically be in the range of 80% to 100%.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�+LJK�<LHOG�)XQG��/8;�CGUSHYLU hedged share classes aim at hedging 100% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of the main currency exposure of the fund back into the currency referred to in the relevant class’s designation.

&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;�CGEMDLU hedged share classes aim at hedging 50% (with a reasonable margin of tolerance) of their exposure to US dollar back into currency referred to in the relevant hedged equivalent class’s designation.


,Q�RUGHU�WR�REWDLQ�H[SRVXUH�WR�D�GLYHUVLÀHG�SRUWIROLR�RI�FUHGLWV�RU�WR�KHGJH�DJDLQVW�H[LVWLQJ�FUHGLW�ULVNV��WKH�IXQGV�PD\�XVH�Credit default swaps (“CDS”) or credit default swap indices contracts (“CDXs”). CDS allows the transfer of default risk. This allows investors to effectively buy insurance on a Bond they hold (hedging the investment) in the expectation that the credit will decline in quality. Conversely, where the investment view is that the payments due to decline in credit quality will be less than the coupon payments, protection will be sold by means of entering into a credit default swap. A CDX is based on a portfolio of credit default swaps with similar characteristics, such as credit default swaps on high-yield bonds. In a typical CDS and/or CDX transaction, one party – the protection buyer – is obligated to pay the other party – the protection seller – a stream of periodic payments over the term of the contract. If a credit event, such as a default or restructuring, occurs with respect to any of the underlying reference obligations, the protection seller must pay the protection buyer the loss on those credits. The fund may enter into a CDS and/or CDX transaction as either protection buyer or protection seller.

The unrealised gain/(loss) is disclosed in the statement of net assets under “Unrealised gain/(loss) on swap contracts”.Realised gain/(loss) and changes in unrealised gain/(loss) as a result thereof are included in the statement of operations and changes in net assets respectively under “Net realised gain/(loss) on swap contracts” and “Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on swap contracts”.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (423)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 419


An interest rate swap is a bilateral agreement in which each party agrees to exchange a series of interest payments for DQRWKHU�VHULHV�RI�LQWHUHVW�SD\PHQWV��XVXDOO\�À[HG�ÁRDWLQJ��EDVHG�RQ�D�QRWLRQDO�DPRXQW�WKDW�VHUYHV�DV�D�FRPSXWDWLRQ�EDVLV�which is usually not exchanged.

Interest rate swaps are marked to market at each NAV calculation date. The market value is based on the valuation elements laid down in the contracts, and is obtained from third party pricing agents, market makers or internal models.The unrealised gain/(loss) is disclosed in the statement of net assets under “Unrealised gain/(loss) on swap contracts.” Realised gain/(loss) and changes in unrealised gain/(loss) as a result thereof are included in the statement of operations and changes in net assets respectively under “Net realised gain/(loss) on swap contracts” and “Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on swap contracts”.


)XWXUHV�FRQWUDFWV�SURYLGH�IRU�WKH�GHOD\HG�GHOLYHU\�RI�WKH�XQGHUO\LQJ�LQVWUXPHQW�DW�D�À[HG�SULFH�RU�IRU�D�FDVK�DPRXQW�EDVHG�RQ�WKH�FKDQJH�LQ�WKH�YDOXH�RI�WKH�XQGHUO\LQJ�LQVWUXPHQWV�DW�D�VSHFLÀF�GDWH�LQ�WKH�IXWXUH�Upon entering into futures contract, the sub-fund is required to deposit with the broker, cash or securities in an amount equal to a certain percentage of the contract amount which is referred to as the initial margin account. Subsequent payments, referred to as variation margin, are made or received by the sub-fund periodically and are based on changes in the market value of open futures contracts. The unrealised gain/(loss) on future contracts is disclosed in the statement of net assets under “Unrealised gain/(loss) on ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWVµ��&KDQJHV�LQ�WKH�PDUNHW�YDOXH�RI�RSHQ�IXWXUH�FRQWUDFWV�DUH�UHFRUGHG�DV�XQUHDOLVHG�JDLQ��ORVV��in the statement of operations and changes in net assets under “Net change in unrealised appreciation/(depreciation) on ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWVµ��5HDOLVHG�JDLQV�RU�ORVVHV��UHSUHVHQWLQJ�WKH�GLIIHUHQFH�EHWZHHQ�WKH�YDOXH�RI�WKH�FRQWUDFW�DW�WKH�time it was opened and the value at the time it was closed, are reported at the closing or expiration of futures contracts in WKH�VWDWHPHQW�RI�RSHUDWLRQV�DQG�FKDQJHV�LQ�QHW�DVVHWV�XQGHU�´1HW�UHDOLVHG�JDLQ��ORVV��RQ�ÀQDQFLDO�IXWXUHV�FRQWUDFWVµ�


As at 30 June 2020, the collateral received or paid which is composed of cash and non-cash collateral granted to or received from brokers and counterparties for the purpose of transactions in derivatives is as follows:






&DSLWDO�*URXS�1HZ�:RUOG�)XQG��/8;� USD J.P. Morgan Cash – 35,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 144,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�&DSLWDO�,QFRPH�%XLOGHU��/8;� USD Goldman Sachs Cash – 283,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 171,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�$OORFDWLRQ�)XQG��/8;� USD Goldman Sachs Cash – 51,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�7RWDO�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� USD J.P. Morgan Cash 406,000 –&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 355,500&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Goldman Sachs Cash – 343,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 93,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�,QWHUPHGLDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Goldman Sachs Cash – 149,500&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� EUR Citigroup Cash – 549,000

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (424)


420 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020






&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� EUR Goldman Sachs Cash – 946,500&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 690,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Goldman Sachs Cash – 126,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�(XUR�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� EUR Citigroup Cash – 82,500&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 263,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�86�&RUSRUDWH�%RQG�)XQG��/8;� USD Goldman Sachs Cash – 563,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�*OREDO�+LJK�,QFRPH�2SSRUWXQLWLHV��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 452,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash 340,320 666,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� USD Goldman Sachs Cash – 93,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� USD J.P. Morgan Cash 171,000 –&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� USD Morgan Stanley Cash – 40,000&DSLWDO�*URXS�(PHUJLQJ�0DUNHWV�/RFDO�&XUUHQF\�'HEW�)XQG��/8;� USD Citigroup Cash – 203,000


Some funds may invest via the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect (collectively “Stock Connects”). The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect is a securities trading and clearing linked program developed by Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (“HKEx”), Shanghai Stock Exchange (“SSE”) and China Securities Depository and Clearing Corporation Limited (“ChinaClear”) and the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect is a securities trading and clearing linked program developed by HKEx, Shenzhen Stock Exchange (“SZSE”) and ChinaClear, both aiming to achieve mutual stock market access between the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) and Hong Kong. Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited (HKSCC), a wholly-owned subsidiary of HKEx, and ChinaClear will be responsible for the clearing, settlement and the provision of depository, nominee and other related services of the trades executed by their respective market participants and/or investors.

The Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect comprises a Northbound Shanghai Trading Link and a Southbound Hong Kong Trading Link. Under the Northbound Shanghai Trading Link, Hong Kong and overseas investors, through their Hong Kong brokers and a securities trading service company established by the Hong Kong Stock Exchange (“SEHK”), may be able to trade eligible China A Shares listed on the SSE by routing orders to SSE. Under the Southbound Hong Kong Trading Link under Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect, investors in the PRC will be able to trade certain stocks listed on the SEHK.The Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect comprises a Northbound Shenzhen Trading Link and a Southbound Hong Kong Trading Link. Under the Northbound Shenzhen Trading Link, Hong Kong and overseas investors, through their Hong Kong brokers and a securities trading service company established by SEHK, may be able to trade eligible China A Shares listed on the SZSE by routing orders to SZSE. Under the Southbound Hong Kong Trading Link under Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect investors in the PRC will be able to trade certain stocks listed on the SEHK. The trading is subject to rules and regulations issued from time to time. Trading under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect are both subject to a daily quota (“Daily Quota”). Northbound Shanghai Trading Link and Southbound Hong Kong Trading Link under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect as well as Northbound Shenzhen Trading Link and Southbound Hong Kong Trading Link under the Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect will be subject to a separate set of Daily Quota. The Daily Quota limits the maximum net buy value of crossboundary trades under the Shanghai-Hong Kong Stock Connect and Shenzhen-Hong Kong Stock Connect each day.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (425)


Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 421


Some funds may invest on the China Interbank Bond Market. Market volatility and potential lack of liquidity due to low trading volume of certain debt securities in the China Interbank Bond Market may result in prices of certain debt securities WUDGHG�RQ�VXFK�PDUNHW�ÁXFWXDWLQJ�VLJQLÀFDQWO\��7KH�UHOHYDQW�IXQG�LQYHVWLQJ�LQ�VXFK�PDUNHW�LV�WKHUHIRUH�VXEMHFW�WR�OLTXLGLW\�and volatility risks. The bid and offer spreads of the prices of such securities may be large, and the relevant fund may WKHUHIRUH�LQFXU�VLJQLÀFDQW�WUDGLQJ�DQG�UHDOLVDWLRQ�FRVWV�DQG�PD\�HYHQ�VXIIHU�ORVVHV�ZKHQ�VHOOLQJ�VXFK�LQYHVWPHQWV�� To the extent that a fund transacts in the China Interbank Bond Market, the fund may also be exposed to risks associated with settlement procedures and default of counterparties. The counterparty which has entered into a transaction with the fund may default in its obligation to settle the transaction by delivery of the relevant security or by payment for value. 6LQFH�WKH�UHOHYDQW�ÀOLQJV�DQG�DFFRXQW�RSHQLQJ�IRU�LQYHVWPHQW�LQ�WKH�&KLQD�,QWHUEDQN�%RQG�0DUNHW�KDYH�WR�EH�FDUULHG�RXW�via an onshore settlement agent, the relevant fund is subject to the risks of default or errors on the part of the onshore settlement agent. The China Interbank Bond Market is also subject to regulatory risks. The relevant rules and regulations on investment in the China Interbank Bond Market are subject to change which may have potential retrospective effect. In the event that the relevant Chinese authorities suspend account opening or trading on the China Interbank Bond Market, the funds’ ability to invest in the China Interbank Bond Market will be limited and, after exhausting other trading alternatives, the relevant fund may suffer substantial losses as a result. Reforms or changes in macro-economic policies, such as the monetary and tax policies might affect interest rates. Consequently, the price and the yield of the bonds held in a portfolio would/could also be affected.


Some funds may invest via the Bond Connect. Bond Connect is the historic opening up of China’s Interbank Bond Market (CIBM) to global investors through the China-Hong Kong mutual access program. The program allows foreign and Mainland China investors the ability to trade in each other’s bond market through a connection between the 0DLQODQG�DQG�+RQJ�.RQJ�EDVHG�ÀQDQFLDO�LQIUDVWUXFWXUH�LQVWLWXWLRQV�� %RQG�&RQQHFW�DLPV�WR�HQKDQFH�WKH�HIÀFLHQF\�DQG�ÁH[LELOLW\�RI�LQYHVWLQJ�LQ�WKH�&KLQD�,QWHUEDQN�%RQG�0DUNHW��7KLV�LV�accomplished by easing the access requirements to enter the market, the use of the Hong Kong trading infrastructure to connect to China Foreign Exchange Trading System (CFETS), removal of the investment quota and Bond Settlement Agent, all which are required to invest in the CIBM directly. Market volatility and potential lack of liquidity due to low trading volume of certain debt securities in the CIBM may result LQ�SULFHV�RI�FHUWDLQ�GHEW�VHFXULWLHV�WUDGHG�RQ�VXFK�PDUNHW�ÁXFWXDWLQJ�VLJQLÀFDQWO\��7KH�UHOHYDQW�IXQG�LQYHVWLQJ�LQ�VXFK�market is therefore subject to liquidity and volatility risks. The bid and offer spreads of the prices of such securities may EH�ODUJH��DQG�WKH�UHOHYDQW�IXQG�PD\�WKHUHIRUH�LQFXU�VLJQLÀFDQW�WUDGLQJ�DQG�UHDOLVDWLRQ�FRVWV�DQG�PD\�HYHQ�VXIIHU�ORVVHV�when selling such investments.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (426)


422 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020



Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (427)

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 423

$QQXDO�*HQHUDO�0HHWLQJ7KH�$QQXDO�*HQHUDO�0HHWLQJ�RI�WKH�VKDUHKROGHUV�RI�&DSLWDO�,QWHUQDWLRQDO�)XQG��&,)��LV�KHOG�DW�WKH�UHJLVWHUHG�RIÀFH�RI�&,)�LQ�Luxembourg on the last Tuesday of April in each year at 11:00 am or, if such day is not a Luxembourg business day, on the next business day. Notices of all general meetings are sent to shareholders at their addresses in the register of shareholders by post at least eight days prior to the meeting.

,QIRUPDWLRQ�DYDLODEOH�WR�LQYHVWRUV�The Prospectus, Key Investor Information Document (KIID), Articles of Incorporation, audited Annual Report, unaudited Semi-annual Report and a Statement of changes in the investment portfolio for each fund for the period ended 30 June 2020 DUH�PDGH�DYDLODEOH�IUHH�RI�FKDUJH�DW�WKH�UHJLVWHUHG�RIÀFH�RI�&,)�RU�DW�WKH�DXWKRULVHG�UHSUHVHQWDWLYHV�RI�&,)�LQ�YDULRXV�jurisdictions in accordance with Luxembourg law and with the laws of all relevant jurisdictions – see Authorised Agents and Country Paying Agents on pages 424 and 425. In addition, for investors in the Federal Republic of Germany, the above documents may be obtained free of charge in paper form from the German paying and information agent.



Some of the funds are a consequence of the merger of pre-existing SICAVs into Capital International Fund. For these funds, lifetime results relate to the pre-existing SICAVs.

��7KH�HXURThe euro came into being on 1 January 1999. Historical results in euros for Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX) and Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) relating to time periods prior to 1 January 1999 are calculated using the ECU composite and are shown for illustrative purposes only.


General information

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (428)

424 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

5HJLVWHUHG�2IÀFH6C, route de TrèvesL-2633 Senningerberg

%RDUG�RI�'LUHFWRUV�RI�WKH�&RPSDQ\/XLV�)UHLWDV�GH�2OLYHLUD��&KDLU� 0LFKDHO�7KDZOH\��9LFH�&KDLU� )UDQoRLV�%HDXGU\Capital International Sàrl Capital Strategy Research, Inc. Capital Research CompanyGeneva, Switzerland Washington, USA London, United Kingdom

0DUN�%UXEDNHU 0DXUL]LR�/XDOGL 7KRPDV�+¡JKCapital Research & Management Capital Research Company Capital Research CompanyCompany London, United Kingdom London, United KingdomLos Angeles, USA

0DQDJHPHQW�&RPSDQ\&DSLWDO�,QWHUQDWLRQDO�0DQDJHPHQW�&RPSDQ\�6jUO37A, avenue John F. KennedyL-1855 LuxembourgR.C.S. Luxembourg B 41479


L-1014 Luxembourg

,QYHVWPHQW�$GYLVHU�DQG�6XE�$GYLVHU�RI�WKH�&RPSDQ\,QYHVWPHQW�$GYLVHU ,QYHVWPHQW�$GYLVHU�DQG�6XE�$GYLVHU&DSLWDO�5HVHDUFK�DQG &DSLWDO�,QWHUQDWLRQDO��,QF�� &DSLWDO�,QWHUQDWLRQDO�6jUO0DQDJHPHQW�&RPSDQ\ 11100 Santa Monica Boulevard, 3, place des Bergues333, South Hope Street 15th Floor CH-1201 GenevaLos Angeles, CA 90071, USA Los Angeles, CA 90025-3384, USA Switzerland

/HJDO�$GYLVHU(OYLQJHU�+RVV�3UXVVHQ�6�$�2, place Winston Churchill L-1340 Luxembourg Luxembourg

Other information

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (429)

Other information

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 425

$XWKRULVHG�$JHQWV�DQG�&RXQWU\�3D\LQJ�$JHQWVRepresentative in Switzerland

Paying Agent in Switzerland

&DSLWDO�,QWHUQDWLRQDO�6jUO -�3��0RUJDQ��6XLVVH��6�$�3, place des Bergues 8, rue de la ConfédérationCH-1201 Geneva CH-1204 Geneva

Paying and Information Agent in Austria

Paying Agent in Belgium

Paying Agent in Denmark

8QL&UHGLW�%DQN�$XVWULD�$�*� -�3��0RUJDQ�%DQN�/X[HPERXUJ�6�$� %DQN1RUGLNSchottengasse 6-8 %UXVVHOV�%UDQFK Rued Langgaards Vej 6-8, 4. salA-1010 Vienna 1, Boulevard du Roi Albert II DK-2300 Copenhagen S

B-1210 Brussels

Centralising and Financial Agent in France

Paying and Information Agent in Germany

Paying Agent in Ireland

%13�3DULEDV�6HFXULWLHV�6HUYLFHV -�3��0RUJDQ�%DQN�$�*� -�3��0RUJDQ�$GPLQLVWUDWLRQ�6HUYLFHV3, rue d’Antin TaunusTurm �,UHODQG��/LPLWHGF-75002 Paris Taunustor 1 J.P. Morgan House

D-60310 Frankfurt International Financial Services CentreIE-Dublin 1

Paying Agents in Italy$OOIXQGV�%DQN��6�$� %13�3DULEDV�6HFXULWLHV�6HUYLFHV�� 6RFLHWH�*HQHUDOH�6HFXULWLHV�%UDQFK�LQ�0LODQ ÀOLDOH�GL�0LODQR 6HUYLFHV�6�S�$���6*66�6�S�$��Via Bocchetto, 6 Via Ansperto, 5 Via Benigno Crespi 19/AI-20123 Milan I-20123 Milan MAC 2

I-20169 Milan

%DQFD�6HOOD+ROGLQJ�6�S�$�Piazza Gaudenzio Sella 1I-13900 Biella

Paying Agent in Portugal

Paying Agent in Spain

Representative Agent in Sweden

%HVW�%DQFR�(OHFWUyQLFR�GH�6HUYLoR $OOIXQGV�%DQN��6�$� 1RUGHD�%DQN�$%7RWDO�6�$� c/ Estafeta nº6 (La Moraleja) Smålandsgatan 17Praça Marquês de Pombal, 3-3.º Complejo Plaza de la Fuente SE-105 71 StockholmP-1250-161 Lisbon �(GLÀFLR���

E-28109 Alcobendas – Madrid

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (430)

Other information

426 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020

$GGLWLRQDO�LQIRUPDWLRQ�IRU�LQYHVWRUV�LQ�)UDQFHCapital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) is eligible to French Plan d’Epargne en Actions (PEA).

$GGLWLRQDO�LQIRUPDWLRQ�IRU�LQYHVWRUV�LQ�WKH�)HGHUDO�5HSXEOLF�RI�*HUPDQ\J.P. Morgan AG, TaunusTurm, Taunustor 1, D-60310 Frankfurt am Main, has undertaken the function of Paying and Information Agent for the Company in the Federal Republic of Germany (the “German Paying and Information Agent”).

Applications for the redemptions and conversion of shares may be sent to the German Paying and Information Agent.

All payments to investors, including redemption proceeds and potential distributions, may, upon request, be paid through the German Paying and Information Agent.

The prospectus, the key investor information documents (KIID), the Articles of Incorporation of the Company and the DQQXDO�DQG�VHPL�DQQXDO�UHSRUWV�PD\�EH�REWDLQHG��IUHH�RI�FKDUJH��LQ�KDUGFRS\�IRUP�DW�WKH�RIÀFH�RI�WKH�*HUPDQ�3D\LQJ�DQG�Information Agent during normal opening hours. The statement of changes in the composition of the investment portfolio is DOVR�DYDLODEOH�IUHH�RI�FKDUJH�LQ�KDUGFRS\�IRUP��XSRQ�UHTXHVW�DW�WKH�RIÀFH�RI�WKH�*HUPDQ�3D\LQJ�DQG�,QIRUPDWLRQ�$JHQW��7KH�German translation of the Annual Report is also available on the Management Company’s webpage at

Issue, redemption, and conversion prices of shares, and any other information to the shareholders, are also available from the German Paying and Information Agent.

The issue, redemption and conversion prices will be published on the website


Any other information to the shareholders will be sent to the shareholders by mail.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (431)

Other information

Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020 | 427

$GGLWLRQDO�LQIRUPDWLRQ�IRU�LQYHVWRUV�LQ�+RQJ�.RQJ6XE�)XQGV�DXWKRULVHG�LQ�+RQJ�.RQJAs at 30 June 2020, the following Sub-Funds of CIF are authorised by the Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong:Capital Group New Perspective Fund (LUX) Capital Group Global Equity Fund (LUX) Capital Group World Growth and Income (LUX) Capital Group World Dividend Growers (LUX) Capital Group New Economy Fund (LUX)Capital Group New World Fund (LUX) Capital Group Japan Equity Fund (LUX) Capital Group European Growth and Income Fund (LUX) Capital Group AMCAP Fund (LUX) Capital Group Investment Company of America (LUX) Capital Group Capital Income Builder (LUX) Capital Group Global Allocation Fund (LUX) Capital Group Emerging Markets Total Opportunities (LUX)Capital Group Global Bond Fund (LUX) Capital Group Global Intermediate Bond Fund (LUX) Capital Group Euro Bond Fund (LUX) Capital Group Global Corporate Bond Fund (LUX)Capital Group Euro Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) Capital Group US Corporate Bond Fund (LUX) Capital Group Global High Income Opportunities (LUX) Capital Group US High Yield Fund (LUX) Capital Group Emerging Markets Debt Fund (LUX)Capital Group Emerging Markets Local Currency Debt Fund (LUX)

5HYLVHG�+RQJ�.RQJ�RIIHULQJ�GRFXPHQWV�IRU�FRPSOLDQFH�ZLWK�WKH�UHYLVHG�6)&�&RGHThe revised Code on Unit Trusts and Mutual Funds issued by the Securities and Futures Commission (SFC Code) came into effect on 1 January 2019 with a 12-month transition period for compliance for funds previously authorised by the SFC (including the Sub-Funds authorised in Hong Kong).

During the period ended 30 June 2020, disclosures in the Hong Kong offering documents were amended for compliance with the applicable requirements under the revised SFC Code. Amendments include revised disclosure on transactions with &RQQHFWHG�3HUVRQV��DV�GHÀQHG�XQGHU�WKH�6)&�&RGH��DQG�DGGLWLRQ�RI�GLVFORVXUH�UHODWLQJ�WR�WKH�QHW�GHULYDWLYH�H[SRVXUH�RI�HDFK�Sub-Fund authorised in Hong Kong. For the avoidance of doubt, as a result of the amendments of disclosures for compliance with the revised SFC Code, there will not be (i) any change of the investment objective and policies of the Sub-Funds authorised in Hong Kong; (ii) any material changes to the Sub-Funds authorised in Hong Kong; (iii) any material change or LQFUHDVH�LQ�WKH�RYHUDOO�ULVN�SURÀOH�RI�WKH�6XE�)XQGV�DXWKRULVHG�LQ�+RQJ�.RQJ��DQG��LY��DQ\�PDWHULDO�DGYHUVH�LPSDFW�RQ�WKH�rights or interests of the Hong Kong Shareholders.

7UDQVDFWLRQV�ZLWK�&RQQHFWHG�3HUVRQV�IRU�WKH�6XE�)XQGV�GLVWULEXWHG�LQ�+RQJ�.RQJConnected Persons of the Management Company, the Investment Managers and the Directors of the Company are those GHÀQHG�LQ�WKH�6)&�&RGH��$OO�WUDQVDFWLRQV�HQWHUHG�LQWR�GXULQJ�WKH�SHULRG�EHWZHHQ�WKH�$XWKRULVHG�6XE�)XQGV�DQG�WKH�Management Company, the Investment Managers and the Directors of the Company and their respective Connected Persons were carried out in the normal course of business and on normal commercial terms.

To the best of the Management Company’s and the Directors’ knowledge, the Authorised Sub-Funds do not have any transactions with Connected Persons.

6RIW�&RPPLVVLRQVNo soft commission arrangements were entered into by the Management Company or the Investment Managers with brokers for the period ended 30 June 2020.

Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (432)

428 | Capital International Fund Semi-annual Report 2020


Funds’ Custodian, Transfer Agent and Administrator JP Morgan Bank Luxembourg S.A. (JP Morgan)

Toll free (EU & CH - 9am to 6pm CET): 00 800 243 38637

Tel (From outside the EU & CH - 9am to 6pm CET): +352 46 26 85 611

Fax: +352 46 26 85 432


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Capital International Fund· Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (433)


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Capital International Fund · Cdh-JPY 0.06% Ch-CHF 0.07% Ch-JPY 0.07% Ch-NZD 0.06% N 2.27% Ngd 2.27% Nh-EUR 2.27% P 0.70% Ph-EUR 0.70% T 1.87% Tgd 1.87% Tgdh-EUR 1.87% Th-EUR 1.87% - [PDF Document] (2024)
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Name: Terrell Hackett

Birthday: 1992-03-17

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Hobby: Board games, Rock climbing, Ghost hunting, Origami, Kabaddi, Mushroom hunting, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Terrell Hackett, I am a gleaming, brainy, courageous, helpful, healthy, cooperative, graceful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.