2024 Daily JumpChain Challenge RP (2024)



Serf - Your inheritance is the dirt. Literally, the plot of land your family has farmed from the dawn of time or so, and will forever. Unless the local lord decides to build a vacation home or something. Perhaps, with skill and dedication you could become a servant, merchant or skilled craftsman and achieve a teensy measure of respect.


  • We're the Monks (Free) - It'd be silly to come to a musical comedy and not be able to sing. Fortunately this land has a strong musical tradition for you to partake in. Your singing voice is magnificent and you never miss a note, you're also great at improvising lyrics.
  • It's A New Season (Free) - A season of hope, and the whole feudal system can't get you down. All trauma, mental illness and scars both physical and not fade away when you take this, and again and again with the turn of each season. You will never be too jaded or wounded to start over.
  • Pretty Progressive for the Middle Ages (Free) - People won't declare you a witch if you invent something, and won't do much about odd ideas like democracy besides maybe roll their eyes a bit. Nobody holds your race or sex against you, even if normally inclined to be racist and sexist.
  • What Is It About Lepers? (Free) - You are young, healthy, fit as any soldier and damned good looking. At least enough for network TV. You are resistant to filth, disease and starvation, the main reason the Middle Ages aren't full of supermodels.
  • He Was There, He Was There (-50cp /950) - Family is the greatest adventure of all, part of the real-life happily-ever-after. You are a fantastic spouse and parent, understanding and hard-working, never too soft or too firm. And you'll always find at least an hour a day to spend with your loved ones, even if we have to add one to the clocks.
  • Love Makes the World Brand New (-50cp /900) - The skyball's doing its shine-thing, the moving air is so sweet. This flopsy colorful vine-thing smells as pretty as meat, and these wingy-beasts with their feathers, they make a squeaky-like sound. You'd never have guessed, but you can keep the wonder of a child or a young lover all your days. Truly, love makes the world brand new.
  • We're Not Gonna Die (-200cp /700) - Someone in the screenwriters room must like you. You benefit from a kind of 'plot armor' and barring egregious stupidity or truly overwhelming odds you're almost certainly not going to die violently. You might be pantsed, given swirlies in a well and thrown in the dungeons, but people will almost always have an excuse not to kill you.
  • Goodbye (-400cp /300) - When you die the Grim Reaper will appear before you and show you a musical montage of your friends grieving and saying their farewells. Interrupt Old Bones with a nut-shot,run off and you can come back! Next time, though, he won't bother with the niceties. But travel to a different Jump, with a different Death, and they won't remember a thing. This may not work as well in settings where Death is female.
  • A Different Kind of Queen (-200cp /100) - Most royals sit, isolated from the masses and content to be a symbol of national pride and power. But honey, you're a different kind of ruler, one who gets their hands dirty. You have an unassailable willpower that lets you shrug off enchantment and stare down hardened veterans, and a decent sense of when a task is best handled personally.
  • This Is As Good As It Gets (Free Serf) - The secret to happiness isn't chasing after the newest, latest, biggest thing or some impossible dream. Its learning to be content with what you have. With just a hovel and a vegetable patch, you'll be content if need be. If thrown in a cell, you can exist there indefinitely without the stress so many people feel.
  • Lords of the Sea (Free Serf) - You're the biggest, meanest buccaneer that ever walked on grass. You know how to sail like an expert. You can also garden (sustainably) and make organic homemade desserts.
  • If I Were A Jolly Blacksmith (Discount Serf, -100cp /0) - You aren't just a nameless, faceless serf, you have the skills to get by in a medieval society; an expert farmer, blacksmith, and brewer. Any village or town could find good use for your services.
  • A Happy Ending For Us (Free Serf) - You're a really great cook, hooray! But people may not want to eat your food, because you are also an expert poisoner, aware of all the many ways to cause people discomfort and death by messing with their food. You know which poisons go well with wine, which blend in with a light chicken sauce, and which are slow enough a taster is no defense at all.

Items: (+400cp Stipend)

  • Arms and Armor (-50cp /350s) - A good steel sword and leather or chain mail, setting you up for success in combat.
  • Bucket (-50cp /300s) - Somehow, around a corner or in a corner just out of the way, there is always a wooden bucket full of water for you, in case you need a drink, to cool off, fight fires or splash someone for comedic effect.
  • Coinpurse (-100cp /200s) - A bag containing sixty gold coins, a modest fortune in these days, which is refilled weekly. In future Jumps, an equivalent amount in setting money, about $24,000 dollars in a modern world, give or take.
  • Wand (-200cp /0s) - This neat accessory complements any magic you can do, halving casting times and making minor effects truly effortless. It boosts magical power too, but only a small amount.

Franklin leaned over the anvil in his blacksmith shop, the rhythmic clang of his hammer echoing through the small medieval village. The heat from the forge was intense, but Franklin barely noticed it anymore. His broad shoulders and muscular frame, a result of years spent working iron, gleamed with sweat. Despite the era, Franklin was content. He had chosen to live a simpler life here, using his skills to help the community and enjoy a well-earned break from the chaos of his previous jumps.

His apprentice, a young lad named Thomas, watched intently from the side. Thomas was eager to learn, and Franklin saw a lot of potential in him and had been teaching him for the past year. The boy had the enthusiasm and curiosity that Franklin admired, and he was determined to pass on his extensive knowledge of metallurgy and blacksmithing.

"Thomas, come over here," Franklin called out, his deep voice resonating with authority yet tinged with warmth. "Today, we're going to learn to forge a sword. It's not just about strength; you need to understand the metal, the heat, and the balance."

Thomas approached, his eyes wide with excitement. He had been waiting for this day for weeks, ever since Franklin had first mentioned the idea. "Yes, Master Franklin," he said eagerly.

Franklin smiled. Despite the formality, he appreciated the boy's respect and enthusiasm. "First, we start with the right materials," he began, gesturing to the pile of ingots beside the forge. "This is steel, a high-quality, but it's not just about having good materials. You need to know how to work them."

He picked up an ingot and placed it into the forge. As it began to heat, Franklin continued his explanation. "Steel is an alloy of iron and carbon. Which we will cover how to smelt next week. The amount of carbon in the steel determines its hardness and flexibility. Too much, and it becomes brittle; too little, and it won't hold an edge."

Thomas nodded, trying to absorb the information. Franklin's knowledge was far beyond what any other blacksmith in the village possessed, a blend of 21st-century metallurgy and medieval craftsmanship.

"Watch closely," Franklin instructed. "Tempreture can be identified by the color of the metal. In this case, when the steel reaches a bright orange color, it's ready to be worked."

As the ingot heated, Franklin prepared his tools. His hammer was well-worn but perfectly balanced, and a pair of tongs was in his hands ready to grab the ingot and put it on his anvil. When the steel was ready, he pulled it from the forge with a the tongs and put it in place to start working the metal.

"Now, we shape it," he said, bringing the hammer down in a precise, measured strike. The clang of metal on metal filled the shop, a symphony of creation. Franklin's movements were fluid and practiced, each strike deliberate and effective. He worked the steel, explaining each step to Thomas, who watched in awe.

"The reason I had you starting with projects like S hooks and nails is to improve your precision and sense of timing and balance. Forging is about more than just hitting the metal," Franklin said between strikes. "It's about understanding the properties of the material and using that knowledge to shape it to your will. You have to listen to the metal, feel its response."

Thomas nodded, mesmerized by the process. After several minutes, Franklin handed the hammer to his apprentice. "Your turn," he said, stepping back.

Thomas took the hammer with trembling hands, his nerves evident. Franklin placed a reassuring hand on his shoulder. "Remember what I taught you. Be patient and precise. Let the metal guide you."

The boy nodded and began to strike the steel. His first few blows were hesitant, but under Franklin's watchful eye, he gradually found his rhythm. Franklin offered gentle corrections and encouragement, helping Thomas build confidence with each strike.

As the day wore on, the sword began to take shape. Franklin took over every now and then, fixing the small errors that Thomas was making after reheating the metal, but it was a combined project and Thomas learned a lot about the process. Finally, Franklin showed Thomas how to heat-treat the blade, explaining the importance of quenching in various substances and tempering to achieve the right balance of hardness and flexibility. They worked together to grind and polish the blade, creating a sharp, gleaming edge.

By the time the sun set, the sword was complete. Thomas held it up, marveling at their creation. "It's beautiful," he breathed, his eyes shining with pride.

Franklin smiled, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "You did well, Thomas. Remember, a good blacksmith is patient and always willing to learn. Never stop seeking knowledge, and you'll continue to improve."

Thomas nodded eagerly, his confidence bolstered by Franklin's praise. "Thank you, Master Franklin. I'll remember that."

Over the following years, Franklin continued to train Thomas, teaching him not only the skills of a blacksmith but also the principles of metallurgy that he had learned from his previous experiences. He introduced concepts that were advanced for the time, explaining how different metals and alloys could be used for various applications.

Franklin's understanding of modern science allowed him to create superior tools and weapons, earning him a reputation as the best blacksmith in the region. His swords were sought after by knights and lords, and his tools made farming and building more efficient for the villagers.

Despite the praise and attention, Franklin remained humble, always focused on his work and the well-being of his apprentice. He found joy in the simple life, content with the rhythm of the forge and the satisfaction of creating something tangible and lasting.

As the seasons passed, Franklin saw Thomas grow into a skilled and confident blacksmith. The young man eventually opened his own forge after around seven years earning his journeyman certification (the minimum the guild would accept), carrying on the traditions and knowledge that Franklin had imparted. The village thrived, benefiting from the tools and weapons that Thomas and Franklin produced.



  • Probie (+100cp /1100) - No matter your credentials you start as a Probational Officer for half a year rather than beginning as a Special Agent. This opens you to constant jokes and the most tedious jobs around the office. Agents will ask you to fill out their paperwork or to get them a sandwich basically making you a paid intern.
  • The Rules (+100cp /1200) - Whenever you are in a situation somebody quotes an arbitrary rule they stand by even if the description goes against another rule. It doesn't mean much but it can get annoying when you try and make sense of it like you only have half the information.
  • The Plague! (+100 /1300) - At some point you're going to be infected by a strain of the Bubonic Plague and it will cut through all your defenses like butter leaving you a coughing mess. This is non-fatal and only worth forty-eight hours of pain once in your entire jump.
  • No Outside Perks (+300cp /1600) - Self-explanatory, this drawback stops you from using any perks from before this world, putting you at bodymod. If this is your first world, take the free CP.
  • No Outside Items (+300cp /1900) - Self-explanatory, this drawback stops you from using any items from before this world, locking down the warehouse. If this is your first world, take the free CP.
  • No Outside Companions (+300 /2200) - Self-explanatory, this drawback stops you from calling any companions from before this world. If this is your first world, take the free CP.


  • Investigator (Free) - To solve crimes they need to be investigated so this perk offers the knowledge of a modem investigator mentored by another agent of the same organisation. Maybe Mike Franks offered some seminars because you have his skill; an example is that he warned everyone that Osama Bin Laden was behind the Khobar tower bombings even though he was ridiculed for it. This goes beyond training and can lead to brilliant leaps in logic.
  • Police Training (Free) - Before joining NCIS you seem to have had training with a city-based police force. This gives you a basic understanding of criminal law to charge perps along with minor tips and tricks from different departments. This ranges from how to conduct yourself in stakeouts to setting up an information network. You can search crime scenes for clues and can track down suspects among other things. This includes any basic law knowledge and gives you a law background.
  • Basic Military Training (Free) - Before joining NCIS you seem to have at least gone through basic boot camp. This gives you a basic understanding of military procedures to charge into battle and be aware of your surroundings. This includes any basic military knowledge and gives you a military background. You can do anything a rank and file can do.
  • OK Corral (-100cp /2100) - Violence rests in the heart of every man and now you can fight with the best of them. With a basic knowledge of most common fighting styles along with a better than average aim you can carry yourself through fire fights.
  • Movement Genius (-100cp /2000) - Mensa called and wanted your autograph due to your high Spatial Intelligence. This does not give you specific knowledge but increases your learning ability in fields relating to patterns, visual interpretation and puzzle solving.
  • Sniper (Discount, -100cp /1900) - A man can miss what is so far away but your aim is precise enough to strike true as good as a sniper expert. The record for the longest snipe is 3.45 kms so without any extra training you can get half that (1.725 km) at first and can catch details from any distance you can fire at. You won't be caught off guard and automatically scan around for snipers.
  • Hacking (Discount, -100cp /1800) - You now know the fabled NCIS hacking technique. By spewing meaningless techno jargon and typing really fast you can burn through firewalls and isolate nodes in equal measure. With a few lines you can hack government databases, track devices and find locations in a way that is only done in fiction.
  • Omnilinguist (-200cp /1600) - It's a wide world out there with people of all kinds that have something to say. If you hear a dialect spoken, you gain more and more of an understanding, and this also includes verbal codes. This does not give you written mastery instantly but makes it easier to match your writing and words.
  • Interrogation (Discount, -200cp /1400) - There seems to be a great emphasis on confessions in NCIS; maybe because it is a drama show but to get the criminal to confess may be harder than expected. With this perk you can run verbal circles against people in conversation. You can trick people to slip the truth and manipulate others to reveal the truth. It works best when you have knowledge or evidence on the person but you also become a master of one-liners and can lie with the best of them.
  • Paramedic (Discount, -200cp /1200) - Saving a life in the balance between life and death is its own reward and you have a deep medical knowledge you can put into practice. This is a full medic and paramedic certification that gives you training for a lot of situations. Unlike a certain medic that would get in trouble for using their skills to save a life you have full legal qualification to save a life either with permission or to save a non-responsive person.
  • Plot Armor (-400cp /800) - In real life there are less than twenty naval homicide investigations per year but in the show there seems to be an additional eighty. This is due to the need for drama that your benefactor approves of and can be seen in how deadly the world can be and the high turnover rate of agents and other members in the organization. Now you feel protected with plot armor strong enough to beat near death experiences, bouts of amnesia and judicial problems. This does not expand past anything a named character could get through. Once every ten years/jump it will swell to save you from something that would kill even a favorite character.
  • SWAT (Discount, 300cp /500) - You have the skills of a qualified SWAT officer. Your situational crisis awareness is boosted, and you can control a crowd like a puppet master either calming or radicalizing them through reading the mood. Due to paying CP this includes a breaching and clearing technique that strengthens your ability to break an entrance that gives you the element of surprise.
  • Black Ops (Discount, -300cp /200) - You have been trained by an intelligence agency. This increases your proficiency with stealth activities and working under the radar. You could engineer a situation that allows you to assassinate a high-profile target and leave few clues to your actions. Due to paying CP any investigations into you and your records are blocked and edited to show what you desire.
  • I am the Law (-100cp /100) - For a crime procedural NCIS takes many liberties with the rules and regulations of crime solving. Now you can too Jumper. You don't have to worry about minor infringements like dress code, office relationships and the steps needed to take on a case. You can take all the cases you want as long as you have results; this also bypasses many admissions needs if you want somebody to work for you. NCIS will be willing to forgive a few mistakes like you are an old friend.


  • Service Weapon (Free) - A legal firearm that doesn't break and can even work underwater at full capacity. If you are searched, they won't be found allowing you to take them into restricted areas. Due to the action-packed political nature of the world the first weapon is free.
  • Federal Vehicle (Free) - There are places you need to be and things you need to do so you'll need a vehicle that is always gassed up, repairs when not in use and has a federal license plate that dismisses minor road rule breakings. So, what if you drive on the wrong side of the road that's the car of a Special Agent. This can be any vehicle.
  • Warrant Cabinet (Discount, -100cp /0) - A warrant allows a search to legally occur, and you have a whole stack almost ready to go along with a strange cabinet. If you find probable cause but can't wait for the lengthy legal process, you just write the details onto one of the pages and sort it into the cabinet. If there is due reason, then the warrant will enter the system and it will be signed instantly by a judge.

Franklin had never imagined he'd find himself as the newest Probationary Officer, or "Probie," at NCIS. His extensive background, from his military police service in the Army to his years with the Washington D.C. Police Department's SWAT unit, made him feel overqualified for the role. Yet, here he was, spending his first six months fetching coffee, handling paperwork, and getting sandwiches for the senior agents. He took it all in stride, knowing that this was just a phase he needed to get through.

The office environment was a mix of professionalism and quirky rules that everyone seemed to follow religiously. "The Rules" was an unofficial set of guidelines quoted by the senior agents. These rules often contradicted each other, creating a confusing labyrinth of expectations. Franklin wrote them all down, memorizing them as best he could, and decided not to overthink it. The rules were part of the culture, and like everything else, he'd adapt.

One day, as he was returning from a particularly arduous coffee run, Franklin was hit with a sudden wave of illness. "The Plague!" as it was dramatically named in his mind, struck hard and fast. For forty-eight hours, he was a coughing, feverish mess. It was the bubonic plague, but thankfully non-fatal. The team rallied around him, providing support and ensuring he got through it. Once he recovered, he was back to work, no worse for wear.

The "No Outside Perks," "No Outside Items," and "No Outside Companions" drawbacks meant Franklin had to rely solely on his skills and wits developed in this world. It was a refreshing challenge, grounding him in the reality of his new role and forcing him to integrate fully with the team.

Franklin's backstory at NCIS was straightforward. He had joined the Army at seventeen, rising to the rank of Specialist before transitioning to civilian law enforcement. His time with the Washington D.C. Police Department, especially his years in SWAT, had given him a robust set of skills. His additional training in linguistics, paramedics, and counter-espionage techniques from the FBI made him a valuable asset. NCIS had extended a job offer, recognizing his potential, and now he was here.

His first few months were a whirlwind of activity. Franklin was thrust into the world of naval criminal investigations, learning the ropes from his experienced colleagues. Despite being a probie, he quickly demonstrated his value. His "Investigator" perk made him a natural at piecing together clues and making logical leaps. He could see connections others missed, leading to breakthroughs in several cases.

One afternoon, Franklin found himself at a crime scene with Senior Agent Leroy Jethro Gibbs. Gibbs was a hard-nosed, no-nonsense leader who expected excellence from his team. As they examined the scene, Gibbs rattled off a series of instructions.

"Rule 12, Franklin," Gibbs said gruffly. "Never date a coworker."

Franklin nodded, adding it to his growing list of rules. He had learned to take these in stride, focusing on the task at hand. His police training kicked in as he searched the area, finding a crucial piece of evidence that had been overlooked.

"Good eye, Meechem," Gibbs acknowledged, a rare compliment. Franklin's attention to detail and ability to spot important clues quickly earned him respect.

As the months passed, Franklin's proficiency and dedication began to pay off. He moved off of Probie status, opening up his time and responsibilities when his superiors noticed his competence and commitment, and he started taking on more significant responsibilities. His "Black Ops" training came in handy during a high-stakes operation involving a suspected spy within the Navy. Franklin's ability to work under the radar and manipulate situations ensured the mission's success, leading to the spy's capture without a trace of Franklin's involvement.

His linguistic skills, thanks to the "Omnilinguist" perk, allowed him to communicate with suspects and witnesses in various languages. This skill proved invaluable during an international case involving a smuggling ring. Franklin's ability to understand and speak multiple languages helped break the case wide open, earning him further accolades.

Interrogation became another area where Franklin excelled. The "Interrogation" perk made him a master of extracting confessions and uncovering the truth. He could run verbal circles around suspects, using psychological tactics and evidence to break them down. His colleagues often watched in awe as he got even the most tight-lipped individuals to spill their secrets.

Franklin's career flourished. He took on more significant cases, utilizing his full range of skills and training. His paramedic certification allowed him to save lives in the field, his sniper skills made him a valuable asset in high-risk operations, and his hacking abilities helped track down elusive criminals.

Despite the initial drawbacks, Franklin's time at NCIS was marked by personal and professional growth. He became a respected agent, known for his dedication, skill, and unwavering commitment to justice. The lessons he learned and the experiences he gained would stay with him long after his time in this world ended, preparing him for whatever challenges lay ahead in the jumpchain.



  • Starting Location - Police Station - The safest place around. Maybe not the best guarded considering CyberLife's security measures, but I dare you to do more than sneak inside here for more than a minute. Anyway, depending on your faction and status on D-day, you appear either in the main hall after having a moment of absence, behind a desk while reading the files one last time before closing in your last pending case, or maybe you boot randomly as a prototype police model of android, who knows?
  • Race - Human - This shouldn't destabilize you too much. You are human, of any ethnicity you want, with racism at the moment being directed at the androids. You have a stable job of your choice, papers, and a place to live if you aren't dropped in.
  • Faction - Whether or not you have an opinion on the Conservatist/Deviant factions, it seems it won't change much what you will do here. You initially are a neutral party to the debate, either not caring or making profit on both sides' backs.


  • What Could Have Been (400cp /600) - A recurring question in the human and android mind, those of deviants at least. But you are now special, as you can now know not only what could have been, but what can be. You instinctively know how to link past events and intel in both very short and long ranges, intuiting or computing accurate alternate "could have been" possibilities and even possible futures, and what to do to tend toward them. Most of the heavy lifting is done subconsciously or as a passive subroutine however, so you will access only the result and short animations. In your mind as a human or memory as Android, this will manifest in the form of some mental map or timeline tree, and while focusing on it only, time will slow by several factors to leave you to your thinking. However, don't expect this alone to do real preconstructions, combat simulations, or to give you important dialogue choices: while it encompasses a large time range, it remains vague and directional rather than clear and broad events. With real pre-visualization and simulation skills or future sight however, this might be the tool you lacked to truly "map" time, either gazing directly across time, or by intelligently taking the time to compute each event and the probability between them by recursive progression, thus making the best of what you collected with this. This perk also acts as a capstone booster for the 600cp perks and items of each origin, upgrading them as described.
  • Aim and Shoot (Free Human) - You aren't going to fool yourself; androids are more efficient than you with firearms. When they each have the processing power of a 2018 supercomputer, sensing, aiming, and shooting is just nothing short of perfect. It isn't fair game. You, however, as a human have something at their level: intuition on how to use them. You'll never be out of your comfort zone when picking up a new gun, taking only a few seconds to judge its balance and maybe a couple shots for aiming and recoil before being back to your usual proficiency. Note that while it works on any firearm, even sci-fi or advanced ones, switching from a handgun to a rifle is still going to be hard if you have no prior experience using rifles, though you'd be fine using any handgun.
  • Scientific Genius (Discount Human, 300cp /300) - Yes, Kamski did revolutionize the world with the androids. So what? It's not like there is nothing left to be done, and you now have the genius to tackle equivalent projects. You have the knowledge equivalent to Kamski in a group of scientific fields, and the IQ to put it to use. It will take some time, especially alone, but you have what it takes to pull out the same kind miracle he did in your own domain. (Capstone Boosted - Your genius is now not only scientific, but genuine. You could, all the while tinkering your next revolution, run a multinational worth half a trillion, interest yourself in art, and more. You are apart from any others with just your mind, and it can change so much if it gets so little as your interest.)


  • Bottomless Black Lamb Scotch Whisky Bottle (Free Human) - Well, it can be that or any alcohol you fancy instead. It can even change to another one if you want to. Store it, and pick it up some minutes later to find it changed to your liking. Fact is that this bottle is just bottomless, replenishing from seemingly nothing when no one is looking at it (if transparent). Careful not to drink too much, jumper.
  • Trusty Sidearm (Discount Human, -100cp /200) - This side firearm of your choosing, of a model no harder to find than a civilian or police pistol, shines in your hands. Your accuracy slightly goes up while using it, and more often you will find yourself lucky at the trickshots you attempt. It never jams, and you will always find a full clip or just as much ammo if you reach into your pocket when it runs low on it. No, you can't do that to create ammo from nothing with the last bullet of each clip and sell them or anything funny like that, because if you try, they just won't appear.
  • Federal ID (Discount Human, -200cp /0) - This ID card has the peculiarity of changing itself to match the standard of any agency or company you try to get in. What cost CP is the ID on it: any informatic system trying to scan it will always compute it as valid, as for the time you will be there, an entry will be created inside their database with all the information and clearance you need, and not even an AI will notice it. This entry likewise disappears when you leave the place without a trace. I do however hope you have good acting skills, as the higher up you try to enter, the less people there are and the more they know each other, and they can very well blow your cover.

Franklin sat in his penthouse apartment, surrounded by a myriad of holographic displays and advanced computing equipment. He had spent the past several months diving deep into the scientific marvels of the "Detroit: Become Human" universe, creating groundbreaking technology and preparing himself for future challenges. However, he knew it was time to consolidate and integrate everything he had learned and acquired throughout his journey in the jumpchain. This was about optimizing and synergizing them for future success.

With his various skills and perks, he was now ready to tackle one of his most ambitious projects yet: developing a brain-machine interface (BMI) that could revolutionize the market and integrate seamlessly with the advanced technology of "Detroit: Become Human."

Franklin began by leveraging his "Scientific Genius" perk, enhanced by "What Could Have Been," to conceptualize the design of the BMI. He envisioned a device that could bridge the gap between human consciousness and digital systems, allowing for seamless communication and control.

He spent countless hours researching existing technologies, drawing inspiration from neural interfaces like Neuralink, and studying the advanced AI and android systems in the world around him. His "Total Recall" and "Supporting Evidence" perks ensured he missed no crucial detail, compiling a vast repository of information.

Franklin's "Creative" perk allowed him to think outside the box, coming up with innovative solutions to the challenges he encountered. He designed the BMI to be minimally invasive, using nanotechnology to create a network of sensors and transmitters that could interface directly with the brain's neural pathways.

His main reason for this? If both Androids and Humans could talk and communicate, where does sentience begin and end and how quickly could misconceptions and misunderstandings be cleared up? It gets very murky when that line is crossed and ethical decisions need to be named in terms of the legal system, after all…



  • Hit With The Ugly Stick (-100cp /1100) - You simply have no alibi, you ugly. Like not in the deformed or disfigured way, that would make you unique, no just in the horribly normal ugly way. People will have a hard time even looking at you and forget getting any because that ain't happening unless you are as smooth as Bill Clinton.
  • Carl Jr (-300cp /1400) - You are missing a limb or eye. If it's a leg it's at the knee and the arm it's at the elbow. No powers or technology can fix this till post jump.


  • Starting Time - October 23, 2010 - You arrive at the same time Rick Grimes wakes up from his little nap. Have fun!
  • Background - Drop In - On the plus side no new memories so no wrestling with the existential dread of the question of, Who am I? On the downside, no new memories so no new skills. You are the useless sack of sh*t you were when you started. Fantastic.


  • Dental Coverage (-100cp /1300) - You are immune to all diseases/bacteria/viruses that come from bites. Don't want you dying on me that easily. As a bonus your teeth are also perfect and white enough to blind planes in the air. No need to floss or anything.
  • Be All That You Can Be! (-400cp /900) - Ugh. You're like some stupid shonen protagonist. You always strive to be the very best in whatever you do and nothing, not even the end of society as we know it, can keep you down for long. This functions as a capstone booster for all the 600cp perks. Be the uber douche that you know you wanna be.
  • Context, Get Some (Free Drop In) - You always seem to get the underlying context behind what someone is saying but only if they want you to. No more misunderstandings getting you or them shot.
  • Essential (Discount Drop In, -100cp /800) - You always seem to find a way to make yourself seem essential to a group/organization. This can be despite the fact that you contribute nothing to said group but the more effort you put forth the more this affects your companions. Don't be a leech.
  • Efficiency is King (Discount Drop In, -300cp /500) - You have the uncanny ability to stretch resources to unrealistic levels. You can drive across the US on a single tank of fuel or only eat a pack of crackers a day and not just survive but thrive. This applies to anyone that considers themselves part of your group but only on any vehicles you are actually driving. (Capstone Boosted - Huh what are you a robot or something? You now never need to eat or drink anything and any vehicle you drive will never run out of fuel.)


  • Katana (Free Drop In) - Nothing says badass like a katana. It never dulls or chips and will cut through any walker like it was a knife through butter. If it's lost or stolen it will appear next to you at sunset.
  • Wheels (Mercedes-Benz Zetros) (-100cp /400)- You get any vehicle that a civilian could have purchased before the outbreak. It never needs refilling and if lost or destroyed it will return to the nearest road at exactly sunset completely repaired. Any parts or fuel removed from this vehicle will instantly disintegrate.
  • The Cure (-400cp /0) - Is this what I think it is? Yes this is the cure for what ails this dystopian hellscape. Of course it does nothing for those already turned (they braindead you see) but it will cure anyone bitten if you can inject them before they turn. Also functions as a vaccine but only lasts for 30 days before needing a booster. Refills daily.

Franklin Meechem parked his Mercedes-Benz Zetros outside the CDC bunker in Atlanta. The vehicle was an imposing sight, standing as a testament to his preparation and resilience. As he stepped out, he couldn't help but appreciate the irony. The world had gone to hell, but here he was, ready to change it all with a simple vial. He had "The Cure," and it was his mission to ensure it spread far and wide.

Despite his disheveled appearance, which was accentuated by the "Hit With The Ugly Stick" drawback, Franklin knew he had the skills and determination to make a difference. Missing his left eye due to the "Carl Jr." drawback only fueled his resolve. He approached the CDC entrance, ready to convince the doctor inside that he had a solution.

Dr. Edwin Jenner was initially skeptical. The world had fallen into chaos, and trust was a rare commodity. Franklin, however, had a way with words, a gift from his "Context, Get Some" and "Essential" perks. He quickly laid out his story, detailing how he had derived the cure from an "immune patient" (himself). His scientific background, bolstered by the "Scientific Genius" perk, allowed him to speak with authority and precision.

"I understand your skepticism, Dr. Jenner. But I assure you, this cure is legitimate. If you allow me to demonstrate, you'll see that we have a chance to turn this around," Franklin said, his voice steady and confident.

Jenner, desperate for any glimmer of hope, agreed to let Franklin inside. Together, they ran tests to verify the cure's effectiveness. As the results came in, Jenner's eyes widened with astonishment. The cure worked, neutralizing the infection and providing immunity.

"This… this is incredible," Jenner whispered. "We can save humanity."

With Jenner convinced, Franklin turned his attention to the CDC's self-destruct mechanism. Using his extensive technical skills and knowledge, he carefully disabled the bomb. It was a delicate process, but Franklin's steady hands and sharp mind ensured success. Furthermore, he turned the bomb into a power source, meaning that they would not run out of power any time in the near future. And any delicate work that had to be done until he could automate it? Telekenisis.

Next, they began working on dispersal devices to spread the cure. Franklin's "Efficiency is King" perk allowed them to stretch their limited resources, creating more devices than seemed possible. They set up a plan to disperse the cure across the globe, utilizing weather patterns and existing infrastructure to maximize coverage. Franklin knew it would take years, but the plan was solid.

A few weeks later, Rick Grimes and his group arrived at the CDC. They were desperate, seeking refuge and answers. Franklin greeted them, explaining the progress they had made.

"We've found a cure," Franklin said, holding up a vial. "If everyone can line up, we will give everyone a shot to get rid of any of the passive virus in your system. This will also actively cure anyone who's been bitten if taken within 30 days, and we're working on dispersing it worldwide to eradicate the infection."

Rick's group was skeptical but hopeful. Franklin administered the cure to everyone and took time to address their concerns. His "Interrogation" and "Paramedic" skills proved invaluable as he navigated their questions and provided medical care.

Over the next few days, Franklin helped the group settle in. He shared his knowledge, teaching them everything from medieval blacksmithing and farming skills (thanks to his "If I Were A Jolly Blacksmith" perk) to advanced mechanical skills. His "Be All That You Can Be!", "I'm The Thing That Monsters Have Nightmares About", and "Teamworker" perks ensured he excelled in this task, inspiring those around him and that they understood how to do these essential skills for a rebuilding society.

As more survivors came to Franklin's corner of Atlanta, he worked tirelessly to integrate them into a cohesive community. His skills, honed by perks from various jumps, made him a natural at fostering unity and cooperation.

Franklin set up a council to govern the new society, ensuring that everyone had a voice when he leaves this world. He used his "Teamworker" perk to smooth over interpersonal conflicts and his "Fumble Spotter" skill to foresee and mitigate potential issues. His "Be All That You Can Be!" perk continued to drive him to excel, making him an indispensable leader.

The community flourished under Franklin's guidance. They established farms, rebuilt infrastructure, and created a safe haven amidst the chaos. The CDC became the heart of their efforts, with Franklin and Jenner working together to refine the cure and ensure its widespread dispersal.

As the years passed, the cure spread across the globe, carried by the wind and water. The number of zombies dwindled, and the infection rates plummeted. Survivors from all over began to rebuild, inspired by the success in Atlanta.

Franklin's community became a beacon of hope, attracting people from all walks of life. They shared their knowledge and resources, helping other communities establish themselves and thrive. The United States of America began to rebuild, slowly but surely reclaiming its former glory.

As the ten-year mark approached, Franklin looked back on his time in this world with a sense of accomplishment. He had done what seemed impossible: cured the infection, saved countless lives, and helped rebuild society from the ground up. All it cost him in this world: 400cp worth of drawbacks for a cure and the willingness to put in some effort.



Starting Location - Cheiron's Academy - A school for adventurers, teaching classical subjects from medicine to music alongside combat. After a string of royal temp jobs, the former student Jason becomes headmaster here in his old age.

Background - Adventurer (-100cp /900) - For money, or wanderlust, or maybe there's someone you've sworn to kill, you're out and about in the ancient world. You know how to swing a sword (without hitting yourself) and can name the various monsters famed for killing people like you in horrible ways. And since adventuring rarely pays well, you know how to be self-sufficient and live off the land.


Always Prepared (Free Adventurer) - You can produce simple items whenever you need them. Reach somewhere that others can't see, like into a bag or pocket, and retrieve an appropriate item - a length of rope from a backpack, a piece of flint from a pouch, or a lockpick from your boot. Nothing too complex in a chemical or mechanical sense, and trying to get excessive (a crowbar from your wallet, grenades from under your hat) will only lead to failure and disappointment.

This Kills The Adventurer (Discount Adventurer, -100cp /800) - With a look, you know the greatest dangers that something presents to you. Looking at a snake would warn you of venom. A ruined temple may speak of traps and rotten floorboards. Intelligent foes are much harder to read, and you will only get a single piece of vague information regarding whatever they have at their disposal which is most likely to end your life, like 'sword' or 'fire magic.'

Warlord (Discount Adventurer, -200cp /600) - You are a warrior of great skill, both personally and in a strategic sense. You have mastered a single weapon (sword) and have an excellent understanding of tactics that range from small ambushes to the clash of large armies. You also have a measure of charisma, good for keeping your troops in line, able to put together a rousing speech on the fly or just be frightening enough to convince those mooks to charge the enemy lines.

In The Blood (-200cp /400) - Your divine blood is strong, freeing you from mortal frailties. You could run for days without sleep, or endure privation and injuries that would kill a mortal many times over. Age will not weaken you until you are in sight of your deathbed, and your life-force resists attempts to assault the core of your being. This durability extends to your mind as well, giving you a reserve of courage and willpower to see you through times of trouble.


Leather and Leather Accessories (-50cpcp /350) - You have a closet's worth of swanky leather clothing and gear. Leather pants, leather vests, leather coats, shoes, hats, packs, and enough belts to strangle a shounen protagonist. Everything is styled to your tastes and fitted perfectly. Damaged or dirty items put back into the closet are cleaned and repaired when you next open the doors, and it can produce as many items as you wish, should you want to outfit an barbarian army with matching harnesses and kilts.

God-Forged Craft (Sword) (200cp /150) - By blessing or theft, you've acquired something forged by Hephaestus himself. A single weapon or piece of armor (which may be a pair of boots or bracers) fitted perfectly for you. It's nigh-indestructible, able to resist absolutely anything but attacks from a god or other entity on a similar scale. On the downside, it's completely indestructible, which means that until you develop smithing skill to match a deity it can never be refitted or altered in any way. It's otherwise just an ordinary piece of equipment, so an invincible breastplate won't do you any good if they aim for your head.

Golden Apple Seeds (Discount, -150cp /0) - You have a handful of apple seeds from a divine tree. A single bite of one of the apples grown from these will cure any mortal ailment, from disease to disfigurement. Consuming a whole apple will grant the eater immortality, becoming ageless and able to recover from horrendous injuries. From a botanical perspective these are no different from ordinary apple seeds, but they cannot be cultivated by mortal creatures (or mortal creations) nor will they grow in a mortal realm. As it was created by Jump-chan, the cosmic warehouse is a suitable place to plant them, but by itself, being a Jumper does not count as being more than mortal.

Franklin settled into his role as an Adventurer Trainer at Cheiron's Academy with surprising ease. Nestled in the lush, rolling hills of ancient Greece, the academy was a place where young heroes and heroines were forged in the fires of rigorous training and classical education. It was a far cry from the modern worlds Franklin had previously navigated, but it offered a unique blend of peace and purpose.

Every morning, Franklin donned his leather gear from his extensive closet, the leather pants and vests giving him a distinctive, rugged look that commanded respect. His God-Forged sword, a masterfully crafted weapon by Hephaestus himself, hung at his side. Despite its divine origins, Franklin treated it with the same care and respect as he did his other tools because he taught his students "take care of your equipment, it will take care of you." And, yes, he included his horses in this study.

Franklin's days were filled with training sessions, where he imparted his vast knowledge of combat, strategy, and survival skills to eager students. One of his most promising apprentices was a young man named Dorian, a spirited lad with a natural talent for swordsmanship.

"Remember, Dorian," Franklin would say during their sparring sessions, "it's not just about strength. It's about precision, balance, and understanding your opponent. Every swing of your sword should be deliberate. Try not to attack where they are, try to maneuver where you want them to be."

Dorian listened intently, absorbing Franklin's lessons like a sponge. Franklin's "Warlord" perk allowed him to teach complex tactics and strategies, ensuring his students were well-prepared for any challenge they might face. His charisma and ability to deliver rousing speeches kept the young adventurers motivated and focused.

Franklin's training extended beyond the physical aspects of adventuring. He used his "This Kills The Adventurer" perk to teach his students how to recognize and avoid dangers. "When you enter a new area, always be aware of your surroundings. Look for signs of traps, unstable structures, or hidden enemies. Your survival depends on your awareness. You may have entered a thousand ruins, but on the one thousand and first, it may be different. Complacency kills in many things. Do not get lazy and let the little things get you."

He also emphasized self-sufficiency and living off the land, skills that were crucial for adventurers who often found themselves far from civilization. "In the wild, you must learn to make do with what you have. Nature provides everything you need if you know where to look. Use what you find to stretch out your non-perishable supplies and potable water because if you run out of those, you only have so long before you die. Rule of three, people. And remember field sanitation, for the Gods sakes…"

Franklin's ability to produce simple items with his "Always Prepared" perk was a constant source of amazement for his students. Whether it was a length of rope, a piece of flint, or a lockpick, Franklin always seemed to have exactly what was needed. He used this to teach his students the importance of resourcefulness and ingenuity. They took to finding ways to hide things about themselves as well so that they were not noticeable. If he did notice the item, he would call them out on it and they had to remove the item and one more as they would have been "searched by the guard." So this taught them slight of hand and minor espionage skills.

In his free time, Franklin retreated to his cosmic warehouse, where he had planted the Golden Apple Seeds. The divine tree required special care and attention, and Franklin was dedicated to ensuring it thrived. He used his modern knowledge of botany and agriculture, combined with the mystical properties of the warehouse, to cultivate the tree.

Watching the sapling grow into a magnificent tree, Franklin felt a sense of accomplishment. The golden apples it bore were beautiful. Also, single bite could cure any ailment, and consuming a whole apple granted immortality. Franklin carefully harvested the apples, knowing they could one day be of great use.

Franklin's life at Cheiron's Academy was fulfilling. He found joy in teaching, in seeing his students grow and develop into capable adventurers. The academy became a second home, and its students and staff a second family. Franklin's "He Was There, He Was There" perk ensured he found time to connect with everyone, building strong relationships that enriched his life.


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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.